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控根容器苗根系构型研究进展   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
根系畸形是容器苗生产中存在的主要问题, 控根技术改变了根系构型, 解决了容器育苗中根系畸形的问题, 提高了苗木质量。文中着重介绍了控根技术对根系构型的影响和根系构型的研究方法, 针对研究现状对控根容器苗根系构型研究进行了展望。  相似文献   

控根容器对苗木根系构型和造林成活率的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了提高苗木质量和移栽成活率,比较了控根容器和普通容器对舟山新木姜子和红楠苗木根系构型和移栽成活率的影响。结果表明:控根容器培育比普通容器的苗木根系长度增长率分别高13.3%和10%,0.5mm以下细根数量分别多8.4%和7.5%,根系表面积增长率分别多19.8%和16.8%,根系生物量垂直分布上移,整体比重更加均匀,移栽后成活率分别提高15.8%和10.5%,而且可以实现全年造林。试验证明,控根容器可以显著改善苗木根系构型,提高造林成活率,值得推广。  相似文献   

为了提高生态环境质量和提前达到绿化景观效果,城市绿化对大规格苗木的需求日益增多,并提出大树全冠移植和反季节栽植技术的研究,为此利用控根容器培育大规格的绿化苗木技术具有重要意义。  相似文献   

分别采用D20cm×H20cm、D 30 cm ×H 30 cm两种规格的k-2控根容器、美植袋和普通塑料盆作为培育3年生浙江楠苗木的试验容器,以露地栽植为对照.分析了不同规格容器对培育3年生浙江楠苗木的形态、生物量积累、生理、根系构型指标及苗木质量指数的影响,结果表明:美植袋和k-2控根容器栽植的苗木不存在根系在盆内屈曲缠绕的问题,美植袋栽植苗木的形态指标优于其他两种容器,D 30 cm ×H 30 cm的美植袋和k-2控根容器栽植的浙江楠3年生苗的生物量积累指标与对照无显著性差异,D 30 cm×H 30 cm的k-2控根容器栽植苗木的生理指标最好,其次是D 30 cm×H30 cm的美植袋,D 30 cm×H30 cm的美植袋和k-2控根容器的根系构型均优于对照且与对照存在显著性差异.因此,D 30 cm×H30 cm的美植袋和k-2控根容器是适宜3年生浙江楠育苗的栽培容器,考虑运输的方便性,美植袋优于k-2控根容器.  相似文献   

容器苗根系畸形现象比较严重,采取一定的控根技术可有效改善根系分布,增加侧根数量,提高容器苗质量。试验选用不同控根方法对苦楝苗木进行容器育苗对比试验,阐明了不同控根方法对苦楝苗木质量的影响规律。结果表明,空气修根效果显著,特别是空气控根和化学控根结合的方法处理的苗木其根系成团现象比较明显,侧根数、根系活力等指标与其他处理间均达极显著差异。化学控根采用碳酸铜浓度为100~150 g/L时培育出的苗木质量最好。  相似文献   

容器育苗化学控根技术   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
介绍了容器育苗的化学控根技术。以铜制剂为主的化学控根剂能缩短一级侧根长度, 增加中上层根系的新根数量, 改善根系结构, 使得根系不再缠绕, 它对苗木地上部分是否存在促进作用还存在争议。重金属铜对根系有生理伤害。铜控根剂在土壤中的释放遵循指数曲线, 呈下降趋势, 对土壤微生物也存在影响。  相似文献   

选择有机肥、俄罗斯复合肥、尿素对1a生樟控根容器苗进行施肥处理,1a后测定树高、米径、冠幅等生长指标。结果表明:植物控根栽培的过程中,肥料的施用与否是影响控根苗木生长指标的关键;有机肥在樟控根容器栽培中是最适宜的。  相似文献   

Cu、Zn制剂对油橄榄容器苗生长和根系的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
[目的]针对油橄榄容器苗存在主根较为粗大、须根极少、根系盘绕等现象开展化学制剂控根试验,找出适宜油橄榄容器苗的化学控根试剂,从而解决根系畸形导致的油橄榄苗木质量差等问题。[方法]采用4种不同浓度的CuSO_4制剂及ZnSO_4制剂对油橄榄2年生容器苗进行控根试验,测定苗高、地径及地上部、下部生物量,通过根系扫描仪分析根系生长特点,探讨各项生长指标以及生理指标对控根效果的影响。[结果]显示:(1)20 g·L~(-1)和60 g·L~(-1)的Cu制剂可提高容器苗的地上部分生长量;60 g·L~(-1)和200 g·L~(-1)的Cu制剂可显著增加生物量的积累。(2)200 g·L~(-1)的Cu制剂对苗木新根着生效果最为显著;120 g·L~(-1)的Cu制剂对根系的直径、表面积和体积有良好的促进作用;而不同ZnSO_4控根制剂处理对苗木侧根的各指标产生抑制作用。(3)枝条生长量与侧根长度呈显著正相关性;地径、枝条生长量与侧根表面积呈极显著正相关关系。(4)120 g·L~(-1)的Cu制剂处理后叶片的可溶性蛋白质含量最高,Cu制剂浓度为20 g·L~(-1)时,叶片的叶绿素含量增加。[结论]试验发现质量浓度为120 g·L~(-1)和200g·L~(-1)CuSO_4制剂控根效果良好,可运用于实际生产。  相似文献   

无纺布袋控制粗根外溢率为70%~77%,上中部粗根外溢较多,下部和底部外溢较少,应重视管理无纺布袋上20cm位置粗根外溢。无纺布容器栽培能够抑制粗根的过渡延长,大幅度促进北美鹅掌楸毛细根的萌发,并将根系以疏散的形式控制在一定空间范围内,不影响其生长,进而能够大幅提高移栽成活率。无纺布容器栽植2~3年苗木,除因实生个体抗寒性较弱在春季倒春寒出现抽干梢(基部仍存活)外,移栽成活率达100%。在3~5年培育周期内,无纺布容器能保存完好,能够将北美鹅掌楸控制在一定范围内。移植后立即恢复生长,不影响观赏效果,并能够立即营造良好的景观效果。无纺布容器内北美鹅掌楸生长情况与双容器苗木生长情况相当,而无纺布容器(一次性使用)成本较双容器低廉,适合当前我国苗圃生产国情。  相似文献   

控根容器育苗栽培是一种以调控根系生长的新型快速育苗技术。其生根快、生根量大、苗木成活率高、移栽方便,一年四季都可以移栽,特别是名、特、新、稀、优树种在控根容器中栽培,省时省力、成活率高、见效快。在一些重要展销、接待会议上,用于租摆,更显示出特殊作用。控根容器苗木被称为“活动的绿洲”和“可移动的森林”。  相似文献   

不同品种油茶嫁接苗根系生长动态研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
The growth dynamics of root system and aboveground of the grafted seedlings of different Camellia oleifera cultivars are studied by skeleton method and root scanning. The results of 8-months’ observation on grafted seedlings of 5 C. oleifera cultivars showed that: the growth of aerial parts and root of the C. oleifera seedlings were not entirely in sync, during the time of low temperature from November to February, the root system still in sustained growth though the aerial parts of the 5 cultivars grew slowly. Remarkable differences were existed in root length, root surface area, root volume, root biomass and other indicators after 11-months’ growth. The mean value of total length of root-system was up to 243.3 cm and 143.4 cm for the minimum, the mean value of total root surface area was up to 50.2 cm2 and 31.7 cm2 for the minimum, the mean value of root volume of the C. oleifera seedlings was up to 0.843 cm3 and 0.578 cm3 for the minimum which lived 11 months after grafting. All the root length, root surface area, root volume of the 5 cultivars have remarkable differences.  相似文献   

为了揭示长期淹水对河竹鞭根系统生物量分配及异速生长模式的影响,调查测定了人工喷灌供水(CK)和淹水处理(TR)3、6个月的河竹1年生竹鞭及其根系的生物量,分析了河竹鞭、根生物量分配对淹水环境的适应和响应策略。结果表明: 淹水条件下河竹根系生长受到抑制,生物量分配比例鞭>根。与CK相比,淹水条件下河竹根系生物量及根系生物量/总生物量显著降低,鞭生物量/总生物量升高。随着淹水时间的延长,河竹鞭、根大量生长,生物量显著升高,但根生物量/总生物量、鞭生物量/总生物量和水中鞭生物量/总生物量变化并不明显。河竹鞭、根生物量间的关系在TR和CK处理下均符合幂函数增长关系,但淹水条件下的异速生长指数b要高于CK。研究表明河竹在鞭根系统生长和物质分配上具有较大的生态可塑性和可调节性,可以通过鞭根系统的生物量合理分配和异速生长调节以逐步适应淹水环境。研究结果可为河竹在水湿地和江河湖库消落带植被恢复中的应用提供参考。  相似文献   

In this study, the rhizosphere soil properties of Takyr Solonetzs ameliorated with FGDG, and its effect on root growth of Lycium barbarum were studied. The results indicated that with increasing applications of FGDG, the contents of Na+, K+, Mg2+, Cl-, and HCO3- in rhizosphere soil decreased gradually with the ratio of 51.9%, 16.7%, 42.7%, 44.7% and 28.2%, respectively, while the contents of Ca2+ and SO42- showed an increasing trend and increased by 96.9% and 80.4% compared with those of the CK. As the content of exchangeable Na+ decreased with the increasing application of FGDG, the exchangeable sodium percentage (ESP) and soil pH values decreased from 32.2% and 10.5 to 18.1% and 7.82, respectively and thus the soil physical properties improved. However, the lowest total salt content (2.91 g·kg-1) was found in T2 (2.5 t/(667m2)), and similarly, the highest values of taproot length (44.78 cm), root surface area(179.97 cm2) and root dry weight (17.53 g) were also found in T2, which suggested that applications of FGDG were not always positively correlated with soil reclamation, and excessive amount of FGDG would inhibit root’s growth. Overall, application of FGDG is effective in ameliorating Takyr Solonetzs, but high amount of FGDG would result in excess salts against root growth and subsequently influence production.  相似文献   

9 mycorrhizal fungi, including 4 ectomycorrhizal fungi (ECMF) and 5 arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF), were used to explore their effect on seedling growth of Mytilaria laosensis. The study shows that M. laosensis is one of the species with both VAM and ECM. Mycorrhizal infection rate of all ECM inoculation methods reached level 3, and that of AMF infection rate was 88%-93%, of which AM91 became the highest. In different periods, different inoculation treatment expressed different effects on seedling growth. At the end of the experiment, the height, ground diameter, underground dry mass and upper ground dry mass of seedling inoculated with PX0801 and 9006 respectively increased by 71%, 45%, 128%, 184%, and 65%, 54%,150%, 208%, which exhibited the best overall effect. Coinoculated seedlings with AM90036, AM3008 and AM91 had advantages over uninoculated ones in all the tested growth indicators, which suggest to significantly promote the growth of M.laosensis. The results obtained provide reference for mycorrhizal fungi application on M. laosensis.  相似文献   

以赤皮青冈1年生轻基质网袋容器苗为对象,采用析因试验设计,研究不同基质配比和缓释肥施用量对其生长及根系发育的影响,并提出优化育苗方案。结果表明,除根系发育的缓释肥效应不明显外,赤皮青冈容器苗生长对基质配比和缓释肥施用均较为敏感。随着基质中泥炭比例的增加,地径、生物量及根系指标值均呈现显著的先增高再降低现象,当泥炭所占比例为60%时,地径、各部位生物量及根系发育指标均达最大值。随着缓释肥施用量增大,苗高、生物量和根体积先升高再降低,当缓释肥施用量为2.5 kg·m-3时,相应指标值最大,且显著大于其它缓释肥施用处理,但其根系形态指标如根长、根表面积和根直径的缓释肥效应较小,不同缓释肥施用量间差异不显著。综合基质配比和缓释肥施用量两因素效应及其交互效应,采用模糊数学隶属函数法,为赤皮青冈1年生容器苗优选出最优育苗方案及备选的其它4种较优育苗方案。最优育苗方案为配比基质中泥炭:谷糠体积比6:4,并增施2.5kg·m-3缓释肥爱贝施(Apex)。  相似文献   

水分胁迫对毛红椿幼苗生长和生物量分配的影响   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
以我国亚热带落叶阔叶优势树种毛红椿的1年生幼苗为试验材料,设置4个水分胁迫处理,模拟研究不同水分胁迫强度下毛红椿幼苗生长和生物量分配规律。结果表明:水分胁迫对毛红椿幼苗根系生长的限制作用明显大于对苗高生长的限制作用,对地径生长限制作用不明显;随着水分胁迫程度增加,根质量比表现出先增大后减小的趋势;叶质量比在处理初期和中期增大,在处理后期和末期降低;在整个处理阶段,茎质量比始终保持增加趋势;根系平均直径在处理中期和后期逐渐减小,处理末期则有所上升;细根/总根长比值则在处理中期和后期逐渐增大,处理末期则有所降低;不同水分胁迫程度导致根尖数量差异显著。在整个处理阶段,水分首先保证苗高和叶片生长,根系生长受到限制;随着水分胁迫程度增加,通过落叶和根系二次生长来保障根系的水分需求和提高水分吸收效率,以此来缓解水分胁迫对生存的胁迫。  相似文献   

贵州山区山苍子苗年生长规律   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
The annual growth rhythm of Litsea cubeba seedling was studied. The average thousand-grain weight of L. cubeba was 35 g, and the germination rate was higher than 70%. The results of cluster analysis showed that, the growth period could be divided into 4 stages, i.e. the stage of seedling emergence (from March 2 to March 17), the initial stage of growth (from March 18 to May 31), the vigorous growth stage (from June 11 to August 29) and the late growth stage (from August 30 to December 27). The height and diameter of one-year-old seedling were fit with logistic curve law, and the growth process followed a "slow-fast-slow" curve. The equation of average daily growth showed that the fastest growth appeared in July which had the highest monthly average temperature. This conclusion provided a reference for the seedling stage management of L. cubeba forest. The authors recommend vigorously developing L. cubeba forest in the mountainous area of Guizhou Province, and providing scientific and technological support to the forest tenure reform.  相似文献   

20世纪70年代,著名植物学家Halle和Oldeman首次正式提出了树木的构筑型概念并总结出热带木的23种构型模式,同时编制了分析热带树木构筑型的检索表开始了对植物构筑比较系统的研究.  相似文献   

花吊丝竹组培快繁育苗技术研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
The rapid propagation technology of Dendrocalamus minor var. amoenus was studied by investigating the effects of some factors such as selection of explant, phytohormone, culture method etc. The results show that: The best month for explant collection of D. minor var. amoenus is May and June. The best position for explant collection is middle-upper part knot of semi-lignification branch. The clump shoot could be induced in medium with 3/4MS+BA 4 mg·L-1+KT 1 mg·L-1+CW 100 mL·L-1. The optimal medium for subculture of D. minor var. amoenus is 3/4MS+BA 2 mg·L-1+KT 1 mg·L-1+CW 100 mL·L-1. Liquid medium is beneficial for improving growth condition and proliferation rate of clump shoot. The medium 1/5MS+IBA 8 mg·L-1+ NAA 4.5 mg·L-1 + KT 0.1mg·L-1 is a relative suitable rooting medium for D. minor var. amoenus, with the rooting method of synchronized treatment first and then rooting. The survival rate of seedlings could be higher than 90% in substrate of fine river sand∶peat soil=3∶ 1.  相似文献   

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