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Field RD 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1983,220(4603):1267-1268

Unlike conventional lasers, diffusive random lasers (DRLs) have no resonator to trap light and no high-Q resonances to support lasing. Because of this lack of sharp resonances, the DRL has presented a challenge to conventional laser theory. We present a theory able to treat the DRL rigorously and provide results on the lasing spectra, internal fields, and output intensities of DRLs. Typically DRLs are highly multimode lasers, emitting light at a number of wavelengths. We show that the modal interactions through the gain medium in such lasers are extremely strong and lead to a uniformly spaced frequency spectrum, in agreement with recent experimental observations.  相似文献   

Proven catalysts exist in many different forms and with many different kinds of composition. An understanding of how catalysts function is beginning to emerge in a few areas, and some superior catalysts have been developed as a result of this knowledge. Applications of new techniques and disciplines should lead to impressive advances in the years ahead.  相似文献   

Enzymatic catalysts in organic synthesis   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
C H Wong 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1989,244(4909):1145-1152
The synthetic value of enzymes is being increasingly recognized. With an understanding of enzyme-catalyzed reactions and the techniques now available for the low-cost production and rational alteration of enzymes and for the design of new enzymatic activities, biocatalytic synthesis should become one of the most valuable synthetic methods. The fundamental as well as the practical issues of this rapidly growing area are described and its impact on the technology pertaining to synthesis is considered.  相似文献   

One of the most active current areas of chemical research is centered on how to synthesize handed (chiral) compounds in a selective manner, rather than as mixtures of mirror-image forms (enantiomers) with different three-dimensional structures (stereochemistries). Nature points the way in this endeavor: different enantiomers of a given biomolecule can exhibit dramatically different biological activities, and enzymes have therefore evolved to catalyze reactions with exquisite selectivity for the formation of one enantiomeric form over the other. Drawing inspiration from these natural catalysts, chemists have developed a variety of synthetic small-molecule catalysts that can achieve levels of selectivity approaching, and in some cases matching, those observed in enzymatic reactions.  相似文献   

Intercalated clay catalysts   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Recent advances in the intercalation of metal complex cations in smectite clay minerals are leading to the development of new classes of selective heterogeneous catalysts. The selectivity of both metal-catalyzed and proton-catalyzed chemical conversions in clay intercalates can often be regulated by controlling surface chemical equilibria, interlamellar swelling, or reactant pair proximity in the interlayer regions. Also, the intercalation of polynuclear hydroxy metal cations and metal cluster cations in smectites affords new pillared clay catalysts with pore sizes that can be made larger than those of conventional zeolite catalysts.  相似文献   

Strong regularities in world wide web surfing   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
One of the most common modes of accessing information in the World Wide Web is surfing from one document to another along hyperlinks. Several large empirical studies have revealed common patterns of surfing behavior. A model that assumes that users make a sequence of decisions to proceed to another page, continuing as long as the value of the current page exceeds some threshold, yields the probability distribution for the number of pages that a user visits within a given Web site. This model was verified by comparing its predictions with detailed measurements of surfing patterns. The model also explains the observed Zipf-like distributions in page hits observed at Web sites.  相似文献   

王娜 《安徽农业科学》2014,(27):9455-9458
通过对烟台地区的地形和海陆分布特点,主要从天气学的角度统计和分析了该地区2001 ~ 2009年大风发生的范围以及不同范围大风的日数年代、季节变化规律,并利用现有的MICAPS资料对烟台地区的大风环流型进行了分析,同时就目前该地区大风的预报方法进行了概述.结果表明,烟台地区大风天气中以个别大风为主,其中大风天气主要发生在3~5月;10年内,大风的年际变化趋势基本是按照曲线递增达到峰值后又开始递减的趋势,期间出现了2002和2007年2个峰值,并有1个谷值;在对烟台地区进行大风预报时,选取了网格点中与烟台站关联的平均分布的5个站点(烟台、福山、海阳、龙口、长岛)进行预报研究,通过参考文献以及烟台等站点的经验预报,选取8个预报因子作为备用预报因子,利用逐步回归程序建立了5个站的预报方程并对最后的结果进行了回报检验,虽然取得了一定的预报效果,但预报精度比较低,不是特别的理想.  相似文献   

Allosteric regulation of organometallic catalysts could allow for greater control over reactions. We report an allosteric supramolecular structure in which a monometallic catalytic site has been buried in the middle layer of a triple-layer complex. Small molecules and elemental anions can open and close this complex and reversibly expose and conceal the catalytic center. The ring-opening polymerization of ε-caprolactone can be turned on by the in situ opening of the triple-layer complex and then completely turned off by reforming it through the abstraction of Cl(-), the allosteric effector agent, without appreciable loss of catalytic activity. This process can regulate the molecular weights of the resulting polymers.  相似文献   

The exploitation of a bacterial food supply by a protozoan predator does not necessarily lead to the extinction of either species. Even a "homogeneous" experimental system contains sufficient heterogeneity (the boundaries) for avoidance strategies to evolve, which allow the populations to presist.  相似文献   

小陇山林区强降雨径流过程分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探讨在小陇山林区强降雨过程中地表径流的形成过程及其变化特征,利用实际观测资料分析了2次强降水径流过程。结果表明,由于2次降雨量和降水强度的不同,测流堰水位和流量有所不同,洪峰出现时间也不同。第1次降雨量为68.0mm,降雨历时9.50h,水位最高1.039m,集水区径流最大值滞后于降雨峰值2.66h,该集水区共计降水97 043.698m3,通过测流堰流出73 908.525m3;第2次降雨量为121.0mm,降雨历时7.00h,水位最高1.321m,集水区径流最大值滞后于降雨峰值5h,该集水区共计降水178 389.2m3,通过测流堰流出158 735.73m3。  相似文献   

杨桂娟  鄢志宇 《安徽农业科学》2010,38(23):12347-12349,12369
根据1973~2007年锦州地区5个观测站大风观测资料,采用线性趋势估计法和谱分析法分析了锦州地区的大风趋势和周期变化,同时通过普查天气图探讨了锦州地区四季大风的环流形式特点以及时空分布特征。结果表明,锦州地区大风呈波动下降趋势,具有3.5和7.0年的周期变化;大风四季以春季最多,夏季最少,冬、夏季次之;从环流形势分析来看,锦州地区与辽宁的大风环流形势相似,春季和秋、冬季环流形势基本一致,主要形势有北高南低(西高东低)、两高夹低、南高北低(东高西低)3种类型;夏季以中小尺度系统造成局地大风天气为主。  相似文献   

北京地区强冰雹风暴的双偏振特征观测分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈程肖辉冯  亮等 《安徽农业科学》2014,(22):7511-7515,7536
针对2008年6月23日北京地区出现的冰雹天气过程,结合再分析资料(NECP)分析此次降水天气过程的天气背景,利用中国科学院大气物理研究所车载X波段双偏振天气雷达的差分相位移ΦDP、差分反射率ZDR、相关系数ρhV等偏振参量的图像和数值分布数据,得到此次强冰雹云的偏振参量结构和演变特征;然后利用模糊逻辑算法对强冰雹云粒子进行相态识别,结果与分析一致,表明双偏振雷达在强对流风暴云和降水微物理结构分析中具有重要作用。  相似文献   

Global-scale changes in anthropogenic nutrient input into marine ecosystems via terrestrial runoff, coupled with widespread predator removal via fishing, have created greater urgency for understanding the relative role of top-down versus bottom-up control of food web dynamics. Yet recent large-scale studies of community regulation in marine ecosystems have shown dramatically different results that leave this issue largely unresolved. We combined a multiyear, large-scale data set of species abundances for 46 species in kelp forests from the California Channel Islands with satellite-derived primary production and found that top-down control explains 7- to 10-fold more of the variance in abundance of bottom and mid-trophic levels than does bottom-up control. This top-down control was propagated via a variety of species-level direct and indirect responses to predator abundance. Management of top-down influences such as fishing may be more important in coastal marine ecosystems, particularly in kelp forest systems, than is commonly thought.  相似文献   

墨子的"强”论,是其学说中十分重要、最具特色的一部分。它要求人们以积极、乐观的生活理念和执着、勇敢的进取精神,投入到改造自然、改造社会的过程里,充分发挥其智慧与潜能;并籍此不断丰富、完善自身,深入、全面地展示其主体能动性,达到个人实现与社会整体目标的统一。墨子的强”论,不仅在中国传统社会发展史上产生了深远的影响,同时对我们今天正在进行的实践运动,也有着广泛而显著的参考价值和借鉴意义  相似文献   

设I是环R的加法子群,如果对Vα∈I,γ∈R,都存在正整数n,使得rαnr∈I,αnrαn∈I,则称I为环R的几乎拟理想.通过几乎拟理想对环的强正则性进行刻画.首先证明了:如果R是左SGPF环且R的每个极大左理想是几乎拟理想,那么R/J,是强正则环,其次给出了R是强正则环的一个充分必要条件.  相似文献   

利用常规观测、数值预报、卫星雷达、加密自动站等资料,对2010年5月28—29日盘锦地区暴雨冰雹降水天气过程进行系统分析,并总结了预报、服务经验及新一代雷达产品在临近天气预报中的应用技术,对预报员在今后的预报服务工作有较强的指导意义。  相似文献   

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