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动物健康体系建设与公共卫生一体化构建研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
动物健康体系最初在澳大利亚和加拿大等国建立,在动物疾病防控方面起到了十分重要的作用.本文对澳大利亚已建立的动物健康体系和我国兽医医疗体制进行对比,分析在我国建立更合理的官方兽医制度和动物健康体系以加快兽医与人医公共卫生一体化进程的对策.  相似文献   

近年来全球因人兽共患病引发的公共卫生事件频繁发生,对世界经济的发展和全球公共卫生安全带来了严峻挑战,此已引起国际社会的高度关注。有专家指出:人类对动物“严酷的剥削与过度的利用”,是造成了人禽(人畜)共患流行性疾病不断暴发的原因。本文阐述了动物福利与畜牧生产的关系和非福利因素对动物生理健康的影响。以期引起全社会关注和促进动物福利事业的发展,积极为畜牧生产中的动物创造一个精神上协调一致、生理上完全健康的生存状态,减少动物疫病(特别是人兽共患病)的发生与流行,保障畜牧业的发展与公共卫生安全。  相似文献   

Plant breeding has had a substantial effect on the productivity and health of ruminant animals in New Zealand by improving the quantity, quality and reliability of grazed temperate pastures. Genetic changes have affected annual pasture productivity, seasonal growth, digestibility, protein/energy balance, level of rumen undegradable protein, leaf properties affecting intake, resistance to foliar diseases, and reductions in compounds that have an adverse impact on the health, welfare and reproductive fertility of ruminant animals. Most plant improvement programmes have achieved genetic gains in excess of 1% per year for a variety of target traits, and these gains are likely to continue given the high genetic variation available within forage plants. Significant heritable variation exists to improve forage quality, particularly for soluble carbohydrate and fibre fractions in grasses, and in the rate at which these change during the season. Deleterious animal health and welfare effects can be alleviated through the use of non-toxic endophytes in grasses, that do not produce lolitrem B and ergovaline. Use of improved cultivars, with the appropriate management, can add value to animal products.  相似文献   

Natural antioxidants applied as feed additives can improve not only animals’ health and overall performance but also increase their resistance to environmental stress such as heat stress, bad housing conditions, diseases, etc. Marine organisms, for example seaweeds – red, brown, and green macroalgae contain a plethora of biologically active substances, including phenolic compounds, polysaccharides, pigments, vitamins, micro- and macroelements, and proteins known for their antioxidant activity, which can help in the maintenance of appropriate redox status in animals and show pleiotropic effects for enhancing good health, and productivity. The dysregulated production of free radicals is a marked characteristic of several clinical conditions, and antioxidant machinery plays a pivotal role in scavenging the excessive free radicals, thereby preventing and treating infections in animals. Supplementation of seaweeds to animal diet can boost antioxidant activity, immunity, and the gut environment. Dietary supplementation of seaweeds can also enhance meat quality due to the deposition of marine-derived antioxidant components in muscles. The use of natural antioxidants in the meat industry is a practical approach to minimize or prevent lipid oxidation. However, overconsumption of seaweeds, especially brown macroalgae, should be avoided because of their high iodine content. An important point to consider when including seaweeds in animal feed is their variable composition which depends on the species, habitat, location, harvest time, growing conditions such as nutrient concentration in water, light intensity, temperature, etc. This review highlights the beneficial applications of seaweeds and their extracted compounds, which have antioxidant properties as feed additives and impact animal health and production.  相似文献   

Test data generated by ~60 accredited member laboratories of the American Association of Veterinary Laboratory Diagnosticians (AAVLD) is of exceptional quality. These data are captured by 1 of 13 laboratory information management systems (LIMSs) developed specifically for veterinary diagnostic laboratories (VDLs). Beginning ~2000, the National Animal Health Laboratory Network (NAHLN) developed an electronic messaging system for LIMS to automatically send standardized data streams for 14 select agents to a national repository. This messaging enables the U.S. Department of Agriculture to track and respond to high-consequence animal disease outbreaks such as highly pathogenic avian influenza. Because of the lack of standardized data collection in the LIMSs used at VDLs, there is, to date, no means of summarizing VDL large data streams for multi-state and national animal health studies or for providing near-real-time tracking for hundreds of other important animal diseases in the United States that are detected routinely by VDLs. Further, VDLs are the only state and federal resources that can provide early detection and identification of endemic and emerging zoonotic diseases. Zoonotic diseases are estimated to be responsible for 2.5 billion cases of human illness and 2.7 million deaths worldwide every year. The economic and health impact of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic is self-evident. We review here the history and progress of data management in VDLs and discuss ways of seizing unexplored opportunities to advance data leveraging to better serve animal health, public health, and One Health.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to investigate the profiles of hair cortisol concentrations as an index of chronic stress in dairy cows in association with their health, nutrition, and reproductive parameters. For 25 Holstein dairy cows, hair was collected from the tail switch ?19.2 ± 11.4, 44.8 ± 11.9, 103.0 ± 9.9, and 168.0 ± 9.7 days postpartum (L0, L1, L2, and L3, respectively). Body condition scores were negatively correlated with hair cortisol concentrations (r = ?0.255), and hock health scores were positively correlated with hair cortisol concentrations (r = 0.236, p < 0.05). Hair cortisol concentrations during the postpartum period showed different patterns according to the time of first artificial insemination (AI) and fertility. Cows that were submitted to first AI by 86 days postpartum showed a peak hair cortisol concentration at L1, whereas cows with delayed first AI had a peak at L2. The hair cortisol concentrations of subfertile (≥168 days) cows were significantly higher at L1 and L2 compared with L0, whereas hair cortisol concentrations of fertile cows (<168 days) were not different among the sampling times. These results indicate that cows with health problems appear to experience greater chronic stress, which may impair their reproductive function.  相似文献   

摘要:[目的]探究繁殖营养素对西门塔尔杂交母牛繁殖性能、产后健康及犊牛生长性能的影响。[方法]试验对33头390kg左右妊娠8-9月的初配西门塔尔杂交母牛饲喂不同添加量的繁殖营养,对母牛繁殖性能、产后健康及犊牛生长性能的数据进行分析。[结果]饲喂10g/(头·d)繁殖营养素母牛人工助产率较对照组大幅降低,且犊牛成活率提高,犊牛发病率减少。第一次发情时间提前7.42d,且受胎率也有所提高;饲喂10g/(头·d)繁殖营养素大幅度降低了母牛胎衣不下、子宫炎和乳房炎疾病的发病率;添加了10g/(头·d)繁殖营养素组的犊牛从出生到产后3月龄,其体重和体尺都有不同程度提高。[结论]母牛日粮中添加10g/(头·d)繁殖营养素能提高母牛繁殖性能、降低母牛产后疾病的发生率以及一定程度上提高犊牛的生长性能。  相似文献   

为考察兽药中实际存在的微生物对动物健康的影响,对山东省兽药GMP企业生产的粉散剂、颗粒剂产品的微生物污染状况进行抽样调查检测,发现不同的内服给药制剂,其微生物污染水平结果差异显著。在此基础上选择微生物限度严重超标的中药散剂,从中分离细菌、霉菌,拟定不同菌量的污染水平对健康鸡进行饲喂试验。结果表明:试验期间各用菌组试验鸡的精神状况、饮水和采食均未发现异常,试验结束后剖检各用菌液组及空白对照组鸡的心、肝、肾、肠道等,均未发现异常,各组鸡均未出现发病与死亡情况,且各组间增重无显著性差异(P〉0.05)。为进一步考察兽药被微生物污染后对临床疗效的影响,选用微生物限度严重超标的中药散剂鸡康灵微粉,开展对鸡慢性呼吸道病治疗试验,将自然感染鸡随机分为两组,每组1600只,一组鸡服用微生物限度超标的鸡康灵微粉,另一组服用辐射灭菌后的鸡康灵微粉。结果表明:两组治愈率均达90%以上,经x。检验,无显著性差异(P〉0.05),产蛋率均恢复到90%以上。由上述试验可见,兽药不同内服制剂的微生物污染差异显著,且不同的微生物污染水平对动物健康及兽药临床疗效无显著影响,其相关性有待进一步研究。  相似文献   

Conservation of genetic diversity in farm animal species can be achieved by preventing extinction of breeds and by reducing genetic drift within breeds. It is suggested to use the expected number of alleles segregating in the species after a given time period as objective function in the design of conservation strategies. A formal approach is presented to predict this quantity based on marker information, accounting for extinction probability of breeds and effective population size within breeds as the major component of genetic drift. Based on this model, relative efficiency of different strategies of diversity conservation can be quantified. Formulas are given to derive the marginal expected number of alleles with respect to genetic drift within population and extinction probability, respectively. The suggested approach is illustrated with an example of 13 European cattle breeds. With the assumed parameters, drift is shown to be the major force leading to loss of alleles, and different breeds are prioritized for activities to reduce risk of extinction and for measures to reduce genetic drift, respectively. Although different aspects of the model need to be further refined, the suggested methodology provides a general and flexible tool to derive the optimum conservation strategy in various scenarios.  相似文献   

Bovine viral diarrhoea virus (BVDV) is an economically significant disease affecting the Australian cattle industry, with losses stemming from decreased production and reproductive performance and control costs. However, these losses can be difficult to appreciate, particularly in endemic regions. Overall, there is a variable but high herd-level seroprevalence in Australia. Despite a potentially high financial burden of the disease, the onus for control ultimately falls on producers and strategies employed will vary between regions. A cross-sectional study, using a postal survey, was conducted in 2013 to evaluate the BVDV knowledge, attitudes and management practices utilised by Australian cattle producers. A total of 192 producers participated in the study, and results indicate that knowledge and attitudes towards disease risk are variable and can be improved. Producer knowledge of how persistently infected (PI) animals are produced was higher than that of disease outcomes or transmission pathways. Implementation of biosecurity practices was limited, with approximately half of respondents employing quarantine procedures for introduced stock and only 2% indicating they would antigen test introduced stock for BVDV. Approximately a third (36%) of producers reported engaging in BVDV control, with the majority of these using vaccination strategies over deliberate exposure to a PI. Knowledge of and engagement with BVDV control was positively influenced by the producer relationships with veterinarians. Findings from this study suggest that building on education and delivering a consistent message among stakeholders would likely improve producer awareness and understanding in relation to BVDV and support decision making in BVDV management.  相似文献   

重组N蛋白间接ELISA检测猪繁殖与呼吸综合征病毒抗体   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
用纯化的猪繁殖与呼吸综合征病毒重组N蛋白作为包被抗原,建立了检测猪繁殖与呼吸综合征病毒抗体的间接ELISA方法,并确定了ELISA最佳工作条件:抗原包被浓度为0.27μg/ml,37C1h加4C过夜,血清(1:40)和酶标免抗猪IgG(1:400)分别在37℃温育30min,底物溶液37℃显色15min。经重复性试验、交叉试验、阻断试验等试验结果表明该方法重复性好、特异性强、灵敏度高;与美国IDEXX试剂盒相比较,特异性和敏感性分别为97.6%和92.1%,无显著性差异。用已建立的方法检测临床血清样本187份,总阳性率为30.5%。  相似文献   

用纯化的猪繁殖与呼吸综合征病毒(PRRSV)重组核衣壳(N)蛋白作为包被抗原,建立了PRRSV抗体检测的间接ELISA方法,并优化确定了ELISA最佳工作条件:重组抗原包被浓度为13.3 μg/mL,37℃1h或4℃过夜;5%脱脂乳37℃封闭2h;血清1:40稀释,37℃作用90 min;酶标二抗1∶4000稀释,37...  相似文献   

重组M蛋白间接ELISA检测猪繁殖与呼吸综合征病毒抗体   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
用纯化的猪繁殖与呼吸综合征病毒重组M蛋白作包被抗原,建立了检测猪繁殖与呼吸综合征病毒抗体的间接ELISA方法,并确立了ELISA最佳工作条件:抗原包被浓度为3.5μg/mL,37℃1h加4℃过夜,血清(1:40)和酶标SPA(1:80)分别在37℃温育1h,加底物溶液常温显色5min。经重复性试验、交叉试验、阻断试验等试验结果表明该方法重复性好、特异性强、敏感度高;与美国IDEXX公司试剂盒相比较,特异性和敏感性分别为96.3%和93.5%,无显著性差异。用建立的方法检测临床血清样品168份,总阳性率为39.9%。  相似文献   

采用需氧发酵和厌氧发酵相结合的方法,对高温、高压后的动物性蛋白原料——血粉、羽毛粉、猪毛粉和蹄角粉进行了联合发酵效果研究。动物性蛋白原料中添加10%的麸皮,调整料水比为3:2,接种0.1‰的米曲霉,在有氧条件下发酵36h后,再接种0.1‰的乳酸杆菌进行厌氧发酵,设立动物性蛋白原料作为对照组,通过测定不同时间段样品的酸溶蛋白、粗纤维以及胃蛋白酶消化率观察联合发酵效果。研究结果表明,与对照组相比,联合发酵极显著提高发酵物料中酸溶蛋白的含量(P<0.01),其中血粉增长幅度最大,比对照组提高10%左右;联合发酵极显著提高了动物性蛋白原料的胃蛋白酶消化率(P<0.01),血粉提高了大约15%,羽毛粉、猪毛粉和蹄角粉则均在4%左右;联合发酵对动物性蛋白原料粗纤维无显著影响(P>0.05)。  相似文献   

The author describes activities conducted by the International Organisation for Animal Health (OIE: Office International des Epizooties) to control foot and mouth disease (FMD) world-wide. These activities fall within the framework of the principal missions of the OIE.

The first of these missions is the collection and dissemination of epidemiological information and of scientific knowledge on animal diseases, the socio-economic or disease implications of which can be particularly serious. The implementation of the measures required to control the disease and to protect countries threatened by FMD depends on the quality and rapidity of the transmission of this information.

The co-ordination of studies, research and control programmes against FMD is equally important for the OIE. This work is based, in particular, on work conducted by the OIE foot and mouth disease and other epizootics Commission. OIE Member Countries not only have access to the most recent data on the diagnosis, surveillance and control of FMD but also have recourse to the official recognition procedure for disease-free status provided by this Commission.

Finally, through the standardisation of health recommendations, diagnostic tests, manufacture protocols and the control of biological products, made available by the OIE International Animal Health Code Commission in regard to the former and by the OIE Standards Commission in regard to the latter, the OIE provides the reference for international trade in animals and animal products, and is recognised in this role by the World Trade Organization.


L'auteur décrit les actions conduites par l'Office international des épizootie (OIE) pour lutter contre la fièvre aphteuse dans le monde entire. Ces actions figurent parmi les principales missions de l'OIE.

La première de ces missions est la collecte et la diffusion d'informations épidémiologiques ainsi que des connaissances scientifiques sur les maladies animales qui peuvent avoir des répercussions socio-économiques particulièrement importantes. L'amélioration des mesures nécessaires pour lutter contre la maladie et pour protéger les pays menacés par la fièvre aphteuse dépend de la qualité et de la rapidité de transmission de ces informations.

La coordination d’études, de recherches et de programmes de lutte contre la fièvre aphteuse est également importante pour I'OIE. Ce travail repose en particulier sur celui de la Commission de I'O.I.E sur la fièvre aphteuse et les autres épizooties. Non seulement les Pays Membres de l'OIE ont accès aux données les plus récentes sur le diagnostic, la surveillance et la lutte contre la fièvre aphteuse, mais ils bénéficient aussi de la procédure de reconnaissance officielle du statut de zone indemne gérée par cette Commission.

Enfin, à travers la standardisation des recommendations sanitaires, des tests de diagnostic, des protocoles de fabrication et du contrôle des produits biologiques réalisée par la Commission OIE du Code zoosanitaire et par la Commission OIE des normes, l'OIE constitue la référence pour le commerce international des animaux et des produits animaux, et il est reconnu dans ce rôle par I'OMC.  相似文献   

Quantification of acute phase proteins (APPs) in blood can be used for monitoring animal health and welfare on farms, and could be also of interest for the detection of diseased animals during the meat inspection process. However serum or plasma is not always available for end-point analysis at slaughter. Meat juice might provide an adequate, alternative matrix that can be easily obtained for post-mortem analysis at abattoirs. The concentrations of pig Major Acute phase Protein (pig-MAP) and haptoglobin, two of the main APPs in pigs, were determined in approximately 300 paired samples of plasma and meat juice from the diaphragm (pars costalis), obtained after freezing and thawing the muscle. APPs concentrations in meat juice were closely correlated to those in plasma (r = 0.695 for haptoglobin, r = 0.858 for pig-MAP, p < 0.001). These results open new possibilities for the assessment of animal health in pig production, with implications for food safety and meat quality.  相似文献   

In the last few years, feed additives have been used in animal nutrition to improve nutrient utilization, health parameters and animal performance. However, the use of antibiotics as feed additives has allowed the occurrence of antimicrobial resistance (AMR), which can bring as a consequence, an increase in the morbidity and mortality of diseases that were previously treatable with antibiotics. In this context, antimicrobial peptides (AMP) have appeared as a promising strategy because they have multiple biological activities and represent a powerful strategy to prevent the development of resistant microorganisms. Despite the small number of studies applied in vivo, AMP appear as a potent alternative to the use of antibiotics in animal nutrition, due to an increase in feed efficiency and the prevention/treatment of some animal diseases. This review discusses the problems associated with antimicrobial resistance and the use of AMP as a strong candidate to replace conventional antibiotics, mainly in the animal industry.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to investigate the effects of dietary rapeseed meal (RSM) inclusion levels on growth performance, organ health and standardized ileal amino acid digestibility (SIAAD) in meat ducks from 15 to 35 days of age. Six hundred and eighty 15‐days‐old ducks were randomly allotted to five treatments based on body weight. Five isonitrogenous and isoenergetic diets were formulated on a digestible amino acid basis by replacing 0% (the control), 25%, 50%, 75% and 100% (based on fresh) of protein from soya bean meal (SBM) with protein from RSM. The corresponding levels of RSM in experimental diets were 0%, 6.66%, 13.32%, 19.98% and 26.64% respectively. With increasing dietary RSM levels, body weight (BW) and average daily gain (ADG) linearly decreased (p < 0.001), whereas feed‐to‐gain ratio (F: G) linearly increased (p = 0.0078). Ducks fed the diets with 13.32% or more RSM had significantly lower (p < 0.05) BW, ADG and ADFI, or higher F: G than ducks fed the control diet. The maximum limit of dietary RSM supplementation was estimated to range from 4.27% to maximize ADG for 15 to 35 days to 11.69% to maintain feed intake for 15 to 35 days on the basis of a broken‐line model. At day35, the 4th primary wing feather length and SIAAD (except for Met, Thr and Val) linearly decreased (p < 0.001), and the thyroid glands weight (% of BW) linearly increased (p < 0.05) with increasing dietary RSM levels. Ducks fed the RSM inclusion diets had significantly lower (p < 0.0001) serum aspartate aminotransferase (AST) and alanine transaminase (ALT) activities than ducks fed the control diet. These results suggested that the maximum limit of dietary RSM containing 7.57 μmol/g glucosinolates was estimated to be 4.27% to avoid growth reduction.  相似文献   

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