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This study was conducted to investigate whether density, above-ground biomass and nitrogen (N) concentration of Cirsium arvense (L.) Scop. cause serious reductions in faba bean ( Vicia faba L.) yield. A 2-year field experiment (1991–93) with four Cirsium densities (0, 4, 16, 64 plants m–2) was carried out. Statistical analysis showed a significant effect of Cirsium density on faba bean yield. Multiple regression analysis showed that the main factors causing faba bean yield losses were the density and above-ground biomass of Cirsium . The results of this study demonstrate that Cirsium competition reduces faba bean yield. The mean faba bean yield losses over the 2 years were 10, 12 and 8% for above-ground biomass, seed and stem, respectively, for a Cirsium density of 16 plants m–2.  相似文献   

蚕豆是常异花授粉作物,异交率一般为20%~30%,最高可达84%。媒介昆虫、气候条件、地理因素、种植密度、品种基因型、花序的小花数量及小花结构特点、田间环境等都对异交率产生影响,媒介昆虫是异交发生的主要途径。异交会导致种质一致性的丧失,给资源的保存利用、品种繁育和应用基础研究等带来一定阻碍,但同时异交又是群体遗传多样性保障和杂种优势利用的重要条件。本文从异交率、异交媒介、异交影响因素及异交率的应用研究4个方面总结蚕豆异交率研究和应用情况,并对今后研究方向进行展望。  相似文献   

Drought responses of 19 inbred faba bean lines of different origin were studied in the field under rain shelters with and without irrigation. Inbred lines differed significantly in response to drought (P < 0.01): those with a lower drought sensitivity index (SI) (more resistant) originated from the drought-prone regions characterized by smaller plant size (r = 0.93), and more pods and seeds per plant (r ≥ 0.90) regardless of seed size, while lines with higher SI (more sensitive) were those which mainly exhibited higher yield under favourable conditions accompanied by a greater biomass. In a greenhouse experiment under mild drought (−0.15 MPa soil water potential), comparisons between relatively drought-sensitive (Adriewaalse) and drought-resistant (L7) inbred lines showed that Adriewaalse used 38 % more water than L7 and also produced 40 % more biomass. There was a stress-induced decrease in osmotic potential (ψs) in both lines (by 0.72 and 0.50 MPa for Adriewaalse and L7, respectively) accompanied by decreased turgor in Adriewaalse and increased turgor in L7. The difference in drought-induced solute accumulation between lines was diminished when solute accumulation due to water loss and growth inhibition was considered, which indicates that solute accumulation was the result of a concentration effect. Similarly, lower SI in the field was not the result of osmotic adjustment, as the relationship between SI and drought-induced decrease in ψs was negative. The water use efficiency of both inbred lines increased markedly with increasing water deficit, though there was no difference between the lines. It was concluded that differences in drought resistance between these inbred faba bean lines were manifested through plant size-induced water demand (avoidance) but were not associated with osmotic adjustment (tolerance).  相似文献   

Two field experiments were carried out during 1982/83 and 1983/84 seasons at Experimental Farm of National Research Centre at Shalakan, Kalubia Governorate, Egypt, to study the effects of supplemental growth factors on the reversal of glyphosate-induced inhibition in photosynthetic pigments and protein in faba beans. A split plot design with four replications was used in both seasons. Glyphosate at 0,312 and 468 g.a.i./ha as well as the untreated treatment, arranged at random in main plots while, the growth factors, i.e., growth regulators, amino acids and nutrient elements at different concentrations distributed randomly in the sub plots. The results could be summarized as follows:
1. Glyphosate decreased chlorophyll a, b and carotenoides content and the total pigments content in the leaves of faba bean plants, as well as, the protein content of seeds and protein yield per hectare.
2. The treatments of phenylalanine at 500 ppm, urea at 1 %, cytolinin at 4/1000 and tryptophan at 500 ppm, reversed the glyphosate-induced-phytotoxicity on decreasing the chlorophyll a, b content and total pigments content in faba bean leaves. The same treatments, as well as, zinc sulfate at 1 %, reversed the glyphosate-induced-phytotoxicity on decreasing the carotenoids content in faba bean leaves.
3. The treatment of G a 3 at 100 ppm gave the highest percentage of crude protein in seeds, while the lowest value was obtained from cytokinin at 4/1000, in both seasons.
4. The treatments of cytokinin at 4/1000, phenylalanine at 500 ppm and tryptophan at both levels, reversed the glyphosate-induced-phytotoxicity on decreasing the protein yield per h.  相似文献   

Experiments were conducted over 2 years to quantify the response of faba bean (Vicia faba L.) to heat stress. Potted winter faba bean plants (cv. Wizard) were exposed to temperature treatments (18/10; 22/14; 26/18; 30/22; 34/26 °C day/night) for 5 days during floral development and anthesis. Developmental stages of all flowers were scored prior to stress, plants were grown in exclusion from insect pollinators to prevent pollen movement between flowers, and yield was harvested at an individual pod scale, enabling effects of heat stress to be investigated at a high resolution. Susceptibility to stress differed between floral stages; flowers were most affected during initial green‐bud stages. Yield and pollen germination of flowers present before stress showed threshold relationships to stress, with lethal temperatures (t50) ?28 °C and ~32 °C, while whole plant yield showed a linear negative relationship to stress with high plasticity in yield allocation, such that yield lost at lower nodes was partially compensated at higher nodal positions. Faba bean has many beneficial attributes for sustainable modern cropping systems but these results suggest that yield will be limited by projected climate change, necessitating the development of heat tolerant cultivars, or improved resilience by other mechanisms such as earlier flowering times.  相似文献   

中国蚕豆种质资源ISSR标记遗传多样性分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
利用ISSR标记对中国18个省(区)的527份春播区和秋播区蚕豆资源的遗传多样性与亲缘关系进行分析。结果表明,11个ISSR引物共扩增出278条清晰的条带,其中多态性条带268条(占96%)。不同地理来源蚕豆资源群间的基因多样性指数在0.1267~0.2509之间,平均为0.1716;Shannon指数范围为0.1932~0.3767,平均为0.2608。两指数均以内蒙古资源群最高,云南和甘肃资源群次之,江西资源群体最低。非加权配对算术平均法(UPGMA)的聚类分析和二维主成分分析(PCA)结果表明,中国春播区和秋播区蚕豆资源明显不同,浙江和四川的资源形成独立的组群,明显不同于其他省份,其遗传背景独特,有待进一步研究。中国蚕豆种质资源遗传多样性差异和遗传关系与其生长习性、生态分布及地理来源密切相关。  相似文献   

The faba bean ( Vicia faba L.) is an important grain legume world wide, yet the relationship between light intensity and nodule development and N2 fixation has received minimal attention. An experiment was conducted to study the effects of shading on faba bean growth, seed yield, nodule development, and the distribution of total N and total sugar among plant parts. Seeds of the V. faba cultivar Xichang Dabai were sown in pots at Xichang. China, in 1986–90. The plants subjected to 50 % and 20 % shading for 145 d had thinner and taller main stem than the control, and fewer flowers, pods, and seeds. Poor dry weight of organs and less developed underground parts were recognized. Shading caused the deficiency of photosynthate (supply), subsequently less nodules formed poorer fresh weight of nodules was produced and nodule senescing advanced. Total N and total sugar contents per plant and in roots, stems and leaves were consistently lower under shading regimes, but the contents in nodules did not change significantly. It seems that the insufficient photosynthate supply limited both N and C metabolism in shading plants by first limiting growth of the whole plant and nodule, and that the lower total N content in faba bean plant under shading regime was attributed to an decreased effective nodule mass and advanced nodule senescing.  相似文献   

To study the genetic structure of open-pollinated faba bean varieties, three sets of genotypes were generated from each of the varieties ‘Minica’, ‘Kristall’, and ‘Deiniol’: (1) inbred lines developed by single-seed descent in bee-proof isolation cages, (2) intravanetal and (3) intervarietal F1-hybrids produced by controlled hand crossing. In 1989 and 1990, a total of 144 entries, including the three open-pollinated source varieties, were grown in single-row plots with two replications at two locations in Western Germany. Performance data of the inbred lines revealed relatively large genotypic variability within each variety, for all the characters studied, which was greater in ‘Deiniol’ and ‘Kristall’ than in ‘Minica’. An average yield heterosis of 20 %, 39 % and 57 %, respectively, was found for the intravarietal hybrids, whereas that of the intervarietal hybrids varied between 70 and 73 %. Compared to the mean yield of the inbred lines the superiority of the open-pollinated source variety was small and not significant in ‘Minica’ (6 %), but it was large and highly significant in ‘Kristall’ (22 %) and ‘Deiniol’ (37 %). The present investigation revealed in faba bean that similar performance levels of open-pollinated varieties may result from either high per se performance under inbreeding with low heterosis values or from lower per se performance but with high heterosis values.  相似文献   

Parental lines, F1 and F2 hybrids from a 7×7-diallel of topless faba beans and eight standard cultivars were grown in single-rows for two years at four sowing dates on a highly fertile loam soil near Göttingen. In grain yield, F1 hybrids showed 21 to 54% advantage over the higher yielding parent. Compared with the midparental value an average heterosis of 50% was observed for grain yield. Corresponding heterosis mean values ranged from 3 to 37% for yield components and up to 11% for phenological traits. The grain yield of the highest yielding topless F1 hybrid was equal to that of Alfred, the highest yielding indeterminate standard cultivar. High grain yield in the topless hybrids was closely correlated with high biomass yield, late ripening and tall plants generally having a high number of podded nodes and pods on the main stem. Due to their agronomic advantages, i.e., lower plant length, reduced lodging sensitivity and earlier ripening, efforts at breeding topless hybrids seemed to be worth-while in faba beans. However, their yielding ability must be improved further before they can compete with normal, semi-dwarf and stiff-strawed cultivars.  相似文献   

Pulses such as chickpea, faba bean and lentil have hypogeal emergence and their cotyledons remain where the seed is sown, while only the shoot emerges from the soil surface. The effect of three sowing depths (2.5, 5 and 10 cm) on the growth and yield of these pulses was studied at three locations across three seasons in the cropping regions of south-western Australia, with a Mediterranean-type environment. There was no effect of sowing depth on crop phenology, nodulation or dry matter production for any species. Mean seed yields across sites ranged from 810 to 2073 kg ha−1 for chickpea, 817–3381 kg ha−1 for faba bean, and 1173–2024 kg ha−1 for lentil. In general, deep sowing did not reduce seed yields, and in some instances, seed yield was greater at the deeper sowings for chickpea and faba bean. We conclude that the optimum sowing depth for chickpea and faba bean is 5–8 cm, and for lentil 4–6 cm. Sowing at depth may also improve crop establishment where moisture from summer and autumn rainfall is stored in the subsoil below 5 cm, by reducing damage from herbicides applied immediately before or after sowing, and by improving the survival of Rhizobium inoculated on the seed due to more favourable soil conditions at depth.  相似文献   

G. Duc    N. Berthaut    R. Pellletier  A. Carteron 《Plant Breeding》1990,105(2):126-136
Inheritance of several morphological and fertility characters was studied in F2 generation of two sets of diallel cross, using Griffing's analysis of variance. A paramount importance of general combining ability (GCA) over specific combining ability was measured for most studied characteristics. Correlations among GCA values for seed yield, morphological and fertility characters do not give a clear definition of the plant ideotype. “Terminal inflorescence” character appeared to reduce the seed per ovule ratio. Higher additive component was found for the ovule per pod than for seed per pod characters.  相似文献   

Investigations on the utilization of the generative storage potential of indeterminated field bean genotypes ( Vicia faba L.)
The gradation in seed yield between and within the inflorescences of a field bean plant results from a hierarchical control by way of internal competition in connection with hormonal regulation. Following this hypothesis in genotypes with different yielding capacity (2 inbred lines, 1 hybrid) the two proximal flowers/inflorescence of the nodes 3–6 (counted from the bottom of the plant) were either removed or treated with growth regulators. AMO-1618 was applied for inhibition of the gibberellic acid biosynthesis, or chlorflurenolmethylester (CFM) for reduction of indole-3yl acetic acid translocation as both phytohormones might be concerned with the hierarchical control of the storage system. — Independent from yield level a reduction of the used storage potential in control plants up to 50% by treatments was fully compensated for in other regions and positions of the plant. AMO-1618 application in some cases indicated an increased seed yield/plant, whereas CFM only increased the number of sterile pods/plant. These effects are discussed in relation to the storing efficiency and to yield stability of an indeterminated faba bean plant.  相似文献   

Summary Five subtelocentric primary trisomics of Vicia faba L. were isolated from crosses between asynaptic mutants and normal plants or translocation tester stocks. The extra chromosome of each trisomic was identified cytologically by critical multivalent association at metaphase I of meiosis.  相似文献   

Summary To assess the feasibility for synthetic varieties of Vicia faba L., 108 faba bean genotypes were screened for cross-fertilization rate in five field experiments carried out in 1989 and 1990 at Wageningen.Significant genotypic differences were observed for outcrossing rate, which ranged from 1 to 55%. These percentages, however, are thought to be not high enough for a commercially feasible production of synthetic varieties.The inheritance of cross-fertilization rate, determined by testing the F4 generation of a cross between two inbreds, both with high outcrossing rates, appeared to be of a polygenic nature, as was indicated by the wide variation in, and the continous distribution of, the cross-fertilization rates. Among the F4 lines tested some had a significantly higher cross-fertilization rate than the parents. However, this difference was not found when these lines were retested, indicating that possibilities for successful selection for higher outcrossing rates might be limited.  相似文献   

The changes of soluble sugar and total nitrogen content of vegetative organs in faba bean, sugar-nitrogen ratio, abscission of reproductive organs and the relationship between sugar-nitrogen ratio and abscission probability were studied using the faba bean cultivar Xichang Dabai . Plants were field grown in 1986, 1988 and 1990. The lands were separated into high yield land, middling yield land and low yield land according to grain yield at maturing stage. The soluble sugar content in vegetative organs (leaf + stem) was greatest from branching to floral initiation stages and pod-set to filling grain stages, and distinctly decreased at the onset of bloom and maturing stages. The total N content was greatest at branching stage, and gradually decreased with growth. In general, the sugar and total N contents in high yield lands were greatest, followed by that in middling yield and low yield lands. The sugar-nitrogen ratio varied depending on the soluble sugar content.
Average yield on high yield lands, middling yield land and low yield land across 3 years were 5048.77 kg/ha, 3744.01 kg/ha and 2378.22 kg/ha, respectively. The total reproductive organs abscission exceeded 90 % of total flower buds. Abscission probability averaged across 3 yield lands and 3 years were 21.6 %, 84.0 % and 32.8 % in flower buds, flowers, and pods, respectively. Node 7–12 of canopy produced more flowers, and fewer flowers and pods were produced in the upper and lower regions. Photosynthate supply has been implicated in control of abscission. Faba bean reproductive organs abscission probability increased with the sugar-nitrogen ratio of vegetative organs decreasing. It seemed that the soluble sugar content influenced significantly the shedding rate during flowering and pod-growing stages.  相似文献   

Two semi-leafless pea cultivars and two highly lodging-resistant faba bean cultivars were grown in a series of replacement trials conducted on a highly fertile loam soil near Gottingen from 1992 to 1995. Cultivation as well as harvesting of mixed crops of both species proved possible. In spite of the delayed harvest of the mixed crop stands determined by the later pod ripening of the faba beans (varying between seasons from -f 5 to +21 days), noticeable seed losses due to pod shattering were not observed for the overripe peas. Standing ability of the peas was considerably improved by mixed cropping. Lodging began later and was less severe at harvest. Within mixtures with 50 % or more faba bean proportions at sowing (relative to the seeding rate of the pure stands) the peas, n i most cases, remained nearly upright until harvest and instead of the usual 'Plattlager', i.e., prostrate but upright top, frequently a more highly inserted 'Hohllager', i.e., upright but collapsed at higher nodes, was observed. In contrast to these remarkably synergistic effects for standing ability, such effects proved to be only small and nonsignificant for grain yield (−1.5–2.9%). Yield stability of the mixed crops was higher than that of the pure stands of both species. Estimates of the stability parameters, ecovalence, deviation from regression and environmental variance were at least halved. Yield proportions of peas and faba beans in the harvested seed of the mixtures did not correspond with the seed proportions at sowing. They differed considerably between seasons and cultivar combination. Higher yield proportions of faba beans were observed under wet and cold weather conditions and for the cultivar combination Victor/Disco, whereas higher yield proportions of peas were found under dry and warm weather conditions and for the cultivar combination Mythos/Baroness .  相似文献   

Simple sequence repeat (SSR) marker is a powerful tool for construction of genetic linkage map which can be applied for quantitative trait loci (QTL) and marker‐assisted selection (MAS). In this study, a genetic map of faba bean was constructed with SSR markers using a 129 F2 individuals population derived from the cross of Chinese native variety 91825 (large seed) and K1563 (small seed). By screening 11 551 SSR primers between two parents, 149 primer pairs were detected polymorphic and used for F2 population analysis. This SSR‐based genetic linkage map consisted of 15 linkage groups with 128 SSR. The map encompassed 1587 cM with an average genetic distance of 12.4 cM. The genetic map generated in this study will be beneficial for genetic studies of faba bean for identification of marker‐locus‐trait associations as well as comparative mapping among faba bean, pea and grasspea.  相似文献   

蚕豆(Vicia faba L.)是中国一种重要的食用豆类作物。由于蚕豆基因组较大,尚无参考基因组,因而目前蚕豆上SNP标记数量有限。为了开发全基因组范围内的SNP,本研究对8份蚕豆地方品种进行了简化基因组测序,共获得35.47 Gb的数据,每份种质平均测序量为4.77 Gb;生成Reads总数为245 443 516个,单个Read平均长度为144 bp,单个种质获得的平均Reads数目为30 680 439.5;Q20和Q30分别大于97.89%和93.83%,GC含量变异幅度为38.05%~40.09%。利用无参考基因组情况下特殊的贝叶斯算法,从中共鉴定到3 722个SNP,单个种质上鉴定出的SNP数目变异为3 278~3 578,其中大部分种质中纯合SNP突变数目大于杂合SNP突变数目。突变类型中,T:A->C:G突变类型所占的比例最大(平均38.8%),其次为C:G->T:A(平均28.0%),出现比例最小的为T:A->A:T (平均7.50%)。本研究选择了31个SNP转化为KASP标记,在46份种质中的扩增成功率为66.7%。本研究所鉴定的SNP为蚕豆种...  相似文献   

The effect of salinity (40 and 80 meq/1 NaCl) on stomatal conductance, chlorophyll content, ultrastructural damage and photosynthetic performance of six cultivars of faba beans ( Vicia faba L.) from different agroclimatic regions were investigated. Low levels of salinity (40 meq/1 NaCl) increased chlorophyll content in some cultivars but did not lead to simultaneous increase in photosynthesis (P). Increased salinity levels (80 meq/1 NaCl) decreased chlorophyll content and stomatal conductance. Ultrastructural damage was observed in sensitive cultivars even at low salinity levels. Based on the parameters investigated, there was no concrete evidence to suggest that the physiological processes of cultivars from arid and semi-arid regions are less affected under saline conditions as compared to cultivars from temperate regions. The results suggested increased salinity affects P not only due to its effect on stomatal closure but also due to other non-stomatal effects like ultrastructural damage and decrease in chlorophyll content below a threshold level.  相似文献   

Summary The inheritance of the seed coat colours violet, spotted, brown, green, red, black and beige was investigated in a 10×10 diallel cross between broad bean (Vicia faba L. major) lines. Spotted seed colour was dominant over any uniform seed coat colouring. Brown was dominant over black, green and normal (beige colour). Black and red seed parents behaved as recessive in all F1 progenies. A 3 (coloured): 1 (normal) segregation ratio was observed in the F2 of crosses of violet, brown, black, red and spotted seed coat parents to nornal seed coloured parents. Green x beige gave a segregation ratio of 9:7 in F2. When two parents with different seed coat colour were involved in a cross, the F2 showed a typical digenic segregation ratio thus demonstrating two unlinked and sometimes epistatic loci.Segregation of a multiallelic series at two loci explains all segregation ratios observed for seed coat colour in broad bean.  相似文献   

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