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A numerical model that predicts the stochastic dispersion associated with industrial kiln drying of timber was adapted to conventional drying and evaluated with experimental data. The theoretical aspects of the model are briefly explained, a selection of the calibration parameters was carried out, and a new empirical dispersion factor is proposed to account for all unknown sources of random behavior. The model was calibrated with six experimental runs of western hemlock and amabilis fir (116mm2 timbers) to an average moisture content (target) of 14%–20%. It was found that with implementation of the dispersion factor, the number of required simulations is considerably reduced, the calibration results are consistent for all the experimental runs, and the target moisture content along with its standard deviation can be well reproduced using the all-run average parameters. 相似文献
Takaaki Fujimoto Yohei Kurata Kazushige Matsumoto Satoru Tsuchikawa 《Journal of Wood Science》2010,56(6):452-459
Near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopy coupled with multivariate analysis was applied to estimate multiple traits of sawn lumber.
The effects of the lumber conveying speed (LCS) and measurement resolution of spectra (MRS) on the calibrations were examined.
NIR spectra ranging from 1300 to 2300 nm were acquired at LCSs of 10, 20, and 30 m/min and at MRSs of 2, 4, and 16 nm. Prediction
models of bending strength (F
b), modulus of elasticity in bending tests (E
b), dynamic modulus of elasticity (E
fr), and wood density (DEN) were developed using partial least-squares (PLS) analysis. LCS and MRS did not significantly influence
the calibration performance for any wood property. The regression coefficients also showed no clear differences for any of
the conditions. This indicates that the important explanatory variables included in the models are not greatly influenced
by these measurement conditions. PLS2 analysis results, when presented graphically, allowed easy interpretation of the relationships
between wood mechanical properties and chemical components, e.g., bending strength and stiffness were mainly related to polysaccharides
cellulose and hemicellulose. NIR spectroscopy has considerable potential for online grading of sawn lumber, despite the harsh
measurement conditions. 相似文献
Magnus Fredriksson Olof Broman Fredrik Persson Ann Axelsson Pedro Ah Shenga 《Wood material science & engineering》2014,9(1):31-39
With the development of scanning technology in sawmills, it is possible to optimise log rotational position when sawing. However, choosing a different rotational position than horns down might be detrimental for the board shape after drying, especially for curved logs. Thus, there is a need to investigate at what level of log curve it is possible to freely rotate logs without causing board warp. This study was carried out through a test sawing that was conducted at a sawmill situated in the middle of Sweden. The tests were made on 177 Norway spruce logs, with varying amount of curve. Half of the logs were sawn in the horns-down position, half were sawn rotated perpendicular to horns down. Log shape and warp of the dried boards were measured. The results indicated a relationship between board spring, log curve and choice of rotational position. Furthermore, board bow was related to log curve but not rotational position. It can be concluded that for straight logs, with a bow height of less than 15 mm, an unconventional rotational position does not cause excess spring in the boards. Bow and twist are not affected by the rotational position at all. 相似文献
This study introduced a new parameter, the area reduction factor (ARF), to consider the effect of knots on the tension strength
of timber. It is an improved version of the knot area ratio (KAR). ARF considers both the projected area of knots and the
effect of the slope of grains around the knots. The tension capacity of a tested structural timber was predicted as a product
of ARF, clear wood tension strength parallel to the grain, and the area of the cross section. ARF was determined as the minimum
value obtained when a knot measurement window of 100 mm was slid along the plank. The prediction method was examined with
11 planks. The average ratio of the predicted capacity to the actual value was 1.11 with a coefficient of variation of 0.26.
The average ratio obtained by using a KAR-based parameter, the clear wood area ratio (CWAR), was 2.15 with a coefficient of
variation of 0.23. To study the reliability of ARF and CWAR as single parameters, the correlations of ARF and CWAR with the
tension strength were determined for 57 planks. The coefficients of determination for ARF were slightly better than those
for CWAR, although both of them seemed to be quite poor predictors of tension capacity when used alone. Therefore, a multiparameter
model is preferred and should be a subject for further studies.
The results of the structural tension tests conducted in this study have been presented in part at the 40th meeting of the
International Council for Research and Innovation in Building and Construction: Working Commission W18 - Timber Structures
(CIB-W18) in Bled, Slovenia, August 2007 相似文献
Improvement of the simple tomography method for estimating moisture distribution in squared timbers was conducted by using
impedance measurement in the RF range at 250 kHz. The local impedance in the horizontal and vertical directions was measured
during natural drying. An inverse procedure using a trial-and-error method was used to reconstitute the cross-sectional moisture
distribution from the surface impedance measurement. Two essential corrections for the spatial heterogeneity of the electric
field between electrodes and for the calculation error due to the algorithm of the trial-and-error method were introduced
to improve the accuracy of the reconstitution of the moisture distribution. The reconstituted moisture distribution matched
well that determined by the oven-dry method. 相似文献
Summary Numerical simulations were performed to investigate how the annual ring orientation affects the shape stability of sawn timber.
The influence of radial variations in the basic properties and the spiral grain is also studied. The knowledge obtained can
contribute to more effective use of the raw material through allowing boards having properties that would yield bad shape
stability to be sorted out. Possibilities for improving shape stability through gluing pieces of wood together are examined
as well.
Received 24 April 1997 相似文献
Portable sawmilling trials with Acacia aneura (mulga) and A. cambagei (gidgee) have been undertaken to estimate the private landholder costs associated with small-scale timber production from
woodlands in western Queensland, Australia. A time study of harvesting and milling operations facilitated estimation of landholder
labour input requirements. The scarcity and small size of millable logs, coupled with the prevalence of timber defects, make
harvesting and portable sawmilling of western Queensland acacias an expensive undertaking for landholders. The cost of producing
sawn timber that meets the High Feature (HF) grade of Australian Standard AS2796 is estimated at between A$3,000/m3 and A$3,400/m3 of HF timber. 相似文献
A statistical algorithm for comparing mode shapes of vibration testing before and after damage in timbers 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
Instances of local damage in timber such as knots, decay, and cracks can be translated into a reduction of service life due
to mechanical and environmental loadings. In wood construction, it is very important to evaluate the weakest location and
to detect damage at the earliest possible stage to avoid future catastrophic failure. In this study, modal testing was used
on wood beams to generate the first two mode shapes. A novel statistical algorithm was proposed to extract a damage indicator
by computing mode shapes of vibration testing before and after damage in timbers. The different damage severities, damage
locations, and damage counts were simulated by removing mass from intact beams to verify the algorithm. The results showed
that the proposed statistical algorithm is effective and suitable for the designed damage scenarios. It is reliable for the
detection and location of local damage of different severities, location, and number. The peak values of the damage indicators
computed from the first two mode shapes were sensitive to different damage severities and locations. They were also reliable
for the detection of multiple cases of damage. 相似文献
青海东部山区缺少阔叶硬材树种 ,只在很少的次生林区生长有桦树 ,以及在广大干旱山区宅旁零星生长的榆树。因而这里农民群众必需的小农具用材 ,完全靠购买或去次生林区砍取 ,黑刺是青海地区对沙棘的俗称。建国以后 ,从 2 0世纪 5 0年代开始 ,在这里的荒山造林中 ,许多地方开始营造了成片的黑刺林。到了 6 0年代 ,黑刺林长起来后 ,首先开始解决的是小农具用材。以后随着黑刺造林面积的增加 ,有不少村做到了小农具用材基本自给 (少数黑刺不能做的仍需购买 )。这既给群众节约了资金 ,又十分方便。 80年代 ,作者撰写《中国主要树种造林技术》一… 相似文献
Heljä-Sisko Helmisaari Lilli Kaarakka Bengt A. Olsson 《Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research》2014,29(4):312-322
The review gives an overview of the increased utilization of forest biomass for energy. The emphasis is on Nordic countries, especially on Sweden and Finland with large biomass potentials and a high share of renewable energy in gross final energy consumption. The utilization and potential of forest chip sources such as logging residues, small-size tree stems and stumps that are normally not harvested in conventional harvesting are described. Environmental potential and impacts that may reduce the utilization of forest biomass are discussed based on recent publications. Finally, the review summarizes the future developments based on their relationship to policies, certifications and guidelines and forest owners' decisions. 相似文献
《Wood material science & engineering》2013,8(6):428-436
ABSTRACTRule-based automatic grading (RBAG) of sawn timber is a common type of sorting system used in sawmills, which is intricate to customise for specific customers. This study further develops an automatic grading method to grade sawn timber according to a customer's resulting product quality. A sawmill's automatic sorting system used cameras to scan the 308 planks included in the study. Each plank was split at a planing mill into three boards, each planed, milled, and manually graded as desirable or not. The plank grade was correlated by multivariate partial least squares regression to aggregated variables, created from the sorting system's measurements at the sawmill. Grading models were trained and tested independently using 5-fold cross-validation to evaluate the grading accuracy of the holistic-subjective automatic grading (HSAG), and compared with a re-substitution test. Results showed that using the HSAG method at the sawmill graded on average 74% of planks correctly, while 83% of desirable planks were correctly identified. Results implied that a sawmill sorting station could grade planks according to a customer's product quality grade with similar accuracy to HSAG conforming with manual grading of standardised sorting classes, even when the customer is processing the planks further. 相似文献
Andreas Rais Werner Poschenrieder Hans Pretzsch Jan-Willem G. van de Kuilen 《Annals of Forest Science》2014,71(5):617-626
? Context
Mechanical wood properties are increasingly relevant for structural applications and are influenced by growing space availability. Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco) has an increasing market share in Europe and is mainly processed to sawn timber.? Aim
A sample of 164 thinning trees was taken from two Douglas-fir long-term forestry research plots in Germany. The end-use quality of about 2,000 side and center boards was analyzed as a function of initial plant density (1,000, 2,000, and 4,000 trees per hectare) and log position within the stem.? Methods
Sawn timber quality was described by knottiness, density, modulus of elasticity, and strength. Explanatory parameters were radial position, longitudinal position, and initial plant density. All boards were strength graded visually and by the grading machine GoldenEye-706 using both X-rays for detecting densities and size as well as position of knots and laser interferometry for detecting eigenfrequency (DIN 4074, DIN 2012; EN 14081-2, CEN 2010).? Results
High plant density led to better mechanical sawn timber quality. Significant differences were especially observed between 1,000 and 2,000 trees per hectare. The yield of machine strength-graded center boards of strength class C24 increased from 50 to 89 % at low and high initial plant density, respectively.? Conclusion
Foresters are able to improve end-product quality by controlling planting density in particular. The roundwood price that foresters get should be based on the proportion of higher strength classes within logs to give incentives for a more quality-oriented forest management. 相似文献14.
《Southern Forests》2013,75(4):361-371
An alternative approach to the formal management strategy of tropical timber species from the Congo Basin was investigated. It focused on the development of glulam, with an aim to specify a decision support model for the valorisation of tropical timber species considered for use in these products. There were 76 forest species analysed regarding ecological, engineering and social criteria according to their major uses. The Electre TRI-B multicriteria sorting method was used. The main result was a new and robust classification tool of timber species from the Congo Basin, corresponding to their multicriteria consensus degree. The potentials of the new grouping system were analysed. Species that meet a great majority of criteria were identified. They were highly suitable for sustaining the market position of glulam products. Implementing this strategy may significantly improve the management and increase the value of the timber species from the Congo Basin, while preserving endangered species. 相似文献
A three-dimensional theory for the numerical simulation of deformations and stresses in wood during moisture variation is described. The constitutive model employed, assumes the total strain rate to be the sum of the elastic strain rate, the moisture-induced strain rate and the mechano-sorption strain rate. Wood is assumed to be an orthotropic material with large differences between the longitudinal, radial and tangential directions in the properties found. The influence of the growth rings, the spiral grain and the conical shape of the log on the orthotropic directions in the wood is taken account of in the model. A finite element formulation is used to describe the deformation process and the stress development during drying.The research presented in this paper is a part of the national research programme in Sweden concerning wood physics and drying. It was financially supported by the Research Foundation of Swedish Sawmills and the Swedish Council for Forestry and Agricultural Research. 相似文献
This study evaluated wood color change (ΔE*) and the surface quality in 10 tropical wood species painted with three finishes (composed of wax and polyurethane). Two weathering conditions were tested: natural weathering (NW) and artificial weathering (AW). The results showed that the application of these finishes, decreased the luminosity (L*), increased the redness (a*) and the yellowness (b*) parameters in all species. ΔE*, after weathering exposure, was affected significantly by L*, a*, and b, whereas for finished or pretreated wood, L* and b* are the main parameters affecting ΔE* in the 10 tropical species studied. ΔE* values found in different finishes and pretreatments are cataloged as total change of color. Other important results were that tropical light colored timber with natural pretreatment produced higher ΔE* than dark colored timber. The stains and fungal development were observed in polyurethane finishes in NW, but not in AW. The irregular and mosaic flaws were not observed in any kind of finish or pretreatment of surface. The values of the quality index created, which considered long and short lines and switch flaws, were lowest in NW and in waxy finish, while the highest value was obtained with the polyurethane finish. 相似文献
Armillaria root disease (ARD) occurrence on ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa) is not uniform in the Black Hills of South Dakota, USA. To help manage this ecosystem, a model was developed to predict the probability of observing diseased trees. A kernel density estimator was used to estimate the probability of observing ARD using presence data from two field studies. An eight‐parameter regression equation using topographical data (Universal Trans Mercator coordinates, elevation and slope) derived from a Digital Elevation Model was fitted to the estimated probabilities and the residuals kriged to produce correction factors for the regression estimates. The final model, which had a relative mean squared error of 0.128, identified two peaks of high probability in the north‐west portion of the Black Hills and several peaks of moderate probability throughout the Black Hills. 相似文献
《Wood material science & engineering》2013,8(6):420-427
ABSTRACTHolistic-subjective automatic grading (HSAG) of sawn timber by an industrial customer's product outcome is possible through the use of multivariate partial least squares discriminant analysis (PLS-DA), shown by part one of this two-part study. This second part of the study aimed at testing the robustness to disturbances of such an HSAG system when grading Scots Pine sawn timber partially covered in dust. The set of 308 clean planks from part one of this study, and a set of 310 dusty planks, that by being stored inside a sawmill accumulated a layer of dust, were used. Cameras scanned each plank in a sawmill's automatic sorting system that detected selected feature variables. The planks were then split and processed at a planing mill, and the product grade was correlated to the measured feature variables by partial least squares regression. Prediction models were tested using 5-fold cross-validation in four tests and compared to the reference result of part one of this study. The tests showed that the product adapted HSAG could grade dusty planks with similar or lower grading accuracy compared to grading clean planks. In tests grading dusty planks, the disturbing effect of the dust was difficult to capture through training. 相似文献
A theory for analysing the shape stability of sawn timber was implemented in a finite element program. To illustrate the types of results that can be obtained, the behaviour of a board during drying was simulated. The simulation yields information about unfavourable deformations and stresses during the drying process. To investigate factors that influence drying deformations, a parameter study was performed in which the influence of different constitutive models and different material parameters was studied. In addition, the influence of the spiral grain angle was examined. Received 22 April 1997 相似文献