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Technologies to edit the zygote genome have revolutionized biomedical research not only for the creation of animal models for the study of human disease but also for the generation of functional human cells and tissues through interspecies blastocyst complementation technology. The pig is the ideal species for these purposes due to its great similarity in anatomy and physiology to humans. Emerging biotechnologies require the use of oocytes and/or embryos of good quality, which might be obtained using in vitro production (IVP) techniques. However, the current porcine embryo IVP systems are still suboptimal and result in low monospermic fertilization and blastocyst formation rates and poor embryo quality. During recent years, intensive investigations have been performed to evaluate the influence of specific compounds on gametes and embryos and to avoid the use of undefined supplements (serum and serum derivate) in the incubation media. However, little consideration has been given to the use of the mineral oil (MO) to overlay incubation droplets, which, albeit being a routine component of the IVP systems, is a totally undefined and thus problematic product for the safety of gametes and embryos. In this review, we provide an overview on the advantages and disadvantages of using MO to cover the incubation media. We also review one important concern in IVP laboratories: the use of oils containing undetected contamination. Finally, we discuss the effects of different types of oils on the in vitro embryo production outcomes and the transfer of compounds from oil into the culture media.  相似文献   

The high incidence of polyspermy is one of the major obstacles during in vitro fertilization (IVF) in pigs. To overcome this, we developed a novel IVF method, which involves constant rotation. Oocytes matured in vitro were mixed with spermatozoa (0.2 × 105 sperm/mL) in an IVF medium (200 μL) using a 200 μL PCR tube. This tube was then rotated at 1 rpm for 6 h at 38.5°C in a rotation mixer (experimental group). A second PCR tube was simultaneously cultured without rotation (control group). The rate of polyspermy was evaluated 12 h after insemination and was significantly (P < 0.05; 21.0% vs. 48.3%) lower in the experimental group than in the control group. Sperm penetration rate was similar in oocytes from the experimental and control groups (75.2% vs. 83.1%). However, monospermic fertilization rate of the oocytes was significantly (P < 0.05; 44.8% vs. 21.2%) higher in the experimental group than in the control group. Furthermore, the rate of blastocyst formation (30.1% vs. 20.8%) increased in the experimental group, as compared to the control group. This present system will contribute to increase the efficacy of blastocyst production through reduction of polyspermic penetration.  相似文献   

试验对牛胚胎体外生产技术中的体外受精液、精卵共育时间、血清和培乔液等影响早期胚胎体外发育的因素进行了研究。以BO(Brackett & Oliphant)和BM(BO:成熟培养液=3:2)作为受精液,受精卵的囊胚发育率分别为26.0%和15.0%;精卵共育时间以9-12h为宜;受精卵在含血清FBS或OCS培养液中的专胚发育率分别为26.4%或29.9%,明显高于在无血清培养基中的囊胚发育率(10.3%);TCMl99、mBECMaa、mSOFaa3种胚胎培养液均能支持受精卵的体外发育,在其中培养受精卵囊胚发育率分别为18.O%、30.7%和29.2%。试验结果表明:精卵于BM受精液中共育9~12h后,将假定受精卵置于添加5%OCS的mBECMaa或mSOFaa培养液中培养,能显著提高体外生产胚胎的囊胚发育率。  相似文献   

The effect of berberine (Ber) on in vitro fertilization (IVF) embryo development in pigs and the associated differential expression of microRNAs (miRNAs) in the embryo were investigated. NCSU‐23 embryonic culture medium was used for a control group, while NCSU‐23 embryonic culture medium added with Ber was used for a Ber group. The embryo development rates in these groups were determined, and the zygotes, 4‐ and 8‐cell embryos, and blastocysts were collected for cDNA microarray analysis. The development rates of 2‐, 4‐, 8‐cell embryos and blastocysts were significantly higher in the Ber group than those in the control group (p < 0.01). The differentially expressed miRNAs in the 8‐cell versus the 4‐cell stage in control group as well as in the 8‐cell Ber group versus the 8‐cell control group overlapped, and it was found that nine miRNAs were commonly upregulated and two of them were downregulated, while there was no overlap among the other groups. The target genes of Ber‐regulated miRNAs at the 8‐cell stage were mainly associated with the molecular pathway of nucleic acid and protein synthesis. These findings suggest that Ber may regulate the expression of miRNAs at the 8‐cell stage, which is beneficial to provide material reserves for the maternal to zygote transition of porcine embryos, thereby increasing the porcine IVF embryo development rate.  相似文献   

试验旨在探究高浓度葡萄糖对猪卵母细胞体外成熟及早期胚胎发育能力的影响。取体外分离处于生发泡期的猪卵丘卵母细胞复合体(COCs),分为3个处理组。分别用含葡萄糖浓度为5.6 mmol/L(C组)、10 mmol/L(G-1组)、15 mmol/L(G-2组)的培养液,进行体外成熟(IVM)处理,42 h后观察,并统计卵丘细胞扩散情况和第一极体排出率;对体外成熟42 h后的卵母细胞孤雌激活,统计2-细胞、4-细胞和第7天囊胚发育。结果发现,G-1组和G-2组卵丘细胞扩散度显著低于C组(P<0.05);G-1组和G-2组的MII期卵母细胞死亡率和存活率与C组相比无显著差异(P>0.05),但G-1组极体率显著降低(P<0.05),G-2组极体率极显著低于C组(P<0.01)。孤雌激活后,与C组相比,G-1组和G-2组的2-细胞分裂率显著降低(P<0.05),4-细胞分裂率以及囊胚发育率均极显著降低(P<0.01),但G-1、G-2组囊胚细胞数量与C组相比无显著性差异(P>0.05)。进一步线粒体染色发现,G-1组和G-2组的线粒体与C组相比分布不均。...  相似文献   

为了优化猪体外受精技术体系,本试验探索了甲基-β-环化糊精(methyl-beta-cyclic dextrin,MBCD)对猪体外受精以及早期胚胎发育的影响。在体外受精0和4 h向受精液(modified Tris-buffered medium,mTBM)中添加不同浓度(0,0.5,1,2,5,10,15,20μmol/mL)的MBCD,受精孵育结束后转至PZM-3培养液中进行胚胎培养。对各处理组卵母细胞的受精情况以及胚胎发育能力进行了系统的检测,并用金霉素(chlortetracycline,CTC)染色法评估了MBCD处理后精子获能状态。结果显示:1)体外受精0 h添加5μmol/mL MBCD组的卵裂率、囊胚率、囊胚细胞数显著高于(P<0.05)对照组和除10μmol/mL MBCD组之外的其他试验组。2)体外受精0 h添加5和10μmol/mL MBCD组、单精入卵率显著高于(P<0.05)对照组和其他试验组,而多精入卵率显著低于(P<0.05)对照组和其他试验组。3)添加5μmol/mL MBCD组,0~1 h,F型精子迅速减少(78.56~19.43),B型精子迅速增加(10.79~69.86);1~4 h,F型精子和B型精子基本保持不变(B型:69.86~78.78,F型:19.43~9.11)。上述结果表明在体外受精0 h向mTBM中加入5μmol/mL MBCD可以显著提高获能精子比例,减少多精受精发生,提高早期胚胎发育潜能。  相似文献   

应用细胞内微电极技术,测定了猪卵母细胞体外成熟和体外受精过程中膜电位的变化,并结合电镜技术探讨了膜电位变化与卵母细胞超微结构的关系。结果发现,猪卵母细胞在体外发育培养前,膜电位为较小的负值;体外发育培养后,膜电位随着体外发育自发变化,首先发生去极化,然后发生极性倒转,由负值转为正值,体外受精后,膜电位复极化为负值,且随着受精发育负值增大,超微结构结果表明,猪卵母细胞的膜电位变化与超微结构密切相关。  相似文献   

Meiosis in bovine oocytes has; been studied after maturation in vitro or in vivo. Oocytes for in vitro maturation were collected from the ovaries of slaughtered cattle without regard to the phase of the estrous cycle while in vivo maturation was studied in oocytes from gonadotrophin-stimulated heifers at times varying between 6 and 36 h after the beginning of behavioural estrus. Oocytes from slaughtered cattle were classified according to their cumulus complex and ooplasm and were cultured for 6, 12, 18, 24, 36 or 48 h in modified Krebs-Ringer bicarbonate buffer before fixation) for cytogenetic analysis. Oocytes from stimulated heifers were aspirated from follicles or flushed from the oviducts, classified according to cumulus and ooplasm, and fixed within 6 h of collection. Nuclear maturation was more rapid in vitro than in vivo. The largest proportion of oocytes reached maturity (Mil) after 12 to 18 h in culture or 30 to 36 h after the onset of behavioural estrus. Oocytes devoid of cumulus cells or showing signs of vacuolation or degeneration had virtually no capacity for nuclear maturation.  相似文献   

文章从卵母细胞的来源、精子体外获能、卵母细胞体外成熟、体外受精和体外受精早期胚胎培养五个方面综述了牛卵母细胞体外受精和体外成熟技术的研究进展.同时指出了影响精子体外获能的因素、影响卵母细胞成熟培养的因素、体外受精存在的问题及解决办法等.并且对影响该技术的主要因素进行了系统分析.  相似文献   

Ban is an endangered miniature pig breed in Vietnam. This study aimed to set up an in vitro embryo production (IVP) system for this breed. Ban's epididymal sperm concentration (1240 ± 35 × 106/mL) was lower (P < 0.01) compared with Landrace (4160 ± 42 × 106/mL). However, sperm characteristics before and after freezing in Ban and Landrace were similar. The numbers of follicles with diameter larger than 2 mm per ovary in Ban females treated with equine chorionic gonadotropin and human chorionic gonadotropin (27.1 ± 1.3) were higher (P < 0.05) than those in Landrace (12.9 ± 2.0) and in non‐hormone stimulated Ban (no > 2 mm follicles). After in vitro maturation, the percentages of oocytes with expanded cumulus cells and the first polar body (matured oocytes) were not different among Ban, hormone‐stimulated Ban and Landrace. The percentages of two‐cell embryos and morulae derived from oocytes collected from three sources did not differ. However, the rate of blastocysts derived from oocytes in non‐stimulated Ban (4.0 ± 3.8%) was lower (P < 0.05) than that in Landrace (15.3 ± 1.8%). In conclusion, an effective IVP system for good quality embryos in Ban, that is essential for genetic conservation of this breed, was established.  相似文献   

Ghrelin对水牛体外受精和孤雌激活胚胎体外发育的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究的目的是探讨Ghrelin对水牛体外受精和孤雌激活胚胎体外发育的影响.体外成熟的水牛卵母细胞经体外受精或离子霉素孤雌激活后.分别在舍0,0.5,5,50和500 μg/L Ghrelin的培养液中进行体外培养,观察各组胚胎的卵裂率和囊胚率.结果显示,在培养液中添加不同浓度的Ghrelin对体外受精和孤雌激活胚胎的卵裂率均无显著影响(P>0.05),但添加500 μg/L的Ghrelin显著提高体外受精胚胎的囊胚发育率(33.5% vs 13.7%,P<0.05),50 μg/L或500 μg/L的Ghrelin均显著提高孤雌激活胚胎的囊胚发育率(32.4%和34.6% vs 14.5%,P<0.05).结果表明,培养液中添加Ghrelin对胚胎的早期卵裂没有影响,但可促进水牛体外受精和孤雌激活胚胎囊胚的形成.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to determine suitable conditions for an experimental method in which the CRISPR/Cas9 system is introduced into in vitro‐produced porcine zygotes by electroporation. In the first experiment, when putative zygotes derived from in vitro fertilization (IVF) were electroporated by either unipolar or bipolar pulses, keeping the voltage, pulse duration and pulse number fixed at 30 V/mm, 1 msec and five repeats, respectively, the rate of blastocyst formation from zygotes electroporated by bipolar pulses decreased compared to zygotes electroporated by unipolar pulses. In the second experiment, the putative zygotes were electroporated by electroporation voltages ranging from 20 V/mm–40 V/mm with five 1‐msec unipolar pulses. The rate of cleavage and blastocyst formation of zygotes electroporated at 40 V/mm was significantly lower (< .05) than that of zygotes electroporated at less than 30 V/mm. Moreover, the apoptotic nuclei indices of blastocysts derived from zygotes electroporated by voltages greater than 30 V/mm significantly increased compared with those from zygotes electroporated by voltages less than 25 V/mm (< .05). When zygotes were electroporated with Cas9 mRNA and single‐guide RNA (sgRNA) targeting site in the FGF10 exon 3, the proportions of blastocysts with targeted genomic sequences were 7.7% (2/26) and 3.6% (1/28) in the embryos derived from zygotes electroporated at 25 V/mm and 30 V/mm, respectively. Our results indicate that electroporation at 25 V/mm may be an acceptable condition for introducing Cas9 mRNA and sgRNA into pig IVF zygotes under which the viability of the embryos is not significantly affected.  相似文献   

马红  王文涛  付博  仁亮  刘娣 《兽医大学学报》2013,(9):1451-1453,1457
通过比较参与受精的卵母细胞颗粒细胞存在与否、精子上浮时间、精卵共孵育时间、不同受精液等4个方面的因素,研究这些因素对猪卵母细胞体外受精后胚胎发育能力的影响,以求找到最佳的猪卵母细胞体外受精体系。将选择带有不同颗粒细胞的卵丘卵母细胞复合体分为3组:含全部颗粒细胞、2~3层颗粒细胞和裸卵;调整精子在受精液里的上浮时间为0、30、60、120min研究其受精能力;比较3、6、20h精卵共孵育时间对体外受精的影响;结果表明:在本试验体系下,在mTBM受精液中,将精子上浮处理60min,与含2~3层颗粒细胞的卵丘-卵母细胞复合体共孵育6h的IVF体系最为有效,其卵裂率为(77.6±2.3)%,囊胚率为(25.7±2.6)%。  相似文献   

以屠宰场牦牛卵巢为材料,比较了抽吸加切割法和抽吸法2种卵母细胞离体采集方法的效率和5种成熟培养液的培养效果,并研究了卵泡位置、形态对卵母细胞体外成熟的影响。结果表明:在牦牛乏情期,平均每个卵巢用抽吸加切割法回收卵数极显著高于抽吸法(9.33±4.30VS4.70±2.62,P<0.01),可用卵数也极显著高于抽吸法(5.63±4.19VS4.37±2.32,P<0.01)。将牦牛卵丘卵母细胞复合体(COCs)分别置于5种成熟培养液中培养,其中M199(缓冲体系为Earles盐) 10% FBS 5.0mg/LLH 1.0mg/LE2 双抗(青霉素100IU/mL和链霉素100mg/L)的成熟液效果最好,成熟率为81.33%,卵裂率为49.33%。来自卵巢表面卵泡的COCs的成熟率和卵裂率均高于来自卵巢内卵泡的COCs(分别为81.33%VS69.33%,P>0.05;49.33%VS34.67%,P<0.05)。来自明亮卵泡的COCs的成熟率和卵裂率均极显著高于来自浑浊卵泡的COCs(分别为81.33%VS33.33%,P<0.01;49.33%VS3.33%,P<0.01)。  相似文献   

牦牛卵巢卵母细胞体外培养成熟条件的建立   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
研究了不同采集方法和不同培养液对牦牛卵母细胞体外成熟的培养效果。结果:在牦牛乏情期,每个卵巢平均回收卵数为(9.33±4.30),可用卵数为(5.63±4.19)。将牦牛卵丘卵母细胞复合体分别置于5种成熟培养液中培养,成熟率分别为75.56%、71.11%、81.33%、77.33%和77.78%,卵裂率分别为42.22%、33.33%、49.33%、46.67%和42.22%,其中C的成熟液效果最好。来自卵巢表面卵泡的COCs的成熟率(81.33(vs69.33(,P>0.05)高于来自卵巢内卵泡的COCs,卵裂率(49.33%vs34.67%,P<0.05)显著高于来自卵巢内卵泡的COCs。来自明亮卵泡的COCs的成熟率(81.33%vs33.33%,P<0.01)和卵裂率(49.33%vs3.33%,P<0.01)极显著高于来自混浊卵泡的COCs。  相似文献   

山羊体外受精技术的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文主要阐述了山羊体外受精技术,特别是山羊卵母细胞的采集和体外成熟,体外受精以及胚胎培养过程中的一些研究进展,及其山羊体外受精技术的非常广阔的前景。  相似文献   

鹿类体外受精技术研究现状   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
鹿类体外受精技术研究方面已有新西兰和法国的技术体系,但培养系统尚未建立,还处在起始阶段。作者阐述了鹿卵巢的采集、运输和卵母细胞的采集;卵母细胞的体外成熟培养;精子的体外获能和体外受精及受精卵的体外培养等方面研究报道的一些试验技术和方法。  相似文献   

猪卵母细胞体外成熟培养中存在的问题是如何进一步提高卵母细胞的采集效率、急待解决的问题是成熟率不高和成熟质量差的问题。综合论述了猪体外受精技术所包含的猪卵母细胞体外成熟(IVM)培养和受精卵的体外培养两项密切相关的技术与方法,以及完善现有的成熟体系及成熟过程。  相似文献   

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