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M. Marie   《Livestock Science》2006,103(3):203-207
This paper introduces this volume dedicated to ethics in animal agriculture, in which moral responsibility of the actors of the animal production chain and relations between science, production and the society are analysed. Ethical concepts and their evolution through the ages, and ethical issues arising across different modes of production are presented. The diversity of viewpoints and interests of the stakeholders (farmers, technicians, scientists, consumers and citizens), relative to their values, cultures, and production conditions, is emphasized. The processes by which norms can be built while taking into account this diversity and societal objectives are illustrated at the levels of the profession, the country, Europe or the world. Ethics in animal production is a condition of the acceptability of the products, but also of the animal production sector as a whole.  相似文献   

畜产品中青霉素残留的ELISA法测定   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
用酶联免疫法测定了畜禽产品中抗生素的残留,通过对青霉素的一系列测试表明,该方法具有较高的敏感性,设备要求较低和快速、简单的特点。  相似文献   

C.M. Mejdell   《Livestock Science》2006,103(3):292-296
The way production animals are treated is a matter of public concern, and public opinion is often a driving force to introduce new animal welfare legislation. In Norway, a Council on Animal Ethics has been appointed by the authorities since 1993. The composition of the council is broad and it encounters both lay people and experts. The council is independent and advisory, only. It shall be a “guard dog” and follow the developments in animal production and other areas where man makes use of animals, and give advice to the authorities on the need for change in legislation and administrative practices. An important task for the council is also to contribute to and facilitate an informed public debate on animal welfare standards and animal ethics.  相似文献   

The commercial applications in agriculture of new breeding technologies, as well as conventional breeding strategies, have the potential to influence animal welfare in both positive and negative ways. For example, the sexing of cattle semen might be used to reduce the number of unwanted male dairy calves provided that the technique had not been shown to produce adverse effects. On the other hand, inappropriate use of some breeding technologies may create new problems, or exacerbate welfare problems that may already have arisen within conventional livestock breeding.

It is the impact of any breeding technology or strategy that is important to welfare, whether it is the quality of life of the offspring that is compromised, or whether it is the application of the technology itself that causes pain, distress or lasting harm to the subject animal.

The aim of this paper is to provide clear and practical advice on the establishment of an appropriate framework within which developments in animal breeding and breeding technologies, and the outcome of such processes, may be considered, monitored and, where necessary, regulated. It builds on recommendations recently made by the FAWC to UK Government, and considers the wider public interest in these technologies.

Finally, the response from stakeholders is considered in attempting to ensure that such controls do not render production systems non-competitive in a global livestock industry.  相似文献   

The extensive pig production in Spain is traditionally characterised by: the use of the Iberian pig, an autochthonous breed perfectly integrated into the environment in which they have developed; a long duration of the productive cycle for about 23–24 months; a high level of animal welfare level, specially in the fattening process with freedom of movement and feeding base on natural sources: acorns and grass, and an equilibrated “dehesa” agro-forestry system where this activity has been developed. Nowadays, the introduction of more intensificated methods due to the increasing demand led to important changes, such as: the shortening of the productive cycle (10–12 months); freeing from the territorial base; changes during the fattening period, fattening with mixed feed and less animal freedom. All these facts may implicate a loss of the animal welfare condition. These circumstances lead us to question it from an ethical point of view.  相似文献   

The approach to understanding the impact of management and disease in production animal systems has evolved with the advent of both routine on-farm data collection and new analytic epidemiology techniques. Epidemiology provides a tool to describe the host-agent-environment triad and the impact of multiple variables on productivity and health recognized by production animal veterinarians in their day-to-day work. Field trials enable veterinarians to systematically test whether or not a new treatment improves the health of the animal populations in their geographic region and under their production systems. Hypothesis-specific coding techniques, such as hierarchical variables, are used in a systematic manner to understand well-defined biological phenomenon. Clustering at multiple levels has provided the challenges of measuring management changes in each level. Using random effects models allow us to determine the relative importance of each level on the dependent variable. As epidemiologists, we have taken advantage of analytic techniques used in other fields of science. Geo-spatial statistics has been used to understand the clustering and spread of diseases and more recently, to interpret the laboratory findings related to the introduction of an exotic strain of the influenza virus. Dr. Martin, through his work as a veterinary epidemiologist and that of people he has influenced, has been an international leader in promoting the optimal health and productivity of animal populations and of ensuring the safety of foods of animal origin and preventing animal-related disease in humans.  相似文献   

微生态制剂促生长机理及其在畜牧生产上的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了微生态制剂的概念、发展历程、组成和作用、抗病促生长机理以及微生态制剂在畜牧业生产上的应用,提出了微生态制剂应用过程中应注意的问题,并对微生态制剂在畜牧业生产上的应用前景作了展望。  相似文献   

John Hodges   《Livestock Science》2006,103(3):263-269
Ethnicity and culture are defined. Culture is recognized as the shared values and worldview of a race, nation, or professional group. Values are the objectives that matter most to a person or cultural group to which priority of interest is consistently given in time, energy, resources, wealth and education. Ethics defines the moral component of decisions reflecting self-interest or concern about the well-being of others. For professional agricultural scientists Culture, Values and Ethics are closely linked. Their role is evaluated as servants of society, seeking to fulfil the Inalienable Rights of each person as recognised by the Declaration of Independence: Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

The cultural assumptions and commonly-held values of agricultural scientists are examined. Links between scientists and business interests mean that the culture and values of commerce inform and steer decisions by the former. The changing culture of Western society is now embracing values beyond cheap food. Radical changes in the culture, values and ethics of animal scientists are needed to match the Rights of all persons in society for their food supply. Disconnection of agricultural scientists from the culture and values of business interests in the food chain is advocated on the lines of the Declaration of Independence.  相似文献   

传统农业养地观与生态农业   总被引:6,自引:4,他引:6  
分析了我国传统农业的养地观及方法.其集约思想,高效用地,重视养地,保持肥力,精耕细作,熟土保墒等均能达到既养地又高效用地的目的,是我国传统农业的灵魂和精髓,它对生态农业有重要启示.同时分析了有机肥料的保肥、保产及来源问题后,提出多施有机肥,少施化肥,降低用肥风险以达到农业的可持续发展是可行的,并对生态农业研究提出一些建议.  相似文献   

蚯蚓可消除畜禽废弃物公害,可为养殖业提供优质蛋白质原料和治疗多种畜禽疾病,有利于建立农业良性结构,实现农牧结合。因此,以蚯蚓为链条的生态循环农业是促进现代农牧业发展的有效途径。  相似文献   

酵母培养物(Yeast cultures,简称YC)作为动物的补充饲料已经有60多年的历史。YC是一种经过干燥的产品,既含有酵母菌又含有酵母菌赖以生长的培养基,YC含有丰富的维生素、酶、各种营养成分和某些重要的协同因子,在厌氧环境中能保持代谢活性,并能耐受干燥、加热和酸性等应激环境,在动物饲料中已应用多年,它具有使用方便、安全无毒、无副作用等优点。  相似文献   

我国动物生产的经济分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李岚  侯扶江 《草业学报》2016,25(1):230-239
在许多发展中国家,农业是GDP的重要组成部分。草地农业作为现代农业的重要组成部分,其将草地与家畜有机结合,最大限度地合理收获植物和动物产品。草地农业生态系统包含4个生产层,其中动物生产层是重要的生产效益来源。所以动物生产的发展对于我国草地农业意义重大。本文通过对1992年至2011年31个省(市)的动物生产相关数据进行分析,可以得出以下结论:第一,动物生产GDP与农业GDP的比重呈增长趋势。动物生产的发展趋势基本可分为4个阶段,1992至1995年,1996至2004年,2005至2008年,2008至2011年,这与国家出台的各项农业政策有关。第二,从动物生产发展的趋势角度方面,农业大省也是动物生产大省。其他地区由于动物生产对经济发展的贡献小或者动物生产转化的经济效益低,所以动物生产GDP相对小。第三,动物生产增速最快地区大部分为农业大省,这可能是由于粮食生产促进动物生产的发展。第四,动物生产GDP与其他经济指标是相互促进的正相关关系。因资源禀赋及政策的不同,使各个省市情况迥异。综上所述,我国动物生产仍存在许多问题,亟待解决。政府需要充分发挥政策导向作用,大力支持草地农业的发展。  相似文献   

我国草地农业可持续发展及关键问题探讨   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
阐述了草地农业可持续发展的概念,分析了我国草地农业可持续发展战略的可行性,提出了我国草地农业可持续发展战略实施的途径,探讨了我国草地农业可持续发展战略的现存问题及相应对策。  相似文献   

A retrospective observational study was conducted to determine whether agricultural animal caseloads at veterinary teaching hospitals declined between 1995 and 1998. Thereafter, the effect of organizational and demographic factors on 1998 in-house agricultural animal caseloads was examined. Caseload data were obtained from the American Association of Veterinary Medical Colleges. Demographic and organizational data were obtained by surveys, telephone interviews, and web-based resources. Complete data were available from 25 veterinary colleges, and data from these schools were used in subsequent analyses. In 1998, in-house food animal caseload decreased relative to 1995 in 17 schools and increased relative to 1995 in 8 schools. This trend was not significant (P = .053); however, the power of the test was limited (.50). Mean 1998 caseload was 886 +/- 504. Among schools with a discipline-based organizational structure, annual mean caseload was 464 +/- 220. Among schools with a species-based organizational structure, mean caseload was 1,167 +/- 463. The regression model that best predicted caseload was a forward-stepping model that included only organizational structure as an independent variable. No additional independent variable was significantly associated with caseload.  相似文献   

In recent years the fate of human and animal pathogen microorganisms as a potential pollutant of the environment has been paid increased attention. Substantial quantities of these compounds and their metabolites are excreted, flushed down the drain, discarded as waste, or left over in animal feedlots. After passing to the sewer, several of these compounds are not adequately eliminated by the methods that are currently used in sewage treatment. Substantial quantities of biosolids and livestock manure end up on agricultural land. Effective sanitation of the environment, particularly of some of its special parts, which can be a source of spreading of diseases, plays an important role in prevention of infectious diseases. In this respect special attention should be paid to the disinfection of infected farm animal excrements. Sanitation of excrements should, on the one hand, ensure effective inhibition of infectious agents and, on the other hand, comply with the requirement of preserving the composition of the manure so it can be used in agricultural production.  相似文献   

Mongolia borders on northern China,has abundant grassland resources and grassland-based livestock husbandry is the pillar industry there. Based on the literature and statistical data,this study surveys the development status of grassland agriculture in Mongolia from three aspects:reform of the pastoral institutional system,the grassland resources,and the development of a grazing-based livestock industry. Our study also analyzes the differences between Mongolia and the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region of China. Grassland agriculture in Mongolia has undergone three stages of institutional reforms,the post-transformation period began at 1990 and is ongoing till now. The grassland itself is collectively owned and the livestock is privately owned. Under the influences of climate change,over exploitation of grassland,expansion of cultivated land and urban areas,and mining pollution, the grassland area has decreased and the ecological status of the grassland is gradually deteriorating. The proportions for each of Mongolia’s five categories of livestock remain stable but with regional variability and differences. The growth in total livestock numbers is much higher in Mongolia than in Inner Mongolia,China. In recent years,the grazing-based livestock husbandry has faced a problem of an aging population. As a result,the proportion of animal husbandry output value within the national economy has gradually declined and the industrial chain urgently needs to be improved. Finally,this study proposes implications for Mongolia and offers information relevant to the development of grassland agriculture in China. © 2023 Editorial Office of Acta Prataculturae Sinica. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

三元种植结构取代二元种植结构是我国现代化农业发展的必然趋势。多花黑麦草作为一种优质、高产的禾本科首选作物 ,在 5个方面的作用将对我国农业全局产生重大而深远的影响  相似文献   

基于GIS与GPS的农牧业资源调查方法初探   总被引:6,自引:4,他引:2  
利用GIS与GPS技术进行农牧业资源调查已成为近年来的发展趋势。根据GIS的空间数据处理、空间分析功能与GPS的精确空间定位能力,提出了一种基于GIS与GPS集成的农牧业资源调查方法。它集调查点的空间位置信息与属性信息于一体,较好地服务于不同资源的定量、定性分析。以甘肃省庆阳市冬小麦Triticum aestivum调查为例,利用GPS对庆阳市2004年冬小麦播种面积进行实测,并结合地理信息系统(GIS)软件Arc/info和Arcview进行图形编辑和数据处理,准确获得该地区2004年冬小麦种植面积与庆阳市上报的冬小麦种植面积数据接近。  相似文献   

天莹 《内蒙古草业》2001,13(4):27-32
目前,自然灾害已成为制约我区农牧业稳定持续发展的一大障碍。本文对其定义、类型及危害进行研究,然后总结多年来我区防灾抗灾的成就。在此基础上,提出今后防灾减灾的思路。  相似文献   

要正确对待西部种草   总被引:26,自引:9,他引:26  
西部种草需要正确对待几个问题:良种不是绝对的,与环境协调发展的就是好草种;种草的效益不是单方面的,不是追求单方面的效益;人工草地是现代农业的必要组分,同时不要忽视天然草原;种草不要忽视灌木,清除灌木要慎重;种草要有必要农业投入,应该用好地种草;要以发展动物生产和饲料工业为重点,完善草地农业系统;管理是草业的命脉,应尽早达到草业生产数字化。  相似文献   

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