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Anthelmintic resistance in parasitic nematodes of livestock is a chronic problem in many parts of the world. Benzimidazoles are effective, broad-spectrum anthelmintics that bind to and selectively depolymerise microtubules. Resistance to the benzimidazoles, however, developed quickly and is caused by genetic changes in genes encoding beta-tubulins, subunits of microtubules. In Haemonchus contortus, resistance to avermectins has been correlated with genetic changes at a gene encoding a P-glycoprotein, a cell membrane transport protein that has a very high affinity for ivermectin. The substrate specificity of P-glycoprotein is very broad, and resistance to benzimidazoles can be modulated by lectins specific for P-glycoprotein. We investigated the possibility that genetic changes in P-glycoprotein might be correlated with benzimidazole resistance in nematodes. An analysis of restriction fragment length polymorphisms of a P-glycoprotein gene from a sensitive and a cambendazole-selected strain of H. contortus, derived from the sensitive strain, showed a significant difference in allele frequencies between strains. The frequency of one allele in particular increased substantially. The same allele was also found at a high frequency in an independently derived thiabendazole-selected field isolate. We present genetic evidence of selection at a P-glycoprotein locus during selection for benzimidzole resistance in H. contortus.  相似文献   

Two groups of six lambs were infected either with an anthelmintic-susceptible strain of Haemonchus contortus or with a strain resistant to benzimidazoles, ivermectin and salicylanilides. The pathogenicity of the two strains of parasite was compared by monitoring the development of anaemia, changes in plasma proteins and abomasal damage in the two groups of lambs. There were no significant differences between the groups, suggesting that the development of resistance to several anthelmintics did not correlate with an increase in the pathogenicity of the parasites. Furthermore, the establishment rates and egg production of the susceptible and resistant parasites were similar. However, fewer of the eggs of the resistant parasites survived and developed at a variety of temperatures.  相似文献   

Two experiments were carried out to investigate the acquisition by goats of resistance to Haemonchus contortus. In Experiment 1, five Saanen wethers reared worm-free and averaging 5 1/2 months of age at the start of the experiment, were dosed with 200 H. contortus infective larvae three times per week for 10 weeks (approximately 23 infective larvae/kg mean initial liveweight/week) and then given anthelmintic treatment. Each goat and an equal number of worm-free controls were then challenged with 10,000 infective larvae. Post mortem worm counts were carried out 30 days later. In Experiment 2, eight worm-free Saanen wethers, 14 months old at the start of the experiment, were dosed with 825 infective larvae per week for 14 weeks (approximately 23 infective larvae/kg mean initial liveweight/week) except for one week when only 300 larvae were given and one week when no larvae were given. After anthelmintic treatment, each received, together with seven worm-free control animals, a challenge dose of 15,000 infective larvae. Post-mortem worm counts were carried out 28 days later. There were no significant differences in post-mortem worm counts between previously infected and uninfected groups in either experiment. In both experiments, serum pepsinogen values rose significantly as a result of infection but there was no significant (p>0.5) correlation between worm counts and pepsinogen values on the day of slaughter.  相似文献   

Two experiments were carried out to investigate the acquisition by goats of resistance to Haemonchus contortus. In Experiment 1, five Saanen wethers reared worm-free and averaging 51/2 months of age at the start of the experiment, were dosed with 200 H. contortus infective larvae three times per week for 10 weeks (approximately 23 infective larvae/kg mean initial liveweight/week) and then given anthelmintic treatment. Each goat and an equal number of worm-free controls were then challenged with 10,000 infective larvae. Post mortem worm counts were carried out 30 days later. In Experiment 2, eight worm-free Saanen wethers, 14 months old at the start of the experiment, were dosed with 825 infective larvae per week for 14 weeks (approximately 23 infective larvae/kg mean initial liveweight/week) except for one week when only 300 larvae were given and one week when no larvae were given. After anthelmintic treatment, each received, together with seven worm-free control animals, a challenge dose of 15,000 infective larvae. Post-mortem worm counts were carried out 28 days later. There were no significant dii- ferences in post-mortem worm counts between previously infected and uninfected groups in either experiment. In both experiments, serum pepsinogen values rose significantly as a result of infection but there was no significant (p>0.5) correlation between worm counts and pepsinogen values on the day of slaughter.  相似文献   

A strain of Haemonchus contortus resistant to the benzimidazoles, ivermectin and salicylanilides was used to study the effect of exposure to ivermectin or oxfendazole on the number of eggs produced by adult female parasites. After anthelmintic administration there was a reduction in the faecal egg count of the infected lambs. Ivermectin caused a reduction in the number of eggs within adult parasites for up to 72 hours but this returned to higher than pre-treatment levels at 168 hours after treatment. After oxfendazole treatment there was an increase in the number of eggs stored in the adult parasites at 24 hours and then a significant reduction in the number of eggs for over 168 hours. This suggested that both ivermectin and oxfendazole have a deleterious effect on the reproductive potential of female H contortus although the parasites are resistant to these drugs. These results confirm the importance of allowing up to 10 days to elapse between the time of administration of an anthelmintic and the collecting of faecal samples when using the faecal egg count reduction test to identify anthelmintic resistance, especially when using benzimidazoles. The more prolonged effect on fecundity produced by oxfendazole may reflect the antimitotic action of the benzimidazole anthelmintics.  相似文献   

Suffolk, Texel, Hampshire Down and Ile de France sheep from the municipalities of Porto Amazonas, Piraquara and Araucaria in the State of Paraná, and Bagé in the State of Rio Grande do Sul were brought to Sobral, State of Ceará, to be used in a cross-breeding project. On arrival they had clinical signs of nematode parasitosis, and one Suffolk female died. The animals were treated orally with ivermectin (0.2 mg kg-1) and fifteen days later with netobimin (20.0 mg kg-1). Neither drug reduced the egg counts (measured in eggs per gram, EPG) significantly, and this suggested that the nematodes in the sheep were resistant to the anthelmintics used. Haemonchus contortus was the species involved. The egg counts were reduced after oral treatment with trichlorfon (100.0 mg kg-1). Haemonchus contortus larvae obtained from these animals before trichlorfon treatment and passaged through two nematode-free sheep were used in a further experiment. Twenty 6- to 9-month-old nematode-free lambs were infected with the H. contortus larvae (10,000 per animal) and after the infection was confirmed, were randomly divided into four groups of five animals. Group I was orally treated with ivermectin at 0.2 mg kg-1, Group II with oral netobimin at 20.0 mg kg-1, Group III with oral trichlorfon at 100.0 mg kg-1 and Group IV was a non-treated control. Egg counts and faecal cultures were taken before dosing on the day of treatment and seven days later when all animals were necropsied and the nematodes were collected from the abomasa and counted.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Lambs infected with two isolates, one British and one American, of Haemonchus contortus were treated with increasing doses of ivermectin. Eggs from the highest dose that had not eliminated the infection were cultured and larvae used to infect another lamb. After three generations the H. contortus was resistant to 0.2 mg/kg ivermectin. The results stress the ease with which ivermectin resistance can be selected if high selection pressure is applied.  相似文献   

This study was designed to evaluate breed differences in resistance to Haemonchus contortus in lambs. A total of 181 ewe lambs representing crossbred Dorsets (DO) and Dorpers (DP; out of 1/2-Dorset, 1/4-Rambouillet, 1/4-Finnsheep ewes) and straight-bred Katahdins (KT) were evaluated over 3 yr. An additional 144 DO, DP, KT, and Barbados Blackbelly x St. Croix (HH) wethers were evaluated over 2 yr. Lambs were weaned at 60 to 90 d of age. After deworming at about 4 mo of age, ewe lambs received approximately 10,000 infective larvae and were evaluated for parasite resistance in drylot, whereas wethers were evaluated on pasture under conditions of natural infection. Each sex was analyzed separately. Egg counts per gram of feces (FEC), log-transformed FEC (LFEC), packed cell volumes (%), and body weights (kg) measured at 3, 4, 5, and 6 wk after deworming and reinfection were analyzed. Breed influenced all traits (P < 0.05) except BW in ewe lambs and PCV in wethers. Year and week influenced (P < 0.05) all traits. At most times, DP had the highest FEC, DO had the lowest PCV, and KT and HH had lower FEC and higher PCV than either DO or DP. Clearly, Dorper sheep were not more resistant to parasites than DO, but they were able to cope with infection better by maintaining similar or higher (P < 0.05) PCV and similar BW. Katahdin and HH were more resistant, with lower FEC (P < 0.05) than DO or DP. Breed differences were more apparent when infection levels were higher; DO and DP were less affected when infection levels were low and when animals were on a better plane of nutrition. Caribbean hair sheep originated in hot, humid regions of West Africa. They and the derivative Katahdin breed seem relatively resistant to parasitism. The Dorper, in contrast, was developed in more arid regions and exhibited little parasite resistance.  相似文献   

SUMMARY: DNA extracted from animals originating from three large half-sib sheep families derived from a single, highly resistant ram were probed with ovine T-cell receptor α and β chain and immunoglobulin lambda light chain variable and constant region cDNA probes. When genomic DNA was digested with TaqI, 19 polymorphic bands were detected with the lambda light chain immunoglobulin variable region probe and 6,4 and 5 polymorphic bands were detected with the T-cell receptor α and β probes and the lambda immunoglobulin constant region probes, respectively. All animals had been phenotypically assessed for Haemonchus contortus resistance by faecal egg counts and using best linear unbiased statistical methods, no statistically significant associations were found between RFLP banding patterns detected at these loci and faecal egg counts. The results show that germline polymorphism at these loci does not account for a significant proportion of the variation in resistance to Haemonchus contortus in this flock. ZUSAMMENFASSUNG: T-Zellrezeptor und Immunoglobulin-Genpolymorphismus und Resistenz von Schafen gegen Haemonchus contortus DNS aus Tieren von drei gro?en Halbgeschwister-Schaffamilien aus einem einzelnen hochgradig resistenten Schafbock wurden mit cDNS-Sonden aus ovinen T-Zellrezeptor α- und β-Ketten und Immunoglobulin λ leichten variablen Ketten und konstanten Regionen untersucht. Nach Verdau der genomischen DNS mit TaqI 19 wurden polymorphe Banden mit der λ leichte Ketten Immunoglobulin variablen Region-Sonde entdeckt, 6, 4 und 5 polymorphe Bande wurden mit T-Zellrezeptor α- und β-Sonden und mit der Sonde der λ Immunoglobulin konstanten Region gefunden. Alle Tiere wurden ph?notypisch in Hinblick auf Haemonchus contortus-Resistenz mittels f?kaler Eiproben untersucht. Statistische Analyse mittels linearer unverzerrter Pr?diktion ergab keine statistisch signifikanten Zusammenh?nge zwischen RFLP Bandmustern und f?kalen Eizahlen. Genetischer Polymorphismus an diesen Loci scheint nicht für einen signifikanten Teil der Variabilit?t in der Resistenz gegen Haemonchus contortus verantwortlich zu sein.  相似文献   

An anthelmintic-sensitive Haemonchus contortus strain was selected for moxidectin and ivermectin resistance concurrently for 22 generations. Treatment with 0.002 mg moxidectin/kg BW or 0.02 mg ivermectin/kg BW produced >99% efficacy against the susceptible parent strain passaged for 22 generations without any anthelmintic exposure. However, to obtain similar efficacy the moxidectin-selected and the ivermectin-selected strains of H. contortus required 0.05 mg moxidectin/kg BW or 0.4 mg ivermectin/kg BW. These results indicate that development of resistance to one macrocyclic lactone, simultaneously results in resistance to another macrocyclic lactone. However, rates of resistance development differ between compounds and occurs more slowly with moxidectin than with ivermectin.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate a laboratory test for closantel resistance in Haemonchus contortus. PROCEDURE: Field isolates of H contortus, known to be resistant to closantel, were tested in the assay. In addition, mixtures of closantel-susceptible and closantel-resistant laboratory reference strains were tested to develop a method of predicting the proportion of resistant worms in a sample from the field. RESULTS: The assay correctly identified as resistant all of the closantel-resistant field isolates of H contortus. It also identified one isolate with an in vivo efficacy of 98% as having emerging resistance. Testing of the mixtures of laboratory reference strains revealed that an isolate would be classified as resistant when it consists of about 25% or more resistant worms. Test samples that are not fully susceptible yet contain less than 25% resistant worms may be classified as emerging resistance. CONCLUSION: The in vitro migration assay is a sensitive method of detecting closantel resistance in H contortus.  相似文献   

This study reports a functional characterization of a limited segment (QTL) of sheep chromosome 12 associated with resistance to the abomasal nematode Haemonchus contortus. The first objective was to validate the identified QTL through the comparison of genetically susceptible (N) and resistant (R) sheep produced from Martinik × Romane back-cross sheep. The R and N genotype groups were then experimentally infected with 10 000 H. contortus larvae and measured for FEC (every three days from 18 to 30 days post-challenge), haematocrit, worm burden and fertility. Significant differences in FEC and haematocrit drop were found between R and N sheep. In addition, the female worms recovered from R sheep were less fecund. The second step of the characterization was to investigate functional mechanisms associated with the QTL, thanks to a gene expression analysis performed on the abomasal mucosa and the abomasal lymph node. The gene expression level of a candidate gene lying within the QTL region (PAPP-A2) was measured. In addition, putative interactions between the chromosome segment under study and the top ten differentially expressed genes between resistant MBB and susceptible RMN sheep highlighted in a previous microarray experiment were investigated. We found an induction of Th-2 related cytokine genes expression in the abomasal mucosa of R sheep. Down-regulation of the PAPP-A2 gene expression was observed between naïve and challenged sheep although no differential expression was recorded between challenged R and N sheep. The genotyping of this limited region should contribute to the ability to predict the intrinsic resistance level of sheep.  相似文献   

Benzimidazole (BZ) resistance in Haemonchus contortus is linked primarily with the mutation in the beta-tubulin isotype 1 gene that substitute phenylalanine (Phe) to tyrosine (Tyr) at 200 codon of the gene. In the present study, a new restriction fragment length polymorphism-polymerase chain reaction (RFLP-PCR) technique has been developed for detection of BZ resistance in the beta-tubulin isotype 1 gene of H. contortus. The technique utilizes two primers viz. AvikaF and AvikaR to amplify the region containing mutation in the beta-tubulin gene followed by restriction digestion. After digestion, the 'rr' individuals (homozygous resistant) revealed 257 and 48 bp bands, the 'rS' individuals (heterozygous) showed 305, 257 and 48 bp bands, while 'SS' individuals (homozygous susceptible) revealed uncut 305 bp band. A total of 162 adult male H. contortus collected from Avikanagar, Jaipur and Bikaner regions (54 from each region) were genotyped for analyzing BZ resistance in the beta-tubulin gene. Out of which, 130 adults were 'rr' types, 20 'rS' types and 12 'SS' types. The results showed that genotypic frequencies of different genotypes (rr, rS and SS) were highly significant difference among the three regions (P<0.001). The 'rr' individuals were higher (98%) in Jaipur followed by Avikanagar (93%) and Bikaner (50%) regions. Overall, the prevalence of BZ resistant allele (r) was higher (86%) as compared to BZ susceptible allele (S) (14%). The technique was also found suitable for genotyping of larvae of H. contortus and yielded reproducible results. The study indicated that RFLP-PCR is an easy, reproducible and less expensive than allele specific PCR. This technique will be helpful in establishing the prevalence rate of BZ resistance in H. contortus and can also be utilized for existing worm control programme.  相似文献   

Following reports of suspected gastrointestinal strongylid nematode resistance to thiophanate in sheep and goats at Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA), Tanzania, field strains of Haemonchus contortus, one from SUA and another from Kimamba, Tanzania, were selected for a critical controlled test to evaluate the efficacy of thiophanate. The SUA H. contortus strain in goats showed a marked resistance to thiophanate at an oral dose of 50 mg kg-1 liveweight (efficacy = 24.1%), while the Kimamba H. contortus strain showed very marked susceptibility (efficacy = 99.7%) to thiophanate at the same oral dose. This is the first report from East Africa of a field strain of H. contortus resistant to thiophanate. The incidence of resistant strains of strongyloid parasites to benzimidazole anthelmintics in sheep and goats in East Africa is on the increase. The magnitude of this problem should be evaluated and remedial solutions sought.  相似文献   

Resistance to natural infections of Haemonchus contortus (wireworm) was studied in Merino sheep. From February 1995 to July 1996 data were collected from the OTK Merino Stud on the farm Wildebeesfontein near Hendrina in Mpumalanga province. From March 1998 to January 2000 another Merino flock at Irene in Gauteng province was included in the study. In both cases, 50 randomly-chosen animals from each group of lambs weaned were sampled weekly for faecal egg count (FEC) until a mean of 2500 eggs per gram faeces (epg) was reached. At this stage, all lambs in the group were sampled for FEC, packed cell volume (PCV) and live mass in the case of the Wildebeesfontein flock. Animals were monitored from weaning to about 1 year of age. Data from 5 different groups of lambs (583 animals and 1722 records in total) with genetic links were accumulated and analysed. Variance components and resulting heritabilities for logFEC and PCV were estimated using a bivariate animal model with repeated records. The estimated heritabilities were 0.24 +/- 0.02 for logFEC and 0.14 +/- 0.02 for PCV. A strong negative correlation (-0.84 +/- 0.06) existed between the 2 traits. The genetic correlation between PCV and live mass for the Wildebeesfontein flock was low (0.28 +/- 0.09), while that between logFEC and live mass was negative, although not significantly different from zero (-0.13 +/- 0.09). These results suggest that FEC can be used as a selection criterion for resistance to H. contortus infections in Merino sheep.  相似文献   

To compare the protection acquired by infection with Haemonchus contortus or Trichostrongylus colubriformis, successive cross infections with the two species were conducted in two genetically similar groups of 150 ewe lambs from 30 sires of INRA 401 breed. At 6 and 7.5 months of age, each group received two doses of 10000 L3 separated by a treatment of one of the species, followed by a similar infection with the second species at 9 and 11.5 months. Faecal egg counts (FECs) were done 28 and 35 days after each dose. There were very high genetic correlation within and between species suggesting that the environmental conditions were very similar. The heritability of FEC of H. contortus ranged from 0.39 to 0.48 and the genetic correlations between FEC after the first and second infections with the same or different species were all near 1. Selection against this species could be done on the response to only one dose. For T. colubriformis, only the response to challenge infection had a similar heritability (0.47); the genetic correlations within and among species were also near one. These results will assist the selection of sheep resistant to nematode parasites.  相似文献   

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