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Productive performances of triploid (3n) and diploid (2n) shi drum (Umbrina cirrosa L.) were evaluated over an experimental period of 76 days. Fish, selected according to body weight (196 specimens from each ploidy), were reared in tanks (two for each thesis) under the same environmental and dietary conditions. A practical extruded diet (crude protein: 43.4%; ether extract: 19.3%) was offered to fish according to a feeding rate that varied from 1% to 1.5% of live weight. Both at the beginning and at the end of the trials, samples of fish were submitted to morphometrics and chemical analysis. The final body weight and the specific growth rate of triploid fish were significantly lower than those of fish diploid. The feed efficiency of triploids showed a reduction in crude protein retention. Juvenile triploids evidenced a larger amount of coelomatic fat, and their gonads were atrophic. The whole‐body proximate composition of 3n fish was characterized by a higher ether extract and a lower crude protein content than 2n fish. Triploids had higher liver lipid content; there were no significant differences in viscera proximate composition. Sum, the results showed that chromosome set manipulation in this species can reduce productive performances at a juvenile stage, influencing some morphometric traits.  相似文献   

This study was undertaken to determine the dietary protein requirement of shi drum (Umbrina cirrosa L.) with an initial weight of 86.3±0.4 g. The fish were fed five isoenergetic diets containing dietary protein levels ranging from 35% to 59% by 6% increments [the estimated digestible protein (DP) levels ranged between 29.6% and 52.8%], and the growth response over a 10‐week period was monitored. Each experimental diet was given to triplicate groups of fish. The final weight, weight gain and daily growth coefficient increased with the dietary protein level, reaching a plateau at the dietary level of 47% protein. The feed conversion ratio improved with increasing dietary protein level. The daily feed intake was significantly lower in fish fed 53% and 59% protein diets compared with those fed 35% protein diet. However, protein intake showed an increasing trend with increasing dietary protein and became significantly different between the 59% and the 35% protein diets. The protein efficiency ratio, protein retention and condition factor were not affected significantly by the dietary treatments. The final body composition was not influenced by the treatments. The recommended dietary protein percentage and DP/digestible energy (DE) ratio for juvenile shi drum diets are 51.4% (45.6% DP) and 28.5 g DP MJ DE?1 respectively.  相似文献   

The ontogeny of shi drum Umbrina cirrosa (Linnaeus 1758), a candidate new species for aquaculture, was studied throughout the entire larval phase. Geometric morphometric analysis revealed two clear inflection points (7.0 and 12.7 mm total length, TL) in the shape ontogeny of this species, separating the studied period into three phases of different allometric priorities. Spline graphs demonstrated that the major non‐uniform shape ontogeny correlated with the development of the fins, the anterior dorsal area of the body, the caudal peduncle, the eye and the mouth. Concerning the morphological features, shi drum larvae are characterized by an upward anterior bending of the notochord. The ontogeny of the fins began with the formation of the pectoral buds (2.9 mm TL), continued with the notochord flexion (4.3 mm TL, associated with the caudal fin development), the appearance of the pelvic buds, the first anal rays (4.5 mm TL) and the first dorsal rays (4.8 mm TL). Shi drum juveniles presented 25 vertebrae and the following dominant fin types: D XI,23, AII,6, VI,5, P17 and C17.  相似文献   

Shi drum (Umbrina cirrosa L.) larvae were maintained under three photoperiod regimes: a natural photoperiod regime (16L:8D), continuous light (24L) and equal durations of light and dark (12L:12D) from the end of the vitelline phase to the end of the metamorphosis. Muscle and body parameters were studied at hatching and at 4, 10, 14, 39 and 55 days post hatching (dph). During the vitelline phase, the total body length growth was scarce, whereas the muscle grew significantly, being the hypertrophy of the main mechanism involved. Both the total body length and the hypertrophy were significantly greater at 16L:8D than in the rest of photoperiod regimes. At 10 and 14 dph, the greatest body length was reached at 16L:8D, followed by the 24L group, showing the 12L:12D group the lowest values. At 14 dph, the hypertrophy and hyperplasia were also higher at 16L:8D than in the rest of groups. At 39 dph, the highest values of body length were reached in both 16L:8D and 12L:12D regimes, this latter group reaching the highest values of hypertrophy, thus showing a compensatory growth when comparing with the previous stages. The end of the metamorphosis took place at 50–55 dph in all the groups, with 2.7–3.1 cm of body length (> 0.05). At this stage, the transverse area of the white muscle was similar among the groups, but the greatest hypertrophy was reached at 16L:8D, whereas the highest hyperplasia was reached at 24L.  相似文献   

Histological changes of the digestive tract were studied in shi drum (Umbrina cirrosa) from hatching until 41 days post hatching (dph), when the fry had a mean (±S.D.) total length (TL) of 32 ± 2 mm and wet weight (WW) of 0.42 ± 0.07 g. Larvae were reared using the mesocosm technique, the most natural among commercially employed rearing methods for marine larvae. Shi drum opened their mouth at 2 dph (2.78 ± 0.09 mm TL), at which time 90% of the larvae already had an inflated swim bladder. The differentiation of the digestive tract into buccopharynx, esophagus, and anterior and posterior intestine was completed by 3 dph (2.82 ± 0.07 mm TL), 1 day after the onset of exogenous feeding. The alimentary canal started coiling and formed its first loop at 2 dph, while the pancreas and liver were differentiated at 3 dph. Yolk sac reserves lasted until 7 dph (4.3 ± 0.1 mm TL), suggesting a brief period of endogenous and exogenous feeding. The first esophageal goblet cells appeared at 7 dph containing acid mucins and at 8 dph taste buds appeared on the buccopharyngeal epithelium. The stomach was morphologically differentiated at 9 dph (5.5 ± 0.1 mm TL) when gastric glands became abundant in the cardiac region, and the first pyloric caeca appeared at 14 dph (10.1 ± 0.9 mm TL). Supranuclear eosinophilic vacuoles were observed in the posterior intestine between 3 and 11 dph (6.3 ± 0.9 mm TL). Their number decreased as the stomach differentiated, suggesting a change in the protein digestion mechanism. The results of the study suggest a rapid development of shi drum and its digestive system and underline the possibility of weaning larvae to artificial feed even earlier than the 12 dph employed in the present study.  相似文献   

The influence of the absence of Artemia nauplii from larval diet protocols on growth and digestive system ontogeny was studied using histological techniques in the shi drum (Umbrina cirrosa). One group of larvae was reared using the standard intensive rearing protocol, which offers a combination of enriched rotifers (Brachionus plicatilis), Artemia spp. nauplii and artificial diet (Std-group). Another group was reared using the same protocol, but without the offering of Artemia nauplii (group No-Artemia). The ontogenesis of the digestive system from hatching to metamorphosis was a very rapid process, and there were no differences between the two feeding regimes in the temporal appearance of the various components of the digestive system. The first organised presence of the hepatic and pancreatic tissue appeared at 2–3 d after hatching (dah), suggesting that these organs function from a very early developmental stage. In the No-Artemia larvae between 13 and 29 dah there was a reduction in the height of enterocytes in the intestinal mucosa, a progressive flattening of the primary intestinal folds in the anterior and posterior intestine and a decrease in lipid stores in the liver, suggesting a period of relative starvation. However, by the end of the study at 41 dah, there were no significant differences in body length, intestinal morphology or liver lipid stores between larvae reared under the two feeding regimes. The study suggests that the diet may influence the maturation and/or function, but not the ontogeny of the digestive system. Furthermore, the rapid differentiation of the digestive system in shi drum and the prompt recovery of the No-Artemia larvae from the symptoms of starvation by 29 dah, indicate a plasticity during ontogenesis and the ability of larvae to adapt to artificial diets at very early developmental stages.  相似文献   

Shi drum (Umbrina cirrosa L.) is regarded as a promising new candidate for Mediterranean mariculture but specifically formulated feeds are not yet available due to knowledge gaps in its basic nutritional requirements. Therefore, this study was carried out to determine the effects of dietary lipid levels on growth and feed utilization in shi drum (72.6 g average weight). Four isonitrogenic diets differing in dietary lipid levels between 10 and 19% (named 10L, 13L, 16L, and 19L, respectively) were fed to triplicate groups of fish for 8 weeks. Growth was not affected by treatment whereas feed efficiency was significantly deteriorated in fish fed diets containing lipid higher than 13%. Whole body dry matter and lipid contents were significantly higher in fish fed 19L compared with fish fed the 10L, while whole body protein, ash, and total carbon (C) were statistically unaffected by the dietary treatment. A significant increase in feed, lipid, energy, nitrogen (N), and carbon (C) intake was recorded in fish fed 16L and 19L when compared with 10L. Carbon/nitrogen (C/N) ratio was significantly higher in fish fed 19L than 10L. Moreover, the N and C losses significantly increased in fish fed 19L compared with 10L and 13L. It was concluded that high dietary lipid did neither had any protein-sparing effect nor other positive result, and diets for shi drum are not recommended to contain more than 13% lipid.  相似文献   

Production of triploid turbot is a relevant goal for the aquaculture industry due to the benefits associated with their sterility and growth. In order for a better understanding of the final quality of the species, muscle cellularity and quality parameters of the flesh were studied in seven diploid and seven triploid turbot after sexual maturation. White muscle cellularity was evaluated throughout white muscle cross‐sectional area from the epaxial left muscle section of each fish. To ascertain the flesh quality, several physico‐chemical parameters (moisture, ash, protein, total fat, fatty acids and minerals) were analysed, and textural mechanical properties (springiness, hardness, chewiness, cohesiveness, gumminess and adhesiveness) were determined objectively with a texturometer. Muscle cellularity was different between both groups, such that muscle fibre density was higher for diploid specimens (< 0.001) and muscle fibres diameters were higher for triploids (< 0.001). Both ploidy groups showed no significant differences in moisture, ash, protein and total fat content (> 0.05). All textural properties analysed showed no significant differences between both ploidy groups (> 0.05). In both ploidy groups, fibre density and fibre diameter showed no significant correlations (> 0.05) with textural parameters such as springiness, cohesiveness, chewiness and adhesiveness. Ploidy did not affect fatty acid composition, with the exception of eicosapentaenoic acid (C20:5ω3) which was higher in the triploid group. No significant differences (> 0.05) existed between diploid and triploid turbot in content of all minerals analysed. According to our results, the ploidy status determines significant variations on muscle cellularity but does not influence the flesh quality of the turbot.  相似文献   

Heritability of juvenile growth rate was estimated for red drum (Sciaenops ocellatus), an economically important sciaenid fish in the southern USA. Thirty‐eight families were generated via ‘natural’ spawning of multiple sets of five breeders (three dams × two sires) in individual brood tanks. Offspring were individually tagged with Passive Integrated Transponder (PIT) tags and mixed for grow‐out in replicate ‘common‐garden’ tanks. Juvenile growth was followed from 166.4±18.6 to 254.0±27.0 mm (total length). Offspring were assigned a posteriori to individual brood fish (dam and sire) based on genotypes at nuclear‐encoded microsatellites. Heritability (h2) of a thermal growth coefficient was estimated using an animal‐additive model and a restricted maximum‐likelihood algorithm. Estimates of h2 were 0.33±0.08 and 0.31±0.08 for thermal growth coefficient based on length and weight respectively. These results indicate a significant genetic component in juvenile growth rate in red drum. Estimates of h2 for condition coefficient (K) at various measurement dates averaged 0.38, suggesting a genetic component to shape in juvenile red drum.  相似文献   

The shi drum is an emerging Mediterranean aquaculture species that has gained increasing interest in recent years. However, the nutrient requirements of this species remain to be determined to optimize its culture. The present study evaluated the effects of dietary protein (470g/kg or 520g/kg) to lipid ratios (100g/kg, 150 or 200g/kg) on the growth performance, nutrient utilization and tissue morphology of the shi drum (7 g average initial weight). Dietary protein levels positively correlated with weight gain, showing high protein demands (>470g/kg) for this species. Nonetheless, dietary lipid levels negatively affected growth rate, feed intake and efficiency, and protein utilization, suggesting that this macronutrient cannot be efficiently utilized in high concentrations (>100g/kg). Histological evaluation revealed fat accumulation within the hepatocytes and the enterocytes with increasing dietary lipid levels, starting from 150g/kg lipid inclusion. Overall, our results confirm the high dietary protein requirements of the shi drum (>470g/kg for fish of 7 g initial weight) and suggest that lipid levels should not exceed 100g/kg of inclusion in the diets as this species has a low tolerance to this macronutrient.  相似文献   

Growth performance and white muscle cellularity were investigated in Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua L.) (500–600 g) to determine if texture and thereby quality is affected by exercise. Three exercise regimes [low flow, 0.5 body lengths per second (BL s?1) and 1.0 BLs?1] were applied, and the experiment was run for 9 months, at which point the fish had reached around 2 kg body weight. There were no significant differences in fork length or condition factors between groups that could be attributed to the exercise treatment, but the 0.5 BL s?1 group had significantly lower body weight performance than the control group. The average specific growth rate ranged from 0.37% to 0.42% per day. Muscle fibre diameter was positively correlated with fish weight. However, there was no difference in the distribution of muscle fibre diameters between treatment groups. A texture analyser, model TA‐XT2, equipped with a Warner–Bratzler shear blade was used to measure the texture of the fillet. No correlation was found between the shear force required to cut through the sample and the muscle fibre diameter, but the shear force decreased with increasing growth rate. A tristimulus colorimeter was used to measure the colour composition of the fillet instrumentally. Red/green chromaticity (a*) was positively correlated with the shear force. It was concluded that the exercise regimes tested were insufficient to influence either growth performance or muscle growth patterns. Individual variations in fibre diameter did not influence the colour or texture of the fillet.  相似文献   

The precociously sexual maturation in large yellow crocker Pseudosciaena crocea has become a serious problem. In an attempt to solve this problem, the production of sterile triploids could be an effective strategy. In this study, triploid P. crocea was obtained by subjecting fertilized eggs to pressure shock. Flow‐cytometry analysis was used to assess ploidy level. In terms of triploid rate and hatching rate, the optimal conditions of pressure shock for triploidy induction in P. crocea were 7500 psi for 3 min shock at 3 min after fertilization at 20 °C. With the application of these parameters, 100% triploid fish were produced. During the first rearing year, triploid P. crocea had a similar growth performance compared with its diploid counterpart before the age of 8 months and showed a significant advantage at the age of 10 and 12 months in body weight and body length (P<0.05). At the age of 12 months, the carcass weight of triploids was markedly higher than that of diploid control, and gonadal somatic index was significantly lower than that of their diploid control. During the first rearing year, survival in triploid group was 76.44%, inferior to its diploid control (83.21%).  相似文献   

A feeding trial was conducted to evaluate the dietary copper requirement of red drum (Sciaenops ocellatus) and compare the bioavailability of copper sulphate (CuSO4) and copper‐ethanolamine. A basal diet was formulated using semi‐purified ingredients and analysed to contain 3 mg Cu/kg. Both copper sources were supplemented to the basal diet at either 5, 10 or 20 mg Cu/kg of dry diet. No significant differences were observed in growth performance of fish fed the various diets. However, red drum fed all copper‐supplemented diets retained more copper in liver and whole‐body tissues compared to fish fed the basal diet. Within both inorganic and organic copper treatments, the highest tissue copper concentrations were observed in fish fed diets supplemented with 10 mg Cu/kg. No significant differences were detected in net copper retention regardless of the nature of the copper source; hence, the bioavailability of copper sulphate and copper‐ethanolamine complex was not different in the diets for juvenile red drum. Furthermore, the minimum copper requirement for growth performance of juvenile red drum appeared to be satisfied when fish were fed the basal diet containing 3 mg Cu/kg diet, and no detrimental effects were observed in red drum fed diets supplemented with 20 mg Cu/kg.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to investigate the effects of feed colour on the performance of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) larvae and fingerlings. In the first experiment, triplicate groups of newly hatched larvae (0.01 g fish−1) were stocked in 40 L glass aquaria at a density of 2 fish L−1. The fish were fed a test diet (400 g kg−1 crude protein) with six different colours (dark blue, dark green, red, dark brown, yellow and light brown) for 60 days. The best performance and survival were achieved in fish fed on dark‐coloured diets, while light‐coloured diets (yellow and light brown) resulted in inferior performance. Dark diets also produced higher body protein than light diets. Body water, lipids and ash showed irregular trends. In the second experiment, triplicate groups of Nile tilapia fingerlings (5.30 g fish−1) were stocked in 140‐L aquaria, in a recirculating indoor system. The fish were fed a test diet (350 g kg−1 crude protein) with the same colours used in the larval trial, for 60 days. Growth rates, feed efficiency, survival and body composition were not significantly affected by feed colours. These results suggest that Nile tilapia larvae are visual feeders, and they prefer dark‐coloured diets to light‐coloured diets, while fingerling fish showed no preference to diet colours.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of fasting on certain quality parameters of commercial size gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata) with different dietary history. Three dietary groups (× two replicates) were distributed into six sea cages and fed ad libitum by demand feeders for 4 months with feeds containing different protein–fat percentages (38 : 20, 45 : 15, 51 : 10). The fish were submitted to a subsequent fasting for 3 weeks. They all showed similar mobilization patterns with an initial hepatosomatic index reduction (indicating liver fat mobilization), followed by muscle fat reduction (from >90 g kg?1 to around 75 g kg?1) and a subsequent fat deposit reduction. The 3‐week fasting generally improved the quality of fish without any body weight or filleting yield losses, thus indicating its possible use for end product improvement. However, another important observation was a white discoloration of the fish skin, which occurred during fasting.  相似文献   

Two trials were performed to study the effect of periodic feed deprivation (trial 1) or feed restriction, followed by satiation feeding (trial 2) on the growth performance of turbot juveniles under commercial rearing conditions. In trial 1, duplicate groups of 350 fish with an initial weight of 62 g were fed a commercial diet to apparent visual satiation for 7, 6, 5 or 4 days a week for 83 days. At the end of the trial, fish weight was directly related to the number of feeding days but feed efficiency and protein efficiency ratio were not affected by treatments. At the end of the trial, there were no differences in whole‐body composition among groups. In trial 2, duplicate groups of 500 fish with an initial weight of 33 g were fed a commercial diet to satiation (100%) or feed restricted to 90%, 80% and 70% of satiation for 90 days. Thereafter, all groups were fed to satiation for 34 days. During the feed restriction period, growth was directly related to feed intake, while during the satiation feeding period, it was inversely related to the previous feeding level. At the end of the trial, the final weight was not different among groups. At the end of the feed restriction period, whole‐body lipid content showed a trend to decrease with an increase in the feed restriction level. The results of this study indicate that under practical conditions, turbot juveniles should be fed daily as even cycles of short periods of feed deprivation negatively affect growth, while not improving feed efficiency. On the contrary, even after a relatively long feed restriction period, fish shows compensatory growth, and this may be used as a feed management strategy for controlling fish production in commercial farms.  相似文献   

Farmed Atlantic cod with a mean weight of 4.8 kg were maintained for 9 weeks in sea cages and fed diets where the dietary fishmeal component was substituted with increasing proportions (0%, 22%, 63% and 100%) of meal from Antarctic krill, Euphausia superba. Wild‐caught cod were included in the study as external control. At termination of feeding, all fish were slaughtered and muscle pH was immediately recorded. The fish were then stored on ice for three days and assessed for muscle pH and objective (skin and fillet colour, and fillet texture) and subjective (sensory evaluation) quality criteria. Replacement of fishmeal with krillmeal in the diets resulted in the skin colour above and below the lateral line to be more red than the control group without krillmeal substitutions, even though this difference was not significant, and with more yellow hue. Additions of krillmeal increased the muscle whiteness and yellow hue compared with the control group and wild fish. There was no difference in red hue between the groups. Muscle pH, texture or sensory attributes were unaffected by dietary inclusion level of krillmeal. Wild‐caught cod deviated in several aspects from the farmed cod. It is concluded that the replacement of fishmeal with Antarctic krillmeal in the diets two months before slaughter did not move the sensory attributes more towards wild fish.  相似文献   

Abstract. Arctic charr, Salvelinus alpinus (L.), from the same full-sib family were reared under two different densities for 97days at 10°C. In one treatment density was adjusted every 2 weeks by means of a tank enclosure to a density of 50kg/m3. In the other treatment the density was allowed to increase as fish biomass increased to 50kg/m3. Density had no significant effect on the variation observed in individual fish weights over the course of the growth trial. Density had a significant effect on the relationship between fish weight and specific growth rate. The increasing density treatment had an overall higher mean specific growth rate of 0·1%/day.  相似文献   

Eels (Anguilla anguilla L.) were slaughtered using two procedures. The commercial method consisted of desliming the fish in dry salt followed by evisceration. The alternative method consisted of stunning and killing in water with a combination of electricity and oxygen removal. Eels slaughtered as commercially exhibited aversive reactions and consequently a higher level of muscular activity before death. In raw fillets, differences appeared clearly between the two batches. The alternative slaughter by electricity and gas led to redder, firmer flesh with a higher pH. Myofibrillar proteolysis, lipid oxidation and loss of freshness (as evaluated by K‐value) were reduced. After hot‐smoking, which is a process that greatly modifies the fish flesh properties, differences between batches were less pronounced. However, eels slaughtered by the alternative method were characterized by a higher pH and a redder colour of the dark muscle, a desirable property form a commercial point of view. When assessed by sensory difference tests, appearance seemed to be the only attribute that allowed panellists to discriminate the two batches. Overall, it is concluded that slaughter by electricity and gas improved the quality of raw and smoked eels compared with the commercial method.  相似文献   

Juvenile gilthead sea bream (initial body weight ca. 100 g) were reared in an indoor flow through marine water system for 1 year. Fish were fed two isoenergetic [19.2 kJ g−1 dry matter (DM)] and isoproteic (426 g kg−1 DM) diets either based on fish meal (diet FM) or on a mixture of plant protein sources (diet PP), replacing 75% of fish meal protein. The growth trial was conducted in duplicate, two tanks for each dietary treatment. Growth performance and feed utilization were registered. Fillet quality parameters were evaluated and sensory analyses on cooked fillet were performed. Both groups had similar weight gain and specific growth rates. Feed intake was higher in sea bream fed diet FM (0.48 versus 0.44), while feed efficiency and protein efficiency ratio were significantly higher in sea bream fed PP (0.83 versus 0.77 and 2.0 versus 1.76, respectively). Sea bream fed diet FM had a lower hepatosomatic index (0.80 versus 0.87%), and a higher fillet yield (45.9 versus 44.9%). The fillet from sea bream fed diet FM had higher moisture (696 versus 682 g kg−1), lower lipid levels (91 versus 100 g kg−1) with higher levels of n‐3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) and monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA), while the PP fed sea bream presented a higher level of PUFA n‐6. There were minor differences in muscle free amino acid levels between the two diet groups. As regards sensory evaluation of cooked fillet, the judges were unable to discriminate the two dietary groups of fish. Summarizing, the results demonstrate the possibility to use diets containing high levels (750 g kg−1) of plant ingredients in gilthead sea bream without affecting growth performance and with minor effects on quality traits of commercial size sea bream.  相似文献   

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