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主要研究仔猪出生顺序、出生重、性别等因素对乳头序列确定以及一周龄仔猪增重的影响。试验发现仔猪乳头序列的固定时间在不同窝之间存在很大差异,乳头固定受诸多因素的影响。固定过程中仔猪可能会改变偏好乳头,仔猪越频繁的更换乳头就越难固定乳头。出生重较大的仔猪初次确定偏好轧头的时间和乳头序列最终固定的时间都较短,并且增重明显较多。出生顺序、性别对乳头序列影响不显著,对仔猪增重的影响也不明显。  相似文献   

为了解母猪乳头数、仔猪哺乳位置(前、中、后)、性别和初生重等因素对哺乳仔猪早期日增重的影响,本研究选取了预产期、胎次相近的沙乌头、杜×沙、长×大母猪各5头以及它们产后的哺乳仔猪,记录母猪左右两侧乳头数并将乳头分为前、中、后区。同时记录仔猪哺乳位置,初生重(1日龄)、3日龄、6日龄、9日龄体重。结果表明:不同品种或杂交组合母猪乳头数有显著差异;不同性别仔猪初生重无显著差异,性别对仔猪1~9日龄日增重的影响也不显著;不同哺乳位置间仔猪初生重无显著差异,但仔猪日增重与其初生重显著相关;哺乳位置对沙乌头母猪所产仔猪1~9日龄日增重影响不显著,但是对杜沙和长大母猪所产仔猪3-9日龄日增重有显著影响。  相似文献   

关于出生重英国一饲料公司就出生重不同的猪其日增重及脂肪含量的差异发表了有趣的数据(见表)。当然,出生重小的仔猪断奶时出现的问题多。从出生到屠宰整个过程看,英国的猪在活重90千克时屠宰,增重低于标准。另外还发现,给断奶后的仔猪群饲喂优质饲料,其生长发育并不理想。业已查明,出生重对脂肪含最几乎没有影响;只是胴体重的猪,脂肪含量少。  相似文献   

文章旨在评估一些出生后测量的生理变量对仔猪在出生第一周的存活率和断奶前生长性能的影响。试验选择612头来自3~5胎龄母猪所产的仔猪,监测氧饱和度、心率、血糖浓度、出生后0和24h直肠温度,同时记录遗传谱系、是否助产、出生顺序、性别、肤色、脐带的完整性以及出生后到第一次站立的时间。分别在仔猪出生时、7、14和21d对仔猪称重,评估仔猪产后发育情况。出生后第3、7和21天的累积死亡率分别为3.3%、5.4%和8.7%。出生时直肠体温对仔猪的生存和生长性能无影响(P>0.05)。与正常肤色仔猪和站立时间在1min前的仔猪相比,青紫肤色的仔猪和站立时间在5min以上的仔猪死亡率更高(P<0.05)。脐带断裂的仔猪在出生后3d内死亡率较高(P<0.05)。仔猪在出生后3或7d较高的死亡率发生在出生顺序>9,出生体重<1275g,血糖浓度24~30mg/dL和45~162mg/dL以及出生后24h直肠温度<38.1℃。体重<1545g、出生后24h直肠温度<38.6℃的仔猪在断奶时体重较轻的概率较高(P<0.05)。在研究因素中,皮肤发紫、站立迟缓、脐带断裂、出生顺序高、体重低、出生后24h直肠温度低、血糖浓度低均是导致仔猪出生后第一周存活力较低的因素。  相似文献   

仔猪固定乳头行为与其增重情况统计分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
仔猪固定乳头行为与其增重情况统计分析姜相富,刘忠琛,刘光梅,黑立新山东省胶州市畜牧局(266300)一、试验目的弄清仔猪出生后固定乳头行为与其增重情况的关系,以便采取有效措施,提高仔猪的成活率和哺乳期内的增重,促进母猪的乳腺发育,为争取仔猪的全活全壮...  相似文献   

仔猪固定乳头行为与其增重情况统计分析弄清仔猪出生后固定乳头行为与其增重情况的关系,以便采取有效措施,提高仔猪的成活率和哺乳期内的增重,促进母猪乳腺发育,为争取仔猪的全活全壮和母猪的健康生长提供依据。为了便于试验观察,我们从1994年秋季二胎以上产仔里...  相似文献   

文章探讨了能量补充对低出生体重仔猪的死亡率、断奶体重、日增重及初乳摄入量的影响。处理组选择22头母猪所产的306头活仔猪,其中极低出生体重(<1 kg)72头,低出生体重(1~1.2 kg)77头,分别于出生时和出生后8~12 h口服能量补充剂。对照组选择24头母猪所产的340头活仔猪,其中极低出生体重81头,低出生体重74头。结果显示:能量补充较对照组显著降低了极低出生重仔猪哺乳3 d的死亡率(P <0.05),有降低低出生重仔猪死亡率的趋势(P=0.07)。总的来说,能量补充剂有降低仔猪哺乳3 d死亡率的趋势(P=0.06)。能量补充较对照组对极低出生重仔猪哺乳7和21 d存活优势率显著提高了4.04和3.59倍(P <0.05)。对照组较处理组显著提高了仔猪的断奶重(P <0.05)。对照组与处理组对仔猪的日增重、初乳摄入量及出生产量的影响均无显著差异(P> 0.05)。处理组母猪初乳产量在数值上比对照组低(P> 0.05),但处理组母猪初乳产量均匀性在数值上较对照组好。综上所述,能量补充通过为极低出生体重仔猪直接提供能量而不是通过提高初乳的摄入量来降低其断奶前的死亡率。  相似文献   

<正>1做好出生仔猪的护理仔猪出生后5~10天内,由于生活环境的重大改变,由母体供给营养变为自己采食,由母体内稳定的生活条件变为受外界条件变化的影响,再加上出生仔猪不灵活、怕冷,消化功能发育不全等原因,很容易被母猪压死、踩死、冻死或饿死。所以,做好出生仔猪的护理是提高育成率的关键之一。固定乳头。仔猪出生后几天,就有固定吸乳头的习惯。仔猪确定乳头后,一直到断乳都不更换。为了保证全窝仔猪能获得均匀发育,人们根据母猪的特  相似文献   

卢岩川 《猪业科学》2016,(7):114-115
母猪产仔数量与仔猪出生重对猪场的效益有着重要的影响.相关研究表明,母猪产仔数量与仔猪出生重主要受种猪品种、母猪营养、猪舍环境等因素的影响.猪场经营者要加强对这些问题的重视,通过进行一定的分析、采取相关的措施来提高母猪的产仔率与仔猪的出生重,文章将针对影响母猪产仔数量与仔猪出生重的因素展开讨论,为促进猪场经济效益的提高作出努力.  相似文献   

仔猪出生后7d内死亡率很高,主要是冻死、压死、饿死或下痢死亡等原因,因此,主要应抓好仔猪的成活,需做好保温、防压,固定乳头,让仔猪吃足初乳.  相似文献   

Piglets were provided supplemental energy as oral doses of corn oil to find whether such treatment might improve survival or weight gains. A total of 1,840 piglets from 182 litters was used. Piglets were allotted to dosed and control treatments within litter on the basis of body weight. Dosed piglets received a total of 8 ml of corn oil in four doses during the first 48 h postpartum. The survival rate to weaning was high and not affected (P greater than .10) by the corn oil doses. Deaths of piglets low in birth weight were delayed by the fat doses, suggesting some utilization. The fat doses did not affect piglet weight gain. Factors affecting preweaning survival and growth of piglets were also evaluated using data from the same piglets. Specific factors investigated were sex, parity of dam, birth weight, litter size and the mean and standard deviation of piglet birth weights within litters. Male piglets were heavier at birth than females, but there was no sex effect on weight at 7 d or at weaning. Small males were less likely to survive to 3 d than were small females. Litters from primiparous sows were smaller at birth and weaning, but had lower percentages of stillbirths and of preweaning deaths than did those from multiparous sows. Piglets from primiparous sows were more uniform in birth weight. Piglets that were heavier at birth grew faster and were more likely to survive. Litter size affected growth but not survival of piglets. A heavier average birth weight in the litter reduced slightly the growth rate of individual piglets. An increase in variability of piglet birth weight within a litter was associated with an increase of the percentages of stillbirths and of preweaning mortality. A few litters accounted for a major portion of the mortality. Much of the variation in piglet mortality and growth was not explained by factors considered.  相似文献   

为研究广东小耳花猪仔猪初生重对哺乳期死亡率的影响,研究对两栋分娩舍内272头广东小耳花猪仔猪的初生重和死亡率进行了统计分析。结果表明:初生重低于等于0.4千克的仔猪死亡率高达81.25%,初生重在0.41耀0.6千克的仔猪死亡率为12%,当仔猪初生重大于0.8千克的时候死亡率仅为3.61%。初生重越大的仔猪,其死亡率呈现降低趋势并走向稳定。仔猪的死亡高峰期为出生后的8天内,64%的仔猪在该时期内死亡。死亡仔猪的主要原因为病弱和压死,两者总共占比为68%。此外,对两栋分娩舍进行对比发现,初生重越大的仔猪,其断奶重也越高。  相似文献   

本试验旨在研究杜洛克种公猪初生重对其育肥期生长性状和采食性状的影响。选取230头杜洛克仔猪,按初生重分为高初生重组和低初生重组,在同一饲养标准下饲养至(100±5)kg体重,记录生长性状和采食性状表型数据,用于后续分析。结果表明:高初生重组的30~100 kg日增重、达到100 kg体重时眼肌面积、瘦肉率、体长、体高和管围等生长性状均显著高于低初生重组(P<0.05);而低初生重组的体重达100 kg所用时间显著长于高初生重组(P<0.01);而高初生重组的100 kg体重背膘厚和100 kg体重肌内脂肪含量与低初生重组无显著差异(P>0.05);高、低初生重组的平均日采食量、日采食时间、日采食次数、平均每次采食时间、平均每次采食量和平均采食速率等采食性状无显著差异(P>0.05);低初生重组在30~100 kg的耗料增重比极显著高于高初生重组(P<0.01)。高初生重的杜洛克仔猪相较于低初生重仔猪在育肥期表现出更快的生长速度和更低的耗料增重比,且体尺特征更加优秀。  相似文献   


The aim of this study was to estimate genetic and phenotypic parameters for the three mortality traits crushing, stillbirth and total mortality in piglets, and their respective correlations with birth weight. Records were available from 11 016 Yorkshire piglets from 1046 first parity litters in a Swedish experimental herd. Each mortality trait was analysed jointly with birth weight, using bivariate models. Both mixed linear models and threshold models were used. The threshold models took environmental and maternal genetic effects into account, whereas the linear models also included a direct genetic effect of the piglet on its birth weight. The estimated heritabilities were low for all mortality traits (0.01-0.15), with the lowest estimate for crushing and the highest for stillbirth. The estimated environmental correlations between the different mortality traits and birth weight were negative. The estimated genetic correlations between crushing and birth weight (both direct and maternal effect) were also negative in both models, indicating that sows with low-weight piglets are more likely to crush piglets. However, the genetic correlations between stillbirth and birth weight (both direct and maternal effect) were positive. These results suggest that stillbirth and crushing are traits with different genetic backgrounds, and that genetically increasing the birth weight of the piglets may result in more stillborn piglets.  相似文献   

仔猪初生重与产仔季节的相关性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
实验以杜洛克×米猪杂交母猪为研究对象,采用大约克公猪配种,经2年研究分析了282窝3001头新生仔猪样本。结果表明:仔猪初生重呈现明显的季节性变化。春、夏、秋、冬出生仔猪的平均初生体重分别为1.101kg、1.049kg、1.152kg、1.163kg,其中春季和夏季分别显著低于秋季和冬季(P<0.05)。仔猪初生重的均匀度以春、冬季最佳。但供试母猪的妊娠期、产活仔数和初生窝重没有类似变化,提示仔猪初生重的这种季节性变化不是由这些因素所致,而很可能与不同季节的环境温度、光照周期以及动物的内分泌特点有关。子宫内生长阻滞(IUGR)的新生仔猪的比例在夏季为10.12%,显著高于秋季的4.83%(P<0.05),证明母猪妊娠后期的热应激会严重阻碍胚胎发育。  相似文献   

养猪生产中产(活)仔数和胎儿初生重是影响母猪繁殖生产效率的主要因素,但产仔数和初生重呈负相关关系,近年来母猪繁殖生产的研究重点之一便是如何提高仔猪初生重并降低初生重变异。氨基葡萄糖是一种饲料原料,其制作原料广泛存在于自然界中,近期研究发现氨基葡萄糖应用于母猪妊娠后期可调控仔猪的胎盘发育和初生重。文章介绍了近年来有关氨基酸和蛋白质、能量、功能性添加剂在调控仔猪初生重和均匀度中的应用及其效果,简述了氨基葡萄糖的性质、来源及合成方法,重点阐述了母猪妊娠后期使用氨基葡萄糖在维持胎儿果糖浓度稳定、促进母猪胎盘发育和改善胎盘功能等方面的效果,分析了氨基葡萄糖通过促进胎盘基质和胎褶双分子层发育、刺激胎盘滋养层细胞增殖、增强胎盘功能等途径调控胎盘发育、仔猪初生重和均匀度可能的机理;提出了氨基葡萄糖在调控仔猪初生重和均匀度方面未来的研究方向,以期为在生产实践中调控仔猪初生重和均匀度提供理论参考和实践依据。  相似文献   

Data from 80 first-litter purebred and crossbred gilts of Duroc and Landrace breeding were analyzed to determine the effects of traits associated with their udder on the sizes and weights of their litters at 21 and 42 d. Traits measured on each first-litter gilt included: number of teats in front of the navel; number of functional teats; number of inverted and pin nipples; length of the underline; body length and weight at parturition. When the litter size nursed at 1 d was held constant, litter size at 21 and 42 d was not influenced by number of teats in front of the navel, number of functional teats, number of inverted nipples, number of pin nipples, body length or weight at parturition. First litter gilts with shorter underlines tended to raise larger litters at 21 and 42 d (P less than .05). Litter weights at 21 and 42 d were not affected by the number of teats in front of the navel, number of functional teats, number of inverted nipples, or by the number of pin nipples when the size and weight of the litters born alive were held constant. First-litter gilts with shorter body lengths tended to have heavier litters at 21 d, (P less than .05) while those with shorter underlines (P less than .05) and those that weighed more at parturition (P less than .10) tended to have heavier litters at 42 d. Results from this study are interpreted to indicate a replacement-gilt selection program that applies selection pressure for only increased teat number and against teat abnormalities seems unwarranted.  相似文献   


The aim of the study was to investigate lesions in sows and their piglets kept on two flooring materials – bare concrete and concrete coated with polyurethane containing sand. In total, 13 lactations on concrete and 11 on polyurethane were evaluated. The severity of skin lesions was scored and teat and claw lesions were recorded. The sand-filled coating was rougher compared to the concrete floor. Larger litter sizes were associated with a higher proportion of wounded teats in sows. Only seven of the 230 piglets had no skin lesions. The piglet skin lesions generally healed, since the number of more severe lesions decreased (p<0.001) and the number of less severe lesions (p<0.001) increased over time. Piglet lesions were associated with daily weight gain and litter size. The number of skin lesions on sows and piglets did not differ between animals kept on concrete and polyurethane-covered flooring. However, piglets kept on the latter flooring had more frequent claw lesions. On both types of flooring the majority of the piglets had skin lesions. Piglets had more claw lesions on polyurethane coating due to its roughness. In addition to the possibility of lower weight gains in piglets due to severe lesions, pig skin lesions are themselves a severe welfare problem in this type of housing system.  相似文献   

Effects of dextrose plus lactose in sow’s feed were tested on subsequent reproductive performance and within litter birth weight variation. During the last week of gestation and lactation, sows were either fed a commercial lactation diet (Control: C), or an isocaloric diet containing 25 g/kg dextrose plus 25 g/kg lactose (Treatment: T). In the subsequent weaning‐to‐oestrus interval (WEI), all sows received the same amount of a commercial feed, but T sows were supplemented with 150 g dextrose plus 150 g lactose per day. Weight and backfat changes were recorded as well as litter characteristics during the treatment period and the subsequent parity. No significant effect of treatment was found on the subsequent reproductive performance, including the number of piglets born, although the number of live born piglets was 0.51 larger (p = 0.31) and weight of the live born piglets was 84 g higher in the T sows (p = 0.07) than in the C sows. When sows were categorized in sows with 12 or less and more than 12 total born piglets in the previous litter, treatment of sows with dextrose plus lactose resulted for the group with 12 or less piglets in a strong increase in subsequent total born piglets (13.97), whereas in the untreated sows the subsequent litter size was 11.89. In the group with more than 12 total born piglets, no effect of treatment was found (interaction between previous litter size and treatment p = 0.03). The within litter variation in birth weight in the subsequent litter was numerically lower in the T sows. We concluded that the use of dextrose and lactose during lactation and WEI seems to enhance litter size in sows with low previous litter size and seems to have the potential to reduce the within litter variation in birth weight.  相似文献   

Among domestic animals, teat order is only observed in the pig. In order to achieve the healthy growth and weaning of piglets, it is important to elucidate if volume of colostrum secretion and immunoglobulin A (IgA) and IgG concentrations differ among the teats of a sow. Nine sows were used to evaluate the difference in colostrum secretion volume (CSV) and four of these sows were assessed for IgA and IgG concentrations from each teat. Samples were collected five times during 21 h following parturition. Teats were assigned anatomical locations of teat (1 to 7) from anterior to posterior. The CSV of anterior (locations 1 and 2) and middle teats (locations 3–5) was significantly higher than those of posterior teats (locations 6 and 7) throughout the experiment except for 18 h post‐parturition (P < 0.05). The CSV of the teats at location 1 was significantly higher at most collection times than those at locations 6 and 7. A positive correlation of CSV was observed with IgA and IgG concentrations from 12 h and 6 h post‐parturition, respectively (P < 0.05). The results suggest that anterior teats secrete greater volumes of colostrum and that these tend to contain higher IgA and IgG than posteriors teats.  相似文献   

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