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The thin layer chromatographic method of Trucksess et al. for aflatoxin B1 in eggs was collaboratively studied. Each collaborator analyzed 3 known practice samples and 9 unknown samples containing added aflatoxin B1 at 0, 0.05, 0.10, and 0.30 ng/g. For 9 collaborators, recoveries for the 3 positive levels were: 0--0.13 ng/g (average 98%, coefficient of variation (C.V.) 83%), 0.05--0.18 ng/g (average 102%, C.V. 36%, and 0.11--0.42 ng/g (average 93%, C.V. 31%), respectively. The method has been adopted as official first action.  相似文献   

An improved enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for aflatoxin B1 in cornmeal and peanut butter was developed. Aflatoxin B1 in cornmeal and peanut butter samples was extracted with 70% methanol in water containing 1% dimethylformamide diluted with assay buffer to a final concentration of 7.0% methanol, and directly subjected to an ELISA procedure that took less than 1 h for quantitative analysis and less than 30 min for screening tests. Analytical recoveries for 5-100 ppb B1 added to the cornmeal and peanut butter were 91 and 95.4%, respectively. The interwell and interassay coefficient of variation was 10% or less at the 20 ppb level and above. Agreement for B1 levels in more than 30 naturally contaminated corn, mixed feed, and peanut butter samples was excellent between the ELISA data and the data obtained from different independent laboratories using TLC or other analytical methods.  相似文献   

Development of a radioimmunoassay procedure for aflatoxin B1 measurement   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A radioimmunoassaay (RIA) procedure to measure aflatoxin B(1) (AfB(1)) in agricultural commodities was developed. AfB(1) oxime derivative was synthesized, characterized, and used for preparation of (125)I-labeled AfB(1). Antiaflatoxin B(1) serum was raised in-house using AfB(1)-bovine serum albumin conjugate as immunogen. The assay system was optimized in the range of 0.2-5 ng/mL, using a liquid phase (PEG) as well as a solid phase (coated polystyrene beads) separation system. Inter-assay and intra-assay variations, recovery, and parallelism studies validated the assay. AfB(1) analysis was carried out in nearly 130 samples of different agricultural commodities. The correlation coefficient was determined using commercial ELISA and in-house-developed RIA methods.  相似文献   

A 2-step chromatographic separation, using both thin layer chromatography (TLC) and high pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC), in conjunction with the high sensitivity of laser fluorometry permits extension of the detection limits of aflatoxin contamination in corn to 0.1 ppb (microgram/kg) with a 26% root mean square variation. Aflatoxin B1 is extracted from corn with water-methanol and cleaned up by TLC. The recovery of aflatoxin from the TLC plates was linear from 10 to 1000 pg. Aflatoxin B1 is converted to the more highly fluorescent B2A derivative by treatment with 1N HCl. Experiments with aflatoxin B1 standard establish a constant conversion to B2A over approximately 3 orders of magnitude in B1 concentration. An extract of the B2A aflatoxin derivative is injected onto a reverse phase HPLC column. A flowing droplet of eluant is irradiated by an amplitude-modulated 325 nm He-Cd ion laser beam, and fluorescence from the droplet is detected by a lock-in amplifier in phase with the laser modulation. Several chromatograms are presented that demonstrate the capability of this procedure for removing interfering components in the corn extract.  相似文献   

A method has been developed to determine the presence of aflatoxin B1 in the urine of animals (including humans) by utilizing commercial immunochemical kits that can be used in the field. Urine is treated with diatomaceous earth and filtered to clarify the sample; 2-3 ppb aflatoxin B1, corresponding to about 300 ppb in the ingested feed/food, can be detected in the filtered urine without further purification. To improve sensitivity, the urine filtrate is passed through a C18 solid phase column to extract the aflatoxin. The column is washed with acetonitrile-water (15 + 85) and water, aflatoxin B1 is eluted with methanol-water (7 + 3), and water is added to the eluate, which is then tested for aflatoxin with the test kit. The limit of detection is 0.2 ppb, reflecting consumption of 40 ppb or more aflatoxin in the feed/food. When the initial sample volume is adequate, purification through the C18 column step is usually sufficient. For limited sample volumes, the eluate from the C18 column is mixed with water, added to an immunosorbent affinity column, and washed with water to remove excess sample matrix and impurities. Aflatoxin B1 is eluted with acetonitrile. The extract is evaporated under nitrogen and the residue is redissolved in methanol-water (25 + 75). At this purification stage, the limit of detection is reduced to 0.05 ppb.  相似文献   

The effect of pressure cooking on aflatoxin residues in polished rice was conducted to determine reduction of aflatoxin and mutagenic potentials. Three rice lots consisting of naturally contaminated, A. parasiticus-infested, and aflatoxin-spiked rice were steamed by ordinary and pressure cookers after they were washed with water. They were chemically analyzed for aflatoxins using a silica solid phase extraction tube and high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC)-fluorescence detection (FD), and the presence of aflatoxin residues was confirmed using HPLC-electrospray ionization (ESI)-mass spectrometry (MS). An in vitro mutagenicity test with Salmonella typhimurium TA100 was employed to verify the results based on chemical analyses. The aflatoxin loss (78-88%) was notable after pressure cooking, and the reduction of aflatoxin-induced mutagenic potential (68-78%) was in good agreement with the HPLC results. It can be concluded that Koreans are safe from the aflatoxin-related risk if a pressure cooker is employed for cooking rice. The average Korean daily intake of aflatoxin through the consumption of staple rice would fall to 0.15 ng/kg bw/day, which would not exceed the established tolerable daily intake (0.40 ng/kg bw/day).  相似文献   

Aflatoxins are a group of highly toxic fungal secondary metabolites that occur in Aspergillus species and may contaminate foodstuffs and feeds. Two different anti-aflatoxin B(1) antibodies were examined to develop a surface plasmon resonance (SPR)-based immunoassay to aflatoxin B(1). A conjugate consisting of aflatoxin B(1)-bovine serum albumin (BSA) was immobilized on the dextran gel surface. Competition between immobilized aflatoxin B(1) conjugate and free aflatoxin B(1) in solution for binding to antibody injected over the surface formed the basis for the assay. Regeneration of the antibody from the immobilized conjugate surface is essential for the development of such an inhibitive immunoassay. Problems were encountered with the regeneration of the sensor surface, due to the high-affinity binding of the antibodies. Conventional regeneration solutions consisting of low concentrations of NaOH and HCl worked to a degree, but regeneration was at the expense of the integrity of the immobilized conjugate. A polyclonal anti-aflatoxin B(1) antibody was produced and was found to be regenerable using an organic solution consisting of 1 M ethanolamine with 20% (v/v) acetonitrile, pH 12.0. This combined high ionic strength and extreme pH, as well as chaotrophic properties and allowed the development of an inhibitive immunoassay. The assay had a linear range of 3.0-98.0 ng mL(-1) with good reproducibility.  相似文献   

Procedures from 2 methods, one for aflatoxins B1 and M1 in eggs and one for aflatoxicol in milk, blood, and liver, have been combined to determine the 3 toxins in eggs. The sample is blended with sodium chloride-saturated water and this mixture is then blended with acetone. After separation from the solid residue, the aqueous acetone extract is defatted with petroleum ether. The toxins are next partitioned into chloroform and separated from interferences on a silica gel column. Aflatoxicol is determined by fluorescence measurement after separation on a C18 reverse phase liquid chromatographic column, and aflatoxins B1 and M1 are determined by fluorescence densitometry after separation on a silica gel thin layer chromatographic plate. In a recovery study with eggs, mean recoveries of aflatoxicol added at levels of 0.1, 0.05, and 0.025 ng/g were 87, 77, and 78%, respectively. Mean recoveries of aflatoxins B1 and M1 added at a level of 0.1 ng/g were 75 and 87%, respectively, and at an added level of 0.05 ng/g were 86 and 75%. The within-laboratory precision (repeatability) ranged from 2 to 13%.  相似文献   

A method was developed for the determination of aflatoxin B1 in commercially prepared feeds. The method incorporates methylene chloride and citric acid solution extraction, cleanup on a small silica gel column, and thin layer chromatography for quantitation. Commercial turkey starter, catfish chow, medicated pig starter, broiler finisher, rabbit chow, horse feed, rat chow, and dog chow were investigated. The feeds were spiked with naturally contaminated corn at 4 different levels of aflatoxin B1 (16-130 microgram/kg). Three assays were run on each of the 32 combinations of feed and levels of aflatoxin. Mean recoveries were 85.9-92.8% at levels of 16.5, 32.9, 65.8, and 131.6 micrograms/kg. The relative standard deviation per assay was 18.6%. This method is more rapid and less involved than most previously published methods for mixed feeds.  相似文献   

Fumonisins are mycotoxins produced mainly by Fusarium moniliforme and Fusarium proliferatum, which have been associated with several animal and human diseases. Aflatoxins are hepatotoxic, mutagenic, and teratogenic metabolites produced by Aspergillus flavus and Aspergillus parasiticus. Both have been reported at high levels in corn. This study was pursued to determine mold, aflatoxin B(1) (AFTB(1)), and fumonisin B(1) (FB(1)) levels in white and yellow corn. Mold levels were determined using potato dextrose agar and identification of the main genus of molds present in corn, AFTB(1) levels by immunoaffinity chromatography, and FB(1) levels by a Bond-Elut SAX cartridge and HPLC. AFTB(1) an  相似文献   

Aflatoxin B1 (AFB1) is a highly toxic and carcinogenic metabolite produced by certain Aspergillus species on agricultural commodities. One factor promoting the production of aflatoxin is the presence of high levels of fatty acid hydroperoxides often found in plant material under stress. Jasmonic acid (JA) and its methyl ester (MeJA) are derived from linolenic acid, and their biosyntheses involve the production of lipid hydroperoxides. Exposure of aflatoxigenic mold to jasmonates is likely because the mold attacks plant material and possibly initiates the production of jasmonates. In this study the effect of MeJA on the growth of Aspergillus parasiticus and AFB1 biosynthesis is reported. MeJA, at a final concentration of 10(-4) M in yeast extract sucrose medium, did not have any apparent effect on mycelial growth during the 16 days of observation but did increase significantly the levels of AFB1 after the seventh day of growth. After the ninth day, AFB1 production was decreased in contrast to the control cultures, where the production was constantly increasing. AFB1 determination was performed by immunoaffinity and HPLC after derivatization to AFB2a.  相似文献   

Aflatoxicol (AFL) and aflatoxins B1 and M1 were found in tissues (kidney, liver, and muscle) of feeder pigs given an estimated LD50 oral dose of B1 (1.0 mg/kg body weight) provided as a rice culture of Aspergillus flavus and of market-weight pigs fed a naturally contaminated feed, containing aflatoxin B1 at a level of 400 ng/g from corn, for 14 days. The residues in all tissues decreased with time after treatment in both groups, with no detectable residues (approximate detection limits, ng/g, B1 0.03, M1 0.05, AFL 0.01) in pig tissues from the feeding experiment 24 h after withdrawal of aflatoxin-contaminated feed. B1 and M1, when found in the feeding experiment, were at about the same levels in all tissues except the kidney, in which M1 was the dominant aflatoxin. The level of AFL, when detected, was about 10% of the B1 level.  相似文献   

Naturally contaminated corn and cottonseed samples were screened for aflatoxin B1 (AFB1) by a direct competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Samples were blended 5 min in an extraction solvent of methanol-water-dimethylformamide (70 + 29 + 1) and filtered. Filtrates were assayed by direct competition between AFB1 in the corn and cottonseed samples and AFB1-peroxidase conjugate for binding to specific antibody adsorbed to a solid phase microtiter plate. Standard curves prepared using the extract of AFB1-free corn and cottonseed samples, and extraction solvent only, showed negligible interference by the sample extract in the performance of ELISA. The AFB1 content in corn and dehulled cottonseed samples as determined by ELISA ranged from 7 to 422 micrograms/kg and 7 to 3,258 micrograms/kg, respectively. When ELISA estimates of AFB1 in corn were compared with values obtained by thin layer chromatography (CB method), the correlation coefficient (n = 10) was 0.95. Average interassay and subsample coefficients of variation for ELISA in corn were 21.4 and 22.0%, respectively. When ELISA estimates of AFB1 in cottonseed were compared with values obtained by liquid chromatography (Pons method), the correlation coefficient (n = 15) was 0.96. Using this ELISA, 36 duplicate sample extracts can be screened for AFB1 in less than 2 h.  相似文献   

The content of caffeine in coffee extracts prepared for radioimmunoassay of aflatoxin B1 was determined by gas chromatography. The extracts from coffee beans and decaffeinated coffee contained 1.76-4.60 and 0.71-0.85 g caffeine/kg, respectively. These concentrations of caffeine caused false results in radioimmunoassay of aflatoxin B1 in the range 1.0-2.8 micrograms/kg for coffee beans and 0.3-0.4 micrograms/kg for decaffeinated coffee.  相似文献   

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