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R. Sigvald 《Potato Research》1985,28(2):135-143
Summary Mature-plant resistance of potato plants against potato virus YO (PVYO) was studied in field experiments in 1976–1979 in southern Sweden. At intervals of 7 days, from mid June until mid August, PVYO was mechanically inoculated to one well-developed upper leaf per stem of each plant. Each week, a new group of plants were inoculated. In 1976–1977, the natural spread of PVYO by aphids was studied in relation to three different stages of potato plant development. The results of mechanical inoculation demonstrated that mature-plant resistance increases during July in southern Sweden but there were great differences between developmental stages. Early planting with sprouted seed resulted in plants with a considerable mature-plant resistance in mid July when late developed potato plants still were very susceptible.
Zusammenfassung In Südschweden wurden zwischen 1976 und 1979 Untersuchungen durchgeführt, um zu prüfen, wann und in welchem Mass die Sorte Bintje im Sommer eine Altersresistenz gegen das Kartoffelvirus YO (PVYO) ausbildet. 1977 wurden drei Gruppen von Kartoffelpflanzen unterschiedlicher Entwicklungsstadien mit PVYO mechanisch inokuliert und von Mitte Juni bis fast Mitte August wurden jede Woche neue Gruppen von Pflanzen inokuliert. Nach der Ernte Anfang September wurden die Knollen auf PVYO geprüft. Ebenso wurde die natürliche übertragung von PVYO durch L?use von PVYO-Infektorpflanzen auf benachbarte gesunde Pflanzen in drei verschiedenen Entwicklungsstadien untersucht. Die Ergebnisse der mechanischen Inokulation von Kartoffelpflanzen-früh und normal entwickelt-zeigen, dass die Altersresistenz der Sorte Bintje im Juli anstieg und Anfang August fast vollst?ndig ausgebildet war. Wurden die Kartoffeln sp?t gepflanzt, waren die Pflanzen Ende Juli noch sehr anf?llig für eine mechanische Inokulation und ein grosser Teil der Knollen war PVYO-infiziert (Abb. 1, Tab. 2). Die natürliche übertragung von PVYO bei verschiedenen Entwicklungsstadien der Pflanzen zeigte, dass die Zahl PVYO-infizierter Knollen anstieg, wenn die Kartoffeln sp?t im Vergleich zur normalen Pflanzzeit gelegt wurden, mit und ohne Vorkeimung (Tab. 3). Die st?rkere Ausbreitung von PVYO im Jahr 1976 gegenüber 1977 (Tab. 3) k?nnte mit dem st?rkeren Auftreten und der früheren Ausbreitung der L?use, vor allem vonRhopalosiphum padi (Tab. 4), im Jahr 1976 in Beziehung stehen.

Résumé Des expérimentations sont menées dans le sud de la Suède entre 1976–1979; elles ont pour but de déterminer à quel moment et jusqu'à quelle limite des plantes de la variété Bintje présentent la résistance à maturité vis-à-vis du virus YO (PVYO) au cours de l'été. En 1977, trois groupes de plantes à différents stades de développement sont inoculés mécaniquement avec PVYO et chaque semaine, de la mi-juin à la mi-ao?t, de nouveaux groupes sont inoculés. Après la récolte, début septembre, des tubercules sont indexés pour déterminer PVYO. La dissémination naturelle de PVYO par les aphides, est également étudiée à partir de plantes-sources de PVYO vers des plantes voisines saines, présentant trois différents stades de développement. Les résultats de l'inoculation mécanique de plantes à deux stades de développment précoce et normal, montrent que la résistance à maturité augmente pendant le mois de juillet pour la variété Bintje et est pratiquement totale vers le début du mois d'ao?t. Lorsque la plantation est tardive, les plantes sont encore très sensibles à l'inoculation mécanique et une forte proportion de tubercules est contaminée par PVYO (figure 1, tableau 2). La dissémination naturelle de PVYO pour des plantes à différents stades, montre que la proportion de tubercules atteints de PVYO augmente lorsque les tubercules sont plantés tardivement par rapport à la date normale, avec ou sans prégermination (tableau 3). La dissémination plus importante de PVYO en 1976 par rapport à 1977 (tableau 3) pourrait être correlée à celle des aphides également plus importante et plus précoce en 1976, notamment celle deRhopalosiphum padi (tableau 4).

Lines of potato cv. Pito transformed with the P1 gene ofPotato virus Y (PVYo) in sense or antisense orientation were evaluated for resistance to PVY in the field in 1997 and 1998. The transgenic resistance fully protected the crop from infection with PVYo transmitted by aphids in both years. These plants were not resistant to the field isolates of the PVYN strain group, which is in agreement with our greenhouse experiments. Consequently, several transgenic lines produced higher yields than the nontransgenic cv. Pito plants. These results showed that the P1 gene-mediated resistance provides significant benefits under conditions were the incidence of infections and damage by PVYo are considerable.  相似文献   

Summary For potato breeding or genetical research purposes, the number of copies of a dominant major gene for resistance to potato virus Y in a parent clone can be determined by test-crossing with a susceptible parent and observing the segregation ratio of resistant to susceptible seedlings in the progeny. In a comparison of different susceptible cultivars for use in test-crosses for this purpose, their progenies differed in the clarity of symptoms and parental phenotype proved an unreliable guide. Cvs Maris Piper, Arran Peak and Dr MacIntosh were found to be suitable tester parents, Pentland Squire less so and cv. Désirée was confirmed as having a major gene conferring incomplete resistance. It was found advisable to test-cross with more than one susceptible parent.  相似文献   

Summary Potato spindle tuber viroid (PSTV) and potato virus Y (PVY) were isolated from plants of cultivar Kennebec with severe necrotic symptoms in the field. In the greenhouse, severe necrotic symptoms were reproduced only when potato plants were infected either simultaneously with PSTV+PVY, or with PSTV prior to PVY infection. Thirteen additional potato cultivars were tested in the greenhouse for this synergistic reaction and eight developed necrotic responses similar to cv. Kennebec. PVY concentration was significantly higher in doubly infected plants, compared with those infected with PVY alone.  相似文献   

Incidence of potato leafroll virus (PLRV) and potato virus Y (PVY) was determined in seed potatoes (Solatium tuberosum) from Canada, Maine, Minnesota, New York, North Dakota, Nebraska, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin used to plant the North Carolina crop in 1977, 1978 and 1979. Incidence of PLRV ranged from 0–5.2% (X = 0.57%) and for PVY from 0-5.6% (X = 0.62%) from all sources (112 seed lots). All PVY isolates (177) tested from potato caused a very mild veinbanding and mottling onNicotiana tabacum cultivars NC 95 and NC 2326. No serological difference was detected between these isolates and the common strain of PVY from tobacco in North Carolina. Essentially no spread of PVY occurred in three potato fields observed each year of the study.  相似文献   

An action threshold of 3-10 green peach aphid,Myzus persicae (Sulzer), apterae per 100 lower leaves is recommended for use in Minnesota to prevent further spread of potato leafroll virus (PLRV) in potato,Solarium tuberosum L. This threshold was first developed and validated using the PLRV susceptible cultivar Russet Burbank. Here we report experiments to determine if higher aphid densities could be tolerated in PLRV resistant cultivars,i.e., Kennebec (moderately resistant) or Cascade (highly resistant), without an increase in PLRV infection. Insecticidal sprays were applied to plots when predetermined target aphid densities, based on number of apterae per 100 leaves, were reached: 3, 10, 30, and 100 (Russet Burbank); 10, 30, 100, and 300 (Kennebec); and 30, 100, 300, and 1000 (Cascade). The response variable was the average percentage of PLRV infected plants. Overall mean cumulative aphid-days and percent PLRV infection were 617 and 23.5% for Russet Burbank, 1,296 and 10.2% for Kennebec, and 4,816 and 9.5% for Cascade. For each cultivar, the highest target aphid density tolerated without an increase in PLRV spread was determined by comparing PLRV infection in plots sprayed on predetermined thresholds to PLRV infection in plots where aphids were rigorously controlled. This maximum density was 10 apterae per 100 leaves for Russet Burbank and 300 apterae per 100 leaves for Cascade. Results using Kennebec were ambiguous, but Kennebec was always more resistant to PLRV than Russet Burbank. Excised leaflet tests showed that the cultivars did not differ in resistance to green peach aphid. It appears that action thresholds based on green peach aphid apterae can be different depending upon the inherent PLRV-resistance of the cultivar.  相似文献   

Summary Segregation for extreme resistance to PVY was evaluated in progenies derived from crossing two extremely resistant potato clones with parents differing in resistance. Resistance was evaluated after mechanical inoculation with PVYO and PVYN, and after graft inoculation with PVYO. Biological and serological tests (ELISA) were used for virus detection. The extreme resistance is governed by a single dominant gene, but observed segregations deviated from the expected ratios. Considerable modifying effects were detectable, depending on the potato genotype and virus isolate, for a significant excess of susceptible genotypes was observed in some progenies. Moreover, genotypes with non-parental types of resistance to PVY were observed.  相似文献   

Summary Uridine-H3 was incorporated into meristem tips of both healthy and PLRV-infected potato plants, of the cultivars, Majestic and Primura. Autoradiograms of tips pretreated with actinomycin D showed that 13 of 14 and 11 of 14 respectively, were virus free in the dome and first 4 leaf primordia, 1 and 3 were infected in the 4th leaf primordium, and 1 of Primura also in its 3rd primordium. The highest plantlet yield from cultures in vitro of meristem tips that included 4 leaf primordia (7 to 9 plantlets per meristem), was obtained by growing them in sequence on 3 sequential media, each based on Murashige and Skoog basic medium complemented with various hormones. The 2nd medium, containing benzylaminopurine (0.5 mg/l) and gibberellic acid (0.5 mg/l), elicited callus and the subsequent formation of adventitious buds. Of the plantlets of the cvs Vivaks, Primura and Majestic, 88, 91 and 100 %, respectively, were PLRV-free. Propagation in vitro, by the single-node cutting technique and tuberlet production, were successful.  相似文献   

Summary Transgenic cv. Folva potato plants expressing the coat protein gene of potato virus Y strain N (PVYN) were produced usingAgrobacterium tumefaciens mediated transformation. Forty independent transformants were selected for resistance screening. Four clones showed complete resistance to mechanical inoculation with all the five PVY isolates tested: the PVYN isolate from which the coat protein gene was derived, two PVYO isolates, and two PVYNTN isolates. Two of the fully resistant clones contained only one copy of the transgene, demonstrating that it is possible by genetic engineering to obtain highly virus resistant potato clones that can also be useful in future breeding programmes.  相似文献   

Extreme resistance to potato virus Y, derived from a wild diploid speciesSolanum chacoense, was found in Japanese cultivar Konafubuki. The segregation ratio of resistant vs susceptible in the tetraploid population from Kita-akari (susceptible) x Konafubuki (resistant) indicated that the resistance gene followed a monogenic dominant fashion. Bulked DNA samples of resistant and of susceptible clones were screened with 306 decamer primers by PCR to find RAPD markers linked to the resistance. The RAPD marker 38-530 was reproducibly detected in the resistant clones with a recombination frequency of 16.3%. Except for Konafubuki the marker band was found only in a few limited parental lines and cultivars where the resistance is not involved. Thus, using Konafubuki as a resistance gene source, the RAPD marker 38-530 would be practically and widely useful in tetraploid breeding programs.  相似文献   

Plants free of potato virus S were obtained from infected nodal segments cultured on agar solidified medium containing antiviral compounds. After two to 12 weeks, the uppermost node of the resultant plant was recovered, cultured and tested by Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay. The compounds 6-azauracil, 6-azathymine and 5-fluorouracil were ineffective and melamine (2,4,6-triamino-s-triazine) and 2-thiouracil eliminated potato virus S (PVS) sporadically but ribavirin (l-β-D-ribofuranosyl-1H-l, 2,4-triazole-3-carboxamide) gave PVS eradication rates of 10 percent or more and was the most effective antiviral tested in this system. The method is technically simple, rapid and effective. It has been tested with over 100 varieties and has also proven useful in eliminating potato viruses X, Y, and LR.  相似文献   

The concentration of potato virus Y (PVY) was determined, using ELISA values (A405 nm), in twenty-six potato cultivars belonging to five resistance groups, grown in the field and in the greenhouse. On the basis of virus concentration, potato cultivars of group A, B, and C did not differ significantly and constitute the most susceptible group; those of group D and E differ significantly with each other and with group A, B, C, and constitute moderate and highly resistant groups, respectively. In the second year of infection, virus concentration was higher in each group, irrespective of resistance level. Thus, the infected plants of resistant groups, in a second year of growth, could be as rich sources of virus to aphids as plants from susceptible groups.  相似文献   

Potato virus Y (PVY) is a major potato pathogen affecting potato yields worldwide. Thiamin, a water-soluble B vitamin (vitamin B1) has been shown to boost the plant’s immunity, thereby increasing resistance against pathogens. In this study, we tested different concentrations of thiamin (1 mM, 10 mM, 50 mM, 100 mM) and multiple thiamin applications (once, biweekly and monthly) on potato resistance to PVY in Ranger Russet potatoes. Plants were mechanically inoculated with PVYN:O. This PVY strain is known for causing well-defined foliar symptoms. We collected leaflets weekly through April and May 2015 and tested them with an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay specific to PVY as well as by real time quantitative RT-PCR. These assays allowed us to determine the presence and level of PVY in different parts of the plants. We found that the highest thiamin concentration treatment (100 mM) produced the lowest virus level in potatoes across all dates and leaflet samples. Also, it was found that multiple applications of thiamin had a positive effect on reducing virus level, especially when thiamin was applied every four weeks.  相似文献   

In surveys for the tobacco veinal necrosis strain of potato virus Y (PVYN) in potato, two isolates (I-136 and I-L56) were obtained that shared properties with both the PVYN and the common (PVYO) strain groups. The isolates produced veinal necrosis on tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) and mild symptoms on potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) cv. Jemseg, typical of PVYN but their symptoms on some other indicator species such asCapsicum frutescens L.,Chenopodium amaranticolor Coste & Reyn.),Physalis angulata L.,P. floridana Rybd. were more typical of PVYO. Their serological properties were also more typical of PVYO in that they reacted with a PVYO-specific monoclonal antibody (MAb) in ELISA and they failed to react with four PVYN-specific MAbs. The possible taxonomic position of these isolates is discussed.  相似文献   

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