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Abstract. Emissions of N2O were measured after application of NH4NO3 fertilizer and incorporation of winter wheat and rye green manures in two field experiments in southeast England. Incorporation of green manure alone resulted in temporary immobilization of soil N, small N2O emissions and also low availability of N for the following crop. Emissions were increased after application of inorganic fertilizer, and were further increased from integrated management treatments whereby green manure residues were incorporated after fertilizer application. The highest emission was from the incorporated winter wheat green manure plus fertilizer treatment, with 1.5 kg N2O-N ha−1 (0.6% of N applied) being emitted over the first 55 days after incorporation. This high emission was attributed to the supply of C in the residues providing the energy for denitrification in the presence of large amounts of mineral N and the creation of anaerobic microsites during microbial respiration.  相似文献   

Emissions of N2O were measured following addition of 15N‐labelled residues of tropical plant species [Vigna unguiculata (cowpea), Mucuna pruriens and Leucaena leucocephala] to a Ferric Luvisol from Ghana at a rate of 100 mg N/kg soil under controlled environment conditions. Residues were also applied in different ratio combinations with inorganic N fertilizer, at a total rate of 100 mg N/kg soil. N2O emissions were increased after addition of residues, and further increased with combined (ratio) applications of residues and inorganic N fertilizer. However, 15N‐N2O production was low and short‐lived in all treatments, suggesting that most of the measured N2O‐N was derived from the applied fertilizer or native soil mineral N pools. There was no consistent trend in magnitude of emissions with increasing proportion of inorganic fertilizer in the application. The positive interactive effect between residue‐ and fertilizer‐N sources was most pronounced in the 25:75 Leucaena:fertilizer and cowpea:fertilizer treatments where 1082 and 1130 mg N2O‐N/g residue were emitted over 30 days. N2O (loge) emission from all residue amended treatments was positively correlated with the residue C:N ratio, and negatively correlated with residue polyphenol content, polyphenol:N ratio and (lignin + polyphenol):N ratio, indicating the role of residue chemical composition in regulating emissions even when combined with inorganic fertilizer. The positive interactive effect in our treatments suggests that it is unlikely that combined applications of residues and inorganic fertilizer can lower N2O emissions unless the residue is of very low quality promoting strong immobilisation of soil mineral N.  相似文献   

Nitrous oxide emission from herbicide-treated soybean   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
 The emission of N2O from soybean plants treated with the herbicides dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) and bromoxynil was studied. The N2O flux from 2,4-D- and bromoxynil-treated soybean was 14.1 ng N2O-N g–1 fresh weight h–1 and 19.7 ng N2O-N g–1 fresh weight h–1, respectively, i.e. approximately twice that of the controls. The NO2 -N concentration in 2,4-D- and in bromoxynil-treated soybean was about 8 μg N g–1 fresh weight, i.e. fivefold the concentration found in control plants. The NO3 content in herbicide-treated soybean did not differ significantly from that of the control plants. Consequently, the accumulation of NO2 -N during the assimilation of NO3 -N was thought to cause the observed N2O release. Probably, N2O is a by-product produced during either the reaction of NO2 -N with plant metabolites or NO2 -N decomposition. Final conclusions must await further experiments. Received: 5 November 1999  相似文献   

Nitrous oxide emissions from grazed grassland   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Abstract. Grazing animals on managed pastures and rangelands have been identified recently as significant contributors to the global N2O budget. This paper summarizes relevant literature data on N2O emissions from dung, urine and grazed grassland, and provides an estimate of the contribution of grazing animals to the global N2O budget.
The effects of grazing animals on N2O emission are brought about by the concentration of herbage N in urine and dung patches, and by the compaction of the soil due to treading and trampling. The limited amount of experimental data indicates that 0.1 to 0.7% of the N in dung and 0.1 to 3.8% of the N in urine is emitted to the atmosphere as N2O. There are no pertinent data about the effects of compaction by treading cattle on N2O emission yet. Integral effects of grazing animals have been obtained by comparing grazed pastures with mown-only grassland. Grazing derived emissions, expressed as per cent of the amount of N excreted by grazing animals in dung and urine, range from 0.2 to 9.9%, with an overall mean of 2%. Using this emission factor and data statistics from FAO for numbers of animals, the global contribution of grazing animals was estimated at 1.55 Tg N2O-N per year. This is slightly more than 10% of the global budget.  相似文献   

In a 1-year study, quantification of nitrous oxide (N2O) emission was made from a flood-irrigated cotton field fertilized with urea at 100kg N ha−1 a−1. Measurements were made during the cotton-growing season (May–November) and the fallow period (December–April). Of the total 95 sampling dates, 77 showed positive N2O fluxes (range, 0.1 to 33.3g N ha−1 d−1), whereas negative fluxes (i.e., N2O sink activity) were recorded on 18 occasions (range, −0.1 to −2.2g N ha−1 d−1). Nitrous oxide sink activity was more frequently observed during the growing season (15 out of 57 sampling dates) as compared to the fallow period (3 out of 38 sampling dates). During the growing season, contribution of N2O to the denitrification gaseous N products was much less (average, 4%) as compared to that during the fallow period (average, 21%). Nitrous oxide emission integrated over the 6-month growing period amounted 324g N ha−1, whereas the corresponding figure for the 6-month fallow period was 648g N ha−1. Subtracting the N2O sink activity (30.3g N ha−1 and 3.8g N ha−1 during the growing season and fallow period, respectively), the net N2O emission amounted 938g N ha−1 a−1. Results suggested that high soil moisture and temperature prevailing under flood-irrigated cotton in the Central Punjab region of Pakistan though favor high denitrification rates, but are also conducive to N2O reduction thus leading to relatively low N2O emission.  相似文献   

Abstract. Land disposal of sewage sludge in the UK is set to increase markedly in the next few years and much of this will be applied to grassland. Here we applied high rates of digested sludge cake (1–1.5×103 kg total N ha−1) to grassland and incorporated it prior to reseeding. Using automated chambers, nitrous oxide (N2O) and carbon dioxide (CO2) fluxes from the soil were monitored 2–4 times per day, for 6 months after sludge incorporation. Peaks of N2O emission were up to 1.4 kg N ha−1 d−1 soon after incorporation, and thereafter were regularly detected following significant rainfalls. Gas emissions reflected diurnal temperature variations, though N2O emissions were also strongly affected by rainfall. Although emissions decreased in the winter, temperatures below 4 °C stimulated short, sharp fluxes of both CO2 and N2O as temperature increased. The aggregate loss of nitrogen and carbon over the measurement period was up to 23 kg N ha−1 and 5.1 t C ha−1. Losses of N2O in the sludge-amended soil were associated with good microbial conditions for N mineralization, and with high carbon and water contents. Since grassland is an important source of greenhouse gases, application of sewage sludge can be at least as significant as fertilizer in enhancing these emissions.  相似文献   

Nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions from grazed pastures constitute approximately 28% of total global anthropogenic N2O emissions. The aims of this study were to investigate the effect of inorganic N fertilizer application on fluxes of N2O, quantify the emission factors (EFs) for a sandy loam soil which is typical of large areas in Ireland and to investigate denitrification sensitivity to temperature. Nitrous oxide flux measurements from a cut and grazed pasture field for 1 year and denitrification laboratory incubation were carried out. The soil pH was 7.3 and had a mean organic C and N content at 0–20 cm of 44.1 and 4.4 g/kg dry weight, respectively. The highest observed peaks of N2O fluxes of 67 and 38.7 g N2O‐N per hectare per day were associated with times of application of inorganic N fertilizer. Annual fluxes of N2O from control and fertilized treatments were 1 and 2.4 kg N2O‐N per hectare, respectively. Approximately 63% of the annual flux was associated with N fertilizer application. Multiple regression analysis revealed that soil nitrate and the interaction between soil nitrate and soil water content were the main factors controlling N2O flux from the soil. The derived EF of 0.83% was approximately 66% of the IPCC default EF value of 1.25% as used by the Irish EPA to estimate greenhouse gases (GHGs) in Ireland. The IPCC‐revised EF value is 0.9%. A highly significant exponential regression (r2 = 0.98) was found between denitrification and incubation temperature. The calculated Q10 ranged from 4.4 to 6.2 for a temperature range of 10–25 °C and the activation energy was 47 kJ/mol. Our results show that denitrification is very sensitive to increasing temperature, suggesting that future global warming could lead to a significant increase in soil denitrification and consequently N2O fluxes from soils.  相似文献   

农田土壤N_2O排放研究进展   总被引:18,自引:1,他引:18  
黄树辉  吕军 《土壤通报》2004,35(4):516-522
农田土壤的N2O排放主要是在微生物的作用下通过硝化和反硝化作用产生的。土壤中多变的理化性质影响各种微生物的生长,因而硝化和反硝化过程中产生N2O的途径也不同,尤其以硝化过程的研究进展最快。影响N2O的生成和排放有:土壤含水量、温度、O2以及土壤结构和质地等物理因素,pH和氮肥等其它因素。本文详细地阐述旱地和水田土壤中这些影响因子与N2O的作用机理的差异,及农田土壤中的N2O排放估计的方法。区分硝化和反硝化作用中生成N2O的贡献可用15N标记法和不同浓度的乙炔抑制法。  相似文献   

 N2O emission from a wetland rice soil as affected by the application of three controlled-availability fertilizers (CAFs) and urea was investigated through a pot experiment. N2O fluxes from the N fertilized paddy soil averaged 44.8–69.3 μg N m–2 h–1 during the rice growing season, accounting for 0.28–0.51% of the applied N. The emission primarily occurred during the mid-season aeration (MSA) and the subsequent re-flooding period. Fluxes were highly correlated with the NO3 and N2O concentrations in the soil water. As there were relatively large amounts of NH4 +-N present in the soil of the CAF treatments at the beginning of MSA, leading to large amounts of NO3 -N during the MSA and the subsequent re-flooding period, the tested CAFs were not effective in reducing N2O emission from this paddy soil. The potential of applied CAFs to reduce N2O emissions from paddy soil is discussed. Received: 25 May 1999  相似文献   

应用修正的IPCC2006方法对中国农田N2O排放量重新估算   总被引:14,自引:3,他引:11  
氧化亚氮(N2O)是一种重要的温室气体,农田土壤是其排放的重要源。本研究通过本地参数修正的IPCC2006计算方法,结合统计资料计算中国农田土壤的N2O直接排放量。结果表明:从1980年到2007年中国农田N2O排放年均增长7.6%,2007年N2O-N排放量达到288.4Gg。2007年化学氮肥投入、有机物质投入、作物秸秆投入、有机土排放对农田N2O直接排放的贡献份额分别为77.64%、15.57%、6.46%和0.33%。从分布格局看,2007年农田N2O直接排放总量较大省份主要集中在华北地区和四川盆地,单位耕地面积N2O排放量较高的地区主要集中在华北地区和东南沿海。  相似文献   

Nitrous oxide emissions were studied with a static chamber technique during 2 years from a drained organic soil in eastern Finland. After drainage, the soil was forested with birch (Betula pendula Roth) and 22 years later, part of the forest was felled and then used for cultivation of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) and grass. The annual N2O emissions from the cultivated soil (from 8.3 to 11.0 kg N2O-N ha−1 year−1) were ca. twice the annual emission from the adjacent forest site (4.2 kg N2O-N ha−1 year−1). The N2O emissions from the soils without plants (kept bare by regular cutting or tilling) were also lower (from 6.5 to 7.1 kg N2O-N ha−1 year−1) than those from the cultivated soil. There was a high seasonal variation in the fluxes with a maximum in spring and early summer. The N2O fluxes during the winter period accounted for 15-60% of the total annual emissions. N2O fluxes during the snow-free periods were related to the water table (WT) level, water-filled pore space, carbon mineralisation and the soil temperature. A linear regression model with CO2 production, WT and soil temperature at the depth of 5 cm as independent variables explained 54% of the variation in the weekly mean N2O fluxes during the snow-free periods. N2O fluxes were associated with in situ net nitrification, which alone explained 58% of the variation in the mean N2O fluxes during the snow-free period. The N2O-N emissions were from 1.5 to 5% of net nitrification. The acetylene blockage technique indicated that most of the N2O emitted in the snow-free period originated from denitrification.  相似文献   

Nitrous oxide and methane transport through rice plants   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
The separate closed chamber technique was used to study the potential of rice plants for transporting N2O and CH4 produced in soil to the atmosphere. The results indicate that N2O produced in soil can be conducted to the atmosphere via rice plants similarly to CH4 transport. More than 80% of both N2O and CH4 was emitted through rice plants. The rest was emitted through the soil/water/atmosphere interface by ebullition and diffusion. Nitrate addition increased the total N2O emission rate substantially but decreased the total CH4 emission. Nitrate addition did not change the CH4 emission ratio through rice plants, but lowered the percentage of N2O emission through rice plants. The results suggest that rice plants serve not only as a conduit for most of the CH4 leaving the soil but also for the N2O produced in the soil. Received: 31 January 1996  相似文献   

To reveal the impact of soil disturbance and surface watering (SW) following soil disturbance on the pulse nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions, incubated experiments were conducted on disturbed soil with two watering regimes [surface watering only (SWO) and subsurface watering followed by surface watering (SUW+SW)]. Intensive soil disturbance led to pulses N2O emissions from SUW + SW soil (>8,693 μg N2O m?2 h?1 with a peak of 30,938 μg N2O m?2 h?1), although the water-filled pore space (WFPS) was substantially lower than the previously reported optimal soil moisture range (45–75% WFPS) for peak N2O emissions. N2O emissions from the disturbed soil after SW were much lower than those from SUW + SW soil, increased as the soil dried, and peaked when the WFPS fell within the optimal soil moisture range. These peaks were considerably less than those resulting from the intensive disturbance in SUW + SW soil. Thus, SW after intensive soil disturbance may be effective for mitigating of pulse N2O emissions caused by soil disturbance.  相似文献   

Decomposition of crop residues under laboratory conditions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract. A laboratory study was designed to provide data on the decomposition of rape, sunflower and soyabean residues put in bags buried in soil. The residue bags were removed at intervals during 1 year, analysed for remaining total mass, organic and water-soluble C, water-soluble sugars, as well as for volatile acids and phenolic compounds. The decomposition dynamics of total mass, total organic and water-soluble organic C, and water-soluble sugars were reproduced satisfactorily by a double-exponential model of the first-order type. Generally, no large differences in the rate and magnitude of decomposition among the residues were observed; the greatest losses of both total mass and chemical components occurred in the first month of the study, during which the volatile acids and phenolic compounds disappeared almost completely. Of the three residues, soyabean showed the lowest loss of organic carbon, losing 66% of the original content over the course of the year compared with 73 and 75% for sunflower and rape, respectively.  相似文献   

We investigated nitrous oxide (N2O) emission from an irrigated rice field over two years to evaluate the management of nitrogenous fertiliser and its effect on reducing emissions. Four forms of nitrogenous fertilisers: NPK at the recommended application rate, starch–urea matrix (SUM) + PK, neem‐coated urea + PK and urea alone (urea without coating) were used. Gas samples were collected from the field at weekly intervals with the static chamber technique. N2O emissions from different treatments ranged from 11.58 to 215.81 N2O‐N μg/m2/h, and seasonal N2O emissions from 2.83 to 3.89 kg N2O‐N/ha. Compared with other fertilisers, N2O emissions were greatest after the application of the conventional NPK fertiliser. Moreover, SUM + PK reduced total N2O emissions by 22.33% (< 0.05) compared with NPK during the rice‐growing period (< 0.05). The results indicate a strong correlation between N2O emissions and soil organic carbon, nitrate, ammonium, above‐ and below‐ground plant biomass and photosynthesis (< 0.05). The application of SUM + PK in rice fields is suitable as a means of reducing N2O emissions without affecting grain production.  相似文献   

Animal trampling is one of the main factors responsible for soil compaction under grazed pastures. Soil compaction is known to change the physical properties of the soil thereby affecting the transformation of nitrogen (N) and the subsequent of release of N as nitrous oxide (N2O). The form of N source added to these compacted soils further affects N emissions. Here we determine the interactive effects of soil compaction and form of N sources (cattle urine and ammonium, nitrate and urea fertilizers) on the loss of N through N2O emission from grassland soil. Overall, soil compaction caused a seven-fold increase in the N2O flux, the total N2O fluxes for the entire experimental period ranged from 2.62 to 61.74 kg N2O-N ha−1 for the compacted soil and 1.12 to 4.37 kg N2O-N ha−1 for the uncompacted soil. Among the N sources, the highest emissions were measured with nitrate application, emissions being 10 times more than those from other N sources for compacted soil, suggesting that the choice of N fertilizer can go a long way in mitigating N2O emissions in compacted grasslands.  相似文献   

森林土壤氧化亚氮排放对大气氮沉降增加的响应研究进展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
森林土壤N2O来源于土壤氮素的氧化还原反应,硝化、反硝化、硝化细菌反硝化以及化学反硝化是其产生的四个关键过程。当前,氮素富集条件下森林土壤N2O排放存在硝化和反硝化主导作用之争,对大气氮沉降增加的响应模式以及微生物驱动机制尚不清楚。综述了森林土壤N2O来源的稳定性同位素拆分,森林土壤总氮转化和N2O排放对增氮的响应规律,增氮对N2O产生菌群落活性和组成的影响,并指出研究的薄弱环节与未来的研究重点。总体而言,森林土壤N2O排放对大气氮沉降增加的响应呈现非线性,包括初期无明显响应、中期缓慢增加和后期急剧增加三个阶段,取决于森林生态系统"氮饱和"程度。施氮会引起森林土壤有效氮由贫氮向富氮的转变,相应地改变了土壤硝化细菌和反硝化细菌群落丰度与组成,进而影响土壤N2O排放。由于森林土壤N2O排放监测、土壤总氮转化和N2O产生菌群落动态研究多为独立进行的,难以阐明微生物功能群与N2O排放之间的耦合关系。未来研究应该有机结合15N-18O标记和分子生物学技术,准确量化森林土壤N2O的来源,揭示森林土壤N2O排放对增氮的非线性响应机理。  相似文献   

 N2O emissions from a transplanted irrigated rice grown on a Typic Ustochrept soil at New Delhi, India, were studied to evaluate the effect of N fertilizers, i.e. urea and (NH4)2SO4, alone and in combination with the nitrification inhibitors dicyandiamide (DCD) and thiosulphate. The addition of urea and (NH4)2SO4 increased N2O emissions considerably when compared to no fertilizer N application (control). N2O measurement in the field was done by a closed-chamber method for a period of 98 days. The application of urea with DCD and thiosulphate reduced N2O fluxes considerably. The highest total N2O-N emission (235 g N2O-N ha–1) was from the (NH4)2SO4 treatment, which was significantly higher than the total N2O-N emission from the urea treatment (160 g N2O-N ha–1). DCD reduced N2O-N emissions by 11% and 26% when applied with urea and(NH4)2SO4, respectively, whereas thiosulphate in combination with urea reduced N2O-N emissions by 9%. Total N2O-N emissions were found to range from 0.08% to 0.14% of applied N. N2O emissions were low during submergence and increased substantially during drainage of standing water. Received: 20 October 1999  相似文献   

Nitrous oxide emission was measured in laboratory incubations of an alluvial soil (58% clay, pH 7.4). The soil was amended with 40 mg N kg−1 as NaNO3 or NH4Cl, or with NaCl as a control. Each fertilization treatment was adjusted to three different water contents: constant 60% WHC (water-holding capacity), constant 120% WHC, and water content alternating between 60 and 120% WHC. During an 8-day incubation period N2O emission rates and inorganic nitrogen concentrations in soil (NH4+, NO2, NO3) were determined at regular intervals. In the control and after nitrate application small N2O emission rates occurred with only minor variations over time, and no differences between the water treatments. In contrast, with ammonium application N2O emission rates were much higher during the first two days of incubation, with peaks in the constant 60% WHC and 120% WHC at day 1 and in the changing-water treatment at day 2, when the first wet period (120% WHC) was completed. This N2O peak in the changing-water treatment was 4 to 9 times higher than with constant WHC and occurred when both, NH4+ and NO2 concentrations declined sharply. Thus, this N2O emission flush can be attributed to nitrifier denitrification. After the second rewetting of the NH4+-amended soil no further N2O emission peak was observed, being in accordance with small NH4+ and NO2 concentrations in soil at that time. The unexpectedly small N2O fluxes in the constant 120% WHC treatment after nitrate application were probably caused by the reduction of N2O to N2 under the prevailing conditions. It can be concluded that continuous wetting or flooding of a soil is an effective measure to reduce N2O emissions immediately after the application of NH4+ fertilizers.  相似文献   

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