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Rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss, were used to characterize further the influence of glucose on hepatic lipolysis. Liver was removed from fed fish, cut into 1 mm3 pieces and incubated for up to 5 h in Hanks medium containing either 2 mM, 5.5 mM, 10 mM, or 25 mM glucose. Glucose-stimulated lipolysis was indicated by tissue triacylglycerol (TG) lipase activity and by medium concentrations of glycerol and fatty acids (FA). Triacylglycerol lipase activity in liver pieces incubated in the presence of higher concentrations (25 mM) of glucose was significantly higher than that in liver pieces incubated in lower concentrations (2 mM) of glucose, rising from 0.075 ± 0.002 (mean ± SEM) nmol FA released/h/mg protein to 0.092 ± 0.004 units. Similarly, higher concentrations of glucose stimulated significantly more FA release and glycerol release from liver pieces than that stimulated by lower concentrations of glucose. Glycerol release from liver pieces incubated in the presence of 10 mM glucose and 25 mM glucose was ca. 2-fold to 2.8-fold, respectively, higher than that from liver pieces incubated in the presence of either 2 mM or 5.5 mM glucose. Fatty acid release from liver pieces incubated in the presence of 10 mM or 25 mM glucose was ca. 1.8-fold higher than that from liver pieces incubated in the presence of either 2 mM or 5.5 mM glucose. Notably, increased glycerol release was not accompanied by a parallel increase in FA. Fatty acid reesterification was more pronounced in liver pieces exposed to higher glucose (10 mM and 25 mM) than in liver pieces exposed to lower glucose (2 mM and 5.5 mM). 14C-incorporation studies indicated that glucose serves as a carbon source for reesterified FA in trout liver. The route of reesterification appears to be from glucose to glycerophosphate to phosphatidic acid to diacylglycerol to TG. Increasing concentrations of glucose did not affect glycerol kinase activity, indicating that glucose-stimulated lipolysis was not accompanied by increased glycerol recycling within the liver. These results suggest that glucose stimulates fatty acid reesterification and directly enhances net lipolysis in trout liver incubated in vitro.A part of this study was presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Society of Zoologists, December 26–30, 1991, Atlanta, GA.  相似文献   

Previous work has shown that somatostatins (SS) affect teleost lipid metabolism indirectly by inhibition of insulin (INS) and directly by stimulation of hepatic lipolysis. In the present study, rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) were used to characterize further the lipid-SS relationship by evaluating how lipid, contributes to SS secretion bothin vivo andin vitro. In vivo hyperlipidemia was induced for up to 3 h by short-term (2 min) infusion of a triacylglycerol (TG)-rich lipid emulsion (20% Intralipid®). Plasma total lipid concentration increased 118 and 155% over control levels 1 h and 3 h, respectively, after infusion; much of this increase was due to elevated plasma fatty acids (FA), which increased 39 and 520%, respectively, over the same time-frame. The hyperlipidemic pattern was attended by a significant increase in the plasma concentration of SS. The specific effects of fatty acids were evaluated on isolated Brockmann bodies. Palmitic acid and oleic acid stimulated SS release 378 and 82%, respectively, over baseline levels. These results indicate that lipids, and in particular fatty acids, modulate SS secretion in rainbow trout.  相似文献   

Rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) were fed three different diets for 110 days — a basal dry diet with 8.4% oil content (BD8), a basal dry diet with 11.1%; oil content (BD11) a nd an expanded diet with 20.7% oil content (ED) — to investigate the influence of high fish oil exp anded diet on fatty acid composition of muscle, and to evaluate nutritional properties of edible tissue. I n fact, the experimental diets were also different in their component fatty acids, with an in creasing content of 3 highly unsaturated fatty acids (3 HUFA) from BD8 to ED. As regards biomet rics data, the condition factor and the coefficient of fatness were higher in fish fed ED in com parison with groups BD8 and BD11 (p < 0.05 ED vs. BD8). On the other hand, hepatosomatic index in group ED was markedly lower than those in groups BD8 and BD11 (p < 0.05 ED vs. BD8 and E D vs. BD11). This could be explained by the lower amount of crude protein in ED or it may indicate an excess amount of essential fatty acids (EFA) in ED. As regards fatty acid composition of fish m uscle, there were only slight differences in fatty acid composition of the edible tissue of fish wh en compared with the differences in fatty acid composition of the diets. The increased amount of fish oil in ED had a positive influence on the final weight of fish (p < 0.05 ED vs. BD8 and ED vs. BD11), but did not affect proportionately the percentage of 3 HUFA (20:53, 22:53, 22:63) and therefore the derived indices of lipid quality: so it appears possible to partially substitute fish oil in the diet with other lipid as a source of dietary fat.  相似文献   

In rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) freshly ovulated eggs and over-ripened eggs which had been retained in the coelomic cavity for 7, 14 and 21 days were investigated in aspects of morphology, physiology and biochemistry. Egg viability was significantly reduced from 85.9±16.4% in freshly ovulated eggs to 25.1±21.9% in over-ripened eggs which had been retained in the coelomic cavity for 21 days. Further during over-ripening in the ovarian fluid the pH significantly decreased, while the levels of proteins, of esterified and non esterified fatty acids and the activities of aspartate aminotransferase and acid phosphatase significantly increased. Also egg parameters changed: the wet weight of the unhardened eggs increased, the weight increase during hardening and the levels of esterified and of non esterified fatty acids significantly decreased. In freshly ovulated eggs the yolk consisted of a homogenous mass and the perivitelline space was small, but in over-ripened eggs the yolk was non homogenous with numerous vesicular inclusions and the perivitelline space was enlarged. When freshly ovulated eggs were incubated in water the cortical reaction was detectable within 5 min, in over-ripened eggs hardly no extrusion of cortical vesicles was visible and the width of the perivitelline space was very irregular.For the investigated freshly ovulated and over-ripened samples the egg viability significantly correlated with ovarian fluid parameters (pH, protein, non esterified fatty acids, esterified fatty acids, aspartate aminotransferase, acid phosphatase) and egg parameters (weight increase during hardening, weight of the hardened eggs).  相似文献   

Trialcylglycerol (TG) lipase was isolated and partially purified from rainbow trout liver. Triacylglycerol lipase activity was assayed by measuring14C-oleic acid release from14C-triolein.14C-oleic acid release was linear for up to two hours. Optimal activity occurred at pH 7.0 and 15°C. Most of the lipase activity was recovered in the cytosolic fraction. A 27,000-fold purification was achieved after Sepharose (Bio-gel A 0.5 M, 200–400 mesh) chromatography of a resuspended 20% ammonium sulfate fraction. The molecular weight of the trout hepatic lipase as determined by size-exclusion chromatography and by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis was 40–43 kD. Lipase-mediated hydrolysis of TG resulted in the production of diacylglycerols, monoacylglycerols, and fatty acids. Kinetic analysis indicated that Vmax=0.016 nmol/h/mg protein and that Km=0.28 mM triolein. Lipolytic activity was enhanced in the presence of cAMP/ATP-Mg2+. These results suggest that the liver of trout possesses a neutral TG lipase that is responsible for mobilizing stored TG and is catalytically activated by phosphorylation.A part of this work was presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Society of Zoologists, December 26–30, 1990, San Antonio, TX.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to examine the effects of different forms and concentrations of ascorbic acid (vitamin C), and different enrichment times (24 and 48 h post ovulation) on egg, embryo and alevin ascorbate concentrations and survival of rainbow trout (enrichment was at the ova stage). In experiments 1 and 2, fertilized eggs were immersed in water containing ascorbate at 0 (control), 100, 1000 mg L?1 l ‐ascorbic acid (AA) and 2000 mg L?1 l ‐ascorbyl monophosphate (AP). In experiment 3, 0 (control), 500 and 1000 mg L?1 AA neutralized (N) with NaOH, 1000 mg L?1 AA non‐neutralized (NN), 1000 and 2000 mg L?1 AP immersions were used. The mean total ascorbic acid (TAA) and dehydroascorbic acid (DHA) concentrations were measured before fertilization, at 3 and 24 h after fertilization, at the eyed stage, and in hatched alevins. We observed significant differences in TAA concentration at different immersion levels at 3 and 24 h after fertilization. Survival decreased significantly depending on the level of vitamin C, pH of the solutions and immersion time. We suggest that when broodstock rainbow trout do not have enough vitamin C in their ovaries, immersion of eggs in 1000 mg L?1 of neutralized AA may be useful.  相似文献   

Insulin-receptor binding in skeletal muscle of trout   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Two hundred rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) age 0 +, weight range 11.3 – 11.5 g, were distributed randomly in two groups and maintained for five weeks on either 10% dextrin, or 20% dextrin diet. The fish were sampled 3–5 h and 18–20 h after the last feeding and insulin binding to partially purified insulin receptors in white and red skeletal muscles and to liver plasma membranes was assessed. Plasma insulin, plasma glucose, and liver glycogen content were analyzed in the same fish.Fish fed a diet with higher carbohydrate content (HC) had elevated insulin and glucose levels in peripheral blood, but lower liver glycogen contents compared to the fish fed a diet with lower carbohydrate content (LC). No growth retardation was observed in the fish from HC group.Three to five hours after the last feeding, insulin-receptor binding in white skeletal muscles was higher in HC group of fish, mostly because of an increase in number of high affinity binding sites. Eighteen to twenty hours after the last feeding this difference disappeared. In contrast, the specific binding of insulin to the liver plasma membranes appeared to be lower in the HC group of fish. The lower insulin binding to the liver plasma membranes observed 3–5 h after feeding, could be attributed to the lower quantity of binding sites, while the same phenomenon 18 h after feeding was likely a result of affinity changes. We conclude that higher glycemic levels observed in trout fed a HC diet as compared to LC group of fish, are not a consequence of impaired binding of insulin to its receptors in skeletal muscles.Presented in part at the Annual Meeting of American Society of Zoologists, December 26–30, 1989, Boston, U.S.A. Supported by a grant (Personal investigador en el extranjero) of Ministerio de Educacion y Ciencia, (CYCIT) Spain to J.G. and by grants of the U.S. National Science Foundation (DCB 8615551 and DCB 8915935 to E.P.) and North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) 0926/87 to C. Ottolenghi and E.P.  相似文献   

Whole frozen earthworms (Eisenia foetida) were evaluated as a partial replacement for commercial pellets for rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss. Earthworms were blanched and treated with concentrated sodium chloride (10%). Fish were submitted to four treatments: control fish were fed with a commercial diet and three groups of fish were fed with diets partially supplemented with earthworms. All fish showed the same appetite for the earthworm-supplemented diets as for the control diet during the course of the experiment (8 weeks). No significant differences (p > 0.05) were detected in the mean final body weights of all groups of fish. A significant decrease was found in the whole-carcass lipid content of fish fed diets containing 25%, 50% and 75% frozen earthworms. The results on growth rate and feed utilization efficiency of fish fed diets containing high levels of whole frozen worms suggested an adverse effect of worm incorporation, probably due to dietary energy/protein imbalance.  相似文献   

Rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss grew from 44 to 326 g in 96days when held at 12 °C. Fish were fed to satiation twice dailywith either high (L1: 30.8%, L2:31.4%) or lower-lipid feeds (C1: 18.8%,C2: 21.8%). Four feeding treatments were studied.Group C1C2 received feed C1 for 43 days(days 0–43) and C2 thereafter (days 44–96).Groups L1L2, L1C2 andC1L2 were subjected to dietary changes asindicated by the feed designations. After a short period of feedadaptation, fish ingested similar amounts of feed energy i.e., they ateless by weight of the lipid-rich (L) feeds. Feed lipid content did notaffect growth but fish fed L-feed had reduced feed conversion ratio(FCR) compared to fish fed C-feed (0.731 vs. 0.773) during days0–43 (P < 0.01). After 96 days,L1L2-fish were lower in body protein(15.8%) than the C1C2-fish (16.8%)(P < 0.01). L-feeds also tended to increase percentage lipidand reduce percentage whole body moisture and ash. A higher net proteinutilisation (NPU) was recorded in fish fed L-feeds (43.6%)compared to fish fed C-feeds (38.8%) in days 0–43(P < 0.05). This seemed to be the result of a lower proteinintake rather than a protein-sparing effect of feed lipid. Above athreshold value of approximately 6.5 mg protein eaten·g bodywtminus 1·day–1, NPU decreased.  相似文献   

Plasma cortisol levels and the number (Nmax) and affinity (Kd) of specific hepatic cortisol-binding sites were determined in rainbow trout subjected to chronic confinement stress for 14 days. Confinement significantly elevated plasma cortisol levels to 47.3 ± 13.5 ng ml–1 within 24h and although levels declined to 8.0 ± 3.0 ng ml–1 after 14 days, they were significantly higher throughout than levels in unstressed control fish (< 2.0 ng ml–1). There was a 60% reduction in cytosolic Nmax in stressed fish during the first 24h of confinement (35.8 ± 7.9 cf. 129.0 ± 15.2 fmol mg–1 protein), a decline which was sustained at 7 days after the onset of stress but, although numbers of binding sites in the liver of stressed fish were still lower than in unstressed fish, the difference was no longer significant after 14 days of confinement. There was an accompanying significant rise in the Kd of cortisol binding in stressed fish during confinement, from 4.0 ± 0.6 nM at time 0 to 8.4 ± 0.8 nM after 24 h confinement. This increment in Kd was sustained at a level significantly higher than in control fish throughout the 14 day confinement period, despite marked reductions in cortisol levels and increases in Nmax in stressed fish. Throughout the study, specific binding of cortisol could not be consistently detected in high-salt nuclear extracts from stressed or unstressed fish, suggesting either that high-affinity binding sites for cortisol were absent from these preparations, that receptors were present but unable to interact with ligand because they were occupied, or that receptors were present but not being extracted. These possibilities were investigated using a range of extraction procedures, by varying the temperature of incubation, by employing dexamethasone as ligand and by examining binding in purified, intact, nuclei. Estradiol was employed as a methodological control throughout and substantial amounts of specific estradiol binding were detected in all compartments and preparations. Specific cortisol-binding sites were detected in intact nuclei of both stressed and unstressed fish, at levels an order of magnitude lower than estradiol binding in the same preparations. These data demonstrate that activation of the pituitary-interrenal axis leads to significant changes in the nature of target-tissue binding of cortisol in rainbow trout, and reveal a clear difference in the subcellular distribution of binding-sites for estradiol and cortisol, which reflects the situation in mammalian tissues.  相似文献   

As part of the investigation into cysteine metabolism in fish, sulfur amino acids and their derivatives were injected intraperitoneally to fingerling rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) to examine how the doses of these compounds affect the hepatic cysteine dioxygenase [EC] in this species. A dose of 0.25 mmol L-cysteine per 100 g body weight induced the enzyme activity as much as 2.5 times that of the control fish within 4h after the injection. The activity increased proportionally to the increasing dose of cysteine up to the dose of 0.15 mmol per 100 g body weight. The induction was observed to be rather specific to L-cysteine. These findings suggested that the cysteine sulfinate pathway might play an important role in the metabolism of excess cysteine in rainbow trout. The dosage of L-cysteine larger than 0.50 mmol per 100g body weight led to mortality of the fish. The pathway of cysteine catabolism was considered to function to prevent toxic accumulation of cysteine in rainbow trout, as in the case of mammals.  相似文献   

The presence of anti-microbial-resistant bacteria in the aquatic environment remains a matter of concern for environmental, animal and human health risks. Many published data have reported increased anti-microbial resistance among the aquatic microbiota from fish farm environments which often coincides with the use of anti-microbial agents. It can be assumed that the selection of anti-microbial-resistant bacteria first occurs in the fish farms themselves, at locations where anti-microbial concentrations are active. As anti-microbial agents are frequently administered through feed pellets, faecal matter excreted could favour conditions for such selection. In this study, OA (oxolinic acid) concentrations and OA resistance of Aeromonads were surveyed in output water and in faecal matter from OA medicated (test) and non-medicated (control) fish tanks during and after an OA oral treatment. Because of the low counts of Aeromonads in the output water, it was not possible to obtain reliable data on the proportion of anti-microbial resistance in this compartment. On the other hand, a time-limited effect on the abundance of Aeromonads isolated from faecal matter was only observed in test tanks. In these tanks, high proportion (80-100%) of OA-resistant Aeromonads was present in deposited faecal matter until at least one week after the end of the anti-microbial treatment. At that time OA was no longer detected within the faecal matter, after having reached concentrations between 100 and 190 μg/g during the treatment. We discuss how the leaching of OA from faecal pellets, from the intestine to their deposit, may favour the selection of OA-resistant Aeromonads. Further investigations in real conditions on microbiota associated with faecal matter in transit through the fish farm system are required. Particular attention should be paid to the wastes collected by the filter treatments of fish farm effluents.  相似文献   

Two time-course experiments were conducted to determine the effect of feeding and fasting on the plasma ratio of tryptophan (trp) to the large neutral amino acids (LNAA), (trp/LNAA ratio) and brain serotonin (5-HT) turnover in rainbow trout,Oncorhynchus mykiss. Trout were fasted overnight or for 3 days and were then either fed or continued to be fasted for up to a further 3 days. Changes in plasma trp, plasma trp/LNAA ratio, brain trp, brain 5-HT, brain 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid (5-HIAA) and brain 5-HIAA/5-HT ratio were determined over time. Feeding decreased the plasma trp/LNAA ratio, brain trp and the brain 5-HIAA/5-HT ratio. In addition, in fish sampled over 3 days, there appeared to be a rhythm in plasma trp and the brain 5-HIAA/5-HT ratio which was independent of feeding. These results indicate that in rainbow trout, feeding is a sufficient physiological event to decrease brain 5-HT turnover. Furthermore, feeding-independent changes in the brain 5-HIAA/5-HT ratio, which were evident in fasted fish sampled over 3 days, also suggest an additional, non-feeding-related modulator(s) of brain 5-HT turnover in rainbow trout.  相似文献   

The effect on growth of distributing feed over a few hours compared tomore frequent meals was tested on 1+ Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus L.) and 1+ rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss Walbaum). Triplicate hatchery groups for each treatment were fed at a ration level of 1%/dayeither with few meals (8 times per day divided into morning and evening)or with frequent meals (32 meals equally distributed during the day). Wefound an opposite effect of meal frequency on growth in the two species.Low feeding intensity (8 meals per day) had a significantly positive effecton growth in rainbow trout but a significantly negative effect on growth inArctic charr when compared to feeding the fish frequent meals. Theopposite response to meal frequency is likely to be an effect of thedifferences in activity during feeding. Rainbow trout feed much moreaggressively than charr which can result in feeding being a more stressfulevent. In this experiment, the specific growth rate was lower and the feedconversion ratio higher for Arctic charr compared to rainbow trout.  相似文献   

An 80‐day feeding trial was conducted to evaluate the effects of dietary ascorbic acid (AA) supplementation at different levels (0, 0.2 and 0.4 g/kg l ‐ascorbate‐2‐polyphosphate; 7.6, 77.2 and 146.7 mg/kg AA, respectively) on cholesterol metabolism in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Dietary AA supplementation regardless of inclusion level increased the serum total cholesterol and low‐density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol levels and LDL cholesterol/high‐density lipoprotein cholesterol ratio. No significant differences were observed in the serum triiodothyronine and thyroxine levels, faecal cholesterol content, hepatic activity and mRNA expression of acyl‐coenzyme A:cholesterol acyltransferase among the dietary treatments. Dietary AA inclusion increased the faecal bile acid content, hepatic activity and mRNA expression of 3‐hydroxy‐3‐methylglutaryl coenzyme A reductase and hepatic cholesterol 7α‐hydroxylase mRNA expression, but decreased the hepatic LDL receptor content. High level of AA supplementation (0.4 g/kg) depressed the serum cortisol levels. These results suggest that dietary supplementation with 0.2?0.4 g/kg l ‐ascorbate‐2‐polyphosphate may increase the serum total cholesterol level in rainbow trout. The cholesterol‐raising effect of AA may be due to the increased hepatic cholesterol production and the depressed cholesterol clearance from serum. In addition, dietary AA inclusion also facilitates the hepatic conversion of cholesterol to bile acids.  相似文献   

The feed provided to breeding fish is one of the main factors influencing the quality of fish gametes. This study was carried out to evaluate the influence of ascorbic acid on growth, haematological parameters and sperm quality of Lebranche mullet males (Mugil liza). Six diets with different levels of ascorbic acid (0; 53; 107; 216; 482 and 708 mg/kg) were tested in triplicate for 75 days. During spermiation (first gonadal maturation), 144 individuals (205.7 ± 11.5 g and 25.7 ± 0.4 cm) were randomly distributed in 18 experimental tanks. Growth parameters were evaluated at the beginning and end of the experiment. Fish blood was collected to analyse glucose, total protein and erythrocyte count (EC) (n = 9). Fish (n = 12) from each treatment were euthanized to determine hepatosomatic index (HSI) and gonadosomatic index (GSI). Semen was collected to evaluate spermatic density, cell membrane integrity and sperm motility. No difference (p > .05) was found on growth parameters, GSI, HSI and total protein. However, EC was lower in fish fed without ascorbic acid (the control group). Ascorbic acid supplementation provided positive effects on sperm characteristics. Fish from treatments with 53 and 107 mg/kg presented the best results for motility time (133.30 ± 4.25 and 135.00 ± 2.77 respectively). Treatments with 107, 216 and 708 mg/kg provided the best results for motility rate (92.0 ± 2.9%, 93.0 ± 5.8% and 93.0 ± 5.8% respectively). Supplementation with 107 and 216 mg/kg provided the best results for plasma membrane integrity (70.12 ± 9.10% and 76.3 ± 3.1% respectively). Lower spermatic density was observed in fish without ascorbic acid supplementation, although no difference was found in sperm density among the treatments with ascorbic acid (p < .05). Considering these results, supplementation of dietary ascorbic acid between 107 and 216 mg/kg optimizes the spermatic quality in males of lebranche mullet.  相似文献   

Studies of the enzyme fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase (FBPase) of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) have been undertaken in order to illuminate aspects of skeletal muscle gluconeogenesis in these animals. Maximal activities in crude homogenates of several organs suggest that the liver possesses the greatest FBPase activity on a unit g–1 tissue basis but that the white muscle, owing to its bulk, contributes substantially to whole body FBPase activity. Studies of fructose-6-phosphate-1-kinase (PFK) and FBPase in crude homogenates of several organs suggests an important role for intracellular pH in regulating the relative carbon flux through the FBPase/PFK locus in vivo. Furthermore, a three-step purification scheme is described for trout white muscle FBPase by which a stable and homogeneous (by SDS PAGE) enzyme preparation (isoelectric point = 7.2; molecular weight = 37.6 kd) was obtained. Kinetic studies of the purified enzyme were undertaken at 20°C under conditions reflective of "rest" and "exercise/recovery" intramuscular pH in vivo. Affinity for substrate (F-1,6-P2) was increased (Km = 6.88 versus 2.44 mol 1-–1 as was enzyme activity when pH was lowered from 7.0 to 6.5. Various inhibitor metabolites are identified including F-2,6-P2 (mixed-type inhibitor, Ki = 0.201 mol 1–1, pH 7.0) and AMP (non-competitive inhibitor, Ki = 0.438 mol 1–1, pH 7.0). Inhibition by F-2,6-P2 was strongly alleviated by a reduction in pH from 7.0 to 6.5 (I50 increased from 0.14 to 0.32 mol 1–1). AMP on the other hand was a more potent inhibitor at pH 6.5 but this inhibition was totally reversed under conditions of citrate, NH4 + and AMP typical of muscle during recovery from exercise in vivo. In purified white muscle enzyme preparations, FBPase demonstrated maximal activity at pH 6.5 whereas the optimal pH of PFK was 7.0 or greater. Indeed, it appears from these in vitro data that regulation by metabolite levels as well as pH are required for net FBPase flux in vivo. It is concluded, therefore that trout white muscle FBPase demonstrates the potential to play an important enzymatic role in the control of intramuscular gluconeogenesis in these animals. The results are discussed in relation to present knowledge regarding the metabolic responses of trout white muscle to, and its subsequent recovery from, exhaustive exercise.  相似文献   

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