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Ecology seeks to explain species coexistence and its functional consequences, but experimental tests of mechanisms that simultaneously account for both processes are difficult. We used an experimental mycorrhizal plant system to test whether functional similarity among closely related species (phylogenetic conservatism) can drive community assembly and ecosystem functioning. Communities were constructed with the same number of fungal species, but after 1 year of growth, realized species richness was highest where the starting species were more distantly related to each other. Communities with high realized species richness also stimulated plant productivity more than those with low realized species richness. Our findings suggest that phylogenetic trait conservatism can promote coexistence because of reduced competition between distinct evolutionary lineages and enhance ecosystem function because of functional complementarity among those same lineages.  相似文献   

养分循环是森林生态系统研究的重要内容.随着计算机技术与信息技术的广泛应用,数学模型、计算机模拟成为了森林生态系统养分循环的研究热点和重要的研究手段.综述了森林养分动态模拟研究进展,以期为今后森林生态系统数字化管理与指导生产提供理论参考.  相似文献   

Although island attributes such as size and accessibility to colonizing organisms can influence community structure, the consequences of these for ecosystem functioning are little understood. A study of the suspended soils of spatially discrete epiphytes or treetop "islands" in the canopies of New Zealand rainforest trees revealed that different components of the decomposer community responded either positively or negatively to island size, as well as to the tree species that the islands occurred in. This in turn led to important differences between islands in the rates of ecosystem processes driven by the decomposer biota. This system serves as a model for better understanding how attributes of both real and habitat islands may affect key ecosystem functions through determining the community structure of organisms that drive these functions.  相似文献   

Conventional ecological theory predicts that predators affect nutrient cycling by decreasing the abundance or activity of prey. By using a predator-detritivore-detritus food chain in bromeliads, we show that predators can increase nutrient cycling by a previously undescribed, but broadly applicable, mechanism: reducing nutrient export by prey emigration. Contrary to expectations, predation on detritivores increases detrital nitrogen uptake by bromeliads. Predation reduces detritivore emergence and hence export of nitrogen from the system. Detritivores therefore benefit their host plant, but only when predators are present. More generally, our results show that predator loss or extinction can dramatically and unexpectedly affect ecosystem functioning.  相似文献   

Extracellular DNA plays a key role in deep-sea ecosystem functioning   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The ecological role and biogeochemical relevance of extracellular DNA in the oceanic sediments are unknown. Our global estimates indicate that up to 0.45 gigatons of extracellular DNA are present in the top 10 centimeters of deep-sea sediments, representing the largest reservoir of DNA in the world oceans. We demonstrate that extracellular DNA accounts for about one fifth of the total organic phosphorus regeneration and provides almost half of the prokaryotic demand for organic phosphorus. It therefore plays a key role in deep-sea ecosystem functioning on a global scale.  相似文献   

The Sunken Forest, located on Fire Island, a barrier island in the Atlantic Ocean off Long Island, New York, is an ecosystem in which most of the basic cation input is in the form of salt spray. This meteorologic input is sufficient to compensate for the lack of certain nutrients in the highly weathered sandy soils. In other ecosystems these nutrients are generally supplied by weathering of soil particles. The compensatory effect of meteorologic input allows for primary production rates in the Sunken Forest similar to those of inland temperate forests.  相似文献   

研究4种原油TJ016、TJ015、TJ014、TJ002和4种成品油-20#柴油、F380、F120、F180在海洋中发生溢油情况下对中国明对虾和日本囊对虾仔虾的急性毒害效应。结果表明,8种油对中国明对虾仔虾的毒害作用大小顺序是F120〉F180〉TJ014〉TJ015〉F380〉-20#柴油〉TJ002〉TJ016;8种油对日本囊对虾仔虾的毒害作用大小顺序是F180〉F120〉-20#柴油〉TJ015〉TJ014〉TJ002〉F380〉TJ016。总的来说,8种油对两种仔虾毒害效应比较相似,F180和F120对仔虾的毒性最大,TJ016对仔虾的毒性最小,其他几种油对两种仔虾的毒性效应相差不大。  相似文献   

The nitrate concentration (weighted average) in stream water from an experimentally deforested watershed increased from 0.9 milligram per liter before removal of the vegetation to 53 milligrams per liter 2 years later. This nitrate mobilization, presumably due to increased microbial nitrification, was equivalent to all of the other net cationic increases and anionic decreases observed in tae drainage water.  相似文献   

As the demand for livestock products continues to increase in China, so too does the challenge of managing increasing quantities of manure. Urgent action is needed to control point source (housing, storage and processing) and diffuse (field application) pollution and improve the utilization of manure nutrients and organic matter. Here, we review strategies to improve management at each stage of the manure management chain and at different scales. Many strategies require infrastructure investment, e.g., for containment of all manure fractions. Engineering solutions are needed to develop advanced composting systems with lower environmental footprints and design more efficient nutrient stripping technologies. At the field-scale, there is an urgent need to develop a manure nutrient recommendation system that accounts for the range of manure types, cropping systems, soils and climates throughout China. At the regional scale, coordinated planning is necessary to promote recoupling of livestock and cropping systems, and reduce nutrient accumulation in regions with little available landbank, while minimizing the risk of pollution swapping from one region to another. A range of stakeholders are needed to support the step change and innovation required to improve manure management, reduce reliance on inorganic fertilizers, and generate new business opportunities.  相似文献   

利用生态工程学方法,在长春市西小沿子河研究了人工生境缀块对受损河岸生态系统的修复作用.结果表明,实验区经过人工生态修复和近4年的自然演替,新增加了3个草本植物种,植物群落结构得到优化,形成了较为稳定的乔-灌-草群落结构,植被覆盖率达到95%以上,为动物提供了栖息空间.生境缀块内的土壤微生物数量、土壤生化作用强度、土壤酶活性、有机质含量、全N、全K、底栖动物种类及数量均较对照区增加,其中微生物数量、呼吸强度、纤维分解强度、固氮作用强度、过氧化氢酶活性、脲酶活性和有机质含量均达到显著差异水平(P<0.05).人工生境缀块使受损河岸的稳定性增加,改善了河岸生态系统功能,使生态系统发生正向演替,土壤环境向良性方向发展,同时成功地控制了土壤侵蚀.生态护岸不仅降低经济成本,而且具有生态价值、环境价值、景观价值、教育价值和社会价值,为混凝土河岸的生态改造和受损河岸的生态修复提供了新的模式.   相似文献   

畜禽粪尿污染与营养调控措施刍议   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
<正> 随着畜禽养殖业的发展,集约化、规模化养殖已成为当前养殖业发展的必然趋势。然而,以前表现不突出、并未引起人们重视的畜禽粪尿污染  相似文献   

为探究稻虾共作系统中不同秸秆还田与投食处理下水稻生长发育特征、光合变化规律及氮素养分吸收状况,以秸秆不还田不投食(NS+NF)为对照,研究秸秆还田(S:秸秆还田量为12 200kg/hm~2;NS:秸秆残茬7 200kg/hm~2)和投食(F:投食量为1 600kg/hm~2;NF:投食量为0)不同处理在水稻生育中后期生长发育特征、叶片光合特征、群体冠层结构、氮素利用效率与产量的变化。结果显示:S+F能显著增加水稻的产量、有效穗数、结实率和每穂粒数,显著提高成熟期水稻植株氮含量;NS+F处理实际产量最高,为9.34t/hm~2,分别高出其他处理3.43%~11.72%;S处理主要在水稻生育后期起作用,可延缓水稻叶片衰老,降低成熟期根系伤流强度降幅;F处理可增加水稻的分蘖数,促进分蘖稳定,显著降低了水稻的蒸腾速率,增加了水稻成熟期干物质的积累量;NS处理能够显著增加水稻光合速率和蒸腾速率。秸秆还田和投食处理各有千秋,实际农事操作中,当秸秆还田量比较大时,可以适当投喂小龙虾饲料以补充氮素供微生物分解秸秆和植株生长所用。  相似文献   

流域非点源磷污染的遗留效应是许多流域经过多年污染控制努力后水质仍未见成效的重要原因。本文综述了流域非点源磷污染遗留效应的形成过程机理、模型方法及对水质的影响。由于化肥施用等人为磷过量输入以及水文和生物地球化学滞后性,磷在土壤、沉积物、地下水等介质中大量累积,在人为扰动、气候变化等作用下,累积的遗留磷会重新释放/流失,因而成为受纳水体长期的污染源。数学模型是解析流域非点源磷污染遗留效应的主要方法,现行的模型仍以统计模型为主,其中ELEMeNT-P模型是唯一针对遗留效应问题研发的过程性模型。模型估算结果表明,很多流域的遗留磷是受纳水体磷污染的重要甚至主要原因,且其污染影响可长达数十年到数百年。总体而言,目前对流域非点源磷污染遗留效应的过程机制尚未完全明确,相关模型尚难以模拟遗留效应的时空分布特征。未来研究应深入探究流域遗留磷累积-释放-输移的动态过程机制,改进模型的水文和生物地球化学过程模块,强化模型的多时空尺度模拟功能及多重验证,以精确刻画流域遗留磷的污染贡献及其时空分布特征,为突破非点源磷污染治理困境提供关键科学依据。  相似文献   

根系分泌物是作物与土壤交流的主要媒介,对于土壤养分活化、作物养分吸收、作物生长等均有重要作用。为探究根系分泌物与作物、土壤和微生物之间的关系,利用不同的根系分泌物来实现种间促进、提高自然资源利用率和农业生产力,本文归纳总结了根系分泌物的分类、功能及对土壤养分(氮、磷、钾和铁)的活化、作物养分吸收和作物生长的影响,讨论了有关作物应对养分胁迫的不同机制,并提出研究展望:一是加强根系分泌物的鉴定手段,实现根系分泌物组分的原位无损伤鉴定和分析;二是运用多学科交叉知识进一步揭示根系分泌物所介导的作物养分高效利用的根土界面生物互作过程;三是加强验证根系分泌物影响植物应对生物和非生物胁迫的目标基因和微生物的功能定位研究,利用基因工程手段达到有效改善植物健康的目的;四是推进研究成果向科技应用转化的进程,利用仿生学原理将有益的根系分泌物应用到实际生产中。  相似文献   

通过对儋州地区,林分结构相近、立地条件相似、抚管措施相同、林龄不同(2a~28a)的橡胶无性系PR107的生物量和分配格局、生产力、氮素积累与固定、氮素归还、凋落物及氮素利用效率进行比较研究,发现它们之间存在较明显的差别,并表现出不同的养分生物学特性。试验结果表明:(1)橡胶树不同器官氮素含量高低顺序为:叶>树枝>树根>树皮>树干>胶乳,而积累量和分配格局则为:树干>树枝>树叶>树皮>树根>胶乳。在橡胶树28a生长周期中,养分积累总量可达5639.12kg/hm2,其中氮素约为1606.13kg/hm2,占28.48%。(2)随着树龄的增长,橡胶树枯落物量和由此向土壤归还的氮素总量也逐年增加,氮素归还率也逐年增加。据测定,不同树龄橡胶树每年枯落物总量约为0.295~11.08t/hm2,由枯落物向土壤归还的养分总量达13.44~431.4kg/hm2.a,其中氮约为5.28~162.62kg/hm2。(3)橡胶树体对氮素的利用效率基本上随着树龄的增加逐渐降低,各器官对氮素的利用效率大小顺序为:树干>树皮>胶乳>树枝>树根>树叶。  相似文献   

Boreal forest soils play an important role in the global carbon cycle by functioning as a large terrestrial carbon sink or source, and the alteration of fire regime through global change phenomena may influence this role. We studied a system of forested lake islands in the boreal zone of Sweden for which fire frequency increases with increasing island size. Large islands supported higher plant productivity and litter decomposition rates than did smaller ones, and, with increasing time since fire, litter decomposition rates were suppressed sooner than was ecosystem productivity. This contributes to greater carbon storage with increasing time since fire; for every century without a major fire, an additional 0.5 kilograms per square meter of carbon becomes stored in the humus.  相似文献   

在不同浓度的盐分和Cd、Pb处理下,通过砂培盆栽实验,运用富集系数、转运系数、根净吸收能力、根净转运能力、植物提取率、提取净化时间等指标,比较草木樨、盐地碱蓬、大叶补血草、野榆钱菠菜四种盐生植物对Cd、Pb复合污染的提取修复效果,结果发现:盐地碱蓬地上部生物量达13.17 g·盆~(-1),地上部Cd含量高达97.04 mg·kg~(-1),其Cd、Pb吸收与转运能力均显著高于其他三种盐生植物。适当盐分胁迫促进四种盐生植物的生长,同时对Cd和Pb的吸收有促进作用。四种盐生植物对Cd、Pb的吸收和转运存在较大差异,较高重金属浓度下Pb的吸收速率明显高于Cd的吸收速率。盐地碱蓬对Cd最大提取率为31.80%,Cd提取量达938.20μg·盆~(-1),提取净化时间为3.14年,盐地碱蓬在盐渍化与重金属复合污染土壤修复实践中有较大应用潜力与价值。  相似文献   

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