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水分胁迫对寒区水稻生长特性及产量的影响   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
采用人工桶栽控水方法,研究了不同时期不同程度水分胁迫对水稻生长特性及产量的影响。由于2007年试验区气候异常,分蘖时期和灌浆乳熟期达到下限的次数比往年多,拔节孕穗期和抽穗开花期并未达到重度水分胁迫,从而导致分蘖时期水分胁迫对穗数、产量影响较大;而水稻比较敏感的拔节孕穗期和抽穗开花期由于生育期较往年短,没有达到水分胁迫所要求的下限,对水稻产量、株高、千粒重的影响并不是很大,在某些方面反而产生了有利的影响;灌浆乳熟期轻度水分胁迫,其产量和千粒重明显高于其它处理。  相似文献   

为了探究设施延迟栽培葡萄生育期灌溉水量的优化配置,根据2013—2014年设施延迟栽培葡萄不同生育期水分胁迫处理下的耗水量与产量关系的资料,分别分析了Stewart模型、Blank模型和Jensen模型3种不同水分生产函数对设施延迟栽培葡萄的适应性,计算了不同模型对应的设施延迟栽培葡萄不同生长阶段的水分敏感指数。结果表明,设施延迟葡萄水分敏感指数在果实膨大期最大,该时期为需水关键期,亏水处理会明显降低产量;萌芽期最小,该时期适度亏水对产量提高有积极影响。确立了Stewart模型和Blank模型为适用于设施延迟栽培葡萄的水分生产函数模型,在灌溉水量有限的条件下,应采取萌芽期适度亏水,将灌溉水量调配给果实膨大期的灌溉水配置方式,以期在合理调配灌溉水量的同时获得最佳经济效益。   相似文献   

Natural rubber is a critical agricultural material, and guayule (Parthenium argentatum Gray) is the most promising domestic, agricultural source. A study on guayule was initiated to provide information on the water requirements and plant water stress behavior for this new perennial crop. Measured evapotranspiration averaged 3000, 2410, 2040, 1720, 1470 and 1520 mm, from May 1981 to December 1982, in decreasing order of water applications on the six irrigation treatments from the wettest to the driest. These evapotranspiration values indicated that the water use by guayule can be higher than many former estimates for an arid-type crop. Plant canopy temperatures also showed a progressive increase in plant water stress as irrigation water amounts decreased. The two-fold decrease in evapotranspiration from the wet to dry treatments corresponded to a four-fold increase in plant water stress indices based on remote infrared thermometer measurements. Both the concepts of stress degree days and crop water stress index, evaluated over the entire growing cycle, correlated well with the measured evapotranspiration. Even though the guayule plant can withstand long periods of drought, moisture stress will occur within a relatively short period of time after an irrigation for the guayule crop.  相似文献   

旱后复水对冬小麦旗叶生理特性及籽粒产量的影响   总被引:6,自引:5,他引:1  
【目的】探索冬小麦旗叶生理特性等指标对不同水分调控的响应过程。【方法】通过防雨棚测坑试验,研究了不同水分处理(抽穗扬花期设置充分供水(CK)、轻度和重度水分胁迫,灌浆成熟期恢复正常供水)对冬小麦旗叶脯氨酸质量分数、可溶性糖质量分数、叶绿素质量分数和丙二醛质量分数及籽粒产量等指标的影响。【结果】抽穗扬花期轻度亏水处理(T1)在复水后第1天旗叶的脯氨酸质量分数高于CK、叶绿素质量分数低于CK但两者均未达到显著水平,复水后第11天可溶性糖质量分数低于CK且差异显著,丙二醛质量分数高于CK但差异不显著,与CK相比,籽粒产量降低了4.3%,且差异不显著;抽穗扬花期重度亏水的处理(T2处理)在复水后第16天的旗叶脯氨酸质量分数和可溶性糖质量分数均低于CK水平,且差异不显著,与CK相比,穗粒数和籽粒产量分别降低了10.6%和13.6%,差异显著(p<0.05),千粒质量和有效穗数与CK的差异均不显著。【结论】在抽穗扬花期轻度干旱胁迫灌浆期恢复正常供水,可在保证产量不明显降低的前提下有效提高灌溉水利用效率;抽穗扬花期重度干旱胁迫,会对冬小麦叶片主要生理指标产生较大负面影响,进而影响冬小麦籽粒产量的形成。  相似文献   

【目的】研究干旱胁迫对冬小麦生长指标的影响。【方法】选用周麦22为试验材料,在拔节期和抽穗期分别设置轻度干旱(土壤含水率控制在田间持水率的60%~70%)、中度干旱(土壤含水率控制在田间持水率的50%~60%)和重度干旱(土壤含水率控制在田间持水率的40%~50%),对比分析了冬小麦根系形态、根系分布、株高及叶面积的变化过程。【结果】干旱胁迫处理根长相比CK均降低,T1、T2、T3处理总根长随干旱程度的加深而增长;经过连续处理的各根系特征在轻旱、中旱条件下均大于单阶段处理,重旱条件下各根系特征则明显降低;但复水后拔节期处理的根系补偿恢复能力高于抽穗期。随着干旱胁迫程度及时间增加,根系向下伸展生长,使各根系指标向深层转移,但根系总体绝对量明显减少,T9处理根干质量相比CK降低64.79%,并且株高、叶面积所受的抑制增大。其中拔节期对株高影响更大,T1、T2、T3处理株高相比CK降低3.78%、7.59%、16.09%;抽穗期对叶面积影响更大,T4、T5、T6处理叶面积相比CK降低8.11%、23.45%、29.43%;而经连续干旱处理后的株高和叶面积都明显低于各单阶段处理;抽穗期经干旱胁迫处理的株高、叶面积在干旱胁迫1周后就表现出较强补偿效应,而拔节期表现则相对迟缓;在经历连续干旱胁迫后均无明显补偿。【结论】在冬小麦实际生产中应避免连续干旱,花前若需控水,应尽量满足拔节期供水,控水在抽穗期保持轻旱水平。  相似文献   

用盆栽对冬小麦不同生育阶段进行不同程度水分调亏试验结果表明 :拔节—孕穗期、抽穗—扬花期和灌浆—成熟 3个阶段内 RW上限为 4 0 %、5 0 %、60 %的水分亏缺均引起了产量的极显著下降 ,而且水分亏缺越严重 ,产量降低越大。在 3个生育阶段内进行 RW上限为 4 0 %的水分调亏减产幅度都很大 ,而且 3个生育阶段之间差异不明显 ;进行 5 0 %、60 %水分调亏 ,其减产程度则与生育期有关。灌浆—成熟期的减产程度大于前二个时期 ,这可能与前二个阶段复水后作物的补偿生长有关。不同生育期水分亏缺对冬小麦产量构成因素的影响也不同 ,拔节—扬花期水分亏缺主要减少了穗粒数 ,灌浆—成熟阶段的水分亏缺主要减少了千粒重  相似文献   

为实现植物生命需水状况的无损检测,通过定量辨识植物叶态萎蔫特征反映植物亏水胁迫状况,基于分形理论"双毯法"定义了萎蔫指数LDBM,利用基于激光三角原理的三维激光扫描仪获取植物叶片表型点云数据,以西葫芦、秋葵、葫芦、南瓜4种植物为研究对象,结合饱和水汽压差与光合有效辐射2种微环境参数,进行了植物叶态萎蔫定量辨识研究。试验分析了4种植物萎蔫指数LDBM的日变化曲线,证明LDBM用于表征叶态萎蔫状况是合理和可行的;分析了萎蔫指数LDBM与微环境参数的相关性,4种植物LDBM与饱和水汽压差相关系数均大于0.81,与光合有效辐射相关系数均大于0.71,与2种参数都有很强的正相关性;并且与基于离散时域傅里叶变换定义的萎蔫指数L2DFT进行了对比,LDBM与L2DFT呈负相关性,4种植物的相关系数均大于0.82,表明LDBM能够准确地定量表征叶态萎蔫。  相似文献   

新疆棉花亏缺灌溉叶面积指数模拟研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
建立了充分灌溉和亏缺灌溉条件下新疆棉花叶面积指数的动态模拟模型。模型以基于beta函数的每日热效应为时间尺度,在考虑土壤水分胁迫效应的基础上,使用Logistic函数的一阶导数描述叶面积指数的变化速率,叶片衰老过程同样采用Logistic函数的一阶导数,并假设从初花期开始发生。该模型还考虑了土壤水分胁迫和温度对叶片衰老的加速效应。最后使用石河子棉花灌溉试验观测结果对模型进行了参数率定、验证和敏感度分析。验证结果显示:充分灌水条件下叶面积指数的均方根误差(RMSE)为0.22 m2/m2,残差聚集系数(CRM)为-0.01;20%和40%亏缺灌溉条件下叶面积指数的RMSE和CRM分别为0.37 m2/m2、-0.05和0.23 m2/m2、0。此外,叶面积指数的模拟值与实测值间R2为0.96。说明该模型准确地模拟了新疆棉花叶片全生育期的动态变化过程。敏感度分析结果表明,在充分灌水条件下,叶片潜在衰减面积、叶片日最大增加面积和衰减面积、初花期开始时间是影响模型的主要参数。  相似文献   

Summary The relative sensitivity of the cotton plant to water stress throughout the growing season was determined to identify when irrigation will have the greatest beneficial effect. Daily plant water stress for 72 different data sets of water applications was correlated to corresponding yield criteria. The magnitude of significant correlation was interpreted as the degree of sensitivity. Plant water stress during square formation and early flowering resulted in fewer bolls to reach maturity, but this detrimental effect was cancelled by the development of bigger bolls due to greater lint growth. This resulted in better seedcotton and lint yields. Flower and boll senescence which resulted from water stress during flowering peak, however, inhibited seedcotton and lint yields. The most pronounced inhibiting effect stress had on yields, was during boll development well after the end of effective flowering, when it inhibited boll development. Stress during ripening of the bolls increased lint and boll development and consequently enhanced yields. When limited quantities of water is available, preference should be given to irrigation during boll development, then by irrigation when the first flowers appear, followed by irrigation during peak flowering. Water should be withheld from opening of the first bolls.  相似文献   

【目的】研究不同生育阶段水分胁迫对水稻叶片光合速率的影响以及水分胁迫条件下水稻叶片光合速率变化对气孔限制值的响应规律,明确不同生育阶段水分胁迫对水稻光合特性和水分利用的综合影响,探寻水稻不同生育阶段适宜的水分管理模式。【方法】采用盆栽实验,以常规淹水灌溉模式土壤水分条件作为对照,在水稻分蘖、拔节、抽穗和乳熟期分别设置轻旱、中旱、重旱3种水平的水分胁迫,共12种处理,每个生育阶段设置正常供水作为对照,并对水稻叶片光合参数进行了测定。【结果】正常供水的水稻由于光合"午睡"现象的影响,光合速率日变化曲线为"M"型。处于低谷时间段的轻度、中度水分胁迫会减轻"午睡",使该时间段的光合速率高于CK,其余时间段随着水分胁迫程度增加,水稻叶片的光合速率逐渐降低;重度水分胁迫使光合速率在各个生育阶段处于较低水平。分蘖期、抽穗期、乳熟期进行轻度水分胁迫显著增加了气孔限制值和水分利用效率;而重度水分胁迫使抽穗、乳熟期的气孔限制值显著降低,对水分利用效率影响不显著。【结论】水稻单生育阶段轻度的水分胁迫可以有效减轻"午睡"现象,从而使"午睡"时的叶片光合速率高于正常供水,并保证了水分的高效利用。  相似文献   

为了提高黄土高原雨养区谷子的降水利用效率,该文利用中型称重式蒸渗仪和微型蒸渗仪并结合谷子整个生育期内生物指标的动态变化过程,对神木六道沟流域谷子棵间蒸发与田间蒸散规律进行了研究。结果表明,Logistic模型可以很好地模拟谷子株高和盖度的变化,模型计算值与实测值的相关系数均达到0.99。神木六道沟流域的降水总量和谷子的耗水量基本持平,在谷子抽穗期到灌浆期出现了阶段性的缺水。在谷子整个生育期内谷子棵间蒸发占总耗水量的44%。叶面积指数、0~10 cm土层土壤含水率与棵间蒸发与田间蒸散比值间均呈指数函数关系,其决定系数均在0.8以上,且呈现出极显著的相关性。研究为当地合理利用有限水资源和提高水分利用效率提供理论支持。  相似文献   

利用表型信息采集系统获取不同生长环境下的植物形态结构和生理生化数据,研究植物体对不同胁迫的反应,从而进行抗性育种和筛选优质良种.本文构建了一套由双CCD相机、热成像仪、水分控制模块、称量模块、光源等组成的多源表型信息采集系统,采用YOLO v3目标检测算法和图像处理算法提取了植物投影叶面积、株高、叶片数量、冠层温度等表...  相似文献   

20 0 1年在内蒙风沙区对春小麦进行了各生育阶段不同程度亏缺灌溉的试验研究 ,结果表明 :春小麦不同生长时期、不同程度的水分亏缺对其生长发育、产量构成及水分生产效率会产生不同的影响。拔节—孕穗期受旱对株高、叶面积、穗粒数影响最大 ,减产最多 ,其次是抽穗—开花期干旱 ;灌浆成熟期受旱主要影响千粒重。在同一生育阶段 ,水分亏缺越严重 ,春小麦受害越深。在春小麦生长前期适度的水分胁迫不但对产量无显著影响 ,反而有利于提高水分生产效率  相似文献   

The plant module of the EPIC model (Erosion Productivity Impact Calculator) has been modified to simulate the effects of water and nitrogen (N) stress on biomass production and grain yield, taking account of the sensitivity of the crops to water and N stress during the course of their developmental cycle. This French version of the model, EPICphase, was validated with maize (Zea mays L.), sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.), sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench), soybean (Glycine max L.), and winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) over 9 years, using experimental data from a long-term cropping system experiment carried out at three levels of cropping intensity. The results have been compared with those from a normal version of EPIC. The two versions use the same input files. The results show that EPIC overestimates crop production by comparison with the measured data, notably under conditions of severe moisture stress. The additional crop parameters introduced into EPICphase concern the water extraction capacities peculiar to each crop, the division of the growth period into four phases, with adjustments to the conversion efficiency of intercepted radiation into biomass, and the drought adaptation of sunflower and soybean. Finally, the sensitivity of the harvest index to water and N stress has been introduced for each phase of growth. These refinements have led to simulations very close to the measured values. Comparison of results from the two versions was done by means of a statistical study of mean biomass production and grain yield, standard deviations, root mean square error, regression lines, and R2 values.  相似文献   

This study investigated the relationship between sorghum grain yield for a range of soil depths, with the seasonal crop water stress index based on relative evapotranspiration deficits and spectral vegetation indices. A root zone water balance model was used to evaluate seasonal soil water fluctuations and actual evapotranspiration within a toposequence; soil depth varied between 30 and 75 cm and available water capacity ranged from 6.9 to 12.6% (v/v, %). An empirical model was used to determine root growth. Runoff was estimated from rainfall data using the curve number techniques of the Soil Conservation Services, combined with a soil water-accounting procedure. The high r2 values between modeled and observed values of soil water in the root zone (r2 > 0.70, significant at P < 0.001) and runoff (r2 = 0.95, significant at P < 0.001) indicated good agreement between the model output and observed values. Canopy reflectance was measured during the entire crop growth period and the following spectral indices were calculated: simple ratio, normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), green NDVI, perpendicular vegetation index, soil adjusted vegetation index (SAVI) and modified SAVI (MSAVI). All the vegetation indices, except for the perpendicular vegetation index, measured from booting to anthesis stage, were positively correlated with leaf area index (LAI) and yield. The correlation coefficient for spectral indices with dry biomass was relatively less than for LAI and yield. Modified SAVI recorded from booting to milk-grain stage gave the highest average correlation coefficient with grain yield. Additive and multiplicative forms of water-production functions, as well as water stress index calculated from water budget model, were used to predict crop yield. A multiple regression was carried out with yield, for the years 2001–2003, as the dependent variable and MSAVI, from the booting to the milk-grain stage of crop and relative yield values, calculated using both additive and multiplicative water production functions as well as water stress index, as the independent variables. The multiplicative model and MSAVI, recorded during the heading stage of crop growth, gave the highest coefficient of determination (r2 = 0.682, significant at P < 0.001). The multiple regression equation was tested for yield data recorded during 2004; the deviation between observed and estimated yields varied from −6.2 to 9.4%. The water budget model, along with spectral vegetation indices, gave satisfactory estimates of sorghum grain yields and appears to be a useful tool to estimate yield as a function of soil depth and available water.  相似文献   

Canopy temperature as a measure of salinity stress on sorghum   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary A complete understanding of plant response to combined water and salinity stress is desirable. Previous growth chamber and greenhouse experiments with sorghum and maize indicate that soil salinity, by negatively affecting growth processes, may reduce consumptive water use, thus prolonging the supply of available soil moisture. In the present field experiment, canopy temperature measurements were used to examine the effect of soil salinity on the plant-soil water relations of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. cv. Northrup King 1580). An infrared thermometer was used to measure canopy temperature during a 9-day period including two irrigations in plots of various salinities. The salinity treatments were created by a dual line-source sprinkler irrigation system, which applied waters of different quality. Excess irrigation allowed soil moisture to be uniform across the salinity treatments at the beginning of the measurement period. Consumptive water use and soil salinity were measured to quantify the salinity and water treatments. Grain and dry matter yields provided measures of plant response. Canopy temperature measurements were sensitive enough to detect differences across the salinity treatments when soil moisture was uniform for several days following irrigation. However, over the 9-day measurement period, plants in the low-salt plots used more water than plants in the high-salt plots. This differential water use eventually offset the salinity-induced stress, with the result that temperature differences were eliminated. Differences in temperature were observed again following irrigation. The results demonstrate that canopy temperature can be used as a tool to detect salinity stress on sorghum. Timing of measurements with regard to irrigation is identified as a key factor in detecting temperature differences that can be attributed to the presence of soil salinity.  相似文献   

冬小麦涝渍胁迫频发不仅严重影响区域粮食安全和生态安全,还威胁社会经济稳定和可持续发展.为识别冬小麦涝渍胁迫及判别其胁迫程度,本研究设置冬小麦涝渍胁迫梯度盆栽试验,采用ASD地物光谱仪和Gaiasky-mini2推扫式成像光谱仪分别测定叶片及冠层高光谱数据,结合植被指数、归一化均值距离和光谱微分差信息熵等方法,监测冬小麦...  相似文献   

The publication is a synthesis of previous publications on the results of a long-term lysimeter experiment. From 1989 to 1998, the experimental variables were soil salinity and soil type, from 1999 onwards, soil salinity and crop variety. The plant was studied during the whole growing period by measuring the saline stress and analyzing its effect on leaf area and dry matter development and on crop yield. Salinity affected the pre-dawn leaf water potential, stomatal conductance, evapotranspiration, leaf area and yield.The following criteria were used for crop salt tolerance classification: soil salinity, evapotranspiration deficit, water stress day index. The classification according to soil salinity distinguished the salt tolerant group of sugar beet and wheat, the moderately salt sensitive group comprising broadbean, maize, potato, soybean, sunflower and tomato, and the salt sensitive group of chickpea and lentil. The results for the salt tolerant and the moderately salt sensitive groups correspond with the classification of Maas and Hoffman, excepted for soybean.The evapotranspiration deficit criterion was used, because for certain crops the relation between yield and evapotranspiration remains the same in case of drought and salinity. This criterion, however, did not appear useful for salt tolerance classification.The water stress day index, based on the pre-dawn leaf water potential, distinguished a tolerant group, comprising sugar beet, wheat, maize, sunflower and potato, and a sensitive group, comprising tomato, soybean, broadbean, chickpea and lentil. The classification corresponds with a difference in water use efficiency. The tolerant crops show a more or less constant water use efficiency. The sensitive crops show a decrease of the water use efficiency with increasing salinity, as their yield decreases stronger than the evapotranspiration. No correlation could be found between osmotic adjustment, leaf area and yield reduction. As the flowering period is a sensitive period for grain and fruit formation and the sensitive crops are all of indeterminate flowering, their longer flowering period could be a cause of their greater sensitivity.The tolerant group according to water stress day index can be divided according to soil salinity in a salt tolerant group of sugar beet and wheat and a moderately sensitive group, comprising maize, sunflower and potato. The difference in classification can be attributed to the difference in evaporative demand during the growing period.The sensitive group according to water stress day index can be divided according to soil salinity in a moderately sensitive group, comprising tomato, soybean and broadbean, and a salt sensitive group of chickpea and lentil. The difference in classification can be attributed to the greater salt sensitivity of the symbiosis between rhizobia and grain legume in the case of chickpea and lentil.  相似文献   

Remote sensing (RS) can facilitate the management of water and nutrients in irrigated cropping systems. Our objective for this study was to evaluate the ability of several RS indices to discriminate between limited water and limited nitrogen induced stress for broccoli. The Agricultural Irrigation Imaging System (AgIIS) was used over a 1-ha broccoli field in central Arizona to measure green (550 nm), red (670 nm), far red (720 nm), and near infrared (NIR-790 nm) reflectances, and thermal infrared radiation. Measurements were taken at a 1 m × 1 m resolution, every several days during the season. The following indices were calculated: ratio vegetation index (RVI), normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), normalized difference based on NIR and green reflectance (NDNG), canopy chlorophyll concentration index (CCCI), and the water deficit index (WDI). The experimental design was a two-factor, nitrogen × water, Latin square with four treatments (optimal and low water and optimal and low nitrogen) and four replicates. In addition to RS measurements, the following in-situ measurements were taken: SPAD chlorophyll (closely related to nitrogen status), plant petiole nitrate-nitrogen concentrations, soil water content, and plant height, width, and leaf area index (LAI). Fresh marketable broccoli yield was harvested from plots 130 days after planting.Seasonal water application (irrigation plus rainfall) was 14% greater for optimal than low water treatments, whereas total nitrogen application was 35% greater for optimal than low N treatments. Although both nitrogen and water treatments affected broccoli growth and yield, nitrogen effects were much more pronounced. Compared to the optimal water and nitrogen treatment, broccoli yield was 20% lower for low water but optimal nitrogen, whereas yield was 42% lower for optimal water but low nitrogen. The RVI, NDVI, and NDNG indices detected treatment induced growth retardation but were unable to distinguish between the water and nitrogen effects. The CCCI, which was developed as an index to infer differences in nitrogen status, was found to be highly sensitive to nitrogen, but insensitive to water stress. The WDI provided appropriate information on treatment water status regardless of canopy cover conditions and effectively detected differences in water status following several irrigation events when water was withheld from low but not optimal water treatments. Using a RS ground-based monitoring system to simultaneously measure vegetation, nitrogen, and water stress indices at high spatial and temporal resolution could provide a successful management tool for differentiating between the effects of nitrogen and water stress in broccoli.  相似文献   

灌区湖泊污染主成分分析   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
在上游污染物排放特性的影响下,位于灌区内的湖泊水环境污染问题必定有其特殊性.以位于我国北方的河套灌区中的草型浅水湖泊乌梁素海为研究对象,将实测的湖泊水质监测数据与空间数据结合,采用基于因子分析的主成分方法将乌梁素海的水质参数概括为7个主成分,即:富营养化特征指标、湖泊盐化特征指标、湖泊有机物污染指标、湖泊形态特征指标、水体酸碱指标、水体藻类生物量指标、植物生长环境指标.分析讨论各主成分的科学内涵以及结合地区特征的湖泊污染机理,为灌区湖泊水体的合理利用与污染的治理提供科学依据.  相似文献   

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