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Summary Four clones of the Chilota Potato Collection from the germplasm bank of the Universidad Austral de Chile, with potential combined resistance to PVX, PVY and PVS, were mechanically inoculated with these viruses in order to demonstrate wether they were truly resistant or not. Virus coat protein in the inoculated clones was determined by means of NCM-ELISA, DAS-ELISA, Western Blot and NASH.Two of the four inoculated clones were resistant to both PVY and PVS. This information will allow the utilization of these two clones in plant breeding programs.Abbreviations NCM-ELISA Nitrocellulose membrane enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay - DAS-ELISA double antibody sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay - NASH nucleic acid spot hybridization  相似文献   

Summary Resistance toMeliodogyne chitwoodi races 1 (MC1) and 2 (MC2) andM. hapla (MH) derived fromSolanum bulbocastanum was introduced into the cultivated potato gene pool through somatic fusion. The initial F1 hybrids showed resistance to the three nematodes. Resistance to reproduction on roots by MC1 was accompanied by resistance to tuber damage in F1 clones. Tuber damage sometimes occurred, however, in hybrids of BC1 progeny resistant to reproduction on roots when MC2 and MH were the challenging nematodes. Resistance to reproduction was transferred into BC1 individuals, but a greater proportion of BC1 progeny was resistant to MC1 than to MC2 or MH. Resistance to MC1 appears to be dominant and discretely inherited. F1 and BC1 progeny were pollen sterile, but seed were produced from crosses using cultivated tetraploid pollen sources. Approximately 11 and 33 per cent of pollinations produced berries on F1 and BC1 pistillate parents, respectively. Seed yield increased fourfold overall in crosses with F1 compared to BC1 individuals.Abbreviations MC1 Meloidogyne chitwoodi race 1 - MC2 Meloidogyne chitwoodi race 2 - MH Meloidogyne hapla - Rf Reproductive factor  相似文献   

Susan J. Turner 《Euphytica》1989,42(1-2):145-153
Summary Accessions obtained from the Commenwealth Potato Collection were evaluated for resistance to European populations of potato cyst-nematodes (PCN). With over 36% of the current collection assessed, resistance to pathotypes of both Globodera rostochiensis and G. pallida were identified in 16 species from Argentina, Bolivia or Peru. Resistance to all PCN pathotypes was particularly prevalent in species from the Andean regions of Bolivia and North Argentina, supporting the hypothesis of co-evolution of the potato and PCN in these regions.  相似文献   

The wild non-tuberous species Solanumetuberosum is resistant to biotic andabiotic stresses, but is very difficult tocross with cultivated potato. Therefore,interspecific somatic hybrids between adihaploid clone of potato S.tuberosum (2n=2x=24, AA genome) and thediploid species S. etuberosum(2n=2x=24, EE genome) were produced byprotoplast fusion. Among the 7 fertilefusion hybrids analysed by genomic insitu hybridisation (GISH), three groups ofplants were found with the genomicconstitution of AAEE, AAEEEE and AAAAEE.Four fusion hybrids had exactly theexpected chromosome composition, while eachof the three aneuploid hybrids had lost twochromosomes of S. etuberosum. Twobackcross progenies were developed, andGISH analysis was applied to analysetransmission of the parental chromosomesinto the sexual generations. BC1hybrids derived from the crosses of thehexaploid somatic hybrids with tetraploidpotato were pentaploid with thetheoretically expected genomic compositionor with slight deviation from thisexpectation. In the three BC2 hybridsanalysed by GISH seven to 12 chromosomes ofS. etuberosum were detected in thepredominant S. tuberosum background.No recombinant chromosomes in the hybridswere detected. Genome dosage affects tuberformation in hybrids and their progenies,but has less effect on resistance to potatovirus Y (PVY) in fusion hybrids. Severalgenotypes of the fusion hybrids andBC1 progeny did not show viralinfection even in the graftingexperiments.  相似文献   

Summary This study investigated the possibility of recombining anew the genomes of the wild and cultivated progenitors of triploid S. juzepczukii and pentaploid S. curtilobum by following the known evolutionary pathway of these two species. Before starting the actual breeding work, the natural variation of S. juzepczukii, S. curtilobum and their wild progenitor S. acaule was studied from the point of view of morphology, quantitative and qualitative tuber glycoalkaloid content and frost resistance. The morphological study was supplemented by a study of the soluble tuber proteins employing polyacrylamide slab-electrophoresis. From 137 accession of S. juzepczukii only 19 morphotypes were identified, 18 of which were also different in their protein spectra. The only red-tubered S. juzepczukii revealed a protein spectrum identical to that of the largest white-tubered group. On phylogenetic grounds, the occurrence of a red-tubered S. juzepczukii cannot be explained. It is concluded that this red clone is a somatic mutant for tuber colour which arose from a whitetubered clone. S. curtilobum was restricted in its variation to just two morphotypes differing only in tuber colour which are, however, identical chemotypes. This would be the case if one of the clones was a somatic mutant for tuber colour from the other one. The glycoalkaloids -solanine, -chaconine, tomatine, demissine and - and -solamarine are shown to be useful taxonomic characters which confirm earlier hypotheses on the origin of S. juzepczukii and S. curtilobum. Laboratory tests showed the two cultivated species to be resistant to about –3°C whereas S. acaule is resistant to temperatures sometimes below–5°C. The diploid progenitor of S. juzepczukii, S. stenotomum, also has forms resistant to –3°C. The results of this study demonstrate that the proposed breeding scheme is possible.  相似文献   

Summary A total of 934 potato cultivars and clones from different breeding programmes across the world were tested for their reaction to early blight (Alternaria solani) in Brasilia-DF, Brazil. This field trial was set up in order to identify tetraploid potato genotypes with useful levels of resistance to early blight (EB) that were not correlated with late maturity or lateness. Artificial inoculation (spread ofA. solani infected leaves over plant canopy) was employed even though EB occurs naturally at epidemic levels in the test area. Four disease assessments were made every 10 days, beginning 45 days after planting. Based on the evaluation made 65 days after planting, only 27 clones were identified that had less lesioned leaf area than the resistant standard (cv. Aracy). Area under disease progress curve (AUDPC) was also used as a criterion of resistance. Using AUDPC as a parameter, 22 genotypes were identified presenting values lower than or identical to cv. Aracy. Differences in the commercial yield were recorded in genotypes with identical response to EB, suggesting that distinct levels of tolerance to EB also exist. In spite of the strong correlation between EB resistance and late maturity, some genotypes derived from the parental materials NDD 277-2, Kufri Jyoti, CIP 377888-7, Maine-28, and the clones CFS 69.1 and I-853 were identified as having good levels of EB field resistance not linked with the negative phenotypic trait of lateness. These materials presented medium to medium-early maturity with a vegetative cycle of around 90–95 days. Some selected genotypes presented more acceptable agronomic characteristics including resistance toPhytophthora infestans, potato leaf roll luteovirus (PLRV) and potato virus Y (PVY). The EB resistance sources identified in this work can be recommended as parental materials for widening the genetic base for EB disease resistance in breeding programmes for highland tropical and subtropical areas.  相似文献   

Summary Potato plantlets derived from in vitro propagation of three cultivars known for their field resistance (Cruza 148 and BR-63.65) or susceptibility (Désirée) to Pseudomonas solanacearum E.F. Smith were artificially inoculated under controlled conditions. The aim of this work was to determine the optimal inoculum concentration and the best observation period in which the cultivars would show different reactions to bacterial infection as expected on the basis of their field performance.A suitable statistical analysis of disease indices is proposed to distinguish between resistant and susceptible responses, with a particular care for the applicative needs and a univocal interpretation of the results. In order to evaluate the significance of sources of variation related to the observed mean differences, the analysis of variance and a convenient clustering procedure of disease index means were applied.The statistical analysis revealed that, under our conditions, an inoculum concentration of 5×106 cfu/plant was suitable for separating resistant from susceptible responses, in accordance with the reactions already observed in field experiments by other authors. Also, differences among the three cultivars were best observed nine to twelve days after inoculation with the pathogen.  相似文献   

Summary The topiary gene, a single recessive conditioning very short stolons and early tuber initiation, may provide a tool for selecting wild species for tuberization. Topiary segregants may be recognized at the seedling stage, and there is good expression in interspecific hybrids. A genetically diverse diploid population, composed of accessions of 22 species selected for disease resistance and 2n gametes and crossed with sources of the topiary gene, is being developed. Recurrent phenotypic selection for yield and carliness of tuberization will be facilitated by the topiary trait, insect pollination and the self-incompatibility system. Standard varietal evaluation techniques including yield trials, sequential harvests, and tuber quality assessments can be applied to the population to alter gene frequencies or identify suitable parents for crossing to Tuberosum. Selected clones may be maintained in the field without clonal mixture. The population should retain most of the simply inherited disease resistance characteristics present in the original introductions. Adapted germplasm produced by this method should be especially valuable where the number of backcrosses to Tuberosum is to be minimized, as in the improvement of potatoes for quantitative traits such as yield, polygenic disease resistance, and environmental tolerance. Well-adapted clones may contribute a maximum input of genetic diversity through hybridization with Tuberosum haploids and subsequent polyploidization via 2n gametes.Paper No. 2486 from the Laboratory of Genetics. Research supported by the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences; International Potato Center; SEA, USDA, CRGO5901-0410-8-0180-0; and Frito-Lay, Inc.  相似文献   

Summary In two experiments, using different testing methods, the number of newly formed cysts was determined on nine potato genotypes with resistance from various sources. Ten potato cyst nematode (PCN) populations were used in these experiments. Rank correlation between numbers of cysts over potato genotype-PCN population combinations for both experiments was high (rs = 0.90). Dendrograms for PCN populations and potato genotypes were constructed, based on a simultaneous hierarchical clustering procedure for potato genotype-PCN population interaction terms. Several virulence groups could be identified within Globodera rostochiensis as well as within G. pallida. Host genotypes, derived from the same sources of resistance, were clustered in different resistance groups.  相似文献   

Summary Interspecific somatic hybrid plants were regenerated after electrofusion of mesophyll protoplasts with the objective of transferring resistance to Verticillium dahliae from Solanum torvum into potato. Early selection of the putative hybrids was based on differences in cultural behaviour of the parental and hybrid calli (particularly the ability of the latter to regenerate early) in combination with morphological markers. Four putative hybrids were recovered from hundreds of calli, probably resulting from complementation of the two parental genomes. The regenerates were tetraploids (2n=4×=48 chromosomes) and exhibited intermediate traits including leaf form, plant morphology and the presence of anthocyanin. The hybrid nature of the four selected plants was confirmed by examining isoenzyme patterns for isocitrate dehydrogenase (Idh), malate dehydrogenase (Mdh), phosphoglucoisomerase (Pgi) and 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase (6-Pgd). While the hybrid plants rooted readily and grew vigorously under in vitro conditions, in the greenhouse their development and growth were retarded by difficulties in rooting. When grafted on potato or S. torvum rootstocks, the hybrid plants recovered normal development and growth. Again, they exhibited intermediate morphological traits. Tests for resistance realized in vitro with medium containing 50% Verticillium wilt filtrate showed that all the somatic hybrids were resistant to the fungus filtrate.  相似文献   

Summary Verticillium wilt (V. albo-atrum Reinke & Berthold or V. dahliae Kleb) threatens potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) production in most growing areas of the world. Genetic resistance offers the most cost-effective and environmentally-sound control measure. However, there is a dearth of genetic and breeding information on resistance to verticillium wilt in potato, because of obscure parentage of some standard cultivars and the complex segregation at the tetraploid level. The wide range of genetic variability in wild relatives of potatoes can be potentially useful as a source of disease resistance, such as verticillium wilt resistance. Six diploid, wild, interspecific Solanum hybrids involving resistant x resistant and susceptible x resistant crosses, were assayed for verticillium wilt resistance under greenhouse conditions to evaluate their potential as sources of verticillium wilt resistance. The cross between S. gourlayi Oka. and S. chacoense Bitt. and its reciprocal had the most resistant progenies based on mean colony counts. No simple mode of inheritance can be proposed based on the observed segregation ratios. However, the continuous distributions observed on verticillium wilt disease response among hybrid families indicate that inheritance of resistance may be polygenic and complex. In addition, skewness of colony count distributions toward the resistance parents were characteristic of all resistant x susceptible crosses suggesting that resistance may be dominant. By contrast, the susceptible x susceptible cross showed a more normal distribution. Overall, the cross between S. gourlayi and S. chacoense showed the most potential as a source of verticillium wilt resistance.  相似文献   

M. J. De Maine 《Euphytica》1978,27(1):305-315
Summary An examination of the feasibility of obtaining dihaploids with high levels of field resistance to important potato pathogens, showed that dihaploids may be produced which are more resistant to late blight or to potato root eelworm pathotype E than are their tetraploid parents. The significance of this is discussed in relation to the possible types of gene action involved in conferring field resistance.  相似文献   

Summary Bell pepper suffers considerable losses from a strain of potato virus Y (PVYo-sbp). Crosses were attempted between two resistant lines Perennial and S41-1 and two highly susceptible bell pepper commercial cultivars California Wonder and Yolo Wonder. Studies of F1's, F2's, back crosses and F3's indicated that Perennial and S41-1 carry a recessive gene imparting resistance to potato virus Y.  相似文献   

Summary We conducted a joint Colombia/United States/Venezuela wild potato (Solanum sect. Petota Dumort.) germplasm collecting expedition in Colombia from June 27–August 24, and in Venezuela from August 17–September 15, 1992. The goals of the expedition were to collect germplasm and study the species boundaries of all of the 23 Colombian and Venezuelan taxa accepted by current taxonomists. We made 128 collections of 16 of these taxa, 96 as true seed collections. We collected the first available germplasm collections of S. cacetanum, S. cuatrecasasii, S. estradae, S. lobbianum, S. orocense, S. paramoense, and S. sucubunense, and obtained germplasm collections of S. neovalenzuelae and S. pamplonense as a germplasm exchange from the Colombian national germplasm collection. We had problems identifying some of our collections, and currently are investigating them for species status and interrelationships. We summarize the state of germplasm collections for Colombia and Venezuela, provide our field data regarding the taxonomy of Colombian and Venezuelan wild potatoes, and provide recommendations for future collecting.  相似文献   

Summary Dihaploids were produced from tetraploids resistant to potato cyst nematode (Globodera pallida (Stone)). High levels of resistance were found in the dihaploids and three were used to produce tetraploid progenies by crossing them with susceptible tetraploid cultivars. One dihaploid, PDH505, produced more highly resistant offspring than the other two, PDHs 417 and 418. The latter gave progenies whose levels of resistance were similar to those obtained from susceptible dihaploids crossed with resistant tetraploids.The differences between the progenies of the resistant dihaploids were probably due to different modes of unreduced gamete formation (PDH505 producing gametes by first division restitution (FDR) and PDHs 417 and 418 by second division restitution (SDR)) although cytological studies would be necessary to confirm this. The methods by which dihaploids could be utilised in a tetraploid potato breeding programme are discussed in relation to the mode of unreduced gamete formation.  相似文献   

The Commonwealth Potato Collection contains 77 species following the incorporation of the personal collection of Professor JG Hawkes. The material originates from several expeditions to the Americas and represents a potentially valuable source of resistance to pests and pathogens, including potato cyst nematodes (PCN). The germplasm from the Hawkes collection screened in this study included taxa mainly from Mexico, Bolivia, Argentina and Peru. Seedlings of 198 accessions, from 63 different species were screened for reaction to the PCN species G. pallida and G. rostochiensis. Of the 198 accessions tested, 56% contained G. pallida-resistant clones and 53% contained clones resistant to G. rostochiensis. Twelve species in this survey are believed to contain novel, previously unreported sources of resistance. The geographical distribution of resistance indicated a contrast between the two PCN species. Although, as in previous studies, resistance to G. rostochiensis was centred on Bolivia and Argentina, G. pallida resistance was found across the geographical range of tuber-bearing Solanum. The possibility of cross-resistance arising from selective pressure from the more northern species G. mexicana is discussed. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Summary As the exploitation of economic characters in potato is reaching a plateau, use of exotic germplasm offers an ideal opportunity for further improvement. Fifty-five accessions from eleven countries were studied under long and short day conditions. Wide variation was noticed for a number of phenological, morphological and tuber characters. Analysis of variation and correlations has demonstrated possibilities for using this diverse germplasm in various potato improvement programs.Abbreviations APC - Andean Primitive Cultivars - AUDPC - Area Under Disease Progress Curve - CCBL - Commerical Cultivars and Breeding Lines - LD - Long Days - SD - Short Days  相似文献   

Summary The morphological and isozyme variation was studied in 22 accessions of Solanum chacoense from Paraguay and Argentina. Clear geographic groups were identified through the use of multivariate analyses. S. chacoense from mountain sites in Argentina could be readily distinguished from plains forms from Paraguay, on the basis of several correlated morphological characters. Three isozyme systems, namely phosphoglucose isomerase (PGI), glutamate-oxaloacetate transaminase (GOT) and peroxidase (PRX) were studied using starch gel electrophoresis. The banding patterns indicated that for each isozyme there were several loci, which were polymorphic. A genetic interpretation of one of the PGI loci was made, and indices of genetic diversity and genetic identity calculated. Principal components analysis, cluster analysis and genetic diversity indicated a close relationship between the geographical groups. These results are discussed in the context of in situ genetic conservation.  相似文献   

Summary F1 hybrid true potato seed progenies with multiple sources of specific resistance to Pseudomonas solanacearum and adaptation were evaluated under tropical greenhouse conditions for resistance to a race 1 isolate of P. solanacearum. Results indicated that genes for adaptation are involved in conferring resistance to bacterial wilt. The effect of a particular resistant parent clone on the resistance level of its progeny depended on the resistance, adaptation or the combination of both characteristics of its mate. A heat tolerant parent gave a higher frequency of resistant offspring in combination with an ascertained source of resistance. Combining ability was an apparent feature of resistance to bacterial wilt and resistance was highest in the majority of the crosses that had a wide genetic background for both resistance and adaptation. The possible genetic nature of the resistance to bacterial wilt is discussed.  相似文献   

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