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Blood samples from 777 pigs, originating from 9 different herds, were collected at slaughter and examined for antibodies to Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae and Actinobacillus (Haemophilus) pleuropneumoniae by the indirect hemagglutination assay (IHA) and the complement fixation (CF) test, respectively. Results were compared to pathological and microbiological findings. Antibodies to M. hyopneumoniae in positive titers of 1/80 or higher were found in 62% of the samples. The relationship between positive IHA titers to M. hyopneumoniae and gross findings indicative of enzootic pneumonia of pigs (EPP), histological findings indicative of EPP, the isolation of M. hyopneumoniae and the demonstration of M. hyopneumoniae by indirect immunofluorescent testing ranged from 64% to 68%. No correlation was noted between positive IHA titers and the isolation of Mycoplasma flocculare. Positive antibody titers to A. pleuropneumoniae of 1/10 or higher were detected in 5% to 85% of the samples from individual herds. Positive titers to A. pleuropneumoniae serotype 2 were found in 71% to 79% of the sampled animals from herds with high frequencies of pneumonic lesions indicative of pleuropneumonia. In herds with low frequencies of pleuropneumonia, positive titers were recorded in from 0 to 4% of the tested pigs. However, no statistical association was found between pleuropneumonia and positive titers to A. pleuropneumoniae serotype 2 in individual animals. Twenty-one per cent of samples with positive CF titers to A. pleuropneumoniae showed antibodies to more than one serotype.  相似文献   

A total of 855 pig lungs were collected at slaughter and evaluated macroscopically. Bacteriological examinations were carried out on tissue samples from chronic pleuropneumonic lesions (n = 196) and from chronic bronchopneumonic lesions with suppuration (n = 14). Samples from normal lung tissue (n = 22) were also included. Pasteurella multocida was isolated from 54%, Actinobacillus (Haemophilus) pleuropneumoniae from 11%, and Streptococcus spp. from 14% of the pneumonic lesions, respectively. From normal lung tissue P. multocida was isolated from 3 (14%) of the samples, A. pleuropneumoniae was not recovered and streptococci were isolated from only 1 (5%) of these samples. The above mentioned bacterial species were recovered either in pure cultures or mixed with various other microbes. A total of 109 P. multocida strains were further characterized by capsular serotyping and testing for production of dermonecrotic toxin. Ninety-nine (91%) of the strains were capsular type A 10 (9%) were type D. Out of the type A and the type D strains 94% and 90% were toxigenic, respectively. Most of the A. pleuropneumoniae strains were serotype 2. Strains of serotypes 1 and 7 were also identified. The majority of the streptococci were identified as either Streptococcus suis or Streptococcus dysgalactiae. Actinomyces pyogenes was isolated from 14% of the lesions and anaerobic bacteria from 18%, respectively. The significance of the various bacterial species in relation to the development of chronic pneumonic lesions is discussed. Special attention is paid to P. multocida, and it is concluded that this bacterial species is probably of importance for the development of both types of chronic pneumonias.  相似文献   

The prevalence and pathomorphology of gross lung lesions were studied in 855 slaughter weight pigs from 9 selected herds in south-eastern Norway. Pneumonic or pleuritic lesions were found in 84% of the lungs, ranging from 37% in the least affected herd to 97% in the one most affected. Bronchopneumonia indicative of a primary Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae infection was found in 70% of the lungs, ranging from 9% to 82% in the individual herds. The amount of bronchopneumonic lesions in individual lungs ranged from 0 to 69%, with an average of 7.8%. Pleuropneumonia indicative of Actinobacillus (Haemophilus) pleuropneumoniae infection was found in 29% of the lungs ranging from 0 in the least affected herd to 58% in the most affected. Diffuse pleuritis was found in 41% of the lungs and the prevalence ranged from 4% to 63%.  相似文献   

The study aimed to assess the effects of vitamin E (VE) supplementation and fat source on fatty acid (FA) composition, VE concentrations, and antioxidant capacity in plasma and tissues of pigs fed to a heavy slaughter weight (150 kg). A total of 64 pigs (32 barrows, 32 gilts; 28.41 ± 0.83 kg) were blocked by sex and weight, and randomly assigned to one of eight dietary treatments (n = 8 per treatment) in a 4 × 2 factorial arrangement. Fat sources included corn starch (CS), 5% tallow (TW), 5% distiller’s corn oil (DCO), and 5% coconut oil (CN); VE supplementation levels were 11 and 200 ppm. Five-phase diets were formulated to meet requirement estimates of NRC (2012) and fed to pigs for each period of 25 kg from 25 to 150 kg. Increasing VE supplementation level increased C16:1 (P < 0.05) content but decreased C20:0 (P < 0.05) content in backfat and belly fat, while in liver, it increased C17:0 (P < 0.05) but decreased C18:0 (P < 0.05). Compared to the pigs fed the CS diet, the pigs fed the CN diet had greater (P < 0.05) content of total saturated FA, the pigs fed the DCO diet had greater (P < 0.05) content of total polyunsaturated FA content and iodine value, and the pigs fed the TW diet had greater (P < 0.05) content of total monounsaturated FA in backfat, belly fat, and liver. Plasma VE concentrations increased linearly (P < 0.05) with increasing length of feeding but faster (P < 0.05) in the pigs fed the CN and TW diets compared with the CS and DCO diets within the 200 ppm VE level; the pigs fed the DCO diet had the highest plasma VE concentrations (P < 0.05) from Phase 2 to Phase 5 within the 11 ppm VE level. The VE concentrations in liver and loin muscle (P < 0.05) increased with increasing dietary VE level from 11 to 200 ppm, but it was not affected by dietary fat source. There was no effect of VE supplementation and fat source on antioxidant capacity in plasma and liver except that pigs fed the DCO diet had greater liver SOD activity (P < 0.05) than the pigs fed the CN diet. In conclusion, dietary VE supplementation did not affect FA profile in backfat, belly fat, and liver consistently, while dietary FA composition with different fat sources affected much of the FA profile in backfat, belly fat, and liver. The higher level of VE supplementation increased liver and muscle VE concentrations and dietary fat sources affected plasma VE concentrations differently (P < 0.05), wherein the TW and CN diets increased the VE absorption greater than the DCO diet.  相似文献   

Three trials involving 251 crossbred pigs were conducted to establish response surfaces for effects of Ca/P levels (70, 85, 100, 115 and 130% of NRC [1979] estimated requirements) and time (weaning to market) on bone criteria and to compare bending and shear bone testing. Nine replicates, each consisting of five pigs, were used over the three trials. One pig per replicate was slaughtered every 4 wk following the start of the trials. Third metacarpals and metatarsals (3M) and fourth metacarpals and metatarsals (4M) were collected at slaughter; the bone length, bending or shear stress, and dry, fat-free ash percentage (DFF%) were determined. Most bone criteria increased (P less than .01) at a decreasing rate (P less than .05) in response to increasing dietary Ca/P intake and increased linearly (P less than .01) with time on test, although bone length and stress increased at a decreasing rate with time on test. Asymptotic models relating continuous effects of total Ca + P intake ratio (CAP; expressed as a percentage of NRC) and number of days on test before slaughter to bone measurements were fit to least squares slaughter time by diet means. Bone length and DFF% reached 98% maximum at or near 100% the NRC estimated CAP level; however, to reach 98% of maximum bone shear and breaking stress higher CAP levels were required. Shear testing of bones was more desirable than bend testing as a method of determining bone strength due to reduced variability, better discrimination of Ca/P and time effects and ease of calculation.  相似文献   

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