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Summary The zoosporangial zoospores ofOlpidium brassicae are uniflagellate (fig. 1). Observations with a phase contrast microscope on living zoospores in watermounts showed that biflagellate zoospores resulted from zoospore fusion. Further, specimens were found with more than two flagella (fig. 2 and 3). As at zoospore discharge only uniflagellate zoospores occur, it may be, assumed that zoospores with more than two flagella are also the result of zoospore fusion. As there may be an analogy betweenO. brassicae andO. viciae,Kusano's explanation of the occurrence of compound zoospores with more than two flagella is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary In the Netherlands potatoes of the variety Industrie are being cultivated which are free from any virus disease. They have dark green leaves and are called „donkere Industrie”. Besides these „donkere Industrie” are cultivated potatoes of the same varity which have a paler green foliage and which are called „lichte Industrie”. It is evident that the pale colour of „lichte Industrie” is caused by a virus. This virus turned out to be a feeble strain of the virus of „grof moza?ek” (mild-mosaic) and to bring about a rather entire immunity to this virus.   相似文献   

Summary Zoospores ofPhytophthora infestans were seen to fuse in pairs. Generally within 30 min. after zoospore discharge, fusion started by the formation of a connection between touching zoospores. Gradually the connection became shorter and thicker (fig. 1,2 and 3), and within 30 min. the two zoospores united to form a spherical body (fig. 4). The flagella were thrown off just before the compound zoospore assumed the spherical shape. The compound zoospores germinated by a germ tube within 30 min. after their formation. The analogy withCritopoulos' observations on zoospore fusion inP. capsici is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Electron microscope observations on the soral zoospores ofSynchytrium endobioticum revealed, besides nuclear substance, the presence of a crateriform cavity in the zoospore body. Probably this cavity corresponds with the vacuole which contains oil in the living zoospore. The flagella are cylindrical and they have a whiplash tip. Faint longitudinal striations can just be detected in some of the flagella. A slight terminal swelling on the end of the whiplash is occasionally found. Several flagella, showed fibrillar disintegration. Making elevent fibres in all, there are two long central strands and nine shorter peripheral strads. A fine line running along the centre of some fibres indicates that probably each fibre contains two subfibres.  相似文献   

Samenvatting en Conclusie Een kevertje,Scymnus punctillum geheeten, is een natuurlijke vijand van het spint. Het komt momenteel in het Westland veel voor en brengt naar mijn meening spintaantastingen tot staan. Of het spint hiermede op afdoende wijze bestreden kan worden, moet nog worden afgewacht. Na schrijven van het bovenstaande kreeg ik Twentieth Annual Report 1934 van het Experimental and Research Station te Cheshunt in handen. Hierin wordt op p. 71 vermeld, dat men aldaar getracht heeftStethorus punctillum in te voeren, om ze te gebruiken voor het verdelgen van Spint op tomaten, boonen en anjers. Voor dit doel hadden zij in Mei 1934 twintig kevertjes uit Hoeijlaert ontvangen. Ofschoon eieren gelegd werden en larven zich daaruit ontwikkelden en verspreidden, bleef toch succes uit; in den loop van den zomer verdweenStethorus punctilllum daar geheel.  相似文献   

Ohne ZusammenfassungLaboratorium voor Mycologie en Aardappelonderzoek  相似文献   

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