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We examined dams' paired serum samples and foetal kidneys (histopathologically and attempting leptospiral cultures) from 120 Brazilian Holstein abortions from 10 herds near Sao Paulo, Brazil, in 1996. Leptospiras was isolated from 15 foetuses. The Leptospira interrogans serovar hardjo was obtained from four, pomona from three and wolffi from eight foetuses. Ten of these 15 foetuses showed a four-fold rise in titres between the day of abortion and the second samples taken 15 days later. Fifty-seven other foetuses had histologic evidence of leptospires; 27 of their dams (47%) had four-fold rises in titres. In total, 72 of 120 aborted foetuses had evidence of leptospiral infection.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To investigate the seroprevalence of Neospora caninum infection in a commercial dairy cattle herd, 15 months after detection of an abortion outbreak. PROCEDURE: Sera from the whole herd (n = 266) were examined for N caninum antibodies by indirect fluorescent antibody test (IFAT) and immunoblot analysis. Herd records were reviewed to collate serological results with abortion history, proximity to calving, and pedigree data. RESULTS: The seroprevalence of N caninum infection was 24% (63/266) for IFAT titre > or = 160, 29% (78/266) for immunoblot positive (+ve), and 31% (82/266) for IFAT > or = 160 and/or immunoblot +ve; 94% (59/63) of animals with IFAT > or = 160 were immunoblot +ve. The association between seropositivity (IFAT > or = 160 and/or immunoblot +ve) and history of abortion was highly significant (P < 0.001); the seroprevalence was 86% (18/21) in aborting cows, compared with 30% (50/164) in non-aborting animals. The abortion rate for seropositive cows was 26% (18/68) compared with 3% (3/117) for seronegative animals. IFAT titres of infected cows were higher within 2 months of calving than at other times (P < 0.001). The association between seropositivity in dams and daughters was highly significant (P = 0.009). CONCLUSIONS: The abortions were associated with N caninum infection and there was evidence of reactivation of latent infection close to calving and congenital transmission of infection. Immunodominant antigens identified by immunoblots may prove useful for improved diagnostic tests.  相似文献   

A severe outbreak of enteric and respiratory disease associated with bovine coronavirus (BCoV) infection is described. The outbreak occurred in a dairy herd of southern Italy in the first decade of September 2006, when summer temperatures were still recorded, affecting calves, heifers and adult cows, with a marked decrease in milk production. By virus isolation and RT-PCR targeting the S gene, BCoV was identified as the etiological agent of the outbreak, whereas bacteriological, parasitological and toxicological investigations failed to detect other causes of disease. BCoV strains with 99-100% nucleotide identity in the S gene were isolated from nasal, ocular and rectal swabs, thus proving the absence of separate clusters of virus on the basis of tissue tropism. Sequence analysis of the haemagglutination-esterase and spike proteins of the strain detected in one rectal sample (339/06) showed a high genetic relatedness with recent BCoV isolates (98-99% amino acid identity), with several unique amino acid substitutions in the S protein. The BCoV outbreak described in this paper presents interesting aspects: (i) the occurrence of a severe form of disease in the warmer season; (ii) the simultaneous presence of respiratory and enteric disease; (iii) the involvement of young as well as adult cattle.  相似文献   

Leptospiral antibodies were detected in unvaccinated cattle on a 17 000 hectare ranch in the arid southeast region of Alberta. Antibody to serovar hardjo was present before the breeding season in 7% of 42 yearling bulls, 86% of 29 two year old bulls and 5% of 519 cows. Pomona antibody was confined to 3.7% of the cows. Bulls were treated once with dihydrostreptomycin, 25 mg/kg. Bulls and cows were vaccinated twice at a six week interval, with pomona-hardjo-gripptotyphosa bacterin before breeding and cows were revaccinated the next year. Leptospires were demonstrated in urine, kidney and spinal fluid of vaccinated and treated cattle. New infections occurred on range in vaccinates. Eighteen months after the last vaccination, hardjo and pomona antibody prevalences in cows were 3.6 and 3.2% respectively. A group of 250 seronegative cows on the same ranch were not vaccinated. They remained seronegative throughout the 2.5 years of the study. These cows, in contrast to infected groups, were excluded from pastures adjacent to perimeter herds and grazing leases, and they were bred by artificial inseminstion. Rotation through pastures in common with infected groups, and exposure to seropositive heat detector bulls, did not result in seroconversion in these cows. The study showed the potential of range bulls to amplify and transmit hardjo infection, limitations to the value of treatment and vaccination with available agents, and the potential of management practices to maintain an uninfected herd in close proximity to cattle carrying hardjo infection.  相似文献   

An outbreak of sarcocystosis in dairy cattle   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Sixteen of 32 Friesian calves, 8 to 10 weeks old, died over 4 weeks. The calves were housed in pens previously used by dogs. Clinical signs included anorexia, pale mucous membranes, rapid weight loss, coughing and palpably enlarged superficial lymph nodes. At necropsy, calves were emaciated and had generalised enlargement of lymph nodes, pale mottling of skeletal muscles, excess peritoneal, thoracic and pericardial fluid and subpleural and subepicardial haemorrhages. Histologically there was a lymphadenitis, myositis, myocarditis, glomerulonephritis, interstitial pneumonitis and encephalitis. Schizonts of a sporozoan parasite, presumably Sarcocystis cruzi were found in the endothelial cells of blood vessels in many organs.  相似文献   

SUMMARY An outbreak of foot-and-mouth disease that spread between two related vaccinated dairy herds was investigated. Although the cattle were of similar vaccination status, in one herd there was high morbidity, whereas in the other there was considerably lower morbidity. The relationship between the vaccine virus and the outbreak virus was expressed as an r value determined by the two-dimensional neutralisation test. Bovine serum homologous to the vaccine virus indicated a close antigenic relationship between the vaccine virus and the outbreak virus (r = 0.61). The source of the outbreak virus was not determined. The investigation suggested a requirement for close contact between stock for foot-and-mouth disease to spread in a tropical environment, in contrast to the capacity of the disease to spread considerable distances by aerosol transmission in temperate climates.  相似文献   

Eperythrozoon wenyonii infection in dairy cattle   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Approximately 10 of 100 young heifers that had recently delivered their first calf--members of a large Colorado dairy herd--had a syndrome of swollen teats and distal portions of the hind limbs, prefemoral lymphadenopathy, transient fever, rough coat, decreased milk production, and subsequent weight loss and reproductive inefficiency. Acute clinical signs of disease were associated with large numbers of Eperythrozoon wenyonii seen on blood smears, and resolution of signs correlated with reduction or disappearance of the parasite. Other known causes of peripheral edema could not be documented. The parasite was transmitted to 4 of 7 nonlactating dairy cows destined to be culled and a splenectomized calf via IV inoculation of blood from parasitemic heifers, but clinical signs of infection were not induced.  相似文献   

This paper describes the pathologic features of a natural infection by Babesia bovis (B. argentina) in Brazil. Microscopic examination of cerebrum, midbrain, cerebellum, liver, kidney, heart and spleen of five fatal cases revealed variable degrees of congestion, particularly in the brain, liver and kidney. The packing of erythrocytes, the majority of which were parasitized, was most marked in the capillaries of brain, kidney and less in liver. Lymphocytic glomerulonephritis was observed. Variable degrees of fatty degeneration were noted in the liver, distention of hepatic canaliculi and biliary retention was marked. A strong activation of the mononuclear phagocytic system was evident in all the subjects studied.  相似文献   

Objective: To investigate the presence of Salmonella Dublin in Queensland cattle.
Design: An epidemiological study using diagnostic laboratory information and farm records.
Procedure: Outbreaks of gastroenteritis or pneumonia in calves, and abortions and enteritis in cows were routinely investigated for the presence of salmonellae. Where S Dublin was isolated, attempts were made to gather further epidemiological information.
Results: Prior to 1983 only two outbreaks of S Dublin have been recorded in Queensland dairy cattle. In 1983 S Dublin abortions were diagnosed in dairy heifers introduced from southern Australia to south-east Queensland. Sampling indicated that at least 10% of the 500 introduced heifers were faecal excretors of S Dublin. On 3 of the 7 farms from which S Dublin was recorded, infection spread to other cattle that were in contact. From February 1985 to February 1996, 29 outbreaks of S Dublin in cattle occurred on 29 farms (28 in south east Queensland and 1 in north Queensland). Calves were primarily affected. Continuing outbreaks were confirmed on only 4 of these 29 farms. On 15 farms S Dublin infections were associated with the purchase of infected calves or cows, while another farm adjoined 2 previously infected farms. No source of S Dublin was evident for the other 13 farms, where histories were often inadequate.
Conclusion: There has been a marked increase in S Dublin outbreaks in Queensland dairy cattle since 1983. Introduction of S Dublin carrier and aborting dairy heifers from southern Australia, where S Dublin is not uncommon, was associated with the initial outbreaks.  相似文献   

The calving rate of the modern dairy cow is declining at approximately 1% per annum. First service conception rates are now below 40%, and the average cow requires more than two inseminations to get her in calf. We review here genetic, endocrine and nutritional strategies for reducing subfertility, and we emphasize the role of milk progesterone data in the analysis of the condition. Milk progesterone data underpin three approaches to treating subfertility; firstly, they allow the identification of specific reproductive abnormalities which can be treated pharmacologically. Secondly, they show that at least one endocrinopathy is heritable, thereby providing the basis for a selective breeding strategy. Thirdly, they provide a means for monitoring ovarian (and indirectly uterine and conceptus) function during early pregnancy, which are central to the successful establishment of pregnancy, and are amenable to dietary modification. These approaches to reversing the falling fertility of dairy cows are characterized by different timescales.  相似文献   

Details of a severe outbreak of M. crocodyli infection in farmed crocodiles are reported. The outbreak was suspected to have been precipitated by translocation-related stress on the animals brought from a farm with a known history of M. crocodyli infection. Resorting to the use of an autogenous vaccine proved more effective in alleviating the disease manifestations than antibiotic therapy. Prospects of vaccination in the face of an outbreak are discussed.  相似文献   

Tropical Animal Health and Production - In the world, Kalanchoe species are primarily ornamentals and houseplants, but some have escaped cultivation and can be found in the field. In Latin America,...  相似文献   

奶牛乳房炎是奶牛的四大疾病之一,不仅造成大量的药费损失、产奶损失和淘汰牛损失,并对鲜奶质量造成影响,直接关系到人民群众的身体健康。随着奶牛养殖规模化程度的不断提高,规模奶牛场的乳房炎防治工作显得尤其重要,现就我个人的经验介绍如下。  相似文献   

The need for antibiotic treatments in dairy cattle farms can be reduced by a combined intervention scheme based on: (1) timely clinical inspections, (2) the assessment of animal-based welfare parameters, and (3) the use of predictive laboratory tests. These can provide greater insight into environmental adaptation of dairy cows and define animals at risk of contracting disease. In the long-term, an improved disease control justifies the adoption of such a combined strategy. Many antibiotic treatments for chronic disease cases are often not justified with a cost/benefit analysis, because the repeated drug administration does not give rise to the expected outcome in terms of animal health. In particular, compared with untreated cases, antibiotics may not lead to greater cure rates for some forms of mastitis. Lastly, a substantial reduction of antibiotic usage in dairy farms can be achieved through the proper use of immunomodulators, aimed at increasing immunocompetence and disease resistance of cows.  相似文献   

Prevention and control of lameness in dairy cattle   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The prevention and control of lameness are essential if a dairy herd is to return a profit. Breeding, feeding, housing, and management practices are all involved, and errors or omissions in any of these areas can result in catastrophic lameness. An accurate diagnosis and proper treatment are necessary to minimize losses when lameness occurs.  相似文献   

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