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In some parts of the world, the soil selenium (Se) content is too low to ensure the Se level recommended for human or animal consumption in the crops produced. In order to secure a desired concentration of Se in crops, Se has been applied as mineral fertilizer to agricultural fields. Since only a minor part of the inorganic Se applied is utilized by plants and small increases in Se concentrations in, e.g., drinking water, may be toxic, the method is somewhat controversial. As an alternative to Se-enriched mineral fertilizer, different seafood-processing wastes have been examined as a source for Se in crop production. Both in greenhouse pot experiments and field trials the Se in seafood waste was not plant-available during the first growing season. There was no significant difference between the Se concentration in wheat growing in soil without added Se and in soil receiving Se from seafood waste in amounts ranging from 0.9 to 9 g ha?1. Neither was any residual effect of Se in seafood waste seen during a second year growth period. Thus, seafood-processing waste cannot be regarded as a potential source of Se in crop production. Possible mobilization of formerly applied Se, as seafood-processing waste or Se enriched mineral fertilizer due to changes in soil redox conditions were examined in a leaching experiment. The mobility of formerly applied Se was generally very low, but the results indicated that under permanently wet soil conditions leaching of Se may occur in plant dormant periods in soils with low organic matter content and high pH.  相似文献   

This paper describes a procedure for recovering hesperidin from the waste water of orange juice processing, namely, yellow water, by concentration of diluted extracts on styrene-divinylbenzene resin. Turbid raw material flowing out from centrifuges of essential oil separation contains considerable amount of hesperidin ( approximately 1 g/L) mainly associated with solid particles. Yellow water was treated with calcium hydroxide until pH 12 to solubilize hesperidin, filtered, neutralized at pH 6, and loaded on resin up to saturation. Desorption with 10% ethanol aqueous solutions at different NaOH concentrations (0.23-0.92 M) assured high concentration of hesperidin in selected fractions (10-78 g/L), from which it precipitated in high yield and purity immediately after acidification at pH 5. Best results were obtained using 0.46 M NaOH as eluent: 71.5% of the adsorbed hesperidin was desorbed in 300 mL, with an overall 64% yield of isolated product at 95.4% purity (HPLC). These experiments can constitute a useful starting point for an industrial application.  相似文献   

Shrimp biosolids (SB) are composed of shrimp fecal matter and decomposed shrimp feed and remain as debris in the bottoms of drained ponds used to culture shrimp. These biosolids are considered waste and usually disposed of in landfills. SB is a valuable source of N, P, K and a variety of other useful plants nutrients; however, SB contains high levels of Na. Field research was conducted to evaluate the potential of SB as a fertilizer source used with and without an inorganic fertilizer source (Osmocote 14N - 6P - 12K) to grow broccoli (Brassica oleracea italica). Yield of marketable heads/ha varied with SB/Osmocote (OSM) ratios. OSM at 75 kg/ha in combination with 9.0 MT SB/ha increased heads/ha significantly compared to lesser rates of each fertilizer source. This SB/OSM fertilizer regime contained a total of 263N - 116P - 99K - 99Na/ha. The biological yield increased 13% with OSM at 150 kg/ha and SB at 9.0 MT/ha, but if OSM was increased to 300 kg/ha, yield decreased significantly by 21% probably due to excessive fertilizer salts from both sources restricting plant growth. Lettuce field bioassays after broccoli production did not indicate that either fertilizer source persisted in the soil. The sodium in SB needs to be considered carefully whenever this material is used and SB should be evaluated in experimental trials before commercial use on other crops.  相似文献   

Aqueous crude extracts of a series of plant wastes (agricultural, wild plants, residues from sports activities (grass), ornamental residues (gardens)) from 17 different plant species representative of the typical biodiversity of the Iberian peninsula were investigated as new sources of peroxidases (EC Of these, lentil (Lens culinaris L.) stubble crude extract was seen to provide one of the highest specific peroxidase activities, catalyzing the oxidation of guaiacol in the presence of hydrogen peroxide to tetraguaiacol, and was used for further studies. For the optimum extraction conditions found, the peroxidase activity in this crude extract (110 U mL(-1)) did not vary for at least 15 months when stored at 4 °C (k(inact) = 0.146 year(-1), t(1/2 inact) = 4.75 year), whereas, for comparative purposes, the peroxidase activity (60 U mL(-1)) of horseradish (Armoracia rusticana L.) root crude extract, obtained and stored under the same conditions, showed much faster inactivation kinetics (k(inact) = 2.2 × 10(-3) day(-1), t(1/2 inact) = 315 days). Using guaiacol as an H donor and a universal buffer (see above), all crude extract samples exhibited the highest peroxidase activity in the pH range between 4 and 7. Once semipurified by passing the crude extract through hydrophobic chromatography on phenyl-Sepharose CL-4B, the novel peroxidase (LSP) was characterized as having a purity number (RZ) of 2.5 and three SDS-PAGE electrophoretic bands corresponding to molecular masses of 52, 35, and 18 kDa. The steady-state kinetic study carried out on the H(2)O(2)-mediated oxidation of guaiacol by the catalytic action of this partially purified peroxidase pointed to apparent Michaelian kinetic behavior (K(m)(appH(2)O(2)) = 1.87 mM; V(max)(appH(2)O(2)) = 6.4 mM min(-1); K(m)(app guaicol) = 32 mM; V(max)(app guaicol) = 9.1 mM min(-1)), compatible with the two-substrate ping-pong mechanism generally accepted for peroxidases. Finally, after the effectiveness of the crude extracts of LSP in oxidizing and removing from solution a series of last-generation dyes present in effluents from textile industries (1) had been checked, a steady-state kinetic study of the H(2)O(2)-mediated oxidation and decolorization of Green Domalan BL by the catalytic action of the lentil stubble extract was carried out, with the observation of the same apparent Michaelian kinetic behavior (K(m)(appGD) = 471 μM; V(max)(appGD)= 23 μM min(-1)). Further studies are currently under way to address the application of this LSP crude extract for the clinical and biochemical analysis of biomarkers.  相似文献   

Peanut roots as a source of resveratrol   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
A potent antioxidant, resveratrol (3,4',5-trihydroxystilbene), was extracted using 80% methanol from peanut roots (Arachis hypogaea L.), isolated with a solid-phase extraction column, purified by a semipreparative HPLC, and identified with 1H NMR and MS. The highest and lowest resveratrol contents in the peanut roots of 2000 fall and 2001 spring crops were 1.330 and 0.130 mg/g and 0.063 and 0.015 mg/g, respectively. When the dehydrated peanut root powders of spring and fall crops were combined and cooked with pork-fat patties (1%, w/w) and the separated oils were stored at 60 degrees C for conjugated diene hydroperoxide (CDHP) determination, CDHP contents of the control oils increased after 3 days of storage, whereas the contents in the peanut root-treated oils of spring and fall crops did not increase after 9 and 15 days of storage, respectively. It is of merit to find that peanut roots, usually left in the field as agricultural waste, contain resveratrol and bear potent antioxidative activity.  相似文献   

养殖固体废弃物作碳源的海水养殖废水反硝化净化效果   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:5  
由于养殖废水C/N低且溶解氧(DO)含量高,需要补充碳源并有效脱氧,才能保证高效反硝化。该文开展了以养殖固体废弃物作碳源,海水养殖废水水解、反硝化净化工艺的试验研究。结果表明,养殖废水(水解种污泥与养殖固体废弃物体积比为1︰1、水温20℃)经过10 h水解,水解液DO质量浓度降至0.2 mg/L,NH4+-N、NO3--N、总有机物(TCOD)和总固体(TS)的去除率分别为62.8%、43.5%、24.0%和13.6%。当水解种污泥与养殖固体废弃物体积比为1︰1.5~1︰2.5时,养殖废水在20℃条件下水解6 h,水解液中挥发性脂肪酸(VFA)质量浓度和溶解性有机物/总有机物(SCOD/TCOD) 分别增加32.0%~49.3%和3.5%~9.1%。利用厌氧活性污泥对养殖废水的水解液(体积比为1︰4、水温20℃)进行反硝化净化,NO3--N和TCOD的3 h去除率分别达99.6%和88.3%,而养殖废水直接反硝化10 h, NO3--N和TCOD的去除速率分别为36.5%和75.9%。这表明,在海水循环水养殖系统中,利用养殖固体废弃物作碳源,养殖废水水解、反硝化工艺,能有效脱氧和补充有机碳源,养殖废水反硝化净化效果显著。  相似文献   

Winter legumes can serve dual purposes in no-tillage cropping systems. They can provide a no-tillage mulch, and supply a considerable quantity of N for thesummer crops. Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) was no-tillage planted into crimson clover (Trifolium incarnatum L.), common vetch (Vicia sativa L.), and fallowed soil for two years to determine the effects of winter legume mulches on growth, yield, and N fertilizer requirements. The legumes were allowed to mature and reseed prior to planting cotton. The winter legumes produced no measurable changes in soil organic matter, N, or bulk density, but water infiltration was more rapid in the legume plots than in the fallowed soil. In the fallow system, 34 kg ha?1 N fertilizer was required for near maximum yields. In the clover plots, yields without N fertilizer were higher than when N (34 and 68 kg ha?1) was applied. In the vetch plots, cotton yields were highest without N fertilizer the first year, but yields were increased with 34 kg ha?1 N the second year because of a poor vetch seed crop and a subsequently poor legume stand. In the clover plots, a 20–30% cotton seedling mortality occurred in one year, but this stand reduction apparently did not affect cotton yields. Winter legume mulches can provide the N needs for no-tillage cotton without causing an excessive and detrimental quantity of N in sandy soils naturally low in soil N (0.04%). Unless the reseeding legume systems are maintained for at least 3 years, the legumes do not, however, provide an economical N source for cotton when N fertilizer requirementsare low (34 kg ha?1 in this study). A possible disadvantage of the system for reseeding legumes is that cotton planting is delayed 4–6 weeks beyond the normal planting date, which can reduce yields in some years.  相似文献   

Abstract. Land application of organic wastes can result in the accumulation of available soil phosphorus (P) and in an increase risk of eutrophication of surface and shallow groundwaters. We conducted laboratory experiments to examine the effect of waste application on the concentration of dissolved reactive phosphorus (DRP) in 1:5 soil to 0.005 m CaCl2 suspensions. Ten organic wastes, of which eight were mature composts, were applied to a P-rich Calcaric Fluvisol at rates ranging from 0 to 10% of soil by weight, and the difference in DRP concentration between suspensions containing waste and the untreated control (ΔDRP) was measured over a period of 300 days. In half of the suspensions of each waste–soil combination, 80 mg P (as KH2PO4) kg−1 soil was applied at day 14. Values of ΔDRP were generally positive, but a significant number of negative values were also recorded for some wastes and application rates, particularly at later sampling times if inorganic P had been added. Regression analyses revealed that ΔDRP (i) increased with increasing soluble reactive P at all times and (ii) increased in the short term, but decreased in the long term with increasing water soluble organic carbon in the waste. The fact that ΔDRP was sometimes negative for some waste types suggests that application of organic waste to soil does not necessarily increase eutrophication risks caused by soil P losses.  相似文献   

Crimson clover (Trifolium incarnatum L.) plus hairy vetch ( Vicia villosa Roth), red clover (Trifolium pratense L.), white clover (Trifolium repens L.), red clover plus white clover, and bermudagrass (Cynodon dactylon [L.] Pers.) were evaluated as cover crops for pecans. Crimson clover plus hairy vetch supplied the equivalent of 101 to 159 kg nitrogen (N)/ha. Red clover plus white clover supplied up to 132 kg N/ha. Either white clover or red clover alone were less effective in supplying N than when grown together. Soil Kjeldahl‐N was usually not affected or increased using the legumes compared to fertilized bermudagrass sod. Soil nitrate (NO3) concentrations during October were occasionally higher in unfertilized legume plots than in bermudagrass plots with March‐applied N.  相似文献   

Soil types or map units are considered to be taxonomically adjacent if they differ in only one criterion, defined by an arbitrary threshold value. By treating soil types as nodes of a graph and taxonomic adjacency as the graph edges connecting nodes, algebraic graph theory can be used to produce a measurement of the uncertainty in a soil map associated with arbitrary classification boundaries between soil types. The largest eigenvalue of the adjacency matrix of a graph, the spectral radius, is an indication of network complexity. A larger spectral radius indicates a more complex network, and a greater degree of uncertainty or potential error associated with taxonomic adjacency. Benchmark values of spectral radius for cases of no taxonomic adjacency, including a single pair of adjacent soils, a chain or cycle‐type graph structure and a fully connected graph, are established so that taxonomic adjacency indices based on the spectral radius can be established. Examples are shown from two contrasting USA soil landscapes in the Ouachita Mountains, Arkansas, and the coastal plain of North Carolina, using both US Soil Taxonomy and the world reference base. The taxonomic adjacency indices are also useful in assessing soil richness and pedodiversity, with smaller values indicating a greater likelihood that identified soils represent distinct entities.  相似文献   

The bioconversion of vineyard pruning and grape pomace by Pleurotus spp. using a solid state fermentation (SSF) was evaluated. Fruiting body production and chemical changes in the substrates after harvesting were measured. Biological efficiency and bioconversion ranged from 37.2 to 78.7% and from 16.7 to 38.8%, respectively. The best substrates for mycelial growth and mushroom yield were the mixtures with higher vineyard pruning content. Inclusion of pruning content had higher phenolic components and total sugars, better C/N ratio, and lower crude fat and total nitrogen than pomace. On the contrary, mycelium grew more slowly and scarcely in all treatments with 100% grape pomace. Moisture, protein, fat, and lignin contents were generally higher in mixtures with higher pomace proportion, whereas neutral detergent fiber, hemicellulose, and cellulose contents were higher with pruning content. Pleurotus strains may act depending on the availability of fiber fractions of substrate, and dynamic changes in digestion might occur as these fractions change during fungal growth. The recycling of viticulture residues through SSF by Pleurotus has great potential to produce human food and yields an available high-fiber feed for limited use in ruminants.  相似文献   

Cassava latex as a source of linamarase for determination of linamarin   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A major constraint in the enzymatic assays for determination of linamarin in cassava is the preparation of purified linamarase. Cassava latex, which exhibits high linamarase activity, was tried as an alternate source of the enzyme. Enzyme yield from latex was compared with that from rind and leaf. Preparations from latex had significantly higher linamarase activity (approximately 300-fold) compared to leaf and rind. The purification of the enzyme was easier since homogenization of large quantities of tissues could be avoided. A 1 g amount of latex could yield enough enzyme for >3000 assays.  相似文献   

Qualitative distribution of microorganisms in rhizosphere soils under citrus trees (lemon and orange) was observed by the serial dilution-spread plate method. The maximally represented actinomycete genus was Streptomyces followed by Micromonospora and Nocardia. The streptomycete strains were classified in taxonomical groups by their characteristics. Several cultures produced antibacterial or antifungal antibiotics. Some of the antibiotics have been determined as beta-lactams, polyethers, nonpolyenic macrolides and azalomycin B. Other strains synthesized exoenzymes.  相似文献   

A process to obtain enriched antioxidant phenolic extracts from lettuce (baby, romaine, and iceberg cultivars) and chichory byproducts as a way to valorize these byproducts was developed. Two extraction protocols using water and methanol as solvent were used. Amberlite XAD-2 nonionic polymeric resin was used to purify the extracts. The extraction yield, phenolic content, and phenolic yield were evaluated as well as the antioxidant capacity of the extracts (DPPH, ABTS, and FRAP assays). Baby and romaine lettuce byproducts showed the highest water extract yields [27 and 26 g of freeze-dried extracts/kg of byproduct fresh weight (fw), respectively], whereas baby and iceberg lettuce showed highest methanol extract yields (31 and 23 g of freeze-dried extracts/kg of byproduct fw, respectively). Methanol extraction yielded a raw extract with a high phenolic content, the baby and chicory extracts being the richest with approximately 50 mg of phenolics/g of freeze-dried extract. Regarding the purified extracts, water extraction yielded a higher phenolic content, baby and chicory being also the highest with mean values of approximately 190 and 300 mg of phenolics/g of freeze-dried extract, respectively. Both raw and purified extracts from baby and chicory showed the higher antioxidant contents (DPPH, ABTS, and FRAP assays). The antioxidant capacity was linearly correlated with the phenolic content. The results obtained indicate that lettuce byproducts could be, from the industrial point of view, an interesting and cheap source of antioxidant phenolic extracts to funcionalize foodstuffs.  相似文献   

Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and heavy metal (Pb, Cd, Cu, Zn, Hg, Fe, Co, Cr, Mo) contents were established in soil and plant samples collected in different areas of the railway junction I?awa G?ówna, Poland. Soil and plant samples were collected in four functional parts of the junction, i.e. the loading ramp, main track within platform area, rolling stock cleaning bay and the railway siding. It was found that all the investigated areas were strongly contaminated with polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). The PAH contamination of the soil was the highest in the railway siding and in the platform area (59,508 and 49,670?μg?kg(-1), respectively). In the loading ramp and cleaning bay, the PAH concentration in soil was lower but still relatively very high (17,948 and 15,376?μg?kg(-1), respectively). The contamination in the railway siding exceeded the average control level up to about 80 times. In the soil of all the investigated areas, four- and five-ring PAHs prevailed. The concentrations of PAHs were determined in four dominating species of plants found at the junction. The highest concentration was found in the aerial parts of Taraxacum officinale (22,492?μg?kg(-1)) growing in the cleaning bay. The comparison of the soil contamination with PAHs in the investigated railway junction showed a very significant increase of the PAHs level since 1995. It was found that the heavy metal contamination was also very high. Pb, Zn, Hg and Cd were established at the highest levels in the railway siding area, whereas Fe concentration was the highest in the platform area. A significant increase in mercury content was observed in the cleaning bay area. The investigations proved very significant increase of contamination with PAHs and similar heavy metals contamination in comparison with the concentration determined in the same areas 13?years ago.  相似文献   

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