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淅川县县委、县政府把水产业作为县域农村经济的一项支柱产业来抓,已取得较大成绩。面对中国加入WTO和南水北调中线工程的实施,水产业将面临新的机遇和挑战,正确认识全县水产发展的现状,进一步加大科技投入力度,走水产产业化之路是今后水产业发展的方向。  相似文献   

党的十四大确定了我国经济体制改革的目标是建立社会主义的市场经济体制。在新的经?济体制和运行机制转换与形成的过程中,我区水产业所面临的形势既是机遇,也是挑战。本一文试图从我区水产业现状和资源优势分析入手,对抚州地区二十世纪后八年水产业的发展战略作些探讨。  相似文献   

随着我国经济体制改革的深入推进,水产业已完全由计划经济走向市场经济,特别是我国加入WTO后,水产业面临更加激烈的市场竞争和新的发展机遇,这对增强水产业的活力,提高水产业的整体素质,扩大水产业在大农业中的比重以巩固和加强农业的基础地位,  相似文献   

<正>本刊讯(李明爽报道)1月8日,2016中国水产年度大会在北京隆重举行。本次大会以"中国水产业的转型升级与挑战"为主题,深入分析当前我国水产业发展面临的机遇和挑战,期间还举行了2016中国水产业企业和人物推介活动,以表彰为我国水产行业发展做出卓越贡献的企业和个人。本次大会由全国水产技术推广总站策划,中国水产杂志社、中国水产新媒体中心主办,北京润泽鱼悦信息技术有限公司承办,是第一次由媒体  相似文献   

开发绿色水产品是发展渔业经济的必由之路   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文提出在发展渔业经济过程中遇到的一些问题,指出开发绿色水产品是发展渔业经济的必由之路,HACCP认证体系是开发绿色水产品的重要手段和基本保证,中国加入WTO后,面临严峻的国际市场竞争也要求我国水产业积极开发绿色水产品,提高产品质量,加强水产品出口的竞争力。  相似文献   

(接上期) 一"十一五"期间水产业发展面临的形势 (一)国际、国内环境对我市渔业的影响 1.国际环境.从发达国家的情况来看,各个国家十分重视水产业的安全,无论机构的设置还是政策的制定实施,都是以质量为主线,以保护渔业资源、保护生态环境、保护消费者的身体健康为原则.一些发展中国家为了扩大水产品出口创汇,质量管理水平较我国先进.随着全球经济一体化的推进和我国加入WTO后所遇到的越来越多的"绿色壁垒"问题,不但已导致我国水产品市场竞争力下降,面临部分丧失市场准入资格的可能,也造成了重大的经济损失.  相似文献   

<正>獐子岛集团引领中国水产业可持续发展获"鲲鹏奖"日前,在北京召开的"2016中国水产年度大会"的"鲲鹏奖"评选中,獐子岛集团获评"中国水产行业推动企业",吴厚刚董事长获得"中国水产业范蠡人物"荣誉称号。据了解,本次大会由全国水产技术推广总站策划,以中国水产业的转型升级与挑战为主题,以智慧渔业为基点,旨在有效攻克全产业链的发展困局,以崭新的姿态应对中国渔业发展新机遇。近400位国内水产业院士专家、龙头企业代表汇聚一堂共论行业关注的突出问题,在总结2016年水产业发展经验的  相似文献   

<正>本刊讯2014年6月18日至20日,首届中国国际水产博览会在"中国对虾之都"广东湛江举行。本届展会由中华全国工商业联合会水产业商会主办,湛江市水产流通与加工协会、湛江市水产进出口企业协会和湛江市水产商会承办。据主办方介绍,此次展览会以"水产,让生活更美好"为主题,以"助力中国水产走向世界,让世界共享中国水产"为宗旨,学习和借鉴世界三大顶级水产展会的先进管理模式,搭建水产业合作、交流与投资平台,拓展中国水产业与世界各国水产业的交流与合作,力争在国际水产舞台上扮演重要的角  相似文献   

<正>近日,业内某知名外资药企旗下的动保资产被出售的新闻一出,业内一片哗然。要知道,该动保企业在中国也有分子公司,且该公司一直是行业渔药板块高大上的代表,在终端拥有粉丝无数。如今,却也无法主宰自己的命运,面临着易主的风险。易主之后,在中国的市场和业务是否会受到影响,一切尚不可知。我们可以看到的是,不知何时,中国市场已经充斥着大量的外资企业和洋品牌。中国水产业这些年的快速发展,不少的外资企业嗅到了这里面的巨  相似文献   

<正>2016年12月29日中韩渔业联合委员会第十六届年会在北京举行。双方对2017年两国专属经济区管理水域对方国入渔安排等重要问题进行了谈判,最终达成共识并签署会议纪要。2017年,双方各自许可对方国1598艘渔船(含58艘辅助船)进入本国专属经济区管理水域作业、捕捞配额为57750吨。1月8日2016中国水产年度大会在北京举行。大会以"中国水产业的转型升级与挑战"为主题,深入分析当前我国水产业发展面临的机遇和挑战。会议同期举行2016中国水产业企业和人物推介活动,表彰为  相似文献   

伊维菌素在水产养殖中的应用及其水生态风险   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
伊维菌素是一种广谱抗寄生虫渔药,在国外被广泛用于鲑鱼、海鲷养殖中的海鲺防治.国内主要用于防治淡水鱼养殖中的各种寄生虫病,其在观赏鱼养殖中的应用也日益普遍.综述了目前国内外伊维茵素在水产养殖中的使用现状,并就其水生态风险进行评估.  相似文献   


Coastal aquaculture emerged as a sunrise sector in India during the 1990s. It was identified as a sector full of promise for expanding exports and for adding to foreign exchange. The sector has more than fulfilled its promise and has more in store. This paper gives an overview of the role and development of fisheries in general and aquaculture in particular in India. Growth, sources of growth, contribution to national gross domestic product, impact on rural economy, socio‐economic impacts, generation of backward linkages, and export growth of coastal aquaculture in terms of composition, direction and penetration are reviewed. The paper concludes on an optimistic note for development of coastal aquaculture in the country with the streamlining of policy measures for production and marketing.  相似文献   

海水养殖保险作为农业保险的重要组成部分,可以有效分散养殖风险并在灾后进行快速损失补偿,对于促进海水养殖业持续健康发展具有重要意义.目前我国部分沿海地区已进行海水养殖保险试点.关于海水养殖保险的理论研究大部分集中在保险经营模式的探讨上,对于保险费率厘定及政府费率补贴问题研究较少,仍处于初步探索阶段.鉴于农业保险费率研究的日益成熟,本文参考农业保险探讨海水养殖保险费率补贴的问题.首先从经济学和保险风险可保性两个方面阐明了海水养殖保险费率补贴的原理,参考农业保险费率补贴的经验,给出了海水养殖保险保费补贴应考虑的各项因素.继而就如何进行保险费率补贴提出如下建议:建立分层政府补贴机制;根据区域特点和保险险种进行差异化补贴;根据养殖户多样性要求设置不同的保障水平;实地考察养殖户的支付意愿进而测算最优补贴额度.最后就目前海水养殖保险开展中可能存在的问题进行了讨论.  相似文献   

The optimal use of resources in aquaculture is important, especially in developing countries, to obtain the highest possible outcome from the production process to support food security and poverty alleviation. Thus, within this study, the risk, efficiency, and input‐use variation in aquaculture farms in Bangladesh is investigated using a flexible stochastic frontier model with a risk and an inefficiency function. The results reveal that feed, labor, and capital have positive and significant impacts on production. In addition, an increased fingerling density and a larger farm increase the risk, whereas the use of feed and the capital invested have the opposite effect. Access to extension services has a positive effect and increases farm efficiency. An investigation of the farm size–productivity inverse relationship reveals that this phenomenon is not applicable to Bangladesh aquaculture. In general, efficient farmers are large‐scale farmers, who use a lower stocking density but a higher feeding intensity, resulting in a higher yield. On average, farmers use less labor and feed than what is optimal. To increase efficiency and reduce risk, it is recommended that more technical knowledge on optimal input use, extension service, and capital is made available to aquaculture farmers.  相似文献   

One important issue affecting the continued growth and success of the aquaculture industry is risk management. Aquaculture producers face a number of production risks (e.g., weather, disease) that substantially affect their output quantity and quality. Crop insurance is one important potential mechanism for managing these risks, but aquaculture has historically had limited insurance availability in the United States, in part because of unique challenges associated with implementing crop insurance programs in aquatic settings. The Cultivated Clam Pilot Insurance Program, which began in 2000 in four Atlantic Coast states, is the first United States, federal crop insurance program for aquaculture. This program experienced relatively high loss ratios in the early years of the program, but substantial modifications beginning with the 2004 crop year resulted in a significant improvement in actuarial performance. Experiences with clam insurance can provide insight into the potential development and application of insurance programs for other aquaculture products.  相似文献   


We develop a framework for risk assessment in open-ocean aquaculture. The framework consists of three components: a firm-level investment-production model simulates a specific grow-out project and estimates the project's benefit-cost values, a second model calculates the risk premium for a risk-averse investor, and a third model quantifies the option value for a risk-neutral investor. We show that under uncertainty, the traditional NPV rule for making an investment should be modified. We illustrate our models using a case study of open-ocean aquaculture of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) in New England.  相似文献   

全球水产养殖业在过去的几十年内得到了迅速发展,但同时也带来了诸多的环境、经济和社会问题,因此可持续发展水产养殖理念的提出得到了国内外众多学者的认可。本文简单介绍了全球水产养殖业近年的发展情况及可持续发展水产养殖业的理念发展进程,重点分析了可持续发展水产养殖管理涉及的六大步骤,介绍了水产养殖指标体系构建及评估的研究成果,以期为我国水产养殖可持续发展提供借鉴。  相似文献   

The European Non‐native Species in Aquaculture Risk Analysis Scheme (ENSARS) was used to assess one of the most popular aquaculture species in the world, the striped catfish Pangasianodon hypophthalmus (Sauvage, 1878), in two locations of southern Anatolia (Turkey). The overall mean risk score generated for P. hypophthalmus by the ENSARS Organism module (which assesses the risks of introduction, establishment, dispersal and impact) indicated that the species poses a medium risk under current climatic conditions. All other ENSARS modules rendered scores that indicated a moderately low risk under current climatic conditions. However, the risks of introducing novel diseases and the actual use (e.g. deliberate introduction to the natural habitats or food market) of the species both attracted scores indicating a medium risk. Confidence levels were medium or high for all modules except the Socio‐economic, with low confidence values also attributed to the risks for farming process of the organism, and its overall risk of spread into the wild during farming procedures and to marketing impacts. Recommendations are provided for further use of the ENSARS scheme, especially for a a priori assessment of potential aquaculture species in Turkey, where the sector has been remarkably developing in the last decades.  相似文献   

A mass‐balance modelling approach combined with a sensitivity analysis was utilized to gain an improved understanding of the relative contributions of phosphorus (P) loading from various anthropogenic and non‐anthropogenic sources into Lake Wolsey (Manitoulin Island, Ontario, Canada), a Type 2 freshwater lake with a cage‐aquaculture facility. Total P loadings were estimated from eight sources (inlet exchange, non‐point sources, cage‐aquaculture facility, internal loading, groundwater seepage, atmospheric deposition, leaf litter and dwellings) and three sinks (outlet exchange, sedimentation and sportfishing). Results indicated that over the study period (May–November 2007) the non‐point sources were the leading contributor of total P to Lake Wolsey (1120 kg P) followed by the cage‐aquaculture facility loading (915 kg P), inlet exchange (539 kg P), groundwater inputs (305 kg P), dwellings (219 kg P), internal P recycling loads from the hypoxic hypolimnion (186 kg P), atmospheric deposition (79 kg P) and decomposing leaf litter (8.1 kg P). When comparing the loadings in this study, the sensitivity analysis showed that non‐point sources were the only significant input parameter of total P loading to the in‐lake concentrations of P in Lake Wolsey(P = 0.05). Information from this project will provide water quality managers with sound scientific information to make defencible decisions pertaining to policy and regulatory approaches for water quality risk assessment and management of cage‐aquaculture in Type 2 sites.  相似文献   

A bioeconomic model of reservoir aquaculture in northern Vietnam is used to investigate the impacts of fish price and yield variability on the level and riskiness of expected net revenue. Net revenue is volatile compared with similar enterprises in other countries, mainly due to high yield variability. This reflects the nascent nature of the industry in Vietnam and the potential for efficiency and productivity improvements. Increasing production intensiveness, as well as reservoir size, was found to increase profits and decrease revenue risk. Among the management parameters studied, expected net revenue was found to be most sensitive to the length of the production cycle and to the harvest rate, while revenue risk was most sensitive to cycle length. Reservoir size was found to affect net revenue less than anticipated. Although common carp monoculture was found to maximize expected profit, the current species mix minimizes risk, thereby suggesting high risk aversion by northern Vietnam's poor farmers.  相似文献   

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