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诱木引诱剂不同浓度防治松褐天牛试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
诱木引诱剂防治松褐天牛试验结果表明3倍液是最佳经济浓度。松褐天牛是一种危害较大的蛀干类害虫,在印江县主要危害马尾松、华山松,该虫1年发生1代,以老熟幼虫在蛀道内越冬,翌年3月下旬开始化蛹,4月下旬开始羽化,5月中旬开始产卵。它危害严重防治困难,任其发展,必将猖獗成灾。松材线虫病,一旦传入,将能以极快速度扩散蔓延,对印江...  相似文献   

详细描述江西省杨树桑天牛、云斑天牛、星天牛、光肩星天牛4种主要蛀干害虫的危害症状,及其幼虫识别特征,对其幼虫期形态与危害状特点的区别进行叙述,并提出多种防治措施,以供参考。  相似文献   

双条杉天牛是危害柏属的重要害虫.严重发生时,易造成毁灭性危害.为加强双条杉天牛的防治,2010~2011年,房山区林保站采取诱木和诱液2种方式对双条杉天牛成虫进行诱集效果试验.结果表明:引诱剂和诱木诱集均能够降低害虫虫口密度,引诱剂对双条杉成虫的诱集效果比诱木好.  相似文献   

利用人工措施防治天牛得到广泛应用,已成为控制天牛危害的主要手段,是一项标本兼治,控制杨树天牛灾害的治本之策。本文对人工措施(包括设计、造林、树种配置和林网结构、抚育)治理天牛进行了概述。  相似文献   

红颈天牛对甜樱桃的危害与防治   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
红颈天牛,属鞘翅目,天牛科,又叫桃红颈天牛、哈虫等,是甜樱桃上的主要枝干害虫。由于在生产中被忽视防治,而造成主枝和整株树死亡,并有发展加重趋势。笔者近年来对红颈天牛的危害情况进行了详细调查。现将其危害特点与防治措施简介如下。  相似文献   

桔星天牛、褐天牛是我场桔园的主要害虫。从1972年至今,我场陆续栽种柑桔300亩,由于以前对天牛为害的严重性认识不足,防治措施不得力,6043株结果树中,天牛为害率达50%,每年被天牛危害而死亡的桔树达0.5%,由天牛危害引起减产造成的经济损失每年都在万元以上。  相似文献   

天牛属于鞘翅目叶甲总科天牛科昆虫,主要包括光肩星天牛、星天牛、桑天牛、锈色粒肩天牛等,触角较长,甚至超过自身身体长度;天牛是植食性昆虫,对木本植物的危害较大,如:柳、国槐、法桐等,是林木栽培、林业生产主要危害性害虫,需采取可行的、有效的综合防治措施。本文将针对光肩星天牛的形态特征、虫害规律与综合防治技术进行深入论述。  相似文献   

光肩星天牛危害范围广,防治困难,一旦发生,后果严重。根据光肩星天牛的生物学特征,从人工防治、化学防治、物理防治、生物防治等方面介绍其综合防治措施,为今后光肩星天牛的防治提供科学依据。  相似文献   

红颈天牛主要危害桃树,其次还危害杏、李、樱桃等。砀山地区随着果业结构的调整,桃树面积逐年增加,红颈天牛的发生和为害也越来越严重,造成大量减产,现将其发生与防治措施总结如下。  相似文献   

天牛是危害柑桔枝干的主要害虫,在吉安市青原区柑桔园内广泛分布,危害逐年加重。本文主要介绍了危害柑桔的天牛种类及其发生规律和防治方法。  相似文献   

筛选适宜陕西太白高山冷凉地区种植的松花菜品种,为该地区松花菜品种推广提供科学依据。引进15个供试松花菜品种,以高山宝75为对照品种,运用DTOPSIS法对参试松花菜多个性状进行适应性评价。结果表明,台松90、松不老80、正能松80、正能松90和松美80综合性状均优于对照品种。其中,松不老80主要性状接近理想值,综合排名第1位,表现高产,稳产,品质优良;台松90综合排名第2位,品种综合性状表现较优;正能松80综合排名第3位,可作为优良品种推广。综上所述,15个参试松花菜品种中,台松90、松不老80和正能松80综合性状表现优良,适宜在陕西太白及周边生态环境相似的地区应用推广。  相似文献   

We implemented a replicated before-after-control-impact (BACI) experiment to quantify vertebrate response in native forest patches to a major change in the surrounding exotic Radiata Pine (Pinus radiata) plantation. We contrasted vertebrate occupancy of patches of native eucalypt forest where the surrounding stands of exotic Radiata Pine (Pinus radiata) were clearfelled (termed “treatment patches”) with matched “control patches” where surrounding pine stands remained unlogged. Different species of arboreal marsupials varied in their response to our experimental treatments. The Common Ringtail Possum was unaffected by cutting of the surrounding pine stands, whereas all sightings of the Mountain Brushtail Possum were in control patches. For birds, species richness was significantly reduced by 4–9 species in treatment patches. Birds with cup and dome nests were those negatively affected by the cutting of the surrounding pine stands. They may be susceptible to altered microclimatic conditions or increasing levels of nest predation when the surrounding pine matrix is clearfelled. Our study emphasized how the biota inhabiting retained patches of native forest within plantation landscapes can be changed when stands of surrounding Radiata Pine are clearfelled. In the case of birds, more species will be maintained within eucalypt patches if logging is scheduled so that not all the surrounding pine plantation is clearfelled at once.  相似文献   

Much of the current effort to restore southwestern ponderosa pine forests to historical conditions is predicated upon assumptions regarding the catastrophic effects of large fires that are now defining a new fire regime. To determine how spatial characteristics influence the process of ponderosa pine regeneration under this new regime, we mapped the spatial patterns of severity at areas that burned in 1960 (Saddle Mountain, AZ) and (La Mesa, NM) 1977 using pre- and post-fire aerial photography, and quantified characteristics of pine regeneration at sample plots in areas where all trees were killed by the fire event. We used generalized linear models to determine the relationship of ponderosa pine stem density to three spatial burn pattern metrics: (1) distance to nearest edge of lower severity; (2) neighborhood severity, measured at varying spatial scales, and (3) scaled seed dispersal kernel surfaces. Pine regeneration corresponded most closely with particular scales of measurement in both seed dispersal kernel and neighborhood severity. Spatial patterns of burning remained important to understanding regeneration even after consideration of subsequent disturbance and other environmental variables, with the exception of a few cases in which simpler models were equally well-supported by the data. Analysis of tree ages revealed slow progress in early post-fire years. Our observations suggest that populations spread in a moving front, as well as by remotely dispersed individuals. Based on our results, recent large fires cannot be summarily dismissed as catastrophic. We conclude that management should focus on the value and natural recovery of post-fire landscapes. Further, process centered restoration efforts could utilize our findings in formulating reference dynamics under a changing fire regime.  相似文献   

We surveyed birds in patches of native eucalypt forest and in surrounding exotic matrix (Radiata pine forests) in south-eastern Australia. Our objectives were: (1) to examine the influence of the width of native forest patches and the age of surrounding pine forests on bird occurrence in patches of native forest; and (2) to verify the relationship between the use of the surrounding pine matrix and bird species response to variation in width of patches of native forests. A total of 32 study sites (boundaries between eucalypt and pine forests) were surveyed. Birds were counted by the area search method within 0.5-ha quadrats. Data were analysed using generalised linear models. Wide patches of eucalypt forest supported higher species richness and greater numbers of birds, such as foliage searchers and nectarivores, than narrow patches. Matrix age also influenced the occurrence of some species in native patches. The abundance of species in wide and narrow patches of native forest was related to their use of the matrix. This was true for native forests surrounded by old but not by young pine forests. We suggest that management in wood production landscapes take into account both characteristics of native patches and the surrounding matrix. Negative impacts of fragmentation in managed landscapes might be reduced by promoting matrix types that are suitable for bird species.  相似文献   

Land use practices since European settlement have had profound effects on the composition and structure of certain forested ecosystems in the southeastern U.S. Coastal Plain. One significant change since the turn of the century has been the invasion of upland pine forests by sand pine in the state of Florida panhandle and peninsula. This study quantified sand pine extent and expansion and examined links between sand pine distribution and environmental factors in the Florida panhandle. Geographic information system analysis using aerial photographs (1949 and 1994) showed sand pine expansion and also increased canopy cover of sand pine over time. There was a high rate of conversion of longleaf pine to sand pine from 1949 to 1994 (44%), and conversion of sparse sand pine stands to dense sand pine stands (69%). Therefore, widespread changes in the Florida landscape were evident during a relatively short time period. Adjacency analyses showed a strong negative association between longleaf pine and dense sand pine and a positive association between riparian vegetation and dense sand pine. Distribution of sand pine across elevation demonstrated that sand pine expanded inland and upland into longleaf-pine forests. In 1949, sand pine was selectively located on sites below 30 m in elevations; by 1994, sparse and moderately dense sand-pine stands were found at all elevations. Thus, any area that may receive an input of sand pine seeds, most notably from riparian areas, is vulnerable to establishment.  相似文献   

There is considerable concern over the occurrence of stand-replacing fire in forest types historically associated with low- to moderate-severity fire. The concern is largely over whether contemporary levels of stand-replacing fire are outside the historical range of variability, and what natural forest recovery is in these forest types following stand-replacing fire. In this study we quantified shrub characteristics and tree regeneration patterns in stand-replacing patches for five fires in the northern Sierra Nevada. These fires occurred between 1999 and 2008, and our field measurements were conducted in 2010. We analyzed tree regeneration patterns at two scales: patch level, in which field observations and spatial data were aggregated for a given stand-replacing patch, and plot level. Although tree regeneration densities varied considerably across sampled fires, over 50 % of the patches and approximately 80 % all plots had no tree regeneration. The percentage of patches, and to a greater extent plots, without pine regeneration was even higher, 72 and 87 %, respectively. Hardwood regeneration was present on a higher proportion of plots than either the pine or non-pine conifer groups. Shrub cover was generally high, with approximately 60 % of both patches and individual plots exceeding 60 % cover. Patch characteristics (size, perimeter-to-area ratio, distance-to-edge) appeared to have little effect on observed tree regeneration patterns. Conifer regeneration was higher in areas with post-fire management activities (salvage harvesting, planting). Our results indicate that the natural return of pine/mixed-conifer forests is uncertain in many areas affected by stand-replacing fire.  相似文献   

Gas exchange and growth of woody landscape plants is strongly affected by underlying surfaces. In urban areas, plants are subjected to energy balance characteristics of a variety of surfaces. We investigated energy balance properties of six urban surfaces: asphalt, gravel rock mulch, lava rock mulch, concrete, pine bark mulch, and turf. Each summer over a 3-year period, incoming global shortwave radiation, surface temperature, surface reflectivity (albedo), soil temperature below each surface, and soil heat flux were measured for each surface, and total incoming radiation, thermal conductivity, and longwave radiation emitted by each surface were calculated. Differences in surface properties were analyzed by regression analysis. Albedo was greatest for concrete and least for lava rock mulch, while thermal conductivity was greatest for asphalt and least for lava rock and pine bark mulches. Under maximum incoming total radiation, regression analysis indicated: soil heat flux was greatest under asphalt and concrete and least under lava rock and pine bark mulches; soil temperature below each surface was greatest for asphalt and concrete and least for pine bark mulch; surface temperature was greatest for pine bark mulch and least for turf; and longwave radiation flux of each surface was greatest for pine bark mulch and least for turf. This research revealed that more energy was conducted into the soil below asphalt and concrete, and that a greater portion of incoming radiation was prevented from entering the soil below pine bark and lava rock mulches than below other surfaces. Due to these effects, and the lack of evaporative cooling, surface temperatures were greater, and more longwave radiation was emitted from non-vegetative surfaces than from turf. In a concurrent study, we investigated if the energy balance of turf, pine bark mulch, and asphalt surfaces influenced gas exchange of four containerized tree species grown over each surface. On several occasions over a 2-year period, morning-to-evening measurements of stomatal conductance, leaf temperature, and plant water loss were made on containerized Bechtel crabapple (Malus ionensis ‘Plena’), Norway maple (Acer platanoides ‘Crimson King’), globe willow (Salix matsudana ‘Navajo’) and American plane tree (Platanus occidentalis). Leaves over pine bark mulch and asphalt intercepted more longwave radiation and generally had greater leaf temperature and leaf-to-air vapor difference than leaves over turf. As a result, trees over non-vegetative surfaces generally had lower stomatal conductance and water loss than trees over turf.  相似文献   

茯苓棚室代料栽培技术研究初报   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以松木屑、松枝碎块、棉籽壳为主要培养料,采用“鲜菌核”作为“诱引”,进行菇棚层架菌袋覆土和大田坑穴菌袋覆土两种栽培方式的茯苓栽培实验。其中,以松木屑和松枝碎块为主要原料的栽培料配方栽培效果优于以棉籽壳和松枝碎块为主要原料的配方;菇棚层架栽培和自然露地栽培的产量均低于大田低矮简易棚栽培,在大田搭置低矮简易棚栽培方式获得最好成活率达92.85%,平均生物学效率达18.25%,这一栽培结果与对照的段木茯苓栽培结果接近。  相似文献   

Rocky Mountain lodgepole pine, (Pinus contorta var. latifolia) regenerates quickly after high severity fire because seeds from serotinous cones are released immediately post-fire. Sierra lodgepole pine (P. contorta var. murrayana) forests burn with variable intensity resulting in different levels of severity and because this variety of lodgepole pine does not have serotinous cones, little is known about what factors influence post-fire regeneration. This study quantifies tree regeneration in a low, moderate, and high severity burn patch in a Sierra lodgepole forest 24 years after fire. Regeneration was measured in ten plots in each severity type. In each plot, we quantified pre- and post-fire forest structure (basal area, density), counted and aged tree seedlings and saplings of all species, and measured distance to the nearest seed bearing tree. There was no difference in the density of seedlings and saplings among severity classes. Distance and direction to the nearest seed bearing lodgepole pine were the best predictors of lodgepole seedling and sapling density in high severity plots. In contrast to Rocky Mountain lodgepole pine, regeneration of Sierra lodgepole pine appears to rely on in-seeding from surviving trees in low or moderate severity burn patches or live trees next to high severity burn patches. Our data demonstrate that Sierra lodgepole pine follows stand development pathways hypothesized for non-serotinous stands of Rocky Mountain lodgepole pine.  相似文献   

“川杰1号”茯苓优质菌株,具备遗传性状稳定、抗逆性强、适应性广、优质高产的特点。多年来根据其生理生化特性不断研究与之相配套的松树蔸栽培茯芩新技术。从选兜、定场、择期、清场、接种、管理、采收与加工等方面,阐述了松树蔸栽培"川杰1号"茯苓的栽培技术。  相似文献   

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