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ABSTRACT Eutypa dieback is a vascular disease of several cultivated crops and trees worldwide. The attribution of the name to the agent responsible for branch dieback is ambiguous. Pathogenicity of Eutypa sp. first was reported on apricot and the causal agent was named E. armeniacae. However, no morphological differences were reported with the previously described E. lata, and some authors considered both species synonymous. Others regarded them as distinct species on the basis of pathogenesis and molecular analysis. We further investigated the relatedness of both species by phylogenetic analyses of the internal transcribed spacer region and beta-tubulin gene. These analyses included several other taxa placed in the same family (Diatrypaceae), and yielded three groups. The isolates referred to as E. lata in previous work clustered with Diatrype stigma in one group. Isolates of E. armeniacae and E. lata clustered in a second group, supporting the synonymy of these species. The third group included other Eutypa spp. supporting the polyphyletic origin of this genus. Measurements of conidia length and secondary metabolite production of isolates supported the phylogenetic analyses. Secondary metabolites appeared to be a synapomorphic character shared by several taxa including E. lata, E. armeniacae, E. laevata, and E. petrakii var. petrakii.  相似文献   

The generalist ascomycete fungus Eutypa lata causes Eutypa dieback of grapevine (Vitis vinifera) worldwide. To decipher the cosmopolitan distribution of this fungus, the population genetic structure of 17 geographic samples was investigated from four continental regions (Australia, California, Europe and South Africa), based on analysis of 293 isolates genotyped with nine microsatellite markers. High levels of haplotypic richness (R = 0·91–1) and absence of multilocus linkage disequilibrium among loci supported the preponderance of sexual reproduction in all regions examined. Nonetheless, the identification of identical multilocus haplotypes with identical vegetative compatibility groups, in some vineyards in California and South Africa, suggests that asexual dispersal of the fungus among neighbouring plants could be a rare means of disease spread. The greatest levels of allelic richness (A = 4·89–4·97) and gene diversity (H = 0·66–0·69) were found in Europe among geographic samples from coastal areas surrounding the Mediterranean Sea, whereas the lowest genetic diversity was found in South Africa and Australia (A = 2·78–3·74; H = 0·49–0·57). Samples from California, Australia and South Africa, which had lower genetic diversity than those of Europe, were also characterized by demographic disequilibrium and, thus, may represent founding populations of the pathogen. Low but significant levels of genetic differentiation among all samples (DEST = 0·12, P = 0·001; FST = 0·03, P = 0·001) are consistent with historical gene flow preventing differentiation at continental scales. These findings suggest that global, human‐mediated spread of the fungus may have resulted in its current global distribution.  相似文献   

The distribution of some grapevine viruses in flower explants, embryogenic and non-embryogenic calli, single somatic embryos and plants regenerated from embryogenic cultures was investigated by RT-PCR and ELISA. Immature anthers and ovaries of the cultivars Grignolino infected by GRSPaV, GLRaV-1 and GVA, Müller-Thurgau infected by GRSPaV and GLRaV-3 and Bosco infected by GRSPaV were cultivated on media inducing indirect somatic embryogenesis. Viruses were detected both in anthers and ovaries. Four months after culture initiation 65.6% of tested calli were infected by at least one virus; high percentages of virus infection were found in calli originating from ovaries. No virus was detected in calli tested 8 months after culture initiation, as well as in single somatic embryos or in embryo-derived plantlets. Somatic embryogenesis confirmed its effectiveness in eliminating phloem-limited grapevine viruses. Regeneration of RT-PCR negative plantlets occurred even when at least a sector of the callus was still infected: the mechanism whereby somatic embryos are freed of some viruses could be related to the rapid proliferation of embryogenic cells within the callus or to the origin of the embryogenic callus from virus-free cells within the original explant.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Fifty-five isolates of Eutypa lata were collected in 1994 from a single vineyard, each from a different vine that showed either shoot and foliar symptoms of Eutypa dieback or only abnormalities during the period of 1990 to 1994. These isolates showed a large variation in pathogenicity after inoculation on cuttings in the greenhouse. Variability also was observed for cultural traits and radial growth rate on potato dextrose agar (PDA) medium, but no relation was found between these characteristics and pathogenicity. The isolates were paired on PDA medium, and a barrage reaction was observed for all pairings, indicating the isolates were vegetatively incompatible. Thirty-two random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers were used to study the genetic relatedness of the isolates and the genetic structure of the population. Fifty-five different RAPD patterns were observed, confirming the genetic uniqueness of each isolate. Gametic disequilibrium values were calculated among all pairs of the 32 putative RAPD loci, and only one value was significant. Unweighted pair-group method with arithmetic averages analysis of distance data, as well as a heterogeneity statistic (Fst), did not indicate any population substructure. The results strongly suggest that isolates originated from a random-mating population and that the disease was propagated in this vineyard by ascospores produced from diverse outside sources. Southern hybridization performed for five markers indicated that the two-allele assumption made to interpret RAPD data may be violated for markers that are similar in size. However, the exclusion of such markers did not change the conclusions of the study.  相似文献   

Grapevine virus A (GVA) is considered one of the viruses associated with rugose wood (RW), one of the most economically important diseases of grapevine. Thirty-seven GVA isolates collected from grapevine cultivars from Marche (central-eastern Italy), Apulia and Campania (southern Italy), were subjected to molecular characterization. The genetic and population diversity was studied in the coat protein (CP) gene by RT-PCR-RFLP analysis with three restriction enzymes (MseI, AluI, and AciI), and nucleotide sequencing. A new primer pair (CP1F/R) allowing amplification of the whole CP gene (621 bp) was developed. RFLP with AciI yielded the highest number of variants in GVA isolates, showing seven different ‘simple’ profiles (A, B, C, D, E, F, and G). ‘Complex’ profiles were also found, and the most common variant combination was A + B in 39% of isolates. The analysis of GVA sequences confirmed the presence of plants infected with more than one GVA variant and suggested that RT-PCR-RFLP is suitable for evaluating population diversity of GVA enabling a screening of different haplotypes. The distribution of RFLP profiles and the phylogenetic analysis were not correlated with the location of infected plants, showing the presence of a GVA population with genetic diversity in the average with those of RNA viruses.  相似文献   

Chitosan (β-1,4-linked glucosamine oligomer) derived from crab shells conferred a high protection of grapevine leaves against grey mould caused by Botrytis cinerea. Under controlled conditions, it was shown to be an efficient elicitor of some defense reactions in grapevine leaves and to inhibit directly the in vitro development of B. cinerea. Treatment of grapevine leaves by chitosan led to marked induction of lipoxygenase (LOX), phenylalanine ammonia-lyase (PAL) and chitinase activities, three markers of plant defense responses. Dose-response curves show that maximum defense reactions (PAL and chitinase activities) and strong reduction of B. cinerea infection were achieved with 75–150 mg l−1 chitosan. However, greater concentrations of chitosan did not protect grapevine leaves with the same efficiency, but inhibited mycelial growth in vitro. Present results underlined the potency of chitosan in inducing some defense responses in grapevine leaves which in turn might improve resistance to grey mould.  相似文献   

The effects of two training systems and row spacing on development of powdery mildew caused by Uncinula necator on clusters of 'Chardonnay' and 'Cabernet Sauvignon' grapevines were examined. Disease development was monitored in blocks with two different row spacing (2 and 3 m) in vertical shoot positioned vines (VSP) and in free-positioned, topped vines (FC) with no foliage support wires. The FC vines were hedged to about one meter shoot length. No fungicides were applied and disease powdery mildew level was recorded four to seven days after appearance of the first disease symptoms. During five consecutive years (1994–1998), disease incidence was higher in the VSP system than the FC vines. The difference was high when disease level was low (30% of the clusters in VSP vines infected, compared to 5% in the FC vines) and decreased when disease pressure was high (79% in VSP compared to 46% in FC vines). In the 'Cabernet Sauvignon', in four of the years, disease incidence was higher in the narrow spacing of 2 m between the rows than that in the wider 3 m spacing. Microclimate (temperature, relative humidity and light intensity) was monitored in the cluster zone near the spurs of 'Chardonnay' vines during three weeks in the 1998 season. In VSP vines light intensity was lower then that in FC vines both four and one week before disease symptoms appeared (72% and 18% respectively). The differences in temperature and relative humidity were less than 1°C and 3%, respectively, and most likely did not affect disease development. The results suggested that high light intensity is the primary factor, which limits powdery mildew growth development on field-grown grapevines in the Golan region of Israel. The use of the FC system might be useful in reducing the need of fungicides.  相似文献   

Restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) markers were used to assess the genetic structure of populations of Mycosphaerella graminicola collected from wheat fields. A total of 585 isolates representing 10 field populations were sampled from Iran, Argentina and Australia. The genetic structure of M. graminicola populations from Iran and Argentina is described for the first time. Results were compared to previously investigated populations from Israel, Uruguay and Australia. Populations from Iran exhibited high clonality and low gene diversity, suggesting an inoculation event. Populations from uninoculated fields in Argentina had gene and genotype diversities similar to previously described European and North American populations. Genotype diversity was high for populations from Australia and tests for multilocus associations were consistent with sexual recombination in these populations. Gene diversity was low and fixed alleles were found for several loci. These findings are consistent with a relatively small founding population for Australia. These 10 new populations were integrated into a genetic distance comparison with 13 global populations that were characterized earlier.  相似文献   

In recent years an increasing number of species of Botryosphaeriaceae have been associated with grapevine decline worldwide. Five species isolated from declining grapevines in Spain (Botryosphaeria dothidea, Diplodia seriata, Dothiorella viticola, Neofusicoccum luteum and N. parvum) were checked for toxin production in liquid cultures. Cultural conditions for all fungi were adjusted to obtain optimal production of phytotoxic culture filtrates, by growing the fungi in steady liquid cultures of Czapek–Dox broth for different time intervals. Phytotoxicity of D. seriata and N. parvum reached a maximum after 14 days while the remaining species showed the highest phytotoxicity levels after 21 days in culture. All fungi produced hydrophilic high-molecular weight compounds with phytotoxic properties. In addition, N. luteum and N. parvum produced lipophilic low-molecular weight phytotoxins, not detected consistently among the remaining species. This led to a more exhaustive study on the phytotoxicity of N. luteum and N. parvum. Culture filtrates and corresponding extracts of both species were consistently highly phytotoxic in different assays. The gas-chromatography analysis of the acetylated O-methyl glycosides of the phytotoxic exopolysaccharides produced by N. parvum showed these substances to be composed mainly of glucose, mannose and galactose. Results suggest that phytotoxic metabolites could be involved in the virulence of both species in planta.  相似文献   

In 2003, Raspberry bushy dwarf virus was found for the first time in grapevine. Since this was the first report of a non-Rubus natural host, information about it is sparse. During this study the grapevine isolates were characterised biologically, serologically and genetically and compared with known information about Rubus isolates. Infected plant material was used for mechanical inoculation of test plants, and for serological characterisation with monoclonal antibodies. Most of RNA 2 was sequenced and compared with other sequences from the database. Grapevine isolates infected Chenopodium murale systemically, which is not known for raspberry isolates. They were differentiated from Slovenian raspberry isolates with three monoclonal antibodies using TAS-ELISA. Phylogenetic analyses clustered grapevine isolates separately from raspberry isolates. Additionally, the virus was detected using nested RT-PCR in Longidorus juvenilis nematodes collected in an infected vineyard. Grapevine isolates of RBDV are distinct from raspberry isolates.  相似文献   

Conidia ofUncinula necator inoculated on vine leaf disks were exposed to different irradiation conditions during various combinations of irradiation periods. In controlled experiments at constant leaf temperature spore germination and mycelial growth were negatively affected by the UV B doses, irrespective of the exposition duration. In semi-controlled condition experiments, conidia were exposed to shaded, sunny and sunny without UV B radiation conditions. Shaded conditions were always more favourable to spore germination and mycelial growth than sunny conditions. Under two different ranges of temperature (20–24 and 26–31 °C for shaded conditions), the effect of radiation on germination and mycelial growth differed. Thus, the effect of radiation on spore germination and mycelial growth seems to be affected by temperature. In general, radiation effects increased as the number of exposition periods increased, indicating that both spore germination and mycelial growth were reduced, but not totally stopped by the different exposures. Germination was most affected by exposures applied just after inoculation, whereas mycelial growth was most affected by exposures applied one day after inoculation. These results indicate that radiation is an important factor to consider for a better understanding of the relationships between climate and grape powdery mildew epidemics.  相似文献   

In this study, 18 microsatellite loci were used to examine the genetic structure and mode of reproduction of Phaeomoniella chlamydospora, the fungus that causes Petri disease of grapevine and is involved in another grapevine disease, esca. A total of 60 southeastern Australian isolates were tested and compared with 64 isolates from southern France. The French population possessed relatively high genotypic diversity (G = 29·2) whilst the Australian population showed low genotypic diversity (G = 11·1), consistent with a limited founder population. Haplotypes from four different grapevine cultivars were not significantly differentiated (Φpt values effectively zero). Likewise, genetic differentiation of haplotypes from different regions within each country was not significant, although small but significant genetic differentiation (9%) was identified between Australia and France. Based on bootstrapped cluster analysis, there did not appear to be any genetic groups within the overall sample of isolates. Significant linkage disequilibrium identified in both countries, together with overrepresented, widespread identical haplotypes, indicated limited genetic recombination and a largely clonal structure consistent with the absence of an observed sexual cycle in this species.  相似文献   

葡萄叶提取物对葡萄霜霉病的防治作用及有效成分分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探究葡萄叶提取物对葡萄霜霉病的防治作用,测定了葡萄叶提取物及其有效物质对葡萄生单轴霉Plasmopara viticola孢子囊和游动孢子的抑制作用以及对葡萄霜霉病的防治效果,观察了其对葡萄生单轴霉在叶片中扩展、产生孢子囊能力的影响,并对葡萄叶提取物组成成分进行了分析。结果表明,葡萄叶提取物对葡萄生单轴霉孢子囊的形成和萌发均有明显的抑制作用。当葡萄叶提取物浓度为10 mg/mL时,其对孢子囊形成的抑制率为82.4%,葡萄生单轴霉孢子囊和游动孢子的萌发率仅为7.6%和1.1%,均显著低于无菌水处理。荧光显微观察发现,葡萄叶提取物可以抑制葡萄生单轴霉在叶片内的扩展。当葡萄叶提取物浓度为10 mg/mL和50 mg/mL时,对葡萄霜霉病的室内防治效果分别为80.1%和100.0%;且浓度为10 mg/mL的葡萄叶提取物对葡萄霜霉病的田间预防效果为67.8%,与烯酰吗啉处理无显著差异。液质联用技术检测显示,葡萄叶提取物中含有白藜芦醇和紫檀芪,其对葡萄生单轴霉均有显著的抑制作用,且紫檀芪的抑制效果强于白藜芦醇。  相似文献   

In this study, the biocontrol ability of seven grapevine-associated bacteria, previously reported as efficient against Botrytis cinerea under in vitro conditions, was evaluated in two vineyard orchards with the susceptible cv. Chardonnay during four consecutive years (2002–2005). It was shown that the severity of disease on grapevine leaves and berries was reduced to different levels, depending on the bacterial strain and inoculation method. Drenching the plant soil with these bacteria revealed a systemic resistance to B. cinerea, even without renewal of treatment. Accordingly, this resistance was associated with a stimulation of some plant defense responses such as chitinase and β-1,3-glucanase activities in both leaves and berries. In leaves, chitinase activity increased before veraison (end-July) while β-1,3-glucanase reached its maximum activity at ripening (September). Reverse patterns were observed in berries, with β-1,3-glucanase peaking at full veraison (end-August) and chitinase at a later development stage. Highest activities were observed with Acinetobacter lwoffii PTA-113 and Pseudomonas fluorescens PTA-CT2 in leaves, and with A. lwoffii PTA-113 and Pantoea agglomerans PTA-AF1 in berries. These results have demonstrated an induced protection of grapevine against B. cinerea by selected bacteria under field conditions, and suggest that induced resistance could be related to a stimulation of plant defense reactions in a successive manner.  相似文献   

Crown gall was previously reported on grape in Israel but the pathogen was not isolated and characterized. The three recognized biovars ofAgrobacterium tumefaciens can be tumorigenic on grape, but biovar 3 is the most important world wide. A single occurrence of tumors in a vineyard yielded bacteria which incited galls on grape,Nicotiana glauca and tomato, but not on bryophyllum. The bacteria were confirmed asA. tumefaciens because they contained DNA which hybridized with T-DNA from a Ti plasmid. Biochemical and physiological tests, octopine production and utilization, and agrocin 84 insensitivity conformed with those of bv. 3. Subsequent occurrences of the grape disease have not been found, but the presence ofA. tumefaciens bv. 3 in Israel is a potential threat to nurseries and vineyards.  相似文献   

Grapevine trunk disease pathogens, and specifically Petri disease pathogens, can be spread by planting infected plants. Due to the increasing incidence of Petri disease and other young grapevine declines reported lately in Spain, a sampling of plants used before for new vineyards were carried out in 2002 and 2004. A total number of 208 plants (grafted and non grafted) were collected, of which 94 plants (45.2%) were infected with at least one of the following pathogens: Phaeomoniella chlamydospora, and species of Phaeoacremonium, Botryosphaeria, Cylindrocarpon, and Phomopsis. Species of the genera Phaeoacremonium and Botryosphaeria isolated in 2004 were identified using morphological and molecular characters. Species of Phaeoacremonium identified were P. aleophilum and P. parasiticum; and those of Botryosphaeria were B. obtusa, B. dothidea and B. parva. This is the first report of P. parasiticum and B. parva occurring on grapevines in Spain. Distribution of pathogens within the plants was studied in 2004. Phaeomoniella chlamydospora was not detected in the graft union of any plant; however, species of Botryosphaeria and Phomopsis were detected along the plant, but mainly in the graft union; Phaeoacremonium aleophilum was detected along the grafted plants, but not in rooted rootstocks. The results suggest that infected plants used for new plantings in Spain are an important source of primary inoculum of the pathogens associated with grapevine trunk diseases in the field.  相似文献   

One hundred and twenty-one single-spore strains of Botrytis cinerea isolated from Bordeaux vineyards were molecularly characterized as either transposa or vacuma, two subpopulations of B. cinerea distinguished by the presence of transposable elements. Forty-three vacuma and 68 transposa strains were distributed into two main classes (mycelial or sclerotial) by morphological phenotype according to the organ of origin. Strains isolated from overwintering sclerotia produced exclusively sclerotial colonies. The mycelial growth rate of 21 transposa and 13 vacuma strains was significantly influenced by agar-medium and temperature. The mycelial growth rate was significantly strain-dependent at favourable temperatures (15, 20 and 25 °C), but not at limiting ones (5 and 28 °C): vacuma strains showed the fastest growth rates. The strains of the two subpopulations were similar in virulence on both host species tested (Vitis vinifera and Nicotiana clevelandii). The grapevine leaves were significantly more susceptible to B. cinerea than those of tobacco. A significant negative correlation was established between virulence and mycelial growth rate. The epidemiological consequences concerning population structure of B. cinerea in vineyards are discussed.  相似文献   

Role of stilbenes in the resistance of grapevine to powdery mildew   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Stilbene phytoalexins are identified as defence response in pathogen–grapevine interactions, but little information is available on the role of stilbenes on Erysiphe necator, causal agent of grapevine powdery mildew. Analysis of stilbenes in artificially infected leaf discs from susceptible to highly resistant cultivars was performed and compared to the development of the pathogen. Results indicate that stilbene synthesis is confined in infected cells, penetrated by an appressorium–peg. Stilbene amounts expressed by infection site allow discriminating susceptible and resistant cultivars. Highest viniferins concentrations on resistant cultivars are in correspondence with the observed inhibition of the pathogen growth. The analysis of stilbenes at the infection site and viniferins accumulation in grapevine defence reaction is discussed.  相似文献   

Rice blast caused by Pyricularia oryzae is a devastating disease worldwide. In Vietnam, rice blast is especially severe in the Red River Delta in the North. The genetic diversity of 114 P. oryzae isolates collected from rice in 2001 in the Red River Delta and nine additional Vietnamese P. oryzae isolates was analysed using Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism (AFLP). DNA similarity and cluster analysis based on 160 polymorphic AFLP markers showed twelve different AFLP genetic groups among the 123 field isolates. Isolates collected from japonica hosts clustered separately from indica host isolates with at least 60% dissimilarity with little evidence for gene flow between the two populations. In the 2001 population originating from indica hosts, three genetic groups were predominant and represented 99% of the isolates sampled. One predominant clonal lineage represented 59% of the 2001 indica host population and was found in eleven provinces in the Red River Delta of North Vietnam. Significant genotype flow could be demonstrated between the indica population south of Red river and the indica population north of Red river. There was significant linkage disequilibrium between the AFLP loci within the indica population, indicating that this is not a random mating population. Pathogenicity tests of 25 isolates selected from the 12 AFLP groups on a set of 29 differential rice lines revealed two avirulent isolates and 23 pathotypes. Different combinations of known resistance genes were found to have potential for blast resistance breeding for North Vietnam. First two authors contributed equally  相似文献   

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