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A new mineral, stanfieldite, Ca(4)(Mg,Fe)(5)(PO(4))(6), has been found in the Estherville mesosiderite and several pallasites: Santa Rosalia, Albin, Finmarken, Imilac, Mount Vernon, and Newport. The atom ratio Mg:Fe of this mineral varies from 1.5 in Estherville to a constant ratio of about 15 in the pallasites. X-ray, optical, and chemical data for the mineral resemble those for the only intermediate compound in the system Mg(3)(PO(4))(2)-Ca(3)(PO(4))(2).  相似文献   

Carbon dioxide and organic compounds made by a Fischer-Tropsch reaction at 400 degrees K show a kinetic isotope fractionation of 50 to 100 per mil, similar to that observed in carbonaceous chondrites. This result supports the view that organic compounds in meteorites were produced by catalytic reactions between carbon monoxide and hydrogen in the solar nebula.  相似文献   

Oxygen isotope zoning in garnet   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Oxygen isotope zoning was examined within garnet with the use of the stable isotope laser probe. Four metamorphic garnets from the regional metamorphic terrane in Vermont and the skarn deposit at Carr Fork, Utah, were examined and were found to be concentrically zoned in delta(18)O values. The largest variations in delta(18)O values were observed in the regional metamorphic garnets, where delta(18)O values change by 3 per mil from core to rim. These oxygen isotope zoning profiles reflect the changes in the delta(18)O values of the rocks during garnet growth, which are caused by infiltration of fluids and by dehydration reactions during metamorphism.  相似文献   

Rhenium and osmium concentrations and the osmium isotopic compositions of iron meteorites were determined by negative thermal ionization mass spectrometry. Data for the IIA iron meteorites define an isochron with an uncertainty of approximately +/-31 million years for meteorites approximately 4500 million years old. Although an absolute rheniumosmium closure age for this iron group cannot be as precisely constrained because of uncertainty in the decay constant of (187)Re, an age of 4460 million years ago is the minimum permitted by combined uncertainties. These age constraints imply that the parent body of the IIAB magmatic irons melted and subsequently cooled within 100 million years after the formation of the oldest portions of chondrites. Other iron meteorites plot above the IIA isocbron, indicating that the planetary bodies represented by these iron groups may have cooled significantly later than the parent body of the IIA irons.  相似文献   

The stony-iron meteorites Bencubbin and Weatherford contain nitrogen with a ratio of nitrogen-15 to nitrogen-14 larger than normal by as much as a factor of 2. The excess nitrogen-15 may be due either to a nucleosynthetic origin or to extreme isotopic fractionation. In the former case, it may reflect failure to homogenize nitrogen-15 produced in nova explosions. In the latter case, it may reflect chemical processing at temperatures below 40 K in a presolar molecular cloud.  相似文献   

The effect of oxygen isotope substitution on the superconducting transition temperature, T(c), has been measured for BaBi(0.25)Pb(0.75)O(3) (T(c), approximately 11 K) and Lal(1.85) Ca(0.15)CuO(4) (T(c) approximately 20 K), and is compared to the shifts observed for La(1.85)Sr(0.15)CuO(4) (T(c) approximately 37 K) and YBa(2)Cu(3)O(7) (T(c) approximately 92 K). For all four materials, the transition temperature is shifted to lower temperature upon substitution of oxygen-18 for oxygen-16. The observed shifts demonstrate that phonons are involved in the electron-pairing mechanism in these oxide superconductors.  相似文献   

The oxygen isotope compositions (delta(18)O) of eclogitic xenoliths from the Roberts Victor kimberlite range from 2 to 8 per mil relative to SMOW (standard mean ocean water). This surprising variation appears to be due to fractional crystallization: the eclogites rich in oxygen-18 represent early crystal accumulates; the eclogites poor in oxygen-18 represent residual liquids. Crystal-melt partitioning probably exceeded 3 per mil and is interpreted to be pressure-dependent. Anomalous enrichment of oxygen-18 in cumulate eclogites relative to ultramafic xenoliths suggests that crystal-melt partitioning increased after melt-formation but prior to crystallization.  相似文献   

Oxygen isotope fractionation in the system dolomite-calcite-carbon dioxide   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Oxygen isotopes were equilibrated between carbon dioxide and calcite at four temperatures in the range 350 degrees to 610 degrees C and between carbon dioxide and dolomite at 350 degrees and 400 degrees C. Carbon of unusual isotopic composition was used as a tracer to demonstrate the nature and extent of the exchange process. Extrapolation of these data at lower temperatures indicates that at 25 degrees C dolomite is enriched in oxygen-18 by 6.8 per mil with respect to calcite. This result indicates that those natural dolomite-calcite assemblages which show very small fractionations were not formed in isotopic equilibrium.  相似文献   

A study has been made of some of the enzymatic mechanisms responsible for the previously reported fractionation of oxygen isotopes by whole organisms. The data indicate that the fractionation occurs through the activity of metalloenzymes.  相似文献   

Burk RL  Stuiver M 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1981,211(4489):1417-1419
Values of the oxygen isotope ratios (delta(18)O) in tree-ring cellulose closely reflect the delta(18)O values in atmospheric precipitation and hence mean annual temperature. The change in delta(18)O in cellulose is 0.41 per mil per degree Celsius for selected near-coastal stations. The values of delta(18)O in precipitation and cellulose also change with altitude, as demonstrated for Mount Rainier, Washington. A temperature lapse rate of 5.2 degrees +/- 0.5 degrees C per 1000 meters calculated from cellulose delta(18)O values agrees with the accepted mean annual lapse rate of 5 degrees C per 1000 meters for this region. Cellulose delta(18)O values and delta(18)O values of carbon dioxide equilibrated with leaf water differ by a fixed 16 per mil.  相似文献   

A calcium-aluminum-rich inclusion (CAI) from the Allende meteorite was analyzed and found to contain melilite crystals with extreme oxygen-isotope compositions ( approximately 5 percent oxygen-16 enrichment relative to terrestrial oxygen-16). Some of the melilite is also anomalously enriched in oxygen-16 compared with oxygen isotopes measured in other CAIs. The oxygen isotopic variation measured among the minerals (melilite, spinel, and fassaite) indicates that crystallization of the CAI started from oxygen-16-rich materials that were probably liquid droplets in the solar nebula, and oxygen isotope exchange with the surrounding oxygen-16-poor nebular gas progressed through the crystallization of the CAI. Additional oxygen isotope exchange also occurred during subsequent reheating events in the solar nebula.  相似文献   

The Murchison and Allende chondrites contain up to 5 parts per million carbon that is enriched in carbon-13 by up to + 1100 per mil (the ratio of carbon-12 to carbon-13 is approximately 42, compared to 88 to 93 for terrestrial carbon). This "heavy" carbon is associated with neon-22 and with anomalous krypton and xenon showing the signature of the s-process (neutron capture on a slow time scale). It apparently represents interstellar grains ejected from late-type stars. A second anomalous xenon component ("CCFXe") is associated with a distinctive, light carbon (depleted in carbon-13 by 38 per mil), which, however, falls within the terrestrial range and hence may be of either local or exotic origin.  相似文献   

Isotopic analyses of subglacially precipitated calcite from near a modern temperate glacier show that the delta(18)O (= (18)O/(16)O relative to standard mean ocean water) of the calcite records the delta(18)O of the ice from that glacier. It may therefore be possible to determine the delta(18)O of Pleistocene ice sheets on the basis of isotopic analyses of calcite formed under that ancient ice. This, in turn, would allow estimation of the delta(18)O of Pleistocene oceans and correction of the paleotemperature scale based on foraminiferal oxygen isotopic analyses.  相似文献   

Seven carbonaceous chondrites have been analyzed for soluble organic compounds, carbonate, and residual carbon. Carbon-13/carbon-12 isotopic mneasurements on these fractions gave the following values relative to a marine carbonate standard: carbonate, +40 to +70 per mil; residual carbon, -15 to -17 per mil; soluble organic material, -17 to -27 per mil, with one value of -5.5 per mil. These values are interpreted to indicate that carbonate, residual carbon, and part of the extractable organic material are endogenous to these meteorites.  相似文献   

Carrier-gas fusion extractions of total nitrogen in 22 chondritic meteorites indicate a wide variation in total nitrogen contents, ranging from 660 parts per million for an enstatite chondrite to 18 parts per million for an ordinary chondrite. Total nitrogen and total carbon contents of individual chondrites do not show a positive correlation.  相似文献   

Oxygen isotopes in marine sulfate (delta18O(SO4)) measured in marine barite show variability over the past 10 million years, including a 5 per mil decrease during the Plio-Pleistocene, with near-constant values during the Miocene that are slightly enriched over the modern ocean. A numerical model suggests that sea level fluctuations during Plio-Pleistocene glacial cycles affected the sulfur cycle by reducing the area of continental shelves and increasing the oxidative weathering of pyrite. The data also require that sulfate concentrations were 10 to 20% lower in the late Miocene than today.  相似文献   

Laser-extraction oxygen isotope and major element analyses of individual glass spherules from Haitian Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary sediments demonstrate that the glasses fall on a mixing line between an isotopically heavy (delta(18)O = 14 per mil) high-calcium composition and an isotopically light (delta(18)O = 6 per mil) high-silicon composition. This trend can be explained by melting of heterogeneous source rocks during the impact of an asteroid (or comet) approximately 65 million years ago. The data indicate that the glasses are a mixture of carbonate and silicate rocks and exclude derivation of the glasses either by volcanic processes or as mixtures of sulfate-rich evaporate and silicate rocks.  相似文献   

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