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The domestication of indigenous fruits through agroforestry is seen as one of the important issues in the transformation in the way in which land is used within rural areas. A study of the variation in fruit traits is also important as it is a prerequisite for cultivar development in the domestication process. Following an aridity gradient, phenotypic variation was assessed in fruits of Sclerocarya birrea subsp. birrea, native to West African semi-arid areas. Fruits were collected from 42 trees of various diameters in agroforestry parklands from the dry and semi-humid Sudanian zones. They were partitioned into peel, flesh and pit. Each fruit was labelled and its components were measured and weighted. The overall mean fruit mass was 18.58 ± 0.24 g (mean ± SE) but fruits from the population in the drier zone were significantly larger (19.90 ± 0.37 g vs 17.02 ± 0.24 g; P < 0.001). The results showed a strong correlation between fruits and their components (P < 0.05). Tree diameter was very weakly correlated with fruit traits. There was a high level of variation in fruit characteristics and components within and between populations. The within-population variation accounted for the greatest part (67–100%) of the total variation. Many trees, mainly from the drier zones, showed superior phenotypic traits. Five groups of trees which represented different fruit morphotypes were identified for various prospective exploitations. The results strongly support the implementation of preliminary practical conservation action and domestication of S. birrea in West Africa.  相似文献   

Cell-wall pectic polysaccharides were fractionated by sequential extraction with water, 1% potassium oxalate at room temperature, 0.05 M HCl at 100 °C and 0.05 M NaOH at 4 °C from the three specific tissue zones, i.e., outer pericarp (OP), middle pericarp (MP) and inner pericarp (IP) of the guava fruits during their development and ripening. The water and oxalate-soluble pectic fractions were found to increase, while acid and alkali-soluble pectic fractions had a decreasing trend at ripening phase of fruit, irrespective of the different tissue zones. However, the extent of pectic solubilization was more pronounced in IP region as compared to OP and MP zone of the fruit tissue. The differential degradation of pectic polymers thus points out that ripening as well as tissue softening of guava fruits are centrifugally expressed as evidenced by higher accumulation of sugar and soluble pectic polysaccharides in IP zone of the fruits.  相似文献   

In order to study the extensively genetic diversities of more than 700 cultivars of Chinese jujube, it is necessary to utilize various informative DNA markers. SSR markers are highly polymorphic, co-dominant, locus-specific markers widely used in genetic studies, but less used in Chinese jujube because of no specific primers available. In this study, we used the approach of selectively amplified microsatellite (SAM) to develop SSR markers for Chinese jujube and its related species. Three cultivars (Dongzao, Dalilongzao and Jinsixiaozao) were selected to perform the approach of SAM with CT repeats. There were totally 25 primers obtained, of which we selected 16 primers available to detect the polymorphism in populations of 24 Chinese jujube cultivars, two wild jujube varieties and two Indian jujube cultivars. Based on these primers, genetic relationships of the 28 samples were constructed in a dendrogram according to the UPGMA cluster analysis. The samples were clustered into three main groups, including Chinese jujube, wild jujube and Indian jujube as expected. The 16 sequence-specific SSR primers could efficiently distinguish all the 24 cultivars of Chinese jujube, except for two cultivars, Jinsixiaozao and its ‘stoneless’ mutant, Wuhexiaozao. As a result, SAM was a very efficient method in targeted developing sequence-specific SSR primers in Chinese jujube. Furthermore, SAMs could also be used as high polymorphic molecular markers independently. The further study would focus on developing other oligonucleotide repeat types and applying more SSRs available in the genetic research of Chinese jujube.  相似文献   

In this study, phytochemical and antioxidant properties of anthocyanin-rich mulberry species of Morus nigra L. (black mulberry) and Morus rubra L. (red mulberry) fruits harvested from across Turkey were investigated. Fruit color, total phenolics (TP), total monomeric anthocyanin (TMA), titratable acidity (TA), and individual sugar and organic acid compositions were determined. Total antioxidant capacity (TAC) of fruits was assessed by both the trolox-equivalent antioxidant capacity (TEAC) and the ferric reducing antioxidant power (FRAP) assays. Black mulberry exhibited higher TP, TMA, TAC and TA when compared to red mulberry. The average TP contents of M. nigra and M. rubra were 2737 and 1603 μg gallic acid equivalent in g fresh weight basis (GAE/g fw), respectively. M. nigra had the richest amount of anthocyanin with an average of 571 μg cy-3-glu/g fw. Overall, TAC averaged 10.5 and 12.0 mmol TE/L by the TEAC and FRAP methods, respectively. We found that FRAP, TEAC, TP and TMA were significantly correlated (r = 0.64–0.99) with each other. Fructose (5.27 g/100 mL) and glucose (5.81 g/100 mL) were determined to be the major sugars in both mulberries. M. nigra displayed a higher TA (2.05 g/100 mL) than M. rubra (0.78 g/100 mL), with citric acid as the major acid.  相似文献   

The dormancy of seeds which were consecutively preserved in harvested fruits has been studied in three species of Brassica, i.e., B. japonica, B. napus and B. cernua. In B. napus and B. cernua fresh seeds lost their dormancy in 3 months when they were separated from fruits immediately after harvest, whereas seeds showed the prolongation of dormancy for as long as more than 2 years when they were preserved in harvested fruits. In B. japonica mature seeds lost their dormancy in a month after harvest, whether they were preserved in fruits or not. When the seeds which had been preserved in fruits were separated from the fruits, their dormancy disappeared rapidly.  相似文献   

Total fresh and dry weight of Capsicum chinense fruit accessions were inversely correlated with accumulation of dry matter, and fruits with a higher percentage of dry matter accumulated proportionally more total soluble solids. Based on regression analysis, a 1% increase in fruit dry weight was associated with a 0.28% improvement in total soluble content, up to a maximum total soluble solid content of 10.25%. Regardless of shape, larger fruits had thicker pericarps, and were therefore more suitable for open air fresh markets. Smaller fruits had thinner pericarps and higher concentrations of total soluble solids and were more appropriate for dehydration and paprika production. Dry fruits with color intensities greater than 200 ASTA units, as required for paprika production, were found in 18.4% of the analyzed accessions. A large number of accessions, close to 27%, had total capsaicinoid concentrations less than or equal to 1.9 mg g−1 dry weight, and can be considered as sweet or light pungent fruits. A small percentage of accessions (2.5%) were classified as extremely hot fruits.  相似文献   

The physico-chemical properties and antioxidant capacity of the five main jujube varieties: Junzao, Lingbaozao, Jinzao, Zanhuangzao and Lizao collected from loess plateau of China were determined. The analyzed components included fruit yield, moisture content, total mass per fruit, pH, titratable acidity (TA), reducing sugars, total sugars, total soluble solids (TSS), ascorbic acid, total phenolics content, total flavonoids content and several pure phenolic compounds. The output of the analyses showed higher amounts of ascorbic acid and phenolics in these jujube varieties than in some common fruits. The antioxidative capacity of the jujube extracts, evaluated with the reducing power, the β-carotene bleaching, the 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydracyl (DPPH•), and the 2,2′-azinobis (3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonicacid) (ABTS•+) scavenging methods, showed that the antioxidant activity of the extracts of Lingbaozao was excellent for free radical scavenging and a potent natural antioxidant of commercial value. Statistically significant differences were observed between jujube cultivars investigated with regards to the measured parameters except rutin content of fruit. These results demonstrated that the cultivar was the main factor which influences the physico-chemical properties and antioxidant activity of jujubes.  相似文献   

Spondias mangifera is a unique, fleshy, drupe fruit with a mango flavor. The hardening of endocarp during development and maturation of hog plum is a major bottleneck, which reduces the edibility of the fruits by 80% and makes them unmarketable. For the first time, three distinct maturity stages were demonstrated. Distinct pattern in change in surface color, accumulation of carotene pigments and biochemical components in fruits were observed. The decrease in chlorophyll ‘a’ and chlorophyll ‘b’ correlated well with the downhill trend in Transmittance Refractory Spectroscopy (TRS) – ‘L’, ‘a’, ‘b’ values. The decrease in the total chlorophyll along with the accumulation of carotene pigment contributes significantly to the lightness of surface color and reflected in ‘L’ hue values. Confluence of carotene and total chlorophyll on the 9th week provides a distinct marker for maturity. Complete convergence of five carpells on the 9th week after fruit set, heralds the onset of maturation in Indian hog plum and which was adjudged as visual index of maturity. Hardening of endocarp begins after attainment of optimum maturity and last for 2 weeks. Pre-climacteric plunge in respiration along with coordinated changes in pigments, and accumulation of ascorbic acid, phenols, presets the optimum maturity period of 9th week after fruit set. Pre-climacteric falls in respiration with lowest output of 40.57 mg CO2/kg-h concentration on 9th week after fruit set indicates the attainment of fruit maturity. Harvesting of hog plum between 9th and 11th weeks provides the fruit with soft endocarp and complete edibility.  相似文献   

Chilean strawberry (Fragaria chiloensis) is arising as a new fruit crop that can diversify the world supply of berries. Fruit softening is thought to be linked to an extensive modification of pectin and hemicellulosic cell wall fractions which in turn is determined to a great extent by the action of some cell wall-modifying enzymes. The objective of this work was to compare cell wall changes and the enzyme activities of pectin methylesterase (PME), polygalacturonase (PG), endoglucanase (EGase), α-arabinofuranosidase (AFase), β-galactosidase (βGal), and β-xylosidase (βXyl) between F. chiloensis and Fragaria ×ananassa (cv. Chandler) at three fruit developmental stages: large green (LG), turning (T) and ripe (R). A rapid decrease in fruit firmness between LG and T stages was observed in both species; nevertheless firmness reduction in F. chiloensis was steeper than in F. ×ananassa. This could be related to a faster loss of HCl-soluble polymers (HSP fraction) presented in F. chiloensis fruit. However, commercial F. ×ananassa showed a greater depolymerization of HSP polymers than F. chiloensis. With the exception of PME, the activity of all assayed enzymes was higher in F. chiloensis than in F. ×ananassa fruits. The role of PG and EGase seems to be central in both species: these enzymes are correlated to the decrease in the content of HSP and NaOH-soluble polymers (NSP fraction), respectively. In addition, activity levels of βGal and βXyl were significantly correlated with fruit firmness reduction in F. chiloensis and F. ×ananassa, respectively.  相似文献   

Rooting of cuttings of jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus Lam.) has been successfully induced through forcing of shoots, etiolation and application of indole butyric acid (IBA) under mist spray. Maximum rooting (84%) and maximum survival (50–75%) were obtained with the forced and etiolated shoots treated with 5000 mg/l IBA. The next best treatment was the forced and etiolated shoots treated with 10 000 mg/l IBA, which was somewhat similar to forced, non-etiolated shoots treated with 5000 mg/l IBA. In the control without IBA no success was obtained even under forcing and etiolation.  相似文献   

Preferential degradation of chlorophyll b in degreening of ‘Satsuma’ mandarin (Citrus unshiu Marc.) was found in ethylene-treated fruits and in fruits ripening on the tree. Conversely, chlorophyll a was more predominantly degraded than chlorophyll b in the non-treated fruits. The degradation of chlorophyll b in the ethylene-treated fruits was inhibited by cycloheximide.  相似文献   

In our previous work (Cherubini et al., 2009), sugar concentration was proposed as an accurate, reproducible index for technological ripening of olive oil fruits. During 2009 crop season, sugar and oil content of olive oil fruits from Moraiolo and Leccino cultivars were measured during ripening. The sugar content of olive oil fruits was determined both by titration and by using a portable refractometer.  相似文献   

Phospholipase D, the key enzyme involved in membrane phospholipid catabolism, was localized in strawberry (Fragaria ananassa Duch.) fruits during development using immunohistochemical techniques. Typical structural features such as the nucleus, cell wall, plasma membrane, mitochondria and vacuole were noticeable in cells of young strawberry fruits. Cytoplasmic structural features were less pronounced in fully grown and turning red fruits, except cell wall, which was considerably enlarged. Also, extensive microvesiculation from the plasma membrane was noticeable in ripening fruits. The number of visible gold particles indicative of phospholipase D increased during development. Phospholipase D was found to be associated with membranous structures and vacuole. Interestingly, gold-particles could also be observed in the cell wall space in ripening fruits suggesting that cytosolic contents may have leaked into the cell wall space as a result of membrane deterioration and loss of compartmentalization. The role of phospholipase D during development and ripening of strawberry, a non-climacteric fruit, is discussed.  相似文献   

Mango is susceptible to decay caused by pathogen infection during storage and transport. Chemical fungicides have been the major weapons against postharvest fungal diseases, but they have caused increasing public resistance. BTH does not have anti-microbial properties, but it induces systemic acquired resistance in plants. Here the relationship between BTH-induced disease resistance in harvested mango fruits and expression of PPO and POD genes, together with contents of total phenolic compounds (TPC), were investigated. BTH treatment reduced disease indices and lesion diameter. Compared with the control, BTH increased TPC, up-regulated gene expression and enhanced enzymes activities of PPO and POD during the latter period of storage life, suggesting that enhanced gene expression of PPO and POD played an important role in BTH-activated defense response of mango fruits and that the up-regulation of the two genes were related to the accumulation of TPC. This study also showed that BTH-induced resistance in harvested mango fruits could differ with varieties.  相似文献   

Owing to lack of space or time, cuttings of rhododendrons cannot always be rooted at the moment they are ready for propagation. We investigated how cuttings could be cold stored until the time they are to be rooted. The cuttings can best be preserved at temperatures just above freezing. At higher temperatures the period of successful storage is shortened. The greatest hazard is Botrytis cinerea attack, but this can be prevented by a prophylactic spray with benomyl. More lignified cuttings can be preserved longer than more herbaceous ones. The methods described can be used for storing cuttings of Rhododendron obtusum, ponticum and simsii hybrids.  相似文献   

Caffeoylserotonin (CaS) is a serotonin derivative that belongs to the family of phenylpropanoid amides, but has not previously been identified in plants. In this study, pepper fruits challenged with the anthracnose fungus, Colletotrichum gloeosporioides, were found to synthesize CaS, which accumulated at concentrations of up to 2.3 μg/g fresh weight. The induction of CaS was accompanied by the upregulation of both 4-coumarate-CoA ligase (4CL) and serotonin N-hydroxycinnamoyl transferase (SHT) in unripe pepper fruits. However, no induction of SHT and 4CL was observed in ripe pepper fruits consistent with the lower level of CaS production.  相似文献   

Surface characteristics of fruit mainly determine the diffusibility of gases across its boundary and also the extent to which moisture being lost from the fruit. The present study has been carried out with an objective to find out the association between the ripening related processes and surface morphology of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) fruit. Tomato fruits of two contrasting varieties; Pusa Gaurav (a slow ripening type) and Pusa Ruby (a relatively fast ripening type) were evaluated for physiological loss in weight (PLW), rate of respiration, effect of hypoxia on ripening, dimension of stem scar region and distribution of lenticels along with hair base cell of trichomes on the surface of the fruits. Results showed that fruits of Pusa Gaurav showed significantly lower PLW, rate of respiration, surface area of stem scar region, density of lenticels along with hair base cell of trichomes and slower ripening under hypoxia condition in comparison to Pusa Ruby. More resistance towards gaseous exchange and therefore lower O2 to CO2 ratio inside the fruits of Pusa Gaurav in contrast to Pusa Ruby in view of the differences in the surface morphological features in these two varieties could possibly be assigned as one of the reasons responsible for the obtained varietal difference in ripening and related changes.  相似文献   

Pogonatherum paniceum (Lam.) Hack. is a rock plant with good potential for vegetative recovery on naked lands. A high frequency in vitro regeneration system was developed for P. paniceum. Calli were induced from explants of mature seeds, seedlings, young leaves, and stem segments on Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium supplemented with 1.0 mg L−1 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D), 2.0 mg L−1 α-naphthalene acetic acid (NAA) and 0.2 mg L−1 6-benzylaminopurine (BAP). High induction rates (59.57%) and regeneration rates (100%) were obtained from mature seed explants; calli were sub-cultured for over 2 years and still retained a high regenerative capacity. One seed explant resulted in 69,997 plants in 1 year. Shoot buds derived from calli were used for encapsulation in liquid MS medium containing 3% sucrose and two different alginate matrices (3% sodium alginate (w/v) + MS medium containing 3% sucrose and 3% sodium alginate + 1% activated carbon (w/v) + MS medium containing 3% sucrose) with a 20-min exposure to 2% CaCl2 and 0.3% bavistin (w/v). The capsule with 3.0% sodium alginate (w/v) and 1% activated carbon (w/v) showed a higher conversion rate (61.58%) and stronger plantlets under non-aseptic conditions. These systems are useful for the rapid clonal propagation and dissemination of artificial seed material of P. paniceum for eco-recovery.  相似文献   

The genus Ptilotus has immense potential for ornamental horticulture but its commercial development has been hindered by propagation limitations. Poor seed quality and germination are reported. Cutting propagation is limited by cutting supply as the juvenile phase of Ptilotus is short. Micropropagation has been used in an attempt to overcome these difficulties but explants become floral in vitro and this causes plantlets to elongate. Ethephon has been used to control flowering of stock plants of many ornamental species. This study investigated the effect of ethephon applied to young (3-week-old, deflasked from tissue culture) and mature (1-year-old) Ptilotus plants in a greenhouse. A system of applying gaseous ethylene at 0, 100, 200 and 300 mg l−1 to the headspace of in vitro plantlets in glass jars was developed and the response of in vitro plantlets to ethylene studied. One-year-old Ptilotus plants were treated with 500 mg l−1 ethephon 2 days before pruning or 1 or 2 weeks after pruning. Ethephon application 2 days before pruning decreased the number of inflorescences and increased the number of shoots (compared to the control) but was phytotoxic. Ethephon applications of 150 or 300 mg l−1 applied weekly or fortnightly to 3-week-old plants deflasked from tissue culture reduced plant height and number of inflorescences and at low concentrations increased the number of new shoots. A fortnightly application at 150 mg l−1 is recommended. Previous reports on the effects of ethylene on inflorescence production on plantlets in vitro are limited. Our study showed that exposure of in vitro plantlets of P. nobilis to ethylene gas at 100 mg l−1 for 1 h significantly increased the number of shoots and plant height but this did not occur for plantlets of P. spicatus. Plantlets of P. spicatus exposed to transient ethylene at 200 and 300 mg l−1 showed significantly greater rooting (52.4%) than the control (13.6%).  相似文献   

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