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环境条件对西瓜生长发育的影响 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
综述了环境条件对西瓜种子生活力、种子萌发,根系、茎叶的生长,花芽分化及发育,开花、结实及果实发育等方面的影响,为生产实践提供依据。 相似文献
草莓生长发育及对环境条件的要求 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
1草莓的生长发育条件 草莓越冬后,当土壤温度升高到2℃~5℃时,根状茎开始发出新的不定根,1~2周后长出新叶,再经过一个月就开始抽生花序.在同一花序内,顶端的花先开,逐渐向下开放,约20余天开完.早开的花果成熟亦早,待果实采收以后草莓进入旺盛的营养生长期. 相似文献
温光条件对冬茬黄瓜生长发育及产量形成的影响 总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14
对冬茬黄瓜生育期间的温度、光照变化以及黄瓜生长发育动态和产量形成规律的观测结果表明:受低温弱光影响,冬茬黄瓜植株节间长,叶片分布稀疏,叶面积受人为落蔓作用,呈波动式变化;结果期间叶面积指数为1~2.40。12月中旬至元月中旬黄反果实长成时间平均27.9天,日增长量仅4.81g,至4月上旬果实生长量为深冬的3位。投影寻踪回归(PPR)分析表明,日照时数、日总辐射量和有效积温对冬茬黄瓜产量影响最大,地温大于气温对产量的影响 相似文献
环境条件对脐橙产量品质的影响 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
通过两个不同的环境条件对脐橙产量,品质,耐贮性调查研究,结果表明,在年均温19.6℃的条件下,脐橙品质上等,但丰产性受到裂果和落果的影响,不耐贮藏,以鲜销为主,在年均温16.2℃的条件下,脐橙品质略低于适宜区,但丰产,耐贮藏,贮藏90d之后风味仍佳。 相似文献
以甜椒品种"红罗丹"为试材,以传统内添加型EVA膜为对照,研究了涂覆膜和试验型内添加EVA膜的透光保温性及其对甜椒生长、环境及产量的影响。结果表明:涂覆膜和试验型内添加EVA膜的透光性及保温性均高于传统内添加EVA膜;试验型内添加EVA膜的月平均气温、地温均最高,保温增温效果最好;涂覆膜的透光性能最好,气温日变化剧烈;涂覆膜和试验型内添加EVA膜分别比对照增产23.3%和10.2%。 相似文献
葡萄植株各器官生长发育相互关系及对环境条件的要求 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
1 葡萄植株各器官生长发育的相互关系葡萄属世界性果树 ,其适应性很广 ,南至海南岛 ,北至黑龙江 ,东至江苏 ,西至新疆 ,全世界葡萄面积居各种水果首位 ,其中以意大利、法国、西班牙较多 ,我国葡萄生产发展也很迅速。葡萄生产栽培技术有其特殊性 ,只有了解植株各器官生长发育的 相似文献
猴头菌既是珍贵的食用菌,又是重要的药用菌,其人工栽培在各地发展迅速。从营养、温度、水分、空气、光线和pH等方面,介绍了猴头菌生长发育对环境条件的要求及相应的管理措施。 相似文献
环境条件对郁金香生长影响 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
郁金香(Tulipagesneriana)是国际著名的球根花卉。荷兰是世界郁金香栽培中心。近年来,郁金香栽培逐渐为各地所重视而发展起来。从它的生态习性来看,我国北方应该是郁金香生长的适宜区域。为了在冬季上市,北方各地大都采用日光温室和塑料大棚生产郁金... 相似文献
GA3对苹果生长发育的影响研究 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
在苹果盛花期、花后10 d、花后20 d叶面喷施50 mg*L-12~3次GA3,结果表明在苹果上使用植物生长调节物质GA3的最佳处理浓度为50~60 mg*L-1,它可以提高光合面积64%~121%,而且对于不同的品种效果差异较大,以小叶型品种的效果更明显.在促进苹果新梢的生长和枝类比方面的研究结果表明,不同时期喷施50 mg*L-1GA3可以提高新梢长度11.6%~39.9%,增加长枝比例9.6%~36%,使弱树复壮,盛果期树克服大小年结果更丰产,而且这种效应随叶面喷施的次数的减少和时间的推移效果减弱,同时也为不同的树势调节提供了一套切实可行技术方案,使弱树在短期内复壮、壮树更优质丰产,为实现苹果在我国优质丰产和集约化栽培奠定了理论基础. 相似文献
不同浓度糖、硼、钙对苹果花粉萌发的影响 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
苹果花粉有自交不亲和且花粉萌发率低现象。为了提高人工授粉率,探寻最适宜苹果花粉萌发的培养基组分及浓度,以福岛、黄香蕉、美国八号、王林四个苹果品种花粉为试材,通过花粉离体培养法,分析了不同浓度的糖、硼、钙对花粉萌发率的影响。结果表明:蔗糖浓度在5%~15%之间,可以有效的提高四种苹果花粉萌发率,其中蔗糖浓度为10%时,萌发率极显著高于其他浓度处理及对照。硼酸浓度为0.03%时,可以有效的提高花粉萌发率。CaCl2浓度在0.01%~0.05%之间,对四种苹果花粉萌发率有不同程度的抑制作用;且外源钙不是苹果花粉萌发的必需物质。对于这四种苹果花粉萌发,培养基最佳组分及浓度是:10%蔗糖+0.03%硼酸。美国八号和王林在最佳培养基上的发芽率高达79.3%、78.8%。 相似文献
环境因子对苹果粗皮病发生的影响 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
苹果粗皮病是苹果树严重的生理病害。为探讨苹果粗皮病致病机理,通过田间采样、土壤理化特性与气候因子分析,研究土壤等环境因子与苹果粗皮病发生的关系。结果表明,苹果粗皮病在棕壤土和滨海潮土上均可发生。土壤pH高低与苹果粗皮病的发生相关,土壤pH越低,土壤有效锰含量越高,苹果粗皮病发病程度越重,但土壤pH不是苹果粗皮病主要致病因子。不同感病地点的土壤有效锰含量相差悬殊,在0~80cm范围内,牟平最高锰含量为29.30mg/kg,而栖霞最低为57.39mg/kg,最高达114.43mg/kg,说明土壤有效锰含量不是苹果粗皮病发生的唯一因子,但发病率栖霞要高于牟平。土壤有效锰铁呈负相关性,锰铁比增大,可引起树体对锰的过量吸收,苹果粗皮病发生程度加重。因此,苹果粗皮病发生是土壤锰含量、锰铁比、土壤pH、降雨量等环境因子综合作用的结果。 相似文献
红富士苹果树滴注苹果营养注射肥可极显著地促进干周生长,叶片增大和增重,提高单株产量和坐果率,增大果个,产投比3.8∶1。 相似文献
《Scientia Horticulturae》2007,111(4):371-377
The effects of rootstocks (M9 and MM 106), cultivars (Granny Smith and Stark Spur Golden) and growth promoting rhizobacteria (OSU-142, OSU-7, BA-8 and M-3) on the tree growth and yield at apple (Malus domestica Borkh) trees were studied in a clay loam soil in the eastern Anatolia region of Turkey in 2002–2004. Plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) were capable of producing indole acetic acid (IAA) and cytokinin, but three of them (OSU-7, BA-8 and M-3) were also able to dissolve phosphate. Maximum shoot number of apple trees was found after inoculation with BA-8 followed by OSU-7 and M-3. All the inoculated PGPR strains contributed to the increase in fruit yield of apple when compared to control but it was strongly depended on rootstocks, cultivars and treatments. Plant growth responses were variable and dependent on bacterial strains, rootstock and cultivar and growth parameters evaluated of young apple trees. Newly planted apple trees inoculated with OSU-142, OSU-7, BA-8 and M-3 PGPR increased average shoot length by 59.2, 18.3, 7.0 and 14.3% relative to the control and fruit yield by 116.4, 88.2, 137.5 and 73.7%, respectively. Bacterial inoculation increased shoot diameter from 7.0 to 16.3% when compared to control. The production of plant growth hormones has been suggested as one of the mechanisms by which PGPRs stimulate young apple sapling growth. The growth-promoting effect appears to be direct, with possible involvement of the plant growth regulators indole-3-acetic acid and cytokinin. In view of environmental pollution due to excessive use of fertilizers and high costs of the production of fertilizers, PGPR strains tested in our study have potential to be used for the sustainable and environmentally benign horticultural production. 相似文献
对我国苹果主产省历年苹果单产水平、生产成本和效益数据进行了分析。结果表明,劳动日和物质资本的投入对提高苹果单产水平有促进作用,且物质资本投入的影响要大于劳动日的投入,但受到现有生产技术水平和栽培模式的限制,其促进作用有限;自然灾害的成灾率是造成苹果单产水平波动的主要因素之一;根据实证分析的结果,并结合我国苹果产业的生产现状,提出相应的建议。 相似文献
7月下旬在板栗上施撒可富、磷酸二铵、磷酸二氢钾、板栗专用肥、尿素分别比对照(不施肥)增产36.6%、32.3%、32.2%、21.2%、27.7%。而且对板粟新梢和叶片生长有良好促进作用。 相似文献
Recurrent and synchronous spruce budworm (SBW) outbreaks have important impacts in boreal and sub-boreal forest ecosystems of North America. This study examines the early phase of an outbreak that was developing across a 268,000 km2 area over a period of 9 years (2003–2011). The territory was subdivided in 225 km2 cells, and the relative influence of forest composition, elevation, forest age, average degree-days and soil drainage were examined during three development phases of the outbreak: initial epicenter location, relatively long-distance spread (cell-to-cell expansion), and expansion inside individual cells (within-cell expansion). The results indicate that elevation is the most determinant variable for initial epicenter location. Other variables that were identified as important for outbreak development by previous studies, such as forest composition and average degree-days, were not so important during this phase. However, forest composition and average degree-days were important factors during the cell-to-cell and within-cell expansion phases. Separating outbreak development in distinct phases also allowed to integrate phase-specific spatial and temporal covariates that were highly significant in the models, such as distance from previous year defoliations during the cell-to-cell expansion phase, and the proportion of defoliated stands during the preceding year for the within-cell expansion phase. Overall, this study provides limited evidence that patterns of SBW outbreak expansion could be altered by reducing host tree species abundance in the forest [mainly balsam fir (Abies balsamea) in this region]. More generally, this study suggests that the influence of environmental variables on SBW outbreak development is clearly phase-dependent, and that this landscape-level, process-based approach could be useful to forecast insect outbreak development in forest ecosystems. 相似文献