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The effects of mulching with perforated black plastic, in combination with fertilization and induced mycorrhizal symbioses, on the growth of loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) and yellow-poplar (Liriodendron tulipifera L.) were studied in a plantation under intensive, short rotation management. Mulching effects on soil temperature were also examined in order to assess the potential influence of this treatment on temperature-dependent processes in soils affecting tree growth. Mulching significantly increased height and stem diameter growth of both species, attributable largely to improved water relations resulting from diminished soil surface evaporation and elimination of transpirational losses from competing vegetation. Mulching effects on soil temperature were insufficient to contribute substantially to the growth response exhibited by mulched trees. Multiple applications of urea-N promoted enhanced growth in both loblolly pine and yellow-poplar, an effect accentuated by mulching, but the field performance of trees inoculated in the nursery with selected mycorrhizal fungi was poor relative to that of the other treatments investigated.  相似文献   

Dubois  Mark R.  Chappelka  Arthur H.  Robbins  Efrem  Somers  Greg  Baker  Karl 《New Forests》2000,20(2):105-118
In the southern USA oaks (Quercusspp.) are often favored by forest owners havingmultiple objectives for forest ownership as oaksprovide mast for wildlife, are consideredaesthetically pleasing, and are valuable for timberproducts. Regeneration and early seedling growth isa concern to those forest owners interested insustaining oaks as a component of their forests. Theeffects of tree shelters and herbaceous weed controlon second-year seedling survival, browse by deer andrabbits, and seedling growth of hand-plantedcherrybark oak (Quercus pagoda Raf.) wereexamined. The study was established on a cutovermixed pine-hardwood forest in Alabama. Fourtreatments were: weed control only, tree shelter only,tree shelter with weed control, and a controlconsisting of a seedling without a tree shelter orweed control. No significant difference in seedlingsurvival was found among the treatments after twoyears. Tree shelters were effective in preventingbrowsing. No seedlings in the tree-shelter-onlytreatment were browsed. There was no significant,difference, however, in the percentage of seedlingsbrowsed between the control treatment and the weedcontrol treatment. The use of tree shelters with weedcontrol was the most effective treatment for promoting2-year ground-line diameter, height, and stem volumegrowth.  相似文献   

The survival and growth of Quercus germana Schltdl. & Cham., Q. xalapensis Humb. & Bonpl. and Magnolia dealbata Zucc. was evaluated in three treatments: (1) under the canopy of Pinus maximinoi H.E. Moore; (2) under the canopy of Liquidambar macrophylla Oersted, and (3) in open areas. The following hypothesis was presented: P. maximinoi and L. macrophylla canopy facilitate the establishment of Quercus germana, Q. xalapensis, and Magnolia dealbata. After one year, the survival of seedlings and the growth rate in height and basal diameter were significantly different between treatments and species (p < 0.05). The results suggest a facilitation establishment of Magnolia dealbata under the canopy of Pinus and Liquidambar, whereas the tolerance was observed for Quercus germana and Q. xalapensis. The results will allow to identify restoration strategies of the mountain cloud forest in Mexico.Resumen. Se evaluó la supervivencia y crecimiento de Quercus germana, Q. xalapensis y Magnolia dealbata, en tres tratamientos; (1) bajo el dosel de Pinus maximinoi, (2) bajo el dosel de Liquidambar macrophylla y (3) en áreas abiertas. La hipótesis planteada fue; la cobertura de P. maximinoi y L. macrophylla facilitan el establecimiento de Quercus germana, Q. xalapensis y Magnolia dealbata. Después de un año, la sobrevivencia de plántulas, y las tasas de crecimiento en altura y diámetro de la base, fueron significativamente diferentes entre tratamientos y especies (p < 0.05). Los resultados sugieren que el establecimiento de Magnolia dealbata es facilitado bajo el dosel de Pinus y Liquidambar, mientras que para Quercus germana y Q. xalapensis se observó tolerancia. Los resultados permitirán identificar estrategias de rehabilitación del bosque mesófilo de montaña en México.  相似文献   

Cherrybark oak (Quercus pagoda Raf.) stump sprouts were studied for 5 years in a 30-year-old plantation thinned to 70–75% stocking (light thinning) and 45–50% stocking (heavy thinning). Sprouting success, survival, number of sprouts per stump, and sprout height differed little between thinning treatments throughout the 5-year study period. Pre-harvest tree d.b.h. also had no influence on sprout survival and development. A 2-year drought reduced survival and may have influenced sprout development. Sprout clump survival dropped from 90% 1 year following thinning to 46% 3 years after thinning. Although sprout height averaged 337 cm 5 years after thinning, annual sprout growth decreased from 166 cm the first year after thinning to 33 cm in each of the last 2 growing seasons. Results indicated that bottomland hardwood regeneration evaluation models may underestimate the potential of oak stump sprouts to contribute to pre-harvest regeneration assessments. Further study in the role of stump sprouts to regenerate bottomland oak species is needed. The U.S. Government's right to retain a non-exclusive, royalty-free license in and to any copyright is acknowledged  相似文献   

We surveyed the germination number (N cs) of 2-year and a 1-year survival of Abies sachalinensis and Picea jezoensis seedlings and saplings on 29 fallen logs from 2004 to 2005 in a natural coniferous forest in Hokkaido, northern Japan, in relation to the surface and light conditions of fallen logs. Moss height (H moss), log hardness (Hardness), and the area of fallen log (Area) were measured as the surface conditions by each 1-m block from bottom to top of all fallen logs. The relative photosynthetic photon flux density (rPPFD) 10 cm above the tallest seedling in each block was measured as the light condition. In addition, the height of the tallest seedling or sapling in each block (H max), the difference between a height of each seedling and sapling and the H max (Shading), and a height of seedlings and saplings in 2004 (H ini) were considered. N cs of A. sachalinensis was affected by Hardness and Area, whereas N cs of P. jezoensis was affected by H moss, Hardness, Area, H max, and rPPFD. The survival of seedlings (height < 5 cm) and saplings (5 cm ≤ height < 50 cm) were affected by H ini, rPPFD, and shading for both species. However, the survival of P. jezoensis saplings was more sensitive to decrease in rPPFD and increase of shading than that of A. sachalinensis. Therefore, seedling emergence was influenced by surface conditions, whereas survival was affected by light conditions. Furthermore, P. jezoensis emergence and survival were more sensitive to surface and light conditions than that of A. sachalinensis.  相似文献   

The cutting seedlings ofLiriodendron chinense xtulipifera were treated with the different concentrations of auxin (treatment1: IBA of 50 g·kg−1+NAA of 300 g·kg−1; treatment2; IBA of 100 g·kg−1+NAA of 300 g·kg−1). The biomass nutrient element contents for different organs (root, stem, leaf) of cutting seedling ofLiriodendron chinense xtulipifera were measured by the dry method, Kjeldahl method and Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy method. The result showed that the biomass of root, stem, and leaf of the cutting seedling treated with auxin was all remarkably increased. The contents of element C in root, stem and leaf had no significant difference between the control and auxin treatments, while the contents of N, P, K and Ca in stem were much lower than that in leaf and root. Variance analysis showed that for the same organ with different concentration treatment of auxin, the four nutrient elements (N, P, K, and Ca) had no significant difference in contents, while there existed significant or very significant difference in contents of the four nutrient elements in different organs with the same concentration auxin treatment. The N, P, K and Ca contents were very low in cutting seedlings; as a result, additional fertilizer should be applied to the seedlings when they were planted in the field. Foundation item: This paper was supported by Jiangsu Province Science Foundation (BE96350). Biography: ZHANG Xiao-ping, (1972-), female, Ph. Doctor in Nanjing Forestry University. Nanjing 210037, P. R. China. Responsible editor: Zhu Hong  相似文献   

Greenhouse-grown Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii var.glauca [Beissn.] Franco) seedlings with roots infected with eitherFusarium oxysporum Schlect. orFusarium proliferatum (Matsushima) Nirenberg were outplanted on a forest site in northern Idaho, U.S.A. No residentFusarium populations were detected in the forest soil.Fusarium persisted the first four years on roots initiated during the greenhouse phase, but occurred sparingly or was absent on roots that grew after outplanting. Height growth was unaffected, and mortality was not often associated withFusarium. A seasonal pattern ofFusarium activity was observed. Low levels (10–40%) of initial root infection apparently have little adverse effect on outplanting performance of Douglas-fir seedlings.University of Idaho, Idaho Forest, Wildlife and Range Experiment Station Contribution No. 640.  相似文献   

To clarify the biosynthesis of syringyl lignans and lignan formation by stereoselective coupling of monolignols, formation of (+)-syringaresinol and (+)-pinoresinol inLiriodendron tulipifera were investigated by means of feeding experiments. Following individual administration ofl-[U-14C]phenylalanine and [8-14C]sinapyl alcohol to excised shoots ofL. tulipifera and their subsequent metabolism for 3h, free [14C] lignans and [14C] lignan glucosides were extracted from both of the stems and leaves with methanol and divided into an ether fraction and an aqueous one, respectively. The glucosides were hydrolyzed by a combination of cellulase and-glucosidase to liberate [14C]lignans as aglycones.l-[U-14C]Phenylalanine was incorporated into free (+)-[14C]syringaresinol and its glucosides; the (+)-[14C]syringaresinols in the stems and leaves had 52% enantiomeric excess (% e.e.) and 42% e.e., respectively; and the (+)-[14C]syringaresinol aglycones from the glucosides in the stems and leaves had 20% e.e. and 22% e.e., respectively. Furthermore, [8-14C]sinapyl alcohol was incorporated into (+)-[14C]syringaresinol and its glucosides in the stems. These results suggest that the (+)-enantiomer of syringaresinol was enantioselectively formed from two molecules of sinapyl alcohol inL. tulipifera followed by transformation into the (+)-syringaresinol glucosides, accompanying the formation of racemic syringaresinol by nonselective coupling and the subsequent transformation of the racemate into their glucosides.l-[U-14C]Phenylalanine was incorporated also into free (+)-[14C]pinoresinol and its glucosides with 12%–42% e.e.Part of this paper was presented at the 47th Annual Meeting of the Japan Wood Research Society, Kochi, April 1997  相似文献   

Cryopreservation has become anessential tool for operational application offorest tree embryogenic cultures, due to thelong evaluation periods needed for treesregenerated from these cultures. Fiveyellow-poplar (Liriodendron tulipifera)and seven sweetgum (Liquidambar spp.)embryogenic culture lines werestored in liquid nitrogen for 48 hours, afterwhich they were thawed and tested for regrowthand ability to produce somatic seedlings.Combinations of two sorbitol pretreatments andthree dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) cryoprotectantlevels were evaluated for their impact onrecovery following cryogenic storage. The bestresults were obtained with 0.4 M sorbitol and5% DMSO, which provided 100% recovery.Somatic seedlings were regenerated from allculture lines and treatments, except for atransgenic sweetgum line.  相似文献   

Success of plantation establishment depends on the ability of seedlings to withstand animal browsing and competition from vegetation. This study in northwestern Tunisia examined the influence of browsing protection and vegetation control on seedling mortality, diameter, and height growth components of an evergreen sclerophyllous oak species, cork oak (Quercus suber L.) for the first 2 years after planting (2005 and 2006). Browsing protection was controlled by varying both treeshelter type (non-vented, vented, and control) and height (1.2-m and 1.8-m tall). Competing vegetation was controlled through increasing sizes of square-shaped black polyethylene mulch sheets: 0 m, 0.7 m, 1 m and 1.3 m large. Seedling mortality rate was relatively low during the first year (9%) and was not affected by any of the studied factors. During the following year, mortality was lower for seedlings in both types (non-vented and vented) of 1.2-m tall treeshelters than for unsheltered ones. Mortality was only slightly higher for 1.8-m tall shelters than for 1.2-m shelters. Compared to unsheltered seedlings, basal diameter was reduced during both seasons for seedlings inside non-vented treeshelters (1.2-m and 1.8-m tall), whereas for vented shelters it was reduced during the first year and then increased during the second year. Height growth was positively affected by tree shelters during both years. Seedlings inside non-vented 1.8-m tall shelters were the tallest having an average height of up to 140 cm at the end of the second year, while the unsheltered seedlings had only an average height of up to 42 cm. The greater height of the sheltered seedlings was attributed to the increase of: (1) the number of shoot flushes yearly established on the main stem (up to three), and (2) the length of all the growth units produced during each flush. Seedlings inside vented shelters had balanced growth with a low proportion of seedlings unable to support themselves without a stake (7%). However, non-vented shelters had unbalanced height and diameter growths resulting in both a higher height-to-diameter ratio and in a higher proportion of seedlings having stability problems (47%). Polyethylene mulch sheets did not affect early survival, seedling basal diameter, or number of shoot flushes established yearly, but did slightly improve seedling height at the end of the second season, mostly due to the significant improvement in shoot elongation of the first flush. Results suggest that both 1.8 m treeshelters and plastic mulches may enhance the growth of cork oak seedlings planted on harsh sites in northwestern Tunisia.  相似文献   

北美鹅掌楸人工林生长规律及早期选择可行性探究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
[目的]北美鹅掌楸为优良的珍贵用材树种,研究其生长发育规律及生长性状早晚期相关对于北美鹅掌楸人工林高效培育有重要的指导意义。[方法]本文利用树干解析的方法对江苏句容24年生的北美鹅掌楸人工林生长规律研究,并在此基础上进行胸径、树高和材积性状的年年相关分析以及早期选择效率评价。[结果]研究结果表明:北美鹅掌楸胸径、树高从6 a进入快速生长期,持续到17 a,而材积则在1 10 a增长缓慢,12 a后进入速生期,生长速率在20 a达到最大,22 a后逐渐降低,林分接近数量成熟。生长性状的年年相关及早期选择效率分析结果表明:胸径、树高在6 a与18 a显著相关,材积在6 a与16 a达到显著相关,且此时选择效率最高;若以24 a为伐期年龄早晚相关分析,胸径、材积在16 a与24 a生长量达到显著相关水平,而树高则为14 a。[结论]北美鹅掌楸胸径、树高早期增速较快,进入中壮龄阶段竞争加剧,个体间分化增大。随着林分年龄的增长,研究获得的早期选择年龄也相应地延迟。从加速育种角度,在6 a进行早期选择较为合理,而在培育大径材北美鹅掌楸方面可以16 a之后再进行疏伐选择。  相似文献   

The effect of warm storage (15°C) for 0, 15 or 31 days, applied after cold storage until April, and date of lifting to cold storage on the physiological condition and field performance of two-year-old oak seedlings (Quercus robur L.) was investigated. Assessments before planting included plant moisture status, root and shoot dry weight, root growth potential (RGP), while after planting root growth, shoot growth phenology, shoot and root dry matter accumulation and stem quality were assessed. Warm storage effects were large, but lift date effects were small. Warm storage for 31 days reduced height and diameter growth, stem quality, total biomass, root growth, and reduced stem quality in the field, but 15 days storage had a smaller effect. Warm storage delayed bud break and shoot growth cessation but survival was unaffected. The depletion of food reserves during storage and low moisture availability might have caused shoot dieback leading to the development of poor quality stems. There was evidence that dry weight fraction of both the shoot tip and the taproot provided good information on the quality of the stock before planting. RGP was also a good indicator of quality. Electrolyte leakage readings from fine and taproots were not reliable indicators of plant quality.  相似文献   

We investigated structural and compositional characteristics of an old-growth subalpine forest in central Japan, to ascertain forest dynamics and species coexistence. The forest appeared to have been fairly-undisturbed, at least during several recent decades, judging from the maximum occupancy of space by living canopy trees and an unchanged canopy structure between pre- and post-mortality phase. This stable forest showed minimum-scale dynamics that occurred primarily at a single-tree scale. Within this forest, the dominant species were Abies mariesii, A. veitchii and Picea jezoensis var. hondoensis. The two Abies species were abundant and showed advance regeneration, resulting from their high shade-tolerance. On the other hand, Picea showed the greatest basal area, in spite of its lower density. Picea showed steeper initial height-diameter allometric slopes, suggesting that its understorey saplings could increase height more rapidly under sunny conditions. Picea regenerates, given the opportunity of larger disturbances, as approximately even-aged cohorts, and then escapes competition from other shade-tolerant species by attaining the uppermost part of the canopy, resulting from rapid height growth of sapling, longer longevity and emergent attainable height. However, beneath the undisturbed canopy of this forest, in spite of its many seedlings, Picea entirely lacked regenerating individuals, suggesting that its regeneration is in a fairly-limited stage. This suggests that within the undisturbed forest, a demographic trait of Picea, in which the lower mortality of its canopy trees can compensate for its lower recruitment, is not enough to explain its stable coexistence with shade-tolerant Abies spp. Thus, not only the demographic trait, but also the spatial/temporal disturbance magnitude is important for an explanation of the coexistence of Picea with Abies. Consequently, it seems that not only equilibrium process, such as species differences in life-history traits, but also non-equilibrium process, such as disturbances, is crucial for their coexistence in this subalpine forest in central Japan.  相似文献   

This study focuses on the problem of irregular diameter structure in a silver fir–beech selection (plenter) forest with a “surplus” of large diameter trees and a lack of natural regeneration and small diameter trees. We sampled 274 plots (900 m2 each) in the Belevine research site (266.24 ha) in the mountain region Gorski Kotar (Croatia), where diameter (dbh) distribution, diameter increment, and natural regeneration were analyzed in detail. A low density of natural regeneration, weak annual recruitment of small (10 cm dbh) diameter trees (only five trees per hectare), delayed diameter growth of trees, and a low annual rate of trees reaching the next dbh class were attributed to the current irregular dbh structure. The stand development prediction for the next 50 years is based on a simulation model, which considers the current diameter structure, increment, recruitment, and future cutting regime. Intensive cutting in the first of five 10-year cutting cycles (intensity higher of 25%) is needed to initiate natural regeneration and to accelerate growth of young silver fir trees. In the next 50 years, the irregular diameter structure will be gradually improved.  相似文献   

Dwarf bamboo, Pleioblastus chino, grows extensively in abandoned coppice woodlands on the Kanto Plain in central Japan and suppresses other understory plants. In order to clarify the factors determining the growth of P. chino, we considered the effect of light conditions under a coppice canopy and examined its relationship with slope aspect, slope angle, and basal area of the trees. The relative photon flux density under the canopy was highly correlated with canopy coverage (R 2 = 0.97). The light conditions under the canopy were almost the same at all sites in the summer leafy season regardless of the stand type, while they were remarkably different among the sites and depended on the basal area of evergreen trees in the winter leafless season. The biomass of P. chino on the forest floor was described by the equation: y = 3.18 x 1 – 0.05 x 2 + 3.11 (R 2 = 0.77, P < 0.01), where y is the log-transformed value of P. chino biomass (gdrymassm–2), x 1 is cos at solar noon at the winter solstice, and x 2 is the canopy coverage during the winter leafless season. is the angle between the suns rays and the normal to the surface and changes with slope aspect and angle. We concluded that light conditions under the canopy in the leafless season had a great effect on P. chino biomass, and that the basal area of evergreen trees and slope characteristics can provide useful guidelines in the control and management of P. chino.  相似文献   

The relationship between the recovery of canopy trees after fire and root collar sprout dynamics was investigated during 1998–2000 in a secondary cool-temperate broad-leaved forest consisting of Quercus mongolica var. grosseserrata and Betula platyphylla var. japonica trees, in northern Hokkaido, Japan, which burned in April 1998. All of the Betula trees that were severely damaged, two-thirds of those slightly damaged, and half of those intact in 1998, died within three growing seasons after the fire. By contrast, half of the Quercus trees that were slightly damaged and half of those severely damaged recovered their foliage, and no slightly damaged or intact trees died during the three growing seasons after the fire. Many Betula trees developed several fruiting bodies of wood-destroying fungi on their stems, irrespective of damage severity. Fungi also infected some of the surviving Quercus, although the crowns tended to recover. Although many sprouting Betula were observed in 1998, the number of sprouts declined rapidly over the study period. Multiple regression analyses showed that the survival and growth of Betula sprouts were positively influenced by the number of sprouts in 1998, damage severity in 1998, and the degree of recover or decline during the study period, and were negatively influenced by parent tree size. On the other hand, a few sprouts of Quercus remained alive. Quercus remained dominant and the dominance of Betula was rapidly reduced after the fire. However, many Betula sprouts remained alive. Stand structure will change drastically for the time being.  相似文献   

In natural plant populations, leaf polyphenols show high intraspecific variation that occurs both temporally and spatially. Leaf phenolics may be induced by diverse ecological factors such as light, nitrogen availability or herbivory attack. Both light and nitrogen availability can show spatial structure in forested stands, meaning that they each have a high degree of autocorrelation, which can determine the appearance of spatial structure in leaf polyphenols. However, the availability of these resources may be drastically changed by forest disturbance, and little is known about the effect of forest disturbance on the spatial pattern and scale of leaf secondary compounds. We hypothesise that the spatial structure of leaf polyphenols in understory vegetation will disappear due to forest harvesting, because these compounds depend on light availability, yet it will remain unaltered for those compounds that either depend on the availability of other resources or are under major genetic control. The study was performed in young pedunculate oak (Quercus robur) populations growing either under a pine canopy (Pinus pinaster) stand or in a pine harvested stand in NW Spain. The spatial structures of green and senescent leaf polyphenols, tannins, non-tannin polyphenols and nitrogen were analysed in both stands using geostatistical analysis. The spatial structures observed for green and senescent leaf polyphenols and tannins in the forested stand disappeared in the harvested stand. However, non-tannin polyphenols, as well as nitrogen, showed spatial structure in both stands. Understanding these changes may be important for the successful recovery of native oak populations growing under pine forests in NW Spain, one of the priorities of the local government. Our results showed that changes in the concentration of leaf secondary compounds after disturbance may be accompanied by differences in their spatial properties, which may have important consequences for ecosystem function.  相似文献   

Survival and growth of planted white spruce was assessed under partial harvest treatments and different site preparation techniques in mixedwood forests of two compositions prior to logging: deciduous dominated (d-dom) – primarily comprised of mature trembling aspen (Populus tremuloides Michx.) and coniferous dominated (c-dom) – primarily comprised of mature white spruce (Picea glauca (Moench) Voss). Levels of overstory retention were 0% (clearcut), 50% and 75% of original basal area, and site preparation techniques were inverted mounding, high speed mixing, scalping and control (no treatment). The survival and growth of white spruce were assessed seven years after planting. The experiment was established as a part of the Ecosystem Management Emulating Natural Disturbance (EMEND) experiment located in northern Alberta, Canada. In the c-dom, the 50% and 75% retention of overstory resulted in reduced growth and survival of white spruce seedlings compared to clearcuts. In contrast, in the d-dom, the seedlings performed best in sites that had 50% of the overstory retained. For the c-dom, the mounding and mixing treatments yielded the best growth of spruce seedlings, while scalping yielded the worst. In the d-dom, spruce growth was highest in sites with the mixing treatment. In the d-dom, growth and survival of the planted spruce was greater than in the c-dom. The natural regeneration of deciduous trees was suppressed by the retention of canopy regardless of original composition.  相似文献   

Cortes  Pilar  Espelta  Josep Maria  Savé  Robert  Biel  Carme 《New Forests》2004,28(1):79-88
The use of an enriched CO2 atmosphere in tree nurseries has been envisaged as a promising technique to increase productivity and to obtain seedlings with a higher root/shoot ratio, an essential trait to respond to water stress in Mediterranean-type ecosystems. In that framework, we have analyzed the effects of three levels of atmospheric CO2 concentration (350, 500 and 700ppm) on the germination rate, growth and morphology of seedlings of two Mediterranean oaks used in reforestation programs: the evergreen Quercus ilex L. and the deciduous Quercus cerrioides Wilk. et Costa. CO2 enrichment increased the germination rate of Q. cerrioides (from 70±7 to 81±3%) while it decreased that of Q. ilex (from 71±10 to 41±12%). Seedlings of both species increased approximately 60% their total biomass in response to CO2 enrichment but at two different CO2 concentrations: 500ppm for Q. cerrioides and 700ppm for Q. ilex. This increase in seedlings biomass was entirely due to an augmentation of root biomass. Considering germination and biomass partitioning, an enriched CO2 atmosphere might not be appropriate for growing Mediterranean evergreen oaks, such as Q. ilex, since it reduces acorn germination and the only gains in root biomass occur at a high concentration (700ppm). On the other hand, a moderate CO2 enrichment (500ppm) appears as a promising nursery technique to stimulate the germination, growth and root/shoot ratio of deciduous oaks, such as Q. cerrioides.  相似文献   

Forest grazing has been recognised as being a useful tool in fire-risk reduction, in addition to having the potential to preserve or enhance forest biodiversity if managed correctly. Concern for natural regeneration of forest trees in Europe has also prompted interest in the effects of large herbivores on seedling and sapling growth and mortality. An investigation was carried out into sapling damage and density of natural regeneration of oak (Quercus robur) in a mature, pony-grazed, Pinus radiata forest in Galicia, NW Spain under two different grazing regimes (continuous and rotational). In all treatments significantly more oak seedlings and saplings were recorded in areas of grass sward than areas dominated by taller ground flora species. Damage to oak saplings was assessed from the form (height and canopy) relative to stem diameter. The height and average canopy diameter of similar-aged saplings were found to be significantly greater in ungrazed (control) than both continuous and rotationally grazed treatments. Height and canopy diameters of similar-aged oak were not significantly different between the two grazing treatments. Significant differences were observed in tree form, with unbrowsed saplings having the greatest height to canopy width ratio and those in the continuously browsed plots having the smallest. An obvious decrease in the goodness of fit (R2) of regression analyses were found in continuously grazed areas compared to rotational and control plots for both height and canopy data. The differences in damage observed were not significantly different enough to suggest one method of grazing over the other as being better for minimising sapling damage. Management requirements are more likely to dictate grazing regime. Overall, stock density is likely to have a more significant effect on damage than stocking system.  相似文献   

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