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This study was conducted to determine the feasibility of growing out hatchery‐reared spotted babylon juvenile (Babylonia areolata) in earthen ponds. The growth, survival and water quality for monoculture of spotted babylon were compared with the two polyculture trials with sea bass (Lates calcarifer) or milkfish (Chanos chanos). This study provided good results for growth and survival of spotted babylon in earthen ponds. The mean body weight gain of snails held in the monoculture was 5.39±0.08 g, and 4.07±0.16 and 4.25±0.11 g for those held in the polyculture with sea bass or milkfish respectively. Food conversion ratios (FCR) were 2.69, 2.96 and 2.71 for snails held in the monoculture and polyculture with sea bass and milkfish, respectively, and the final survival rates were 84.94%, 74.30% and 81.20% respectively. There were no significant differences in each parameter of water quality among the treatments but significant differences among the culture period were present (P<0.05). Salinity and total alkalinity showed the greatest changes during the culture period for all treatments. Seawater temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen, nitrite–nitrogen and ammonia–nitrogen gradually changed over the culture period for all the treatments. The present study indicated the technical feasibility for monoculture and polyculture of B. areolata to marketable sizes in earthen ponds.  相似文献   

Commercially valuable sea cucumbers are potential co‐culture species in tropical lagoon environments, where they may be integrated into established aquaculture areas used for seaweed farming. In the current study, wild‐caught juvenile sea cucumbers, Holothuria scabra, and red seaweed Kappaphycus striatum were co‐cultured on Zanzibar, United Republic of Tanzania. Sea cucumbers (97 g ± 31 SD,= 52) were cultured in mesh enclosures at initial cage stocking densities of 124 ± 21 SD and 218 ± 16 SD g m?2 under seaweed culture lines. Over 83 days, individual growth rate (1.6 g d?1 ± 0.2 SD) of sea cucumbers at low stocking density was significantly higher (χ2 = 8.292, d.f. 1, P = 0.004) than at high‐stocking density (0.9 g d?1 ± 0.1 SD). Seaweed individual growth rates [6.27 (±0.3 SE) g d?1] were highest in co‐culture with sea cucumber at low density but did not differ significantly from high sea cucumber density or seaweed monoculture treatments (χ2 = 3.0885, d.f. = 2, = 0.2135). Seaweed growth varied significantly (χ2 = 35.6, d.f. = 2, < 0.0001) with sampling period, with the final sampling period resulting in the highest growth rate. Growth performance for seaweed and sea cucumbers (χ2 = 3.089, d.f. = 2, = 0.21 and χ2 = 0.08, d.f. = 1, = 0.777 respectively), did not differ significantly between monoculture and co‐culture treatments, yet growth in co‐culture was comparable with that reported for existing commercial monoculture. Results indicate H. scabra is a highly viable candidate species for lagoon co‐culture with seaweed. Co‐culture offers a more efficient use of limited coastal space over monoculture and is recommended as a potential coastal livelihood option for lagoon farmers in tropical regions.  相似文献   

Ivory shell, Babylonia areolata, is one of the commercially important mariculture species in southern China and South‐East Asia. The selection programme for growth trait has been conducted since 2010 in two selected lines for three generations, namely the Hainan (H) and Thailand (T) selected lines. Ten polymorphic microsatellite loci were used to monitor changes in their genetic diversity and structure during the selection process. A relatively high level of overall genetic diversity was observed, while the number of microsatellite allele declined slightly in the mass selection lines. Comparative diversity estimates indicated greater genetic diversity in H line than T line. Moreover, a relatively weak but significant genetic differentiation was found in both of the selected generations. In addition, the higher genetic variation observed in H line is most likely caused by artificial selection while selection bias on a growth advantage for the T population. These findings suggest no significant decline of genetic diversity was observed in the presently selected lines and that a potential exists for genetic improvement and development for B. areolata.  相似文献   

Growth, production and economic analysis was performed for the polyculture of juveniles spotted babylon, Babylonia areolata, and milkfish, Chanos chanos, to marketable sizes using a large‐scale production of earthen ponds in Thailand. The analysis was based on actual cost and production data from a pilot commercial‐scale farm. A total farm area of 0.8 ha was comprised of 0.3 ha grow‐out earthen ponds, a 0.4 ha seawater reservoir, and a 0.08 ha accommodation and office. Each pond was stocked with spotted babylon juveniles of 0.3 g initial body weight at a density of 200 snails m?2, and they were harvested at a 7‐month period, at an average body weight of 4.6 g for a total yield per production cycle of spotted babylon and milkfish of 9875 and 6875 kg ha?1 respectively. Based on farm data and harvest data used in this study, initial investment requirement was estimated to be $4837. The ownership cost and operating cost per production cycle were $2241 and $18 501 respectively. Total cost per production cycle was $20 742. The cost of producing spotted babylon marketable sizes in this grow‐out farm design was $6.56 kg?1. The enterprise budgets based on the price of spotted babylon at a farm gate in 2003 of $9.00 kg?1 results in gross return, net return, return to capital and management, and return on investment of $31 190, $10 448, $12 689 and 2.62 respectively. Milkfish was not calculated for any returns because they were less than marketable sizes.  相似文献   

Eight growth trials of juvenile B. areolata at different water depths (20 and 50 cm) and water flow durations (6, 12, 18, and 24 h) were conducted in a flow-through culture system over 5 months. One-way ANOVA performed on each growth data set showed that there were significant differences among water depth (WD) and water flow duration (WFD) treatments (P < 0.05). The highest weight gain (6.29 g /snail) was found in snails reared in the treatment of WD50 /WFD24, followed by those from WD50 /WFD18 (6.15 g/snail), WD50/WFD12 (5.90 g/snail), WD50 /WFD6 (5.83 g/snail), WD20 /WFD24 (5.86 g/snail), and WD20 /WFD18 (5.87 g /snail), while the lowest one was found in WD20 /WFD6 (5.52 g/snail) and WD20 /WFD12 (5.57 g/snail). The relative weight gain (RWG) and individual weight gain (IWG) of the snails showed similar trends as the weight gain. Final survival exceeded 95% for all treatments. Based on all criteria, the best growth performances of juvenile spotted babylon were found in the WD50 /WFD18 and WD50 /WFD24 treatments, followed by the treatments of WD50/WFD12, WD50 /WFD6, WD20 /WFD24, and WD20 /WFD18; the lowest growth was found in WD20 /WFD6 and WD20 /WFD12.  相似文献   

Field trials were conducted to determine the effects of size, grow‐out period and site on the growth and survival of Holothuria scabra. Juveniles were reared in sea cages in two sites for 2 months during two different times of the year. Juveniles from Experiment 1 were subsequently grown in sea pens for 8 months in one site. The significantly lower survival particularly of the small‐sized group (<0.1 g) in Pilar is likely due to reduced water and sediment quality because of proximity to fish‐farming activities. The importance of grow‐out period was evident in the significant differences in weight increments in all size groups and biomass in the small‐sized group (P < 0.10) in Lucero during Experiment 2 when water temperature range and incidence of rainfall were higher. The decrease in the average weight of adults during the second half of the grow‐out period may be due to the interplay of the reduction in salinity, onset of sexual maturity and biomass exceeding carrying capacity in the pens. The estimated biomass threshold in the sea cages and pens in Lucero were 300 g m?2 and 380 g m?2 respectively. Implications of the results on the viability of small‐scale pen grow‐out culture are discussed.  相似文献   

Growth and water quality for growing-out of juvenile spotted Babylon, Babylonia areolata, were determined at three water-exchange regimes of 7-, 15- and 30-day intervals in large-scale operation of earthen ponds over a 5-month period. Results showed that growth was significantly different among the water-exchange treatments (P < 0.05). The higher body weight gains and shell length increments were observed in snails held at water exchange of 7- and 15-day intervals when compared with those held at water exchange of 30-day intervals. At the end of the experiment, average body weight gains were 4.22, 3.73 and 2.77 g for snails held in water-exchange treatments of 7-, 15- and 30-day intervals, respectively, and 16.63, 15.04 and 13.78 mm for those of shell length increments, respectively, The average final survivals were 83.60, 80.90 and 74.20% for snails held in water-exchange treatments of 7-, 15- and 30-day intervals, respectively. Seawater temperature, salinity, pH, dissolved oxygen, nitrite–nitrogen and ammonia–nitrogen had gradually changed throughout the culture period for all water-exchange treatments. With one exception, the total alkalinity showed the greatest changes during the culture period for all water-exchange treatments ranging from 58.67–97.50 mg/l.  相似文献   

Juvenile spotted babylon (Babylonia areolata) and sea bass (Lates calcarifer) were cultured in 11.5‐m3 indoor rearing tanks supplied with flow‐through of ambient natural sea water over a 120‐day experiment. Each species, stocked at the following densities for the following treatments, was tested with three replicates per treatment: 5000 B. areolata per tank (Treatment 1); 200 L. calcarifer per tank (Treatment 2); and 5000 B. areolata plus 200 L. calcarifer per tank (Treatment 3),. The average growth (length and weight), feed conversion ratio and total production of spotted babylon and sea bass from Treatment 3 were not significantly different from those of Treatment 1 and 2 (P > 0.05). Average survival rates for both spotted babylon and sea bass exceeded 95% for all treatments.  相似文献   

The growth and survival of juvenile spotted babylon, Babylonia areolata , were determined at five stocking densities (100, 200, 300, 400 and 500 snails m−2) and three water exchange regimes (7-, 15- and 21-day intervals) in experimental earthen ponds over a 6-month experimental period. The results showed that the growth of spotted babylons was not significantly different among any density treatments ( P <0.05). At the end of the experiment, the average growth rates in body weights were 0.59, 0.59, 0.58, 0.42 and 0.41 g month−1 respectively. Growth was significantly different among the different water-exchange treatments ( P <0.05). The higher body-weight gains were observed in snails held at water exchanges of 7- and 15-day intervals, when compared with those held at water exchange of 30-day intervals. At the end of the experiment, average body-weight gains were 4.22, 3.67 and 2.68 g for snails held in water-exchange treatments of 7-, 15- and 30-day intervals respectively. This study recommended that stocking densities ≤300 snails m−2 and water exchange of 7–15-day intervals are suitable for cultured B. areolata juveniles in earthen pond.  相似文献   

Experiments were conducted to identify suitable methods for broodstock rearing, induced breeding and grow‐out culture of Holothuria scabra in Sri Lanka. Two hundred and seventy‐two brooders (500–600 g) collected from off Mannar were individually packed in oxygen‐filled polythene bags with and without sea water and transported to a sea cucumber hatchery at Kalpitiya. Lagoon pens, sand‐filled fibreglass tanks and bare tanks were used in triplicates to maintain brooders. Spawning was initiated using air dry, water jet and thermal‐stimulation methods. Hatchery produced juveniles with an average weight of 11 ± 5 g were reared (2 individuals m?2) in lagoon pens, mud ponds and fibreglass tanks in triplicates. The significantly high evisceration rate was observed when brooders were transported without sea water (t‐test, P < 0.05). Brooders maintained in bare tanks showed a significant weight reduction than the brooders in sand‐filled tanks and lagoon pens (anova , P < 0.05, d.f. = 2). Thermal stimulation (ambient temperature ± 3–5°C) was found to be the most successful method of spawning initiation of H. scabra. The mean (±SD) percentage males and females participated for spawning per trial was 9.2 (±10) and 4.6 (±5.6) respectively. On an average, 1.16 millions of eggs (±1.03 SD, n = 5) were obtained per spawning trial. H. scabra juveniles reared in tanks showed significantly lower growth rate than the juveniles in pens and ponds (anova , P < 0.05). Lagoon pens and sand‐filled tanks are suitable to maintain brooders and lagoon pens can be successfully used for mass rearing of juveniles.  相似文献   

To determine a suitable culture environment to maximize growth and survival, the hatchery‐reared juvenile spotted babylon, Babylonia areolata, were held in plastic rearing tanks at four calcium carbonate additions of 0, 100 and 300 g tonne?1, and four water exchange regimes of 0‐, 15‐, 30‐ and 60‐day intervals in a recirculating grow‐out system for 120 days. The results clearly showed that growth was greatest between water exchange regimes of 15‐ and 30‐day intervals and all calcium carbonate additions, with water exchange regimes of 0‐ and 60‐day intervals resulting in poor growth. Final survival was highest between water exchange regimes of 15‐ and 30‐day intervals, and all calcium carbonate additions, with water exchange regimes of 0‐day intervals and all calcium carbonate additions resulting in high mortalities. This study showed that water exchange regimes had a stronger influence on the growth of juvenile B. areolata than calcium carbonate additions. It is recommended that B. areolata juveniles be maintained within the water exchange regimes range of 15–30‐day intervals and at calcium carbonate additions between 0 and 500 g tonne?1, providing optimum conditions for production of this species in a recirculating grow‐out system.  相似文献   

This study investigated monthly changes of sedimentation and sediment properties in three different culture systems (ponds) – i.e. jellyfish Rhopilema esculenta monoculture (J), sea cucumber Apostichopus japonicus and jellyfish co‐culture (SJ) and sea cucumber monoculture (S) – to verify the feasibility of co‐culturing jellyfish and sea cucumbers. Results showed that jellyfish culture accelerated the settling velocity of total particulate matter (TPM). Average TPM settling velocities in the SJ (75.6 g m?2 day?1) and J (71.1 g m?2 day?1) ponds were significantly higher than that in the S pond (21.7 g m?2 day?1) from June to September during the jellyfish culture period. Average settling velocities of organic matter (OM), total organic carbon (TOC), total nitrogen (TN) and total phosphorus (TP) in the SJ pond increased significantly by 3.0, 2.9, 3.3 and 3.8 times, respectively, compared with those in the S pond. Sediment contents of OM, TOC, TN and TP in the SJ and J ponds were significantly higher than those in the S pond during the jellyfish culture season. The specific growth rate of sea cucumbers feeding on SJ sediment was significantly higher than that of those feeding on S sediment. Co‐culturing sea cucumbers with jellyfish may help alleviate benthic nutrient loading due to the jellyfish and provide a secondary cash crop.  相似文献   

Juvenile cultured sandfish (Holothuria scabra) with a mean size of 35.6 mm±11.4 S.D. were released on soft substrata near mangrove–seagrass and lagoonal coral reef flat habitats in the Western Province of Solomon Islands. Mean survival of H. scabra at the mangrove–seagrass sites was 95–100% 1 h after release and approximated 70% 3 days later. At the coral reef flat sites, however, mean survival was as low as 37.5% 1 h after release and total mortality occurred in two of the three releases within 48 h. Mortality of the juvenile H. scabra was due mainly to predation by fish in the families Balistidae, Labridae, Lethrinidae and Nemipteridae. Survival of juvenile H. scabra was improved significantly by releasing them within a cage of 8-mm mesh. This procedure resulted in 100% survival of juveniles in the coral reef flat habitat during the course of the experiment. Our data indicate that mangrove–seagrass areas should be suitable habitats for release of cultured juvenile sandfish in restocking and stock enhancement programs. Release of sandfish at night, to coincide with the time they emerge during their inherent diel burrowing cycle, and the short-term use of protective cages, should be investigated to improve survival of individuals released in mangrove–seagrass habitats.  相似文献   

The feasibility of co‐culturing the sea cucumber Holothuria leucospilota Brandt in a subtropical fish farm was investigated in a field study. Sea cucumbers were cultured in the fish farm in cages suspended at 4 m deep (suspended culture) and directly on the seafloor (bottom culture). The survival and growth of the sea cucumbers were monitored twice during the 3‐month, summer experimental period (May 26–August 14, 2010). Results showed that the suspension‐cultured sea cucumbers exhibited excellent survival rate (100%) during the whole study period. There also occurred no mortality in the bottom‐cultured sea cucumbers during the first culture period (May 26–July 13); but all these died from anoxia caused by water column stratification during the second culture period (July 14–August 14). The specific growth rate of the bottom‐cultured sea cucumbers (1.05 ± 0.21 % day?1) was nearly double that of the suspended culture animals (0.57 ± 0.21 % day?1) during the first culture period, and the growth rates of the suspended culture sea cucumbers in the second culture periods (0.46 ± 0.24 % day?1) was only a little lower than that of the first period. The sea cucumbers H. leucospilota could ingest and assimilate sediment with high organic matter content with an average assimilation efficiency of 14.9 ± 3.9%. This study indicated that fish farm detritus can be effectively used as a food source for the sea cucumber and that it can be turned into a valuable secondary crop in the form of the sea cucumber biomass.  相似文献   

The effects and commercial implications of aquatic plant addition, and variable prawn stocking density and supply of commercial aquafeed on water quality, prawn production and economic benefit, are investigated in a prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergii) + plant (Hydrilla verticillata) co‐culture system. Our experimental design includes a control (PM, prawn monoculture without H. verticillata, with 30 prawns/m2) and four treatments with 15% plant cover of total pond area in each replicate. Dissolved oxygen, pH, N, P, total ammoniacal nitrogen, nitrite and nitrate in this co‐culture system were significantly lower than those of PM. Prawn survival (96.2 ± 14.9%), average final weight (68.5 ± 4.9 g) and yield (879.1 ± 102.4 kg/ha) in treatment 20W80%A (20 prawns/m2, 80% of control aquafeed) were obviously greater than in PM and other treatments. Despite small males (SM) and immature females (IF) being predominant in prawn + plant cultures, more than 77.2% of prawns reached or exceeded 40 g on completion of trials, and by six months were of appropriate size for market. We report culture of M. rosenbergii with H. verticillata to be both feasible and profitable. The optimal treatment, a stocking density of 20 prawns/m2 with these plants, enabled reduction of commercial aquafeed to 20% conventional culture levels. For this optimal treatment, we estimate total gross revenue, profit and internal rate of return to be US$ 6,593.3 ± 103.3 ha?1, US$ 3,095.5 ± 42.6 ha?1 and 127.5 ± 20.7% for 20W80%A respectively; we estimate U.S. Dollar (US$) invested generates 3.87 times conventional culture revenue. Co‐culture of M. rosenbergii and plants renders prawn production ecologically and economically feasible on larger farms.  相似文献   

Growth, survival and shell normality of hatchery reared juvenile Babylonia areolata were examined at four water exchange regimes of 0, 15, 30 and 60 day intervals in a recirculating seawater system over a 120 day experimental period. Higher body weight gains and shell length increments were observed in snails held at water exchange of 15 day intervals, especially when compared with those held at water exchange of 60 and 0 day intervals (P < 0.05). Water exchange affected the final survival of B. areolata. At the end of the experiment, final survival rates were 65.47 ± 0.66%, 87.48 ± 0.67%, 86.34 ± 0.92% and 78.50 ± 3.26% for snails held in the water exchange treatments of 0, 15, 30, and 60 day intervals, respectively, and those of shell abnormality were 97.65 ± 1.04%, 93.09 ± 2.34%, 97.08 ± 1.18% and 96.71 ± 1.84%, respectively. The present study concluded that water exchange regimes of the recirculating system influenced growth, survival, shell normality and water quality of the recirculating culture system for this species.  相似文献   

To address the preference of mud crab farmers for larger size Scylla serrata juveniles (5.0–10 g body weight or BW; 3.0–5.0 cm internal carapace width or ICW), a study was conducted to compare the growth and survival of crab juveniles (2.0–5.0 g BW; 1.0–3.0 cm ICW) produced a month after stocking of megalopae in net cages when reared further in net cages installed in earthen ponds or when stocked directly in earthen ponds. In a 3 × 2 factorial experiment, three stocking densities (1, 3 and 5 ind m−2), two types of rearing units (net cages or earthen pond) were used. Megalopae were grown to juvenile stage for 30 days in net cages set inside a 4000 m2 brackishwater pond and fed brown mussel (Modiolus metcalfei). Crab juveniles were then transferred to either net cages (mesh size of 1.0 mm) or earthen ponds at three stocking densities. After 1 month, no interaction between stocking density and rearing unit was detected so data were pooled for each stocking density and rearing unit. There were no significant differences in the growth or survival rate of crab juveniles across stocking density treatments. Regardless of stocking density, survival in net cages was higher (77.11±6.62%) than in ponds (40.41±3.59%). Growth, however, was significantly higher for crab juveniles reared in earthen ponds. The range of mean BW of 10.5–16.0 g and an ICW of 3.78–4.33 cm obtained are within the size range preferred by mud crab operators for stocking grow‐out ponds.  相似文献   

The study investigated the combined effect of weaning from live feed to a commercial dry pellet at 10, 15, 20, 25 or 30 days posthatching (dph) and co‐feeding for 1, 3 or 6 days on survival and growth of Coregonus peled larvae. Additional groups fed only live Artemia sp. nauplii (ART), and only Biomar LARVIVA ProWean 100 (DRY) were included. A final survival rate of 66.4%–85.5% was observed in groups weaned after 20 dph. Final body weight (BW) and total length (TL) were significantly lower in groups weaned at 10 and 15 dph, regardless of the duration of co‐feeding. Larvae reached 29–37 mg BW and TL of 17.7–19.0 mm in groups weaned at 20, 25 and 30 dph. The recommended minimum duration of feeding with live food, based on these results, is 20 days. Based on the significantly higher yield of larvae weaned after 20 dph irrespective of co‐feeding duration, it can be concluded that abrupt weaning to dry food after 20 days of feeding with live prey can provide adequate production while reducing the effort and costs associated with live feed.  相似文献   

While co‐infections are common in both wild and cultured fish, knowledge of the interactive effects of multiple pathogens on host physiology, gene expression and immune response is limited. To evaluate the impact of co‐infection on host survival, physiology and gene expression, sockeye salmon Oncorhynchus nerka smolts were infected with the salmon louse Lepeophtheirus salmonis (V?/SL+), infectious hematopoietic necrosis virus (IHNV; V+/SL?), both (V+/SL+), or neither (V?/SL?). Survival in the V+/SL+ group was significantly lower than the V?/SL? and V?/SL+ groups (p = 0.024). Co‐infected salmon had elevated osmoregulatory indicators and lowered haematocrit values as compared to the uninfected control. Expression of 12 genes associated with the host immune response was analysed in anterior kidney and skin. The only evidence of L. salmonis‐induced modulation of the host antiviral response was down‐regulation of mhc I although the possibility of modulation cannot be ruled out for mx‐1 and rsad2. Co‐infection did not influence the expression of genes associated with the host response to L. salmonis. Therefore, we conclude that the reduced survival in co‐infected sockeye salmon resulted from the osmoregulatory consequences of the sea lice infections which were amplified due to infection with IHNV.  相似文献   

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