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A study was conducted to determine the effects of season, farm location, and farm size on farm milk yield (FMY), average milk yield per cow (AYC), milk fat, bacterial score, and bulk tank somatic cell count (BTSCC) of dairy farms in the central region of Thailand. Farms were located in the districts of Kaeng Khoi, Muaklek, Pak Chong, and Wang Muang. Collection of data was at the farm level; individual animal records were unavailable. A total of 967,110 daily farm milk yield, 58,575 milk fat and bacterial score, and 24,109 BTSCC records from 1,034 farms were collected from July of 2003 to June of 2006. There were three seasons: rainy, summer and winter. Farms were categorized into small, medium, and large according to the number of cows milked per day. Results showed that FMY and AYC were higher (p <0.05) in winter and lower in the summer and rainy seasons. In addition, the majority of small size farms had higher (p < 0.05) AYC and milk fat values, and lower bacterial score and BTSCC values than medium and large size farms.  相似文献   

A survey was performed to characterize the dairy production, educational experiences, decision making practices, and income and expenses of dairy farms and to determine any differences of these practices among two dairy farm populations. Farm groups were identified as farms from the Muaklek dairy cooperative (Muaklek farms) and farms from other dairy cooperatives (Non-Muaklek farms). In April, 2006 questionnaires were distributed to 500 dairy farms located in Lopburi, Nakhon Ratchisima, and Saraburi provinces. A total of 85 farms completed and returned questionnaires. Means and frequencies were calculated for questions across categories and Chi-square tests were performed to determine differences among Muaklek and Non-Muaklek farms. Results showed that most farms from both groups had a primary or high school educational level, used a combination confinement and pasture production system, gave a mineral supplement, raised their own replacement females, milked approximately 16 cows/day, used crossbred Holstein cows (75% Holstein or more), and mated purebred Holstein sires to their cows. More Non-Muaklek farms (P < 0.05; 80%) used a combination of genetic and phenotypic information when selecting sires than Muaklek farms (54%). Monthly profit per lactating cow, were 1,641 and 1,029 baht for Muaklek and Non-Muaklek farms, respectively. Overall, information from the study should be useful for dairy cooperatives and other dairy organizations when training farmers in the future and furthering dairy production research in Thailand.  相似文献   

N and P surpluses per hectare at farm level were determined on 63 private pilot farms with data from 2 to 7 years between 1997 and 2003 (a total of 245 observations). Farms were classified in the following four farm types: Conventional mixed dairy, organic mixed dairy, conventional pig farms (indoor) and conventional pig farms with outdoor sows. Import of nutrients with concentrate and fertilizer was the major input to all conventional farm types. On the organic dairy farms major input was N fixation, but also import of nutrients with concentrate and manure were important inputs. Output from the dairy farms was dominated by nutrients in milk. On pig farms nutrients in meat dominated the output, but also export of nutrients with cash crops and manure were important outputs. Farm type, year and farm within farm type significantly affected both N and P surpluses per hectare. Farm type was the major source of variation in both N and P surpluses. In the period investigated N surplus decreased by 6.5 kg N ha− 1 yr− 1 and P surplus decreased by 0.7 kg P ha− 1 yr− 1. The N and P surpluses observed on the conventional dairy farms significantly exceeded surpluses observed on the organic dairy farms. At equal number of livestock units (LU) per hectare (1.28 LU ha− 1) the difference was 43 kg N ha− 1 and 6 kg P ha− 1. At equal rates of N or P in manure to fields (147 kg N ha− 1, 29 kg P ha− 1, respectively) the difference was 45 kg N ha− 1 and 4 kg P ha− 1. Conventional dairy farms and pig farms with sows indoors had equal N and P surpluses at equal rates of N or P in manure to fields. Corrected to the average year (1999.5) the estimated average N and P surpluses showed highest levels on pig farms with outdoor sows (251 kg N ha− 1, 42 kg P ha− 1) and lowest levels on organic dairy farms (113 kg N ha− 1, 7 kg P ha− 1). Surpluses on the conventional dairy farms were 175 kg N ha− 1 and 16 kg P ha− 1 and on the indoor pig farms they were 123 kg N ha− 1 and 13 kg P ha− 1. The N and P surpluses observed on Danish conventional mixed dairy farms were comparable with intensive dairy farming systems in other European countries.  相似文献   

Very little is known about the use of antibiotics on small dairy farms in lower/middle-income countries. The use of these drugs can have profound impacts on animal health, farmer income and public health. A survey of 156 farmers was conducted in Cajamarca, a major dairy-producing center in the highlands of Peru characterized by small farms (<15 cows) to assess patterns and determinants of antibiotic use and farmers’ knowledge of antibiotics. The reported incidence of disease on these farms was relatively low (0.571 episodes of disease per cow-year), but more than 83% of the reported episodes were treated with antibiotics. The most commonly used antibiotics were oxytetracycline, penicillin and trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole drugs; antiparasitic drugs were also used to treat what were likely bacterial infections. An increased incidence of treated disease was significantly associated with smaller farm size, lower farmer income, the previous use of the Californian Mastitis test on the farm and antibiotic knowledge. Farmers’ knowledge of antibiotics was assessed with a series of questions on antibiotics, resulting in a “knowledge score”. Increased knowledge was significantly associated with the use of antibiotics for preventative reasons, the purchase of antibiotics from feed-stores, the experience of complications in animals after having administered antibiotics, the number of workers on the farm and the educational level of the farmer. Overall, antibiotics appeared to be used infrequently, most likely because therapeutic interventions were sought only when the animal had reached an advanced stage of clinical disease. Few farmers were able to define an antibiotic, but many farmers understood that the use of antibiotics carried inherent risks to their animals and potentially to the consumers of dairy products from treated animals. The results of this study are useful for understanding the patterns of antibiotic use and associated management, demographic and knowledge factors of farmers on small dairy farms in rural Peru.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to examine the effect of long day photoperiod (LDPP) on milk production and reproduction in milk goats. A total of 79 goats were randomly assigned to three treatment groups blocked by day of kidding. Group 1 (Gr1, n = 26) was subjected to natural photoperiod from January 6 to December 5. Group 2 (Gr2, n = 24) was subjected to LDPP (20 h light, 4 h dark) from June 22 to December 5. Group 3 (Gr3, n = 29) was subjected to LDPP from January 6 to December 6. Weekly milk weights and samples were collected for fat, protein and somatic cell count (SCC) determinations. Blood serum was harvested for progesterone (P4) determination. Results indicated a significant effect (p < 0.001) between treatments for body weight changes, feed intake and milk yield. Both light treated groups had a significantly higher (p < 0.001) average daily milk output for the entire lactation period than the control group (G1, 2.193 kg/day; G2, 2.517 kg/day; G3, 2.305 kg/day). Milk fat for the overall lactation was significantly higher in Gr3 (+ 0.19 g/100 ml) than for Gr2 (+ 0.06 g/100 ml) when compared to the control group (x g/100 ml) under natural photoperiod. Somatic cell counts throughout lactation were significantly (p < 0.001) lower for Gr2 (1.70 million/ml) and higher for Gr3 (2.03 million/ml), with the control group (Gr1) having an intermediate level (1.96 million/ml). Progesterone levels between June 9 and August 30 indicated that 27%, 48% and 63% of the animals had P4 levels in excess of 1.0 ng/ml serum for Gr1, Gr2 and Gr3, respectively. Pregnancy diagnosis by ultrasound in December revealed that a high number of does in the light treated groups (10 of 37) were pseudo-pregnant when compared with the control group (1 of 21). Although light appeared to be effective in increasing milk production, further investigations are needed to evaluate the effect of LDPP on pseudo-pregnancy in dairy goats.  相似文献   

Genetic variability and genetic trends for 305-day milk yield (MY), 305-day fat yield (FY), and average 305-day fat percent (FP) were evaluated using monthly test-day records from first-lactation cows collected from 1991 to 2005 in 92 farms located in Central Thailand. Estimates of variance and covariance components and breeding values (EBV) were obtained using a multiple-trait animal model. Fixed effects were contemporary group (herd–year–season), calving age, additive genetic group as a function of Holstein fraction, and non-additive genetic group as function of heterosis effect. Random effects were animal and residual. Program ASREML was used to perform computations. Estimates of heritabilities were 0.38 ± 0.10 for MY, 0.25 ± 0.11 for FY, and 0.22 ± 0.11 for FP. Although the difference between the mean MY for cows in 1991 and 2005 was 324.1 kg, the regression of mean cow EBV for MY on year was 6.5 kg/year. Differences between mean cow EBV for FY and FP in 1991 and 2005 and their corresponding regressions of mean FY and FP on year were all near zero. Similarly, mean EBV for sires and dams of cows also showed near zero trends during these years. A factor contributing to the near complete absence of genetic trends was likely the variety of criteria used by producers to choose sires and to keep dams in addition to EBV (e.g., availability of semen, reproductive ability, adaptation to hot and humid conditions). It also appears that high percent Holstein cows failed to reach their production potential under the management, nutrition, and hot and humid climatic conditions in this tropical region. Changes in nutrition and management would be needed for high percent Holstein cows to show an upward trend in Central Thailand.  相似文献   

Background:Phosphorus(P) supplementation is costly and can result in excess P excretion.This study investigated the effects of reducing dietary P on milk production and P excretion in dairy cows over a full lactation.Method:Forty-five multiparous Holstein dairy cows were divided into 15 blocks according to expected calving date and previous milk yield,and assigned randomly to one of the three dietary treatments:0.37,0.47,and 0.57%P(DM basis);these P levels represent the NRC recommendations,Chinese recommendations,and the amount of dietary P commonly fed by Chinese dairy farmers,respectively.Average daily feed intake was calculated from monthly data on feed offered and refused.Milk yields of individual cows were recorded weekly,and milk samples were taken for analysis of protein,fat,solids-not-fat,lactose,and somatic cell count.Blood samples were collected on days-6,-3,0,3,6 relative to calving,and then monthly throughout lactation,and analyzed for P and Ca concentrations.Spot samples of feces and urine were collected for 3 consecutive d during weeks 12,24,and 36,and P concentrations were analyzed.Reproduction and health data were recorded.Results:Dietary P did not affect dry matter intake or milk yield(P〉 0.10).Milk fat content was slightly higher in cows fed 0.37%P than in cows fed 0.47%P(P = 0.05).Serum concentrations of P and Ca did not reflect dietary P content(P〉 0.10).Fecal and urinary P both declined linearly(P〈 0.05) as dietary P decreased from 0.57 to0.37%.Fecal P content was 25%less when dietary P was 0.37%compared to 0.57%.Health events and reproductive performance were not associated with dietary P content(P〉 0.05).Conclusions:Lowering dietary P from 0.57 to 0.37%did not negatively affect milk production,but did significantly reduce P excretion into environment.  相似文献   

The objectives of this work were to investigate alternative selection criteria for milk yield traits in the Valle del Belice sheep breed, which are either corrected for lactation length or not affected by lactation length, to estimate genetic parameters for these alternative selection criteria and to compare the estimated breeding values. The genetic correlations show that corrected milk yield (CMY), maximum test-day yield (MTY) and milk yield at hundred days (MYH), are moderately or weakly correlated with lactation length (LL) (rg = 0.58, 0.16 and 0.39, respectively). Higher genetic correlation was found between total milk yield (TMY) and LL (rg = 0.73). Rank correlations between selection criteria for estimated breeding values for the entire data set were above 0.90 for CMY vs. TMY and CMY vs. MYH and were similar for rams and ewes. Very low were the rank correlations for LL vs. MTY and LL vs. MYH in comparison with 0.75 for LL vs. TMY. Under high selection intensity, rank correlations between breeding values from CMY vs. TMY, CMY vs. MYH and MTY vs. MYH were lower, ranging from 0.53 to 0.75, but higher than all other contrasts between selection criteria. The general results obtained in this study show that MYH is a selection criterion that could improve the genetic evaluation in the Valle del Belice dairy sheep.  相似文献   

To investigate the relationship between the parameters of feeding behaviour and feed intake, 70 lactating dairy cows (23 primiparous and 47 multiparous) were monitored from the 2nd to 15th week of lactation. Data were collected by using an automatic feeder and electronic identification of individual cows from 10 July 2005 to 16 January 2006. The resulting data of the cows in primiparous and multiparous condition were categorised into groups based on the mean of their milk yield over the first 15 weeks of lactation: primiparous cows with below-average milk yield (LP) and above-average milk yield (HP) with an average of 28.44 and 34.31 kg energy-corrected milk (ECM) per day, respectively, and multiparous cows with below-average milk yield (LM) and above-average milk yield (HM) with an average of 38.70 and 44.49 kg ECM per day, respectively. The parameters of feeding behaviour were calculated based on the estimated meal criterion from pooled data. Parity, level of milk yield, and day had significant effects on some of characteristics of feeding behaviour and feed intake parameters. There was no significant difference in meal duration either between primiparous and multiparous cows or between LP and HP. However, a significant difference between LM and HM was observed. Cows in HM had shorter feeding times but a larger meal size, higher DMI, and feeding rate. Moreover, these cows displayed a stronger correlation between meal duration, daily mealtime and daily feed intake (r = 0.37 and 0.50, P < 0.001, respectively) than any other cow or group of cows of the study. Meal duration, daily mealtime, meal size and daily DMI increased on average about 32%, 20%, 35%, and 22% respectively, considering all milk yield groups from the 2nd to 15th week of lactation.  相似文献   

The milk yields of 1824 cows were used to investigate the effect of lesion-specific causes of lameness, based on farmer treatment and diagnosis of lame cows, on milk yield. A three-level hierarchical model of repeated test day yields within cows within herds was used to investigate the impact of lesion-specific causes of lameness (sole ulcer, white line disease, digital dermatitis and other causes) on milk yield before and after treatment compared with unaffected cows. Cattle which developed sole ulcer (SU) and white line disease (WLD) were higher yielding cattle before they were diagnosed. Their milk production fell to below that of the mean of unaffected cows before diagnosis and remained low after diagnosis. In cattle which developed digital dermatitis (DD) there was no significant difference in milk yield before treatment and a slightly raised milk yield immediately after treatment. The estimated milk loss attributable to SU and WLD was approximately 570 and 370 kg, respectively. These results highlight that specific types of lameness vary by herds and within herds they are associated with higher yielding cattle. Consequently lesion-specific lameness reduction programmes targeting the cow and farm specific causes of lameness might be more effective than generic recommendations. They also highlight the importance of milk loss when estimating the economic impact of SU and WLD on the farms profitability.  相似文献   

A study was conducted to estimate the record keeping, genetic selection, educational, and farm management effects on average milk yield per cow (AYC), milk fat percentage, bacterial score, and bulk tank somatic cell count (BTSCC) of dairy farms in the central region of Thailand. Farms were located in the provinces of Saraburi and Nakhon Ratchisima and were members of the Muaklek dairy cooperative. Records from individual animals were unavailable. Thus, farm records of milk yield, milk fat percentage, bacterial score, and BTCCC were collected from July 1, 2003 through June 30, 2006. Additional record keeping, genetic selection, education, and farm management information was collected through a questionnaire in May of 2006. Data from the Muaklek dairy cooperative and the questionnaire were then merged by a farm identification number. A single trait mixed model was used to analyze AYC, milk fat percentage, and BTSCC, while a log linear model was used to analyze bacterial score. Results showed that farms that kept records on individual animals had higher (P < 0.05) milk fat percentages and lower bacterial scores than farms that did not. Farms that used genetic information (EBV) and phenotypes when selecting sires were higher (P < 0.05) for milk fat percentage than farms that used only phenotypes and personal opinion. Farms milking cows with a single unit milking machine and by hand, had higher (P < 0.05) bacterial scores and BTSCC than farms using only a single or multi unit machine. Overall farms that kept individual animal records, used EBV when selecting sires, used a single method for collecting milk, and used family labor achieved higher performance from their herds than farms that did not.  相似文献   



Phosphorus (P) supplementation is costly and can result in excess P excretion. This study investigated the effects of reducing dietary P on milk production and P excretion in dairy cows over a full lactation.


Forty-five multiparous Holstein dairy cows were divided into 15 blocks according to expected calving date and previous milk yield, and assigned randomly to one of the three dietary treatments: 0.37, 0.47, and 0.57% P (DM basis); these P levels represent the NRC recommendations, Chinese recommendations, and the amount of dietary P commonly fed by Chinese dairy farmers, respectively. Average daily feed intake was calculated from monthly data on feed offered and refused. Milk yields of individual cows were recorded weekly, and milk samples were taken for analysis of protein, fat, solids-not-fat, lactose, and somatic cell count. Blood samples were collected on days −6, −3, 0, 3, 6 relative to calving, and then monthly throughout lactation, and analyzed for P and Ca concentrations. Spot samples of feces and urine were collected for 3 consecutive d during weeks 12, 24, and 36, and P concentrations were analyzed. Reproduction and health data were recorded.


Dietary P did not affect dry matter intake or milk yield (P > 0.10). Milk fat content was slightly higher in cows fed 0.37% P than in cows fed 0.47% P (P = 0.05). Serum concentrations of P and Ca did not reflect dietary P content (P > 0.10). Fecal and urinary P both declined linearly (P < 0.05) as dietary P decreased from 0.57 to 0.37%. Fecal P content was 25% less when dietary P was 0.37% compared to 0.57%. Health events and reproductive performance were not associated with dietary P content (P > 0.05).


Lowering dietary P from 0.57 to 0.37% did not negatively affect milk production, but did significantly reduce P excretion into environment.  相似文献   

The Ostertagia-specific antibody levels in milk were monitored in 2 dairy herds to investigate seasonal variations and the relationship between individual and bulk tank milk antibody levels. Bulk tank and individual milk samples from all lactating animals were collected over a 1-year period at weekly and monthly intervals, respectively. The Ostertagia-specific antibody levels were measured with an indirect ELISA and the test results were expressed as optical density ratios (ODR). A clear seasonal pattern that followed the expected intake of infectious larvae was observed in the individual and bulk tank milk antibody levels of both herds. Within each herd, there was a large variation in the individual ODRs. This variation remained large when the distribution of individual ODRs was plotted according to high and low bulk tank milk ODR categories. The results suggest that the effect of seasonal variations on cut-off levels that predict production responses after anthelmintic control, needs to be assessed.  相似文献   

A retrospective cohort study was conducted to test whether the lactation curves of cows kept in cold loose-housing systems (CLHs) were the same as for cows in warm loose-housing systems (WLHs) in the Nordic countries. Approximately 40 000 test-day records from 5366 Ayrshire or Black and White cows kept on 38 CLHs and 166 WLHs in Finland during 1996 and 1997 were used. Analysis used a random-coefficient model (correcting for parity, breed and calving-year-season and the correlation-structure between test-days of the same cow and cows of the same herd). Cows in a CLH produced up to 1 l less milk per test-day, but this difference was not statistically significant. Surprisingly, the difference in milk yield was not affected by calving-year-season, parity or breed.  相似文献   

《Veterinary parasitology》2015,207(3-4):228-240
Fasciolosis caused by Fasciola hepatica is responsible for major production losses in cattle farms. The objectives of this study were to assess the effect of farm management practices on liver fluke prevalence on Irish dairy farms and to document the current control measures against parasitic diseases. In total, 369 dairy farms throughout Ireland were sampled from October to December 2013, each providing a single bulk tank milk (BTM) sample for liver fluke antibody-detection ELISA testing and completing a questionnaire on their farm management. The analysis of samples showed that cows on 78% (n = 288) of dairy farms had been exposed to liver fluke. There was a difference (P < 0.05) between farms where cows were positive or negative for liver fluke antibodies in (a) the total number of adult dairy cows in herds, (b) the number of adult dairy cows contributing to BTM samples, and (c) the size of the total area of grassland, with positive farms having larger numbers in each case. There was no difference (P > 0.05) between positive and negative farms in (a) the grazing of dry cows together with replacement cows, (b) whether or not grazed grassland was mowed for conservation, (c) the type of drinking water provision system, (d) spreading of cattle manure on grassland or (e) for grazing season length (GSL; mean = 262.5 days). Also, there were differences (P < 0.001) between drainage statuses for GSL with farms on good drainage having longer GSL than moderately drained farms. The GSL for dairy cows on farms with good drainage was 11 days longer than for those with moderate drainage (P < 0.001). The percentage of farmers that used an active ingredient during the non-lactating period against liver fluke, gastrointestinal nematodes, lungworm, and rumen fluke was 96%, 85%, 77% and 90%, respectively. Albendazole was the most frequently used active ingredient for treatment against gastrointestinal nematodes (57%), liver fluke (40%) and lungworm (47%), respectively. There was a difference (P < 0.05) in the use of triclabendazole and albendazole between positive and negative farms, with triclabendazole use being more common in positive farms. This study highlighted differences in dairy management practices between Irish farms with dairy herds exposed or not exposed to liver fluke and stressed the need of fine-scale mapping of the disease patterns even at farm level to increase the accuracy of risk models. Also, comprehensive advice and professional support services to farmers on appropriate farm management practices are very important for an effective anthelmintic control strategy.  相似文献   

This study was done to evaluate the effect of an outbreak of acute respiratory disease associated with bovine respiratory syncytial virus (BRSV) on the daily milk yield per cow in Norwegian dairy-cattle farms. Retrospective data from 184 dairy herds located in two neighbouring veterinary districts during the study period (December 1994–May 1995, during which an epidemic of acute respiratory disease associated with BRSV occurred in this area) were analysed. Data on the bulk-milk deliveries and the date of the outbreak were collected at herd level, whereas information on calving dates and parity was collected at cow-level. The effect of the herd outbreaks on the daily milk yield was analysed with a repeated-measurement approach. The average daily milk loss was estimated to be 0.70 kg per cow for 7 days after a herd outbreak (compared with the period >1 week prior to an outbreak), adjusted for the herd-level lactation stage, parity and their interaction term. We consider the estimated milk loss associated with a herd outbreak of epidemic respiratory disease to be of minor importance.  相似文献   

Lactation performance of cows infected with Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (Map) was previously studied using only serum ELISA as a diagnostic method. This study evaluated on two dairy farms in Minnesota, USA the lactation performance (measures of health, production, reproduction, and survival) of cows shedding Map in feces before calving and of cows culled with clinical signs consistent with Johne's disease (JD) during the subsequent lactation. Fecal samples were collected from 1052 cows within 21 day before calving and tested for Map with bacterial culture. Producers’ observed signs of clinical disease (milk fever, retained placenta, metritis, ketosis, displaced abomasum, lameness, mastitis, pneumonia, and JD) and production and reproduction data were recorded for each cow. The association between fecal shedding or clinical JD and lactation performance was evaluated. Logistic regression was used to evaluate the association with any clinical and subclinical diseases as the outcome. General linear model was used to evaluate the association with milk production, and survival analysis techniques were used to evaluate the association with days in the study before culling and days from calving to conception. In 84 cows (8% of 1052 cows) fecal samples were positive for Map (46% light, 26% moderate, and 28% heavy shedders). In multivariable analysis, light, moderate, and heavy fecal shedding cows produced on average 537, 1403, and 1534 kg, respectively, less milk per lactation and 1.4, 5.2, and 7.5 kg, respectively, less milk per day than fecal negative cows. Fecal culture positive cows were less likely to be bred and conceive. In the multivariable analysis the 56 cows culled with presumed JD produced approximately 1500 kg/lactation or 5 kg/day less than all other cows. The negative economic impact implied by decreased lactation performance in cows shedding Map or with clinical JD may motivate producers to implement programs to control Map infection and subsequent JD.  相似文献   

The association between mean daily weight gain, Theileria parva infections, clinical East Coast fever and other possible determinants of weight gain were examined in a longitudinal observational study that was conducted in cohorts of female calves from five agro-ecological zone (AEZ)-grazing strata. The strata were upper-midlands (UM) 1 zero-grazing, UM 1 open-grazing, UM 2 zero-grazing, UM 4 zero-grazing and UM 4 open-grazing. In total, 225 calves on 188 smallholder dairy farms were visited within the first 2 weeks of life and thereafter at biweekly intervals up to the age of 6 months between March 1995 and August 1996. During each visit, the calves were weighed and other calf-management practices in the farm during the visit such as housing, feeding and tick control also were recorded. Other events such as morbidity and mortality between or during the visits were also recorded.

The overall mean daily weight gains were 0.24–0.29 kg (S.D.=0.17–0.22 kg) and were lower than the recommended targets for smallholder farms of 0.40–0.50 kg. The major tendency in variability of daily weight gains was due to visit-to-visit variation (especially in calves >3 months old).

Differences in mean daily gains were associated with AEZ-grazing strata and calf-level factors that included breed of calf, calf sickness, incidence of ECF, feeding of milk, concentrate feeds and minerals and interaction between calf age and AEZ-grazing strata (P<0.05). ECF and other calf sicknesses exerted a temporal effect on calf-growth at the height of illness and immediately after; calves later recovered the lost growth except where other factors such as poor calf nutrition prevailed. Improvement in calf-growth in Murang’a District is achievable and extension services should continue to target individual-calf-level management practices.  相似文献   

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