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AC Novachip and NorWis were recently introduced as new potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) chip cultivars on Prince Edward Island (P.E.I.), Canada. Variability of nitrogen application and in-row seedpiece spacing, required for maximum yield, exist among cultivars presently grown in P.E.I. This study was conducted to determine the N rate and in-row seedpiece spacing required for optimum production of AC Novachip and NorWis compared to the standard cultivar Norchip, and also, to determine the effects of treatments and harvest dates on AC Novachip. Treatments included N applied at 90, 134, and 179 kg/ha with in-row seedpiece spacings at 20.3, 25.4 and 30.5 cm. In addition to the 120 day harvest for all three cultivars, treatments for AC Novachip were also harvested at 80 and 100 days after planting. For the 120 day harvest, yield of Canada No. 1 size tubers was higher for NorWis compared to Norchip while yields for AC Novachip and Norchip were similar. Nitrogen application had no effect on yields of AC Novachip. Similar to Norchip, increasing the rate of applied N more than 134 kg/ha resulted in little or no increase in yields of NorWis. Yields of Canada No. 1 size tubers decreased as in-row spacing increased for AC Novachip and were greater at 25.4 compared to 30.5 cm spacing for Norchip. In-row seed-piece spacing had no affect on Canada No. 1 size tuber yields of NorWis. Increasing the days to harvest increased the yields of AC Novachip. Nitrogen rate or in-row spacing had no effect on Canada No. 1 yields of AC Novachip at the 80 and 100 day harvests. The results of this study suggest that little gain in yield of Canada No. 1 size tubers for NorWis, similar to the standard cultivar Norchip, can be obtained with N application more than 134 kg/ha or for AC Novachip by increasing the rate of N from 90 to 179 kg/ha. Unlike NorWis yields of AC Novachip and NorWis are reduced when in-row seedpiece spacing is increased from 25.4 to 30.5 cm.  相似文献   

The responses of eight cultivars to nitrogen fertilizer and spacing treatments were examined from 1992 to 1996. Experiments were carried out at the Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Research Farm in Harrington, Prince Edward Island. Four nitrogen rates and three seedpiece spacings were compared. Total and Canada #1 yields were investigated for patterns of responses of the individual cultivars to both treatments, and possible interactions between the treatments. Response surfaces were presented for all cultivars. Nitrogen application increased both total and Canada #1 yields for all cultivars. Increasing rates of nitrogen showed linear and/or quadratic trends for both total and Canada #1 yields in all cultivars, whereas responses to spacing treatments showed linear patterns for total yield, but little change for Canada #1 yields in seven of the eight cultivars. No interactions were detected between fertilizer and spacing treatments for total or Canada #1 yields. Generalized regression equations representing the responses of the cultivars to fertilizer and spacing treatments for both total and Canada #1 yields were also derived. These equations should be useful as a guideline for determining appropriate nitrogen rates and seedpiece spacing for the eight cultivars tested. Ratios of Canada #1 to total yield were higher after initial application of nitrogen (0 to low rate) in all but one cultivar. However, only two cultivars showed higher ratios as nitrogen rate was further increased. Wider seedpiece spacing yielded higher ratios of Canada #1 in five of the eight cultivars tested.  相似文献   

Summary As plant population was increased so the dry matter content of the tubers increased, but delaying harvest had little such effect. Tubers of 2–3 cm (or 2.5–3.0 cm) had a lower dry matter content than tubers of 4.5–5.5 cm size at any one harvest. Increases in dry matter content were associated with increases in the disintegration of the tubers when cooked. The N content of the tubers was influenced by population, and although N content decreased and after-cooking blackening decreased with increasing plant population, after-cooking blackening was better related (inversely) to the K/N ratio of the tubers than to N content. Tubers from the later harvests had higher N, lower K and lower K/N ratio than those of a similar size at the earlier harvests. Published effects of fertilizer application on quality are related to similar effects obtained by varying the plant population.  相似文献   

The effect of seedpiece spacing on the efficiency of nitrogen (N) use by the potato crop is generally unknown. The objective of this experiment was to determine the effect of seedpiece spacing on tuber yield, yield components and N use efficiency parameters of two potato cultivars. Potato cultivars Atlantic and Shepody were grown at two rates of N fertilization (0 or 100 kg N ha?1) and three seedpiece spacings (20, 30, or 40 cm) in 2000 to 2002. Wider seedpiece spacing increased mean tuber weight and the number of tubers per stem, but decreased total tuber yield. The higher tuber yield at the narrow seedpiece spacing was attributed to higher biomass production in combination with lower tuber specific gravity. Seedpiece spacing had no consistent effect on plant N accumulation, and therefore no consistent effect on N uptake efficiency (plant N accumulation /N supply from the soil plus fertilizer). However, a small increase in soil NO3-N concentration in the hill at topkill at wider seedpiece spacing suggested plant N accumulation was slightly reduced at wider seedpiece spacing, but at a level that could not be detected from a plant-based measure of N accumulation. The reduced dry matter accumulation, but similar plant N accumulation, resulted in lower N use efficiency (plant dry matter accumulation / N supply) at wider seedpiece spacing. Wider seedpiece spacing also resulted in generally lower values of N utilization efficiency (plant dry matter accumulation / plant N accumulation) for the 40-cm compared with the 20- and 30-cm seedpiece spacings. Effects of seedpiece spacing on N use efficiency parameters were generally consistent across cultivars and fertilizer N rates. Wider seedpiece spacing did reduce the efficiency of N use by the potato crop; however, the magnitude of the effect was small under the conditions of this study.  相似文献   

In recent stand assessment surveys on North Carolina farms, potato plant stands averaged only 67% of target populations. In response to these findings, this study was designed to determine the effects of seed-piece spacing and varying seedpiece populations on yield, internal quality, and economics of three potato varieties commonly grown in North Carolina: Atlantic; Snowden; and Superior. The three varieties responded differently to changes in spacing and population. Atlantic was sensitive to differences in spacing and populations, with reduced yields of grade A tubers as spacing increased above 23 cm. Atlantic was not able to compensate for wide (46 cm) spacing, even when seed-piece populations were high (doubles planted every 46 cm). Yield of B tubers was greater for 15 cm spacing and decreased significantly as spacing was increased. Yield of Superior was affected less by increases in spacing than decreases in population. Superior was able to compensate for wide gaps in spacing if seedpiece populations were high. Superior produced more B tubers at the 15 cm spacing, and less at the 46 cm spacing. Yield of grade A Snowden tubers did not differ with spacing or population; however, there were more B tubers in the 15 cm, 23 cm, and 46 cm (doubles) treatments than the wider spacing treatments. Incidence of hollow heart and heat necrosis increased in Atlantic in treatments that tended to have larger tubers. Economic analyses of data suggest that growers can significantly increase profit/hectare by optimizing spacing and populations with Atlantic and seedpiece populations in Superior.  相似文献   

Information is required on nitrogen (N) fertility and seedpiece management for new cultivars and advanced breeding lines. Interactions amongst N fertilizer rate, genotype, and seedpiece spacing are complex, and can affect tuber yield, quality, and storability as well as N fertilizer efficiency. A field study was carried out in 2001 and 2002 at MSU Montcalm Research Farm in central Michigan. Tuber yields and post-harvest quality characteristics were evaluated for five potato genotypes (MSG227-2, MSE192-8Rus, Jacqueline Lee, Liberator, and Snowden) in response to a factorial combination of three N levels (200 kg N ha-1, 300 kg N ha-1-, and 400 kg N ha-1) and two seedpiece spacings, narrow (0.20 m or 0.25 m) and wide (0.33 m or 0.38 m). Narrow seedpiece spacing consistently produced the highest U.S. No. 1 yields in all genotypes tested (37 and 34 t ha-1, narrow vs wide spacing, respectively). There was a tradeoff between seedpiece spacing and N level in 2001 as tuber yields were enhanced by higher N levels at wide seedpiece spacing, but not at narrow spacing. In 2002, tuber yield was not enhanced, but petiole nitrate-N and tuber-N increased as N fertilization increased. Genotype was the major factor that influenced tuber quality characteristics at harvest and for stored tubers (e.g., specific gravity, internal defects, bruising, chip color rating, sucrose, and glucose). Spacing had minimal effects, whereas higher levels of N slightly reduced specific gravity both years, reduced internal defects in 2001 and enhanced sucrose at harvest in 2002. The cultivars tested demonstrated excellent storage characteristics for different N fertility levels and seedpiece spacing combinations. Overall, the recommended N fertilizer level for moderately long-duration potato cultivars in Michigan (200 kg N ha-1) and a narrow seedpiece spacing optimized yield and tuber quality performance while conserving N fertilizer.  相似文献   

The rotation crops wheat, barley, oat, maize, soybean, rye, yellow mustard, alfalfa, and spring canola and weeds eastern black nightshade, velvetleaf, timothy grass, orchard grass, and Giant foxtail common to potato-growing areas in North America were used to study the host range ofColletotrichum coccodes, the causal agent of potato black dot. The fungus was isolated from nine of 14 rotation crops and weeds that were inoculated: yellow mustard, soybean, spring canola, alfalfa, oat, eastern black nightshade, velvetleaf, giant foxtail, and timothy grass. In all, colonization was highest in black nightshades (87%) and velvetleaf (80%). Among the rotation crops, colonization was highest on yellow mustard (59%) followed by spring canola (33%) and soybean (30%).Colletotrichum coccodes was not isolated from wheat, barley, rye, maize, or orchard grass. The results indicated that crops used for rotation with potato should be selected carefully to prevent the increase ofC. coccodes inoculum in the soil and that weeds may help maintain viable inoculum ofC. coccodes in the absence of potato. Based on these results we recommend that wheat, barley, maize, or rye be used in rotation with potato in areas whereC. coccodes is present in high levels in the soil.  相似文献   

Soil compaction and erosion are problems in many Pacific Northwestern potato fields. We wanted to determine if zone-subsoiling would reduce these problems and improve potato yields and or grade without adversely impacting other production practices. Studies were conducted in Southern Idaho at six locations over two years on different soils and with different irrigation methods to assess the effects of zone-subsoiling immediately after planting on tuber yield and grade. Reservoir-tillage comparisons were made at three locations where sprinkler water application rates were higher than soil infiltration rates. Russet Burbank was represented by eight location-years and Russet Norkotah by two. Zone-subsoiling consistently improved tuber grade or increased tuber size. The biggest improvement was under furrow irrigation. Zone-subsoiling also tended to increase total yield in eight of ten location-years. Reservoir-tillage improved yield and grade, but zone-subsoiling did not without reservoir-tillage when water application rates were high. At no location did zone-subsoiling significantly decrease tuber grade or yield. Zone-subsoiling had no appreciable effects on hill configuration or seed-piece dislocation. Surface cracking and “water piping” occurred under furrow irrigation but were not significant problems. Results were similar for both cultivars. Additional studies will be needed to successfully incorporate zone-subsoiling into commercial production practices  相似文献   

The effect of irregular in-row spacing on tuber production and yield of Russet Burbank potatoes was tested at 2 locations in 1979 and 1980. At a similar mean spacing, no yield reductions were observed when irregular seedpiece spacings (CV levels 25, 50 and 75%) were compared with evenly spaced seedpieces (CV level of 0%). No significant interaction was found between irregular spacing and seedtypes with mass ranging from 59.0 to 67.9 g. No significant interaction was found between three accurate spacings (30.4, 45.7 and 60.9 cm) and the same range of seedpiece mass; however, the crop grown from large seedpieces had a higher marketable yield at the widest spacing tested. Mainstem numbers per plant were influenced by seedpiece mass while axillary branches increased with decreases in intra-plant and inter-plant competition. The incidence of hollow heart was generally unaffected by irregular inrow spacing. Incidence of this disorder was highest in 1979 and appeared to increase with increased plant stresses.  相似文献   

Missing plants and non-uniform in-row plant spacing can result in economic loss for potato growers. In-row seedpiece and plant spacing uniformity of 70 Washington potato fields was measured, and factors contributing to missing plants investigated from 2000 through 2002. Ninety-one percent of the fields were planted with cut seedpieces, and the remaining 9% were planted with cut seedpieces, and the remaining 9% were planted with whole, uncut seed tubers. Russet-type cultivars were planted in 79% of the fields, and the remaining 21% were planted with red-skinned and yellow- and white-fleshed cultivars. Seedpiece or plant spacing deviated an average of 25% from the intended spacing mean, with a range of 7% to 43%. Coefficients of variation (CV) for grower in-row plant and seedpiece spacing ranged from 18% to 69% compared with a hand-planted check average of 13%. Based on the growers’ intentions, the average plant population of the 70 fields should have been 44,000 plants ha?1, but averaged only 40,600 plants ha?1. On average, 6% of the grower-intended stand was missing because of planter skips, while less than 1% was missing due to seedpiece failure or decay. There were 1,980 clumped seedpieces ha?1 and each clump typically contained two seedpieces. Twenty-one percent of the fields had at least 700 planter-skips ha?1 where three or more consecutive plants were missing. Despite management efforts, planters were typically unable to place seed uniformly at the intended spacing. Improved planter and seed-cutting-operation management along with new planter technology would likely improve Washington potato stands.  相似文献   

A survey of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) plant stands in upstate New York over a three-year period showed that the average distance between plants was 4 cm wider than intended. Plant stands averaged 83%. The failure to plant seed pieces was the major reason for missing hills. Seed rot was not generally a problem, although one field in the survey was severely affected. Speed of planting up to 6.7 km/h had no consistent effect on average spacing or uniformity of seed piece distribution. Seed type (whole or cut) and mechanical condition of planter influenced spacing. Experiments conducted over four years indicated that the non-uniform seed piece distribution delivered by commercial picker-arm planters does not adversely affect crop yield or tuber size. Non-uniform seed distribution with extremely high coefficients of variation (greater than 100%), however, affected yield, tuber size and tuber number. Tuber numbers and yields were decreased by reducing the number of seed pieces planted per unit area whether or not the pieces were uniformly spaced.  相似文献   

D. Gray 《Potato Research》1972,15(4):317-334
Summary Immature tubers of all the varieties gave very little or no breakdown when canned. Breakdown on canning increased with a delay in harvest. However, at maturityMaris Peer, Sutton’s Foremost, Arran Pilot andSieglinde gave much less breakdown thanKing Edward, Red Craig’s Royal, Ulster Viscount orUlster Concord. In 1970, but not in 1969, tubers from crops grown at high plant densities (269 eyes/m2) broke down more than those from low densities (59 eyes/m2). There was no significant relationship between tuber breakdown and tuber dry matter content. Tuber cell surface area decreased with a delay in harvest in all varieties. In general, increases in tuber breakdown with delay in harvest were associated with decreases in cell surface area. A simple cooking test which could be adopted for field use and estimates accurately the amount of breakdown that would be produced on canning is described.
Zusammenfassung Aus unsern Versuchen, durchgeführt in den Jahren 1969 und 1970, wurden Muster von 2–4 cm grossen Knollen entnommen, um die Einflüsse von Sorte, Erntedatum und Pflanzabstand auf die Qualit?t der Dosenkartoffeln zu ermitteln und um den Wert des TS-Gehaltes der Knollen und die Zelloberfl?che für die Vorhersage des Zerfalls der Knollen bei der Verarbeitung zu untersuchen. Ueber das Zerfallen der Knollen wurde von zwei Arten von Kochtests berichtet. In jedem Verfahren wurden 2–4 cm grosse Knollen innerhalb 48 Stunden nach der Ernte nach dem Standard-Konservierungsverfahren der Campden Food Preservation Research Association (CFPRA) in Dosen verpackt. Zudem wurden Muster aus diesen Verfahren im Salzwasser in die Klassen (Spez. Gewicht) 1,060–1,070, 1,070–1,080 und 1,080–1,090 sortiert und einem Kochtest im Autoklav (Material und Methoden) unterworfen. Das Zerfallen der Knollen in diesem Test stand in direktem Zusammenhang zum Ausmass des Zerfallens bei gleichen Mustern, die nach dem CFPRA-Verfahren (r=0,90, P<0,01) verarbeitet wurden. Ferner wurden Zelloberfl?che und TS-Gehalt der Knollen bei den im Salzwasser sortierten Mustern bestimmt. Knollen von allen Sorten, die zu einem frühen Zeitpunkt (kurz nach der Blüte) geerntet wurden, zerfielen im wesentlichen nicht bei der Verarbeitung auf Dosenkartoffeln (Tabelle 1). Im allgemeinen nahm das Ausmass des Zerfallens der Knollen fast bei allen Sorten bei einer sp?teren Ernte zu (Tabellen 1 und 2a). Ausnahmen bildeten die SortenSutton’s Foremost undSieglinde in Versuch 1, bei denen die Muster von beiden Erntedaten nicht zerfielen. Es bestanden jedoch grosse Unterschiede im Zerfallen zwischen den ausgereift geernteten Sorten, z.B.Maris Peer, Sutton’s Foremost, Arran Pilot undSieglinde zerfielen bei der Verarbeitung auf Dosenkartoffeln weniger alsKing Edward, Red Craig’s Royal, Ulster Viscount orUlster Concord. 1969 konnte kein Einfluss der Pflanzdichte auf das Zerfallen festgestellt werden, dagegen zerfielen 1970 Knollen aus Best?nden mit grosser Pflanzdichte st?rker als solche aus weniger dichten Best?nden (Tabelle 2b). Obwohl in beiden Jahren die gleichen Pflanzgutmengen verwendet wurden, bildete sich 1970 eine gr?ssere Stengeldichte (18–94 Stengel/m2), als 1969 (13–59 Stengel/m2), was die festgestellten unterschiede in der Reaktion auf die Pflanzdichte erkl?ren mag. Unterschiede im Zerfallen der Knollen, das durch diese Behandlungen bewirkt wurde, ergaben sich ohne Rücksicht auf die Unterschiede im TS-Gehalt der Knollen (Tabelle 3). Die Oberfl?che der Zellen in den Knollen nahm bei sp?terer Ernte ab, und dies war verbunden mit einem st?rkeren Zerfallen der Knollen (Abb. 1). In allen Versuchen bestand ein gesicherter Zusammenhang zwischen dem Zerfallen und der Zelloberfl?che. Durch die lineare Regression zwischen diesen beiden Merkmalen k?nnen über 65% der Streuung im Knollenzerfall erkl?rt werden. Es gab jedoch Ausnahmen. z.B. in Versuch 2 war trotz einer Zelloberfl?che von 45 bis 56 mm2/mm3 nur ein kleiner Unterschied im Knollenzerfall bei früh geerntetem Material. In Versuch 4 wurde die Zelloberfl?che durch die Pflanzdichte nicht beeinflusst, trotz Unterschied im Knollenzerfall, der durch dieses Verfahren verursacht wurde (Tabelle 5). Es ist nicht anzunehmen, dass die Messung des TS-Gehaltes oder der Zelloberfl?che, allein oder zusammen, genügend genaue Anhaltspunkte ergibt, um das wahrscheinliche Ausmass des Knollenzerfalls bei der Herstellung von Dosenkartoffeln zu bestimmen. Die enge Uebereinstimmung zwischen dem Ausmass des Knollenzerfallens beim Kochtest im Autoklav und dem Ergebnis der Standard-Verarbeitungsmethode von gleichen Knollenmustern aus einer grossen Reihe von Verfahren deutet darauf hin, dass Kochteste zuverl?ssigere Vorhersagen betreffend Knollenzerfall liefern als die Bestimmung des spezifischen Gewichtes.

Résumé On a prélevé des échantillons de tubercules de 2–4 cm de volume dans quatre expériences effectuées, en 1969 et 1970, dans le but de déterminer les effets de la variété, de la date de récolte et de l’espacement sur l’aptitude des pommes de terre à l’appertisation, pour déterminer aussi la signification de la teneur en matière sèche du tubercule et de la surface cellulaire dans la prévision du délitement. Le délitement du tubercule est déterminé dans deux types de test de cuisson. Les tubercules de 2–4 cm de chaque traitement sont appertisés selon le procédé standard d’appertisation de l’association de recherches pour la conservation des aliments Campden (CFPRA), 48 heures après l’arrachage. En outre. des échantillons de ces mêmes traitements sont classés, par passage dans la saumure, dans les catégories suivantes de poids spécifiques 1,060–1,070, 1,070–1,080 et 1,080–1,090 et soumis à un test de cuisson à l’autoclave (matériels et méthodes). Le délitement des tubercules dans ce test est en relation directe avec l’importance du délitement observé dans le processus d’appertisation CFPRA (r=0,90; P<0,01). On a, de plus, déterminé la surface cellulaire et la teneur en matière sèche sur les échantillons classés par trempage dans la saumure. Les tubercules de toutes les variétés récoltées à un stade précoce de croissance (aussit?t après la floraison) ne montrent pratiquement aucun délitement lors de l’appertisation (tableau 1). En général, le délitement augmente chez presque toutes les variétés avec le retard dans la récolte (tableaux 1 et 2a), à l’exception toutefois deSutton’s Foremost etSieglinde dans l’expérience 1, lesquelles ne montrent aucun délitement dans les deux récoltes. Néanmoins de grandes différences s’observent entre les variétés arrachées à maturité, par exempleMaris Peer, Sutton’s Foremost, Arran Pilot etSieglinde, se délitent moins queKing Edward, Red Craig’s Royal, Ulster Viscount ouUlster Concord. En 1969 on n’a observé aucun effet de la densité de plantation mais, en 1970, les tubercules provenant de cultures à haute densité se délitaient davantage que les tubercules provenant de cultures de faible densité (tableau 2b). Mais, en dépit de quantités de plants semblables utilisées au cours des deux années pour réaliser les haute et basse densités, on observe une densité de tiges plus élevée en 1970 qu’en 1969, (18–94 tiges/m2 en 1970; 13–59 tiges/m2 en 1969), fait qui peut avoir causé les différences observées dans la réaction à la densité de plantation. Les différences dans le délitement observées dans les deux traitements paraissent indépendantes des différences de teneur en matière sèche des tubercules (tableau 3). La surface cellulaire par unité de volume diminue avec le retard de la récolte, et le phénomène’s’accompagne d’un accroissement du délitement à l’appertisation (fig. 1). Dans toutes les expériences, les régressions linéaires entre l’exemption, le délitement et la surface cellulaire sont significatives, celle-ci intervenant pour plus de 65% dans la narration du délitement. Cependant il y a des exceptions, par exemple, dans l’expérience 2, il y a peu de différence entre le délitement des tubercules récoltés à un stade précoce de croissance en dépit d’une classe de surface cellulaire de 45–56 mm2/mm3. Dans l’expérience 4, la surface cellulaire n’est pas affectée par la densité de plantation en dépit de la différence dans le délitement causé par ce traitement (tableau 5). Il est improbable que les mensurations de la teneur en matière sèche ou de la surface cellulaire, seules ou en combinaison, puissent constituer un guide suffisamment précis pour prévoir le délitement possible à l’appertisation. Le rapport étroit entre l’importance du délitement obtenu dans le test de cuisson à l’autoclave et dans le processus standard d’appertisation dans des échantillons identiques provenant d’une grande série de traitements suggère que les tests de cuisson au champ pourraient être plus dignes de confiance pour prévoir le délitement que les tests de poids spécifique.

A 2 year field study was carried out at Agricultural Faculty of Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz (Iran), in order to evaluate the response of Amaranth cultivars and weed dynamic to N splitting methods. Three Amaranth cultivars (i.e., Amont, Trigin and Plainsman) were grown in three N splitting methods (i.e., Commonly, Equal and Semi-equal) that being applied at planting, 12th leaf appearance and stem elongation. A split plot design replicated three times was used which Amaranth cultivars and N splitting methods were arranged in main and sub plots, respectively. Results showed that the highest forage yield was obtained for Trigin with Equal N splitting (i.e., 31.2 t ha(-1)) and Plainsman with Semi-equal N distribution (i.e., 3.8 t ha(-1)) the lowest. Also, the maximum and minimum protein content (%) were obtained for Trigin with Equal N splitting (16%) and Amont with commonly N splitting (11.9%), respectively. It was found that just Trigin with Equal N splitting treatment was the best treatment for both forage quality and quantity yield. Moreover, the weed communities and dominant species changed in response to various N splitting methods and Amaranth cultivars traits. Plainsman with Semi-equal N splitting treatment was the unfavorable treatment for both crop yield and weed infestation. Based on these results it is recommend that N splitting method be applied mainly as an Equal form in Trigin amaranth cultivar, to enhance crop forage yield and reduce weed infestation.  相似文献   

American Journal of Potato Research - Impedance to the extension of potato roots in a high-strength soil was reduced by chiseling with a subsoil shank directly in the center of the potato bed...  相似文献   

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