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石头沟地区放牧的牛羊每年一到秋末或冬季便出现消瘦、贫血、浮肿、被毛脆弱,容易脱落。为此笔者进行调查,走访14户农户,采集了58头牛羊粪便。结果表明,牛羊的胃肠线虫种类很多,往往混合感染,对牛羊危害极大。结果检查出牛羊的线虫感染率为39.01%。  相似文献   

An investigation was carried out to assess the effects of weather on the occurrence and magnitude of the periparturient rise (PPR) in trichostrongylid nematode egg output in breeding Dorper ewes. The study was conducted over three breeding seasons on a ranch in the semi-arid area of Kajiado District in Kenya between June 1999 and December 2001. During each breeding season 20 ewes randomly selected from the breeding stock and 20 others selected from the unmated yearlings were monitored for faecal strongyle egg counts every 3 weeks. The lambing seasons were timed to coincide with the onset of the short rains (October–November 1999), the mid-short rains (November–December 2000) and the end of the dry season (September–October 2001). In each season higher egg outputs were recorded in the peri-parturient ewes compared to the unmated yearlings. The highest PPR occurred in September 2001, when lambing coincided with the end of the dry season, possibly as a result of maturation of hypobiotic larvae. The lowest PPR occurred in November 2000 when the onset of lambing coincided with the mid-short rains, possibly owing to low pasture infectivity associated with a long dry spell between January and October of the same year. The results of this study indicate that PPR occurred when lambing coincided with both the wet and the dry seasons. However, the magnitude was greatly influenced by the season when lambing occurred. It was also influenced by resumption of development of hypobiotic larvae and the nutritional status of the ewes. Not only should control of gastrointestinal nematode parasites in this area aim at preventing the occurrence of PPR by treating ewes 2–3 weeks before they are to lamb and during lactation, but the anthelmintic used must also eliminate hypobiotic larvae. In addition, the animals must be given supplementary feeding during this period.  相似文献   

This study was carried out to validate the efficacy of Spondias mombin, used locally as an anthelmintic, and to standardize the effective dose of the plant extract required for worm control in livestock. In vitro and in vivo studies were conducted to determine the direct anthelmintic effect of ethanolic and aqueous extracts of S. mombin towards different ovine gastrointestinal nematodes. A larval development assay (LDA) was used to investigate the in vitro effect of extracts on strongyle larvae. Another study was conducted in vivo to evaluate the therapeutic efficacy of the extracts administered orally at dose rates of 125, 250, 500 mg/kg to sheep naturally infected with gastrointestinal nematodes. Twenty sheep were selected on the basis of positive faecal egg counts (750 epg). The sheep were allocated randomly to a non-medicated control group (A) or to groups given 125 mg/kg (B), 250 mg/kg (C) or 500 mg/kg (D) of extract, respectively. Sheep in groups B-D were given extracts orally on two days. Individual faecal egg counts were performed on days 0, 3, 6, 9 and 12. The presence of S. mombin extracts in in vitro cultures of larvae decreased the survival of L3 larvae. The LC50 of the aqueous extract of S. mombin was 0.907 mg/ml, while the LC50 of the ethanolic extract was 0.456 mg/ml. This difference in LC50 was statistically significant (p > 0.05). The mean percentage faecal egg reduction of sheep drenched with 500 mg/kg S. mombin extracts was 15.0%, 27.5%, 65.0%, 65.0%, 100.0% against Haenmonchus spp., Trichostrongylus spp., Oesophagostomunm spp., Strongyloides spp. and Trichuris spp. respectively, on day 12. Extracts of S. mombin could find application in the control of helminths in livestock.  相似文献   

通过对轻度盐碱地和半干旱地区苜蓿种植技术的研究摸索,提出了该类地区苜蓿种植的技术要点。对敖汉苜蓿、中苜1号、阿尔冈金和金皇后4个品种的出芽率、出苗率、返青情况及产草量进行了测定。苜蓿种植技术的进一步推广应用,可望有效缓解"粮草矛盾",并对开发新的饲草生产资源具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Munyua, W.K., Githigia, S.M., Mwangi, D.M., Kimoro, C.O. and Ayuya, J.M., 1997. The effects of a controlled-release albendazole capsule (Profitril-Captec) on parasitism in grazing Corriedale ewes in the Nyandarua district of Kenya. Veterinary Research Communications, 21 (2), 85-99The effects of intraruminal sustained-release capsules (IRSRCs) on parasitism in grazing Corriedale ewes were investigated over a period of 119 days (4 June-30 September 1993) using 40 ewes aged approximately 2 years and randomly divided into two groups of 20 ewes each. Each of the ewes in the treatment group received an IRSRC while the controls were left untreated. The groups were placed on adjacent 2.5-acre paddocks obtained by subdividing a 5.0-acre permanent pasture which had previously been grazed by young untreated sheep, so exposing both groups of ewes to a similar challenge from a contaminated paddock. The faecal egg counts, herbage larval counts and worm burdens of the major gastrointestinal parasites of sheep were significantly reduced by the use of the IRSRC. These parasitological effects were reflected in the increased live weight gains and heavier fleeces of the IRSRC-treated ewes. The control ewes required occasional salvage treatments during the trial period and the herbage on their paddock was heavily contaminated with infected larvae, reflected in the high worm burdens in the control ewes necropsied at the end of the trial and in tracer sheep introduced into the paddocks during the initial (day 30), interim (day 58) and final (day 89) stages of the experiment. Most capsules were exhausted within 95 days of administration, leading to a rise in the count of eggs per gram in the faeces in the treated group towards the end of the study.  相似文献   

试验旨在通过新型莫西菌素(moxidectin,MOX)浇泼剂对羊的驱虫试验,评价MOX浇泼剂对羊蜱蝇和消化道线虫的临床药效。将150只阿勒泰羊经产母羊随机分为6组,每组25只,分别为不用药对照组、螨净药浴组、MOX注射组和MOX低(0.05 mL/(kg·BW))、中(0.1 mL/(kg·BW))和高(0.2 mL/(kg·BW))剂量浇泼组,试验期为1周。试验第1天按前述分组中方法和剂量驱虫1次。观察受试动物临床表现,测定给药前1天和给药后第7天体温、脉搏和呼吸(TPR),血液生理、生化和尿常规指标;测定羊蜱蝇减虫率、治愈率。采取粪样测定消化道线虫每克粪中虫卵个数(EPG)减少率及转阴率。结果显示,与不用药对照组相比,给药后第7天各驱虫组TPR、血液生理、生化及尿常规指标均无显著差异(P>0.05)。螨净药浴组羊蜱蝇减虫率为43.7%,而MOX注射组及MOX低、中、高剂量浇泼组均为100%。螨净药浴组治愈率为13.0%,而MOX注射组及MOX低、中、高剂量浇泼组均为100%;与不用药对照组相比,螨净药浴组消化道线虫卵减少率为0,而MOX注射组及MOX低、中、高剂量浇泼组分别为91.6%、93.1%、94.9%和97.8%。螨净药浴组虫卵转阴率为0,而MOX注射组及MOX低、中、高剂量浇泼组分别为77.0%、69.2%、69.2%和84.6%。本试验结果表明,新型MOX浇泼剂对体外寄生虫和消化道线虫均有显著疗效,且优于螨净药浴,与MOX注射剂等效。实践应用中最适MOX浇泼剂量推荐为0.05 mL/(kg·BW)(即0.25 mg/(kg·BW))。  相似文献   

On a series of pasture plots, 2 kg pats of bovine faeces containing known numbers of strongylid (Haemonchus, Cooperia, Oesophagostomum and Trichostrongylus) eggs were deposited at intervals of 4 weeks from July 1995 to June 1996. The plots were sampled every 2 weeks after contamination and infective larvae were identified and counted. Larvae of all the genera developed throughout the year, but the pats exposed during the rainy season yielded more abundant larvae on the herbage. Irrespective of the season of deposition of the pats, larvae were found in larger numbers from 2 to 6 weeks after deposition and generally declined to below detectable levels within 12 to 16 weeks of contamination. The comparatively short survival times noted in this experiment may present opportunities for manipulation of the population dynamics of the gastrointestinal nematodes in the tropical environment of Kenya.  相似文献   

新疆发展细毛羊具有得天独厚的草地资源优势和自然环境,细毛羊仍是新疆畜牧产业中的一个亮点和新的经济增长点。要全面振兴细毛羊产业,必须从加快细毛羊品种的内部调整着手,走质量取胜的道路,加大育种改良工作力度,实施规范化、标准化生产,打响新疆细羊毛品牌,提高知名度和影响面,推动细毛羊生产稳定快速发展。  相似文献   

This paper describes a study on the sustainability of Community-based Animal Health Worker (CAHW) services in Mwingi District, Kenya. These services began in 1992 and were supported by the District Veterinary Authority (DVA) with assistance from the Integrated Food Security Programme – Eastern (IFSP-E). Over time and using a process of participatory reviews with multiple stakeholders, the system evolved into a network of CAHWs. The study focused on CAHWs service sustainability and their relationships with other animal health service providers. A mutually beneficial and supportive arrangement existed between the CAHWs and Animal Health Assistants (AHAs), based on a private drug supply system, referral and backstopping support. The CAHWs derived sufficient income from their veterinary work to maintain their interest in the system. Seventy per cent of CAHWs were continuing to offer adequate animal health services 3 years or more after their initial training and the withdrawal of donor support. Ninety-five per cent of sampled CAHWs (n = 40) viewed their business as successful and expanding. Considering the agro-ecological and socio-economic conditions of the district, the CAHW system can be viewed as an initial stage in the process of extending quality private sector veterinary services.  相似文献   

Communally grazed sheep were dosed at 4-, 12-, 24- or 48-week intervals for 1 year. Dosing every 4 weeks proved to be the most effective (p<0.05), as reflected in a lower worm egg count compared to the 12-, 24- or 48-week intervals. Since most nematode life cycles lie between 3 and 6 weeks, the treatment has to be given during this critical period if maximum economic advantage is to be gained from deworming. However, treating communally grazed sheep every 12 weeks was found to keep worm egg numbers relatively low and may be advantageous in providing seasonal control, especially in semi-arid environments. Dosing communally grazed sheep once or twice a year under the same conditions is not recommended because reinfection appeared to result in similar faecal egg counts to those from the untreated animals (p>0.05).  相似文献   

陕北半干旱区土地资源利用与修复的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
长城沿线风沙地是由种植农作物和饲养家畜结合一起的农牧业生产系统。在进行生产的过程中,常因生产系统的紊乱而导致土地生产下降和生态环境恶化,为了探讨这一地区土地资源的合理配制,线建有有序的生产结构,达到土地持续利用的目的,在1990~1994年在陕西靖边长城和沿线选择110.6hm^2的风沙地,设置了4个区进行了专门的研究,结果表明,在作物和牲畜结合在一起的农业生产系统中,当牧业收入占种植业和饲养业总  相似文献   

为初步了解山西榆次区放养绵羊消化道线虫的感染状况,采用蠕虫学剖检术对榆次区北郊农村的4只绵羊消化道线虫感染率和感染强度进行了初步研究。结果显示,榆次区北郊放养绵羊消化道线虫总感染率为100%(4/4),共检出7种线虫,分别为:捻转血矛线虫感染率为100%,平均感染强度51条;环纹奥斯特线虫为100%,39条;羊仰口线虫为50%,5条;长刺似细颈线虫为100%,29条;哥伦比亚食道口线虫为50%,4条;绵羊毛尾线虫为100%,12条;绵羊夏伯特线虫为100%,81条。经t检验,真胃中捻转血矛线虫与环纹奥斯特线虫两虫种感染强度差异不显著;小肠中羊仰口线虫与长刺似细颈线虫和大肠中绵羊毛尾线虫与哥伦比亚食道口线虫、绵羊夏伯特线虫虫种感染强度差异显著。同时,对长刺似细颈线虫进行了形态再描述。  相似文献   

A study was conducted to determine the efficacy of albendazole after it had been withdrawn from use due to the development of resistant strains of nematodes about ten years ago. The study also aimed to determine the present efficacy of levamisole, which had been recommended to replace albendazole. On one farm, the sheep and goats were divided into two groups, one group of each serving as the untreated control, while the other was treated with levamisole. The sheep on the other farm were divided into three groups, one serving as the untreated control group, the second being treated with levamisole and the third being treated with albendazole. Faecal samples were collected one day before treatment, and again 10 days after treatment. Anthelmintic efficacy was determined by the faecal egg count reduction test. Ten days after treatment, the sheep treated with levamisole on the first farm had a 98% reduction in faecal egg count, with a 95% confidence limit of 76%. The goats on the same farm had a 97% reduction in faecal egg count, with a 95% lower confidence limit of 81%. At the second farm, 10 days after treatment, sheep treated with levamisole had a 99.4% reduction in faecal egg count, with a 95% lower confidence limit of 88.9%, whereas the sheep treated with albendazole only had a 59.4% reduction in faecal egg count, with a 95% lower confidence limit of –19.6%. The study indicated that the gastrointestinal nematodes of sheep at the Department of Animal Science and Production farm were still resistant to albendazole about ten years after this anthelmintic had been withdrawn from use. A reduced efficacy of levamisole was suspected.  相似文献   

The efficacy of strategic anthelmintic control of liver flukes (Fasciola) and gastrointestinal (GI) nematodes on the performance of ewes and lambs on pasture was assessed on a farm in the highlands of Kenya. In May 1999, 45 Corriedale ewes, aged between 2 and 3 years, were ear-tagged, weighed and allocated randomly to three equal treatment groups based on body weight. Faecal samples taken at this time revealed low levels of strongyle-type eggs per gram of faeces (EPG) and the presence of liver fluke eggs in only a few of the animals. All the animals were then set stocked for 12 months on separate paddocks in an area endemic for both Fasciola and GI nematodes. The ewes in group 1 were given a combined anthelmintic treatment against Fasciola and GI nematodes during the periods recommended for the control of Fasciola in the area (February, June and October). The ewes in group 2 were given the combined treatments 3 weeks after the onset of both the short and long rainy seasons (November and April, respectively). Those in group 3 were given separate treatments for Fasciola (February, June and October) and nematodes (3 weeks after the onset of the rainy seasons). The anthelmintic treatment against Fasciola consisted of triclabendazole at 10 mg per kg body weight, and that against nematodes was levamisole at 10 mg per kg body weight.The nematode EPG for the ewes in group 1 were higher than in groups 2 and 3 during both rainy seasons. The nematode EPG did not differ significantly between groups 2 and 3. The prevalence of Fasciola eggs (number of ewes shedding eggs in a group) in the ewes in groups 1 and 3 remained very low throughout the study period compared to those in group 2. The highest birth weights and the weight gains of lambs were recorded for the group of ewes given separate anthelmintic treatments for Fasciola and nematodes (group 3). The results of this trial indicated that, in an area like Nyandarua District, where liver flukes and GI nematodes are important constraints to sheep production, the best practice is to give separate treatments for the two groups of parasites at the recommended times.  相似文献   

This paper describes an assessment of the technical competence and ethical behaviour of Community-based Animal Health Workers (CAHWs) in Mwingi District, Kenya. From 99 trained CAHWs, 40 participated in the study. Using a pre-tested semi-structured questionnaire, direct observation of the relevant veterinary drug kits and participatory discussions, the study team found that the CAHWs knowledge of clinical signs of local livestock diseases and notifiable and zoonotic diseases and their ability to use veterinary drugs correctly and safely were adequate. Marks were awarded to the candidates according to an agreed marking scheme between the CAHWs trainers and study team members. The results showed that, overall, 36 out of 40 (90%) of the sampled CAHWs passed the tests. The existence of a referral system for CAHWs and refresher trainings helped to ensure that CAHW competence and ethical behaviour were maintained. However, it was also found that some areas of the current curriculum required more detailed input based on field experience. The CAHW system could serve as an alternative animal health care system in areas lacking veterinary services.  相似文献   

应用超声波技术快速预测羊背膘厚和眼肌面积的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在肉羊育种中,背膘厚和眼肌面积是重要的选择性状,为了能够对其进行活体预测,试验通过对3个羊品种(36头)屠宰前后的背膘厚和眼肌面积的估测和实测数据运用最小二乘法建立了用超声波活体测量技术预测宰后背膘厚、眼肌面积和屠宰重的预测模型,结果显示预测模型均达到显著水平(P<0.05)。因此,可以在育种实践中应用。  相似文献   

为了解我国牛羊弓形虫病流行情况,应用间接血凝试验(IHA)对河南、山东、山西、内蒙古、云南、贵州6省区151份牛血清、50份奶样、490份羊血清进行了弓形虫病血清流行病学调查。结果显示:151份被检牛血清和50份牛奶样品,弓形虫抗体均为阴性。490份羊血清弓形虫抗体总阳性率5.71%,其中母羊、公羊血清阳性率分别为4.03%和9.79%;山羊、绵羊、杂交羊血清阳性率分别为6.58%、4.81%和5.13%;阳性率最高的为公山羊(13.2%),最低的为母绵羊(2.96%)。28份阳性羊血清中,75%的抗体滴度为1:64,25%的抗体滴度为1:256。1岁后的羊,随年龄增长,血清阳性率升高。  相似文献   

An observational longitudinal study was carried out on 92 randomly selected smallholder farms in two coastal lowland zones of Kwale District in Kenya between December 1997 and November 1999. The objective was to estimate the incidence of the main vector-transmitted diseases in pre-weaned calves. From an initial 41 pure or cross-bred Bos taurus calves which were less than 2 months and whose birth and disease histories were known, study calves were recruited progressively and monitored until they were weaned at around 146 days. Overall, 130 calves in 67 farms were monitored and these contributed a total risk period of 30,062 days.

Disease parameters were analysed and compared as true annual and age-specific incidence rates. The incidences of East Coast fever (ECF) (23.1%) and trypanosomosis (29.1%) were the highest among the vector-borne diseases. The corresponding mortality incidence rates of ECF and trypanosomosis were 10.9 and 3.6%, respectively. The annual incidence rates of anaplasmosis and babesiosis were 10.9 and 1.2%, respectively. There was no mortality arising specifically from anaplasmosis or babesiosis. Analysis of survival times to natural infection indicated that the field challenge resulting to cases of trypanosomosis was much higher compared to the risk of either ECF or anaplasmosis. It was concluded that these vector-borne diseases constrain production of replacement stock in this coastal lowlands region of Kenya.  相似文献   

为了比较道赛特羊、特克塞尔羊及小尾寒羊的生长发育性能和适应性,试验对3品种羊的初生重、断奶重、体高、体重、体长、胸围、管围等生长发育指标进行测定分析,育肥后进行屠宰测定。结果表明,2个引进品种间初生重和断奶重无显著差异,且均表现出早期生长发育快的特点,其体高、体重等生长发育指标及屠宰性状均高于小尾寒羊,表现出良好的肉用效果和适应性。育肥后无角道赛特羊、特克塞尔羊胴体重、腰肌重、大腿重和眼肌面积显著高于小尾寒羊(P0.05)。  相似文献   

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