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Arsenic (As) uptake by rice plants and its toxicity to human beings have caused worldwide concerns. Investigating the characteristics of As accumulation in rice in relation to root surface iron plaque during the whole growth of rice would provide important information for devising measures to mitigate rice As uptake in As-polluted areas. Uptake and accumulation characteristics of As in rice at different growth stages as well as iron plaque on rice root surfaces were investigated in a pot culture experiment in a greenhouse. The results showed that As concentrations in roots, stems, and leaves increased with rice growth, while As concentration in spikelets decreased with grain development: 53.63% of As content in leaves, 61.51% in spikelets, and 82.09% in stems were found at both the jointing and booting stages, which suggested that the two stages were the key stages of As uptake. Root surface iron plaque at different growth stages was extracted by DCB (dithionite-citrate-bicarbonate). DCB-extractable iron (Fe) and DCB-extractable As were significantly increased with rice growth (P < 0.001), and there was a significant positive correlation between DCB-extractable Fe and As (P < 0.001), indicating that iron plaque was very important to sequester As on rice root surfaces.  相似文献   

Experiments were conducted to evaluate the arsenic toxicity, its accumulation and phytoremediation potential of bean plants (Phaseolus vulgaris) grown in soils contaminated with different species of arsenic such as arsenite (As(III)), arsenate (As(V)) and dimethylarsinic acid (DMA). Bean plants were grown in soils amended by aqueous solutions of 20 and 50 mg kg?1 of As (III), As(V) or DMA. Arsenic species negatively affected the yield and growth of the plant. The study demonstrated arsenic accumulation in the plant parts. The concentration of arsenic compounds in the shoots decreased in the order arsenate > arsenite > dimethylarsinic acid while in the roots as arsenite > arsenate > dimethylarsinic acid. Most arsenic is accumulated in the roots with limited transfer to shoots. Thus, bean plants can be considered as an arsenic excluder and has the potential for phytostabilization of arsenic contaminated sites. The study also reveals that removal of arsenic by boiling the vegetables with excess of water is not possible.  相似文献   

叶面喷施硅调理剂对水稻砷累积及其赋存形态的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用营养液培养生物学模拟方法,研究了喷施8种不同的叶面硅调理剂对苗期水稻累积总砷(As)和砷形态的影响。结果表明,叶面施用硅调理剂可降低水稻根和茎叶中砷含量,其中叶面施用Na2SiO3+鼠李糖脂处理(Si6)的水稻根系和地上部砷含量最低,分别为10.04,0.31mg/kg,比对照降低25.35%和33.10%(P<0.05);水稻中砷的赋存形态主要为As(Ⅲ),喷施该叶面硅调理剂减少水稻地上部和根系As(Ⅲ)含量,降幅分别为27.74%和21.50%(P<0.05);综合考虑水稻根系和地上部砷累积及砷由根系向地上部的转运,对不同的叶面硅调理剂处理进行聚类分析发现,喷施Na2SiO3+鼠李糖脂的处理为水稻砷低积累类群。因此,生物表面活性剂鼠李糖脂与含硅溶液配施是抑制水稻幼苗吸收和积累砷效果最好的叶面硅调理剂,可为我国砷污染区稻米生产安全提供技术支撑。  相似文献   

采用室内土壤培养试验,探讨了外源添加耐砷真菌棘孢木霉(TrichodermaasperellumL.)和零价铁对土壤砷的有效性和形态转化的影响。结果表明:向污染土壤中添加耐砷真菌棘孢木霉后,随着培养时间的延长,土壤中水溶态砷和NaHCO,提取态砷含量均呈稳定增加趋势,耐砷真菌促进了土壤中砷的溶出和释放;培养30d时,耐砷菌处理土壤有效砷含量比同期对照增幅达3.9%-10.7%,水溶态砷以As(V)为主,未检测到As(Ⅲ)、一甲基胂(MMA)、二甲基胂(DMA)等其他形态的砷;随着外源零价铁的加入,土壤中砷的活性大大降低,其有效砷含量降幅为76.5%-90.4%;在耐砷菌与零价铁联合作用下,相比于单纯的零价铁处理,土壤有效砷含量显著增加(p〈0.05),因耐砷真菌棘孢木霉的加入导致零价铁对土壤砷的固定效率下降7.0%-11.1%。耐砷菌导致土壤砷活化可能主要与残渣态向非专性吸附态砷的转化等过程有关,外源零价铁对土壤砷的固定作用可能与非专性吸附态向无定形及弱晶质氧化物结合态、残渣态砷等转化过程相关;耐砷菌的加入抵消了零价铁对土壤砷的部分固定效果,但短期内(〈30d)不会构成大的影响。  相似文献   

不同铁形态对水稻根表铁膜及铁吸收的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
通过溶液培养试验研究了FeCl2?4H2O和FeCl3?6H2O对水稻根表铁膜数量及铁吸收的影响。结果表明,FeCl2处理时水稻根表铁膜浓度是FeCl3处理的197%~233%。利用EDTA-BPDS对铁膜形态分析看出,根表铁膜中Fe3+占85%~92%,Fe2+占8%~15%。水稻天优998根表铁膜数量显著高于培杂泰丰,其铁吸收是培杂泰丰的115%~138%。两种铁形态处理明显提高水稻的根系活力,其中,FeCl2处理时水稻根系活力增加24%~69%,FeCl3为16%~54%。FeCl2处理时水稻根系SOD、POD和CAT活性分别增加11%~32%、15%~30%和30%~31%,但FeCl3处理没有明显影响。上述结果表明一定浓度铁处理明显增加水稻根表铁浓度和铁吸收;与FeCl3处理相比,FeCl2处理能提高根系抗氧化酶活性,增加水稻的铁吸收和根表铁膜数量。  相似文献   

Organic matter (OM) application into soils is a common agricultural practice. Previous studies have shown that in arsenic (As)‐contaminated paddy soils, OM has the potential to alter the behavior of As and affects the growth and As accumulation of rice plants. In this study, pot experiments were conducted to investigate the differences in the amounts of As released into soil solutions, its toxicity, and accumulation in rice seedlings caused by application of three different OM amendments [soybean meal (SB), sugarcane dreg compost (SC), and cattle‐dung compost (CD)]. These OM amendments were each applied to three As‐contaminated soils, Guandu (Gd), Pinchen (Pc), and Chengchung (Cf), which have different characteristics. The results indicate that after addition of two easily decomposable OMs (SB and SC), the As toxicity and concentrations increased in rice plants, especially in As‐spiked Cf soils which had low As retention capacity. This was the result of elevated As concentration in soil solutions due to a decrease in soil redox potential and competition between dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and As for sorption sites, as well as the formation of As–DOC complexes. However, there were no significant effects on plant growth and As accumulation in rice seedlings after treatments with CD (not easily decomposable OM). Another important finding was that the amount of iron plaque on the surface of rice roots increased with OM amendments in the Gd soils rich in iron oxides and hydroxides, thus reducing the As uptake by rice plants. These results suggest that the characteristics of OM and soils should be considered when OM amendments are applied to As‐contaminated soils.  相似文献   

不同品种水稻对砷的吸收转运及其健康风险研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为了比较不同品种水稻砷的积累特点,筛选可食用部分低砷积累水稻品种,研究通过盆栽试验,分析了江苏省常见的11个水稻品种根、茎、叶、谷壳和籽粒中的砷含量、砷的转运系数和根表铁膜厚度及其对砷固持的影响,并预估了不同品种水稻籽粒砷的健康风险。结果表明,不同品种水稻各部位的砷含量差异显著(P <0.05),泰瑞丰5号籽粒中的砷含量最高,而镇稻16号籽粒中的砷含量最低,后者大约是前者的一半。砷在水稻相邻部位的转运系数存在品种间差异(P <0.05),砷在水稻叶与籽粒间的转运系数最大的水稻品种是泰瑞丰5号,最小的是镇稻16号。根表铁膜量在不同品种间差异显著(P <0.05),其中淮稻6号的铁膜量是武运粳23的2.17倍。根表铁膜量与铁膜中的砷含量及水稻根叶中的砷含量均呈显著正相关关系(P <0.05)。不同水稻品种间的目标风险指数(THQ)也存在显著差异,其中泰瑞丰5号的THQ值最高,而镇稻16号的THQ值最低,两者相差0.99倍。研究表明,镇稻16号由于较低的砷吸收和转运能力,在中低砷污染土壤上种植风险较小,而泰瑞丰5号风险最大。  相似文献   

不同土壤的还原状况对铁镉形态转化和水稻吸收的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用土壤-蛭石联合培养,以填充蛭石的网袋模拟根际,置于红壤、水稻土、盐土中后淹水栽培水稻13 d.试验结果表明,水稻栽培期问,红壤、水稻土、盐土pH变化范围分别为6.05 ~6.78、6.47 ~7.33、6.42 ~7.44;有机质处理下,除红壤根际pH明显升高外,其余土壤根际和非根际pH均有所下降.各土壤对照根际Eh保持在233 ~ 385 mV;有机质处理使根际Eh下降,同时也导致除盐土外的非根际Eh上升.土壤还原溶解Fe与蛭石吸附Fe的90%以上均米自铁锰氧化物结合态铁(Oxide-Fe)组分,与溶液Eh、pe+ pH均有显著相关性,表明两表面同为Fe的氧化还原反应,但方向相反.水稻根表Fe膜的形成与根际氧化还原状况有关,在对照根际(高Eh)环境下,根表Fe含量随pH升高而降低,在有机质处理根际(低Eh)环境下则随pH升高而升高;在红壤中,根表Fe膜阻碍Fe的吸收,在水稻土和盐土中,根表Fe膜促进Fe吸收.根表Cd含量与根内Cd、地上部Cd有显著正相关;在红壤中,根表Fe膜阻碍了水稻Cd的吸附和吸收;水稻土和盐土中,根表Fe膜促进了水稻Cd的吸附和吸收.  相似文献   

通过生物模拟法,将水稻幼苗分别暴露于含有10μmol/L无机三价砷As(Ⅲ)或五价砷As(V)的营养液中12,24,48h,探究硅砷摩尔比(Si/As为0∶1,100∶1和200∶1)对苗期水稻吸收、外排、转运和累积砷的影响。结果表明,水稻暴露于含As(Ⅲ)营养液中12h,与Si/As为0∶1相比,Si/As为200∶1的处理使水稻的As(Ⅲ)吸收速率降低30.7%(P0.05),且随着暴露时间的延长,水稻对As(Ⅲ)的吸收速率逐渐降低,不同Si/As对其吸收速率的影响也减弱。处理48h,100∶1和200∶1的Si/As均降低水稻根部As(Ⅲ)向茎叶的转移系数,较Si/As为0∶1分别降低51.2%和56.9%,同时水稻地上部As(Ⅲ)含量比Si/As为0∶1的处理分别降低50.7%和67.2%;暴露在As(V)营养液中12h,Si/As为100∶1促进水稻对As(V)的吸收,增幅高达82.3%,但暴露24h,Si/As为200∶1则抑制水稻根系对As(V)的吸收,以及As(Ⅲ)的外排和As(Ⅲ)由水稻根系向茎叶的转运,降幅分别为28.0%,41.9%和39.9%。暴露48h时,Si/As为200∶1的水稻As(Ⅲ)转移系数较Si/As为100∶1的处理降低57.9%,并且处理24,48h时,Si/As为100∶1和200∶1水稻地上部As(Ⅲ)含量显著降低53.6%和75.0%,25.0%和52.8%。此外,水稻根系对As(V)的吸收与As(Ⅲ)的外排之间呈极显著正相关关系(r=0.921,P0.01),该关系不受Si/As和暴露时间的影响。无论是As(Ⅲ)或As(V)处理,在12~48h的暴露时间内,Si/As为200∶1显著抑制砷的吸收、As(Ⅲ)的外排和As(Ⅲ)在水稻体内的转运。  相似文献   

Effects of sulfur (S) (0, 30 mg S kg?1 soil) supply on cadmium (Cd) uptake into rice when cultivated in low-Cd soil [38.8 μg kg?1 for diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid (DTPA)–extractable Cd] and in excessive-Cd soil (748.7 μg kg?1 for DTPA-extractable Cd) were investigated in a combined soil–sand culture experiment. The significant difference in the Cd uptake into rice between –S and +S treatments were observed in relation to soil Cd levels. When rice was exposed to excessive Cd soil, application of S restrained the uptake of Cd into rice, the S supply tended to increase Cd uptake into rice when cultivated in low-Cd soil. The possible mechanisms explaining the interactions among soil Cd level, S supply, and Cd accumulation in rice are proposed. These results suggest that S fertilization may be important for the development approaches to reducing Cd accumulation in rice when cultivated Cd-contaminated soils.  相似文献   

A pot study was conducted to screen different basmati rice varieties for their accumulation of arsenic (As). Different amounts of arsenic (0–800 µg/L) were applied through irrigation water to four basmati rice varieties (Pusa basmati-1121, Pusa Punjab basmati-1509, Punjab basmati-2, and Punjab basmati-3). Highest arsenic concentration was found in the grains of Punjab basmati-3 and lowest in the grains of Pusa Punjab basmati-1509. In all varieties, grain As concentration ranged from 0.038 to 0.288 mg/kg, which was within the permissible limit of 1.0 mg/kg in rice grain recommended by World Health Organization (WHO). In husk, highest As concentration was found in Pusa basmati-1121 and lowest in Punjab basmati-2. Among the four varieties, highest content of As was accumulated in roots and straw of Pusa Punjab basmati-1509, whereas least was accumulated in Punjab basmati-2. The distribution of arsenic among plant parts was found in the order: roots > straw > husk > grain. The mean arsenic concentrations in grain, husk, straw, and root of basmati rice varieties increased with increasing concentration of arsenic in irrigation water. Highest grain yield was obtained in Pusa Punjab basmati-1509 variety due to lesser accumulation of arsenic compared with other varieties. Rice yield, plant height, root weight, straw weight, test weight, effective tiller, and filled grain per panicle decreased with increase in arsenic concentration in irrigated water.  相似文献   

硅(Si)可以改善磷(P)的营养,但是其内在机制尚不明确。本研究以4个籼稻和3个粳稻品种为研究对象,通过水培试验探究硅对不同水稻品种磷积累的影响。在营养液中添加硅显著降低了籼稻和粳稻品种的地上部磷含量,但几乎不影响根部磷含量。加硅处理不影响所有供试水稻品种的磷吸收及磷从根系向地上部的转移,但提高了磷的利用效率,增加了植株P/Mn和P/Zn比率。磷转运蛋白(PT)基因表达分析表明,在粳稻品种中只有OsPT6被硅下调,而Os PT6在籼稻品种中没有显著性变化;其他PT基因的表达不受硅的影响。由此,硅对不同水稻品种的磷积累有不同的影响,磷利用率的提高可能归因于较高的P/Mn和P/Zn比率,从而导致植物中较高的有效磷。  相似文献   

磷饥饿诱导水稻根表铁膜形成机理初探   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
采用溶液培养的方法,初步探索了磷饥饿诱导水稻根表铁膜形成的机理。磷饥饿24h后水稻的根表出现了明显的红棕色物质的沉积,扫描电镜的能谱分析结果显示,红棕色物质是铁的氧化物。针对这一现象,首先研究了没有水稻生长的正常磷营养液和缺磷营养液的变化,结果表明二者之间全波长的扫描图谱没有出现差异。采用酸碱混合指示剂的琼脂染色方法,观察了水稻根系表面及根际pH值的变化情况,并分别测定了正常磷营养(P)和缺磷(P0)2种条件下水稻的根系活力。结果看出,缺磷时水稻根系活力高于磷营养正常的处理,尤其是基因型Jin23A,其P和P0处理间根系活力差异极显著。水稻根表三价铁的浓度高于二价铁,并且缺磷根系表面三价铁和二价铁浓度均明显高于供磷处理;缺磷处理水稻根质外体沉积的铁浓度也明显高于供磷处理。因此,初步确定磷饥饿诱导水稻根表铁膜形成是生物学基础上的化学反应过程。  相似文献   

Soil fertility exerts a direct influence on the essential micronutrient contents of food crops. The focus in this study was on the role that long-term inorganic fertilization (nitrogen (N), phosphorous (P) and potassium (K)) plays in increasing the micronutrient output of the paddy cropping system. After more than 45 years of inorganic fertilizer application, the combined application of fertilizers (PK > NP > NK) substantially increased As (arsenic), B (boron), Cd (cadmium), Co (cobalt), Cr (chromium), Cu (copper), Fe (iron), Mn (manganese), Mo (molybdenum), Ni (nickel), Se (selenium), V (vanadium) and Zn (zinc) density in the soil and rice grain. Optimized and continuous application of PK fertilizers increased the overall micronutrient densities in rice milling fractions (grain and bran). Micronutrient concentrations were usually the highest in bran. Both grain and bran were rich in Fe, Mn and Zn. Correlation analysis indicated that soil pH and organic matter exert a significant and direct effect on the micronutrient concentration of rice. Although long-term fertilization enhanced the proportion of micronutrients in rice grain, the levels were still much lower than the recommended dietary intake levels for micronutrients. We therefore suggest high consumption levels of brown rice (with micronutrient-dense bran layer) because they may increase the daily intake level of micronutrients and meet the nutritional requirements that people need for sound health.  相似文献   

以苏州市7个县市的水稻籽粒为研究对象,在2006年采集的449份水稻籽粒样品的基础上,分析了稻米中Cu、Pb、Cd、Cr和Zn的积累特征,并评价了样品的健康风险。结果显示,苏州市水稻籽粒重金属积累平均含量均不超标,但水稻籽粒Pb存在29.49%的样点超标率,Cu、Cd和Cr的超标样点一般在4个以下。单因子污染指数评价结果显示,水稻籽粒重金属元素污染指数高低顺序为Pb>Cr>Cu、Zn>Cd,其中昆山和吴江水稻籽粒受到Pb的轻度污染。综合污染指数评价表明,水稻籽粒重金属污染处于警戒线级别,且水稻籽粒的污染是由于Pb的积累量较高引起的,其中太仓和张家港两市水稻籽粒属于安全等级,昆山、吴中、相城和常熟处于警戒线等级,吴江风险较高。暴露风险评价结果显示,研究区存在水稻籽粒Cr暴露风险,而水稻籽粒Pb仅在个别县市暴露风险高,整体风险并不高。  相似文献   

Potassium humate (PH) is a promising natural resource to be utilized as an alternative for increasing crop production. A pot experiment was conducted during 2009 and 2010 to assess the efficacy of application of potassium humate (0, 5, and 10 mg kg?1 soil) alone and in combination with chemical fertilizers (75% and 100% recommended dose of nitrogen–phosphorus–potassium) on yield and nutrient availability patterns in soil at different growth stages of rice. Two doses of zinc, viz. 0 and 12.5 mg kg?1, were also applied. Sole and combined application of potassium humate with nitrogen–phosphorus–potassium (NPK) and zinc significantly (p < 0.05) improved the yield and availability of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, sulfur, zinc, and dehydrogenase activity in soil. Application of 10 mg kg?1 potassium humate along with 100% NPK and 12.5 mg kg?1 zinc sulfate proved significantly superior when compared to 75% and 100% of NPK alone.  相似文献   

水稻中过量砷(As)能够损害叶片中叶绿素和叶片内部结构,进而影响水稻光合作用效率,并改变水稻在光谱上的表现。利用高光谱植被指数(CARI、PRI、SIPI)和独立变量分析(ICA)模型对水稻中As含量进行了研究。结果表明,以上3种高光谱植被指数与水稻中As含量均呈一定的相关关系,其相关系数在0.67以上;而经过独立变量分析(ICA)可知,在蓝光波段(440~540nm)和红光波段(600~700nm)之间各有一个独立变量与水稻中As含量高度相关,相关系数达到0.95以上。将上述植被指数与独立变量和水稻中As含量之间进行回归分析,得到水稻中As含量的线性回归方程。研究表明,重金属As对水稻生长的影响可以通过其在光谱上的特征(如相关植被指数)改变来体现,并可以用独立变量分析(ICA)方法提取光谱中关于As胁迫的隐含弱信息,建立遥感预测模型,为大面积监测农作物As污染提供依据。  相似文献   

为了筛选出能有效抑制水稻各部位吸收积累Cr和Cu的有机和无机材料钝化剂组合,选取水稻土以盆栽试验研究了15种钝化剂组合对土壤Cr和Cu赋存形态及水稻各部位吸收积累Cr和Cu的影响。结果表明:15种钝化剂组合施用使土壤pH上升0.25~1.04,土壤阳离子交换量增加2.65%~50.96%,土壤有机质含量增加0.22%~17.20%,土壤可交换态Cr含量降低35.21%~55.63%;除生石灰+钝化剂4+鸡粪组合使土壤可还原态显著增加外,其他组合的土壤可还原态Cr无显著变化;土壤可氧化态和残渣态Cr均无明显变化;土壤可交换态Cu含量降低6.66%~33.42%;土壤可还原态和可氧化态Cu无明显变化;土壤残渣态Cu增加0.32%~5.04%,其中钝化剂3、生石灰+钝化剂1+鸡粪、生石灰+钝化剂4+鸡粪3个组合能显著增加土壤残渣态含量。根系对Cr和Cu的富集能力最大,15种钝化剂组合可使水稻根系、秸秆、稻壳和糙米中Cr含量分别下降4.59%~49.41%,39.84%~76.87%,7.14%~31.60%,17.32%~67.10%,水稻根系、秸秆、稻壳和糙米中Cu含量分别下降10.57%~48.41%,7.99%~52.53%,21.12%~45.11%,14.39%~66.92%。15种钝化剂组合均可降低糙米中Cr和Cu的含量,其中以生石灰+钝化剂2+鸡粪的效果最佳。  相似文献   

广州市蔬菜和菜地土壤砷含量及其健康风险研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
测定了广州市郊区菜地土壤(n=120)、菜地蔬菜(n=109)和市售蔬菜(n=237)中砷含量,结合广州居民蔬菜消费情况,分析了砷对广州居民的健康风险影响.结果表明:不同类型菜地土壤砷含量不同,为菜园土(12.94±9.78)mg/kg>水稻土(8.67±10.24)mg/kg>赤红壤(4.17±3.70)mg/kg,土壤质量主要属于二级标准以内;菜地蔬菜砷含量范围为ND~0.179 mg/kg,均值为(0.017±0.024)mg/kg;市售蔬菜砷含量范围为ND-0.314 mg/kg,含量变化为豆类(0.038±0.047)mg/kg)>根茎类(0.027±0.031)mg/kg>茄类(0.025±0.030)mg/kg>叶菜类(0.024±0.022)mg/kg>葱蒜类(0.019±0.025)mg/kg>瓜类(0.017±0.020)mg/kg,所有蔬菜均没有超过我国食品中砷的限量卫生标准(GB-4810-94).广州市居民从蔬菜中摄入的砷为0.045 mg/d,叶菜类和根茎类蔬菜是主要的贡献者.  相似文献   

缺铁水稻根表铁膜对硒的转运和吸收的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Under anaerobic conditions, ferric hydroxide deposits on the surface of rice roots and affects uptake and translocation of certain nutrients. In the present study, rice plants were cultured in Fe-deficient or sufficient solutions and placed in a medium containing selenium (Se) for 2 h. Then, FeSO4 was added at the various concentrations of 0, 10, 40, or 70 mg L-1 to induce varying levels of iron plaque on the root surfaces and subsequent uptake of Se was monitored. The uptake of Se was inhibited by the iron plaque, with the effect proportional to the amount of plaque induced. The activity of cysteine synthase was decreased with increasing amounts of iron plaque on the roots. This may be the important reason for iron plaque inhibition of Se translocation. At each level of iron plaque, Fe-deficient rice had more Se than Fe-sufficient rice. Furthermore, with plaque induced by 20 mg Fe L-1, plants from Fe-deficient media accumulated more Se than those from Fe-sufficient media, as the Se concentration was increased from 10 to 30 or 50 mg L^-1. We found that phytosiderophores, highly effective iron chelating agents, could desorb selenite from ferrihydrite. Root exudates of the Fe-deficient rice, especially phytosiderophores in the exudates, could enhance Se uptake by rice plants with iron plaque.  相似文献   

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