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Eighty winter‐calving dairy cows of mixed parity were managed in four grassland‐based systems of milk production (F‐F, F‐C, C‐F and C‐C) over a full lactation (year 1) and during the winter period of the subsequent lactation (year 2). During the winter periods cows on systems F‐F and F‐C were offered silages of high feeding value, supplemented with 6·0 kg d?1 of concentrate [crude protein (CP), 307 g kg?1 dry matter (DM)] through an out‐of‐parlour feeding system, while cows on systems C‐F and C‐C were offered silages of medium feeding value, supplemented with c. 12·8 kg d?1 of concentrate (CP, 204 g kg?1 DM), in the form of a complete diet. After 25 February in year 1, cows on systems F‐F and C‐F were given access to grazing for periods of increasing duration, achieving full turnout on 17 April. Thereafter, until 21 October, these cows were offered a high daily allowance of herbage within a flexible grazing system (23·0 kg DM per cow, measured above a height of 4·0 cm), supplemented with 0·5 kg d?1 of a ‘high magnesium’ concentrate. Cows on systems F‐C and C‐C (year 1) commenced grazing on 1 April, achieving full turnout on 17 April. Thereafter, until 20 October, these cows were managed on a restricted allowance of herbage in a rotational paddock grazing system, with concentrates (average allocation, 3·9 kg d?1) being offered according to yield. In year 2, cows on systems F‐F and C‐F were given access to grazing for periods of increasing duration, from 11 March to 8 April, at which point the study was terminated. With systems F‐F, F‐C, C‐F and C‐C, mean feed inputs and milk outputs (per animal) during year 1 of the study were as follows: total concentrate DM intakes [881, 1272, 1729 and 2171 kg (s.e.m. 96·1)]; total silage DM intakes [1722, 1713, 1047 and 1154 kg (s.e.m. 70·7)], total grass DM intakes (3245, 2479, 3057 and 2481 kg) and total milk outputs [7541, 7527, 7459 and 7825 kg (s.e.m. 305·8)] respectively. Stocking rates associated with each of the four systems were 2·2, 2·5, 2·6 and 2·9 cows per hectare respectively. Performance of dairy cows on the systems during the winter of year 2 was similar to that recorded during year 1. The results of this study indicate that similar levels of milk output, DM intakes, tissue changes and plasma metabolite profiles can be achieved from grassland‐based systems involving very different combinations of grass silage, grazed grass and concentrate feeds.  相似文献   

Grass silage containing 180 g crude protein and 660g digestible organic matter per kg DM was offered to forty-two dairy cows for 20 weeks in a self-feeding system. In addition, supplements of either mineralized barley (130 g crude protein per kg DM) or barley plus groundnut (180 g crude protein per kg DM) were offered. The mean daily milk yields were 18·5 and 19·4 kg per cow respectively.  相似文献   

In two 12-week grazing experiments using twelve and eighteen spring-calved cows in 1976 and 1977 respectively, the effects of feeding either a barley or a groundnut concentrate supplement were investigated. The mean yield of herbage DM on offer was 2330 and 2030 kg ha-1, with crude protein concentrations of 192 and 193 g per kg DM in 1976 and 1977 respectively. Grazed herbage was the sole feed in the control treatment. In the other two treatments the herbage was supplemented with 3 kg per cow per d of a concentrate containing either 82·2% barley or groundnut with mean crude protein concentrations of 109 and 409 g per kg DM respectively. Similar results were obtained in both experiments with average daily milk yields of 18·3, 19·8 and 19·9 kg per cow on the control, barley and groundnut treatments respectively. The supplements had no significant effects on either milk composition or liveweight change. It is concluded, that with an ample supply of herbage of high crude protein concentration, a supplement of groundnut had no advantages over one of barley.  相似文献   

Maize silages made in October were fed to forty-three autumn-calving cows during a 20-week winter feeding trial. The control silage received no additive whereas a non-protein nitrogen (NPN) additive was applied to the other silage at harvest time. The four experimental feeding treatments were: A, maize silage + 6 kg d?1 barley; B, maize silage with NPN + 6 kg d?1 barley; C, maize silage + 5 kg d?1’barley + 1 kg d?1 extracted decorticated groundnut cake; D, maize silage with NPN. The mean daily milk yields of cows on the treatments were 14.7, 15.1, 15.3 and 15.0 kg respectively. All cows received maize silage ad libitum. There were no significant differences in milk yield but the milk produced by the cows on treatment D had significantly lower concentrations of milk fat, protein and solids-not-fat when compared to the other three treatments. The cows on treatment D had a negative liveweight change which was significantly different (P < 0.05) from those of the cows on treatments B and C.  相似文献   

Current recommendations for the intake of sodium of lactating dairy cows are related to milk yield. A study was conducted to compare the responses of cows of high and low milk production potential to the application of sodium fertilizer to grazed perennial ryegrass pasture. The application of sodium fertilizer increased the intake of herbage dry matter (DM), the time that cows spent grazing and the biting rate. It also increased the concentration of sodium, magnesium and calcium in herbage and decreased the concentration of potassium. Applying sodium fertilizer increased milk yield and milk fat concentration and decreased somatic cell count in the milk of cows of low-production potential only, whereas it increased persistency of milk production in the cows of high-production potential. The concentration of lactose in milk increased in both groups after the application of sodium fertilizer. It is concluded that the optimum dietary sodium concentration for grazing cows does not increase with milk yield, and that most immediate advantage will be gained from increasing the sodium concentration in herbage for low-yielding cows.  相似文献   

The performances of a rising-plate meter and a single-probe electronic capacitance meter were compared for estimating the herbage mass of irrigated pastures both before and after grazing by dairy cows. Mean CV for the rising plate meter and the single-probe meter were 12.7% and 13.3% respectively when herbage mass was measured before grazing, and 21.8% and 15.4% respectively immediately after grazing. These coefficients of variation indicate that while the performance of the two meters was similar when herbage mass was measured before grazing, the single-probe meter was a more precise instrument for estimating herbage mass after grazing.
Trampling of herbage prior to measurement had a major effect on the regressions of both meters; the regression intercept was increased by 2800 kg dry matter (DM) ha−1 for the rising-plate meter and by 2580 kg DM ha−1 for the single-probe meter. The slopes of the graphs, however, remained unchanged.
It was concluded that while the single-probe meter performed better than the rising-plate meter for estimating the mass of post-grazing herbage when trampling was negligible, the large effect that trampling had on the post-grazing calibration regressions precluded both instruments from general use in dairy cattle research. This indicates that another technique is required in circumstances in which pastures are heavily trampled.  相似文献   

A straw/concentrate mixture was offered to set-stocked dairy cows over a 24-week period. The cows were offered grazed herbage only (G), or grazed herbage with a straw/concentrate supplement offered either for 45 min after each milking (B), or overnight (P). The overnight treatment involved housing the cows between afternoon and morning milking. The straw/concentrate mixture contained 0·33 long barley straw, 0·28 barley, 0·12 soya bean meal, 0·25 molaferm and 0·02 minerals. During the first 8 weeks of the experiment an average of 2·25 kg of concentrate were fed, and from weeks 9–24, 2·0 kg of concentrate were fed.
The feeding of the straw/concentrate mixture led to a decrease in estimated herbage dry matter (DM) intake, particularly for treatment P. Estimated total DM intakes were increased throughout the experiment by offering the straw/concentrate mixture. However, total metabolizable energy (ME) intakes were only increased in mid-and late season.
Milk yield was higher in early season for treatment G; 28·1 kg d−1 compared to 26·8 kg d−1 and 25·5 kg d−1 for treatments B and P respectively. In late season the cows in treatment G had lower milk yields; 13·3 kg d−1 compared to 15·5 kg d−1 and 16·8 kg d−1 for treatments B and P respectively. Milk fat content was increased in early season in treatment P, and milk protein content tended to be reduced throughout the experiment for cows offered the straw/concentrate mixture overnight. Over the whole experiment there were no differences in yield of milk solids.  相似文献   

Two diets were compared: perennial ryegrass ( Lolium perenne L.) silage and perennial ryegrass/white clover ( Trifolium repens L.) silage, in each case fed ad libitum , without supplementation, to lactating dairy cows. The comparison was made with silages cut on each of four dates. The crops were wilted to a dry matter content of at least 256g kg-1 and no additives were used.
The grass/clover silages were well preserved at all four cuts. The grass was well preserved at three cuts, but, at a May cut, the grass silage was less well preserved and less digestible than the grass/clover silage. When the May silages were fed, milk yield was higher with grass/clover than with grass. Taking the experiment as a whole, however, milk yield and composition were similar on the two diets. The grass/clover silages had a lower proportion of cell wall and their intake by dairy cows was consistently higher than that of the grass silages.
It is concluded that perennial ryegrass/white clover crops can be ensiled successfully and fed successfully, with high intake, to lactating dairy cows, but it should not be assumed that cows will give more milk than when fed equivalent all-grass silage.  相似文献   

Two experiments examined the effects of different defoliation treatments in spring on sward morphology and animal performance in mid-season and late season. Three treatments were applied in both experiments: Control (C), sward grazed by cows in spring to 6–8 cm grass height. Grazed Aftermath (GA). sward grazed by cows in spring to 3–4cm and allowed to regrow before being grazed by summer-calving cows, Silage Aftermath (SA), sward not grazed in spring, but a primary cut taken and the sward allowed to regrow before being grazed by summer-calving cows. The aim of treatment GA was to produce a sward with a high tiller density and high intake characteristics to meet the forage intake requirements of continuously grazed summer-calving cows, without resorting to offering forage buffers. Experiment 1 was conducted in 1989 on a sandy loam soil and Experiment 2 in 1990 on a heavy loam soil. In both experiments the GA treatment led to high live tiller density and live: dead tiller ratios compared with the C and SA treatments. Differences in sward morphology were also detected by applying double normal distribution analyses to measurements of grass height. The GA treatment also increased sward herbage mass and, to a limited extent, herbage metabolizable energy and crude protein contents. The results from Experiment 1 suggested that these sward effects lead to increased herbage dry-matter intake (as estimated by the n-alkane technique) and milk yield in cows grazing the GA sward. However, in Experiment 2, where conditions for grass growth in mid-season were more favourable than in Experiment 1, the differences in sward morphology produced in spring were quickly lost in June and July. There were therefore no differences in herbage intake or milk yield in the second experiment. Herbage intakes (kgDMd?1± s.e.d) estimated in July for cows on treatments C, GA and SA were 11·0, 13·4, 10·1 ± 2·16 for Experiment 1 and 10·7, 11·1, 11·2 ± 2·32 for Experiment 2. Average milk yield (kgd?1± s.e.d.) for cows on treatments C, GA and SA were 26·1, 28·0, 25·6 ± 0·31 (Experiment 1) and 28·5, 27·3, 28·4 + 0·58 (Experiment 2). The results suggested that acceptable milk yields can be obtained from grazing summer-calving cows, without offering forage buffers, by applying high stocking rates (low grass heights) in spring. However, the benefits of this manipulation could be lost by lax grazing in mid-season.  相似文献   

Concentrate supplementation of grazing dairy cows   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Two experiments are described in which twenty-four spring-calving Dutch Friesian cows were allocated between six grazing treatments (two levels of daily herbage allowance × three levels of daily concentrate intake) in a 2 × 3 factorial design. The swards consisted predominantly of perennial ryegrass. A two-machine sward-cutting technique (with correction for herbage accumulation during grazing) was used for estimating herbage intake by cows which grazed swards for 3 or 4d. Experiment 1 was carried out for 16 weeks of the grazing season of 1981 and experiment 2 for 18 weeks in 1982.
Daily herbage OM allowances in both experiments were 16 and 24 kg per cow above 4 cm cutting height. Daily concentrate OM intake ranged from 0.8 to 5.6 kg per cow. The effect of concentrates on herbage intake differed significantly between allowances. At the low allowance level and at daily concentrate OM intakes of 0.8, 3.2 and 5.6 kg per cow daily herbage OM intake was 10.9, 10.6 and 10.4 kg per cow respectively and the mean substitution rate of herbage by concentrates was only 0.1. At the high allowance level and at daily concentrate OM intakes of 0.8, 3.2 and 5.6 kg per cow daily herbage OM intake was 14.8, 13.6 and 12.4 kg per cow respectively and mean substitution rate was 0.5 kg herbage OM (kg concentrate OM)−1.  相似文献   

Perennial ryegrass, harvested as second-cut material on 10 and 11 July 1990, was treated with either formic acid at 31 t-1 or an acid-salt type additive at 61 t-1 and ensiled in roofed 150 t bunker silos. Subsequently both silages underwent a predominantly lactic fermentation. Nevertheless the acid-salt-treated silage had a significantly higher quantity of formic acid (19 vs 12 g kg DM-1) and significantly lower levels of lactic (98 vs 118 g kg DM-1) and acetic acid (11 vs 17 g kg DM-1) compared with formic acid-treated silage. In-silo losses and effluent production were similar.
Each silage was individually fed to 10 October-calving Friesian dairy cows (average weight 565 kg) from weeks 2 to 15 of lactation, together with 3 kg d-1 of a compound feed containing 190 g kg DM-1 crude protein and with an estimated metabolizable energy content of 12·6 MJ kg DM-1. The acid-salt additive had no significant effect on silage DM intake, daily milk yield, milk protein or cow liveweight change, but significantly increased milk butterfat content compared with formic acid-treated silage.
It is concluded that the acid-salt type additive produced little difference in terms of either silage fermentation or animal performance compared with formic add treatment.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to examine the performance of grazing Holstein–Friesian dairy cows when equal quantities of concentrates were offered using either a flat‐rate or a feed‐to‐yield allocation strategy. The study involved fifty‐six cows (twenty primiparous and thirty‐six multiparous) and continued for 122 d, with concentrate feed levels adjusted on five occasions during the study (every four weeks approximately). Total concentrate intake over the duration of the study was 463 and 525 kg cow?1 (3·8 and 4·3 kg cow?1 d?1) for multiparous and primiparous animals respectively. Concentrate allocation strategy had no effect on average daily milk yield, milk fat or protein content, milk‐fat‐plus‐protein yield or end‐of‐study live weight and body condition score (P > 0·05). In conclusion, concentrate allocation strategy had minimal impact on the overall performance of these mid/late lactation cows when concentrate feed levels were modest and grass availability was high.  相似文献   

Matching grass supply to grazing patterns for dairy cows   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Four groups of five spring-calving Holstein–Friesian cows were given a daily grass allowance in a strip-grazing system after either morning (AM; two groups) or afternoon (PM; two groups) milking over a 10-week period. The dry-matter (DM) concentration of the grass tended to be higher after afternoon milking [AM, 178 vs. PM, 197 g DM (s.e.d. 5·32) kg–1 fresh matter], and water-soluble carbohydrate concentrations were significantly higher [AM, 175 vs. PM, 204 g kg–1 DM (s.e.d. 6·67)]. Although the total times spent grazing (AM, 461 vs. PM, 462 min day–1) were similar for both groups, cows receiving their allocation in the afternoon had a longer evening meal (>4 h duration) compared with those receiving their allocation in the morning (2–3 h), which also spent more time ruminating [AM, 454 vs. PM, 433 min day–1 (s.e.d. 1·80)]. This short-term study demonstrated how a relatively simple change in management practice in strip-grazing systems could benefit milk yield and pasture utilization. This is because the DM and water-soluble carbohydrate contents of the herbage are higher in the evening than in the morning, and this is when grazing animals concentrate much of their daily grazing activity.  相似文献   

The effect of offering a total mixed ration of silage and concentrate (proportionately 0·44 silage) system [indoor feeding system (IF)] was compared with grazing at a high daily herbage allowance with a low level of concentrate supplementation [early grazing system (EG)] in early spring on the performance of spring‐calving dairy cows in Ireland. Sixty‐four spring‐calving Holstein–Friesian dairy cows (mean calving date, 2 February) were allocated to one of two systems between 16 February and 4 April 2004. An equal number of primiparous and multiparous cows were assigned to each system. The dairy cows on the IF system were housed for a 7‐week period and offered a diet of 10·9 kg DM cow?1 d?1 (s.d. 2·3) of concentrate, the remainder of the diet was 8·6 kg DM cow?1 d?1 (s.d. 1·9) of grass silage. The dairy cows on the EG system were offered a mean daily herbage allowance of 15·1 kg DM cow?1 d?1 (s.d. 3·7) and were supplemented with 3·0 kg DM cow?1 d?1 (s.d. 1·0) of concentrate. There was no difference in milk yield between the two systems but the cows in the EG system had a higher milk protein concentration (2·9 g kg?1) and a higher milk protein yield than in the IF system. Milk fat concentration was higher for cows in the IF than EG system (3·0 g kg?1). There was no difference in total daily dry‐matter intake between the systems, measured in week 6 of the study. Mean live weight of the cows in the IF system was greater than in the EG system. The results of the study suggest that a slightly greater performance can be achieved by a system offering a high daily herbage allowance to spring‐calving dairy cows in early lactation compared with a system offering a total mixed ration containing a high proportion of concentrate with grass silage.  相似文献   

For three 8-week periods of the grazing season 48 spring-calving cows were continuously stocked at either a high or a low rate (average 4.9 and 4.3 cows ha−1 respectively) which declined through the season. Within each stocking rate group half the cows were allowed access to hay for 45 min after morning milking; the other half received no hay.
Total dry matter (DM) intakes were increased by offering hay, and intakes of hay were greater at the high stocking rate and during prolonged periods of inclement weather. However, there were times when, because of low herbage height and adverse weather, offering hay once daily could not prevent a decline in total DM intake. Grazing time was reduced and ruminating time increased by offering hay, but the rate of biting at pasture was unaffected. Hay DM was eaten at twice the rate of intake of herbage DM.
Offering hay increased milk yield in early season and liveweight gain in late season. The benefits of offering hay were greatest for the higher yielding cows. There were no significant effects on milk composition.
Stocking rate had only small effects on herbage height, but stocking at the higher rate tended to reduce herbage DM intake and reduced live-weight gain in late season. Levels of utilized metabolizable energy from grazed herbage were high (average 106 GJ ha−1) but were reduced by feeding hay and stocking at the lower rate.  相似文献   

Grazing plays an important role in milk production in most regions of the world. In this review, some challenges to the grazing cow are discussed together with opportunities for future improvement. We focus on daily feed intake, efficiency of pasture utilization, output of milk per head, environmental impact of grazing and the nutritional quality to humans of milk produced from dairy cows in contrasting production systems. Challenges are discussed in the context of a trend towards increased size of individual herds and include limited and variable levels of daily herbage consumption, lower levels of milk output per cow, excessive excretion of nitrogenous compounds and requirements for minimal periods of grazing regardless of production system. A major challenge is to engage more farmers in making appropriate adjustments to their grazing management. In relation to product quality, the main challenge is to demonstrate enhanced nutritional/processing benefits of milk from grazed cows. Opportunities include more accurate diet formulations, supplementation of grazed pasture to match macro- and micronutrient supply with animal requirement and plant breeding. The application of robotics and artificial intelligence to pasture management will assist in matching daily supply to animal requirement. Wider consumer recognition of the perceived enhanced nutritional value of milk from grazed cows, together with greater appreciation of the animal health, welfare and behavioural benefits of grazing should contribute to the future sustainability of demand for milk from dairy cows on pasture.  相似文献   

Six mid‐lactation multiparous Holstein–Friesian dairy cows were used to examine the potential of a fermented whole‐crop barley (Hordeum vulgare)/kale (Brassica oleracea) bi‐crop as a feed compared with a first‐cut perennial ryegrass silage. The barley/kale bi‐crop was grown as a strip intercrop, and was harvested and ensiled as an intimate mixture [0·80 barley and 0·20 kale on a dry‐matter (DM) basis]. Animals were offered ad libitum access to one of three experimental diets in a duplicated Latin Square design experiment: (i) Bi‐crop (the barley/kale bi‐crop); (ii) Grass (the grass silage); and (iii) Mix (a 1:1 fresh mixture of Bi‐crop and Grass). All animals also received a standard dairy concentrate at a rate of 4 kg d?1 in equal portions at each of two milkings. The Bi‐crop and Grass silages contained 346 and 293 g DM kg?1, 108 and 168 g crude protein kg?1 DM, 268 and 36 g starch kg?1 DM, and had pH values of 3·87 and 3·80 respectively. Animals offered the two bi‐crop silage‐containing diets consumed more forage DM than those offered grass silage (14·6, 14·9 and 12·6 kg DM d?1 for Bi‐crop, Mix and Grass respectively; s.e.d. 0·45, P < 0·01) and yielded more milk (24·0, 23·9, 22·6 kg d?1 for Bi‐crop, Mix and Grass respectively; s.e.d. 0·26, P < 0·01). However, differences in the partitioning of dietary nitrogen towards milk protein and away from excretion in urine suggest a more efficient (rumen) utilization of feed protein by animals offered diets containing the bi‐crop silage. It is concluded that, despite having a low crude protein concentration, barley/kale bi‐crop silage offers excellent potential as a feed for lactating dairy cows.  相似文献   

The difficulty in matching the herbage requirements of grazing dairy cows to herbage production, due mainly to the unpredictability of the latter., causes stocking rates to be too low for maximum per hectare production and, thus, cows to be underfed at certain times in the grazing season. Conserved forage may be used as a supplement for grazing dairy cows in order to reduce variation in forage intake by the cow, to allow pasture stocking rates to be increased and to increase the efficiency of land use. The effect of offering conserved forage with herbage on intakes and production is reviewed in comparison to both ad libitum and restricted herbage. Total nutrient intakes and milk fat + protein yields are reduced for cows offered herbage and supplementary forage compared with cows offered ad libitum herbage, but increased compared with cows offered a restricted herbage level. Increasing pasture stocking rates may allow increases in utilized metabolizable energy levels from grassland but further research is needed in this area. Both grass and maize silage supplements offer potential for increasing the efficiency of land use, but in the case of grass silage this is only achieved in the best management practices.  相似文献   

In two experiments conducted with Ayrshire dairy cows in 1974 and 1975 on swards of S23 perennial ryegrass, four systems of continuous grazing were investigated. The leys received 345 and 370 kg ha-1 fertilizer nitrogen in 1974 and 1975 respectively and were stocked at the rate of five cows per ha. In 1974, a comparison was made between two systems which either integrated silage making with, or separated it from, the continuous grazing. The provision of a silage aftermath in late July increased milk yield after that time, but had no significant effect on milk yield over the 19-week experimental period. In 1975, a comparison between weekly and monthly applications of fertilizer N showed no significant differences between milk yields in a 20-week period. The feeding of supplementary concentrates from late July onwards significantly increased milk yield. The treatments in both years had only small and mainly non-significant effects on milk composition. On average, excluding the concentrate treatment, the annual output of milk was 10,800 kg ha-1 using spring-calved cows.  相似文献   

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