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水稻ygl80黄绿叶突变体的遗传分析与目标基因精细定位   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过化学诱变获得遗传稳定的水稻黄绿叶突变体ygl80。与野生型亲本10079相比,ygl80突变体在苗期和孕穗期叶片叶绿素分别下降76.64%和54.59%,类胡萝卜素含量分别下降53.85%和41.18%,成熟期株高、每株有效穗数、每穗着粒数、穗长和千粒重分别减少14.8%、16.5%、21.3%、9.1%和7.4%。遗传分析表明,ygl80的突变性状由1对隐性核基因控制。利用(ygl80/浙辐802) F2作为定位群体, 将突变基因定位在第5染色体长臂InDel标记C2和C3之间,遗传距离分别为0.24 cM 和0.39 cM,两标记之间的物理距离约为90 kb,此区间内包含11个预测基因。基因组序列分析发现,ygl80突变体在编码叶绿素合酶的YGL1(LOC_Os05g28200)基因编码区第5027碱基处(位于第14外显子),碱基C突变为碱基T,使编码蛋白序列第348位的脯氨酸(Pro)突变成亮氨酸(Leu)。该基因是已报道的水稻ygl1黄绿叶突变基因的等位基因。ygl80突变体在整个生育期都表现为黄绿叶,而ygl1突变体在苗期叶片黄化,中期慢慢转绿,后期叶色以及总叶绿素和类胡萝卜素的含量接近野生型,这可能是YGL1基因编码的叶绿素合酶蛋白的氨基酸不同突变位点造成的。  相似文献   

在水稻品种Dongjin的T-DNA插入突变体库中筛选到一份黄绿叶突变体T113,该突变体在生长的整个时期叶片都呈现黄绿色,且越到后期表型越明显。T113与野生型亲本Dongjin相比,叶片光合色素含量明显降低,株高变矮,结实率降低,每穗着粒数、穗长和千粒重均明显减少,抽穗期延迟,且黄绿叶性状不受温度影响,叶绿体中的类囊体排列较为疏松,出现更多的嗜锇体,叶绿素合成和质体发育相关基因表达量发生改变。遗传分析表明,T113的突变性状由1对隐性核基因控制。利用T113/N22的F2群体,将突变基因定位在第2染色体长臂Indel标记CX2和JX18之间,物理距离约为79 kb,此区间内包含12个预测基因。  相似文献   

水稻ygl98黄绿叶突变基因的精细定位与遗传分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
通过EMS诱变获得一份遗传稳定的水稻黄绿叶突变体ygl98,该突变体整个生育期呈黄绿色。与野生型相比,突变体的叶绿素和类胡萝卜素含量分别下降45.3%和45.6%,有效穗数和结实率分别减少14.4%和10.7%,株高降低7.4%。透射电镜观察表明,ygl98突变体的叶绿体形状不规则,叶绿体中有许多空的囊泡状结构,类囊体数目减少,每个基粒仅由少数几个类囊体垛叠而成。遗传分析表明,ygl98的突变性状由1对隐性核基因控制。利用(ygl98/浙辐802) F2作为定位群体,将突变基因定位在第3染色体长臂InDel标记I3和I4之间,遗传距离分别为0.07 cM和0.19 cM,两标记之间的物理距离约为44.2 kb,此区间内包含8个预测基因。基因组序列分析发现,ygl98突变体在编码镁离子螯合酶ChlD亚基的OsChlD基因编码区第1 522碱基处(位于第10外显子),碱基G突变为碱基A,从而造成编码蛋白序列第508位的丙氨酸(Ala)突变成苏氨酸(Thr)。该基因是已报道的水稻黄绿叶基因Chlorina-1的等位基因,但突变体表型有明显区别,Chlorina-1突变体在2~3周龄幼苗时开始出现黄绿叶,且该黄绿叶性状仅在苗期表现,而ygl98突变体整个生育期都表现为黄绿叶,这可能是OsChlD基因组序列的突变位点不同造成的。  相似文献   

一个新的水稻黄绿叶突变体的遗传分析与基因定位   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
通过化学诱变获得一份稳定遗传的水稻黄绿叶突变体D83。该突变体苗期植株呈黄绿色,分蘖期开始逐渐转为淡绿色。与野生型相比,突变体苗期叶绿素a、叶绿素b和类胡萝卜素含量分别下降45.03%、53.93%和39.56%,成熟期每穗着粒数减少9.45%,千粒重下降10.76%。对D83与正常绿色品种杂交F1、F2代的遗传分析表明,D83的突变性状由一对隐性核基因控制。以D83/浙福802 F2代作定位群体,应用分子标记将D83所携带的突变基因定位于水稻第2染色体短臂的SSR标记RM110附近,InDel标记Ch2-27和Ch2-32之间,该基因与这2个InDel标记的遗传距离分别为1.2 cM和2.3 cM。认为D83所携带的突变基因是一个新的水稻黄绿叶突变基因,暂命名为chl13(t)。  相似文献   

叶色突变体是研究高等植物光合作用、叶绿素代谢途径、叶绿体结构与功能分子机制的理想材料。本研究从EMS(ethyl methane sulfonate)处理的缙恢10号(Oryza sativa L.ssp.indica)诱变群体中发现了一个苗期呈现黄绿色、抽穗期渐变为淡绿色的叶色突变体,命名为yellow green leaf 9(ygl9)。与野生型相比,ygl9苗期和分蘖期光合色素极显著降低,抽穗期光合色素显著降低,气孔长度、气孔导度和蒸腾速率极显著增加,净光合速率无明显变化。透射电镜观察表明,ygl9的嗜锇小体增多、基粒模糊、基质片层减少且疏松,但叶绿体结构基本完整。遗传分析显示该突变性状受1对隐性核基因调控。利用西农1A/ygl9 F2群体中的759株隐性单株,最终将YGL9定位在第3染色体短臂SSR标记S03-1和In Del标记Ind03-19之间,遗传距离分别为0.13 c M和0.07 c M,物理距离为63 kb。本研究为YGL9基因的克隆和功能分析奠定了基础。  相似文献   

水稻黄绿叶突变体ygl209的遗传分析与目标基因精细定位   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
水稻叶色突变体是研究高等植物光合作用、叶绿体发育和叶绿素代谢的重要材料。从水稻转基因育种材料中国91与镇稻88的BC4F3后代中分离到稳定遗传的粳型黄绿叶突变体ygl209,与野生型亲本镇稻88相比,突变体ygl209在苗期、分蘖期及抽穗期叶片中叶绿素a、叶绿素b和类胡萝卜素含量均显著降低,其中叶绿素b降幅最大;其他农艺性状中抽穗期、株高、有效穗数、主茎穗总粒数、结实率和千粒重无显著变化。遗传分析表明,ygl209的黄绿叶突变性状由1对核隐性基因控制。应用(ygl209/9311)F2、F3分离群体,将ygl209的叶色突变基因定位于第1染色体着丝粒附近571.6 kb的染色体区段内。对区段内与叶绿体发育有关的基因LOC_Os01g31110序列测定,ygl209突变体中LOC_Os01g31110基因的编码区1390位(位于第5外显子)上碱基由C转换成G,使编码蛋白序列由丙氨酸(Ala)变成了甘氨酸(Gly),推测LOC_Os01g31110即为ygl209的候选基因。  相似文献   

从粳稻日本晴和籼稻R1128杂交衍生的重组自交系群体中获得一个稳定遗传的白条纹叶突变体wsl1(white stripe leaf 1),世代为F10。与亲本R1128相比,突变体wsl1表现出白条纹叶,同时叶脉呈现白化,该性状在苗期就出现并持续整个生育期;突变体的株高、每穗总粒数、剑叶长、生育期显著增加,而结实率显著下降,其他农艺性状没有显著变化。分蘖期突变体wsl1的叶绿素a、叶绿素b和胡萝卜素含量较杂交亲本R1128显著下降;透射电镜观察表明,与野生型相比,突变体的叶绿体形状异常,不规则。遗传分析表明,该突变性状由1对隐性核基因控制。精细定位后发现,目标基因WSL1位于第1染色体短臂上标记M1-54与标记M1-70之间,两者相距89.7kb。生物信息学分析表明候选区间内共有8个开放阅读框,暂未发现已报道的叶色相关基因;其中LOC_Os01g02080编码肽基脯氨酰顺反异构酶,GO(Gene Ontology)分类显示其可能与类囊体形成有关,后续将通过比较测序、qRT-PCR等分子实验来确定候选基因。  相似文献   

籽粒作为玉米储藏器官,其发育程度和物质储存直接影响玉米的产量和品质。本研究在玉米双单倍体系选育过程中发现可稳定遗传的籽粒缺陷突变体,命名为defective kernel 101 (dek101)。该突变体籽粒皱缩,粒重显著降低,胚致死,胚乳发育缺陷,不能成苗。在授粉后12 d, dek101开始出现明显的发育异常,授粉后21 d籽粒鲜重、干重、体积不再增加。扫描电镜观察发现,与野生型相比, dek101淀粉粒显著变小。遗传分析证实该突变性状受隐性单基因控制。利用441个F2单株和1648个F3单株,将该基因定位在1号染色体的标记IDP2182和IDP4600之间,物理区间约300 kb,共有5个预测基因。这些结果为挖掘与玉米籽粒发育有关的功能基因,解析籽粒发育机制奠定了基础。  相似文献   

水稻生殖生长期早衰严重影响水稻产量与品质。本研究利用甲基磺酸乙酯(EMS)诱变粳稻品种花晴稻(Hwacheongbyeo,野生型),获得了水稻生殖生长期叶片早衰突变体,命名为es-h (early senescenceHwacheongbyeo)。表型鉴定结果表明,该突变体从抽穗后开始叶片出现锈斑,随着灌浆进程急剧枯萎,到抽穗第五周整株枯死。农艺性状分析结果表明,与野生型相比,es-h突变体的抽穗期、穗长、穗颈度和有效分蘖数均无显著变化,而株高、每穗粒数、结实率及千粒重则显著降低。光合生理指标测定结果表明,es-h突变体抽穗后,其剑叶的SPAD值、叶绿素含量、Fv/Fm值及可溶性蛋白含量均急剧下降。遗传分析结果发现,es-h突变体的早衰性状受隐性单基因控制。通过基因定位将目标基因定位于第1号染色体长臂的44.2 kb物理区段上。本研究为Es-h基因的克隆及功能解析、早衰分子机制研究提供了依据。  相似文献   

水稻叶色突变体及其基因定位和克隆的研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
叶色突变是水稻中较常见的一种突变类型,在水稻功能基因组研究、植物光合作用的生理生化机制研究和遗传育种应用等方面具有无可替代的价值。本文综述了近年来有关水稻叶色突变的类型及来源、遗传机理、应用前景等,着重介绍水稻叶色突变相关基因的定位与克隆研究进展。  相似文献   

The leaves of cultivated soybean (Glycine max L.) are comprising of three leaflets in general, but there are also individual varieties or mutants which have a high frequency of compound leaves with 4-7 leaflets, named multifoliolate leaves. Compound leaf formation enhances the plant's ability to adapt to the external environment. Study of related genes to multifoliolate leaves might contribute to the improvement yield level of and soybean agronomic traits. In this study, a multifoliolate leaf mutant Zhonghuang 622 was identified from the mutant library of soybean cultivar Zhongpin 661, which had 4-9 leaflets in each compound leaf. The compound leaf phenotypes of F2 and F2:3 population from a cross between Zhongpin 661 and Zhonghuang 622 were investigated in Beijing and Hainan, respectively. Analysis of phenotypic data from F2 and F2:3 population revealed that the multifoliolate leaf trait was controlled by an incomplete dominant gene. BSA-Seq method was used for gene mapping. The two bulks of normal trifoliate and multifoliolate individuals in F2 population were constructed and sequenced for an average depth of 32.75×, which covered 99.22% genome compared to the reference genome. Through correlation analysis of mixed pool sequencing results by ED method, two regions were located on chromosome 11, with a total length of 5.29 Mb and a total length of 1103 genes. Three regions were identified on chromosome 11 at confidence of 0.99, with a total length of 3.42 Mb and a total of 701 genes by the association analysis of SNP-index method. There were 690 genes located simultaneously and six SNP genes between parents by the two association analysis methods. These results lay the foundation for map-based cloning of the genes related to compound leaf development.  相似文献   

Bacterial leaf pustule (BLP) caused by Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. glycines (Xag) is a serious soybean disease. A BLP resistant genotype ‘TS-3’ was crossed with a BLP susceptible genotype ‘PK472’, and a segregating F2 mapping population was developed for genetic analysis and mapping. The F2 population segregation pattern in 15:1 susceptible/resistance ratio against Xag inoculum indicated that the resistance to BLP in ‘TS-3’ was governed by two recessive genes. A total of 12 SSR markers, five SSR markers located on chromosome 2 and seven SSR markers located on chromosome 6 were identified as linked to BLP resistance. One of the resistance loci (r1) was mapped with flanking SSR markers Sat_183 and BARCSOYSSR_02_1613 at a distance of 0.9 and 2.1 cM, respectively. Similarly, SSR markers BARCSOYSSR_06_0024 and BARCSOYSSR_06_0013 flanked the second locus (r2) at distances of 1.5 and 2.1 cM, respectively. The identified two recessive genes imparting resistance to BLP disease and the SSR markers tightly linked to these loci would serve as important genetic and molecular resources to develop BLP resistant genotypes in soybean.  相似文献   

Soybean mosaic virus (SMV) commonly affects soybean production worldwide, and the SC18 strain has been widespread in China. This study aimed to characterize and map the SC18 resistance genes present in soybean cultivars ‘Kefeng No. 1’ and ‘Qihuang 22’. Inheritance analysis revealed that two independent single dominant genes in Kefeng No. 1 and Qihuang 22 confer resistance to SC18. Using simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers and bulked segregant analysis, the Kefeng No. 1 and Qihuang 22 resistance genes were located on soybean chromosomes 2 and 13, respectively. We further screened two populations of recombinant inbred lines with 32 SSR markers in the target region, where the resistance gene in Kefeng No. 1 was fine mapped to an 80‐kb region containing six putative genes. Sequence and expression analyses of these genes revealed that SMV resistance in Kefeng No. 1 was probably attributable to three of the candidate genes (i.e. Glyma.02G127800, Glyma.02G128200 and Glyma.02G128300). Collectively, the results of this study will greatly facilitate the cloning of SC18 resistance genes and marker‐assisted breeding of SMV‐resistant soybean cultivars.  相似文献   

The genetic behaviour of a yellow-green leaf sweetpotato mutant, a269, was analysed to prepare for genetic mapping and cloning of this mutant and to elucidate the regulation of its molecular mechanisms. The phenotypic stability of the mutant was observed under natural conditions, and photosynthetic pigments in mature leaves were measured. GN1323 and a269 were crossed and backcrossed. Genetic behaviour was assessed using phenotypic expression and segregation in F1, BC1 and BC2. The a269 leaves were yellow-green at all stages after germination. The thylakoid lamellae of a269 were disorganized, had incomplete grana and were fewer compared with GN1323. The direct and reciprocal F1 populations had normal leaf colour, whereas the BC2 populations had yellow-green leaves. Segregation of plants with normal- and yellow-green leaf colour in the four BC1 populations satisfied the backcross segregation ratio of 11 : 1 for auto-allohexaploids. The a269 mutant is stable, and its trait is controlled by one recessive nuclear locus.  相似文献   

Phosphorus (P) deficiency is a major abiotic stress that limits plant growth and crop productivity throughout the world. In the present study, 184 recombinant inbred line (RIL) families developed from soybean varieties Kefeng No. 1 and Nanong 1138-2 were used to identify quantitative trait loci (QTL) associated with P deficiency tolerance. Seven traits of plant height (HT), weight of fresh shoot (FSW), weight of fresh root (FRW), weight of dry root (DRW), length of main root (RL), phosphorus content in leaf (LP), phosphorus content in root (RP), were used as parameters to assess the phosphorus deficiency tolerance. The QTL mapping for the seven traits was performed using the program WinQTLCart. Seven QTLs were detected and mapped on two linkage groups for three traits of weight of fresh shoot, phosphorus contents in leaf and in root. The QTLs that had LOD scores more than three were detected for all of the three traits above. Most of the QTLs explained more than 10% of the total variation. The two QTLs for phosphorus content in leaf explained more than 20% of the total variation, respectively. Five QTLs were mapped on linkage group F2, and two on linkage F1. It was suggested that the genes related to phosphorus deficiency tolerance located on linkage group F in soybean.Contributed equally to this work.  相似文献   

W. J. DU  S. X. FU  D. Y. YU 《Plant Breeding》2009,128(3):259-265
Leaf pubescence density (PD) is an important component for the adaptation of soybean [ Glycine max (L.) Merr.] to drought-prone environment. Quantitative trait loci (QTL) controlling PD on the upper surface of leaf blade (PDU), PD on the lower surface of leaf blade (PDL), leaf wilting coefficient (WC) and rate of excised leaf drying (ELD) were identified using recombinant inbred lines (RILs) population from the cross between soybean cultivars 'kefeng1' and 'nannong1138-2' at the field soil drought stress stage from the mid-end of stem elongation to onset of flowering. A total of 20 QTLs were detected on molecular linkage groups (MLGs) A2, D1b, E, H, G and I with individual QTL explained 4.49–23.56% of phenotypic variation by composite interval mapping. The QTLs for PD on MLG H were mapped to near Ps locus while the QTLs on MLG D1b were located near Rsc-7 . Three genome regions for PD and water status traits on MLGs A2, D1b and H were associated. This study revealed that leaf surface PD may play an important role in the soybean drought tolerance.  相似文献   

The branch number is one of the important factors influencing soybean yield, which is directly related to pod setting rate. At the same time, it is also an important component of soybean plant type, and further affects the yield by adjusting the population structure and planting density. At present, there is few report related to map-based cloning of genes related to branch number. Therefore, the discovery of genes/QTL involved in the regulation of soybean branching is of great significance for the basic research on the establishment of plant type and the applied research on the development of high-yielding varieties. In this study, based on the F2 of crossing low-branched variety Kenfeng 19 (KF19) and high-branched variety Kennong 24 (KN24), we developed the F7:8 recombinant inbred line (RIL) population, consisting of 606 lines, and two backcrossing populations consisting of 1486 individuals for KF19-BC3F2 and 1150 individuals for KN24-BC2F2. Within the localization interval of the new QTL of the branch number of chromosome 18 (qBN-18), 11 polymorphism SSR markers were screened out to identify the RIL population, and region of qBN-18 was reduced from 1.6 Mb to 113 kb. After developing two InDel markers BR69 and BR77 in the mapping region, the backcross population was used to screen the exchange individuals, the interval of qBN-18 was further reduced to 63.7 kb, including 9 genes. Those results provide the information for gene map-based cloning and molecular marker assisted breeding of branch number in soybean.  相似文献   

The yellow-green leaf mutant has a non-lethal chlorophyll-deficient mutation that can be exploited in photosynthesis and plant development research. A novel yellow-green mutant derived from Triticum durum var. Cappelli displays a yellow-green leaf color from the seedling stage to the mature stage. Examination of the mutant chloroplasts with transmission electron microscopy revealed that the shape of chloroplast changed, grana stacks in the stroma were highly variable in size and disorganized. The pigment content, including chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, total chlorophyll and carotene, was decreased in the mutant. In contrast, the chla/chlb ratio of the mutants was increased in comparison with the normal green leaves. We also found a reduction in the photosynthetic rate, fluorescence kinetic parameters and yield-related agronomic traits of the mutant. A genetic analysis revealed that two nuclear recessive genes controlled the expression of this trait. The genes were designated ygld1 and ygld2. Two molecular markers co-segregated with these genes. ygld 1 co-segregated with the SSR marker wmc110 on chromosome 5AL and ygld 2 co-segregated with the SSR marker wmc28 on chromosome 5BL. These results will contribute to the gene cloning and the understanding of the mechanisms underlying chlorophyll metabolism and chloroplast development in wheat.  相似文献   

大豆疫霉病是由大豆疫霉引起的一种重要大豆病害,可造成严重的经济损失。种植含有抗疫霉病基因的大豆品种是控制该病害最有效的途径。前人在大豆品种郑97196的3号染色体上鉴定了一个抗疫霉病基因RpsZheng。本研究的目的是验证幵精细定位抗疫霉病基因RpsZheng。以Williams和郑97196杂交衍生的188个F_(2:3)家系为作图群体,用大豆3号染色体上的SSR标记构建RpsZheng遗传连锁图,获得与RpsZheng紧密连锁的侧翼SSR标记SattWM82_39 (2.5 cM)和BARCSOYSSR_03_0269 (1.0 cM)。基于亲本间全基因组重测序数据鉴定和开发多态性InDel标记,进一步将RpsZheng候选区域缩小至105.2 kb,通过检测RpsZheng候选区域内的共分离标记特异性,获得了能够有效检测RpsZheng的分子标记WZInDel11。本研究明确了RpsZheng的候选基因组区间,鉴定出了能够有效用于基因功能研究和辅助选择育种的共分离分子标记。  相似文献   

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