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为从新疆小麦中发掘优异基因资源,拓宽新疆小麦遗传育种选择范围,该文以新疆主栽32个小麦品系为材料,在实验地进行冬、春自然种植,对收获时期、分蘖数、株高、穗长、穗粒数、剑叶长、千粒重进行了比较分析,结果表明:不同品系间在各项生理指标均存在显著性差异;不同时期种植各项生理指标存在显著性差异,且春种材料的各项生理指标显著高于冬种;对各农艺性状的相关性分析,除千粒重与株高之间不存在显著相关性外,各农艺性状间均存在极显著的正相关性。  相似文献   

以收集于宁夏9个县(区)的105份杂草稻为试验材料,鉴定评价其茎叶形态性状、穗部性状、子粒性状等农艺性状,分析宁夏杂草稻的主要特性。结果表明,宁夏杂草稻的穗抽出度、有效穗数、每穗粒数的变异较大,变异系数在20%以上;株高、穗长、结实率、剑叶长、剑叶宽次之,变异系数在10%左右;子粒性状变异较小,变异系数在5%左右;生育期变异最小,变异系数仅为1.91%;茎叶和子粒的质量性状的表型变异与栽培品种基本一致。总之,宁夏杂草稻农艺性状的表型变异较小,变异类型较单一,大多数农艺性状表现与当地栽培稻相近或相似,这种相似性有利于杂草稻的生存和繁衍。  相似文献   

面包小麦-黑麦易位染色体已经广泛应用于小麦育种计划,以培育出高产、抗病品种。T1BL.1RS和T1AL.1RS可能赋予某些病害的抗性,如叶锈病(Lr26)、条锈病(Yr9)、秆锈病(Sr31)和白粉病(Rm8)。然而,在世界许多地区T1BL.1RS易位衍生的叶锈病、条锈病和白粉病抗性已经丧失了。T1AL.1RS  相似文献   

将小麦近缘属植物黑麦中的优良基因导入小麦可以拓宽小麦的遗传基础,丰富小麦的遗传变异。本研究调查并分析了390份小麦-黑麦种质材料。在这390份种质材料中,6个主要农艺性状值均有较大的极差,说明其遗传多样性丰富。与10份小麦主栽品种相比,90%以上的材料具有穗长和分蘖数的显著优势,60%以上的材料具有小穗数优势,约30%的材料穗粒数和千粒重显著高于主栽品种。利用基因组原位杂交(genomic in situ hybridization,GISH)和多色荧光原位杂交(multicolor fluorescent in situ hybridization,mc-FISH)技术,对8份农艺性状优良的代表性材料进行染色体组成分析,发现3份为六倍体小黑麦(AABBRR),2份为八倍体小黑麦(AABBDDRR),1份为1RS·1BL易位系,其余2份不具有可见的黑麦染色体或染色体片段。值得指出的是,3份六倍体小黑麦与2份八倍体小黑麦所含的黑麦染色体不完全相同。八倍体小黑麦中有1对来源于黑麦的小染色体,而六倍体小黑麦中没有类似小染色体;并且,不同材料中黑麦4R染色体端部的GISH杂交带有明显差异。本研究结果为这些小麦-黑麦种质材料进一步应用于小麦育种提供了依据。  相似文献   

为了筛选出适宜本地种植的甜菜品种,对10个新疆主要种植甜菜品种进行农艺性状比较,结果表明:BETA5665含糖率和块根产量较高,综合表现较好;BETA468甜菜块根较大,含糖率和块根产量中等;LS1318含糖率较高,块根产量较低,适宜在低糖高产区种植。相关分析结果表明,甜菜品种的块根产量与苗期生长势和叶丛快速生长期生长势呈正相关。聚类分析结果表明,10个供试甜菜品种可聚为2大类,其中:I类包含7个品种,分别为LS1318、ST13806、KWS9147、BETA468、KWS1479、ST13092、BETA5665;II类包含3个品种,分别为LS1210、LS17101、KWS2314,在2个聚类中,I类甜菜品种苗期生长势、叶丛快速生长期生长势以及产质量方面都高于II类甜菜品种。  相似文献   

170份亚麻种质资源主要农艺性状分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
对来自五大洲33个国家的170份亚麻种质资源的9个农艺性状进行了分析。结果表明,参试资源的农艺性状差异较大,变异丰富。各性状间相互影响,有10对性状呈极显著相关,其中,株高、分茎数、主茎分枝数、单株果数均与单株产量呈极显著正相关,作用效应为单株果数>主茎分枝数>分茎数>株高。主成分分析表明前3个主成分的累积贡献率为74.705%。将170份种质资源划分为5类,各个类群之间差异明显。对33个国家类群进行聚类分析,分为3个组群,地理来源相同的品种被归为不同类群,洲际之间的种质资源在组群中相互渗透。  相似文献   

104份甜菜种质资源主要农艺性状分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了明确甜菜种质资源主要农艺性状间的关系,对104份甜菜种质资源的16个农艺性状进行遗传变异、相关性和主成分分析。结果表明:各农艺性状的变异系数在13.47%~63.05%;根头大小与根肉颜色呈极显著负相关,苗期生长势与幼苗百株重、株高呈极显著正相关;根头大小与根沟深浅呈显著负相关,与幼苗百株重、苗期生长势、叶缘形三者均呈显著正相关。选取前6个主成分进行分析,其累积贡献率为63.156%。第1和第6主成分贡献率为28.346%,以株高和叶柄长等甜菜营养生长指标为主;第2和第4主成分贡献率为18.630%,以根头大小和根沟深浅等甜菜机械化起收指标为主;第3和第5主成分贡献率为16.180%,包括维管束环数和肉质粗细等主要反映甜菜糖含量的指标。  相似文献   

SN224是从六倍体小黑麦与普通小麦杂种后代选育的矮秆小麦种质,为对其有效利用提供参考依据,本研究对其进行了细胞学和主要农艺性状的鉴定,对它矮秆性状的遗传特点进行了分析。结果表明,SN224平均株高68.6 cm,株型较紧凑,纺锤穗、有芒、白粒,千粒重42.0 g左右,中抗条锈病和白粉病,后期不早衰,综合农艺性状较好;SN224根尖细胞染色体数目为42条,花粉母细胞减数分裂MI可观察到21个二价体,为1BL?1RS易位系;SN224/辉县红杂种F1株高介于双亲之间,F2群体的株高分离表现连续变异。利用已知主效矮秆基因Rht-B1b、Rht-D1b和Rht8以及1RS的特异分子标记检测证明,SN224不含有3个矮秆主效基因,1RS对SN224矮秆性状的表达没有影响。利用SN224/辉县红F2群体,构建了含有134个标记的分子标记连锁遗传图谱,总长1332.1 cM。采用加性-完备区间作图法(ICIM-ADD)进行QTL分析,检测到2个降低株高的主效QTL QPh1B和QPh4B,分别位于1B染色体Xwmc719–Xgwm18和4B染色体Xgwm368–Xmag4284标记区间,它们可分别解释株高变异的20.0%和10.2%;检测到分别控制穗长、单株穗数和每穗小穗数的7个QTL;在4B染色体KSUM062–Xmag4284标记区间同时检测到降低株高、增加穗长和单株穗数的QTL。  相似文献   

小麦品种资源农艺性状的分析   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
对86个小麦品种(系)进行了农艺性状的调查与分析,发现在有效分蘖、生育期、株高和千粒重等农艺性状方面存在显著差异,而且存在着较大的极差。不同品种(系)间开花期的最大极差为25d,有效分蘖的最大极差达18个,株高的极差达0.91m,穗粒数极差达到47.8粒,千粒重的最大极差达39.6g,质量性状中也存在着许多明显的差异。这些表明在河北师大生命科学学院园地的小麦品种资源中存在着极其显著的遗传差异。  相似文献   

Success in anther culture of rye (Secale cereale L.) has mainly been restricted to genotypes whose genome is partly determined by S. vavilovii Grossh. The aim of this study was to identify true S. cereale genotypes with anther-culture ability. The plant material used included the semi-wild standard genotype SC35, six single crosses of the ‘Petkus’ and 10 of the ‘Carsten’ gene pool, plus a double cross between SC35 and one of the ‘Carsten’ single crosses. Three anther-culture experiments were performed. Several single crosses within the ‘Carsten’ gene pool produced green plants. The ‘Petkus’ single crosses tested did not show anther-culture ability. As expected, the induction and regeneration rates of SC35 were higher than those of all other genotypes tested. The performance of the double cross was intermediate between its parents. The results demonstrate for the first time that anther culture in rye is a valuable tool in plant breeding. The data also show the possibility of transferring anther-culture ability from high- to low-responding genotypes.  相似文献   

P. Senft  G. Wricke 《Plant Breeding》1996,115(6):508-510
A genetic linkage map of rye consisting of 92 markers was constructed by using isozyme and molecular marker techniques. For this purpose an F2 population of 137 individuals was established on which RFLP studies with homologous and heterologous probes were performed. After establishing a reliable polymerase chain reaction (PCR) protocol, 280 random primers were screened for polymorphisms and 17 random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) loci were mapped. The digestion of the template DNA prior to PCR increased the degree of polymorphism. Previously published markers could also be integrated into this map by using the JoinMap computer program. The resulting linkage map comprises a total of 127 markers and spans a distance of about 760 cM.  相似文献   

Hybridization of Thinopyrum distichum and Secale cereale   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
An attempt was made to determine whether the salt tolerance genes of Thinopyrum distichum would be expressed in the presence of the rye genomes and if it would be possible to improve and utilize its hybrid with rye as a salt-tolerant fodder crop. Th. distichum florets were pollinated with diploid and tetraploid rye but hybrids were obtained only with tetraploid rye. The F1 had 28 chromosomes and expressed high levels of salt tolerance. Fertility could not be induced through colchicines treatment but the plants produced some apomictic seeds during the summer months. The F2 had 20-22 chromosomes and retained two complete or near-complete rye genomes. The F2 plants responded better to colchicine treatment, however, the doubled hybrids remained male sterile. In summer, one F2 plant produced many apomictic seeds with chromosome numbers ranging from 14 to 16 (primarily rye chromosomes). The mechanism that caused the preferential loss of Thinopyrum chromosomes in each apomictic cycle remains unknown. The F3 phenotypically resembled rye, had primarily reductional male meioses and produced seemingly functional pollen, but were self-sterile.  相似文献   

The amount of Telomeric C-heterochromatin was investigated in 20 inbred lines of rye and their open-pollinated source cultivars. In this short communication only the banding pattern of the chromosomes in the lines is presented. The inbred lines had an amount of heterochromatin similar to the source cultivars. Both groups carried some chromosomes with small telomeric C-bands. The individual source cultivars were composed of 2—4 karyotypes having different amounts of telomeric heterochromatin. Most karyotypes were also identified in the respective inbred lines. Results suggest that the in breed in i: process was not related to a reduction of telomeric C-hetrerochromatin in rye chromosomes.  相似文献   

A. Börner 《Plant Breeding》1991,106(1):53-57
Genetic analysis of three semi-dwarf genotypes of rye (Secale cereale L.)—‘Moskowskij Karlik’, ‘Gülzow kurz’ and ‘R 18’, which were shown to be insensitive to applied gibberellic acid (GA3), has been carried out by using a seedling test. It could be demonstrated that all of the three genotypes are carrying recessive alleles for GA-insensitivity. Whereas the alleles of ‘Moskowskij Karlik’ and ‘R 18’ seem to have the same locus on chromosome 5R, the GA-insensitivity of ‘Gülzow kurz’ is governed by a different gene, most probably located on chromosome 7R. The relationship between the genes (alleles) for GA-insensitivity and semi-dwarfness, including the symbolization of the Gai-genes as well as their utilization in rye breeding is discussed.  相似文献   

Among 16 dwarfing genes identified in wheat (Triticum aestiuvm L. em Thell.), four are known to be associated with insensitivity to the externally-supplied growth hormone gibberellin (GA). Rht1 and Rht2 (Reduced height 1 and 2, respectively) have been the most extensively used, because of their positive effect on yield. To increase the germplasm pool for dwarfism, a spring rye (Secale cereale) population (UC-90, CI-174) was selected because it contains high variability and any useful genes would benefit triticale and wheat as well. Seedlings of the CI-174 rye population were treated with 50 ppm of GA to identify any insensitive types. GA-insensitive and -sensitive seedlings were identified and, after three generations of selfing, GA-insensitive and -sensitive lines were fixed. Rye insensitive was crossed to a sensitive wheat and to rye and, reciprocally, insensitive wheat was crossed to sensitive rye. The results indicated that a GA-insensitivity dwarfism system similar to that originally found in wheat also operates in rye and appears to be under simple inheritance. Rye GA-insensitivity was expressed in triticale. Therefore, it is possible to transfer this new source of insensitivity and dwarfism into triticale and wheat.  相似文献   

生物素标记的重复DNA序列与黑麦染色体的原位杂交   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
钟少斌  张德玉 《作物学报》1995,21(6):691-694
本研究以两个黑麦重复DNA序列pSc119.1和pSc119.2作探针进行原位杂交,研究其在小麦和黑麦杂色体上的分布及在检测黑麦染色质中的应用。实验结果表明:pSc119.1分布于所有黑麦染色体的长短臂上,但在小麦染色体上几乎检测不到杂交信号,证明pSc119.1对黑麦染色体具有专化性。进一步用该探针与小麦品种“Amigo”的体细胞染色体进行原位杂交,可明显检测出其中一对含IRS的染色体。pSc1  相似文献   

Eleven C2 and two C3 0pen-pollinated plains from Elymus canadensis × Secale cereale amphiploid plants (2n = 6x = 42, SSHHRR) were examined for chromosome constitution and meiosis. Chromosome numbers of the progeny varied: 2n = 26, 27, 28, 36, 37, 39, 40, and 41. Elimination of portions of genome constituents were made at random and were irregular in all o the progeny. Monosomic (2n = 41) and nullisomic (2n = 40) plants lost one to two E. canadensis or S. cereale chromosomes and showed average of 17 to 18 bivalents and 4 to 5 univalents per cell at Ml. The C2, aneuploid plants with 36 to 41 chromosomes seemed to result from selfing or intercrossing among; the C1 amphiploid plants, while the plants of 2n = 26 to 2S (6–9 II + 10–141) might originate from outcrosses of the Cl amphiploid to S. cereale. Bivalent pairing might be preferentially intragenomic (S-S, H-H, or R-R). The occurrence of multivalents indicates a low potential of both intragenomic and intragenomic pairing; Pollen of the lour plants showed poor stainability (1 to 13 %) and no seed set in any of the progeny.  相似文献   

人工合成的双二倍体在遗传和植物育种中有重要作用。为探讨远缘杂交后代双二倍体育性提高及其细胞学稳定的分子机制,利用ALFP、MASP技术对节节麦-黑麦杂种及其双二倍体S1~S4代的基因组变异进行了分析。该双二倍的S1~S4代体细胞染色体数2n = 28的植株的比例从57.1%提高到92.5%,2n = 28的植株的花粉母细胞减数分裂中期二价体平均数目从11.7提高到12.25,平均结实率从24.5%提高到51.3%。利用两套分别扩增重复序列和单拷贝序列的酶切引物组合EcoR I/Mse I (E-M)、Pst I/Mse I (P-M)对节节麦–黑麦杂种F1和双二倍体S1~S4代扩增表明,基因组序列变异主要发生于F1代,且以序列消除为主。E-M和P-M引物扩增带中, 节节麦基因组在F1代的序列消除带数占各代总消失带数的70.00%和52.95%,而在黑麦基因组为96.88%和81.64%。MSAP分析表明节节麦和黑麦杂种和加倍能够导致节节麦和黑麦基因组序列甲基化状态改变,以甲基化为主,仅发生在F1和S1代。在S2~S4代中没有检测到甲基化变异。  相似文献   

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