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ABSTRACT:   Elution and internal migration of free amino acids (FAA) in fish meats by soaking were investigated when the meat strips were soaked in various concentrations of sodium chloride (NaCl) or sorbitol solution. Rapid decrease of FAA in an earlier phase of soaking was followed by a mild one, irrespective of the kind and the concentration of soaking solution. The loss of FAA by soaking in NaCl solution was slightly larger than that in sorbitol solution. However, regardless of the kinds of soaking solution, the elution of FAA from fish meats by soaking was only dependent on the soaking time, independently of the concentration, namely osmotic pressure of the soaking solution. Conversely, sluggish migration of FAA from the inside to the surface of the meat strips proceeded by soaking. These results suggested that the elution of FAA from fish meats by soaking was driven by a simple diffusion from the surface of the meats to soaking solution, but it was regulated by sluggish migration rate of FAA in fish meats.  相似文献   

Chronically cannulated rainbow trout were exposed in acid water (pH 4.0) for 72h. The gill potential was strongly dependent on water pH, being blood side negative in neutral water, but positive in acid water. Catecholamine levels increased irregularly during acid exposure, and the Bohr and Root effects were not completely erased by the effect of catecholamines during acid exposure. Long term exposure to low water pH, although causing an acidosis in the fish, did not suppress resting oxygen consumption. Prolonged exposure to acid conditions, however, resulted in an increase in ammonia excretion. Changes in plasma sodium and chloride were similar to that reported previously for trout exposed to low calcium, acid water. We conclude that exposure of trout to pH 4 soft water, although impairing oxygen transport, does not limit resting oxygen consumption but does reduce the scope for activity. More extreme acid conditions do impair resting oxygen uptake.  相似文献   

A 90‐day feeding trial was conducted on milkfish, Chanos chanos with an initial mean body weight of 3.07 ± 0.17 g (mean ± standard error of mean). Six treatment diets were formulated to contain 0 g/kg (Diet 1), 150 g/kg (Diet 2), 25 g/kg (Diet 3), 300 g/kg (Diet 4), 350 g/kg (Diet 5) and 450 g/kg (Diet 6) distiller's dried grain with soluble (DDGS). All the dietary treatments were isonitrogenous (350 g/kg crude protein) and isolipidic (6% crude lipid). Result of the feeding trial indicated that growth rates, feed intake and feed efficiency were not significantly (> .05) affected by inclusion levels of DDGS by up to 450 g/kg in the feed. Proximate body composition (crude protein, crude lipid, ash, fibre) in fish fed the dietary treatments were not significantly (> .05) affected as well. The DDGS when used as a milkfish ingredient has a protein digestibility of 910 g/kg, fat disgetsibility of 850 g/kg, carbohydrate digestibility of 750 g/kg and a dry matter digestibility of 520 g/kg Results from the intestinal morphology displayed no apparent pathological changes in the digestive tract of fish fed all dietary treatments. These results indicate that DDGS can be efficiently utilized by milkfish by up to 450 g/kg without negatively affecting performance parameters and intestinal morphology.  相似文献   

鱼类细胞是开展鱼类病毒分离鉴定、功能基因分析以及生物制品制备等研究的重要物质基础。鳜(Siniperca chuatsi)是深受养殖者和消费者欢迎的养殖品种。随着鳜鱼养殖产量的逐年增加,其病害问题尤其是病毒病问题也日趋严重,但是,可用于鳜鱼病毒分离和基因功能分析的鳜细胞系缺乏。本研究采用组织块消化法,对来源鳜脑组织的细胞进行原代培养,建立了鳜脑组织细胞系,命名为MFB。MFB细胞在28℃含10%胎牛血清的L-15中已稳定传代超过70次,第25代鳜脑组织细胞的染色体众数为56。采用免疫荧光细胞化学技术(β-tubulin和Neu-N)鉴定MFB细胞的神经元纯度,结果显示,培养的MFB细胞为神经元类细胞。病毒敏感性实验结果显示,鳜蛙虹彩病毒(MFRaIV)、大口黑鲈蛙虹彩病毒(LMBRaIV)和大鲵虹彩病毒(GSIV)均可在MFB细胞中产生典型细胞病变效应,病毒滴度分别为108.68±0.12、108.36±0.15、1010.15±1.85 TCID50/mL。使用脂质体Lipofectamine®2000将pEGFP-N1转入MFB细胞,转染效率可达20%。本研究建立的鳜脑组织细胞系不仅对多种蛙虹彩病毒敏感,而且转染质粒效率较高,为鳜病毒性病原的分离及基因功能研究奠定了前期基础。  相似文献   

Thermal denaturation of myofibrils from various species of fish was investigated by measuring ATPase inactivation, myosin aggregation, myosin subfragment-1 (S-1) and rod denaturation rates as studied by chymotryptic digestion. Decrease in monomeric myosin (myosin aggregation) was always faster than the ATPase inactivation for all myofibrils tested. The relative denaturation rate of rod to that of S-1 differed from species to species. Preceded denaturation of rod was observed with some species, and the opposite was true with other species. The denaturation pattern was explained by the different magnitude of S-1 stabilization by F-actin in myofibrils at low salt medium. Myofibrils which receive a great stabilization by F-actin as studied by ATPase inactivation showed the preceded rod denaturation pattern, and vice versa. S-1 portion, not F-actin, determined the different stabilization of S-1 by F-actin in myofibrils.  相似文献   

壳聚糖为甲壳素脱乙酰化的产物,其应用面十分广泛,本文介绍了壳聚糖的生物学性质及其近年来在生物学、医学和环保等领域的应用,以探讨其作为绿色饲料添加剂的可开发价值。  相似文献   

In bipartite life cycle fishes, spawning represents the onset of propagules dispersal, with eggs and larvae experiencing anisotropic transport and high mortality rates, before eventually metamorphosing and settling. Hence, early-life stages operate as bottlenecks for population demography by strongly constraining recruitment. Despite its significance, spawning is rarely explicitly considered in ecosystem management due to a lack of knowledge, for many species, about where and when spawning occurs. Previous evidences suggest that temperature is among the main drivers of spawning in Teleosts. Using the ecologically and economically relevant white seabream Diplodus sargus in the central Mediterranean Sea as a case study, we assess the abiotic factors that regulate the onset and duration of spawning and subsequent dispersal. Lagrangian backtracking simulations fed with early-life observations allow locating 11 spawning events, which are then associated to simulated temperatures ranging from 14.8° C to 20.6° C, in close agreement with previous estimates. Based on this range of suitable temperatures, we model the spatio-temporal variability of spawning success at broad-scale over 10 years (2005–2014) following the backtracking approach with hypothetical constant settlement areas. It highlights a prominent inter-annual variability in the Adriatic and Siculo-Tunisian strait driven by oceanographic processes. Moreover, a powerful clustering method uncovers relatively stable spawning areas in the Ligurian and Tyrrhenian seas with both early (January to Mid-February) and late (April to June) spawning peaks. Our methodology can be applied to other species and oceanic systems to investigate how oceanic processes impact spawning success, enabling the design of sound management strategies.  相似文献   

Thibault I, Hedger RD, Dodson JJ, Shiao J‐C, Iizuka Y, Tzeng W‐N. Anadromy and the dispersal of an invasive fish species (Oncorhynchus mykiss) in Eastern Quebec, as revealed by otolith microchemistry. Ecology of Freshwater Fish 2010: 19: 348–360. © 2010 John Wiley & Sons A/S Abstract – Rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) is invading rivers bordering the St. Lawrence Estuary (Quebec, Canada). Some rivers in Eastern Quebec support self‐sustaining populations while adult vagrants are frequently captured in rivers where no reproduction has been confirmed. We hypothesised that the development of anadromy has promoted the species dispersal. Otolith Sr:Ca analyses revealed that although all fish captured in the upstream stocking region were freshwater residents, both anadromous and freshwater resident phenotypes were found downstream in Eastern Quebec. The proportion of fish exhibiting the anadromous life cycle increased with the distance from the stocking zone. Eastern Quebec steelhead migrated to sea at the same age but at a larger size than steelhead within their native range. Age at first reproduction was similar to that observed in native populations. The development of the anadromous life cycle enables this species to colonise new rivers following long‐distance migrations along the St. Lawrence Estuary corridor.  相似文献   

Feed comprises the biggest cost in intensive fish farming and the quality of feed is therefore important. A vast body of research has been carried out in order to investigate nutritional quality of alternative ingredients. Effects of ingredients on physical quality are seldom included in these investigations. Physical quality of feed varies with ingredient composition and processing condition and may interfere with feed intake, nutrient digestibility and therefore growth performance of the fish. In this review, physical quality of extruded, high energy feed, and how ingredient composition and processing conditions affect the quality will be addressed. Various pellet properties will be discussed and methods used to evaluate physical quality will be reviewed.  相似文献   

The fillet fatty acids (FAs) and volatile compounds (VCs) of gilthead sea bream, fed either fish oil‐based diet (FO) or plant oils (PO), were studied in dorsal and ventral fillet parts over a 12‐day ice storage. Fillet FA reflected the FA composition of the respective diets. Monounsaturated FAs were reduced with storage, while no FA differentiations occurred between fillet parts. VCs varied between diet treatments, with food chain‐transported compounds (α‐pinene and dimethylsulphide) showing higher abundance in the FO group. VCs proposed as fish spoilage indicators (trimethylamine, pentanal, propanal, 3‐methylbutanal and 1‐penten‐3‐ol) increased with storage, while concentration of carbon disulphide associated with fresh fish aroma decreased during the same period. VCs varied between fillet parts, with ventral part exhibiting higher concentrations in fat‐soluble (terpenes, aromatic hydrocarbons) and spoilage‐associated VCs. Sensory analysis revealed no significant differences between diet groups with the exception of fattiness, which was found significantly higher in the plant oil group.  相似文献   

Adult sockeye salmon, Oncorhynchus nerka (Walbaum), migrating upstream in the Fraser River, British Columbia, are exposed to the myxozoan parasite Parvicapsula minibicornis when they enter the river from the ocean. Infections are initially localized in the kidney but have recently been associated with branchitis in one population. Adult fish from five locations in the watershed were sampled to determine whether branchitis was widespread. P. minibicornis infections in kidney glomeruli were prevalent in all samples except for a sample of fish that had just entered the Fraser River from the ocean. For fish captured in spawning streams, parasites were observed in the renal tubules and gill, and branchitis was observed in 70% of fish. Plasma osmolality was negatively correlated with the number of parasites in the kidney tubules, which we hypothesize to be caused by the breach of glomerular membranes as the parasite leaves the fish. Plasma lactate values increased with increasing levels of pathology in gills. These findings support the hypothesis that P. minibicornis impacts the physiology of migrating fish, which may in turn affect the likelihood that adults will be able to migrate and spawn successfully.  相似文献   

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