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为找出布鲁菌疫苗株S2基因组分泌性蛋白、参与生物学途径基因、细胞组件基因、分子功能基因、毒力相关因子及耐药基因,对布鲁菌疫苗株S2全基因组测序并进行Ⅲ型分泌系统效应蛋白预测、GO注释、VFDB注释、ARDB注释。全基因组测序结果表明,S2基因组大小约为3.3 Mb,杂合度和重复度较低,GC含量分布未出现异常。通过Ⅲ型分泌系统效应蛋白预测未找出S2分泌性蛋白。通过GO数据库注释,发现参与生物学途径基因有3 823个、细胞组件基因有1 949个、分子功能基因有2 585个。通过VFDB数据库注释,找出S2基因组有79个毒力相关基因,其中最大基因为8 604bp,最小基因为180bp。通过ARDB数据库注释,找出S2基因组有13个耐药基因,最大基因为3 225bp,最小基因为333bp;其中功能注释的有GL002835基因,是枯草杆菌肽类基因,此基因耐受抗微生物类药物。本研究为进一步了解布鲁菌S2基因组基本功能奠定了基础。  相似文献   

采用Illumina Hiseq和PacBio测序技术对布鲁菌A19进行全基因组测序,并进行GO注释、VFDB注释、ARDB注释、CRISPR以及基因岛预测等生物信息学分析。结果显示:A19全基因组大小为3.28 Mb,GC含量分布未见异常,含1个CRISPR和16个基因岛,通过GO数据库注释发现,参与生物学途径的基因5 311个、细胞组份基因有3 350个、分子功能基因有3 078个;通过VFDB注释发现,与毒力相关的基因82个,主要包括脂多糖(LPS)、纤连结合蛋白、virB四型分泌系统等毒力相关因子;通过ARDB数据库注释发现,与耐药相关的基因1个,该基因的表达产物通过影响焦磷酸异构酶的表达,从而产生对抗生素的耐药。本试验通过A19全基因组测序,为布鲁菌病的治疗和致病机制的研究及疫苗的开发奠定了基础。  相似文献   

布鲁氏菌病(布病)是由布鲁氏菌引起的一种重要的人畜共患病,对公共卫生有着巨大的威胁。布鲁氏菌Rev.1疫苗研制于上世纪50年代中期,并在欧洲、中东和蒙古等地区被广泛应用于小反刍动物布病的防控,一度被认为是防控小反刍动物布病最为有效的疫苗。但是,由于Rev.1疫苗存在毒力偏强及毒力不稳定等现象,其安全性仍值得关注。本文主要从Rev.1疫苗背景及其菌株的生物学特性、疫苗使用情况以及存在的不足等几个方面进行阐述,以期为Rev.1疫苗的应用和布鲁氏菌相关疫苗的开发提供借鉴。  相似文献   

布氏菌病活疫苗(Rev.1株)的冻干工艺借鉴、采纳布氏菌病活疫苗(S2株)成熟的冻干工艺及菌液的配比,对冻干保护剂的选择进行了优化。我们选择蔗糖明胶保护剂和蔗糖脱脂乳保护剂,保护剂与布鲁氏菌Rev.1株菌液以16的比例混合,冻干后测定其活菌含量。结果显示,3批使用蔗糖脱脂乳保护剂的不同配比比例的冻干疫苗活菌数分别为12×10^9CFUmL、12.44×10^9CFUmL、12.65×10^9CFUmL;使用蔗糖明胶再加入终浓度约1%硫脲的不同配比比例的冻干疫苗活菌数分别为12.34×10^9CFUmL、12.62×10^9CFUmL、12.91×10^9CFUmL;使用蔗糖明胶的不同配比比例的冻干疫苗活菌数分别为12.22×10^9CFUmL、12.64×10^9CFUmL、12.8×10^9CFUmL。3种冻干保护剂对冻干疫苗的活菌含量影响无明显差异,但使用蔗糖明胶保护剂制备冻干疫苗时加入适量硫脲可适当增加冻干疫苗的耐热性,因此我们选择10%明胶、20%蔗糖冻干保护剂与菌液以1∶6配比比例混合,再加入终浓度约为1%的硫脲作为布氏菌病活疫苗(Rev.1株)的冻干工艺。  相似文献   

为建立区分猪种布鲁菌S2疫苗株接种奶牛与布鲁菌自然感染奶牛,BLAST比对分析羊种、牛种、猪种、犬种、沙林鼠种和绵羊种6种布鲁菌基因序列,发现repA-related基因是猪种布鲁菌与牛种及羊种布鲁菌的差异基因。设计引物PCR扩增获得repA-related基因片段,克隆并原核表达得到了布鲁菌repA-related融合蛋白,以repA-related蛋白建立间接ELISA检测方法。用repA-related蛋白间接ELISA检测猪种S2疫苗株接种动物血清为阳性,检测牛种和羊种布鲁菌自然感染动物血清为阴性。repA-related蛋白间接ELISA能从试管凝聚实验(SAT)及常规ELISA检测阳性的奶牛血清样本中,区分出S2疫苗接种牛与牛种布鲁菌感染牛。  相似文献   

对金黄色葡萄球菌小菌落突变株(small colony mutant strains Staphylococcus aureus,SASCVs)和CP000253.1基因组差异进行了研究,为后续研究金葡菌分泌抗药物相关物质能力提供数据支持。对一株金葡菌小菌落突变株进行全基因组测序,并与CP000253.1参考序列进行序列比较。结果显示,金葡菌SCVs的文库插入片段为350bp,测序读长为150bp,SCVs的原始数据量为551 Mb,SCVs的碱基含量分布在处理前后有所不同,通过重测序,存在单核苷酸多态性(SNP)的数量较大。金葡菌SCVs与CP000253.1参考序列之间存在明显的序列差异,该数据为研究金葡菌感染奶牛乳房炎提供了一定的序列依据。  相似文献   

为建立区分猪种布鲁菌S2疫苗株接种奶牛与布鲁菌自然感染奶牛,BLAST比对分析羊种、牛种、猪种、犬种、沙林鼠种和绵羊种6种布鲁菌基因序列,发现repA—related基因是猪种布鲁菌与牛种及羊种布鲁菌的差异基因。设计引物PCR扩增获得repA-related基因片段,克隆并原核表达得到了布鲁菌repA—related融合蛋白,以repArelated蛋白建立间接EI.IsA检测方法。用repA—related蛋白间接ELISA检测猪种s2疫苗株接种动物血清为阳性,检测牛种和羊种布鲁菌自然感染动物血清为阴性。repA—related蛋白间接EusA能从试管凝聚实验(SAT)及常规ELIsA检测阳性的奶牛血清样本中,区分出s2疫苗接种牛与牛种布鲁菌感染牛。  相似文献   

本研究以布鲁菌Rev.1株基因组为模板,扩增BAB基因序列,将其克隆至原核表达载体pET-30a(+),获得重组质粒pET-30a-BAB,对重组质粒进行原核表达,经Western blotting检测后,利用表达产物构建检测布鲁菌病的间接ELISA方法。结果表明,本试验成功克隆并表达了BAB基因,纯化表达产物经SDS-PAGE分析显示,本研究获得较纯的重组BAB蛋白;Western blotting试验表明,表达蛋白可与布鲁菌羊阳性血清发生特异性反应,具有良好的反应原性;以重组BAB蛋白作为包被抗原,建立并优化了检测BAB抗体的间接ELISA方法。确定最佳包被条件:BAB蛋白包被量0.25 μg/mL,血清稀释度为1:400;封闭液为3%猪源明胶;二抗稀释度为1:6 000;显色时间为10 min。应用建立方法对临床40份羊血清进行检测,计算得出临界值为0.607。即当待检血清的P/N ≥ 1.5,且D450 nm ≥ 0.607时,判定为阳性,当D450 nm ≤ 0.561时,判定为阴性,当0.607 < D450 nm < 0.561时,判定为疑似值,需要进行复检。与虎红平板试验和试管凝集试验比较,阳性符合率为100%,阴性符合率为71.88%,总符合率为77.5%。  相似文献   

以Cu/Zn SOD为目的基因,通过基因工程技术分别构建了组成型过表达系统pBBR-trc-sod和诱导型过表达系统pBBR-lacPtrc-sod,在布鲁菌S19疫苗株中进行了Cu/Zn SOD的过表达。同时,以大肠杆菌为宿主表达纯化的重组Cu/Zn SOD蛋白免疫家兔制备多克隆抗体,对2种过表达系统中Cu/Zn SOD蛋白的表达量进行分析。结果显示,诱导型Cu/Zn SOD过表达系统的表达量更高,且能与所制备的多抗发生特异性反应。结果表明,构建的过表达系统能够实现Cu/Zn SOD蛋白在布鲁菌S19疫苗株中过表达;同时,该试验也提示我们这种表达系统可应用于布鲁菌S19疫苗的抗原改造。  相似文献   

为评价Rev.1-ΔKan-Vir B12突变株在BALB/c鼠中的免疫保护力,以Rev.1为参照,用Rev.1-ΔKanVir B12接种BALB/c小鼠,免疫45 d后用布鲁氏菌16M强毒株攻毒,15 d后取BALB/c鼠脾脏进行克脾指数测定和病理组织学检测。结果显示:BALB/c鼠免疫攻毒15 d后,Rev.1-ΔKan-Vir B12免疫组和Rev.1免疫组的克脾指数与对照组之间有显著性差异(P0.05),而Rev.1免疫组与Rev.1-ΔKan-Vir B12免疫组之间的克脾指数差异不显著(P0.05)。结果表明,羊布鲁氏菌Rev.1-ΔKan-Vir B12突变株与其亲本Rev.1株的免疫保护性无明显差异,具备作为布鲁氏菌病标记疫苗的潜力。  相似文献   

Brucellosis vaccines are essential elements in control programs. Since first developed in the mid-1950s, the Brucella melitensis vaccine strain Rev.1 has been used worldwide and its significant value in protecting sheep and goats in endemic areas recognized. This review provides historical background on the development of the vaccine, its use and field complications arising in Israel following changes in the strain’s pathogenicity. The urgent need for resolving cases of vaccine strain excretion in the milk, horizontal transfer and a unique case of human infection has led to identification of an atypical B. melitensis biovar 1 strain that resembles strain Rev.1 in susceptibility to penicillin and dyes. An omp2 based PCR method has been developed that traced the lineage of Israeli B. melitensis biovar 1 strains. This locus serves as an epidemiological tag for the Rev.1 vaccine strain. Despite the rapid development of new approaches in the field of vaccination, it is anticipated that in the near future the Rev.1 vaccine would remain the only accepted vaccine in national control programs.  相似文献   

The proteomes of selected Brucella spp. have been extensively analyzed by utilizing current proteomic technology involving 2-DE and MALDI-MS. In Brucella melitensis, more than 500 proteins were identified. The rapid and large-scale identification of proteins in this organism was accomplished by using the annotated B. melitensis genome which is now available in the GenBank. Coupled with new and powerful tools for data analysis, differentially expressed proteins were identified and categorized into several classes. A global overview of protein expression patterns emerged, thereby facilitating the simultaneous analysis of different metabolic pathways in B. melitensis. Such a global characterization would not have been possible by using time consuming and traditional biochemical approaches. The era of post-genomic technology offers new and exciting opportunities to understand the complete biology of different Brucella species.  相似文献   

The live Brucella melitensis Rev 1 strain is considered the best vaccine available for the prophylaxis of brucellosis in small ruminants. The classically recommended exclusive vaccination of young replacement animals has failed to control brucellosis in some developed countries and is frequently inapplicable in the developing world. Accordingly, whole-flock vaccination is the only feasible alternative to control B. melitensis infection in small ruminants under the extensive management conditions characteristic of these countries. This review describes the practical problems encountered and the experience acquired over the past decade (particularly in Spain) using the Rev 1 based control strategy. The vaccination of pregnant animals with full standard doses of Rev 1 administered subcutaneously is followed by abortion in most vaccinated animals. Reducing the dose of vaccine has been suggested as a method of avoiding this problem and, accordingly, a reduced-dose vaccination strategy has been widely used and has been reported as a safe and effective method of controlling small ruminant brucellosis. However, we reviewed field and experimental results supporting the fact that as a result of the induction of abortion in pregnant animals and the low degree of immunity conferred, reduced doses of Rev 1 should not be recommended as an alternative to the full standard doses.

When tested in a mouse model, differences in residual virulence and immunogenicity have been demonstrated between the different Rev 1 vaccines produced world-wide. These differences could account for the discrepancies in safety results obtained in mass vaccination trials in different countries. The induction of abortions when vaccinating pregnant animals means that there is no entirely safe strategy for Rev 1 vaccination. Conjunctival vaccination is safer than subcutaneous vaccination but is not safe enough to be applied regardless of the pregnancy status of the animals, and should be used only under restricted conditions. For sheep, conjunctival administration of standard doses of Rev 1 during the late lambing season or during lactation is recommended as a whole-flock vaccination strategy.  相似文献   

The protection conferred by the reduced-dose Rev 1 Brucella melitensis vaccine in goats that had been immunized 5 years previously was evaluated. Sixteen goats vaccinated 5 years before with Rev 1 (1 x 10(5) cfu) and 5 non-vaccinated goats were challenged with B. melitensis 16M (4 x 10(5) cfu) using the conjunctival route. After giving birth or aborting, the goats were sacrificed and tissue samples were taken for bacteriological study. The challenge strain was recovered in 12%, of the animals from the vaccinated group, and in (80% of the control group. It is concluded, therefore that the use of reduced-dose Rev 1 protects goats vaccinated in endemic areas for at least 5 years after immunization.  相似文献   

The purpose of the test was to analyze the role of the glycosyltransferase-encoding gene WadC in affecting the intracellular survival of Brucella.Using the Brucella sheep Rev.1 genome as template,the fusion fragments of the homologous arms of the upper and lower arms of WadC gene were obtained by homologous recombination,and ligated to the vector pUC19-SacB to construct the pUC19-SacB-ΔwadC recombinant vector,which was transferred to sheep species Brucella Rev.1,constructing a ΔwadC deletion strain (Rev.1ΔwadC),testing the genetic stability of the strain Rev.1ΔwadC,comparing and analyzing the growth characteristics of the parental strain Rev.1 and the deletion strain Rev.1ΔwadC and the BMDC and RAW264.7 viability of cells.The results showed that the gene-deficient strain was successfully constructed in the experiment,and no genetic back mutation was found in 30 consecutive passages.Under the same culture conditions in vitro,the growth trend of the deleted strain Rev.1ΔwadC was similar to that of the parental strain Rev.1,and both reached logarithmic growth period at 20 h and reached plateau period at 44 h.When the BMDC cells were infected at 48 and 72 h,the intracellular survival rate was significantly lower than that of the parent strain (P<0.05).The RAW264.7 macrophage test of infected mice showed that the parent strain had no significant difference with the gene deletion strain (P>0.05).To sum up,this experiment successfully constructed and obtained a strain of Brucella WadC gene with good genetic stability.The deletion strain had similar growth trend with the parent strain under in vitro culture conditions;However,the survival ability of the deletion strain in BMDC cells was significantly weakened.This study laid a foundation for further study on the function of WadC gene of Brucella.  相似文献   

试验旨在分析糖基转移酶编码基因WadC影响布鲁氏菌胞内存活的作用。以羊种布鲁氏菌Rev.1基因组为模板,通过同源重组方法获得WadC基因上、下游同源臂融合片段,并与载体pUC19-SacB连接,构建pUC19-SacB-ΔwadC重组载体,电转至羊种布鲁氏菌Rev.1,构建ΔwadC缺失株(Rev.1ΔwadC),检测菌株Rev.1ΔwadC的遗传稳定性,比较分析亲本株Rev.1和缺失株Rev.1ΔwadC的生长特性及其在BMDC和RAW264.7细胞中的生存能力。结果显示,试验成功构建基因缺失株,连续传代30次未发现基因回复突变;在体外相同培养条件下,缺失株Rev.1ΔwadC与亲本株Rev.1生长趋势相似,均在20 h到达对数生长期,44 h进入平台期;侵染BMDC细胞48和72 h时,其胞内存活率显著低于亲本株(P<0.05);而侵染小鼠RAW264.7巨噬细胞试验显示,亲本菌株和基因缺失株无显著性差异(P>0.05)。综上所述,本试验成功构建并获得了具有良好遗传稳定性的布鲁氏菌WadC基因缺失株,该缺失株在体外培养条件下与亲本株生长趋势相似;但该缺失株在BMDC细胞内的存活能力显著变弱,为深入研究布鲁氏菌WadC基因功能奠定基础。  相似文献   

通过对布鲁菌优势抗原eryA基因进行原核表达,在获得目的蛋白的基础上建立以该蛋白为包被抗原的间接ELISA方法。构建原核表达载体pET-30a-eryA,并将其转入大肠杆菌BL21(DE3),IPTG诱导表达,镍柱亲和纯化eryA重组蛋白,SDS-PAGE 鉴定纯化蛋白,Western-Blotting检测反应原性后建立间接ELISA方法。反应条件优化后,抗原包被浓度为0.312 5 μg/mL,37 ℃包被2 h;封闭液为5%猪源明胶,37 ℃作用2 h;血清稀释度为1∶100,37 ℃作用1 h;酶标抗体稀释度为1∶8 000,37 ℃作用45 min。血清稀释度为1∶1 600时,仍然检测为阳性,证明建立的间接ELISA方法灵敏性良好;其他菌种及病毒经过特异性检测,均为阴性,证明建立的间接ELISA方法特异性良好;通过重复性检测,批间及批内变异系数均小于10%,证明建立的间接ELISA方法重复性良好。检测临床血清样品,建立的方法与试管凝集试验总符合率为95.7%,证明该方法可初步应用于临床诊断。  相似文献   

根据国外已发表的鸡传染性喉气管炎病毒(ILTV)gB基因序列,设计了一对引物并以ILTV基因组为模板,经PCR特异性扩增出ILTV疫苗株的gB基因,基因产物大小为2.62kb,与设计相符,并对其进行了序列测定。  相似文献   

通过反转录-聚合酶链反应(RT-PCR)扩增出了狂犬病无毒疫苗株(SRV9)糖蛋白(G)基因膜外主要功能区的两个片段,共约740个bp(450~1144),含有可以诱导中和抗体的两个抗原决定簇和决定毒力及与神经细胞受体结合部位的基因片段。通过平端连接将两片段克隆到pUC18的SmaI位点。采用Sanger双脱氧终止法测定cDNA片段的核苷酸序列,并推导出其氨基酸序列。将这一序列与已发表的狂犬病病毒SADB19株的相应序列通过计算机进行比较分析。结果证明两者核苷酸序列的同源性为98.6%,推导氨基酸序列的同源性为95.9%,主要抗原区内的几个重要氨基酸(如333位精氨酸等)发生了变异,糖基化位点也改变。  相似文献   

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