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  1. River ecosystems are often fragmented by artificial structures, such as weirs. For anadromous species, these structures can impede access to upstream spawning sites and ultimately lead to severe population declines.
  2. This study focused on the freshwater spawning migration of the sea lamprey, Petromyzon marinus, an anadromous species threatened by habitat fragmentation across its native range. To quantify the cumulative impacts of multiple weirs on upstream-migrating adults, and to explore the environmental factors affecting migratory movements, passive acoustic telemetry was applied to 56 individuals during their spawning migration in the heavily fragmented River Severn basin, UK.
  3. While 89% of tagged sea lamprey passed the first weir upstream of the release site on the main river, only 4% passed the fifth weir. For 85% of migrants, the upstream extent of migration was immediately downstream of a weir. Individuals that passed weirs upstream of the release site (n = 50) took 21.6 ± 2.8 days to reach their most upstream location, experiencing cumulative passage times at weirs of 15.7 ± 2.8 days; these delays constituted a median of 84% of total upstream movement times.
  4. Multistate models showed that the weir passage rates of sea lamprey in tidal and non-tidal areas increased significantly when downstream river level and discharge were elevated. Upstream-to-downstream changes in direction were frequent downstream of weirs, but rare in unobstructed river sections.
  5. The results provided evidence for a cumulative effect of multiple weirs on sea lamprey movements, substantially delaying upstream migrants and limiting their spawning to atypical habitat. The results also demonstrated the crucial roles of high tides and elevated discharge events in enabling weir passage. Although the Severn Estuary features conservation designations for sea lamprey, this study reveals that barriers are inhibiting their upstream migration, a problem that should be addressed to assist sea lamprey conservation.

Abstract –  This article reports on the findings of a study undertaken within the Murray-Darling River Basin in southeastern Australia, which investigated the impact of weirs on downstream fish movement. Downstream fish movement was monitored at Kennedy's Weir (an overshot, 2 m high weir) on the Broken Creek and Torrumbarry Weir (an undershot, 6.5 m high weir) on the Murray River. A trap used to sample Kennedy's Weir indicated that fish travelled downstream over this weir without sustaining injury or death. A follow-up study, whereby fish were captured below the two respective weirs and translocated upstream where they were radio tagged and released, indicated that while a few fish travelled downstream past the weirs on their return movements back to their home range areas, most were reluctant to do so. This study demonstrates that low-level weirs may inhibit downstream fish movement, and enhancement of downstream fish passage for potamodromous fish species warrants further investigation.  相似文献   

Much of the uncertainty in managing highly migratory pelagic species results from the scarcity of fisheries-independent data relevant to determining long-term trends in abundance, migratory movements, and the relative importance of different spawning grounds. To address these issues, we used an ichthyoplankton-based method to quantify the overall level of spawning of sailfish ( Istiophorus platypterus ) and blue marlin ( Makaira nigricans ) in the Straits of Florida (SF). We estimated that during the 2 years (2003–2004) of the study, 4.60 × 1011 sailfish eggs and 4.49 × 1011 blue marlin eggs were produced on an annual basis in this region. These egg production values, when combined with estimates of annual fecundity for each species and the most recent stock assessment estimate of total biomass, indicate that about 2.1% of Western Atlantic sailfish spawning and 1.6% of Atlantic-wide blue marlin spawning occurs in the SF. Additionally, pop-up satellite tags deployed on sailfish at the start of the spawning season revealed their short residency times in the SF, suggesting that a large (≈13%) transient portion of the sailfish population is responsible for the SF egg production. Overall, this study provides a critically needed fisheries-independent method of quantifying spatial and temporal trends in the abundance of highly migratory species. The application of this methodology in the SF indicated that above-average levels of sailfish and blue marlin spawning occur in this area and, possibly more importantly, that the SF is a migratory bottleneck for these species.  相似文献   

Abstract –  Human-induced habitat alteration is one of the main causes of the decline of freshwater fish populations. The watershed of the River Bidasoa (Spain) is an example of heavily fragmented habitat. The local brown trout ( Salmo trutta L.) population is disturbed, with evidence of poor recruitment as well as low adult densities in the main stem. Forty male and female adult migratory trout were tagged with external or internal radio transmitters and released. Fixed stations with data loggers and mobile antennae were used with daily surveys to track fish movements during the migration and spawning period (3 months). Migration distances did not exceed 10 km, and half of the fish never entered a tributary in the study area. Fragmentation because of weirs on the main stem apparently prevented fish from reaching their spawning destination. Fish that entered the tributaries were first confronted with an accessibility problem because of low discharge. However, each fish chose one tributary, without making attempts to run up in other tributaries. Once in the tributary, fish were restrained in their upstream movements by dams. The study area appeared to be isolated from the vast upper part of the watershed. Within the study area, upper parts of tributaries also seemed strongly disconnected from the main stem. This study illustrates the negative impact of river fragmentation on S. trutta migration pattern. Population sustainability can be directly affected through the low availability of spawning grounds for migratory fish. Long-term effects of fragmentation may cause reproductive isolation within watersheds, which in the case of trout also means isolated phenotypic population units.  相似文献   

Abstract – Two different Denil fishways on the Grand River, Ontario, were used as check-points to evaluate the upstream movement of fishes past a low-head weir and to examine the proportions and inferred swimming performance of non-salmonid warmwater fishes that used each fishway type. Traps installed at fishway exits were used to collect fish during 24-hour sampling periods, over 40–51 days each year, from 1995 to 1997. Passage rates, size selectivity, water temperature, water velocity and turbidity for the periods of maximum passage for each year were examined. General species composition from trap samples shifted from catostomids to cyprinids to ictalurids to percids and centrarchids, with some overlap, as water temperatures increased from 8 °C to 25 °C in the spring and early summer. Water depths, and therefore water velocities in each fishway, were independent of river discharge due to variable accumulations of debris on upstream trash-racks. Relationships between the water velocity and the swimming and position-holding abilities of several species emerged. Turbidity was directly related to river discharge and precipitation events, and many species demonstrated maximum fishway use during periods of increased turbidity. This study 1) provided evidence of strongly directional upstream movements among several species that were previously considered non-migratory and 2) describes physical and hydraulic conditions during fishway use for 29 non-salmonid fish species.  相似文献   

Abstract The ability of individual and groups of 30 migrating adult river lamprey Lampetra fluviatilis L. to pass a Crump or flat‐v gauging weir under two discharge regimes (moderate and low) was assessed in an experimental channel. Despite repeated attempts by the lamprey, the Crump weir remained impassable during all trials. Lamprey passage over the flat‐v weir occurred only during group trials at low discharge (5.73 ± 0.19 L s?1) and only as a single burst swimming event via the deeper water passing over the centre of the weir. Lampreys generally approached the weirs along the channel walls and particularly favoured the true right wall associated with elevated velocities during low discharge and reverse currents at moderate discharge (68.06 ± 2.41 L s?1). Time spent immediately below the weir was lower than expected compared with further downstream. Rate of weir approach, attempts to pass (absolute number and as a proportion of the total approaches) and time spent immediately downstream of the weir were highest for the Crump weir at low discharge and the flat‐v weir at moderate discharge. The present study suggests that gauging weirs may severely impede the movements of migrating adult river lamprey under low to moderate discharges.  相似文献   

Fourteen years (1996–2009) of juvenile Chinook salmon, Oncorhynchus tschawytscha (Walbaum), migration data on the regulated Stanislaus River, California, USA were used to evaluate how survival, migration strategy and fish size respond to flow regime, temperature and spawner density. An information theoretic approach was used to select the best approximating models for each of four demographic metrics. Greater cumulative discharge and variance in discharge during the migration period resulted in higher survival indices and a larger proportion of juveniles migrating as pre‐smolts. The size of pre‐smolt migrants was positively associated with spawner density, whereas smolt migrant size was negatively associated with temperature and positively associated with discharge. Monte Carlo techniques indicated high certainty in relationships between flow and survival, but relationships with juvenile size were less certain and additional research is needed to elucidate causal relationships. Flow is an integral part of the habitat template many aquatic species are adapted to, and mismatches between flow and life history traits can reduce the success of migration and the diversity of migratory life history strategies. The analyses presented here can be used to assist in the development of flow schedules to support the persistence of salmon in the Stanislaus River and provide implications for populations in other regulated rivers with limited and variable water supply.  相似文献   

Biotelemetry, ichthyoplankton and genetic data can provide detailed information about the migratory dynamics and reproductive cycle of freshwater fishes. However, few studies have combined these techniques in Neotropical systems. The objective of this study was to examine the migratory and reproductive dynamics of Prochilodus costatus in the São Francisco River watershed, south‐east Brazil, by comparing the ecological importance of two rivers to the species, an undammed segment of the São Francisco River and a dammed segment of one of its main tributaries, the Pará River. In total, 215 fish were radio‐tagged over three years (2014–16). Eggs and larvae were sampled at seven locations and analysed by PCR to identify Prochilodus spp. ichthyoplankton. Most radio‐tagged individuals (97%) used the undammed segment of the São Francisco River as spawning migration route, even those captured and released in the Pará River. Fish migrated to spawn from late September to late November with the arrival of the rains and returned to feeding sites from December to May after spawning. The highest densities of fish eggs and larvae were recorded in the upper reaches of the São Francisco River during months of peak river discharge. Returning fish showed high fidelity to sites occupied before spawning migration. Fish spent roughly 71% of the year at feeding sites, 25% at spawning sites and 4% moving between them. This study provides novel information about the migratory dynamics of Neotropical fishes and underscores the key role of undammed river segments for the conservation of Neotropical migratory fish species.  相似文献   

Abstract –  Upstream fish passage was evaluated during 12 months in the vertical-slot Igarapava Fish Ladder constructed around Igarapava Dam, in the heavily dammed Grande River, Southeast Brazil. A video monitoring system was used to observe 61,621 fish that passed the ladder, of which 93.5% were identified to 15 taxa. Among the migratory species, the most abundant were Pimelodus maculatus (33.6% of all fish), Leporinus octofasciatus (31.4%), Leporinus friderici (4.5%), and Prochilodus lineatus (3.1%). Seven taxa were classified as nonmigratory, and of these taxa, the small Bryconamericus stramineus was the most abundant (12.7%) of all fishes. Passage of the 'nonmigratory' taxa upstream in the ladder shows they are migratory in this system and have a strong behavioural drive to move to upstream habitat. Passage of most taxa had a strong seasonal pattern. While some species passed primarily during the day, others showed a distinct nocturnal pattern. Lunar phase and water temperature also strongly affected passage of some taxa. Rainfall and dam discharge had a small or null influence on most taxa; perhaps due to the fairly small catchment area of the reservoir and the highly regulated discharge at Igarapava Dam.  相似文献   

Abstract – The survival of brown trout and Atlantic salmon smolts during passage over small weirs was estimated in two small Danish rivers during the spring of 1998. Parallel groups of smolts were released upstream and downstream of the weirs and recaptured in traps further downstream. The results showed a smolt loss varying from 18 to 71% for trout and 53% for salmon. Furthermore, the surviving smolts from the upstream groups were delayed for up to 9 days compared to downstream groups. The study demonstrated that an increased proportion of total river discharge allocated to fish passage increased the smolt survival. Losses may be because of fish penetrating grids erected at fish farm inlets, predation and delays, which may lead to desmoltification. The low survival may seriously threat both the long-term viability of wild populations of anadromous salmonids and the outcome of the intensive stocking programme in Denmark.  相似文献   

This study investigated the cumulative impact of weirs on the downstream migration of wild Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) smolts in the River Foyle, Northern Ireland. In spring of 2013 fish were released in two tributaries of similar length; one tributary (impacted) had seven low‐head weirs along the migration pathway and the other was devoid of such structures (un‐impacted). Salmon smolts fitted with acoustic transmitters were monitored via a passive acoustic telemetry array during downstream migration. In 2014 the study was repeated only in the impacted tributary. Overall freshwater survival rates were high (>94%). There was no significant difference in mortality, movement pattern, delay or travel speeds between rivers or between years at any phase of migration. Escapement of salmon smolts through Lough Foyle (a marine sea lough) to the open ocean was low, approximately 18% in each year. Escapement did not differ between impacted and un‐impacted rivers. This study showed no postpassage effects of weirs on mortality, migration speed or escapement of downstream migrating smolts. This suggests that the elevated mortality at low‐head obstacles described in other studies is not inevitable in all river systems. Migration through rivers with natural riffle‐pool migration may result in similar effects as those from low‐head weirs. Causes of apparent high mortality in the early part of marine migration in this study, are unknown; however similar studies have highlighted the impact of fish predators on smolts.  相似文献   

Decadal change in abundance of surface migratory myctophid fishes was examined in the Kuroshio region of the western North Pacific for the 35 yr from 1957 to 1994 in relation to the Kuroshio regime shift, indicated by changes in its transport volume and sea surface temperature in the early 1970s. Each year, samples were collected from the 0‐ to 1‐m depth layer at night, from January to March, at 83 stations on average. Ten species belonging to five genera occurred. Juveniles [standard length (SL) ≤ 40 mm] and adults (SL > 40 mm) of each species were analysed. In juveniles, Myctophum asperum, M. nitidulum, Symbolophorus evermanni and Centrobranchus brevirostris accounted for 91.1% of the total catch (7419 individuals), while M. nitidulum contributed 82.4% of the total adult catch (494 individuals). The abundance of juvenile S. evermanni, C. brevirostris and M. nitidulum showed prominent peaks in 1971, together with adult M. nitidulum. These peaks corresponded to extraordinarily high zooplankton abundance in the Kuroshio region in 1971, suggesting high recruitment success and low adult mortality in surface migratory myctophids. Smaller changes in abundance in other years were species‐specific, and the fluctuation patterns were mainly explained by year‐to‐year fluctuations in the strength of the Kuroshio and the geographical distribution of each species, i.e. an increased Kuroshio flow volume resulted in an increase in tropical species and a decrease in temperate species, but no change in the pan‐Kuroshio species.  相似文献   

We studied the movement of brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) in four small streams in northern Colorado using mark-recapture methods and weirs. The recapture rates of marked adult trout were low for all streams, and large numbers of unmarked adult trout, apparently immigrants, were found each year. Significantly more trout, immigrated into sections that were experimentally modified by installing low log dams, which increased depth, pool volume and the amount of overhead cover. The number of immigrant and resident trout was significantly related to the amount of cover in the sections. Resident trout were larger than immigrants in all streams in the last year of sampling. Most mobile brook trout moved upstream during summer on the two streams where weirs were operated, and upstream migrants were significantly larger than downstream migrants on both streams. We suggest that a high degree of movement may be an adaptive response by brook trout to the heterogeneous nature of small mountain streams.  相似文献   

This study evaluates the effectiveness of two fish passes at two hydropower dams (Canoas I and II) in the Upper Parana basin, which form part of a cascade of three reservoirs. Fish from 12 migratory species (3089 specimens) were captured during their ascending, reproductive migration and were tagged with hydrostatic tags. The recapture data (294 specimens over two consecutive years) showed that there is a strong tendency for the maintenance of ascending migration through reservoirs with fish passes but with differences in migratory activity within the same species. No eggs, larvae or juveniles of these species were found in samples collected over 5 years in the reservoirs above the fish passes. These data suggest that fish passes have contributed to the restoration of the migratory routes of adult fish but that in the absence of suitable spawning or nursery habitats for these species; they probably act as ecological traps and do not contribute to the recruitment of the species.  相似文献   

River infrastructure such as weirs and hydropower stations commonly present migrating fish with multiple potential passage routes. Knowledge of the cues fish use to navigate such environments is required to protect migrants from hazardous areas and guide them towards safe passage; however, this is currently lacking for many species. Employing high‐resolution positioning telemetry, this study examined movements of downstream migrating adult European eel, Anguilla anguilla, as they encountered a complex of water control structures in one location on the River Stour, southern England. The distribution of eels across five potential routes of passage differed from that predicted based on proportion of discharge alone. Certain routes were consistently avoided, even when the majority of flow passed through them. Passage distribution was partially explained by avoidance in the vicinity of a floating debris boom. Movement paths were nonrandomly distributed across the forebay and eels moved predominantly within a zone 2–4 m from the channel walls. Understanding of avoidance and structure oriented movementation exhibited by eels will help advance effective guidance and downstream passage solutions for adults.  相似文献   

Abstract  Temporal changes in the population sizes of seven migratory species were assessed over a 2-year period prior to the construction of a fishway on the Murrumbidgee River, Australia. Mark-recapture (Chapman–Petersen) and Jackknife removal methods were used at 3-month intervals to determine the composition and sizes of migratory fish populations. No difference in population size estimate was detected between the two methods. However, the Jackknife removal estimator generally provided less variable estimates for a greater number of species. Population sizes were greatest during summer and autumn when bony herring, Nematalosa erebi Günther, and common carp, Cyprinus carpio L., dominated the migratory community. Both estimators provided data essential to further the development of an appropriate fish passage facility and could be applied to other sites where the size of migratory fish populations is of interest.  相似文献   

  1. Freshwater ecosystems, providing valuable goods and services to humans, have been subjected to multiple human impacts, among which climate change plays a central role in threats to species. It is expected that protected areas, the cornerstone of biodiversity conservation efforts, will assume a decisive role in protecting freshwater species from the impacts of climate change.
  2. This study assessed the effects of climate change on migratory fish of the second largest neotropical river basin, evaluating the effectiveness of protected areas in safeguarding fish species, and hence the ecological functions that they perform and the ecosystem resources that they provide. The present range of 23 migratory fish of economic interest in the Paraná–Paraguay basin was estimated and the responses to future climatic shifts projected to the middle and end of the 21st century were examined, quantifying predictive uncertainties.
  3. Changes and losses of climatically suitable areas will trigger severe contractions in range, with the greatest impact on the most valuable species in commercial fishing, where range losses are likely to surpass 65% in the future. The main channel of the Upper Paraná River and tributaries of its left margin are projected to serve as climatic refuges for many species, and such regions are not affected by high predictive uncertainty. The results revealed that protected areas do not sufficiently protect migratory fish at present, and that they will continue to offer negligible protection in the face of climate change.
  4. This study alerts decision makers to the potential damage to inland fishery resources from climate change and provides useful information to guide conservation strategies spatially. We advocate that the creation of new protected areas and the redesign of the existing network to encompass regions that maximize current and future occupancy of migratory fish are crucial to conserve the valuable ecological, societal, and economic benefits that they provide.

The Tonle Sap River and Lake (TSRL) is South‐East Asia's largest tropical flood pulse with a flow‐reversal system that supports one of the world's largest freshwater fisheries. However, among the world's tropical floodplains, the resources of the TSRL have received little ecological research. Here, we described the spatiotemporal TSRL fish diversity and community variation using daily records from 2012 to 2015 on fish abundance from six sites covering the TSRL system. We found that high fish diversity occurred in sites located in the middle of Tonle Sap Lake, and the lowest diversity was observed in the southern section. The spatial abundance distribution patterns displayed a river–lake gradient, with three fish assemblages that were clustered based on their composition similarities and were characterised by 96 indicator species. In the southern section, fish assemblages were characterised by longitudinal migratory fishes; in contrast, in the middle system, fish assemblages were represented by species with combined ecological attributes (i.e. longitudinal and lateral migratory species and floodplain residents). Towards the northern section, fish assemblages were composed of lateral migratory and floodplain resident species. Species richness and abundance peaked at approximately 2–2.5 and 4 months, respectively, after the peak flow in early October, during which Tonle Sap River resumes its normal flow direction (outflow). This suggests that seasonal flood pulses (i.e. rising and falling water levels) play a pivotal role in structuring spatiotemporal variation in the TSRL fish assemblages. Our study has implications for fisheries monitoring and conservation initiatives.  相似文献   

Previous research has documented two main migratory routes of juvenile sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) through the Strait of Georgia, British Columbia, Canada, and large interannual variability in marine survival rates of the Chilko Lake stock. Simulation models were used to explore the influence of surface currents on the migratory route of juvenile sockeye salmon (smolts) through the Strait of Georgia. We used a model of downstream migration to generate daily numbers of Chilko Lake sockeye salmon smolts entering the Strait of Georgia, based on daily counts of smolts leaving the rearing lake. A numerical hydrodynamic model (driven by surface wind, tide, and Fraser River discharge) hindcasted surface currents in the Strait of Georgia on a 2 km × 2 km grid. A smolt migration model simulated fish moving through the Strait with different compass-oriented migratory behaviours (i.e. swimming speed and directional orientation) within the time-varying surface advection field. Results showed that surface currents within the Strait of Georgia can affect the migratory route of sockeye salmon smolts in spite of their large size (8 cm). Wind is the forcing mechanism primarily responsible for determining which migratory route would be used. Under prevailing wind conditions (i.e. toward the north-west), most sockeye salmon smolts would use the eastern migratory route; however, relatively brief south-eastward wind events (lasting about 2 days) would force most smolts into the western migratory route. Given the heterogeneity of food for salmon within the Strait, we hypothesize that wind-driven variability in the annual proportion of smolts that use the western and eastern migratory routes in the Strait of Georgia affects early marine survival rates of Fraser River sockeye salmon.  相似文献   

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