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A recent outbreak of tuberculosis (TB) in a dromedary racing herd of 58 animals involved 3 infected animals. Disease was confirmed at necropsy by finding gross lesions from which Mycobacterium bovis (antelope type) was isolated. Sera collected from the camels in this herd were used to evaluate two new serological methods, Multiantigen Print Immunoassay (MAPIA) and rapid test (RT) developed using the lateral-flow technology, in comparison with the intradermal tuberculin tests. Antibodies were found in all three infected dromedaries by both RT and MAPIA, but not in the remaining 55 animals in the herd. With the limited number of animals tested in this study, the serological assays showed the potential for convenient, rapid, and accurate diagnosis of TB in live camels.  相似文献   

Two cases of uterine prolapse in dromedary camels in a herd with concomitant cases of white muscle disease are described. Serum selenium and glutathione peroxidase in whole blood were investigated in both patients and showed statistical difference compared with a control group. Results suggest that selenium deficiency could promote uterine prolapse in dromedary camels.  相似文献   

Hepatic lobe torsion is a rare condition in domestic animals. Clinical signs are variable, with some cases remaining subclinical and others resulting in death. Most cases are diagnosed either by laparotomy or during postmortem examination. During postmortem inspection of 670 slaughtered dromedary camels, hepatic lobe torsion of the quadrate lobe was detected in 3 adult female camels. Clinical signs had not been noted on antemortem veterinary inspection, and hepatic lobe torsion was likely an incidental finding. Histologically, the affected liver lobe exhibited severe hepatocellular loss with replacement by fibrous connective tissue. When investigating abdominal pain in camels, veterinarians should include hepatic lobe torsion in the list of differential diagnoses.  相似文献   

The anthelmintic activity of ivermectin when administered orally and subcutaneously at a dosage of 0.2 mg/kg of body weight was evaluated in 4 trials involving 20 dromedary camels (Camelus dromedarius). Fecal egg counts were made on the day of treatment and at 2, 4, and 10 weeks after treatment. Trichostrongylid egg counts were reduced by a maximum of 100% when ivermectin was administered orally and by greater than 88% when given subcutaneously. Egg counts of Trichuris spp were reduced by greater than 85% with oral administration, but increased following subcutaneous treatment. No adverse local or systemic reactions were observed following treatment with ivermectin by either route.  相似文献   

Fibrous osteodystrophy of the facial and long bones was diagnosed in four dromedary camels (Camelus dromedarius). None of the animals responded to treatment with antiinflammatory medications or calcium supplements. The lesions were probably caused by multiple factors, including inappropriate diet and gastrointestinal parasitism. A critical factor in lesion formation may have been vitamin D deficiency secondary to gastrointestinal malabsorption and inadequate winter exposure to ultraviolet light.  相似文献   

A recent publication described finding GB virus C (GBV-C) RNA in 4 of 22 dromedary camel sera, and sequence analysis found that these viruses were phylogenetically clustered within human GBV-C isolates. Since all other GB viruses to date form monophyletic groups according to their host species, the close relationship between the sequences generated from camel sera and human GBV-C isolates seemed implausible, leading us to conduct an independent analysis of the sequences. Our investigation found three lines of evidence arguing against GBV-C infection in dromedary camels. First, strong evidence of artifactual sequence generation was identified for some of the sequences. Secondly, the sequence diversity within individual camel sera was 10-152-fold greater than that described for GBV-C within a human host. Finally, GBV-C sequences generated from each camel shared near complete identity with human isolates previously described by the same laboratory. Taken together, these data strongly suggest laboratory contamination. We suggest that additional validation experiments are needed before it is possible to conclude that camels are permissive for GBV-C infection.  相似文献   

The effect of ovariectomy or administration of progesterone (P4) on the disposition kinetics of P4 was determined in dromedary camels. The disappearance of P4 from peripheral circulation of the camel following ovariectomy or after a single intravenous (I.V.) injection of 1 mg kg(-1) body weight followed a bioexponential curve. Both curves were parallel indicating that the disappearance of injected P4 behaved similarly to endogenous P4. The mean (+/- SD) half-life calculated from the slower component of this decline, was 26.0 +/- 2.0 min after I.V. injection of P4 and 28.0 +/- 2.1 min after ovariectomy. The apparent volume of distribution (1370 ml kg(-1)) exceeded total body water suggesting extensive tissue penetration.  相似文献   

The activities of aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alanine aminotransferase (ALT), alkaline phosphatase (ALP), acid phosphatase (ACP), lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) and isocitric dehydrogenase (ICD) in the serum of 60 healthy dromedary camels of either sex and different ages (one to 25 years) were determined. The results were analysed with respect to time of year (December-January and May-June), sex and age groups (below four years; four to 10 years; and over 10 years). The overall mean activities of AST, ALT, ALP, ACP, LDH and ICD were 36.1 +/- 0.35, 4.65 +/- 0.35, 27.21 +/- 0.43, 7.18 +/- 0.21, 479.0 +/- 7.33 and 7.74 +/- 0.17 iu litre-1, respectively. Activities of AST, ALT, ALP and ACP were significantly higher during extremely hot conditions (May-June) than in extreme cold (December-January) while the activity of LDH was higher in extremely cold conditions. Analysis of data based on sex revealed that AST, ALT and ALP activities in the serum of male animals were significantly higher than in female animals. The activities of all the enzymes were highest in animals under four years and then gradually decreased with age being lowest in the animals over 10 years.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper was to analyse the aetiology and methods of diagnosing reproductive disorders in male dromedary camels. Male camel infertility manifests as one of three conditions: post-coital infertility (IG), inability to copulate (IC) and lack of sexual desire (LSD). IG is mainly a testicular disorder that is linked to a deteriorated seminogram, arrested spermatogenesis, Sertoli cell-only syndrome and testicular degeneration. For IG diagnosis, semen analysis, testicular biopsy and fine-needle aspiration are gold standards. Testicular ultrasonography was generally inefficient. High serum FSH was found in IG camels with oligo- and azoospermia, implying primary spermatogenesis defects. The testis-expressed protein (TEX101) and the epididymis-expressed protein (ECM1) are reliable biomarkers for distinguishing between obstructive and non-obstructive azoospermia. IC manifests in two forms: phimosis (PHI) and erectile dysfunction (ED). PHI is frequently linked to preputial and penile pathologies, as well as leucocytosis, neutrophilia and elevated nitric oxide metabolites. The majority of camels with ED have normal genital organs, and the condition is associated with an increase in cardiac troponin I. LSD is a rare disorder brought on by hormonal imbalances, high temperatures, stress and debilitating diseases. In conclusion, IG diagnosis necessitates semen analysis, testicular biopsy or fine-needle aspiration, and FSH testing, whereas IC diagnosis requires preputial and penile examinations. Diagnostic aids include serum and seminal biomarkers.  相似文献   

The circadian rhythm of biomarkers of bone formation including osteocalcin and bone alkaline phosphatase (BAP) was studied in the serum of dromedary camels. Blood samples were collected every 60 min for 24 h from 10 healthy adult female camels. ELISA was used to determine the concentrations of serum osteocalcin and BAP. The results showed a marked fluctuation in the concentration of osteocalcin during the 24 h period with minimum and maximum levels at 13:00 (01:00 pm) and 18:00 (06:00 pm), respectively. Slight fluctuation was observed in the concentration of BAP with minimum and maximum levels at 01:00 am and 12:00 pm, respectively. The correlation between the two biomarkers was weak. It was concluded that it is important to fix the time of blood sampling for analysis of osteocalcin concentrations, but not for BAP.  相似文献   

This study aimed to associate ovarian characteristics with the efficiency of clinical examination and occurrence of genital diseases in dromedary camels. The reproductive tract of 870 female camels was examined through standard transrectal palpation and by ultrasonography during the breeding season. The ovaries were examined for structures and dimensions. The follicles were categorized according to size, the thickness of the wall and contents. Follicle aspiration was carried out from females with overgrown follicles (OVGF, n = 127), and the obtained follicular fluids were examined. At the slaughterhouse, 100 genital tracts were examined in situ and after dissection. Ovarian bursae were examined for patency and the presence of fluid (ovarian hydrobursitis, OVHB). Risks associated with the development of OVGF and OVHB were identified by the logistic regression. The results showed that, due to topographical difference, the right ovary was more accessible at rectal palpation than the left ovary (98.9% vs. 96.1%, p = .0005). Time needed for rectal palpation of the right ovary was shorter than the left ovary (25.1 ± 25 s vs. 34.6 ± 34.5 s, p = .03). Significant relationships were found between OVGF and OVHB (Odds ratio = 10.5, p = .001), OVGF and clinical endometritis (Odds ratio = 21.1, p = .001), OVGF and vaginal adhesion (Odds ratio = 4.4, p = .03), and OVHB and clinical endometritis (Odds ratio = 11.3, p = .001). Ultrasonographic examination was imperative for the differentiation between active corpus luteum, old non-active corpus luteum and small luteinized follicle. In conclusion, anatomical arrangement of the ovary and ovarian bursa in dromedary camels affects the likelihood of their accessibility during clinical examination and predisposes to unusual genital disorders.  相似文献   

Oxidative stress is an imbalance between radical-generating and radical-scavenging activity, resulting in oxidation products and tissue damage. This study was aimed to evaluate the status of oxidative stress indices in blood of camels naturally infested with S. scabiei. Forty-seven male camels (Camelus dromedaries) were divided according to the extent of the infested area with Sarcoptes scabiei into four groups, mild (MID, n = 12), moderate (MOD, n = 10), severely infested (SEV, n = 10) and healthy control group (n = 15). Blood was used for determination of red cell count (RBC), hemoglobin (Hb), packed cell volume (PCV), serum nitric oxide (NO, a free radical), ascorbate and albumin concentrations, and erythrocytic values of malondialdehyde (MDA, a marker of lipid peroxidation), protein carbonyls (PC, an indicator of protein oxidation), glutathione (GSH) superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase (CAT). Decreased levels (P < 0.05) of RBC, Hb, PCV, albumin and ascorbate were noticed in MOD and SEV compared to controls with the lowest values (P < 0.05) in SEV except for ascorbate, where MOD did not differ from SEV. Compared to controls, NO gradually increased (P < 0.05) in MID followed by MOD and SEV, whereas MDA and PC were higher (P < 0.05) in MOD and SEV. PC was higher (P < 0.05) in MOD than SEV. In addition, the antioxidants GSH, SOD and CAT were higher (P < 0.05) in MID and lower (P < 0.05) in MOD and SEV compared to controls. GSH was lower (P < 0.05) in SEV compared to MOD. Besides, Hb was negatively correlated with NO (r = −0.68, P < 0.001), MDA (r = −0.53, P < 0.001) and PC (r = −0.73, P < 0.001). In conclusion, dromedary sarcoptosis is accompanied by a state of oxidative stress process, which increased by increasing the area of infestation, and may contribute to the pathogenesis of the disease.  相似文献   

Rhodococcus (R). equi, a recognized pathogen in horses, is emerging as a human opportunistic pathogen, especially in immunocompromized people. It affects also New World camelids, but there are no reports of R. equi infection in Old World camelids yet. Four cases of disseminated R. equi infection in adult breeding dromedaries occurred at one camel farm near Dubai within 16 months of each other. At necropsy the lungs were diffusely consolidated with large caseous areas. Histology revealed severe suppurative to necrotising pneumonia with multiple encapsulated abscesses. Immunohistochemistry enabled the detection of 15- to 17-kDa antigens (VapA) of R. equi in the lung sections. High numbers of R. equi were isolated from the lung lesions as well as from liver, spleen and mediastinal lymph nodes, indicative of septicaemia. The isolated strains were PCR-positive for the specific virulence plasmid (VapA-Gen) of R. equi, indicating virulent strains and containing an 85-kb type I plasmid. This is the first report of disseminated R. equi infection in Old World camelids. Since adult camels in general do not suffer from bacterial caused pneumonia (except tuberculosis), this is a new emerging disease for camels.  相似文献   

Six camels were experimentally infected with two strains of Brucella abortus, four with S19 and two with a field bovine strain. In all cases antibody titres were detected within 6 to 11 days. Serum agglutination titres peaked between days 11 and 32 and complement fixation titres between days 11 and 52; both titres then declined steadily. No clinical signs were observed in the four camels inoculated with S19. Slight non-specific symptoms were seen in the two camels infected with the field bovine strain. On post mortem examination no gross lesions were observed although histopathological sections showed focal granulomata in the liver and a generalized lymphadenitis. The organism was recovered mainly from the lymph nodes of the head and genital tract.  相似文献   

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