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正人兽共患病是指可在人和脊椎动物之间传播的疾病。资料表明,人传染病的60%来自动物,同时人作为某些病原的载体,也会造成疾病在动物间的传播。因此,对人兽共患病的防控有着重要的经济意义和公共卫生学意义。能引起人兽共患病的病原有细菌、病毒、寄生虫、真菌和螺旋体等,临床上常见的几种人兽共患病有结核病、布鲁氏菌病、炭疽、狂犬病、流行性感冒、猪囊尾蚴、姜片吸虫和旋毛虫等。本文就人兽共  相似文献   

一、人兽共患病形势严峻人兽共患病定义。在1959年,世界卫生组织(WHO)和粮农组织(FAO)专家委员会对人兽共患病下的定义是"在脊椎动物与人之间自然传播的疾病或感染"。1.人兽共患病的发生与流行。家养动物与野生动物的疾病传染给暴露人群,人群感染后,有些可能发生人传染人,导致发病或死亡,有些人群的感染发病还会再传染给动物,形成循环发病。2.世界形势引人注目。目前有1415种人类疾病的病  相似文献   

加强人兽共患病防制保障公共卫生安全   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
人兽共患病是指在人和脊椎动物之间自然传播和感染的疾病,即人类和脊椎动物由同一种病原体引起的、在流行病学上相互关联的一类疾病。这类病原体很多,包括病毒、细菌、衣原体、立克次氏体、真菌和寄生虫。易感动物广泛,包括人、家畜、鸟类、野生动物、水生动物和节肢动物等。传播途径复杂多样,有直接传播,也有间接传播。人兽共患病的发生和流行不仅给畜牧业造成严重损失,而且给人民生命健康构成了严重威胁。1人兽共患传染病形势严峻目前,已知的人兽共患病有250多种广泛分布于世界各地。其中流行范围广的,危害严重的人兽共患病有34种。随着新…  相似文献   

吉林大学人兽共患病研究所,是我国首家从事人兽共患病研究的专门机构,成立于2006年1月5日,以人兽共患病毒病、细菌病、寄生虫病及动物性食品安全为主要研究方向。现任所长陈启军教授。2006年6月6日通过教育部重点实验室建设计划论证。2007年8月研究所人兽共患病科研团队入选教育部2007年度创新团队。2007年12月22日被批准为人兽共患病研究教育部重点实验室。目前研究所拥有国家首批人兽共患疫病学博士点,4个研究室(人兽共患病毒病、细菌病、寄生虫病、重大疾病快速检测技术研究室),在职教授14人,双跨及客座教授8人,副教授6人,讲师6人,助教1人。其中,国家杰出青年基金获得者2人,“新世纪百千万人才工程”国家级人选2人。  相似文献   

我国食源性人兽共患细菌病流行现状及其防控对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
食源性疾病是食品安全的主要问题,世界卫生组织(WHO)将食源性疾病定义为:"通过摄食进入人体导致人体惠感染性或中毒性的疾病".这里包括了由食品生物性污染和化学物质残留引起的食源性疾病.近年来,国内外食源性人兽共患细菌病事件频频发生,在我国,由于食物链中病原细菌污染及其造成的食源性疾病也屡见不鲜.另外,随着抗菌药物的广泛应用,细菌耐药性日趋严重,细菌耐药性也助推了食源性人兽共惠细菌病的流行.由此可见,人兽共患病原细菌是引起食源性疾病的主要原因之一,已成为威胁人们健康的重要公共卫生问题.因此,我国应加强对食源性人兽共惠细菌病的研究和防控工作.  相似文献   

人兽共患病的现状、危害及防控措施   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
人兽共患病是指那些由人和脊椎动物共同的病原体引起的、在流行病学上有关联的、可在非人类脊椎动物和人类之间传播的感染性疾病。近年发生的SARS、人感染高致病性禽流感和人感染猪链球菌病都属于动物源性的人兽共患病,对我国的经济发展、公共卫生、应急处理的体系、机制、能力、水平都是一个严峻的挑战。目前,在世界范围内,对人兽共患病暴发流行的处理工作尚无统一的操作规范,论文试图对人兽共患病的现状、危害及对其防控做一些探索与归纳。  相似文献   

随着公共卫生事业的发展,特别是对人兽共患病危害的了解,目前已知全世界约有人兽共患病250多种,经调查我国共有人兽共患病120多种。人兽共患病主要是动物源性疾病,特别是随着畜牧业的发展和人民生活水平的不断提高,对畜产品肉、奶等需求量的增加,其传染主要是经动物性食品(肉奶等),患病动物的粪、  相似文献   

人兽共患病(Zoonosos)是指人和脊椎动物由共同的病原体引起的,并在人与动物之间相互传播的一类疾病,曾译为人兽共患病、人畜共患病、人畜互通病等,但有人认为将Zoonosos一词译为人兽互传病更为恰当。目前全世界已证实的人兽共患病约250多种,其中100多种是公共卫生上的重要疾病,严重威胁着人畜健康,它对社会的发展,国家的富强,民族的兴衰均有一定影响。1985年世界卫生组织(WHO)公布人兽共患病90多种,其中猪病25种,禽病24种,牛、羊病26种,马病13种。人兽共患病在全球都有发生,尤其在文化、经济落后的国家和地区发生更为严重。我国现属发展中…  相似文献   

人兽共患病是指人和动物之间相互传播的一大类传染性疾病。全球已发现200多种,中国约有130多种。有些病早已发现,但仍不断肆虐,如禽流感,有些则是新发现的,如SARS。此类病主要来源于动物,对新发现者,由于人们所知甚少,对付起来更为困难,常常引发大的灾难,必须特别警惕。人兽共患病的传播通常由人类与动物的密切接触引起,如畜牧、养殖、  相似文献   

吉林大学人兽共患病研究所,是我国首家从事人兽共患病研究的专门机构,成立于2006年1月5日,以人兽共患病毒病、细菌病、寄生虫病及动物性食品安全为主要研究方向。现任所长陈启军教授。2006年6月6日通过教育部重点实验室建设计划论证。2007年8月研究所人兽共患病科研团队人选  相似文献   

Zoonoses occur at the interface of human and animal disease and partly because their impact and management fall across two sectors they are often neglected. The Global Burden of Disease captures the impact of zoonoses on human health in terms of disability-adjusted life years (DALYs). Based on this, we estimate that in low income countries, zoonoses and diseases which recently emerged from animals make up 26?% of the DALYs lost to infectious disease and 10?% of the total DALYs lost. In contrast, in high income countries, zoonoses and diseases recently which emerged from animals represent less than 1?% of DALYs lost to infectious disease and only 0.02?% of the total disease burden. We present a framework that captures the costs of zoonoses and emerging disease to human, animal and ecosystem health in terms of cost of treatment, cost of prevention, health burden and intangible and opportunity costs. We also discuss how ecohealth concepts of transdisciplinarity, participation and equity can help in assessing the importance of zoonoses in developing countries and illustrate these with an example of assessing milk-borne disease.  相似文献   

Zoonoses pose a significant burden of illness in North America. Zoonoses represent an additional threat to public health because the natural reservoirs are often animals, particularly wildlife, thus eluding control efforts such as quarantine, vaccination and social distancing. As there are limited resources available, it is necessary to prioritize diseases in order to allocate resources to those posing the greatest public health threat. Many studies have attempted to prioritize zoonoses, but challenges exist. This study uses a quantitative approach, conjoint analysis (CA), to overcome some limitations of traditional disease prioritization exercises. We used CA to conduct a zoonoses prioritization study involving a range of human and animal health professionals across North America; these included epidemiologists, public health practitioners, research scientists, physicians, veterinarians, laboratory technicians and nurses. A total of 699 human health professionals (HHP) and 585 animal health professionals (AHP) participated in this study. We used CA to prioritize 62 zoonotic diseases using 21 criteria. Our findings suggest CA can be used to produce reasonable criteria scores for disease prioritization. The fitted models were satisfactory for both groups with a slightly better fit for AHP compared to HHP (84.4% certainty fit versus 83.6%). Human‐related criteria were more influential for HHP in their decision to prioritize zoonoses, while animal‐related criteria were more influential for AHP resulting in different disease priority lists. While the differences were not statistically significant, a difference of one or two ranks could be considered important for some individuals. A potential solution to address the varying opinions is discussed. The scientific framework for disease prioritization presented can be revised on a regular basis by updating disease criteria to reflect diseases as they evolve over time; such a framework is of value allowing diseases of highest impact to be identified routinely for resource allocation.  相似文献   

The EU Commission discussed drafts to amend the so-called Zoonoses Directive at expert level. The last proposal provides for a division of the amendment into 1. a Directive on Monitoring and 2. a Regulation on Control. The Monitoring Directive focusses on collecting data and transmitting them to the joint reference centre for zoonoses. In contrast, the Regulation governing control fixes the necessary provisions required for an adequate and effective control of specific zoonoses and zoonoses agents.  相似文献   

Zoonoses, diseases that can be transmitted from animals to humans, can pose serious health risks to immunocompromised people. Although pets can carry zoonoses, owning and caring for animals can benefit human health. Information exists about preventing transmission of zoonoses, but not all physicians and veterinarians provide adequate and accurate information to immunocompromised pet owners. This disease prevention/health promotion project provides physicians and veterinarians with information, created specifically to share with patients and clients, about the health risks and benefits of pet ownership. Further, "Healthy Pets, Healthy People" encourages communication between veterinarians, physicians, clients, and patients and can serve as a model program for a nation-wide effort to aid health professionals in making recommendations about pet ownership for immunocompromised people.  相似文献   

Approximately 63% of US households have at least one pet, a large percentage of which are considered family members. Pet owners can derive substantial physical and psychological benefits from interaction with companion animals. However, pet ownership is not without risks; zoonotic diseases are increasingly drawing the attention of healthcare professionals, policy makers and the general public. While zoonoses of 'traditional' pets are widely recognized and their prevention and treatment factors are generally known, the growing popularity of 'non-traditional' pets has the potential to facilitate human exposure to novel zoonoses. However, the greatest risk of zoonoses probably arises from animals taken directly from the wild to serve as pets. Non-governmental organizations, state veterinary associations and others have been calling for increased regulation of animal imports, some proposing that all 'exotics' be banned from the pet trade. Because zoonotic diseases of companion animals are influenced by interacting factors of ecological, technical, socio-economic, and political origin, efforts to minimize their impact need be multi-dimensional, simultaneously addressing both the ecological and socio-political drivers of disease emergence and transmission. This study is intended to serve as a primer for animal care professionals seeking to engage with policy makers and the pet industry on the prevention of companion animal zoonoses. We provide background on the human-animal bond, risks of zoonoses associated with groups of companion animals, and the public policy context, as well as identify the factors needed to build a comprehensive approach to companion animal zoonoses risk management. Also included are examples of innovative, non-regulatory initiatives designed to limit the spread and impact of companion animal zoonoses, including a reptile salmonella poster, the National Reptile Improvement Plan, Habitattitude campaign, Pet Zoonoses Committee, and a wildlife disease surveillance initiative known as Project TripWire.  相似文献   

The 6th International Conference on Emerging Zoonoses, held at Cancun, Mexico, 24-27 February 2011, offered 84 participants from 18 countries, a snapshot of current research in numerous zoonoses caused by viruses, bacteria or prions. Co-chaired by Professors Heinz Feldmann and Jürgen Richt, the conference explored 10 topics: (i) The ecology of emerging zoonotic diseases; (ii) The role of wildlife in emerging zoonoses; (iii) Cross-species transmission of zoonotic pathogens; (iv) Emerging and neglected influenza viruses; (v) Haemorrhagic fever viruses; (vi) Emerging bacterial diseases; (vii) Outbreak responses to zoonotic diseases; (viii) Food-borne zoonotic diseases; (ix) Prion diseases; and (x) Modelling and prediction of emergence of zoonoses. Human medicine, veterinary medicine and environmental challenges are viewed as a unity, which must be considered under the umbrella of 'One Health'. Several presentations attempted to integrate the insights gained from field data with mathematical models in the search for effective control measures of specific zoonoses. The overriding objective of the research presentations was to create, improve and use the tools essential to address the risk of contagions in a globalized society. In seeking to fulfil this objective, a three-step approach has often been applied: (i) use cultured cells, model and natural animal hosts and human clinical models to study infection; (ii) combine traditional histopathological and biochemical approaches with functional genomics, proteomics and computational biology; and (iii) obtain signatures of virulence and insights into mechanisms of host defense response, immune evasion and pathogenesis. This meeting review summarizes 39 of the conference presentations and mentions briefly the 16 articles in this Special Supplement, most of which were presented at the conference in earlier versions. The full affiliations of all presenters and many colleagues have been included to facilitate further inquiries from readers.  相似文献   

New aspects of parasitic zoonoses   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Selected parasitic zoonoses are discussed with emphasis on epidemiological, diagnostic and some chemotherapeutic aspects. Pneumocystosis, toxoplasmosis, cryptosporidiosis and microsporidiosis are briefly reviewed as "AIDS-related zoonoses". Up to now 5 genera of Microsporidia have been identified as causative agents of human infections, including Encephalitozoon cuniculi, Enterocytozoon bieneusi and Pleistophora sp. which were found in AIDS patients. From the many "other parasitic zoonoses", giardiasis, echinococcosis and taeniosis/cysticercosis are discussed as examples. Significant advances in the understanding of transmission dynamics, in strain characterisation and diagnosis of the diseases have been achieved.  相似文献   

Zoonoses are fundamental determinants of community health. Preventing, identifying and managing these infections must be a central public health focus. Most current zoonoses research focuses on the interface of the pathogen and the clinically ill person, emphasizing microbial detection, mechanisms of pathogenicity and clinical intervention strategies, rather than examining the causes of emergence, persistence and spread of new zoonoses. There are gaps in the understanding of the animal determinants of emergence and the capacity to train highly qualified individuals; these are major obstacles to preventing new disease threats. The ability to predict the emergence of zoonoses and their resulting public health and societal impacts are hindered when insufficient effort is devoted to understanding zoonotic disease epidemiology, and when zoonoses are not examined in a manner that yields fundamental insight into their origin and spread. Emerging infectious disease research should rest on four pillars: enhanced communications across disciplinary and agency boundaries; the assessment and development of surveillance and disease detection tools; the examination of linkages between animal health determinants of human health outcomes; and finally, cross-disciplinary training and research. A national strategy to predict, prevent and manage emerging diseases must have a prominent and explicit role for veterinary and biological researchers. An integrated health approach would provide decision makers with a firmer foundation from which to build evidence-based disease prevention and control plans that involve complex human/animal/environmental systems, and would serve as the foundation to train and support the new cadre of individuals ultimately needed to maintain and apply research capacity in this area.  相似文献   

The food-borne zoonoses are the most important zoonoses in England and Wales measured in terms of human morbidity and mortality and they include the most important emerging infections. Over the past decade there were over 100,000 laboratory reported cases of salmonellosis, about 1–5 per cent with serious extra-intestinal complications with 427 registered deaths; there were nearly 90,000 Campylobacter infections. In salmonellosis the sources and modes of spread of infection are largely known, but veterinary and human public health measures have so far failed to control the disease. In Campylobacter enteritis however, the source and spread in most of the reported cases are unknown and control is not yet possible. Amongst the remaining less common food-borne zoonoses, listeriosis and yersiniosis are most prominent. Both are increasing with food-borne outbreaks of both infections having been reported, but the origin of infection of most cases recorded in England and Wales is not known. Of the new food-borne or water-borne diseases the most common are giardiasis and cryptosporidiosis but in neither is it clear whether the infections are predominantly of human or animal origin. The place of haemorrhagic colitis and of S. zooepidemicus infection is not yet apparent, both may emerge as important zoonoses. Streptobacillary fever, on the other hand, seems unlikely to recur with normal hygienic standards of water and milk supply. Of the occupational zoonoses Q fever and leptospirosis are the most important. Although only 1,330 cases of Q fever were reported in 10 years, it is a severe disease; 123 of them had endocarditis. Leptospirosis probably increased in incidence and emerged as a new disease of farmers and others working with cattle. S. suis type 2, a ‘new’ disease, remained a rarity. Zoonoses acquired from pets made up only a small proportion of human zoonotic infections and the only apparent change was an increase in psittacosis, the reason for which is unknown. Lastly, among the zoonoses acquired from wild and captive animals the viral haemorrhagic fevers have emerged as an important hazard in hospitals and laboratories.  相似文献   

The globalisation of trade with animals and animal products and increase of travel transports are very important issues with respect to prevent and control animal diseases or epizootics respectively. The disease control concepts as a complex manner should be established on scientific basis and must be permanently evaluated and updated. Outbreak investigations in order to clarify the source of infection and/or the spread of animal diseases including zoonoses are important fields of activities of veterinary epidemiologists. The application of modern epidemiological methods is the precondition of a successful disease control. On selected examples of animal diseases, the use of these methods is demonstrated. It is urgently necessary to intensify the epidemiological work in applied research and practice.  相似文献   

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