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Sixteen Plum pox virus (PPV) isolates from several stone fruit cultivars, host species, orchards and geographical areas of Bosnia and Herzegovina were selected for typing, using serotype-specific monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) and PCR–RFLP, targeting the 3' terminal region of the coat protein (CP) and P3-6K1 with restriction enzymes Rsa I and Dde I. Four PPV isolates were identified as PPV-M by serology and PCR; eight isolates were identified as PPV-D based on PCR–RFLP on both genomic regions, but were not recognized by the D-specific MAb4DG5. Four isolates from plum were identified as natural D/M recombinants (PPV-Rec), based on conflicting results of CP and P3-6K1 typing. To investigate the genetic diversity of Bosnian PPV isolates in more detail, five isolates (three PPV-Rec, one PPV-M and one PPV-D) were partially sequenced in the region spanning the 3' terminal part of the NIb gene and the 5'-terminal part of the CP gene, corresponding to nucleotides 8056–8884. Nucleotide sequence alignment of recombinant isolates showed that they were closely related at the molecular level to previously characterized recombinants from other European countries, and shared the same recombination break point in the 3' terminal part of the NIb gene. This is the first report of naturally infected Prunus trees with PPV-M, PPV-D and PPV-Rec in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The high variability of the Bosnian PPV isolates fits with the presence of this virus in the country over a long period.  相似文献   

A large-scale serological characterisation of Plum pox virus (PPV) isolates was carried out with 19 monoclonal antibodies (MAbs), including the universal MAb5B and the following strain-specific MAbs: AL (specific to PPV-M), 4DG5 (specific to PPV-D), TUV and AC (specific to PPV-C), and EA24 (specific to PPV-EA). The study involved 108 PPV isolates of different geographical origin (Albania, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Egypt, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Hungary, Moldova, Romania, Slovakia, Spain, Turkey and Yugoslavia) and hosts (almond, apricot, peach, plum and cherry). The inter- and intra-strain serological relationships of PPV isolates were evaluated by DASI-ELISA. High serological variability was detected, not only between strains, but also among isolates of the same strain. Computer-assisted analysis of serological data support the hypothesis of the existence of two distinct subclusters, denoted PPV-M1 and PPV-M2, which seem to prevail in Mediterranean and Eastern–Central European countries, respectively.  相似文献   

An Italian isolate of plum pox potyvirus (PPV) from apricot, Ispave 17, was used as antigen for production of monoclonal antibodies. Six clones secreting specific antibodies to PPV were obtained. All these monoclonal antibodies were used to test a collection of different Italian PPV isolates, collected from plum, apricot and peach orchards, and other European isolates (including PPV-D and PPV-M serotypes), using DAS-ELISA, SDS-PAGE, western blot and GIEM. In western blot analysis, the PPV-M and PPV-D coat protein, detected directly from crude peach GF305 extracts, showed different electrophoretic mobility, the coat protein of PPV-M being slightly larger than that of PPV-D. ELISA tests, performed with fixed dilutions of antibodies and limiting dilutions of clarified samples, showed with some monoclonal antibodies a marked difference between PPV-M and PPV-D strains, at ratios greater than 1:40 (w/v). Also in GIEM some monoclonal antibodies gave a good labelling reaction only with PPV-D serotype. With the help of this differentiation, it was found that all Italian isolates tested were of the D serotype and none of the severe M strain of PPV, which has not been reported in Italy.  相似文献   

Roots of seedlings of wheat and barley affected by bare patch disease at a field site in Western Australia were assessed for root damage and plated to isolate fungi. The patches were variable in shape and size and had the most severely affected plants in the centre. Of the 165 isolates ofRhizoctonia spp. obtained, 90% were multinucleate and 10% binucleate, the former being predominant in the plants at the centre of the patch. The relative frequency of binucleate isolates increased with proximity to the periphery. The increase in activity of avirulent binucleate isolates towards the periphery of the patch may be related to the sharp and abrupt edging of the patch. A variety of other species of fungi such asFusarium spp.,Mortierella spp.,Bipolaris sorokiniana, Pythium sp. andTrichoderma sp. were encountered within the patches. The multinucleate isolates belonging to anastomosis groups (Ag) 2–1, 2–2 and 8 (Thanatephorus cucumeris) were most pathogenic to wheat. The binucleate isolates of Ag C, D, E, and K (Ceratobasidium sp.) were less pathogenic. It is suggested that the bare patch disease is caused by a complex of root rot fungi composed of one or more anastomosis groups ofRhizoctonia spp. and other associated fungi.Samenvatting Van kiemplanten van tarwe en gerst, afkomstig van een met kale-plekkenziekte besmet perceel in West Australië werd de mate van wortelbeschadiging bepaald en werden schimmels uit de wortels geïsoleerd. De plekken waren verschillend van vorm en afmeting; de zwaarst aangetaste planten werden in het centrum ervan aangetroffen. Van de 165 verkregen isolaten vanRhizoctonia spp. was 90% meerkernig en 10% tweekernig. De meerkernige overheersten in de centra van de plekken. Relatief gezien nam het aantal tweekernige isolaten toe naarmate de herkomst dichter bij de periferie van de plekken was. De scherpe begrenzing van de ziekte aan de randen van de plekken zou in verband kunnen staan met het toenemen van de activiteit van de avirulente tweekernige isolaten in de nabijheid van de periferie van de plekken. Een aantal andere schimmels, zoalsFusarium spp.,Mortierella spp.,Bipolaris sorokiniana, Pythium sp. enTrichoderma sp. werd eveneens in de plekken aangetroffen. De meerkernige isolaten die tot de anastomosegroepen Ag 2–1, 2–2 en 8 (Thanatephorus cucumeris) behoren, waren voor tarwe het meest pathogeen. De tweekernige isolaten van de anastomosegroepen Ag C, D, E en K (Ceratobasidium sp.) waren minder pathogeen. Gesuggereerd wordt, dat de kale-plekkenziekte veroorzaakt wordt door een complex van verschillende wortelschimmels, die behoren tot een of meer anastomosegroepen vanR. solani en andere daarmee geassocieerde schimmels.  相似文献   

The fungal endophytic–host relationships of Discula umbrinella and two oak species, Quercus alba and Quercus rubra, were characterized on the basis of endophytic infection, pathogenicity, and mycelial compatibility. Isolates of D. umbrinella were cultured from leaves of Q. alba and Q. rubra collected from a hardwood forest located in Patuxent Wildlife Research Center in Laurel, Maryland, USA. Endophytic infection was observed on sterile leaf discs and living 2-month-old seedlings of Q. alba and Q. rubra. Fungal-host reciprocal inoculations revealed the presence of conidiomata on both hosts but conidiomata production was more abundant on Q. alba. Isolates from Q. rubra produced milder disease symptoms on both oak species. Mycelial compatibility studies identified seven different MCG groups. MCG groups 1–3 contained isolates from both oak species whereas MCG groups 4–7 contained host specific isolates. Field studies monitored the seasonal appearance of the sexual fruiting structures, perithecia, as a possible source of new genetic variation that might alter host specificity/pathogenicity of the D. umbrinella isolates on Q. alba and Q. rubra hosts. Only 1–2% of the leaves contained perithecia throughout the sampling period (April–September). Isolates collected from Q. alba differed from those collected from Q. rubra in endophytic infection, pathogenic response, and perithecia production. The results of this study suggest that the endophyte–host relationship is one of host selective preference for Q. alba, but that the endophyte has the ability to maintain the endophytic/pathogenic life cycle on the less preferred host species, Q. rubra.  相似文献   

Although Prune dwarf virus (PDV) is one of the most common viruses infecting stone fruits (Prunus spp.), most of the molecular diversity studies have so far focused on the capsid protein (CP) gene. An alternative diagnostic primer pair targeting the movement protein (MP) gene was used in the present work, increasing then polyvalence of PDV detection in cherry samples from Slovakia as compared to the previously published primers amplifying 5′MP-intergenic region-CP-3′UTR fragment. The nearly complete sequence of the RNA3 from 24 Slovak PDV isolates was determined, together with 19 partial sequences of the MP gene for other isolates. Even though the isolates originated from a geographically limited region, analyses showed a high degree of nucleotide sequence diversity between isolates. No clear-cut phylogenetic grouping based on host or geographical origin could be observed. The topology of the MP and CP trees were incongruent for some isolates. Highly supported recombination signals were detected in five PDV isolates, with breakpoints located at different positions in the central part of RNA3, within or close to the intergenic region. Taken together these results extend our understanding of the variability of PDV and for the first time highlight the contribution of recombination to the evolutionary history of this virus.  相似文献   

Isolates of Verticillium dahliae were collected from affected trees (Acer spp., Tilia spp. and Robinia spp.) and soils in Belgian ornamental nurseries. Nitrate non-utilizing mutants were produced and vegetative compatibility groups (VCGs) were classified based on complementation tests with reference tester strains. Of the 30 isolates analysed, 12 were classified as VCG2B and 18 as VCG4B following the American classification. In order to distinguish VCG2B from VCG4B, specific polymerase chain reaction primers were designed based on the sequence of a VCG2B-associated Direct Amplification of Minisatellite-region DNA (DAMD) band generated with the core sequence of the phage M13 minisatellite DNA. Using this test, amplification products were generated for all the VCG2B isolates characterized in this study. In contrast, no signal was seen on ethidium–bromide agarose gel for VCG4B isolates. Pathogenicity tests were carried out in a glasshouse on maple-rooted cuttings inoculated with conidial suspensions of V. dahliae belonging to both groups (VCG2B/VCG4B). Some strains proved to be highly aggressive, while others did not. However, these different behaviours were not correlated with the VCGs.  相似文献   

Leptosphaeria maculans, the cause of stem canker of oilseed rape (OSR), exhibits gene-for-gene interactions with its host plant. The race structure of L. maculans was assessed on the basis of the analysis of 1011 isolates collected in France between 1990 and 2000, with regards to three AVR genes, AvrLm1, AvrLm2 and AvrLm4. The effect of selection pressure, due to large-scale cropping of Rlm1 cultivars, on the evolution of races of the fungus was also evaluated. The results revealed a scarcity or complete absence of isolates harbouring AvrLm2, whereas isolates harbouring AvrLm4 were present at a variable level, that was as high as 17.2–31.2% depending on the sample year and location. When obtained from rlm1 cultivars, isolates harbouring AvrLm1 always represented more than 83% of the populations until the 1997–1998 growing season. As a consequence, the Rlm1 cultivars had been highly efficient at controlling the disease and were grown on an estimated 43.7% of the total French acreage in OSR in 1998–1999. However, the increased commercial success of Rlm1 cultivars was paralleled by a decrease in the proportion of isolates harbouring AvrLm1 in 1997–1998 and 1998–1999. This resulted in less than 13% of isolates harbouring AvrLm1 in populations being collected from rlm1 cultivars in 1999 and 2000, and contributed to the loss of efficiency of the Rlm1 resistance in the field. The present study is an illustration of one round of a `boom and bust' cycle that occurred for a pathosystem where it has never been reported before. These data and the high evolutionary potential of L. maculans are fully supportive of one pathogen species with a high risk of breaking down resistance genes in OSR and suggest that the development of integrated strategies aiming at maximising the durability of novel resistance is now a priority for this pathosystem.  相似文献   

In the early spring of 1992, plum pox-like viruses (PPLVs) were detected by standard ELISA in some Prunus species. The isolates reacted positively with plum pox potyvirus (PPV) antisera in immunosorbent electron microscopy and Western blot analysis. In Western blot analyses, bands associated with the coat protein subunits of the PPLVs were 48–56 kDa, whereas bands associated with the coat protein subunits of known PPV isolates were 32–37 kDa in size. Also, the PPLVs differed from known PPV isolates in their symptoms on woody and herbaceous indicators, and in their herbaceous host range. None of these PPLVs appears to be an isolate of PPV.  相似文献   

Eight isolates of Grapevine virus A (GVA), which induced different symptoms in leaves of Nicotiana benthamiana, were recovered from various grapevines. The dsRNA patterns of two isolates, which consistently induced mild vein clearing (referred here as mild isolates of GVA) were similar, but different from those of other isolates of GVA. Analysis based on overall nucleotide (nt) sequence identity in the 3 terminal part of the GVA genome, comprising part of ORF3 (putative movement protein, MP), entire ORF4 (capsid protein, CP), entire ORF5 and part of 3 UTR, revealed that GVA isolates separate into three groups (I, II, III), sharing 91.0–99.8% nt sequence identity within groups and 78.0–89.3% nt sequence identity between groups. Mild isolates of the virus were group III and shared only 78.0–79.6% nt sequence identity with the other isolates. The comparison of predicted amino acid sequences for MP and CP revealed many amino acid alterations, revealing distinct local net charges of these proteins for mild isolates of the virus. Based on both conserved and divergent nt regions in the CP and ORF5, oligonucleotide primers were designed for the simultaneous RT-PCR detection of all GVA isolates and for the specific detection of the most divergent virus variants represented here by mild isolates of the virus.  相似文献   

Epidemiology of sharka disease in France   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Plum pox virus was first detected in France in the 1960s. Both PPV-D and PPV-M strains are present but epidemics related to the PPV-M strain detected in the late 1980s are the most problematic. The two PPV strains have unequal distributions in peach and apricot orchards and different prevalences. More than 20 different aphid species have been identified as vectors of PPV but most of them do not colonize Prunus species. Thus, aphids involved in the spread of PPV in orchards are essentially visiting aphids. The main sources of inoculum for the vectors are leaves and fruits of infected stone-fruit trees. Spontaneous, wild and ornamental Prunus species such as Prunus dulcis , P. spinosa or P. pissardii are susceptible to PPV isolates found in France but their role as a reservoir in sharka epidemics is probably negligible. The disease spreads rapidly in orchards but the rate of progression may vary according to the identity of the PPV strain and the Prunus species. Analysis of spatial patterns of disease has shown that secondary spread by aphids frequently occurs over short distances in the orchards (aggregated patterns) but also that dissemination at longer distances (of several hundred metres) is a common event.  相似文献   

Sharka disease has a limited distribution in Turkey and does not present a problem for stone fruit production. However, sharka is the most common virus disease of apricots, plums and peaches in Ankara, although it is not a common disease in other cities in Turkey. In different parts of Ankara, 212 private gardens in 21 locations were surveyed forPlum pox virus (PPV) incidence. All together 935 trees of apricot, plum, peach, sweet cherry and sour cherry were sampled and tested for the presence ofPPV by double-antibody sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (DAS-ELISA).PPV was identified in numerous trees,viz. 286 apricots, 172 plums and 65 peaches. Strain differentiation ofPPV was accomplished using double-antibody sandwich indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (DASI-ELISA). These assays confirmed the presence of isolates belonging toPPV-M, PPV-D and mixed infections ofPPV-M+D. This is the first report of the presence ofPPV-D and mixed infections ofPPV-M+D in Turkey. http://www.phytoparasitica.org posting July 14, 2004.  相似文献   

The genetic structure of the populations of Turnip mosaic virus in Kyushu and central Honshu, Japan was assessed. The host specificity of isolates was determined, and their gene sequences compared utilizing a population genetic approach. Phylogenetic analysis of partial sequences revealed that 32 of 49 Honshu isolates (65%) collected during 1997–2001 belonged to the basal-BR group as did 23 of 64 isolates from Kyushu. All these basal-BR isolates infected both Brassica and Raphanus plants. However, analyses of the positions of recombination sites in five regions of the genome (one third of the full sequence) showed that at least four intra-lineage recombinants were present in these populations. These analyses showed that Kyushu and Honshu shared none of these subpopulations, and genetically distinct basal-BR populations were present in the two districts. We conclude that different basal-BR subpopulations had expanded into those districts. The nucleotide sequences are deposited in the DDBJ/EMBL/GenBank databases under accession numbers AB267281-AB267376.  相似文献   

In July 2014, leaves showing symptoms of a viral infection were collected from a plum tree serving as a mother tree in a Finnish nursery and found to be infected by Plum pox virus (PPV). A subsequent survey revealed additional infected trees originating from the infected mother tree. This paper provides the first report of PPV, the causal agent of the most destructive viral disease of Prunus, in Finland.  相似文献   

Plum pox virus (PPV), the causal agent of Sharka disease, is an important pathogen of stone fruit trees. In this study, 24 new Czech PPV isolates from five different orchards were collected and characterized, molecularly. PPV-D isolates were identified in all orchards studied; whereas PPV-Rec isolates were identified in only two of them. A phylogenetic analysis on (Cter) NIb-(Nter) CP was performed. Three Czech PPV-D isolates BOH11CZ, BOH12CZ, and BOH13CZ diverged into a significantly separated cluster. PPV-Rec isolates formed a fairly homogenous group. However, the Bohutice and the Lipov PPV-Rec isolates clustered in two significantly separated branches.  相似文献   

A study was undertaken to examine the main source of inoculum of Bipolaris sorokiniana responsible for its reappearance in rice–wheat cropping regions of eastern India. Soil samples were collected at monthly intervals during April–October in the years 2000 and 2001 from fields having rice–wheat cropping. Bipolaris sorokiniana conidia were isolated and their viability was found to decline sharply with the onset of flooding in the month of August. In contrast to 82% in April, viability was 4% and <1% in August and September, respectively. Viable conidia were multiplied in the laboratory and inoculated on to susceptible cv. Sonalika under controlled conditions for test of pathogenicity. Appearance of symptoms typical to spot blotch were recorded after 7 days. Twenty-two different species (weeds and grasses) normally found to be associated with rice–wheat fields were tested for the presence of B. sorokiniana to evaluate their possible role as alternative hosts. Only three species, i.e. Setaria glauca, Echinochloa colonum and Pennisetum typhoids, were found to naturally harbour B. sorokiniana. Isolates from these hosts were tested for pathogenicity and also for their possible spread to wheat. When reisolated from these hosts, the pathogen did not infect wheat. Seeds of 25 different wheat genotypes were tested for B. sorokiniana infection. All genotypes were infected and the incidence of infection varied from 26% to 86%. Five isolates of wheat and one isolate from each of the three species (S. glauca, E. colonum and P. typhoids) were subjected to RAPD analysis. Two broad clusters were formed, suggesting that the wheat isolates were different from the isolates originating from other hosts. The results indicate that seeds are the most important source of inoculum for the reappearance of spot blotch of wheat in rice-wheat cropping systems in eastern India.  相似文献   

Dothistroma pini is one of two pathogens causing Dothistroma needle blight (DNB), a foliar disease of pines. The species was redefined in 2004 and subsequently recorded in several European countries. In Slovakia, the first report of the pathogen was in 2013. In this study, the population structure, genetic diversity, and reproductive mode of 105 isolates collected from 10 localities and seven hosts were determined in Slovakia. Species-specific mating type markers, ITS haplotype determination, and 16 microsatellite markers were used to characterize and genotype the isolates. Overall, 15 unique multilocus haplotypes (MLHs) based on microsatellite markers and three ITS haplotypes were identified. Three independent methods (DAPC, STRUCTURE, EDENetwork) separated the isolates into two distinct population clusters corresponding with ITS haplotypes. A high level of clonality was recorded suggesting that conidia are the primary source of pathogen dispersal. The low genetic diversity, predominantly asexual reproductive mode of the pathogen, and the fact that most isolates were collected from introduced tree species and native species in artificially planted urban greenery, supports the hypothesis that D. pini has been recently introduced into Slovakia.  相似文献   

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