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Five simulated rainstorms, each with a different rainfall intensity pattern but all delivering the same total kinetic energy to the soil surface, were applied to three different soils in a laboratory flume. The storm patterns were: constant rainfall intensity, increasing intensity, decreasing intensity, increasing then decreasing intensity and decreasing then increasing intensity. The three soils were: a clay loam, a sandy loam and a sandy soil. No differences in total runoff were observed that were consistent across the three soil types. However, consistent differences were observed in the amount and size distribution of the eroded sediment. In particular, the constant-intensity storm yielded an average soil loss of 75% of the varying-intensity storms, and the eroded sediment from the constant-intensity storms had a lower clay content than that from the varying-intensity storms. In contrast to the differences in amount and size distribution of eroded sediment, splashed sediment exhibited much smaller differences. Interrill erosion rates are widely assumed to vary with rainfall intensity to the power 2, but this relationship has been obtained from experiments over a range of rainfall intensities, but in which rainfall intensity has been constant in each experiment. The experiments reported here, undertaken using variable rainfall intensity within each experiment, indicates an exponent of 2.55. The experiments demonstrate that the assumption that a given rainfall intensity falling on a given soil for a given amount of time will result in a given amount of runoff and erosion is unsound. They point to the need for a greater understanding of the processes of interrill sediment detachment and transport in order to model successfully erosion under temporally varying rainfall.  相似文献   

It is known that rock fragments on the surface of soils can enhance infiltration and protect the soil against rainfall erosion. However, the effect of rock fragments in natural forest soils is less well understood. In this article, we studied the influence of rock fragment cover on run‐off, infiltration and interrill soil erosion under simulated rainfall on natural bare soils in a Spanish dehesa (managed holm oak woodland). We studied 60 plots with different rock fragment cover ranging from 3% to 85% under three simulated rainfall intensities (50, 100 and 150 mm/h). Surface run‐off appeared later and sediment yield values were smaller in soils with greater rock fragment cover. Rock fragment cover also increased infiltration rates. The final infiltration rates were 54–98% at a rainfall intensity of 50 mm/h, 31–88% at 100 mm/h and 20–80% at 150 mm/h. The interrill soil loss rates were decreased by rock fragment cover and increased with rainfall intensity. The soil loss rate was always small (0.02–1 Mg ha/h) when rock fragment cover was 75% or more. Rock fragment cover was related to soil loss rate by an exponential function.  相似文献   

During raindrop impact soil, aggregates breakdown and produce finer, more transportable particles and micro-aggregates. These particles and micro-aggregates appreciably affect the processes of infiltration, seal and crust development, runoff, and soil erosion. Aggregate stability is, therefore, an important property that may explain, quantify, and predict these processes. This study was designed to develop improved formulae for assessing interrill erosion rate by incorporating the aggregate stability index (As) in the prediction evaluations for soil erodibilites of Ultisols in subtropical China. Field experiments of simulated rainfall involving rainstorm simulations with medium and high rainfall intensity were conducted on six cultivated soils for which the soil aggregate stability was determined by the LB-method. This study yielded two prediction equations Di = 0.23AsI2(1.05 − 0.85 exp−4sin θ) and Di = 0.34AsqI(1.05 − 0.85 exp−4sin θ) that allowed a comparison of their efficiency in assessing the interrill erosion rate. As is an aggregate stability index, which reflected the main mechanisms of aggregate breakdown in interrill erosion process, θ is the slope angle, I is the rainfall intensity, and q is the runoff rate. Relatively good agreement was obtained between predicted and measured values of erosion rates for each of the prediction models (R2 = 0.86**, and R2 = 0.90**). It was concluded that these formulae based on the stability index, As, have the potential to improve methodology for assessing interrill erosion rates for the subtropical Chinese Ultisols. Considering the time-consuming and costly experimentation of runoff rate measurements, the equation without runoff rate (q) was the more convenient and effective one to predict interrill erosion rates on Ultisols of subtropical China.  相似文献   

Effectiveness of geotextiles in reducing runoff and soil loss: A synthesis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Despite geotextiles having potential for soil conservation, limited scientific data are available to assess the effects of geotextiles in reducing runoff and water erosion. Hence, the objective of this review is to analyse the effects of plot length (L) and other possible affecting factors [cover percentage (C, %), slope gradient (S), rainfall duration (D), rainfall intensity (I), sand, silt and clay contents, soil organic matter (SOM) content and geotextile type (natural or synthetic)] on the effectiveness of geotextiles in reducing soil and water loss, based on reported experimental data. From linear regressions, C (%) and soil sand, silt and clay contents are found to be the most important variables in reducing SLR (ratio of soil loss in bare plots to that in geotextile treated plots) for splash, C (%) for interrill and D (min) for rill and interrill erosion processes, respectively. Soil clay and silt contents and D are key variables in decreasing RR (ratio of runoff from bare plots to that from geotextile treated plots) for interrill, and clay content for rill and interrill erosion processes, respectively. The linear relationship between mean b-value (geotextile effectiveness factor in reducing soil loss) and L of all studies was not significant (P > 0.05). The same is true for the relationship between L and SLR, and L and RR. However, when L is added to an equation as an interaction term with C (%), geotextile cover is significantly (P < 0.05) more effective in reducing SLR on shorter plots than longer ones for both interrill and rill and interrill erosion processes. Buffer strip plots (area coverage ∼ 10%) with Borassus and Buriti mats have the highest b-values.  相似文献   

In order to develop a new formula for assessing interrill erosion rate by incorporating the soil aggregate instability index, β, erosion plots at seven sites in central Greece were used to measure interrill erosion rate under natural rainfall conditions during a 39-month period. Soils classified as Alfisols, Inceptisols and Entisols with slopes 7–21%, moderately well to excessively drained, clay to loamy textured, were studied. Runoff and total sediment were collected after each ponding rainfall event. The equation Ei=0.628 β St1.3 e0.0967I30 was finally proposed (R2=0.939,P<0.001) to describe interrill erosion rate. The term, St represents the tangent of the slope angle, and I30 represents the maximum rainfall intensity in 30 min. The addition of the aggregate instability index to improve existing methodologies provide was considered to provide an easy to determine and reliable measure of soil erodibility. Validation with independent data showed that the model predicted interrill erosion well (R2=0.766, P<0.001). Therefore, the proposed model based on the aggregate instability index, β, has the potential to improved methodology for assessing interrill erosion rate.  相似文献   

Hillslopes are thought to be most susceptible to enhanced surface runoff and erosion immediately following wildfire due to removal of protective vegetation and litter cover, and in many cases a fire-induced reduction in soil wettability. This enhanced susceptibility declines as vegetation and litter layer recover. For logistical reasons, however, few studies have been able to examine the responses of burnt terrain immediately following burning and little is therefore known about the effect of the wettable ash layer that often covers the ground until it is redistributed or removed by wind or water erosion.  相似文献   

Application of crop residues to soil and reduced or no tillage are current management practices in order to achieve better water management, increase soil fertility, crop production and soil erosion control. This study was carried out to quantify the effect of wheat straw mulching in a no tilled Fluvisol under semi-arid conditions in SW Spain and to determine the optimum rate in terms of cost and soil protection. After a 3-years experiment, mulching application significantly improved physical and chemical properties of the studied soil with respect to control, and the intensity of changes was related to mulching rate. The organic matter content was generally increased, although no benefit was found beyond 10 Mg ha1 year1. Bulk density, porosity and aggregate stability were also improved with increasing mulching rates, which confirmed the interactions of these properties. Low mulching rates did not have a significant effect on water properties with respect to control, although the available water capacity increased greatly under high mulching rates. After simulated rainfall experiments (65 mm h1 intensity), it was found that the mulch layer contributed to increase the roughness and the interception of raindrops, delaying runoff generation and enhancing the infiltration of rain water during storms. Mulching contributed to a reduction in runoff generation and soil losses compared to bare soil, and negligible runoff flow or sediment yield were determined under just 5 Mg ha1 year1 mulching rate. It was observed that during simulations, the erosive response quickly decreases with time after prolonged storms (30 min) due to the exhaustion of available erodible particles. These results suggest that the erosive consequences of intermediate intensity 5-years-recurrent storms in the studied area could be strongly diminished by using just 5 Mg ha1 year1 mulching rates.  相似文献   

S. Assouline  M. Ben-Hur 《CATENA》2006,66(3):211-220
Soil erosion during rainfall is strongly affected by runoff and slope steepness. Runoff production is drastically increased when a seal is formed at the soil surface during rainfall. Therefore, a complex interaction exists between soil erosion and surface sealing. In this study, the dynamics of interrill erosion during seal formation is studied under different simulated rainfall and slope conditions. A sandy soil was exposed to 70 mm of rainfall at two intensities, 24 mm h− 1 and 60 mm h− 1, and five slope gradients, from 5% to 25%. Infiltration, runoff and soil loss rates were monitored during rainfall. Final infiltration rates increased with slope gradient at both rainfall intensities, this effect being stronger for the higher intensity. Cumulative runoff at the end of the rainfall event was lower as slopes were steeper, while an opposite trend was obtained for soil loss. For the 5% and the 9% slopes, the sediment concentration in runoff reached quickly a stable value during the whole rainfall event, while it reached a peak value before declining for the higher slopes. The peak value and its timing were rainfall intensity dependent. Soil erodibility during seal formation was evaluated using two empirical multiplication-of-factors type models. It seems that slope and rainfall erosivity are accounted for only partly in these models. For mild slope gradients below 9%, the value of Ki estimated by means of the two expressions becomes practically constant shortly after runoff apparition. Consequently, the estimates resulting from this type of expressions remain valuable from the practical point of view.  相似文献   

Palm‐leaf geotextiles could be an effective and cheap soil conservation method with enormous global potential. However, there are very few data on the effectiveness of palm geotextiles in reducing soil erosion by water. This study investigates the effectiveness of two types of palm geotextiles and the effect of geotextile mesh size on infiltration, run‐off and inter‐rill erosion rate and soil surface roughness on a medium and steep slope. A well‐defined protocol was developed to conduct laboratory experiments. Rainfall was simulated for 90 min with an intensity (I) of 45 and 67 mm h?1 on an inter‐rill erosion plot, filled with an erodible sandy loam and having slope gradients (S) of 15 and 45%. Two palm‐leaf geotextiles (Borassus aethiopum and Brazilian Buriti Palm) and three simulated geotextiles (polyethylene tarpaulin) with different mesh sizes (1 × 1, 5 × 5 and 12 × 12 cm) were tested on a simulated fine tilth. Calculated k values from the Horton infiltration equation ranged from 0.025 to 0.145 and decreased linearly on both slopes with geotextile cover. Geotextiles are more effective in reducing the run‐off coefficient on a medium slope (15%) compared with that on a steep slope (45%), ranging from 76.4 to 17.9%. Mean b values from the mulch cover equation equalled 0.024 for a 15% slope and 0.045 for a 45% slope, indicating a higher effectiveness of geotextiles in reducing total inter‐rill soil loss on gentler slopes compared with commonly used mulches. Erosion‐induced soil surface roughness at the end of each experiment increased linearly with geotextile cover percentage and this increase was not significantly different between the two slope gradients.  相似文献   

不同土壤坡面细沟侵蚀差异与其影响因素   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
采用室内纯净水人工模拟降雨试验,在坡度为10°、15°、20°、25°坡面,土槽为5 m、10 m两种规格,对两种土壤((土娄)土与黄绵土)分别进行雨强为1.5 mm min-1,的降雨实验,利用三维激光扫描仪对每一场降雨后的坡面进行监测,分析不同坡度对细沟侵蚀的影响,比较两种土壤坡面细沟侵蚀的差异,以及其差异的影响因子.结果表明:(土娄)土土壤颗粒以粉粒与黏粒为主,粉粒占总质量的64.12%,黏粒为28.42%.黄绵土的土壤颗粒以粉粒为主占总质量的67.95%,黏粒与沙粒含量较少,黏粒占14.52%,沙粒占17.53%.在相同条件下,(土娄)土降雨过程中人渗缓慢,产流时间、坡面流速均快于黄绵土,跌坎出现时间也较早,使其更容易产生细沟.(土娄)土的径流量高于黄绵土,在降雨过程中,径流稳定时间较早.(土娄)土侵蚀量高于黄绵土,(土娄)土产沙率呈增加趋势,黄绵土含沙量变化不明显.从坡面细沟发育来看,(土娄)土坡面细沟成平行状分布,黄绵土细沟为较宽树枝状.  相似文献   

Soil crust formed after rainfall has a strong influence on soil erosion, water use, and crop growth on sloping farmland. To study the effect of soil crust on sloping farmland on runoff amount and erosion sediment yield, the soil crust on sloping farmland has been studied in this paper for plantings of corn, soybeans, millet, and winter wheat. Using an outdoor rainfall simulator, the influence of soil crust on runoff rate and sediment yield on sloping farmland covered by crops has been observed. The results revealed that soil crust thickness was increased after rainfall and soil crust coverage showed little change after rainfall. Soil crust had a significant impact on runoff and sediment yield on sloping farmland. Slopes with soil crust showed higher runoff rate and less soil loss than slopes without soil crust. On slopes planted with four crops (corn, soybeans, millet, and winter wheat), runoff rates on slopes with soil crust were respectively 20%, 25%, 25%, and 21% higher than on slopes without soil crust; sediment yield on slopes with soil crust was respectively 15%, 14%, 14%, and 8% lower than on slopes without soil crust. Crops enlarged the runoff difference between the two kinds of slope and decreased the sediment yield difference between them. Crop growth enhanced these differences in runoff and sediment yield between slopes with and without soil crust.  相似文献   

The year to year carry-over effects of biomass additions under different plant populations on runoff and erosion are unclear. The objective of this study was to quantify the impact of different plant populations on residue cover to elucidate the effects of residue cover on runoff and erosion. The residue management system involved shredding of corn (maize) biomass after harvest, incorporating the residue in the spring, and leaving the land fallow until it was no-till planted the following spring. Runoff and soil losses were measured on 18 runoff plots with plots arranged in two areas with each having three randomized treatments (0%, 50%, and 100% plant population) with three replications. The two areas were managed as a fallow/no-till corn rotation in two cycles of alternating years. Surface residue cover was highly dynamic with significant changes between cycles and seasons in response to the management practices. The annual soil losses were reduced by 47% and 54% for the 50% and 100% plant populations, respectively compared to the control. However, the annual soil loss even for the 100% plant population was still nearly seven times the tolerable soil loss limit of 7 ton ha−1. The normal erosion protection afforded by no-till practices was lost by the incorporation of residue the previous year.  相似文献   

坡耕地水土流失已成为小浪底库区生态环境和农业可持续性发展所面临的一个重大问题。通过饱和入渗和模拟降雨试验,对不同退耕利用方式(撂荒坡地、造林幼林地、林草间作、农林间作)和传统坡耕地利用方式(坡耕地翻耕休闲、坡耕地翻耕后种植玉米)入渗规律与产流、产沙特征做了研究。结果表明:(1)退耕后坡面饱和入渗率均高于传统方式,其四种方式平均饱和入渗率是传统利用方式的1.48倍;撂荒坡地的饱和入渗率最高;同一坡面,坡底饱和入渗率高于坡中、上部。(2)初始产流时间,撂荒坡地、造林幼林地、林草间作、农林间作分别比翻耕种玉米延迟26.16min、14.89min、13.48min、6.01min,两种传统方式差别不大。持续产流时间退耕方式也长于传统方式。(3)传统方式径流总量是上述四种退耕方式的2~5倍,平均产流速率明显高于退耕方式;产沙总量是退耕方式的3~50倍左右,平均产沙速度是其的1.72~9.4倍;产沙、产流总量和与产流降雨历时密切相关。  相似文献   

Despite ample literature, the influence of the individual soil properties and covers on the hydrological response of burned soils of forests has not clearly identified. A clear understanding of the surface runoff and erosion rates altered by wildfires and prescribed fires is beneficial to identify the most suitable post-fire treatment. This study has carried out a combined analysis of the hydrological response of soil and its driving factors in burned forests of Central-Eastern Spain. The pine stands of these forests were subjected to both prescribed fire and wildfire, and, in the latter case, to post-fire treatment with mulching. Moreover, simple multi-regression models are proposed to predict runoff and erosion in the experimental conditions. In the case of the prescribed burning, the fire had a limited impact on runoff and erosion compared to the unburned areas, due to the limited changes in soil parameters. In contrast, the wildfire increased many-fold the runoff and erosion rates, but the mulching reduced the hydrological response of the burned soils, particularly for the first two-three rainfalls after the fire. The increase in runoff and erosion after the wildfire was associated to the removal of the vegetation cover, soil water repellency, and ash left by fire; the changes in water infiltration played a minor role on runoff and erosion. The multi-regression models developed for the prescribed fire were accurate to predict the post-fire runoff coefficients. However, these models were less reliable for predictions of the mean erosion rates. The predictions of erosion after wildfire and mulching were excellent, while those of runoff were not satisfactory (except for the mean values). These results are useful to better understand the relations among the hydrological effects of fire on one side and the main soil properties and covers on the other side. Moreover, the proposed prediction models are useful to support the planning activities of forest managers and hydrologists towards a more effective conservation of forest soils.  相似文献   

通过室内人工模拟降雨试验,研究降雨强度、坡度及地表覆盖3因素对花岗岩红壤坡面侵蚀过程的影响.结果表明:1)起始产流时间随降雨强度和坡度的增加而有所提前,而地表覆盖能延缓起始产流时间;2)在不同降雨强度和坡度条件下,径流率从产流初期开始都快速增加,7 ~ 10 min后达到稳定,且随着降雨强度和坡度增加,径流率也显著增加;3)随着降雨强度的增大,产沙率明显增大,且降雨强度越大,坡度对产沙率的影响越明显;4)降雨强度和径流总量、产沙总量之间相关性极显著,其相关系数分别为0.892和0.799;5)地表覆盖具有良好的减沙作用,其减沙效益超过90%.  相似文献   

This study was conducted in Champagne vineyards in France, and the objectives were to compare the main cultivation practices in Champagne vineyards and to specify the conditions required for the optimum effect of inter‐row grass cover on runoff and erosion in experimental plots of 0.25 m² under simulated rainfall. Three types of ground cover were studied. In the bark‐and‐vine‐prunings plots, the runoff coefficient (RC) ranged from 1.3 to 4.0% and soil losses were <1 g/m2/h. In the bare soil (BS) plot, the highest RC of the study was found (80.0%) and soil losses reached 7.4 g/m2/h. In the grass cover plots, the RC and amount of eroded soil were highly variable: the RCs ranged from 0.4 to 77.0%, and soil losses were between less than 1 and 13.4 g/m2/h. Soil type, soil moisture, slope and agricultural practices did not account for the variability. In fact, the density of grass cover in the wheel tracks explained a portion of this variability. The lack of grass in the centre of the inter‐row allowed for a preferential flow and created an erosion line in the wheel tracks where the soil was compacted. This study showed that grass cover in a vineyard was not necessarily sufficient to reduce surface runoff and prevent soil erosion. To be effective, the grass cover must be dense enough in the wheel tracks of agricultural machinery to avoid RCs close to the RC achieved with BS.  相似文献   

The spatial distribution of interrill and rill erosion is essential for unravelling soil erosion principles and the application of soil and water conservation practices. To quantify interrill and rill erosion and their spatial development, four 30-min rainfalls at 90 mm h?1 intensity were consecutively simulated on runoff plots packed with a loess at six slopes of 10°, 15°, 20°, 25°, 30° and 35°. The soil surface was measured using the structure from motion (SfM) photogrammetry upon each simulation run, and the runoff and sediment samples were collected and measured at every 10 min. Rills did not develop until the third simulation run. During the initial two runs, the lower third section was more severely eroded than the upper and middle thirds along the slope direction, yet the interrill erosion was statistically uniform from left to right. Rills tended to emerge by both sidewalls and in the lower portion in the third run. The corresponding rill erosion increased with slope from 10° to 20° and then decreased for the slopes steeper, which was consistent with the slope trend of the sediment yield directly measured. The rills expanded substantially primarily via head retreat and to a lesser extent via sideward erosion after receiving another 30-min rainfall. Rill erosion contributed 69.3% of the total erosion loss, and shifted the critical slope corresponding to the maximum loss from 20° to 25°. These findings demonstrate the significance of rill erosion not only in total soil loss but also in its relation to slope, as well as the effectiveness of SfM photogrammetry in quantifying interrill and rill erosion.  相似文献   

利用人工模拟降雨试验,研究了0°~20°坡度下的耕作土壤施加0~10%的粉煤灰后,对土壤结构和入渗、产流、产沙的影响。研究结果表明:随农田耕作层中粉煤灰含量的增加,土壤入渗速率明显加快,含10%粉煤灰土壤的入渗速率,较对照(土壤不加粉煤灰)提高了55.34%;施加粉煤灰降低了土壤容重,增加了土壤孔隙度,含10%粉煤灰的土壤,在10°坡时的容重较对照减小了17.42%,而孔隙度提高了9.84%;坡面产流量和土壤流失量降低,含10%粉煤灰的土壤,在20°坡时的产流量仅为对照的26.87%。因此,施加10%的粉煤灰,可有效改善土壤结构和蓄水减沙,具有较高的实用价值。  相似文献   

Abstract. Jute geotextiles are widely used to stabilize steep banks and road cuttings. Jute protects bare surfaces until seeded grass becomes established, then after several years, the jute decays. To evaluate two types of jute geotextiles, eight erosion plots were established in July 1994 at the Hilton Experimental Site, Shropshire, UK. On 10 April 1995, the plots were treated as follows:
陕北坡耕地土壤侵蚀对土壤性质的影响研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
研究分析黄土高原北部坡耕地土壤侵蚀对土壤性质影响结果表明,山坡中、上部为土壤侵蚀最强烈地带,坡顶侵蚀较弱;土壤全N、碱解氮、速效钾与水蚀和耕作侵蚀间呈线性相关关系,而土壤有机质、速效磷和阳离子代换量则与水蚀和耕作侵蚀无显著相关性。  相似文献   

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