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目前全球生物农药产业的发展十分迅速,而我国生物农药行业经过60年左右的发展,目前已拥有30余家生物农药研发方面的科研院所、高校、国家级和部级重点实验室,并且我国已成为世界上井冈霉素、阿维菌素、赤霉素生产大国。从综合产业化规模和研究深度上分析,井冈霉素、阿维菌素、赤霉素、苏云金杆菌(简称Bt)4个品种已成为我国生物农药产业中的拳头产品和领军品种。随着农产品安全事件的频发以及人们环保意识的增强,我国生物农药行业也随之快速发展,国家规划到2015年生物农药所占农药份额将增加到30%,生物农药市场具有广阔的发展前景。  相似文献   

生物农药及其发展思路的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
讨论了生物农药的发展阶段、概念、特点和种类,分析了我国生物农药开发、应用过程中存在的问题,并提出了加大生物农药研发力度解决这些问题的措施。  相似文献   

我国生物农药的推广应用现状及发展策略   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
郭荣 《中国生物防治》2011,27(1):124-127
我国生物农药的应用具有良好的基础,在20世纪80年代至90年代曾得到迅速发展.21世纪以来,我国生物农药的应用发展缓慢甚至停滞不前.在我国农作物病虫害防治中,生物防治占防治总面积的8%左右,其中88%为生物农药,12%为人工释放天敌昆虫和昆虫信息素诱杀,而生物农药品种中,杀虫剂占1/3,杀菌剂占2/3.制约我国生物农药推广应用的主要因素,除生物农药自身覆盖的靶标对象少、防效受环境因子影响大等因素外,缺乏激励政策、药效评价标准单一、重基础研究轻应用开发也影响了我国生物农药的发展.近年来,"公共植保,绿色植保"理念的提出和实践,为生物农药的发展提供了平台和手段,通过政府制定鼓励政策、对农民应用生物农药给予补贴、设立生物农药及生物防治技术示范推广项目等途径,可以在政策和技术层面上切实促进生物农药的推广和应用;同时,需要加大农民技术培训力度,不仅为农民提供优质高效的生物农药品种,还要使农民掌握生物农药的应用技术.  相似文献   

成都新朝阳是一家重视生物农药科技成果创新的国家高新技术农化企业,20余年来,持续专注于生物农药的发展,聚焦植物源、生物源农药研发、生产、推广,赢得了良好的市场回馈。在业界奠定了植物源农药、土壤调理剂和天然植物调节剂品牌及技术的领先地位。这一切应归功于企业对产品演进的不断自我苛求和企业掌舵人对农业绿色发展信念的坚持。  相似文献   

生物农药推广应用滞缓原因分析及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张霁  汪洋 《植物医生》2006,19(3):35-35
随着我国“以人为本”的科学发展观和可持续发展战略的逐步实施,近年来各类高效低毒、低残留无污染的生物农药在开发和生产领域呈现出良好的发展势头,但是,就目前而言,生物农药在农林业生产中的推广和应用情况不容乐观,明显滞缓.影响了无公害农林产品发展的进程。  相似文献   

<正>4月27—28日,中国农药发展与应用协会、中国植保学会生物防治专业委员会等单位将在湖北恩施州举办"2015年生物农药发展与应用交流大会"。会议内容包括生物农药应用与推广政策解读、国内外生物农药登记管理动态、我国生物农药出口动态、农产品质量安全管理与生物农药应用、我  相似文献   

RNA干扰又称转录后基因沉默,是一种能有效沉默或抑制目标基因表达的新兴基因工程技术。基于RNA干扰的生物农药被认为是未来植保领域的颠覆性技术,将极大改变人类防治农业病、虫、草等有害生物的思路和策略。本文我们简单回顾了RNA干扰的基本作用机制和发展历程,全面总结了RNAi生物农药的研究水平和应用现状,深入分析了RNAi生物农药发展面临的机遇和挑战,以及未来的发展前景。以期为我国RNAi生物农药的研发提供参考。  相似文献   

生物农药研究进展与未来展望   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
邱德文 《植物保护》2013,39(5):81-89
生物农药的研究与利用在农业病虫害防控体系中占有重要地位,进入21世纪后,更备受世界各国关注。随着绿色植保战略的推进与实施,生物农药研发成为我国生物产业、农业科研与应用的热点,被列为国家中长期科技发展规划的重大研究领域与方向。本文介绍了国内外生物农药产业的发展现状与未来趋势,分析了我国生物农药的发展瓶颈,提出了促进发展的可行对策。  相似文献   

武汉科诺生物农药有限公司成立于1999年4月,主要从事生物农药原药及其他高效、低毒、无公害生化农药的研发、生产和销售,具有自主进出口经营权。注册资本1.4557亿元。公司拥有亚洲最大的微生物杀虫剂(Bt)的研发和中试基地以及肯尼亚(非洲)Bt生物农药示范工厂。1999年12月被武汉市人民政府认定为高效技术企业。2000年3月被国家发展改革委等四部委联合认定为国家级企业技术中心。  相似文献   

我国已初步建立了新型生物农药研发技术体系——以‘863计划’现代农业研究、提高植物自身抗病虫免疫能力和杀伤有害生物为目标,研究构建了具有自主知识产权的生物农药创制平台,开发新技术、新工艺20余项,包括新型生物农药活性物质分离和鉴定技术、安全性评价技术、新型生物农药发酵工艺和规模化生产工艺、杀虫防病相关功能基因克隆、新型生物农药产品剂型、复配工艺和新剂型稳定化技术、生物农药增效剂研制与产业化技术等。  相似文献   

微生物代谢产物农药(microbial metabolite pesticide,简称MMP)是以微生物发酵产生的代谢产物为活性成分,用于防治病虫草鼠等有害生物或促进植物生长发育的生物农药。MMP主要包括农用抗生素、微生物源植物免疫诱抗剂和微生物源植物生长调节剂,是我国应用面积最广的生物农药。部分微生物代谢产物农药兼具预防与治疗效果,是未来绿色农药研发的一个重要方向。本文总结了我国研发和应用的主要代谢产物农药种类、特点和最新研究进展,分析了我国代谢产物农药研发过程中存在的问题和挑战,为新型代谢产物农药的研发与应用提供参考。  相似文献   

黄脊竹蝗为重大林业害虫,多在竹林造成为害。2020年黄脊竹蝗从老挝、越南等地跨境进入中国云南省并在农区造成了严重为害。本文主要综述了黄脊竹蝗在我国发生的历史与现状、暴发的原因以及主要的防治措施,归纳了黄脊竹蝗不同发育阶段的有效防治措施,重点总结了利用生防天敌和生物农药防治黄脊竹蝗的研究进展,为黄脊竹蝗综合防控提供参考依据。  相似文献   

病虫害严重影响我国农业生产,每年造成巨额经济损失,传统化学农药虽然在一定程度上能够减轻这些危害,但其不合理的使用也造成严重的负面影响,亟需开发新型生物农药。海洋真菌生存于独特的海洋环境中,形成了有别于陆生真菌的生存繁殖方式和遗传代谢机制,能够产生许多结构新颖、生物活性显著的次级代谢产物,其中许多化合物具有抗植物病原菌、杀虫和抗病毒等农用生物活性,具有开发成为新型生物农药的巨大潜力。本文综述了2010年以来前人在海洋真菌次级代谢产物农用生物活性方面的研究成果,涵盖了90个化合物,结构类型主要包括聚酮类、萜类、生物碱类和甾体类化合物等,以期为生物农药的开发提供依据。  相似文献   

All living organisms are subject to predation, parasitism or competition from other organisms. The study of these interactions has led to the identification of many potential opportunities for the use of living organisms as biopesticides to protect agricultural crops against insect pests, fungal, bacterial and viral diseases, weeds, nematodes and mollusc pests. A range of biopesticide products (including as active agents bacteria, fungi, nematodes, protozoa, viruses and beneficial insects) are now available commercially for control of insect pests, fungal and bacterial diseases and weeds. However, world biopesticide sales in 1990 were estimated to be $120 million, representing less than 0–5% of the world agrochemical market. Over 90% of biopesticide sales are represented by a single product type, containing Bacillus thuringiensis Berl., for control of insect pests. Nevertheless, biopesticide sales are estimated to be increasing at 10–25% per annum whilst the world agrochemical market is static or even shrinking. There has been a significant renewal of commercial interest in biopesticides as evidenced by the substantial number of alliances forged between major agrochemical companies and biotechnology companies which allow these major companies access to marketing rights to novel biopesticides. This paper reviews the current commercial status of biopesticides and discusses the technical and commercial constraints which have impeded development of biopesticides in the past. Novel developments in R&D, which may enable some of these constraints to be overcome, are examined by reference to a number of specific examples (some of which arise from the author's own experience in a biotechnology company). The future prospects for biopesticides are discussed in the light of technical advances and commercial and regulatory requirements.  相似文献   

蝗虫是世界性重大成灾害虫,时常在草原、沙漠区或农作区暴发为害.当前的非洲沙漠蝗灾害再次提醒人们,蝗灾依然是粮食生产和生态安全的严重威胁.在寻求绿色可持续防蝗的新策略新技术研究中,昆虫病原真菌显现出种类多、毒力强、易规模化生产及环境友好等明显优势而倍受重视.近30年,真菌防蝗研究和应用进步加快,国际、国内都有真菌防蝗产品...  相似文献   

陇东是一个典型的传统农业区,土地和生物资源有一定的潜在优势,但由于受水资源、经济资源及技术条件的制约,从总体看,农业经济发展水平低,“三农”问题严重,可持续发展能力较弱。在这种条件下,加快农业结构调整,推动资源消耗型农业向增值型和科技型农业的转变是农业发展的必由之路。根据该区的农业自然禀赋和国内外市场需求变化,陇东农业结构调整的任务是大力发展草畜产业,因地制宜,发挥优势,取得农业的最佳效益,重点是建设山区的生态农业,同时要注重市场导向的作用,树立优质农业品牌意识,提高农业产品的科技附加值和市场附加值及市场竞争力。  相似文献   

There is a long history of using natural products as the basis for creating new pesticides but there is still a relatively low percentage of naturally derived pesticides relative to the number of pharmaceuticals derived from natural sources. Biopesticides as defined and regulated by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) have been around for 70 years, starting with Bacillus thuringiensis, but they are experiencing rapid growth as the products have got better and more science‐based, and there are more restrictions on synthetic chemical pesticides. As such, biopesticides are still a small percentage (approximately US$3–4 billion) of the US$61.3 billion pesticide market. The growth of biopesticides is projected to outpace that of chemical pesticides, with compounded annual growth rates of between 10% and 20%. When integrated into crop production and pest management programs, biopesticides offer the potential for higher crop yields and quality than chemical‐only programs. Added benefits include reduction or elimination of chemical residues, therefore easing export, enabling delay in the development of resistance by pests and pathogens to chemicals and shorter field re‐entry, biodegradability and production using agricultural raw materials versus fossil fuels, and low risk to non‐target organisms, including pollinators. Challenges to the adoption of biopesticides include lack of awareness and education in how to deploy their unique modes of action in integrated programs, testing products alone versus in integrated programs, and lingering perceptions of cost and efficacy. © 2019 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

近年来我国生物农药新品种层出不穷,登记热度持续上升,登记管理不断规范。本文探讨了对我国生物农药登记品种采取清单式管理,提出生物农药登记品种清单的范围和建立原则,梳理形成了我国生物农药登记品种清单,提出了完善生物农药登记品种清单式管理的意见建议。  相似文献   

The five‐year value in the compound annual growth rate of the biopesticides sector is predicted to be 16% by 2017 and to produce a global market worth $US 10 billion. Despite this, several impediments occur within the EU that negatively affect biopesticide research and innovation. At present, there are fewer biopesticide‐active substances registered in the EU compared with the United States, India, Brazil and China. The relatively low level of biopesticide research in the EU (6880 ISI papers) versus the United States (18 839), India (9501) and China (7875) relates to the greater complexity of EU‐based biopesticide regulations compared with these other countries. In this light, it is worth noting that tensions may exist between regulators that emphasise the beneficial nature of biopesticides in environmentally friendly crop management and those that adopt a more technologically based approach dependent on a chemical‐pesticide‐driven model. Compared with the other aforementioned countries, far fewer biopesticide products are available in the EU market, mainly as a direct result of the severe regulatory factors present there. The extent to which this trend will continue depends largely on a range of interacting political and/or regulatory decisions that influence environmentally friendly agricultural industries. © 2017 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

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