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应用轮状病毒RNA电泳方法,对内蒙古、黑龙江、新疆、北京、安徽等地共90份犊牛腹泻粪便样品进行检测。在内蒙古和新疆采集的粪样中共检出11份轮状病毒阳性样品,平均阳性率为12%(11/90)。阳性样品经RT-PCR分型鉴定,新疆2份和内蒙古5份样品属于G10型,新疆另一牛场的4份样品属于G6型。对所有阳性样品进行病毒分离,获得1株能在MA104细胞上稳定传代的病毒株,经鉴定该分离株属于G10P[11]型轮状病毒,命名为HM26。G10型牛轮状病毒的分离在国内尚属首次。  相似文献   

本研究的目的是分离、鉴定牦牛源牛轮状病毒(bovine rotavirus, BRV)。将经RT-PCR检测BRV阳性的牦牛腹泻粪便样本接种MA-104细胞,进行病毒分离和鉴定,并对其VP4、VP6和VP7完整基因进行测序,分析其分子特征。结果显示:病毒盲传3代后出现细胞病变,至第7代后出现细胞病变的时间稳定,经蚀斑纯化后测得病毒滴度为108.39TCID50·mL-1。分离株经RT-PCR、间接免疫荧光和电镜观察证实为BRV,命名为HY-1株;扩增HY-1株VP4、VP6和VP7完整基因序列,分析表明HY-1株为G6P[11]I2型;系统发育树显示,HY-1株VP4、VP6和VP7节段分别与中国牛源DQ-75株和印度牛源M-1和RUBV319株遗传演化关系最近,可能为重配毒株。与国内的G6型和P[11]型BRV毒株相比,HY-1株的VP4和VP7蛋白重要氨基酸位点变化较大。成功分离得到一株牦牛源BRV,基因型为G6P[11]型,为我国首次报道。  相似文献   

【目的】 试验旨在对新疆某规模牛场患腹泻疾病的犊牛进行病原学鉴定及基因型分析。【方法】 采用抗原诊断试剂盒方法对在新疆某牛场随机采集的15份腹泻犊牛粪便样品进行检测,对抗原检测结果为阳性的样品进行反复冻融和过滤处理,然后将样品接种于Marc-145细胞进行病毒的分离和传代。对分离毒株进行间接免疫荧光试验(IFA)和负染电镜观察进一步确定病原。对分离株的VP6和VP7基因进行PCR扩增测序,并对其进行基因相似性比对和进化树分析。【结果】 抗原诊断试剂盒结果显示,3份粪便样品呈牛轮状病毒(Bovine rotavirus,BRV)抗原阳性。将阳性粪便样品分别接种于Marc-145细胞,仅有1份样品连续盲传至第9代出现明显的细胞病变效应(CPE)。IFA结果显示,接种该分离株的Marc-145细胞有亮绿色荧光,对照组未见荧光。电镜观察可见约65 nm的圆形病毒粒子,并命名为XJ-2022株。经PCR扩增获得VP6和VP7基因的目的条带,长度分别为1 356和342 bp。基因相似性比对和遗传进化分析表明,VP6基因与人源A群轮状病毒参考株DB2015-066(LC367318.1)相似性最高且遗传进化亲缘关系最近;VP7基因与牛源G10轮状病毒参考株XJX2(MN937506.1)相似性最高,遗传进化亲缘关系最近,确定该分离株为A群G10型轮状病毒。【结论】 试验成功分离到基因型为A群G10型BRV XJ-2022株,该毒株为新疆地区首次发现的多宿主来源的基因重配病毒。  相似文献   

为了对大庆地区患有腹泻疾病的舍饲牛进行病原鉴定,通过RT-PCR方法对病料进行检测,将轮状病毒阳性样品接种MA104细胞进行病毒分离,扩增分离株VP7、VP4片段,将扩增产物纯化后连接在pMD18-T载体上,转化到大肠杆菌TOP10感受态细胞中进行亚克隆,将鉴定为阳性的重组质粒进行序列测定,并利用DNA Star与GenBank上的参考序列进行同源性分析。结果表明,从样品中分离到1株BRV毒株,将其命名NX23。核苷酸序列分析表明,分离株NX23属于G8P[1]型轮状病毒,确认了G8P[1]型牛轮状病毒在我国的流行,为我国BRV分子进化及其RV分子流行病学的进一步研究奠定基础。  相似文献   

A群轮状病毒(GAR)是引起人类和多种动物腹泻的主要病原体,病原的分离与鉴定是轮状病毒(RV)流行病学、病原学等研究的基础.本研究采用接种MA 104细胞的方法,从内蒙古某猪场患病猪腹泻粪便中分离一株病毒,经3次蚀斑克隆纯化后,采用电镜观察、PCR鉴定和序列测定进行分析,结果表明该分离株为猪轮状病毒(PoRV).致病性试验表明该分离株能够引起仔猪急性腹泻,RT-PCR扩增其VP4、VP6和VP7的基因节段并进行序列测定,按照A群RV的最新分类方法,确定该分离株的VP6、VP7和VP4基因型分别为I5型、G9型和P[23]型.因此,将该分离株命名为Rotavirus A pig/China/NMTL/2009/Q9P[23].  相似文献   

为了解宁夏中南部地区牛支原体感染及遗传变异情况,采用PCR方法,对来自宁夏中南部9个县区规模场、屠宰场和交易市场的495份牛鼻拭子样本进行PCR检测及菌株分离鉴定.结果显示:495份样本中,经PCR检出阳性59份,总体阳性率为11.92%,9个县区的阳性率为1.82%~21.82%,规模场、屠宰场、交易市场阳性率分别为...  相似文献   

禽轮状病毒的分离鉴定及部分特性研究   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
从北京某自然腹泻的鸡场 中成功地分离到一伯禽轮状病毒,并经鸡胚单层肝细胞和MA104细胞进行了传代培养,对其生物学特性作了部分研究,从而为我国禽轮状毒的毒株鉴定、诊断及疫苗等系列研究提供了一定依据。  相似文献   

将1份经RT-PCR检测猪轮状病毒阳性的临床腹泻粪样感染Vero细胞,连续盲传8代,出现病变,成功分离到1株病毒,经RT-PCR检验和电镜观察,鉴定该病毒为轮状病毒,命名为GD-01-2015。扩增该病毒的VP4和VP7基因进行分型和系统进化分析,结果发现,其VP4基因为P[7]型,与来自韩国的猪源毒株K71同源性达到99.8%;其VP7基因为G5型,与来自韩国的猪源毒株06-6-1同源性达到99.7%。由此可以推测GD-01-2015株与韩国猪源毒株有相似的进化来源。根据轮状病毒分类委员会(RCWG)提出的A群轮状病毒的最新分类方法,GD-01-2015株基因型为G5P[7]。本研究为监测轮状病毒的流行状况及其疫苗的研制提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

猪轮状病毒的分离鉴定及部分特性研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
从吉林省某猪场发生腹泻的猪群粪便中,用MA-104细胞培养,分离到一株猪轮状病毒,盲传至4代,感染细胞出现明显病变,经电镜观察,见有典型的轮状病毒颗粒.其RNA电泳型为4:2:3:2型,属A群轮状病毒,同时对其蚀斑特性和血凝特性进行了初步研究,这株病毒被命名为JL94株.  相似文献   

本研究于2009年由患急性呼吸道疾病牛的鼻拭子中分离获得一株病毒,经形态特征、血清学试验及PCR鉴定表明,该病毒与牛腺病毒3型(BAV-3)相似。对其E2A基因进行序列测定,并与GenBank中登录的BAV1型、3型、4型及人、绵羊、鼠等其它种属来源的腺病毒E2A基因序列进行比对及系统进化分析,结果显示该分离株与BAV-3的同源性为95.5%。经MEGA4软件分析,分离株与BAV-3验证值为100,表明其为BAV-3,并命名为BAV-3HLJ0955株。对该分离株热敏感试验表明,BAV-3 HLJ0955在56℃ 30min可被完全灭活,属于BAV第一群。这是国内首次分离获得BAV-3的报道。  相似文献   

Group A rotaviruses (GARVs) cause severe acute gastroenteritis in children and young animals. Although zoonotic infections with bovine-like G6 and G8 GARVs have been reported in many countries, there is little evidence for reassortment between bovine GARVs and GARVs from heterologous species. The finding of bovine GARVs with the G6 and G8 genotypes in combination with the typical porcine P[7] prompted us to characterize all 11 genes of 30 bovine GARVs isolated from clinically infected calves. By the comparison of the full-length ORF of VP7 and NSP1-5, and the partial VP1-4 and VP6 nucleotide sequences between the 30 Korean and other known strains, three different genome constellations were found. Twenty seven strains showed the G8-P[7]-I5-R1-C1-M2-A1-N1-T1-E1-H1 genotypes, a single strain possessed the G6-P[7]-I2-R2-C1-M2-A1-N2-T1-E2-H1 genotype constellation and 2 strains the G6-P[7]-I2-R2-C2-M2-A3-N2-T6-E2-H3 genotype constellation. The complete genome of a single reference strains for each of these three genotype constellations (KJ25, KJ9-1 and KJ19-2) was determined and analyzed. A detailed phylogenetic analysis revealed a complicated picture, with several reassortments among bovine-like, porcine-like and human-like GARV strains, resulting in several different reassortant strains successfully infecting cattle.  相似文献   

Several epidemiological studies reported the detection of rotavirus strains bearing unusual combinations of genetic background of human and porcine rotaviruses. This observation supports the hypothesis of interspecies transmission of rotaviruses in humans and pigs. The aims of this study were to investigate the genotypes and molecular characteristics of rotaviruses in piglets with diarrhea in several farms from two provinces in Thailand. A total of 207 fecal specimens collected from diarrheic piglets were screened for the presence of groups A, B, and C rotaviruses. Group A rotaviruses were detected in 41 out of 207 (19.8%) fecal specimens tested. A wide variety of G-P combination rotavirus strains were detected in this study. The G4P[6] was identified as the most prevalent genotype (39.0%), followed by G4P[23] (12.2%), G3P[23] (7.3%), G4P[19] (7.3%), G3P[6] (4.9%), G3P[13] (4.9%), G3P[19] (4.9%), G9P[13] (4.9%), G9P[19] (4.9%), G5P[6], and G5P[13] each of 2.4%. Furthermore, G5 and G9 in combinations with P-nontypeable strains were also found at each consisting of 2.4% (n = 1) of the collection. It was interesting to note that among diversified porcine rotavirus strains, novel combinations of G4P[19] and G9P[19] strains were detected for the first time in this study. Nucleotide sequences of VP4 and VP7 of these strains were closely related to human rotaviruses reported previously. The data implies that these porcine rotaviruses were probably generated in nature from the reassortment between the viruses of human and porcine origin. This study provides valuable epidemiological information and molecular characteristics of porcine rotaviruses circulating in piglets with diarrhea in northern Thailand.  相似文献   

A total of 78 fecal specimens were collected from both apparently healthy (n=71) and diarrheic (n=7) cattle from an organized farm in Pune, western India in December 2007-January 2008. Three specimens tested positive for group A rotavirus (RV) by antigen capture ELISA were subjected to RT-PCR for amplification of entire coding regions of three structural (VP4, VP6 and VP7) and one nonstructural (NSP4) genes. All three strains were genotyped as G8P[14]. Phylogenetic analysis of the VP7 and VP4 genes showed clustering of the VP7 gene with G8 strains of bovine origin and VP4 gene with P[14] strains of human origin. The identification of VP6 and NSP4 genes to have I2 (subgroup I) and E2 (genotype A) specificity, respectively of bovine and human origin indicated independent segregation of genes in bovine RV strains. This study indicates circulation of a rare RV genotype, G8P[14] in western India. To our knowledge, this is the second report on RV G8[14] isolated from bovine species after bovine group A RV strain, SUN9 from Japan.  相似文献   


Rotaviruses have a worldwide distribution and the infection is associated with diarrhea in young of ruminants as well as children. However, limited data exist on its prevalence and types in Yobe state, Nigeria. Detection of rotavirus A and types in ruminant population in Yobe state was the aim of the study. A total of 470 diarrheic fecal samples were collected and tested for rotavirus and types using serology and molecular techniques respectively. A prevalence rate of 2.98% (14/470) was found in the three species with specific rates of 2.9% (6/202), 3.8% (6/158), and 1.8% (2/110) in goat, sheep, and cattle respectively. The prevalence rates of 3.6% (12/331), 1.2% (1/84), and 1.8% (1/55) were for those aged < 1–3, 4–6, and 7–9 months old, respectively, while 4.9% (9/185) and 1.7% (5/285) were in males and females respectively. Rotavirus genes VP7 and VP4 were detected in 2 (14.3%) out of the 14 ELISA-positive samples while deduced amino acid sequences of the major variable regions revealed the genes to belong to types G3P[11] strain. Significant association was found between the infection and sex (P < 0.05) unlike in the species and age groups of the ruminants. The circulation of rotavirus virus in ruminants and type G3P[11] in cattle has been confirmed in the study. Hence, there is a need for continuous surveillance, awareness campaign, and assessment of the economic losses and public health implications of rotavirus infection in Nigeria.


A porcine group A rotavirus (GARV) strain, 61/07/Ire, was isolated from a 4–5 week asymptomatic piglet, during an epidemiological survey of porcine herds in Southern Ireland, in 2007. The nucleotide (nt) and amino acid (aa) sequence of the full-length VP4 protein of the PoRV strain 61/07/Ire was determined. Based on the entire VP4 open reading frame (nt), strain 61/07/Ire displayed ≤ 76.5% identity to representatives of the established 31 P-types, a value far lower than the percentage identity cutoff value (80%) established by the Rotavirus Classification Working Group (RCWG) to define a novel P genotype. Strain 61/07/Ire revealed low aa identity, ranging from 57.1% to 83.6%, to the cognate sequences of representatives of the various P genotypes. The aa identity was lower in the VP8* trypsin-cleavage fragment of the VP4, which encompasses the VP4 hypervariable region, ranging from 36.9% to 75.3%. Sequence analyses of the VP7, VP6, and NSP4 genes revealed that the GARV strain 61/07/Ire possessed a G2-like VP7, an E9 NSP4 genotype and an I5 VP6 genotype. Altogether, these results indicate that the GARV strain 61/07/Ire should be considered as a prototype of a new VP4 genotype, P[32], and provide further evidence for the vast heterogeneity of group A rotaviruses.  相似文献   

During a 10-year period, specimens from 8,995 bovine abortions were submitted to the South Dakota Animal Disease Research and Diagnostic Laboratory; 8,962 of these specimens were suitable for examination. A supportable diagnosis was made in 2,942 (32.82%) of the abortions examined. An infectious cause was determined for 2,723 (30.38%) and a noninfectious cause for 219 (2.44%). Bacteria caused 1,299 (14.49%), viruses caused 948 (10.57%), and fungi caused 476 (5.31%). The infectious bovine rhinotracheitis virus was associated with 485 (5.41%) and the bovine viral diarrhea virus with 407 (4.54%). The most common noninfectious causes of abortion or stillbirth were anomalous development, 112 (1.25%); dystocia, 56 (0.62%); and twinning, 37 (0.41%). The cause of 6,020 (67.17%) abortions was not determined. Lesions, many suggesting the presence of infection, were present in 1,554 (17.34%) fetuses or placentas in which no infectious agent could be demonstrated.  相似文献   

Group A rotavirus (RV-A) with short electropherotype was identified by ss-PAGE in a neonatal diarrhea outbreak at a Brazilian pig farm where the sows were regularly vaccinated with a commercial vaccine containing OSU (G5P[7]) and Gottfried (G4P[6]) porcine RV-A (PoRV-A) strains. The ss-PAGE positive stool samples (n=20) were characterized as P[6] genotype by multiplex-nested-RT-PCR assay. The nucleotide analysis of the VP4 gene (VP8*) state that the viruses clustered in P[6] lineages that are also shared by RV-A strains identified in human hosts. Nucleotide analysis of the VP7 gene identified different lineages in G4 including a new lineage tentatively designated IX. The immunological pressure induced by commercial vaccine with a rotavirus containing a G4P[6] genotype of porcine origin (Gottfried strain) might have allowed the selection of PoRV-A strains with characteristics found in RV-A strains isolated of human hosts, such as P[6]-Ie and If, and promoted the selection or emergence of RV-A strains with a new lineage of the G4 genotype. The characterization of PoRV-A strains with unusual genotypes described in this study highlight the importance of surveys on the relationship between human and animal rotavirus strains.  相似文献   

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