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由于集约化养殖的畜禽在进出养殖场、转群、集中屠宰前都需要运输,运输过程不可避免地伴有运输应激,这会导致动物的生理、心理状态和代谢过程发生相应地变化,严重时会给畜牧业生产带来巨大损失。本文综述了运输应激对动物生产性能、内分泌代谢、机体免疫机能和产品品质四方面的影响,并提出了一些针对性的应对和防控措施,以期为缓解运输应激给畜禽生产造成的不利影响提供借鉴和指导。  相似文献   

集约化养殖的畜禽进出养殖场和屠宰前都必须经过运输,运输过程中由于捕捉、挤压、断水、断食、噪音及过度疲劳等原因所造成的运输应激会导致动物的生理、心理状态和代谢过程发生相应地变化,严重时甚至会死亡,给畜牧业生产带来巨大损失。本试验利用组织学及病理学方法研究了不同的运输时间对AA肉鸡不同组织造成的影响。选取生长状况相似健康的7周龄AA肉鸡40只,随机分成4组,每组10只,分别运输2h、3h、4h和5h,结束后立即剖杀,取心、肝、脾、肺、肾、胸腺等不同组织置于10%甲醛中,H-E染色光学显微镜下观察并拍照。结果表明:运输应激初期(2h)多数组织出现毛细血管扩张充血、细胞肿胀等急性病理性变化。运输3h到4h各组织的病理改变与初期相似但有所加重,运输5h心脏出现了心肌纤维的断裂,胸腺、脾、肾出现了功能衰竭等现象。由此可见,运输应激可导致组织细胞应激性损伤,并且组织损伤的程度随着运输时间的延长而有所波动。  相似文献   

畜牧场工程工艺与畜牧生产是畜牧场规划设计的关键因素,而创造一个适宜的环境,也是现代畜牧场布局规划设计时必须考量的条件。现就现代化畜牧场规划设计从基础设施工程和环境控制技术方面进行探讨。  相似文献   

畜禽养殖废水脱氮除磷研究进展   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
笔者介绍了SBR、上流式活性污泥床、fiehl prototype工艺等几种目前国内外较典型的集约化养殖场废水处理方法,比较了它们在脱氮除磷方面的优缺点及其应用和研究情况,简述了畜禽养殖废水脱氮除磷现状.最后对畜禽养殖废水脱氮除磷存在的问题进行了探讨,同时对其发展趋势进行了展望.  相似文献   

为确定江苏省连云港市东海县畜禽适宜养殖量,本研究基于氮平衡分析畜禽土地承载力。结果表明:2015年,东海县全年农作物氮养分需求量、猪粪氮当量、化肥施用量(以氮计)分别为4.39万、2.52万、4.44万t,可见东海县具有足够的畜禽粪污消纳能力和较大的降低化肥施用潜力。以氮养分计,东海县畜禽养殖承载潜力为199万头猪当量,还有77万头猪当量的盈余。不同乡镇存在较大差异,山左口、双店、石梁河等3个乡镇稍有超载,应适当调减养殖量;牛山街道和石榴街道2个乡镇靠近城区,禁养区、限养区面积较大,应逐步减少养殖量;黄川、桃林、安峰、白塔埠等4个乡镇尚有一定的发展空间,可维持现有养殖量或适当扩大养殖量;其余乡镇发展潜力较大,东海县畜禽养殖应逐步由养殖密集区域向这些乡镇转移。  相似文献   

An intensive preparation is necessary to make legal regulations work in practice. Examples are given how the registration procedure of a livestock enterprise is performed. Firstly, the owner has to declare the type of keeping system and the animal species. Secondly, he has to apply for a registration number which is related to the farm site and which is listed in the geographical information system (GIS). The particular procedures of licensing livestock operations and their facilities this according to the animal transport regulation (Viehverkehrsordnung) and the animal disease act (Binnenmarkt-Tierseuchenverordnung) are explained. The precise registration and licensing of facilities and operations is important for common market trade and the issuing of health certificates. Health certificates have to show name and address of facilities and operations and can give the registration number or license number. The control actions of the veterinary service are described when the arrival of an animal transport is announced and how to prevent the spread of infectious diseases in case of danger. Special regulations for the import of animals such as quarantine and laboratory tests are explained.  相似文献   

通过对能繁母牛普查登记,随机走访110个养殖户、规模养殖户、养殖场,实地调查了解能繁母牛养殖的生产经营、饲养规模、养殖周期和成本收益等情况,比较不同规模养殖能繁母牛经济效益,表明规模养殖户能繁母牛养殖头均效益比养殖户、养殖场高。  相似文献   

In spite of several quality control procedures used by Australia to ensure the wholesomeness of export meat, a number of pesticide residue violations were identified in the Australian product exported to the USA in May 1987. The pesticides involved were the organochlorines, dieldrin and heptachlor. The problems were caused by the persistence of organochlorines in soils and their illicit use or contamination of storage facilities. Animals grazing contaminated pasture, ingesting contaminated feed or held in contaminated yards over a period, bioaccumulated residues in their adipose tissues which eventually exceeded maximum residue limits (MRL) and caused violations. Though there was no immediate public health risk, the Australian Quarantine and Inspection Service (AQIS) of the Commonwealth Department of Primary Industries and Energy (DPIE), acted expeditiously to determine and eliminate the factors causing these problems, which threatened Australia's beef export industry worth in excess of two billion dollars annually. An overall strategic plan, "The Integrated Action Plan", was formulated and implemented by AQIS with the assistance of the relevant Departments of the States and the Northern Territory (NT), meat processing and export industries and livestock producer bodies. As a result of this action, the likely sources of contamination were identified and controlled. The National Residue Survey (NRS) was enhanced, a National Residue Data Base (NRDB) was established and a centralised computer system interactive with abattoirs, laboratories and animal health authorities developed. The cattle farm identity tail tag system already in place, capable of tracing cattle to the farm of origin was refined and trace back systems for sheep and pigs were utilised.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The objective of this review is to consider the ethics of stockmanship, particularly from the perspective of the nature and extent of the duties of stockpeople to their farm animals. It will consider what science tells us about the impact of stockmanship on the animal, particularly the welfare of the farm animal. The effects of human-animal interactions on the stockperson will also be considered, since these interactions affect the work performance and job satisfaction of the stockperson and thus indirectly affect animal welfare. Animal ethics is broader than animal welfare and includes economic as well as philosophical, social, cultural and religious aspects. This paper is predicated on the view that farm animals can suffer, and that animal suffering is a key consideration in our moral obligations to animals. Housing and husbandry practices affect farm animal welfare and thus farmers and stockpeople have a responsibility to provide, at minimum, community-acceptable animal housing and husbandry standards for their animals. The farmer's or stockperson's attitudes and behaviour can directly affect the animal's welfare and thus they also have a responsibility to provide specific standards of stockmanship for these animals. However, research suggests that the behaviour of some stockpeople is not as correct as it might be. Such situations exemplify the inevitably unequal human - domestic animal relationship, and this inequality should be considered in analysing the boundary between right and wrong behaviour of humans. Thus ethical discussion, using science and other considerations and involving stockpeople, livestock industries, government and the general public, should be used to establish and assure acceptable stockperson competencies across the livestock industries. Training programs targeting the key attitudes and behaviour of stockpeople presently offer the livestock industries good opportunities to improve human-animal interactions.  相似文献   

AIM: To quantify the numbers and extent of movements off sheep and cattle farms in New Zealand, in order to construct more realistic simulation models to investigate how infectious diseases such as foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) might spread. METHODS: Farmers from 500 randomly selected farms, comprising 100 from each of the following sectors, viz beef, dairy, grazing/dairy heifer rearing, sheep, and mixed sheep and beef, were asked to fill in diaries in which they recorded the movements of all animals, products, people, vehicles and equipment coming on to or leaving their farms during two separate 3-week periods, representing relatively 'busy' and 'quiet' times of the year with respect to livestock movements. Where possible, the destination of each movement was identified and geo-coded, to allow the distance travelled to be calculated. Each movement was then classified according to the risk of transfer of FMD virus (FMDV), should the disease have been present on the study farm at the time of the movement. The data were then analysed to establish movement frequencies and distributions of distances travelled, by the different pastoral livestock sectors. RESULTS: Two hundred and seventeen farmers returned one or more diaries. One hundred and ninety-three farmers completed a Busy-period diary, recording a total of 12,052 movements off their farms, a crude average of 62.4 per 3-week period, or 2.97 per day. Of these, 4.0% involved the transport of livestock, equating to 0.12 livestock consignments per day. In contrast, 186 Quiet-period diaries were returned, recording a total of 10,885 movements off, representing a crude average of 58.5 during the 3-week period, or 2.78 per day. Of these, 2.1% involved livestock, equating to 0.06 livestock consignments per day. The mean and median distances travelled during the Busy periods were 30.9 km and 13.1 km, respectively (range 0-1,167 km). In comparison, the mean and median distances travelled during Quiet periods were 41.3 and 14 km, respectively (range 0.4-1,203 km). CONCLUSIONS: People, vehicles, livestock and other items can travel off pastoral livestock farms in New Zealand to other farms either directly or via saleyards over extensive distances. This has implications for the potential spread of infectious diseases such as FMD. Movement parameters intended for use in the InterSpread Plus inter-farm simulation model of FMD were established, which will facilitate the prediction of likely spread and efficacy of controls in the unlikely event of a real-life outbreak.  相似文献   

畜禽粪污资源化利用应坚持“源头减量、过程控制、末端利用”的路径,推广“畜 果(田)、畜 沼 果、畜+有机肥”等资源化利用模式,完善“责任靠实到人、场户清理记录、乡镇畜牧站排查、县动物卫生服务中心督导检查”的县、乡、场(户)三级工治工作机制,提高畜禽粪污利用效率。  相似文献   

Biosecurity risks are a major threat to the profitability of the industry as well as impacting human and animal health. Livestock producers play a crucial role in biosecurity as the first to notice changes in the health or productivity of their stock and are generally responsible for implementing protective measures. However, uptake of biosecurity measures by producers is variable. We critically appraised the current literature regarding biosecurity practices in Australian livestock industries and highlight aspects that are well understood as well as those where further research or information is needed. Findings from 12 cross-sectional studies suggest that Australian producers' knowledge of biosecurity methods and importance might have a positive influence on their willingness to implement or incorporate biosecurity practices. There is moderate evidence supportive of biosecurity being well understood by livestock producers across Australia. Barriers to producers using biosecurity practices included lack of information or communication from agricultural, veterinary or government organisations. It was found that larger stock numbers were positively correlated with biosecurity implementation and that producers used veterinarians, government and industry agencies as resources for trusted information.  相似文献   

Commencing in 2007, a collaborative project to develop the ”National Animal Welfare Standards for the Livestock Transport Industry” (the Standards) was completed and the documentation was integrated with the existing industry quality assurance (QA) program, TruckCare. The project was the fifth in a series of 6 projects commencing from 1998, to develop industry-wide animal welfare standards and accompanying audit material for the livestock industries, including poultry, pork, dairy, meat processing, and saleyards. Three booklets covering animal welfare practice for the livestock transport industry were produced: a Standards Manual, a Working Manual, and Background Information and Rationale (Edge et al., 2007a, Edge et al., 2007b, Edge et al., 2007c). The documentation was designed to further both industry's and the community's expectations of the high levels of QA associated with livestock transport.Factors that influenced the need for the project include the increasing demand for sound, science-based animal welfare standards by customers for various markets (Blandford et al., 1999; Verbeke et al., 2000), the development of international guidelines (OIE, 2007), and in the near future in Australia, new legislative requirements that are currently being considered as part of the Australian Animal Welfare Strategy initiative, a national framework supported by all jurisdictions. The Standards were developed to underpin existing legislation, including the Model Codes of Practice, scientific literature where available, and current industry practice. The Standards were integrated with the existing industry QA program, TruckCare (2007), for industry to demonstrate animal welfare practices that underpin legislative and commercial standards. A management group comprising representatives from government, welfare organizations, industry, customer organizations, and other technical experts contributed to the development of the Standards by means of a consensus approach. The Standards were accompanied by implementation material to enable uptake within the livestock transport industry and for the delivery of assurance on animal welfare practice to government, customers, trading partners, and consumers. This paper describes the project to develop the national industry animal welfare Standards for livestock transport.  相似文献   

In The Netherlands, MRSA ST398 has emerged in hospitals and human carriers have been associated with exposure to pigs and cattle. High prevalences of MRSA ST398 in pigs and pig farmers have been determined and the transmission routes of MRSA on pig farms need to be elucidated. In the south of the Netherlands, in recent years, the black rat (Rattus rattus) has emerged as a prominent rodent on livestock farms. From March till May 2008, a survey on MRSA in rats living on livestock farms in the south of The Netherlands and the north of Belgium was conducted. In total, 40 black rats (R. rattus) and 3 brown rats (Rattus norvegicus) were collected on 12 farms including five pig farms, five poultry farms, one mixed pig and veal farm and one goat farm. MRSA ST398 was detected in black rats captured at two of the five pig farms as well as in a black rat living on the mixed pig and veal farm. From one black rat captured at another pig farm MRSA ST 97 was isolated. Considering the behaviour of rats on livestock farms, it is concluded that rats might play a role in the spread and persistence of MRSA on pig farms.  相似文献   

To strengthen farm biosecurity, wildlife behaviors around livestock environments require significant attention. Livestock feed is considered one of essential factors that attract wildlife to the livestock environment. We experimentally studied wildlife response to cattle, swine, and chicken concentrated feeds in the forests surrounding poultry farms. In 14 feeding sites, four feed conditions were established: without feed (control); cattle feed; chicken feed; and swine feed. Wildlife behaviors at each feed point were monitored using infrared cameras. In 3,175 videos, 10 mammals were photographed on 10 or more occasions. Wildlife more frequently appeared at the points with feed than without feed. In addition, the number of videos that captured foraging or interest behaviors was largest for swine feed, followed by chicken feed, then cattle feed. There was a large difference among wildlife in their response to livestock feeds, although each species did not have a strong preference for a specific feed. Livestock feeds invite frequent visits by high and moderate response groups, especially omnivores and carnivores with omnivorous tendencies. Therefore, to protect against such wildlife intrusion, leftover feed and feed storage must be properly managed. This study also suggests that livestock feeds may not cause intrusions by rare response group species; hence, if their intrusions occur, they may be due to factors other than livestock feed. The study situation can partly reflect actual feed-stealing situations. The results will contribute to consider the properly management to protect livestock environments from wildlife intrusions.  相似文献   

An increasing number of Dutch dairy farmers have diversified their activities, often opening their farm up to visitors (tourist accommodation, farm shop, contact with livestock, etc). It is essential to prevent these visitors from having accidents or becoming ill, which could result in financial claims and might harm the reputation of the agricultural sector. This article describes how the hazard analysis critical control points concept and principles (HACCP) can be applied to these activities and integrated with on-farm operational herd health and production management programmes.  相似文献   

AIM: To quantify the numbers and extent of movements off sheep and cattle farms in New Zealand, in order to construct more realistic simulation models to investigate how infectious diseases such as foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) might spread.

METHODS: Farmers from 500 randomly selected farms, comprising 100 from each of the following sectors, viz beef, dairy, grazing/dairy heifer rearing, sheep, and mixed sheep and beef, were asked to fill in diaries in which they recorded the movements of all animals, products, people, vehicles and equipment coming on to or leaving their farms during two separate 3-week periods, representing relatively ‘busy’ and ‘quiet’ times of the year with respect to livestock movements. Where possible, the destination of each movement was identified and geo-coded, to allow the distance travelled to be calculated. Each movement was then classified according to the risk of transfer of FMD virus (FMDV), should the disease have been present on the study farm at the time of the movement. The data were then analysed to establish movement frequencies and distributions of distances travelled, by the different pastoral livestock sectors.

RESULTS: Two hundred and seventeen farmers returned one or more diaries. One hundred and ninety-three farmers completed a Busy-period diary, recording a total of 12,052 movements off their farms, a crude average of 62.4 per 3-week period, or 2.97 per day. Of these, 4.0% involved the transport of livestock, equating to 0.12 livestock consignments per day. In contrast, 186 Quiet-period diaries were returned, recording a total of 10,885 movements off, representing a crude average of 58.5 during the 3-week period, or 2.78 per day. Of these, 2.1% involved livestock, equating to 0.06 livestock consignments per day. The mean and median distances travelled during the Busy periods were 30.9 km and 13.1 km, respectively (range 0–1,167 km). In comparison, the mean and median distances travelled during Quiet periods were 41.3 and 14 km, respectively (range 0.4–1,203 km).

CONCLUSIONS: People, vehicles, livestock and other items can travel off pastoral livestock farms in New Zealand to other farms either directly or via saleyards over extensive distances. This has implications for the potential spread of infectious diseases such as FMD. Movement parameters intended for use in the InterSpread Plus inter-farm simulation model of FMD were established, which will facilitate the prediction of likely spread and efficacy of controls in the unlikely event of a real-life outbreak.  相似文献   

基于畜禽粪便养分含量的畜禽承载力研究   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:11  
为了减少畜禽养殖带来的环境污染,许多发达国家规定畜牧场周围必须配备农田来消纳畜禽粪便,同时也有成熟的畜禽承载力的研究方法。根据我国区域养殖畜种较多、农田分散、农牧脱节等情况,本研究确定了适合我国国情的用特定地理区域范围消纳畜禽粪便氮(N)、磷(P2O5)能力的方法来确定畜禽承载力。本研究根据不同畜种平均每头(只)存栏动物每年的粪便养分产生量、每公顷作物每年的养分移走量,计算出每公顷大田作物地、蔬菜地和园地每季所能承载的各种畜禽数量,然后根据各地区的复种指数估算出作物地每年承载的畜禽数量。结果表明:牛、羊的年产粪便N/P2O5较大,禽类比值较小,其他畜种比值居中;蔬菜地可以承载的畜禽数量最多,大田作物地次之,园地承载的最少;以N作为承载标准时,农用地所承载的畜禽数量比以P2O5作为标准时多(最高为6.6倍)或者两者持平。可以根据区域需要,通过提高作物对肥料的利用率、调整化肥与粪肥用量、调整种植结构等方式改变畜禽承载力的大小。  相似文献   

Hepatitis E is a zoonotic disease and is highly prevalent in European swine livestock. There is a need to compare the infection dynamics of hepatitis E virus (HEV) between herds with the same production system and determine the percentage of animals that could arrive infected at slaughter age. Therefore, a longitudinal study was performed in six Spanish farrow-to-finish affected farms. Twenty piglets per farm were monitored from nursery to slaughter. RT-PCR and serology techniques were applied to analyze longitudinally collected sera and/or faecal samples. Liver and bile samples were also taken at the abattoir. Anti-HEV IgM were firstly detected at 7 weeks of age in 5 farms whereas at 13 weeks of age in 1 farm (farm 2). At slaughter age 50–100% of pigs had seroconverted to anti-HEV IgG in the former 5 farms whereas in the other herd only 5% of pigs were IgG seropositive (farm 2). Six out of 96 livers and 5 out of 80 biles analyzed were HEV positive at the abattoir (total percentage of infected animals: 11.5%). All these positive animals had already seroconverted except 2 pigs of farm 2. Hence, pigs can be seronegative at slaughter age being infected during the latest fattening period. Manipulation of HEV-infected livers or other organs from pigs could be considered a possible route of transmission in Spanish abattoirs. This study represents the first longitudinal survey on swine HEV infection dynamics conducted in different herds.  相似文献   

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