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Nassau groupers Epinephelus striatus held in a 37-m3 concrete raceway were conditioned to spawn 3 mo later than in their home waters. After being held in the raceway for 15 mo, four female and two male groupers spawned voluntarily over a 4-d period in March 1994, producing 10.3 million eggs. By December 1994, two females had been removed. During March 1995, one of the remaining two females spawned on three consecutive days (60 cm TL, 1,172,000 eggs) and the other only on the third day (47 cm TL, 488,000 eggs). In April 1995, three females (including one held in isolation for 6 mo, then replaced 6 d before the first spawn) produced more than 9.8 million eggs in 4 d. The isolated female spawned 8 d after being placed in a cage in the raceway and 4 d after release in the raceway.
Individual females spawned as many as nine times a day for 1–4 d. Spawning occurred from 3.5 d before until 8.5 d after the full moon. A 30-d interval elapsed between March and April 1995 spawning periods. Fertilization was in the range 83–100% and hatching 90–100%. Spawns occurred in a temperature range of 23.1–27.9 C; however, based on spawning frequency and volume and on egg development, 24–27 C seems most suitable. These results and other evidence support the view that Nassau groupers can be conditioned to spawn any month of the year, mainly by manipulating temperature.  相似文献   

A high percentage (98.3%, N = 60) of the marbled grouper Epinephelus microdon individuals captured from spawning aggregations during July and August 1993 in the waters surrounding the island of Koror, Republic of Palau, Micronesia, were in the stage of maturity at which final maturation and spawning could be hormonally induced. The sex ratio of the captured fish was highly skewed towards males (4 male:1 female). Sexually immature females comprised the smallest size class, (<0.6 kg body weight (BW) or 33.0 cm total length (TL)), while sexually mature females were restricted to the 0.6–1.5 kg BW (33.0–46.4 cm TL) groups. Males predominated in size classes >0.6 kg BW, and individuals >1.5 kg BW (46.4 cm TL) were exclusively male. All females with oocytes that averaged ( N = 50) >400 μm in diameter were successfully induced to spawn by a two-injection protocol using human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) at total dosages of 2,100–3,200 IU/kg fish. All males used in the spawning trials were administered a single injection of HCG at dosages of 500 or 1,000 IU/kg fish. Fecundity ranged between 7.96 × 105−1.24 × 106kg BW, average spawned egg diameters ranged between 769–832 μm, percent fertilization ranged between 32.6%–99.9%, and hatching percentages were >90.0%. Total fat content of eggs obtained from a pooled spawning event was 14.1 mg/100 mg dry weight. The data indicate that HCG is a suitable treatment for the induction of spawning in marbled grouper females that possess a mean oocyte diameter of 400 μm or greater.  相似文献   

Two 10-day hatchery experiments were conducted to evaluate s-type (Hawaiian strain) and ss-type (Thailand strain) rotifers Brachionus plicatilis and cryogenically preserved oyster Crassostrea gigas trochophores as first feeds for larval Nassau grouper Epinephelus striatus. Newly hatched grouper larvae were reared at densities of 11.2–20.8/L in 500-L tanks at 36–38 ppt salinity, 25–26 C, and under a 11-h light: 13-h dark photoperiod. Beginning on day 2 posthatching (d2ph), prey were maintained at a density of 20 individuals/mL, while phytoplankton (Nanochloropsis oculata) was maintained at 500 × 103 cells/mL. In experiment 1, survival and growth were higher (P < 0.05) for fish fed small s-type rotifers (mean lorica length = 117 μm; fish survival = 7.96%) selected by sieving than for fish fed non-selected rotifers (mean lorica length = 161 μm; fish survival = 2.13%). These results demonstrated the advantage of small prey size and suggested that super-small (ss-type) rotifer strains would be beneficial. In experiment 2, three feeding regimens were compared: 1) ss-type rotifers (mean lorica length = 147 μm); 2) oyster trochophores (mean diameter = 50 μm) gradually replaced by ss-type rotifers from d5ph; and 3) a mixed-prey teatment of 50% oyster trochophores and 50% ss-type rotifers. Survival was higher (P < 0.05) for larvae fed mixed prey (15.6%) than for those fed rotifers (9.73%) or trochophores and rotifers in sequence (2.55%), which also showed the slowest growth. Oyster trochophores, although inadequate when used exclusively, enhanced survival when used in combination with rotifers, possibly by improving size selectivity and dietary quality. In a pilot-scale trial, larvae were cultured through metamorphosis in two 33.8-m3 outdoor tanks. Fertilized eggs were stocked at a density of 10 eggs/L and larvae were fed ss-type rotifers from d2ph-d20ph, newly hatched Artemia from d15ph-d18ph, 1-d-old Artemia nauplii from d18ph-d62ph. Survival on d62ph was 1.17%, with a total of 5,651 post-metamorphic juveniles produced.  相似文献   


An experiment was investigated to evaluate the effects of different doses of a new spawning agent Ovatide on induced spawning of striped snakehead, Channa striatus. Nine matured females with swollen abdomen and 18 male fishes with body weights ranging from 750 to 900 g, were randomly assigned to three treatment groups. Fishes in each group were administered 0.2, 0.4, and 0.6 mL of Ovatide/kg body weight, respectively. Each breeding set consists of two males and one female. Partial spawning response was observed when the fishes were administered with 0.2 mL/kg BW of Ovatide. Complete spawning was noticed in the medium (0.4 mL/kg BW) and higher (0.6 mL/kg BW) dose administered groups. The latency period and number of eggs spawned ranged from 23 to 27 hours and 1,764 to 7,096, respectively. No significant difference (P > 0.05) was noticed in the fertilization and hatching rate between the medium and higher doses of Ovatide tested. Thus, C. striatus could be successfully induced to spawn using a synthetic gonadotropin-releasing hormone with a dopamine antagonist at the dose of 0.4 mL/kg BW under captive conditions at 29 ± 1.5°C.  相似文献   

龙胆石斑鱼养殖技术初步研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
引进3~5cm龙胆石斑鱼鱼苗820尾,在室内水泥池进行养殖试验,冬天加热保温至约19℃,采用中西药结合的方法防治鱼病,经过1年的饲养,成活率56%,平均体重483g 尾。  相似文献   

褐点石斑鱼的核型研究   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8  
采用胸腔活体注射PHA和秋水仙素溶液,取头肾细胞,低渗处理,空气干燥法制片,对染色体进行G iem sa染色来研究褐点石斑鱼的核型。试验结果表明,禢点石斑鱼的核型为2n=48,2 sm 46 t,NF=50;其核型特点符合典型的高位类群鱼类核型特征。  相似文献   

石斑鱼性逆转研究现状   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
邢晨光  金珊  袁思平 《水产科学》2006,25(4):214-216
石斑鱼(Epinephelus)广泛分布于热带、亚热带暖水海域,为暖水性礁栖鱼类[1]。世界上有100余种,我国已记录的有45种,从浙江到海南岛、北部湾直至南沙群岛的海域均有分布[2-4]。本属鱼肉质细嫩,味道鲜美,是名贵的海水经济鱼类。近几年来,由于自然海区钓捕过度,石斑鱼资源严重衰退  相似文献   

介绍了玛拉巴石斑鱼从亲鱼培育到幼鱼出池的人工繁殖及苗种培育技术。讨论了人工繁殖和苗种培育过程中影响仔、稚、幼鱼成活率的三个主要因素,并提出了相应的预防措施。  相似文献   

六带石斑鱼染色体核型和银染研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以六带石斑鱼为材料,利用腹腔注射法体内注射植物血球凝集素和秋水仙碱获得大量处于分裂中期的头肾细胞,头肾细胞经低渗处理、卡诺氏液固定后,常规自然晾干法制作成染色体标本后,进行染色体核型分析和银染研究。结果显示,六带石斑鱼的二倍体染色体数目为2n=48,核型为2n=2st+46t,NF=48;Ag-NORs仅有一对位于第24对染色体即亚端部着丝点染色体的短臂上。  相似文献   

斜带石斑鱼溶藻弧菌病的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
从患病的斜带石斑鱼肝和肾组织分离的两株病原菌,进行纯化培养、人工感染、VITEK-AMS-32自动微生物分析鉴定及药敏试验,经形态和生理生化测定,确定为溶藻弧菌(Vibrioalginolyticus)。组织病理变化主要表现为鳃、肝和肾细胞变性、坏死,病变组织炎性细胞浸润,呈变质性炎症。  相似文献   

The ability of marine goliath grouper to survive in waters of low salinity was investigated by collecting juvenile individuals from the wild in full-strength seawater and either transferring them directly to fresh water or acclimating them over a 96-h period to fresh water. Juvenile goliath grouper (n = 49; mean 23.4 cm SL; SD 4.1; mean 339.1 g; SD 89.3) tolerated transfers from seawater (30 ppt) to freshwater (<1 ppt), and survived thereafter for a period of 28 d in strictly fresh water, with no observed adverse effects. However, the salinity tolerance was influenced by rate of exposure, as no deaths were observed when the fish were given a gradual decrease in salinity, but 60% of the individuals died when transferred abruptly from seawater into fresh water.  相似文献   

赤点石斑鱼的普通变形菌病原学研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对2002年7~9月在广东省阳西县发生大规模死亡的赤点石斑鱼进行病原学研究,现场调查发现养殖赤点石斑鱼平均死亡率高达80%,病鱼的体征为鱼体体表有轻度溃疡,明显的腹部膨胀。解剖发现内脏严重病变,肠坏死,有少量腹水。组织切片观察发现病鱼的心、肝、肠、脾脏中存在大量的细菌,菌体呈现弥漫分布,透亮,个体为球状或短杆状。从以上器官及血液分离到3个优势菌株,分别通过肌肉注射的方法感染健康赤点石斑鱼,筛选出其中毒力较强的1株。用法国梅里埃公司的API20E试剂盒,结合专用电脑软件进行鉴定,确定为普通变形菌(Proteusvulgaris)。用该菌株配制成梯度浓度的菌悬液,再次用肌肉注射的方法对健康赤点石斑鱼进行感染试验,得到其LD50为6.7×104cfu/ml,证实了普通变形菌对赤点石斑鱼具有强毒性,可能是引起这次大规模死亡的致病菌。  相似文献   

Apparent digestibility coefficients (ADC) of dry matter, crude protein, lipid, gross energy, amino acids, and fatty acids in white fish meal, brown fish meal, soybean meal, peanut meal, and yeast were determined for grouper Epinephelus coioides. Apparent digestibility was determined using a reference diet with 0.5% chromic oxide indicator and test diets that contained 70% reference diet and 30% of the feed ingredient being evaluated. The fish, averaging 12.0 g, were held in 250-L tanks at a density of 30 fish per tank. Feces were collected from three replicate groups-of fish. Apparent dry matter digestibility of ingredients was 78.85 ± 2.43, 79.11 ± 0.61, 69.85 ± 3.60, 73.67 ± 2.30 and 57.70 ± 4.69% for white fish meal, brown fish meal, soybean meal, peanut meal, and yeast, respectively. Apparent gross energy digestibility of ingredients was 93.27 ± 2.90, 89.48 ± 1.78, 70.52 ± 4.01, 73.13 ± 2.41 and 51.67 ± 2.01% for white fish meal, brown fish meal, soybean meal, peanut meal, and yeast, respectively. Apparent protein digestibility of ingredients was 89.82 ± 1.24, 87.34 ± 1.25, 83.97 ± 1.92, 80.79 ± 1.95, and 61.14 ± 0.54% for white fish meal, brown fish meal, soybean meal, peanut meal, and yeast, respectively. White fish meal and brown fish meal showed higher protein digestibility among ingredients tested (P ± 0.01). Lipid digestibility of ingredients was high (90.66-94.48%) and not significantly different except for yeast. Amino acid availability values for test ingredients were similar to values of protein digestibility. Amino acid availability values of white fish meal and brown fish meal were higher than other ingredients. Fatty acid availability values for test ingredients were similar to values of lipid digestibility. In general, the digestibility of most fatty acids was over 80% in all ingredients, except for 14:0 in yeast and 18:0 in peanut meal, PUFA + HUFA > MUFA > SFA. Longer-chain saturated fatty acids were less digestibility, except for 14:0, with digestibilities diminishing as fatty acid chain length increased. Apparent digestibility of dry matter, crude protein, lipid, gross energy, amino acids, and fatty acids in yeast was the lowest among the ingredients.  相似文献   

以斜带石斑鱼受精卵为试验对象,采用药物浸泡方法,研究了盐酸吗啉胍、利巴韦林、阿昔洛韦、二溴海因、溴氯海因、三氯异氰尿酸、10%的聚维酮碘、37%的甲醛、次氯酸钠等9种药物对斜带石斑鱼受精卵孵化率的影响。试验数据通过SPSS Inc软件进行了单因素方差分析及线性回归分析,研究结果表明,抗病毒药物盐酸吗啉胍、利巴韦林、阿昔洛韦对斜带石斑鱼受精卵孵化影响无差别,三者药物浓度与孵化率无线性相关;6种常用化学消毒剂毒性依次为二溴海因次氯酸钠三氯异氰尿酸溴氯海因甲醛聚维酮碘,石斑鱼受精卵孵化率随着6种常用化学消毒剂质量浓度增加而下降,且药物质量浓度与孵化率呈线性负相关。根据试验结果,建议斜带石斑鱼育苗生产上药物消毒受精卵:盐酸吗啉胍、利巴韦林、阿昔洛韦生产上用药质量浓度为1~3mg/L,10%的聚维酮碘生产上用药质量浓度为20~100mg/L,37%的甲醛生产上用药质量浓度为20mg/L,二溴海因、溴氯海因、三氯异氰尿酸、次氯酸钠生产上慎用。  相似文献   

利用芽孢杆菌SE5和DE5单独及联合强化桡足类,研究SE5和DE5对斜带石斑鱼稚鱼生长、存活率、水质及水体和稚鱼体内细菌总数和弧菌数量的影响。试验结果表明,饲养14d时,SE5组和DE5组体长显著高于对照组,混合组体长和体质量显著高于对照组。饲养28d时,SE5组和DE5组体长和体质量均高于对照组,混合组体长和体质量显著高于对照组。饲养28d时,SE5组和DE5组存活率显著高于对照组。14d时SE5组和混合组水体NH3-N显著低于对照组,28d时各组NH3-N均低于对照组。14d时,混合组水体NO2-N显著高于对照组,28d时各试验组NO2-N均显著高于对照组。试验结束时(28d),各试验组水体细菌总数均高于对照组,SE5组和DE5组水体弧菌数量高于对照组;DE5组和混合组活饵细菌总数高于对照组,各试验组活饵弧菌数量高于对照组,其中混合组显著高于对照组;各试验组稚鱼体内细菌总数高于对照组,其中DE5组显著高于对照组。DE5组稚鱼体内弧菌数量显著高于对照组,SE5组高于对照组。  相似文献   

低位池养殖青石斑鱼技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈傅晓  崔敏 《海洋渔业》2003,25(3):150-151
石斑鱼是沿海常见的暖水性中下层鱼类,常栖息在沿海岛屿附近水质清澈、底质多礁、水深10~26m的石缝间。石斑鱼是广大群众所喜爱的鱼类品种之一,我国南方沿海把其视为“席上珍品”,近几年来鱼价一直保持在较高的价格,出口市场也不断扩大,大大地刺激了石斑鱼养殖业的发展。 20世纪80年代开始,海南省沿海市县已对石斑鱼进行了网箱养殖,初始几年的经济效益不  相似文献   

将从平均体质量400 g的点带石斑鱼中肾分离出的白细胞培养在添加0、0.5、1、2 mmol/L 谷氨酰胺的培养基中2、6、12、24 h后,测定白细胞的吞噬和呼吸爆发活力,结果发现,添加谷氨酰胺后白细胞的吞噬和呼吸爆发活力显著提高,随着培养时间的延长,吞噬和呼吸爆发活力进一步提高,最高值均在培养12 h后的1 mmol/L组。在培养12、24 h后测定了白细胞的增殖能力,发现培养12 h后,添加谷氨酰胺的各组增殖效果明显优于未添加谷氨酰胺组(对照组)( P<0.05),但添加谷氨酰胺的各组之间差异不显著(P>0.05),最高值在1 mmol/L组;培养48 h后,除2 mmol/L组外,其他处理组的增殖效果均下降。白细胞对迟钝爱德华氏菌杀菌率变化趋势与吞噬活力相符,1、2 mmol/L 组杀菌率显著高于对照组(P<0.05),而0.5 mmol/L组与对照组之间差异不显著(P>0.05)。试验结果表明,谷氨酰胺是石斑鱼有效的免疫增强剂,在培养基中添加1 mmol/L 谷氨酰胺培养12 h效果最佳。  相似文献   

平均体重为1.8kg的5-6龄育石斑鱼亲鱼,经强化培育,雄性亲鱼的促熟培育,性腺促熟,人工催产等措施,获受精卵320万粒,受精卵的卵化时间为26h,卵化率为80.7%,仔稚鱼的饵料系列为:牡蛎受精卵或担轮幼虫,轮虫,卤虫,桡足类;经41d培育,育出平均全长为3.79cm的幼鱼19万尾,培育成活率为7.3%,通过试验取得了一套可行的青石斑鱼人工繁育技术。  相似文献   

This paper reports the larviculture of two grouper species, the greasy grouper Epinephelus tauvina and the brown-marbled grouper E. fuscoguttatus , and examines the technical feasibility of breeding the fish. Fertilized eggs for larviculture were obtained by induced spawning through multiple hormonal injections of the female brooders, followed by artificial fertilization for the greasy grouper and by natural spawning in netcages for the brown-marbled grouper.
For both species, larviculture was divided into three operational stages, i.e., stage 1 (day 0–12), stage 2 (from day 12 to day 24 for the greasy grouper and to day 30 for the brown-marbled grouper) and stage 3 (day 24 or 30 to metamorphosis). Larvae were transferred to clean tanks after each stage. Total mortality around day 5–8 was common for the greasy grouper. Several modifications, including the feeding with super-small strain rotifers, intensive feeding of rotifers with Nannochloropsis and the use of an oil-skimmer, have been made to improve the situation. Two other major problems in larviculture were the high mortality observed after day 25 in the greasy grouper and the high cannibalism from day 35 onwards for the greasy grouper and from day 30 onwards for the brown-marbled grouper. The shock syndrome exhibited by both species during the periods made culling of the fish impossible.
Based on the spawning and larval characteristics, brown-marbled grouper is considered a better potential species for large scale fry production than the greasy grouper.  相似文献   

采用不换水的养殖模式进行点带石斑鱼的淡化养殖试验,经122d的养殖,点带石斑鱼的平均体重由4g增至115.5g,存活率71.2%,平均产量4.11kg/m2,饵料系数0.757。  相似文献   

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