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Soybean cultivar Enrei and its derivative lines, non-nodulating En1282 and supernodulating Sakukei 4, were grown in an experiment field naturally infested with the red crown rot fungus, Calonectria ilicicola, to determine whether nodulation elicits the disease. Infection frequency by the fungus invariably increased with time and reached about 100% 6 weeks after sowing. Disease severity was invariably slight until 8 weeks after sowing. At harvest, however, disease severity was lowest in En1282 and highest in Sakukei 4. Enrei was intermediately susceptible. Sakukei 4 produced many more nodules than Enrei, while En1282 completely failed to nodulate. For three other pairs of nodulating and non-nodulating isogenic lines, all non-nodulating lines had lower severity than their nodulating counterparts at harvest. Pot experiments with Enrei and its derivatives revealed that inoculation with Bradyrhizobium sp. did not affect disease severity during the vegetative stage of plant growth, i.e., 6 weeks after sowing. These results suggested that the production of nodules in the vegetative stage is not, at least directly, related to susceptibility to the disease, but physiologic changes after anthesis vary depending on the nodulation traits in the respective soybean lines, resulting in different levels of susceptibility to red crown rot.  相似文献   

大豆红冠腐病是一种为害大豆生产的重要病害,该病害的典型症状是大豆叶片变黄萎蔫,植株枯萎,根系变黑腐烂,茎基部及根系表面产生大量红橙色小点,是病原菌的子囊壳。其致病菌为寄生柱枝孢菌(Cylindrocladiumparasiticum),有性阶段为冬青丽赤壳菌(Calonectriailicicola)。本文对大豆红冠腐病及其致病菌的文献进行了简要的综述。  相似文献   

为明确云南省蓝莓茎基腐病的病原菌种类及其生物学特性,从玉溪市江川区蓝莓种苗种植基地采集具有茎基腐病典型症状的蓝莓病株进行病原菌分离、纯化和致病性测定,对病原菌形态学特征进行观察并基于Act、H3、EF-1α和β-tub基因序列分析进行分子生物学鉴定,同时对病原菌的生物学特性进行室内测定。结果表明,分离到的病原菌纯化菌落为深棕色,菌丝白色至红褐色;大型分生孢子梗无色透明,长150~400μm,分枝末端产生2~4个瓶梗;囊泡球形或近球形,大小为15~23μm×6~15μm;大型分生孢子无色透明,直圆柱形,一端稍窄,大小为45~80μm×4~8μm。基于Act、H3、EF-1α和β-tub基因构建系统发育树,菌株BC-1、BC-2与冬青丽赤壳Calonectria ilicicola均聚在同一分支,结合形态学特征与系统发育分析结果,将云南省蓝莓茎基腐病病原菌鉴定为冬青丽赤壳C. ilicicola。病原菌对可溶性淀粉的利用效果最好,菌丝生长的最适氮源为蛋白胨,最适生长温度为25℃,最适pH范围为4~7。  相似文献   

Root and crown rot of raspberry (Rubus idaeus L.) was observed in a plantation at the experimental station of small fruits in Kostinbrod, Bulgaria. Isolates ofPhytophthora spp. were obtained from diseased plants. Colony morphology, growth rates, features of asexual and sexual structures were studied and as a result twoPhytophthora species were identified:Phytophthora citricola Saw. andPhytophora citrophthora (R.E. Sm. & E.H. Sm.) Leonian. Their pathogenicity was confirmed in artificial inoculation experiments. The isozyme (-esterase) patterns ofP. citrophthora andP. citricola isolates from raspberry and from the collection of the CBS, Baarn the Netherlands were compared, using micro-gel electrophoresis. Both species are reported for the first time as pathogens of raspberry in Bulgaria. This is only the second report in phytopathological literature ofP. citrophthora on raspberry, the first being from Chile [Latorre and Munoz, 1993].  相似文献   

小麦茎基腐是由多种镰孢菌侵染的世界性土传病害,亚洲镰孢菌(Fusarium asiaticum)是我国冬小麦主产区茎基腐镰孢菌的优势种群,对小麦生产造成巨大损失。本研究利用绿色荧光蛋白报告基因标记亚洲镰孢菌,研究其侵染抗感小麦的病理组织学过程,建立了茎基腐病菌与寄主互作的直观性的研究体系,对病害防治及抗病育种具有重要意义。基于PEG-CaCl_2介导原生质体转化法将gfp导入亚洲镰孢菌株CF0915,对转化子进行荧光表达、PCR验证、遗传稳定性、生长特性及致病力分析,选取与野生型表现相近的转化子进行侵染分析。结果表明,绿色荧光蛋白基因(gfp)与潮霉素基因(hyg)PCR扩增表明gfp已整合入真菌基因组中,转化子菌丝与分生孢子表现强烈绿色荧光信号,gfp能够在转化子中稳定遗传,菌落形态、生长速度及致病力与野生型菌株无显著差异;将gfp标记病菌分生孢子接种感病品种1 d后,大量孢子附着于根毛及根表皮细胞开始萌发,接种2 d后观察到抗性品种分生孢子萌发;感病品种接种3 d后,菌丝直接侵入表皮细胞或沿表皮细胞间层定殖生长,扩展至皮层组织,8 d后菌丝从根部迅速扩展至茎基部,至第10 d大量菌丝充塞根皮层细胞,叶鞘维管束也被菌丝侵染,并产生大量大型分生孢子,植株表现褐色病斑,14 d后根部及茎维管束被大量菌丝体填充,而后产生大量厚垣孢子,至25 d大部分感病品种幼苗萎蔫死亡;与感病品种相比,抗性品种在整个侵染过程中表现时间滞后。本研究对引起茎基腐病的亚洲镰孢菌侵染小麦的组织学过程观察,为病菌致病机理的阐释及抗病资源的利用提供了重要理论依据。  相似文献   

陕西省小麦茎基腐病病原菌鉴定及其致病力分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为明确陕西省小麦茎基腐病病原菌的组成及其致病力,于2019年小麦灌浆期在陕西省宝鸡市、咸阳市、西安市和渭南市共63个采样点采集具有茎基腐病典型症状的病株,对其进行组织分离,结合培养性状和形态学特征,以及利用ITS和EF-1α序列分析鉴定分离菌株所属类群,并对不同病原菌进行致病力分析。结果表明:共分离到224株菌株,基于形态学特征和分子生物学鉴定结果,其中201株菌株鉴定为假禾谷镰刀菌Fusarium pseudograminearum,3株菌株鉴定为禾谷镰刀菌F. graminearum,14株菌株鉴定为三线镰刀菌F. tricinctum,6株菌株鉴定为层出镰刀菌F. proliferatum,其中假禾谷镰刀菌占总分离菌株的89.73%,是陕西省小麦茎基腐病的优势病原菌。不同种的镰刀菌对小麦植株均有一定的致病性,但假禾谷镰刀菌的致病力最强,而且分离自不同地区或者同一地区的假禾谷镰刀菌株间的致病力也存在一定分化。  相似文献   

小麦茎基腐病生防菌株YB-161的分离鉴定及防效测定   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为筛选防治小麦茎基腐病的高效生防菌株,采用稀释涂布法从小麦茎基腐病病土中分离细菌,以假禾谷镰孢Fusarium pseudograminearum为靶标菌,通过平板对峙培养法和室内盆栽试验筛选优良菌株并测定其田间防治效果,分析优良菌株发酵滤液对假禾谷镰孢的抑菌能力,并结合形态特征、Biolog微生物自动鉴定系统和gyrA序列分析对其进行种类鉴定,以及测定该菌株的抑菌谱。结果表明,10份供试土样中共分离到98株细菌,对假禾谷镰孢的菌丝生长抑制率超过40.00%的菌株有14株,其中菌株YB-161对假禾谷镰孢的菌丝生长抑制率最高,达63.50%。室内盆栽试验结果显示,菌株YB-161处理小麦的病情指数最低,为31.40,对小麦茎基腐病的防治效果最好,为68.15%,其对小麦也表现出较好的促生作用。田间调查结果显示,菌株YB-161菌液拌种处理对小麦茎基腐病的田间防治效果高于52.35%,并对小麦具有一定的增产作用。菌株YB-161的发酵滤液5倍稀释液和10倍稀释液对假禾谷镰孢的菌落抑制率分别达66.67%和44.33%,该菌株被鉴定为解淀粉芽胞杆菌Bacillus amyloliquefaciens。此外,菌株YB-161对辣椒炭疽病菌Colletotrichum capisci、烟草疫霉病菌Phytophthora parasitica等5种植物病原真菌均有较好的拮抗作用。表明生防菌株YB-161对绿色防控小麦茎基腐病具有良好的开发利用潜能。  相似文献   

为获得防治小麦茎基腐病的有效药剂和抗病品种,测定12种杀菌剂对小麦茎基腐主要病原菌假禾谷镰孢菌Fusarium pseudograminearum的室内毒力、对小麦生长的影响及对小麦茎基腐病的室内防治效果,并鉴定144份小麦品种(系)对茎基腐病的抗性。结果表明,12种杀菌剂对假禾谷镰孢菌均有一定的抑制效果,其中15%氰烯菌酯·5%己唑醇的抑制率最高,EC50为0.002 mg/L,其次是6.6%嘧菌酯·1.1%咯菌腈·3.3%精甲霜灵、25 g/L咯菌腈和430 g/L戊唑醇,EC50分别为0.016、0.069和0.099 mg/L。12种杀菌剂拌种处理对小麦出苗、株高、根长和鲜重均有不同程度的影响,尤其对出苗率影响最大,其中15%氰烯菌酯·5%己唑醇处理的出苗率最低,为30.41%。15%氰烯菌酯·5%己唑醇拌种处理的防治效果最好,为70.43%;其次是430 g/L戊唑醇和25 g/L咯菌腈·37.5 g/L精甲霜灵,防治效果分别为56.34%和53.34%。在供试144份小麦品种(系)中,仅3份对小麦茎基腐病表现为中感,其余141份均表现为高感,无免疫和抗病品种。综上,目前防治小麦茎基腐病时建议选用15%氰烯菌酯·5%己唑醇等杀菌剂进行拌种处理,但应严格控制药剂用量,以防影响小麦出苗。  相似文献   

为了进一步明确大豆抗感品种对根腐尖镰孢的抗病机制,通过透射电镜和形态观察分析了尖镰孢(M38)侵染及产生的毒素对抗感大豆品种的影响。研究表明大豆幼苗胚根经粗毒素处理后,抗病品种‘东农56’幼苗胚根生长没有显著差别,但显著抑制了感病品种‘黑农53’胚根的伸长和侧根的生长;尖镰孢毒素高浓度和低浓度(V粗毒素∶V无菌水=1∶0和1∶15)对抗感品种的致萎能力无显著差异,高浓度处理平均萎蔫指数为100,低浓度处理为17.9~18.1左右;但中等浓度(V粗毒素∶V无菌水=1∶1,1∶5,1∶10)对于感病品种的致萎作用更大;同时,发现尖镰孢侵染感病大豆品种根内侵染量要明显多于抗病品种,且感病品种组织中菌丝的直径明显大于抗病品种,都出现很明显的质壁分离和细胞壁加厚的现象。  相似文献   

为明确辽宁省沈阳市大豆根腐病病原菌的分类地位,使用形态学特征和分子生物学技术对分离菌株进行鉴定,于室内对其最适生长温度、碳源及氮源进行测定,采用分生孢子悬浮液蘸根测定其对大豆品种合丰47的致病力,并采用菌丝生长速率法和分生孢子萌发率法测定16种常用杀菌剂对其的毒力。结果表明,从感根腐病大豆样品中共分离到31株镰孢菌菌株,基于培养性状从中选择3株疑似锐顶镰孢菌Fusarium acuminatum菌株进行鉴定和分析。这3株菌株在PDA培养基上形成的菌落呈白色绒毡状,产生黄色色素;大型分生孢子大小为3.3~7.2μm×29.0~62.0μm,小型分生孢子大小为2.5~5.7μm×9.1~16.8μm;结合翻译延伸因子(translation elongation factor,TEF)序列系统发育分析结果将3株菌株最终鉴定为锐顶镰孢菌F.acuminatum。该菌菌丝生长和孢子萌发的最适温度为25℃;最适生长碳源为葡萄糖和蔗糖,最适生长氮源为硝酸钠、硝酸钾和尿素;其对大豆合丰47的致病力较弱,发病植株的株高、根长和鲜重较空白对照显著降低了22.8%、12.2%和26.7%。在16种常用杀菌...  相似文献   

为明确成团泛菌Pantoea agglomerans引起的玉米细菌干茎腐病经种子传播的规律,采用细菌常规分离法、Sherlock微生物鉴定系统、特异性分子检测技术,对与干茎腐病相关的杂交种金玉9856及其父本PS056、母本OSL190进行了种子带菌检测,证明金玉9856和PS056种子内部带菌,获得分离物Pagl和Pag2,2个分离物对感病的PS056均具有致病性.菌液浸种、种子注射接种和自然带菌种子直播都能够引发干茎腐病,发病率分别达到100%、100%和80%,而持续高温(50℃)处理4天的种子则在植株上不表现症状.对种子接种后长成的植株的系统检测证明,成团泛菌侵染种子后,通过植株维管束系统向地上部组织扩展,随着水分的运输,病菌通过茎秆到达果穗的籽粒中,完成从种子到植株、再到新种子的病害循环,同时能够引起植株发病.  相似文献   

A bacterium was isolated from superficial bark necroses on young poplars and its pathogenicity demonstrated by inoculation experiments. The organism was identified asXanthomonas campestris. Cross-inoculations showed that a previously undescribed pathovar was involved. It is suggested to designate this organismX. campestris pv.populi.Samenvatting Uit een oppervlakkige bastnecrose bij jonge populieren werd massaal een bepaalde bacterie geïsoleerd. Met deze bacterie werden gezonde populieren in het veld geïnoculeerd via verwonding van de bast. Als gevolg van de inoculaties ontwikkelden zich bij ongeveer 40% van de geïnoculeerde bomen hetzelfde type bastnecrosen, terwijl bij de controleplanten geen enkele reactie optrad. Uit de kunstmatig verkregen necrosen werd dezelfde bacterie geïsoleerd.Identificatie met biochemische en serologische methoden toonde aan dat de bacterieXanthomonas campestris was.Vervolgens werden in de kas kruisinoculaties uitgevoerd met verschillende xanthomonaden op populier, wilg, kool en geranium. DeX. campestris isolaten uit populier tastten behalve populier ook wilg aan. De andere gebruikte stammen waren waardplant-specifiek, al bleven sommigen ervan minstens acht maanden in leven in een niet-waardplant, evenwel zonder symptomen te veroorzaken. Geconcludeerd wordt, dat de bastnecrosen zijn veroorzaakt door een nog niet beschreven pathovar vanX. campestris. Voorgesteld wordt om deze bacterieXanthomonas campestris pv.populi te noemen.  相似文献   

A phytotoxic protein that evokes the typical symptoms of Verticillium wilt disease in seedlings of Gossypium hirsutum L. (Upland cotton) was isolated from culture filtrates of Verticillium dahliae. The protein was purified by ammonium sulfate precipitation, Sephadex-G100 fractionation, and native PAGE. The 18.5 kDa protein, designated VD18.5, appears to be a single subunit protein with an isoelectric point between 3 and 5. VD18.5 induces symptoms of leaf dehydration, chlorosis, necrosis and stem discoloration in seedlings of the disease susceptible cotton cultivar Siokra 1–4. The LD50 of VD18.5 on protoplasts of Siokra 1–4 was 18 μg mL−1. VD18.5 had no noticeable effect on Pima S-7, which is a disease resistant cultivar. Phytotoxic activity was partially destroyed at high temperature and was abolished by digestion with proteinase K. Mass spectrometry fingerprinting and protein sequence data from VD18.5 yielded no significant matches when submitted to the Mascot search engine and NCBI non-redundant protein databases, respectively. These results suggest that VD18.5 is a novel protein that may be involved in the development of some of the symptoms associated with Verticillium wilt disease in the cotton plant.  相似文献   

 研究温度对小麦茎基腐病发生的影响,可为病害的发生规律和生态防控措施的研究提供依据。本研究测定了温度对假禾谷镰刀菌菌丝生长、孢子萌发、对寄主小麦侵染以及在植株体内扩展的影响,结果表明,假禾谷镰刀菌菌丝生长的温度范围为4℃~30℃,其中28℃最适于菌丝的生长,孢子萌发的温度范围为4℃~35℃,其中12℃~30℃较适宜分生孢子萌发,17℃~28℃为假禾谷镰刀菌侵染小麦的适宜温度范围,假禾谷镰刀菌在小麦植株体内扩展的适宜温度范围在22℃~30℃;通过不同温度培养试验以及田间小麦不同生育期接种试验测定温度对小麦茎基腐病发生的影响,结果表明,播种期、起身期接种的小麦茎基腐病发生高于越冬苗期接种处理,而此期的温度较越冬苗期利于假禾谷镰刀菌的侵染和小麦茎基腐病的发生。  相似文献   

研究温度对小麦茎基腐病发生的影响,可为病害的发生规律和生态防控措施的研究提供依据。本研究测定了温度对假禾谷镰刀菌菌丝生长、孢子萌发、对寄主小麦侵染以及在植株体内扩展的影响,结果表明,假禾谷镰刀菌菌丝生长的温度范围为4℃~30℃,其中28℃最适于菌丝的生长,孢子萌发的温度范围为4℃~35℃,其中12℃~30℃较适宜分生孢子萌发,17℃~28℃为假禾谷镰刀菌侵染小麦的适宜温度范围,假禾谷镰刀菌在小麦植株体内扩展的适宜温度范围在22℃~30℃;通过不同温度培养试验以及田间小麦不同生育期接种试验测定温度对小麦茎基腐病发生的影响,结果表明,播种期、起身期接种的小麦茎基腐病发生高于越冬苗期接种处理,而此期的温度较越冬苗期利于假禾谷镰刀菌的侵染和小麦茎基腐病的发生。  相似文献   

The virulence ofPhytophthora citrophthora isolated from various host-plants on three peach rootstocks (GF677, PR204, KID I) was examined. There was no significant difference among the rootstocks with respect to their susceptibility to testedP. citrophthora isolates. The most virulent isolate originated from sycamore (Acer pseudoplatanus); isolates from pistachio trees (Pistacia vera) also showed high virulence but were significantly less virulent than the sycamore isolate. Isolates originating from plum (Prunus domestica), almond (Prunus amygdalus) and lemon (Citrus limon) trees were moderately virulent on peach rootstocks; those from cyclamen (Cyclamen persicum) showed the lowest virulence of those tested. There was thus great variation in virulence among the testedP. citrophthora isolates. It is possible that the isolates ofP. citrophthora from sycamore, pistachio, plum, almond and lemon trees are a threat to peach trees, whereas the low virulence of the isolates from cyclamen hosts suggests that these pathogens are not a serious threat to peach trees. http://www.phytoparasitica.org posting Jan. 3, 2002.  相似文献   

Excised twig assay and excised stem inoculation were used to evaluate nine fungicides (metalaxyl, fosetyl-Al, copper hydroxide, copper sulfate, copper oxychloride, captan, quintozene, propamocarb and chlorothalonil) againstPhytophthora cactorum andP. citrophthora associated with crown rot in peach trees. Segments were soaked in fungicide solutions at different concentrations and then inserted vertically intoP. cactorum orP. citrophthora cultures growing on cornmeal agar plus antibiotics, or inoculated by inserting a mycelium-bearing agar plug directly into the cambium. Following incubation, the bark was scraped off and length of necrosis was measured. Metalaxyl was the only fungicide that inhibited canker development on segments at the manufacturer-recommended concentration. Fosetyl-Al, captan, copper hydroxide and copper sulfate inhibited canker development at 3, 4, 4 and 8 gl-1, respectively. The other fungicides did not affect canker length significantly compared with non-treated twigs, with the exception of propamocarb, which reduced the development ofP. cactorum on excised stems. The tested methods enabled rapid and effective evaluation of a large number of chemicals to prevent crown rot diseases caused byPhytophthora in the laboratory. http://www.phytoparasitica.org posting Dec. 5, 2001.  相似文献   

为明确青藏高原沿线甘肃省甘南藏族自治州和青海省青稞茎基腐病燕麦镰孢菌Fusarium avenaceum的群体遗传多样性、毒素化学型及其地理分布,采用SSR分子标记法对6个地理种群91株燕麦镰孢菌菌株的遗传多样性进行分析。结果表明,6对SSR引物在91株燕麦镰孢菌中共检测到等位位点数14个,多态性位点数13个,多态性条带百分率为92.86%。6个地理种群的平均等位基因数为1.82,有效等位基因数为1.55,Nei’s基因多样性指数为0.32,Shannon信息指数为0.47,多态性位点数为11.50,多态位点百分率为82.15%。6个地理种群的Nei’s遗传相似度为0.83~0.99,遗传距离为0.01~0.18。种群间的遗传距离和地理距离、遗传相似度与海拔差距无显著相关性。燕麦镰孢菌地理种群聚为3个大类群,Group Ⅰ由甘肃省临潭县、合作市和卓尼县种群组成,Group Ⅱ由青海省互助土族自治县和刚察县种群组成,Group Ⅲ由青海省海晏县种群组成。燕麦镰孢菌种群的遗传变异主要来自种群内部,占总变异的93.63%。燕麦镰孢菌毒素化学型分为NIV、DON、3-AcDON三大类,没有15-AcDON毒素化学型,其中DON毒素化学型在6个地理种群中均有分布。表明燕麦镰孢菌地理种群的遗传多样性高。  相似文献   

Pyrenochaeta lycopersici is the causal agent of corky root rot, which is a serious disease worldwide that attacks the roots of tomato. A total of 139 isolates were sampled from eight locations in Italy and Israel and assigned to two molecular types (type 1 and type 2) based on internal transcribed spacer (ITS) sequences. These isolates were genotyped using amplified fragment length polymorphisms (AFLPs) to decipher the population structure. Based on this population structure analysis, three groups of P. lycopersici were identified. One group correlated to ITS type 1, while the other two correlated to ITS type 2. amova indicated high genetic divergence (FST = 0·40) between the Italian types 1 and 2. These data support the view that the two ITS types represent significant evolutionary entities, although there might be incomplete lineage sorting present. Some isolates of different ITS type were observed to have very similar multilocus AFLP profiles, and some genotypes were intermediate between the two ITS types. This suggests that parasexual hybridization between the two types has had a significant role in shaping the population structure of P. lycopersici. Finally, the average divergence among the populations within the ITS types was very high (FSC = 0·710, < 10?5), probably due to strong genetic drift and founder effects combined with restricted migration.  相似文献   

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