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The purpose of this study was to identify general patterns of pedoturbation by tree uprooting in three different, forested landscapes and to quantify post‐disturbance pedogenesis. Specifically, our study illustrates how the effects of ‘tree‐throw’ on soils gradually become diminished over time by post‐uprooting pedogenesis. We studied soil development within 46 pit‐mounds in two regions of the Czech Republic, one on Haplic Cambisols and one on Entic Podzols. A third study site was in Michigan, USA, on Albic Podzols. Uprooting events were dated by using tree censuses, dendrochronology and radiometry. These dates provided information on several chronosequences of pedogenesis in the post‐uprooting pits and mounds, dating back to 1816 AD (dendrochronological dating, Haplic Cambisols), 322 AD (median of calibration age, 14C age = 1720 ± 35 BP, Entic Podzols) and 4077 BC (14C age = 5260 ± 30 BP, Albic Podzols). Post‐uprooting pedogenesis was most rapid in pits and slowest on mounds. Linear chronofunction models were the most applicable for pedogenesis, regardless of whether the soils were in pit or mound microsites. These models allowed us to estimate the time required for horizons in such disturbed sites to obtain the equivalent thicknesses of those in undisturbed sites. These ranged from 5 (O horizon in pits on the Haplic Cambisols) to > 16 000 years (E horizon on mounds on the Albic Podzols). On the Albic Podzols, development of eluvial and spodic horizon thicknesses suggested that pathways involving divergent pedogenesis may occur at these small and localized spatial scales.  相似文献   

Cryptopodzolic Soils in Switzerland   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Cryptopodzolic Soils are characterized by a thick blackish-brown mineral horizon rich in organic matter, the dark colour of which masks the morphological characteristics of podzolization. Little is known about the specific site factors that lead to the formation of these soils. Four representative soil profiles from a typical toposequence between 1700 and 500 m above sea level in southern Switzerland, embracing Haplic Podzols, Humic Cambisols and Cryptopodzolic Soils, are described morphologically, chemically and physically. The Cryptopodzolic Soils in this region are characterized by weak to moderate A1 and Fe translocation, and by a uniform incorporation of organic matter deep into the soil. The most prominent feature is the exceptional stability of the soil organic matter with a maximum in the spodic horizon. All these characteristics can be explained by the unique combined effect of a mild, wet climate, an Fe- and Al-rich acid bedrock and a litter layer providing dissolved organic matter rich in polyphenolic substances with strong metal-binding properties.  相似文献   

The buffering of protons and hydroxyl ions in acid soils was studied by the addition of small amounts of HCl, H2SO4, and NaOH in consecutive batch experiments using surface soils and subsoils from two Cambisols and one Podzol. A chemical equilibrium model was used to study the main buffer processes. The model included inorganic complexation and multiple cation exchange, and also the solubility of jurbanite and Al(OH)3 for the subsoils. Buffering of protons was predicted quite well by the model for the surface soil of the Spodi-Dystric and Spodic Cambisols, suggesting that multiple cation exchange was the main buffer process. For the Podzol surface soil, however, the model overestimated proton buffering by cation exchange considerably. Hydroxyl buffering in acid surface soils could be described well by the model for the Podzol soil only. For the Cambisols, hydroxyl buffer reactions included not only cation exchange, but also solubilization of large amounts of organic matter and presumably deprotonation of dissolved organic carbon (DOC). Modelling proton and hydroxyl buffering in subsoils suggested that equilibrium with AJ(OH)3 was not maintained for the Podzol and spodic Cambisol. Sulphate sorption had to be considered to describe titration experiments in all three soils. The assumption of jurbanite being in equilibrium with soil extracts was useful only for the Spodi-Dystric Cambisol.  相似文献   

Podzolization occurs quickly in acidic parent materials with addition of acidic litter from coniferous trees. This study was conducted to evaluate Podzol formation and estimate lengths of time required to meet morphological and chemical criteria of podzolic B horizon and spodic horizon in Finland. Soil color, organic C, ODOE, and extractable Al and Fe were measured in a seven-pedon chronosequence (230–1800 years) and four older pedons (8300–11,300 years). The bulk mineralogical composition of the BC and C horizons was uniform with quartz, plagioclase and K-feldspar as main components and amphibole, illite and chlorite as minor components. The fine (<5 μm) fraction of selected samples was primarily amorphous allophone-like material with some mixed-layered illite–vermiculite. All pedons in the study met the criteria for albic horizons according to the FAO–Unesco, World Reference Base (WRB) and Soil Taxonomy systems. According to the FAO–Unesco system, all pedons had spodic B horizons and were classified as Podzols. According to the WRB system, none of pedons of the chronosequence had spodic horizons, whereas the older pedons met the criteria for a spodic horizon. About 4780 years were required to form a spodic horizon according to the WRB system. The oldest pedon of the chronosequence and the older pedons had spodic horizons according to Soil Taxonomy, but the younger pedons failed to meet the spodic horizon criteria. About 1520 years were required to form a spodic horizon that met the color and organic C criteria of Soil Taxonomy, whereas it took about 4780 years to meet the required accumulation of Fe and Al. This study points out the discrepancy between the color criteria and the criteria reflecting the accumulation of Al, Fe and organic matter in the B horizon.  相似文献   

Soil development in the surrounding of oligotrophic mires in the Berlin region Polygenetic soils, surrounding oligotrophic kettle hole mires in the valley and aeolian sand areas of the Berlin region, were investigated. The typical soil catena is formed by the sequence of Ombric Histosol (Niedermoor), Ombric Histosol/Albi‐gleyic Podzol (Moor‐Podsol‐Gley), Albi‐gleyic Podzol (Nasspodsol‐Gley), Gleyic Podzol (Podsol‐Gley), and Dystri‐gleyic Arenosol (Gley‐Podsol‐Braunerde) (German soil classifications in parenthesis). Field and laboratory work showed, that the investigated soils were strongly related to each other and that their development depends on the trophy of the mire and groundwater fluctuations during the Holocene. Compared with the Bh‐horizon of terrestrial soils the Gh‐horizon is nearly free of Fe and Mn, but very rich in pedogenic Al‐oxides and rich in organic matter. The genesis of the soils is explained as follows: 1. The development of different Gleyic Podzols was due to rise of groundwater. Consequently the Bh and Bs horizons of Podzols surrounding the mire were converted to Gh and Gr horizons. 2. Humic substances and Al in the Gh and Gr horizons were not re‐mobilized due to the rise of groundwater, whereas Fe and Mn were reduced and removed by groundwater. 3. At the periphery of the mire Fe was enriched in the Go horizon of the Gley‐Podzols but not Mn. 4. The fact that the mire is completely surrounded by Podzol‐Gleys, indicates, that movement of the groundwater from the central parts of mires towards the periphery is an essential pedogenetic factor.  相似文献   

Hydrochemical processes involved in the development of hydromorphic Podzols are a major concern for the upper Amazon Basin because of the extent of the areas affected by such processes and the large amounts of organic carbon and associated metals exported to the rivers. The dynamics and chemical composition of ground and surface waters were studied along an Acrisol‐Podzol sequence lying in an open depression of a plateau. Water levels were monitored along the sequence over a period of 2 years by means of piezometers. Water was sampled in zero‐tension lysimeters for groundwater and for surface water in the drainage network of the depression. The pH and concentrations of organic carbon and major elements (Si, Fe and Al) were determined. The contrasted changes reported for concentrations of Si, organic carbon and metals (Fe, Al) mainly reflect the dynamics of the groundwater and the weathering conditions that prevail in the soils. Iron is released by the reductive dissolution of Fe oxides, mostly in the Bg horizons of the upslope Acrisols. It moves laterally under the control of hydraulic gradients and migrates through the iron‐depleted Podzols where it is exported to the river network. Aluminium is released from the dissolution of Al‐bearing minerals (gibbsite and kaolinite) at the margin of the podzolic area but is immobilized as organo‐Al complexes in spodic horizons. In downslope positions, the quick recharge of the groundwater and large release of organic compounds lead to acidification and a loss of metals (mainly Al), previously stored in the Podzols.  相似文献   

Sulfur status of selected European forest soils as dependent on the atmospheric S deposition Along a transect from the Pyrenees (SP), over the Vosges Mountains (FR), the Black Forest and the Bavarian Forest (D). and the eastern Ore Mountains to the Iser-Mountains (CR) 10 representative forest soil forms derived from granite regolith and 1 developed from gneiss debris (Dystric Cambisols, Leptic and Ferro-Humic Podzols) at montane and high-montane elevation were analyzed for their concentrations and amounts of total sulfur and various S fractions in order to study the impact of the atmospheric sulfur input, increasing from SW to NE, on the soil sulfur characteristics. Soils receiving low S inputs are generally characterized by low amounts of inorganic (especially water soluble) sulfate. Most of their total S amount consists of organic sulfur. With increasing S deposition, the concentrations of total S and C-S and the ratios St/Corg, C-S/Corg and SO4?Stor/Corg in the L-. Of- and Oh-horizons increase. The Aeh- and Ah-horizons of Cambisols and Podzols under different sulfur load do not differ with regard to the S parameters. The B horizons of the northeastern soils affected by high sulfur deposition, however, are markedly enriched with adsorbed and water-soluble sulfate and show comparably high ratios of sulfate S versus dithionite-extractable iron.  相似文献   

The Rybachii Peninsula is composed of Proterozoic sedimentary rocks and differs sharply from the rest of the Kola Peninsula in its geological structure, topographic forms, and parent rocks. It is dominated by Al–Fe-humus soils formed on moraines with an admixture of local rock fragments, including slates. Organic horizons of tundra soils in the peninsula are less acid than those on granitoids of adjacent mainland of the Kola Peninsula. The content of exchangeable calcium in the organic horizons varies from 17.4 to 68.0 cmolc/kg, and the content of water-soluble carbon reaches 400 mg/100 g amounting to 1–2% of the total soil organic matter content. The total number of bacteria in the organic horizons of tundra soils varies from 3.5 × 109 to 4.8 × 109 cells/g; and bacterial biomass varies from 0.14 to 0.19 mg/g. The length of fungal mycelium and its biomass in the organic horizons are significant (>1000 m/g soil). The biomass of fungal mycelium in the organic horizons exceeds the bacterial biomass by seven times in podzols (Albic Podzols) and by ten times in podbur (Entic Podzol), dry-peat soil (Folic Histosol), and low-moor peat soil (Sapric Histosol).  相似文献   

It is well established that certain substrate additions to soils may accelerate or retard the mineralisation of soil organic matter. But up to now, research on these so called ‘priming effects’ was almost exclusively conducted with arable soils and with plant residues or glucose as additives. In this study, the effects of the uniformly 14C-labelled substrates fructose, alanine, oxalic acid and catechol on the mineralisation of soil organic carbon (SOC) from different horizons of two forest soils (Haplic Podzol and Dystric Cambisol) and one arable soil (Haplic Phaeozem) under maize and rye cultivation were investigated in incubation experiments for 26 days. Apart from the controls, all samples received substrate additions of 13.3 μg substrate-C mg−1 Corg. During the incubation, CO2-evolution was measured hourly and the amount of 14CO2 was determined at various time intervals. In almost all soils, priming effects were induced by one or several of the added substrates. The strongest positive priming effects were induced by fructose and alanine and occurred in the Bs horizon of the Haplic Podzol, where SOC mineralisation was nearly doubled. In the other soil samples, these substrates enhanced SOC mineralisation by +10 to +63%. Catechol additions generally reduced SOC mineralisation by −12 to −43% except in the EA horizon of the Haplic Podzol where SOC-borne CO2-evolution increased by +46%. Oxalic acid also induced negative as well as positive priming effects ranging from −24 to +82%. The data indicate that priming effects are ubiquitously occurring in surface and subsoil horizons of forest soils as well as in arable soils. Although a broad variety of soils was used within this study, relationships between soil properties and priming effects could not be ascertained. Therefore, a prediction on occurrence and magnitude of priming effects based on relatively easily measurable chemical and physical soil properties was not possible. Nevertheless, the data suggest that positive priming effects are most pronounced in forest soils that contain SOC of low biodegradability, where the added substrates may act as an important energy source for microbial metabolism.  相似文献   

It is well known that most developed Podzols or Spodosols occur on coarse- textured materials with a low content of weatherable minerals (Duchaufour 1977; McKeague et al 1983). In the Podzols derived from such parent material*. the th and/or Bhs horizons show definite evidence of illuviation characterized by continuous cementation, presence of cracked coatings on sand grains, and/or distinct dark pellets, These features were, therefore, adopted as the morphological criteria for spodic horizons in the Soil Taxonomy (Soil Survey Stalt 1975). The problem is to determine whether such criteria can be applied to Podzolic soils derived from volcanic ash which consists of fine, weatherable minerals.  相似文献   

The 14C age of soil organic matter is known to increase with soil depth. Therefore, the aim of this study was to examine the stabilization of carbon compounds in the entire soil profile using particle size fractionation to distinguish SOM pools with different turnover rates. Samples were taken from a Dystric Cambisol and a Haplic Podzol under forest, which are representative soil types under humid climate conditions. The conceptual approach included the analyses of particle size fractions of all mineral soil horizons for elemental composition and chemical structure of the organic matter by 13C cross-polarization magic angle spinning nuclear magnetic resonance (CPMAS NMR) spectroscopy. The contribution of phenols and hydroxyalkanoic acids, which represent recalcitrant plant litter compounds, was analyzed after CuO oxidation.In the Dystric Cambisol, the highest carbon concentration as well as the highest percentage of total organic carbon are found in the <6.3 μm fractions of the B and C horizons. In the Haplic Podzol, carbon distribution among the particle size fractions of the Bh and Bvs horizons is influenced by the adsorption of dissolved organic matter. A relationship between the carbon enrichment in fractions <6.3 μm and the 14C activity of the bulk soil indicates that stabilization of SOM occurs in fine particle size fractions of both soils. 13C CPMAS NMR spectroscopy shows that a high concentration of alkyl carbon is present in the fine particle size fractions of the B horizons of the Dystric Cambisol. Decreasing contribution of O-alkyl and aromatic carbon with particle size as well as soil depth indicates that these compounds are not stabilized in the Dystric Cambisol. These results are in accordance with data obtained by wet chemical analyses showing that cutin/suberin-derived hydroxyalkanoic acids are preserved in the fine particle size fractions of the B horizons. The organic matter composition in particle size fractions of the top- and subsoil horizons of the Haplic Podzol shows that this soil is acting like a chromatographic system preserving insoluble alkyl carbon in the fine particle size fractions of the A horizon. Small molecules, most probably organic acids, dominate in the fine particle size fractions of the C horizons, where they are stabilized in clay-sized fractions most likely due to the interaction with the mineral phase. The characterization of lignin-derived phenols indicated, in accordance with the NMR measurements, that these compounds are not stabilized in the mineral soil horizons.  相似文献   

A number of soils are described in the literature as having andic and spodic soil properties, but have developed in nonvolcanic and nonallophanic materials and lack typical Podzol eluvial and illuvial horizons. They cover a wide range of parent materials and different types of climate. They have always been regarded as restricted to small areas. They were assigned to Andisols/Andosols, Podzols/Spodosols, or andic Inceptisols in the WRB and Soil Taxonomy and sometimes also named Cryptopodzols or Lockerbraunerden. Recent soil surveys in Bhutan, E Himalayas, show these soils are widespread at altitudes between 2200–3500 m asl and are spanning several bioclimatic zones. The aim of this study is the detailed characterization of specific properties and processes of formation by physical and chemical analyses, NMR spectroscopy, column experiments, SEM, XRD, and 14C dating in one of these soils in E central Bhutan. The results indicate advanced soil development with high amounts of oxidic Fe and Al compounds, low bulk densities (partly <0.5 g cm–3), P retention >85%, and a dominance of Al‐hydroxy‐interlayered phyllosilicates. Scanning electron microscopy of sand fractions indicate microaggregates highly resistant to dispersion. Column experiments show podzolization with mobilization and translocation of DOM, Fe, and Al. Nuclear‐magnetic resonance spectroscopy and 14C ages of 16,000 BP indicate stabilization of DOM. Applying classification criteria, these soils appear to have andic and spodic features, but are neither Andosols nor Podzols senso strictu. Especially the role of Fe seems to be underestimated with regard to the specific soil‐forming processes. Because of their widespread occurrence and distinct properties, we suggest either a simplification of the criteria for existing soil types or a clearly defined separation of volcanic and nonvolcanic/nonallophanic Andosols.  相似文献   

Morphological, geochemical and mineralogical studies were carried out in a representative soil catena of the low‐elevation plateaux of the upper Amazon Basin to interpret the steps and mechanisms involved in the podzolization of low‐activity clay soils. The soils are derived from Palaeozoic sandstones. They consist of Hydromorphic Podzols under tree savannah in the depressions of the plateaux and predominantly of Acrisols covered by evergreen forest elsewhere. Incipient podzolization in the uppermost Acrisols is related to the formation of organic‐rich A and Bhs horizons slightly depleted in fine‐size particles by both mechanical particle transfer and weathering. Weathering of secondary minerals by organic acids and formation of organo‐metallic complexes act simultaneously over short distances. Their vertical transfer is limited. Selective dissolution of aluminous goethite, then gibbsite and finally kaolinite favour the preferential cheluviation of first Fe and secondly Al. The relatively small amount of organo‐metallic complexes produced is related to the quartzitic parent materials, and the predominance of Al over Fe in the spodic horizons is due to the importance of gibbsite in these low‐activity clay soils. Morphologically well‐expressed podzols occur in strongly iron‐depleted topsoils of the depression. Mechanical transfer and weathering of gibbsite and kaolinite by organic acids is enhanced and leads to residual accumulation of sands. Organo‐metallic complexes are translocated in strongly permeable sandy horizons and impregnate at depth the macro‐voids of embedded soil and saprolite materials to form the spodic Bs and 2BCs horizons. Mechanical transfer of black particulate organic compounds devoid of metals has occurred later within the sandy horizons of the podzols. Their vertical transfer has formed well‐differentiated A and Bh horizons. Their lateral removal by groundwater favours the development of an albic E horizon. In an open and waterlogged environment, the general trend is therefore towards the removal of all the metals that have initially accumulated as a response to the ferralitization process and have temporarily been sequestrated in organic complexes in previous stages of soil podzolization.  相似文献   

Long‐term effects of liming on microbial biomass and activity and soil organic matter (SOM) were investigated in samples from organic horizons (Of/Oh) in spruce forests at Adenau, Höglwald, Idar‐Oberstein, and Schluchsee (Southern Germany) where plots have been manually treated 7 to 13 years ago with dolomitic limestone. At all sites, pH values were markedly increased after liming. The contents of C and N in the organic horizons of the limed plots appeared to be lower with the greatest decrease at Höglwald (Dystric Luvisol) where liming has affected the soil properties for the longest time of all sites. Catalase activity was promoted after liming at Adenau (Cambic Podzol). This was also the case for the Dystric Luvisol where liming resulted also in higher basal respiration. Biomass‐C was higher in samples from the limed plot at Idar‐Oberstein (Dystric Cambisol). The 13C CPMAS NMR spectra of organic horizons from the control plots indicate no differences in the gross carbon composition of SOM. Furthermore, spectra from the limed Cambic Podzol, Dystric Cambisol, and Haplic Podzol (Schluchsee) were remarkably similar. However, for the Dystric Luvisol, the lime‐induced promotion of microbial activity resulted in lower O‐alkyl‐C intensity. The observed patterns of microbial biomass and activity were site‐dependent rather than a result of liming. Obviously liming had only small long‐term effects on the humus quality in the organic horizons, as far as detectable by CPMAS NMR spectroscopy. More sensitive techniques like pyrolysis‐GC/MS should be applied to analyze differences in C composition.  相似文献   



The impacts of fly ash on the chemistry of forest floors were previously described in literature, while impacts on soil properties were less recognised. Soil investigations were focussed mainly on increases of pH and base saturations in surface horizons. The purpose of this study was to describe the influence of alkaline fly ash blown out from the dumping site of a lignite-fired power plant on pH changes of ectohumus horizons of Podzols and the morphology of deeper horizons.

Materials and methods

We investigated the soil profiles of Podzols derived from loose quartz sand and developed under pine forest surrounding the dumping site of the power plant Be?chatów, central Poland. In the vicinity of the fly ash dumping site, five Podzol profiles located at a distance of 50 m from the dumping site were investigated, as well as soil profiles located along the transect set at distances of 50, 300, 800 and 2000 m from the dumping site. Control profiles were located at a distance of 7.3 km from the dumping site. Soil morphology was described in the field and the following properties were determined: soil texture, hydrolytic acidity, exchangeable cations, total organic carbon and total nitrogen content.

Results and discussion

The pH values of Podzol ectohumus horizons located close to the dumping site ranged from 6.01 to 7.34 compared to a range of 3.08–3.72 in the control. Ectohumus horizon located 300 m from the dumping site showed a pH range of 4.13–4.26, while at a distance of 800 m, the pH values did not differ from those of the control site. The upper part of the eluvial soil horizons located close to the dumping site had been transformed into transitional AE horizons in which humic substances translocated from ectohumus horizons were accumulated. Moreover, the organic carbon content of this horizon increased compared to the carbon content of the illuvial Bs horizon located below it. Under the influence of alkalisation of upper horizons, the illuvial Bhs horizons vanished and were transformed into Bs horizons.


Changes in soils affected by fly ashes are connected with alkalinisation of ectohumus horizons. Podzolisation processes can be reduced or even completely stopped regarding the distance from the dumping site. Eluvial Podzol horizons located close to the dumping site may be transformed into AE horizons in which humic substances translocated from ectohumus horizons are accumulated. Due to transformation and translocation of organic components, Bhs horizons can be transformed into Bs horizons.

The dynamics of the content and microbiological transformation of carbon and nitrogen compounds in the surface horizons of mountain tundra soils are considered in the postpyrogenic succession. The contents of total and labile carbon and nitrogen increase in the course of postpyrogenic soil evolution. At the same time, in the surface organic horizons, the carbon reserves, as compared to the nitrogen ones, are restored faster. The aerobic transformation of carbon compounds prevails at all the stages of the succession. The tolerance of soil organic matter toward mineralization increases as the ecosystem recovers after fire. However, this parameter reaches the values characteristic of the control soils no earlier than 60 years after the fire. The microbial communities of the podburs (Folic Podzols, Haplic Podzols) restore their functional activity fast enough after the fire (about three years). In the remote future, the effect of fire leads to an increase in the availability of soil nitrogen and in the soil ability to fix atmospheric nitrogen. Despite the temporary increase in the availability of mineral nitrogen (including nitrates) at early stages of the postpyrogenic restoration of soil systems, denitrification does not play a significant role in the biogeochemical cycle of nitrogen.  相似文献   

Prediction of concentration changes of cations in soil solutions is complex, and chemical models are necessary for the purpose. The objective of this study was to determine whether the reactions considered in a coupled equilibrium model were appropriate to predict cation concentrations when the initial equilibrium was disturbed by adding small amounts of electrolytes. Multi-ion sorption in three acid soils (two Cambisols and a Podzol) was studied by sequentially adding small amounts of electrolytes to samples of the soils in batch experiments. A chemical equilibrium model that included inorganic complexation and multiple cation exchange was used to interpret the results. For the subsoils, the solubility of jurbanite was also included in the model. Model results for the two Cambisol surface soils agreed well or satisfactorily with the measured pH and sorption values of Na, K, Mg, Ca, Mn, Al and Fe, with a few exceptions. Linear correlation coefficients were generally between 0.97 and 1, and the regressin coefficients for cations (modelled against measured) lay between 0.6 and 1.3. For the subsoils sorption of sulphate was described satisfactorily for the spodic dystric Cambisol and to some extent for the spodic Cambisol. Correlation coefficients for subsoils lay between 0.63 and 1, and the regression coefficients (modelled against measured) were between 0.9 and 1.6 for the Cambisols. The model did not predict pH and sorption data in surface and subsurface soils with very small amounts of exchange capacities, pointing to the significance of cation buffering resulting from exchange sites. This study showed the usefulness and limitations of equilibrium models to predict the composition of the soil solution.  相似文献   

Pedogenetic differentiation of soil properties in aggregates Besides the pedogenetic differentiation of soils in horizons a differentiation within horizons across aggregates seems possible. The objective of this study is to check if there is a differentiation of soil properties across aggregates. From a Braunerde, a Podzol-Braunerde, and 2 Podsols from Bavaria and Slovakia aggregates of 10–30 mm in diameter were selected manually from both topsoil and subsoil horizons and mechanically fractionated into a core and a surface fraction. In the aggregate fractions Corg, Alo, and Fed were determined. Corg is generally depleted in the surface fractions of the A-horizons compared to the core fractions. This may be due to favoured microbial degradation of organic matter compared to the aggregate core and preferential leaching of organic C. In the subsoil horizons of the Braunerde Corg is lower in the aggregate surface fraction, in the Podzol, however, it is higher. In Podzols preferential C-input and sorption to aggregate surfaces seems to dominate. Lower Alo? and Fed?concentrations in the aggregate surface fractions of all A-horizons may be explained by preferential acidification of aggregate surfaces as the aggregate surfaces mainly buffer the proton input into structured mineral soils. In the B-horizons only in Braunerde Alo and Fed are lower in the aggregate surface fractions than in the core fractions. The Podzol B-horizons show preferential illuvial enrichment of sesquioxides at aggregate surfaces. Thus, pedogenesis results in the differentiation of soil properties not only between horizons but also within horizons on the level of aggregates. The resulting different chemical properties of aggregate surface and core fractions may affect the sorption capacity of structured soils.  相似文献   


This study aimed to clarify pedogenetic processes and classification of yellowish Brown Forest Soils according to the Classification of Forest Soils in Japan and the Yellow Brown Forest soils according to the Unified Soil Classification System of Japan in the warm and cool temperate forest of Kyushu district, Japan. In addition, the study aimed to clarify a problem with the Unified Soil Classification System of Japan. Thirty-six soil profiles of Brown Forest Soils, including 13 yellowish Brown Forest Soils and 15 Yellow Brown Forest soils, were compared with regard to their chemical properties and the relationship with climatic conditions was assessed. The yellowish Brown Forest Soils had thin A horizons, low pH and low levels of free oxides in the B horizons, and a low amount of silica and a high aluminum and iron to silica ratio. These features were related to the paleo reddish weathering. The immaturely developed A horizon of the yellowish Brown Forest Soils was caused by these weathered, low-activity substances. The Yellow Brown Forest soils had low levels of active iron oxides and a low activity ratio of free iron oxides compared with the Haplic Brown Forest soils in the same thermal climatic conditions. The activity ratio of free iron oxides was correlated to mean annual air temperature with the carbon stocks and with many other chemical properties. Accordingly, classification of Brown Forest Soils was clearer according to thermal climatic conditions. The activity ratio of free iron oxides can become an effective index that distinguishes Yellow Brown Forest soils under warm temperate lucidophyllous forest and Haplic Brown Forest soils under cool temperate broad-leaved deciduous forest with considerable vertical soil zonality.  相似文献   

Organo-mineral associations stabilize soil organic matter, though the mechanisms by which they do so are unclear. We used particle-size fractions < 6.3 μm of two soils to examine the importance of Fe oxides, short-range order Al silicates and the surface areas of minerals and micropores on the formation of organo-mineral associations. In the subsoil Fe oxides were most strongly statistically correlated with the mineral-bound organic carbon. We therefore assume that they are the most important substrates for the formation of organo-mineral associations. There is no indication that this is caused by physical protection of organic matter in their micropores (< 2 nm). In the Haplic Podzol, dithionite–citrate–bicarbonate-soluble short-range order Al silicates may also play a role. Fe oxide particles were calculated to offer specific surface areas of ∼ 200 m2 g−1 (goethite) and ∼ 800 m2 g−1 (ferrihydrite), corresponding to crystal diameters of only a few nm. We assume that the resulting large amount of oxide-specific reactive surface sites (conditionally charged hydroxyl groups) is responsible for their dominant role as sorbents. With maximum C loadings of 1.3 mg C per m2 Fe oxide for the Dystric Cambisol and 1.1 mg C per m2 Fe oxide + short-range order Al silicates for the Haplic Podzol the subsoils of both soils seem to have reached saturation with respect to organic matter sorption. In contrast to subsoil horizons, organo-mineral associations from topsoils contain much larger amounts of organic matter. Here a larger C loading on Fe oxides or a greater importance of other sorbents in addition to the oxides must be assumed.  相似文献   

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