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【目的】研究牧民对休牧、禁牧政策的响应有助于充分认识当前牧民生计诉求与实现困境, 以期为引导牧户亲环境行为和完善相关政策提供决策参考。【方法】以玛曲县草原牧区为研究区域,采用问卷调查方法,从主观认知、生产行为、生计方式等 3 个方面分析了牧民对休牧、禁牧政策的响应。 【结果】牧民在脆弱草原生态问题认识上达成共识,自觉响应休牧禁牧政策。生产方式从传统的放牧养殖向产业组织模式创新的现代舍饲养殖转型。牧民就业途径不断拓宽,极大地加速了牧民“农转非” 进程,其社会角色随之由单一的“牧羊人”向市场价值的发现者、创造者以及分配者多元化转变。牧民收入形成了以畜牧业经营收入为基础、工资性收入为重点,转移性收入为补充的多元格局,同时传统生产经营支出趋于下降,而以社会交往为代表的支出不断增加。另外,牧民政策响应过程中具有明显的 “跟随性”和违规或不合理放牧行为,随着政策的不断推进,不合理放牧行为逐步收敛。【结论】 培育牧民基于内应力的生态理性,完善草原保护制度的运行监督机制对牧区绿色发展具有重要的意义。未来,应将增强牧民生计资本、提升牧民生计能力与完善禁牧、休牧种草奖励机制、加大退牧补贴力度更好的结合起来,在提升牧民收入的同时提高草原保护能效、恢复草场生态环境。  相似文献   

内蒙古草原生态保护补助奖励机制典型牧户调查报告   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对内蒙古自治区生态保护补助奖励机制实施区423户牧户调查资料的分析结果表明,牧民收入仍以卖畜产品为主,但草畜平衡区牧民收入高于禁牧区,而政府补贴已成为牧民第二大收入来源。目前存在禁牧区与草畜平衡区均有超载现象;牧民基础设施还不完善,禁牧区与草畜平衡区相比生产生活条件更差等问题。建议国家加强畜牧业基础设施建设,适当提高补奖政策补贴标准,应形成逐年提高的动态补助机制,以保障牧民的收入水平不降低并有所提高。  相似文献   

正为保护草原生态,促进牧民增收,推动牧区更快更好发展,2011年起,国家在内蒙古自治区等主要草原牧区省区启动实施草原生态保护补助奖励政策,对履行禁牧和草畜平衡的牧民分别给予禁牧补助和草畜平衡奖励,同时安排绩效奖励资金,由地方政府统筹用于发展生态保护建设和草牧业发展。2019年,按照新的机构改革后的职能划分,草原生态保护补助奖励政策中用于对农牧民的补贴部分,包括禁牧补助和草畜平衡奖励,继续由农业农村部门负责落实,称为农牧民补助奖励政策(以下简称"补奖政策")。  相似文献   

利益是人们为了生存、享受和发展所需要的资源及条件。草地禁牧政策中,利益主要有中央政府利益、地方政府利益和牧民利益。在政策实施中中央政府追求社会总福利的最大化,而地方政府追求的是地方经济的发展和个人绩效的最大化,牧民则追求的是个人利益的最大化,很显然三者的利益目标存在着差异。为了提高政策执行效果,有必要对禁牧政策实施中各利益主体的关系进行分析,找出利益关系中存在的冲突,为制定相应的政策措施提供对策建议。  相似文献   

基于草原生态保护视角的禁牧补贴   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
上世纪80年代,鄂尔多斯草原退化面积排在自治区首位,近些年采取了各种治理措施在一定程度上遏制了草原退化,但在草原生态保护上仍存在基础设施投入资金少、牧民收入增长慢、禁牧休牧监管难度大等问题。随着草原生态保护补助奖励机制中的禁牧补贴的实施,可激发农牧民保护草原生态的积极性,实现保护草原生态的同时促进牧民增收。  相似文献   

<正>据悉,内蒙古自治区人民政府2010年第一次常务会议决定:本着生产发展、生活富裕、生态良好相统一的原则,自治区对阶段性禁牧区域内的牧民,每年给每667m2草原5元的补偿,连续补贴5年。仅此一项,每位牧民平均每年可增收4000元左右。  相似文献   

内蒙古西部3个盟市自实施禁牧、休牧、划区轮牧生态建设工程以来,取得了明显的生态效益、经济效益和社会效益。3个盟市禁牧、休牧、划区轮牧面积231万hm^2,占草场总面积的9.37%。草场实施禁牧后,草原生态恶化趋势得以遏制,牧区草场植被覆盖度由禁牧前的10%提高到禁牧后的15%;牧草株高由20cm增加到25cm,产草量由300kg/hm^2提高到375kg/hm^2。牧民生活水平普遍提高,牧民接受科学养畜知识的积极性提高、市场意识增强了,传统的饲养方式和经营管理观念逐步转变。牧户能繁母畜比例由47.6%提高到58.3%,出栏率由36%提高到52%。实施禁牧后,草原畜牧业生产经营方式得到转变;畜牧业基础设施条件得到改善;农牧民传统的生产生活方式得到改变。  相似文献   

"十二五"期间,内蒙古自治区实施了草原生态补奖政策,其中主要包括禁牧补贴和草畜平衡补贴。内蒙古自治区是我国重要的畜牧业生产基地,肉羊产业是其草原畜牧业的优势产业,是广大牧民赖以生存和发展的物质基础。那么,怎样在禁牧补贴和草畜平衡补贴实施的情况下更好地发展内蒙古的肉羊产业,使牧民以最小的成本获得最大的经济收益,以此来增加农牧民收入是目前需要关注的问题。文章通过选取鄂尔多斯一些具有代表性的牧户,通过问卷访谈了解牧民养羊和草原生态补贴的基本情况,获得各项成本与收入的数据,同时结合"十二五"期间的草原生态补贴和正在"十三五"期间实施的新一轮草原生态补贴政策,在此基础上对影响成本和收入的因素进行了敏感性分析,找出敏感性因素。这些因素就是牧民最需要关注的方面,市场以及其他的风险通过影响这些因素使其产生剧烈波动,从而使牧民遭受损失。  相似文献   

概述伊犁河谷草地资源现状、特点及畜牧业生产情况,分析天然草地利用存在的问题,提出退牧、休牧、禁牧、合理配置牲畜、发展人工饲草料地建设、牧民定居等措施,加强草地保护,实现畜牧业的可持续发展。  相似文献   

正为保障国家生态安全,促进牧区牧业发展与牧民征收,从2011年起国家在包括四川在内的8个主要省(区)实施草原生态保护补助奖励机制政策(以下简称补奖政策),其内容主要包括草原禁牧补助、草畜平衡奖励、牧民生产资料综合补贴等。2014年,四川省农业厅组织专家对凉山州  相似文献   

Comparisons of stocking rates across sites can be facilitated by calculating grazing pressure. We used peak standing crop and stocking rates from six studies in the North American Great Plains (Cheyenne, Wyoming; Cottonwood, South Dakota; Hays, Kansas; Nunn, Colorado; Streeter, North Dakota; and Woodward, Oklahoma) to calculate a grazing pressure index and develop relationships for harvest efficiency, utilization, grazing efficiency, and animal performance and production. Average grazing pressures for heavy, moderate, and light stocking across the study sites were 40, 24, and 14 animal unit days · Mg?1, respectively. These grazing pressures resulted in average harvest efficiency values of 38%, 24%, and 14% and grazing efficiencies of 61%, 49%, and 39% for heavy, moderate, and light stocking rates, respectively. Utilization increased quadratically as grazing pressure index increased, whereas grazing and harvest efficiencies exhibited a linear increase with grazing pressure. The latter indicates that nonlivestock forage losses (e.g., weathering, senescence, wildlife, insects) were disproportional across stocking rates. Average daily gain of livestock decreased linearly as grazing pressure index increased across study sites. Prediction equations reaffirm assumptions of 50% grazing efficiency and 25% harvest efficiency associated with moderate stocking. Novel here, however, is that harvest and grazing efficiencies increased at high grazing pressures and decreased at low grazing pressures. Use of grazing pressure index to “standardize” stocking rates across rangeland ecosystems in the North American Great Plains should improve communication among scientists, resource managers, and the public, and thus better achieve both production and conservation goals on these lands.  相似文献   

不同类型草地牧草消化率季节动态与营养品质的关系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
试验选用5只瘤胃瘘管羊,用尼龙袋法对采自甘肃玛曲高寒草甸、沼泽化草甸、甘肃张掖平山湖荒漠草原及新疆温性草原天然混合牧草的干物质消化率(DMD)和营养成分进行测定。结果表明,高海拔地区的高寒草甸和沼泽化草甸牧草干物质消化率显著高于低海拔地区荒漠草原,且随着时间的推移,高寒草甸和沼泽化草甸牧草干物质消化率先升高后降低,且在6月体内消化率达到最高,而平山湖荒漠草原表现相反趋势。新疆温性荒漠草原则随着季节的变化,从花期—果期—枯草期牧草干物质消化率逐渐降低。玛曲高寒草甸牧草干物质消化率与牧草粗蛋白含量(CP)呈极显著正相关(P<0.01),与牧草中酸性洗涤纤维(ADF), 中性洗涤纤维(NDF)呈极显著负相关(P<0.01);牧草生育期与CP含量和DMD呈极显著负相关,与DM, ADF, NDF均呈极显著正相关(P<0.01),说明在高寒牧区,6,7和8月牧草营养价值较高,可满足放牧家畜维持和生产能量需要。  相似文献   

唐毅  刘明宇 《草地学报》2018,26(5):1146-1149
中国超过1/3的天然草地处于退化、沙化状态。退牧还草政策是应对草地退化的重要措施。退牧还草政策实施过程中常有违规放牧现象。本文采用博弈论方法,分析牧户和政府双方的策略集合,得出最优策略,并进行模拟计算。结果表明:提高违规放牧被检查到的概率,降低检查成本和增加罚款金额等措施,可促使牧户减少违规放牧行为。据此,我们提出减少或者杜绝违规放牧行为的措施主要包括:规划安置点将牧户由分散居住转为集中居住;违规放牧行为的检查工作由社会招聘监察人员和牧户监督员承担;划定管护责任区域,由常驻人员进行管护区域内的违规放牧检查工作;根据各地具体情况,设置合理罚款金额。本研究可为制定遏制违规放牧的对策提供依据,促进草原地区人口、资源和环境的协调发展。  相似文献   

Recent progress in studies concerning behavior of, and management for, grazing cattle are reviewed. Since 1950, much study has been conducted on ‘How’, ‘When’, ‘Where’ and ‘How long’ regarding grazing. After the 1980s, grazing ecology introduced the concept of hierarchy at different spatial and temporal scales, and since then grazing behavior has been investigated on the foraging hierarchy of large grazing herbivores: bite, feeding station (FS), patch, feeding site, camp and home range. From the sequence of activities, FS is grouped within a feeding patch, and movement of grazing cattle has been studied between FSs, feeding patches, feeding sites and between camps. Grazing behavior and production relates closley with defoliation, and grazing management should control both grazing behavior and vegetation according to three rules: planning, operational and adaptation rules. Planning rules relate the stocking rate of cattle; operational rules relate to defoliation; and adaptation rules vary with regional situations. Recent studies on grazing have been carried out in the fields of animal diversity and welfare. Future studies in this field should be conducted on the ecology, neurophysiology and psychology of grazing. Nonlinear analysis will also be significant in this field. Grazing cattle production should also utilize supplementation by roughage and/or grains.  相似文献   


Selective grazing by livestock inevitably results in patch grazing. This study was initiated to determine the effects of patch grazing on (1) the vigour of a single grass species, Themeda triandra, and of the sward, and (2) sward species composition. The generally held idea that a full season's rest followed by an early spring burn would prevent preferential grazing of patch grazed areas which had developed in the seasons before the rest was also tested. The vigour of 71 triandra was estimated from etiolated growth of marked tufts while sward vigour was indexed by above‐ground herbage production (AGHP). Etiolated growth of T. triandra and AGHP of the sward within patches were negatively affected by three seasons of grazing, but a full season's rest appeared sufficient to restore both the etiolated growth of T. triandra and the AGHP of the sward to a level similar to that in the non‐patches. A full season's rest followed by spring burning did not, however, prevent preferential grazing of grazed patches which had developed in the seasons prior to the rest. Species composition within patches (characterised by Increaser II species) differed significantly from the species composition of non‐patches (characterised by Increaser I species). Patch grazing may therefore initiate the rangeland degradation process in Highland Sourveld and patch grazing may be the focus from which rangeland degradation proceeds.  相似文献   

通过2年的连续放牧试验,采用比较样地法,调查了不同放牧强度对环青海湖高寒草原生物多样性和生产力的影响,并探讨了植物物种多样性与草地生产力之间的关系,为高寒草原的合理利用提供基础资料。结果表明:物种丰富度和多样性指数随放牧强度的增加基本呈单峰变化,即在中度放牧下多样性最高,重度放牧下群落物种丰富度、多样性指数和均匀度指数均表现为最小;群落生产力随放牧强度的增加而降低(P<0.05);莎草科地上生物量差异不显著,禾本科和豆科生产力降低(P<0.05),杂类草生物量有增加趋势;禾草和豆科比例减小,莎草和杂类草比例增加;草地生产力与Simpson多样性指数和Alatalo均匀度指数呈显著的单峰函数关系(R2=0.910, P=20.027; R2=0.953, P=20.010),结合Simpson多样性指数和Alatalo均匀度指数才能更好地反映维持草地生产力水平的多样性指标。放牧强度是影响群落物种多样性和生产力及其关系的重要因素。  相似文献   

青藏高原人工草地暖季不同放牧方式对牦牛增重的影响   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
在青藏高原高寒草甸区比较研究了多年生人工草地和天然草地暖季放牧对犊牦牛生长的影响,结果得出:不同放牧方式下,1岁牛的个体增重差异明显,人工草地轮牧>人工草地连续放牧>天然草地连续放牧,2岁牛的增重不受草地和放牧方式的影响,个体增重、日增重和单位草地面积的增重都高于1岁犊牦牛。  相似文献   

The non-selective rotational grazing system has undergone a long and controversial development. The merits of this grazing system, where relatively large numbers of livestock are herded into numerous small paddocks for short timespans with long rests between grazings, have not been formally evaluated in a long-term monitoring experiment in the Karoo. In this study we used exclosures (controls) on a 7 000 ha farm in the Central Lower Karoo, camped into approximately 50-ha paddocks, to evaluate the impact of this grazing system on certain vegetation parameters. We report on the first four years of monitoring, after each of four replicate paddocks had received four treatments (one treatment = 40 - 60 Large Stock Unit grazing days per hectare over a period of 2 - 16 days). Concentrated defoliation with concomitant trampling, dunging, and urinating did not influence the perennial species composition, and cover of this grassy, semi-arid shrubland. Changes over time in plant composition, and cover are explained by annual, and short-term (e.g. quarterly) rainfall rather than by grazing impacts. Ephemerals were not favoured by this grazing system, but litter was more abundant in the treatment than the control areas. The dominant grass, Eragrostis lebmanniana, and shrub, Pentzia incana, are resilient to this defoliation regime, and show signs of compensatory growth. As yet there is no evidence that non-selective grazing increases diversity, but the severe defoliation and trampling may enhance the biomass turnover rate, resulting in more vigorous, and productive plants in the grazed areas. Diversity is unlkely to change rapidly in response to grazing, largely because of the persistence of grazing-tolerant perennials. Concentrating mixed herds of livestock onto small areas with lengthy rests can be a useful tool for 'kick-starting' moribund karoo veld into greater productivity. Several of the impacts hold potential for restoring the rangeland quality of degraded areas, but this needs to be tested.  相似文献   


The short‐term effects of stocking rate (AUE ha?1) and cattle‐to‐sheep ratio on the extent and severity of patch grazing and on patch size were evaluated. The extent of patch grazing was proportional to stocking rate, and livestock species had a small but significant effect. Patch size was also a function of stocking rate. Cattle and sheep had similar effects on patch size distribution when stocked at the same number of AUE ha?1. The severity of grazing within a patch was influenced by both stocking rate and cattle‐to‐sheep ratio. Recommendations that cattle should be grazed together with sheep and that cattle should be in greater proportion (in terms of AUE ha?1) than sheep, which are aimed at limiting the severity of grazing by sheep, are supported. However, severe grazing within patches is an inevitable consequence of sheep grazing irrespective of the stocking rate or cattle‐to‐sheep ratio applied.  相似文献   

苏军虎  南志标  纪维红 《草业学报》2016,25(11):136-148
本文综述了截止2015年国内外文献,分析了家畜放牧对啮齿动物的影响。放牧家畜的践踏和排泄物等引起土壤理化性质改变影响了啮齿类空间利用等,家畜采食影响了啮齿类食物资源及其丰度,采食还引起植物营养成分改变及次生防御化合物的产生,而植被高度变化导致了啮齿动物捕食风险的增加和生活史策略的改变。这些方面的影响与综合作用改变了啮齿动物的微栖息环境、分布、食性,以及领域、采食和挖掘等行为,繁殖和生活史特征;影响了啮齿动物的种群结构、种群数量消长及其调节过程;改变了啮齿动物的群落结构和种间相互作用,引起其群落演替。在综述上述各方面研究进展的基础上,提出放牧对啮齿动物影响的作用途径及其方式,放牧条件下草-畜-鼠耦合机制,不同放牧制度对啮齿动物的影响以及整合现代学科发展的相关探索是未来研究的重点。  相似文献   

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